[Surfraw-devel] Misc. annoyances

maru dubshinki marudubshinki at gmail.com
Tue Jul 11 04:12:47 UTC 2006

On 7/10/06, Ian Beckwith <ianb at nessie.mcc.ac.uk> wrote:
> On Mon, Jul 10, 2006 at 05:33:45PM -0400, maru dubshinki wrote:
> > So, I've been using sufraw for the past couple of months (in
> > conjunction with ratpoison; for how I integrated surfraw with
> > ratpoison, see http://en.wikipedia.org/User:Marudubshinki/.ratpoisonrc)
> Cool, I've been thinking of trying out ratpoison, so this will be
> useful when I do, thanks.

Well, if you're going to try out ratpoison, you'll want to remember
the ratpoison wiki's address (http://ratpoison.elektrubadur.se/);
there's a half-completed Wikibook which may be useful
(http://en.wikibooks.org/wiki/Using_Ratpoison); and there's also a
rather interesting and elaborate package for adding some neat things
to ratpoison (http://danielwebb.us/software/ratpoison/) which I don't
understand completely, but which was nonetheless helpful- for
instance, it pointed me at a utility called 'xclip' which allowed me
to use a keyboard shortcut to go to an URL held in the copy-and-paste
selection, which you can easily imagine how handy it could be (pretty
simple actually; firefox -new-tab `xclip -o` is the basic idea).

> This is caused by surfraw trying to be clever and add back quote
> characters that the shell strips off. The fix is to set
> SURFRAW_quote_ifs to 0 in the wikipedia elvi (see attached patch).
> It's now fixed in CVS.
> Ian.

Thanks! I'm both surprised and pleased to have gotten such a useful
response back. The archives made this list look rather dead.  But
while we're modifying the Wikipedia elvi, could you also add the line:
and change
   w3_browse_url "${prefix}${escaped_args}"
  w3_browse_url "${prefix}${escaped_args}${suffix}"
?  It makes for better default behaivor, as it allows one to create a
page immediately which the normal search doesn't, but still shows all
the search results.


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