[Teammetrics-discuss] GSoC 2012 : Team Activity Metrics

Nikhil Bafna nikhil.bafna.r at gmail.com
Thu Mar 29 17:34:16 UTC 2012

I am planning to further enhance the demo with these features, and am
looking to accomplish them in 3 days :

1. Currently the graphs are fixed width. The plan is to make the graph
scrollable horizontally so that, even if the user is viewing the data for
15 years at a time, the bars are of sufficient width and the graph is not
crowded. The width of the entire graph will change dynamically depending
upon the number of years and number of contributors the user is looking at.

2. Show the same data in a easily browsable table with filters, and columns
that can be sorted. This well enable to see a much larger data at once.

3. Attach a backend to provide the data for the graphs.

On Thu, Mar 29, 2012 at 7:31 PM, Nikhil Bafna <nikhil.bafna.r at gmail.com>wrote:

> Hi.
> I have built a small demo of the team metrics website. This is rough demo,
> using hardcoded data (which cab be easily acquired through the backend
> later).
> The demo has a basic functionality of viewing which debian team's metric
> to view, from which year to which and see the contributions by the top N
> members, all of which are user specified.
> The version without js is based on the backend providing a pre-generated
> png of the graph.
> The demo can be accessed at -
> http://dl.dropbox.com/u/3126918/debian/index.html
> The code is uploaded at - https://github.com/nrbafna/teammetrics
> Please provide some feedback on it.
> Regards,
> Nikhil Bafna
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