[Simple-cdd-devel] Simple-cdd not working on jessie

Vagrant Cascadian vagrant at debian.org
Thu Apr 23 20:22:58 UTC 2015

On 2015-04-20, Roberto Fasciolo wrote:
> In the last weeks simple-cdd hasn't been working on jessie for producing 
> a customized jessie image, but it used to work before. In order to 
> narrow down the issue I installed a fresh new VM with jessie amd64 and 
> run this command there:

I just checked in a clean jessie chroot, and it seemed to work fine for

Both the debian-cd package and the debian-installer images have been
updated in the last few days, perhaps that fixed the issues you were
running into?

Do you have all the recommends for simple-cdd and debian-cd installed?
There may be a few issues when running without all the recommended

live well,
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