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I entered a bug in the tracker and got a comment by <a
"I think the tracker is not used a lot anymore by the current
Please bring your issue up to the sane-devel list"<br>
As the problem is absent in sane 32-bit, and permanent in 64-bit, it
could well be a development issue.<br>
in the tracker it reads:<br>
<h1><small><small><small><small>[#314019] my scanner has a problem
in the 64-bit systems but works fine with the same systems
in 32 bit</small></small></small></small></h1>
<p>Scanning several pages with my flatbed scanner works fine for the
first two pages; the subsequent pages will have wide coloured
vertical bands in the background (black for a grayscale scan).<br>
This is true for the 64-bit versions of Fedora 16, 17 and 18; with
the 32-bit versions of the mentioned distributions there is no
Scanning using xsane or simple-scan produce both the misbehaviour.<br>
After leaving the graphical fronted and it's restart one can again
scan two pages properly.<br>
Version details are (here with Fedora 17):<br>
Linux 3.7.3-101.fc17.x86_64<br>
idem libs and drivers-scanners<br>
scanimage -L<br>
device `plustek:libusb:003:003' is a Epson Perfection 1250/Photo
flatbed scanner<br>
joined the scan of an empty, white but not very clean, A4 sheet,
scanned as n° 3 after startup of xsane.<br>
The workaround is to stay in a 32-bit OS<br>
<p>submitted also at bugzilla.redhat.com for fedora with the id
<p>comparing the joined file with the one joined with 304296
(08/04/2007 - not solved yet) and the problem description there
with this one, the similarity is striking:<br>
the coloured bands are similar<br>
OK with the 32 bit OS Gentoo, problem with the same OS in 64 bit <br>
the scanners are of different models (but may use the same chip)<br>
the OS's are different distributions<br>
<p>Gerard van der Veen<br>
<img alt="" src="cid:part2.07020506.04050708@sfr.fr" height="1444"