[Teammetrics-discuss] Debian Teams Activity Metrics - Report IV

Sukhbir Singh sukhbir.in at gmail.com
Mon Aug 1 18:54:18 UTC 2011


This is the fourth report for the Debian Teams Activity Metrics project.

Here is what is ready till now, ready in the sense of being fully
completed (there were lots of small changes but here is a summary):

a). List parsing (Alioth, lists.debian.org)
b). VCS commit stats (Git, SVN).

There were changes made to the VCS code that allowed us to parse
repositories much faster. As a statistical example, with the earlier
approach it took us more than twelve hours for the 'debian-med'
repository while with the new approach is takes us less than four
hours. This is because we perform the log operations locally after
SSHing into Alioth as compared to fetching them remotely. So we have
realistic time frames for parsing a SVN repository that has possibly
thousands of commits.

We will now move on to fetching upload package data from the UDD which
(and I think) shouldn't take much time. Yes, I am aware this was
delayed (read further) but is not a cause for concern :)

And now comes the interesting part -- DebConf! Yes! DebConf11 in Banja
Luka was amazing not only because it was _DebConf_ but because I met
my mentor Andreas Tille, Ana, Arthur and Sylvestre from Debian GSoC
and lots of other people from the Debian community. It was a memorable
experience and I am missing DebConf already!

Our talk about the project at DebConf has helped us to gain some very
important ideas that we will be incorporating in our work; there were
some wonderful suggestions from the community that we have noted and
that will help our project take a better shape. You can see the slides
[0] or the talk itself [1].

Not much code was written but we have been motivated to add more
metrics and some new ideas that I will be implementing soon.


[0] - https://alioth.debian.org/scm/browser.php?group_id=100628
('liststat.tex' -- use pdflatex to convert to PDF)
[1] - http://meetings-archive.debian.net/pub/debian-meetings/2011/debconf11/low/712_Measuring_Team_Performance.ogv

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