[Surfraw-devel] [Fwd: Bug#223953: surfraw: Additional elvi for wikipedia encyclopedia]

Ian Beckwith ianb@nessie.mcc.ac.uk
Wed, 17 Dec 2003 15:32:15 +0000

> >   * amazon: fixed (Closes: #163903), removed tag-id stuff.	
> Does this fix the language selection as well? Right now -country=foo
> doesn't work for me.

whoops, no.

fixed now.

> We should add bash completion code for "sr elvi" in
> /etc/bash_completion.d . I can do this.

Good idea. Can I propose CVS commit access for moritz?

> I think there should be an upload to unstable ASAP to give it some
> additional testing and a new upstream release one or two weeks later.


Someone with web designer genes should knock up a page for
surfraw.alioth.debian.org for when we do a non-debian release.

I can do it, but it will be ugly and functional.


Ian Beckwith - ianb@nessie.mcc.ac.uk - http://nessie.mcc.ac.uk/~ianb/
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