[Soc-coordination] Google Code-In kick start

Wookey wookey at wookware.org
Fri Oct 28 19:23:53 UTC 2011

+++ Olly Betts [2011-10-28 09:02 +0100]:

> I went to a GCI-related session at the mentor summit this last weekend,
> so I have some idea what should be going on at this point.
> AIUI, the really urgent thing is to put together a list of tasks. 

> One thing I picked up which might be useful - it's fine for a task to
> be fairly generic, so you can create 100 "fix a difficult bug in the
> Debian BTS" tasks and another 100 "fix an easy bug in the BTS" bugs,
> and similarly for "moderate".  Then if the student picks a bug you can
> tell them if it is easy/moderate/hard and so which sort of task to
> claim.  You can obviously do this for a number of sorts of task, not
> just bugs.

I have a more-or-less infinite supply of 'make package X cross build',
and 'mulitarchify package foo or foo-dev' tasks. These vary from
trivial to epic depending on the package. 

I don;t know which category those fall into.

I'm happy to provide advice on actually doing that to students. If you
need a non-generic list then put down any of the broken ones from
(that page is slightly out of date so some of those have now been
patched in Debian, but most haven't yet). 

I don't have a multiarch list, but could make one quickly if a
generic one won't suffice for now (except I'm travelling all weekend
from ELC-E to UDS). 

Principal hats:  Linaro, Emdebian, Wookware, Balloonboard, ARM

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