It's possible that this might be related to this bug patched here:<br><a href=";a=commit;h=c2c9cc245d60dc850a4b52d09186aba19c780350" target="_blank">;a=commit;h=c2c9cc245d60dc850a4b52d09186aba19c780350</a><br>
<br>Would you mind trying this:<br>Â <br>diff --git a/src/splashy_video.c b/src/splashy_video.c<br><br>index 1a200e8..096661a 100644 (file)<br>
<br><br>--- a/src/splashy_video.c<br>+++ b/src/splashy_video.c<br>@@ -884,7 +884,7 @@ init_font ()<br>Â <br>Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â video.fontdesc.flags = DFDESC_HEIGHT;<br>Â <br>-Â Â Â Â Â Â Â fontface = g_build_filename (splashy_get_config_string (SPL_THEMES_DIR), splashy_get_config_string ("/splashy/textbox/text/font/file"), NULL);<br>
+Â Â Â Â Â Â Â fontface = g_build_filename (splashy_get_config_string (SPL_THEMES_DIR), splashy_get_config_string (SPL_CURRENT_THEME), splashy_get_config_string ("/splashy/textbox/text/font/file"), NULL);<br>Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â temp = splashy_get_config_int ("/splashy/textbox/text/font/height",<br>
                                       10);<br> <br>-- <br>----)(----- <br>Luis Mondesi<br>Maestro Debiano<br><br>----- START ENCRYPTED BLOCK (Triple-ROT13) ------<br>Gur Hohagh [Yvahk] qvfgevohgvba oevatf gur fcvevg bs Hohagh gb gur fbsgjner jbeyq.<br>
----- END ENCRYPTED BLOCK (Triple-ROT13) ------<br>