[Splashy-devel] splashy-init in route to breakage

Luis M lemsx1 at gmail.com
Sun Mar 5 04:41:08 UTC 2006

Hello Jacobo,

I hope you are doing better with your internet problems at home. We
have not seen you online in a lonnnnng while...

I just wanted to let you know that I changed the way splashy handles
the progressbar. Now:

* splashy keeps track of the total (sum) of the progressbar (0-100)
* splashy uses a thread to handle the progressbar independently of the
fifo thread (main thread) or the keyboard event thread
* all the goodies are handled by splashy_functions.c, splashy_video.c
should be just a dump way to draw things on the screen (API-like)
* splashy-init should then send the same number (percentage) to
splashy for e/a script that is running: progress 2; progress 2; ... if
100/N_scripts_or_progress_ran_at_boot = 2. splashy will take care of
keeping a cummulative count of the progressbar

The idea is to allow splashy to update the progressbar from initramfs
by using signals (trapping USR1 and updating the progressbar by
whatever). and to allow splashy-init to send a HUP signal to splashy
(if already running) so that splashy re-reads (or attempts to read)
the FIFO once the kernel starts init (after initramfs has been

With all that information in mind, Otavio and I did our best to "fix"
splashy-init so that it allows the progressbar to be updated
correctly. I have noticed that it fills the progressbar to 100%, but
it seems to be doing other things after 100% is reached. I'm not sure
if this is in fact the case, but, who am i to troubleshoot that...

Whenever you can, please take a look at that.

Note: I have included splashy-devel in this email just in case
somebody feels adventurous and wants to submit a patch to correct
splashy-init ;-)

Luis Mondesi
System Administrator

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