[Shootout-list] fannkuch (timer resolution; HZ=1000?)

Bengt Kleberg bengt.kleberg@ericsson.com
Tue, 24 May 2005 07:40:16 +0200

On 2005-05-23 15:55, Jon Harrop wrote:
> Alas you can't do this because the startup time for each benchmark is likely 
> to be quite different (at least for some languages) because different 
> benchmarks will exercise different parts of the run-time which may incur 
> their own startup.

my line of thought was that since the startup time might be different 
for different benchmarks it would be ''better'' to measure the startup 
time for this particular benchmark. as opposed to using the startup time 
for a specific benchmark (hello).

> Otherwise, yes, we could just have subtracted the startup time.

this makes me understand the error of my ways. if somebody have all the 
work done in the startup then their runtimes would be very small if the 
startup is subtracted.

> A better solution would be to study the results for various "n".

i agree. i only mentioned this thought (different statup times for 
different benchmarks) to see if it would be helpful to the people 
interested in one-number-fits-all.
