[Teammetrics-discuss] Status.

Vipin Nair swvist at gmail.com
Fri Jul 6 04:37:45 UTC 2012

Hi Sukhbir,

>> What are you working on and what's the progress? I can't see any latest commits!

Sorry for the delay. I was working on multiple things together and
none were complete. I just waited to finish it to push it, nonetheless
I have pushed it now.

I figured my design was not very good (not easily extendable) hence
there is a major rewrite in 'web-devel-stable' branch. The code for
query over a custom time period is in 'web-daterange' branch. Tests
have not been updated for the changes, hence many tests will fail now.
'Web-devel' branch has some bug yet to be fixed.

In short, the code is in a mess, I have too many local branches and
working on too many things simultaneously which is kind of
unproductive now. I am sorting this out now. Gimme one more day I
should be able to fix this. Once this is done, I'll just work on the
UI for the static images.

Vipin Nair
National Institute of Technology, Calicut

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