Git packaging for orig.tar.gz style packages

Remi Vanicat vanicat at
Sat Oct 13 09:00:51 UTC 2007

2007/10/13, Kumar Appaiah <akumar at>:
>  # new upstream incorporating feature branch
>  $ tar xfz ../gruezi_2.2.orig.tar.gz
>  $ mv gruezi-2.2/* . && rmdir gruezi-2.2
> The mv gruezi-2.2/* && rmdir is not nice, IMHO. Won't that be
> incorrect if upstream removes some files from their original tree?
> This doesn't ensure that we remove it from our directory, does it?

What about something like that :

$ git checkout upstream
$ tar xfz ../gruezi_2.2.orig.tar.gz
$ cd gruezi-2.2/
$ cp -a ../.git .    # well, there are probably better way to do it...
$ git commit -s $(git ls-files --others --modified)
$ cd ..
$ git fetch $PWD/gruezi-2.2/

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