[Surfraw-devel] Surfraw 2.2.6 released

Ian Beckwith ianb at erislabs.net
Fri Nov 20 05:26:01 UTC 2009

I've just released surfraw 2.2.6


NEWS for this release:

        * New elvi:
          + by Sumant Oemrawsingh:
            * cliki        - search the common lisp wiki.
            * l1sp         - search lisp documentation.
            * mathworld    - search Wolfram MathWorld.
            * mininova     - search mininova for torrents.
            * youtube      - search youtube for videos.
          + by fittabile at lifegate.it:
            * acronym      - find acronyms
            * gcache       - search google cache.
          + by Nick White:
            * genbugs      - search gentoo bug tracker
          + by Ian Beckwith:
            * debpkghome   - view home page of a debian package.
            * debvcsbrowse - browse vcs of a debian package
            * rpmsearch    - search for packages in rpm-based distros.
            * finkpkg      - search Fink packages.
            * macports     - search macports packages.
        * Move config files to follow XDG basedir spec
	  This means that if your global config was in /etc/surfraw.conf
	  it is now in /etc/xdg/surfraw/conf, and local config is
	  now in $HOME/.config/surfraw/conf. The same applies to bookmarks.
	  See README for details on configuring config locations, and
	  for the gory details. The old locations are still supported for
        * Support per-user elvi in $HOME/.config/surfraw/elvi/
          Patch by James Rowe, idea by Sumant Oemrawsingh.
        * Added -o | -o=FILE option, to fetch URL and dump to
          stdout or FILE.
        * Modified elvi:
          + freebsd: new options -psearch=TYPE -psection=SEC
            to conduct a search of type TYPE in section SEC of ports.
          + netbsd:  new option -ps to search ports
          + openbsd: new option -ps to search ports
          + debsec: fixed (Thanks to Moritz Muehlenhoff, for this
            and all his other work).
          + cia: fixed.
        * Added examples/uzbl_load_url_from_surfraw, to integrate surfraw
          with uzbl (uzbl.org), thanks to Sumant Oemrawsingh.


Ian Beckwith - ianb at erislabs.net - http://erislabs.net/ianb/
GPG fingerprint: AF6C C0F1 1E74 424B BCD5  4814 40EC C154 A8BA C1EA
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