[Virtual-pkg-base-maintainers] Bug#622286: base: fail to execut term like ansi

Sven Joachim svenjoac at gmx.de
Mon Apr 11 19:34:48 UTC 2011

reassign 622286 ncurses-base

On 2011-04-11 20:40 +0200, Francisco Aparecido da Silva (fafanet) wrote:

> Package: base
> Severity: wishlist
> Currently Debian system don't have ansi link in
> /usr/share/terminfo/a/ansi . This is a symbolic link to /lib/terminfo/a/ansi
> but in a Debian 6.0 was lost.

That was a deliberate decision since the symlink should not be
necessary.  Could you please explain why you want or need it?


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