[Webmin-maintainers] Re: Webmin update

Jaldhar H. Vyas Jaldhar H. Vyas" <jaldhar@debian.org
Thu, 26 May 2005 22:47:45 -0400 (EDT)

On Thu, 26 May 2005, MEPIS Support - Matthew D. Melbert wrote:

> Jaldhar and Martin,

Btw, no need to cc Martin on this in the future.  He's only involved with 
security patches for the woody version.

> My name is Matt Melbert and I am writting this on behalf of MEPIS Linux and 
> Warren Woodford.  I am a developer on the MEPIS project and had some 
> questions about the webmin packages.  We are developing a new product and 
> want to include Webmin as part of the backend configuration for the server. 
> In the process of testing the debian packaged webmin we uncovered a few 
> problems that were resolved by upgrading to latest version using the webmin 
> frontend.  The problems were discovered using the testing distribution.  We 
> were wondering when you planning on releasing the latest release, 1.20, from 
> webmin.  We were hoping to implement the new version sometime in the very 
> near future.  We were wondering what your plans were for the next release and 
> if there was any way in which we could  lend our assistance.  If you didnt 
> think that you were going to be releasing a new version in the near future we 
> may need to make our own debs in the interim.  We would be happy to work with 
> you on this and give you any of the materials that we create.   MEPIS would 
> really like to work with you on this any way that we can.
> Thanks for you time in answering this inquiry.

Here is the deal.  The webmin packages have been maintained basically by 
one person -- me.  It's too much work for one busy person so I have 
actually orphaned them and the webmin maintainence group on alioth is 
going to take them over.  Unfortunately, so far the webmin maintenance 
group seems to be only one person -- me.  I have made some efforts to make 
1.180 ship-shape for sarge but unless I get some help or some income which 
will allow me to have more free time, there are not going to be any new 
versions any time soon.

So if you want to fix existing bugs and/or package new versions and give 
me the results so I can upload them to Debian, that would be tremendous. 
The information you need can be found on http://webmin.alioth.debian.org/

Alternatively, if you would like to hire me to do it, that would work too. 
It's entirely upto you.

Jaldhar H. Vyas <jaldhar@debian.org>
La Salle Debain - http://www.braincells.com/debian/