[Teammetrics-discuss] [GSoC-2012] Team Activity Metrics

Andreas Tille andreas at an3as.eu
Wed Mar 21 06:26:48 UTC 2012

On Wed, Mar 21, 2012 at 04:48:06AM +0500, Boris Bobrov wrote:
> UDD is running on postgres, right?


> Django's ORM can be tied with it, without 
> altering the db of course.

This is what I expected.

> Anyway, if there will be no user input capabilities, then, frankly, I see no 
> reason to use Django here.

The data which are kept in the database are definitely no manual user
input but auto-calculated data from various sources.  If there is some
need to cache user input for the interface I do not really mind what
data store will be used.

> I see this web interface as a web service, which collects data from some 
> internal sources, works with it (in some tricky way maybe) and then outputs to 
> the user. There will be no direct input from users or even admins. So, no 
> admin interface is needed, no forms, no user input processing. Django is too 
> heavy for this task.

The task is a bit different.  The relevant data need to exist before the
user interaction in the database.  It takes some time to gather all data
and the user can not wait that long.  The task is rather to enhance the
presentation layer for the data that just exist in the SQL database(s).

Kind regards



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