[Shootout-list] small change (that i can do) that would benefit 3 people

Will M. Farr farr@MIT.EDU
Sat, 7 May 2005 13:02:31 -0400


> if the shootout changed from using ''time for fixed n'' as the ranking 
> reason to ''time/n'' the following 3 people would ultimatly be 
> happier:

What about tests which run in order n^2 time?  Or order n log(n), or 
tests which don't run long enough to be in the asymptotic range and 
therefore run order a*n + b*log(n) + c*n^2 or something?  Then the 
time/n will not be a good measure of the speed because it will not be a 
constant across different n.  I haven't looked, but surely not all the 
tests run linearly with n.
