[Shootout-list] New benchmark?

Isaac Gouy igouy2@yahoo.com
Fri, 17 Dec 2004 12:39:41 -0800 (PST)

Greg (I've re-ordered what you wrote, sorry)

> instead of just complaining, I thought I'd at least present
> something

Thank you so much for doing that! 

> http://shootout.alioth.debian.org/ (is that the proper main
> page?)

Yes, that's the proper main page.
New stuff first dribbles (and disapears, and gets changed) onto  

> A) I wouldn't want to argue about whether or not an implementation
> in GHC (or pick your favorite language) was close enough to the
> "same way" and... 

Oh those are tedious discussions ;-)

> B) I tend to think the answer is more important than how you got
> there.
> I had the same thoughts for both the new nsieve and pidigits
> tests.  Of course I like the shootout because I like to see what
> features/strength/weaknesses different languages have.  And I like
> to see different way of solving the same problem.  Which usually
> means I look at the lines of code metric more than the other two. 

What does the 'lines of code metric' tell us when one person has
implemented insertion-sort and someone else implemented quicksort?

What do the times and memory usage tell us about the languages when
entirely different algorithms have been used?

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