[Soc-coordination] GSoC Mentors: GSoC Mentor Summit 2013

Luke Faraone lfaraone at debian.org
Wed Jul 3 15:55:41 UTC 2013

Hi Daniel et al.,

Some clarifications on the process are below; I've dealt with this
process in previous years and due to other reasons am familiar with
Google's purchasing process.

On 3 July 2013 04:54, Daniel Pocock <daniel at pocock.com.au> wrote:
> I've just started looking over the details and made a hotel reservation.

It is important that you follow the reservation process outlined in
Carol's mail "[GSoC Mentors Announce] GSoC 2013: Mentor Summit Travel
and Details" using the link provided there; this should not have
required any payment information from you and will be billed to Google

> Carol's email suggests that flights should be paid after Google approves
> a PO - but I think that would be difficult in practice because
> international flight prices change a lot and most airlines don't make
> reservations without immediate payment any more.  Can one of the admins
> confirm that we can go ahead and book flights as soon as we find a good
> deal and without waiting for the Google PO approval process?

Generally, SPI gets approval for a PO, then you book the flights, then
SPI files an invoice against the PO for the actual price, and once
that is received you are mailed a check. However the policy is
different this year; SPI will be reimbursing you immediately after the
summit while it waits on reimbursement from Google.

SPI's policy for reimbursement was outlined in Josh's mail "[GSoC
Mentors] Organizations affiliated with SPI, please read"; in summary,
email SPI as soon as possible after the summit with your receipts.

This will require you paying for the flights yourself, then getting a
reimbursement from SPI. If this presents a hardship, SPI has policies
to handle that.

Luke Faraone;; Debian & Ubuntu Developer; Sugar Labs; GMU 2014
lfaraone on irc.[freenode,oftc].net -- https://luke.wf/ohhello
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