[Showme-devel] Crazy prices

Jonas Smedegaard dr at jones.dk
Mon Sep 14 18:16:39 UTC 2015

Hi Kris,

Quoting Kristoffer Rose (2015-09-14 16:55:05)
> Look at this at amazon:
> [web page: $23 and $10 OLinuXino LIME box sales offers]


Beware, though, that those are apparently a) the LIME model (only 512MB 
RAM unlike LIME2 with 1GB RAM) and b) limited offers of a few items each 
(so likely clearing out 

I would certainly recommend you to buy such boxes for small home servers 
(esp. if box is included as those sales listings lure you to believe), 
but I ould *not* take it as indication that we can expect such low price 
for 300 boxes capable¹ of running Beaker² Notebook.

 - Jonas

¹ My preliminary measurement said 400MB is adequate for running Beaker 
Notebook, but that was a) without succesfully loading all 3 default 
modules, and b) excluding a desktop environment which may consume 200MB, 
and c) measured on Armbian which does clever tuning of Allwinner bootup 
to allocate 0MB for GPU (Debian kernel/bootloader may not provide 
options for doing same tricks).  So there is a real chance that 512MB 
boxes is adequate, but we do not know for sure yet!

² ...but no problem if we instead run iPython Notebook: Less capable and 
less fun for Two Sigma, but less memory consuming and in Debian today.

 * Jonas Smedegaard - idealist & Internet-arkitekt
 * Tlf.: +45 40843136  Website: http://dr.jones.dk/

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