priyanka kaushal priyankakaushal492 at gmail.com
Wed Feb 25 10:26:56 UTC 2015

package: speech-dispatcher-festival
version:0.7 ubuntu 12.04 and festival 2.1

I  want to integrate orca with festival.  I have installed festival
successfully no problems with that, after that installed speech-dispatcher:

sudo apt-get install speech-dispatcher-festival

now when i ran festival server  and orca festival server gives following
SIOD ERROR: could not open file speech-dispatcher.scm

spd-conf -d:
Speech Dispatcher configuration tool

Testing Speech Dispatcher using spd_say
Did you hear the message about Speech Dispatcher working? [yes] :
Speech Dispatcher is installed and working!
Speech Dispatcher works. Do you want to skip other tests? [yes] :
Do you want to test the Festival synthesizer now? [yes] :
Testing whether Festival works as a server
ERROR: Your Festival server is working but it doesn't seem
to load festival-freebsoft-utils. You need to install
to be able to use Festival with Speech Dispatcher.
Festival server is not working.

Priyanka kaushal
Project Associate
IIT Mandi
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