[Utnubu-discuss] Version differences...

Micah Anderson micah at riseup.net
Mon Jun 18 09:18:40 UTC 2007


I had a little bit of trouble determining what your point was, and since I'm the 
maintainer of backupninja, I spent a little bit of time trying to figure it out. 
For others, let me attempt to re-state what you said:

Marco Rodrigues wrote:

You found some problems with the following URL:
> http://utnubu.alioth.debian.org/check-versiondiff.html
> For example, backupninja.. it has the same version of debian unstable, but for
> gutsy (the next ubuntu release), and the .html isn't updated. It has 0.9.2-3,
> and not the latest that in Gutsy!

The version being reported for backupninja in debian unstable in the above URL 
is correct, but the version being reported for Ubuntu is incorrect. The version 
of backupninja in Gutsy should be reporting the same as the version in sid.


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