[Yaird-devel] Bug#416927: Suggested fix

Roderich Schupp roderich.schupp at googlemail.com
Mon Oct 22 10:03:59 UTC 2007


I think I know what's going on wrt run_init:

- run_init uses getopt() to parse its parameters
- getopt() by default reorders argv to move any options to the front
  (cf. http://www.gnu.org/software/libc/manual/html_node/Using-Getopt.html#index-getopt-3027)
- hence any kernel boot parameter that starts with "-" (e.g. upstart's
  is assumed to be a parameter for run_init
- but run_init only knwos abut "-c" and exits

Two possible ways for fixing this are

(1) call as getopt(..., "+c:") to explicitly prevent it from reordering argv

(2) execute run_init with the kernel boot parameters after "--", e.g.

      exec <TMPL_VAR NAME=auxDir>/run_init /mnt $init -- "$@"

Cheers, Roderich

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