[Teammetrics-discuss] MemoryError in commitstat

Andreas Tille andreas at an3as.eu
Wed Sep 14 13:01:20 UTC 2011

On Wed, Sep 14, 2011 at 06:02:23PM +0530, Sukhbir Singh wrote:
> Can you tell me -- which repository was being parsed when we hit the
> MemoryError?
> I tried looking at /var/log/teammetrics/commitstat* but can't find to
> pinpoint it.

Well, the most recent not interrupted log is



/var/log/teammetrics$ zcat commitstat.log.1.gz | tail
: project: pkg-perl, revision #: 6020
2011-09-10 22:17:34,226 INFO: Secsh channel 49475 opened.
2011-09-10 22:17:34,318 ERROR: FEHLER:  doppelter Schlüsselwert verletzt Unique-Constraint »pk_commit_id«
DETAIL:  Schlüssel »(commit_id, project)=(6019, pkg-perl)« existiert bereits.
: project: pkg-perl, revision #: 6019
2011-09-10 22:17:34,390 INFO: Secsh channel 49476 opened.
2011-09-10 22:25:43,180 ERROR: FEHLER:  doppelter Schlüsselwert verletzt Unique-Constraint »pk_commit_id«
DETAIL:  Schlüssel »(commit_id, project)=(6018, pkg-perl)« existiert bereits.
: project: pkg-perl, revision #: 6018
2011-09-10 22:25:43,240 INFO: Secsh channel 49477 opened.

Considering the fact that pkg-perl is one of the most active teams it
makes perfectly sense to think this is responsible for the problem.

Kind regards



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