[Tux4kids-discuss] Admin Program Integration with tuxmath and tutype

Michał Świtakowski tux4kids at switakowski.com
Sun Apr 4 21:24:15 UTC 2010

---- On Fri, 02 Apr 2010 13:54:35 +0200 satyarth sharma <sharma.satyarth at gmail.com> wrote ---- 
>I feel bit guilty not to mail you earlier but I have been kept busy by the 
>college with two midterm exams on 3rd and 5th April.

Good luck with your exams! My reply isn't very fast either.

> About what you said earlier about the intergration of admin program 
>with tuxmath and 
>tuxtype, can you guide me a little bit about what kind of an integration is 
>required? For example if the addition option is selected in the set 
>option dialog of the tuxmath tab of the admin program, should the menu 
>of the tuxmath be changed to show only addition tasks: such as 
>addition of negative no.s addition of two digit no. and so on? 
>or should a new menu entry in style of "math command training academy" 
>be construcuted which provides only those submenus which have been 
>selected from the admin program? 

We basically need the admin program to write "mission files" 
which contain information about what a student is told to practice.
Tuxmath/type reads those files, skips default menu and guides student to 
assigned task eg. shows information about what kind of tasks are to be completed
and allow to choose from them. Tuxmath/type should also write files with results of a game, 
which will be read by the admin program.

Think about more detailed description of that kind of integration.


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