[Tux4kids-tuxtype-scm] fixing the tuxtype mailinglist mess

Holger Levsen holger at layer-acht.org
Sun Nov 18 15:07:02 UTC 2007


during the last year or so we've hijacked the tuxmath-devel mailinglist on 
source forge, to discuss tuxtype related stuff. This not only worked well, 
but was also confusing :)

Plus, we have the following four lists in our tux4kids project on alioth:


The first list is used for svn commit mails, the 2nd and 3rd are not used, and 
the fourth has recently seen some traffic, but the name indicates it's for 
commit mails, too.

So I would propose to delete/close the last three lists, and create a new one, 
tux4kids-tuxtype-devel, to discuss development of tuxtype there.

In the past we said we could also discuss tuxtype development on the tuxmath 
list, but as the time passed, I more and more think this is wrong and 
confusing and I'd prefer a dedicated tuxtype list. What do you think?

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