[debian-edu-commits] [Debian Wiki] Update of "DebianEdu/HowTo/ChangeIpSubnet" by David Prévot

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Fri Aug 30 21:45:25 UTC 2013

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The "DebianEdu/HowTo/ChangeIpSubnet" page has been changed by David Prévot:

Lenny and Squeeze are now out of the picture

  = Changing subnet in Debian Edu / Skolelinux =
- /!\ Note that for Debian Edu Squeeze, a script /usr/share/debian-edu-config/tools/subnet-change is provided to do this change automatically just after installation.
+ /!\ A script /usr/share/debian-edu-config/tools/subnet-change is provided to do this change automatically just after installation.
  Some times it is necessary to make a Skolelinux installation in a
  network with a fixed ip-structure. The default installation does a lot of
@@ -42, +42 @@

  grep -r "10\.0\." /opt/ltsp
- In the etch version of Debian Edu, these files need to be modified:
- /!\ If you do this on lenny, please check this list and remove this comment. Thank you! :-) 
- {{{
-   /etc/network/interfaces
-   /etc/powerdns/pdns.d/pdns-debian-edu-if.conf 
-   /etc/hostname
-   /etc/hosts
-   /etc/exports
-   /etc/cups/cupd.conf
-   LDAP must be changed -> ldapvi 
- }}}
  == Use a dummy interface for testing thin-clients ==
  Another approach is use eth0 with your LANs network settings and use (in the case of the mainserver) on a dummy interface:
@@ -78, +64 @@

  /!\ This setup is mostly used for setting up a test-server for using thin clients. If you want to include workstations into your testnet, you really should set up a full Debian Edu test-network with a dedicated firewall etc. Or you need to change your DNS-server, so that the needed hostnames resolves to your mains-server.
- = Change IP on Lenny =
- If you are using subnet 10.100.32/23
- Files to change in /etc
- /etc/ldap/dns_ranges.ldif
- Use the vim editor
- vi /etc/ldap/dns_range.ldif
- then:
- {{{
- :%s/2.0.10/32.100.10/g 
- :%s/3.0.10/33.100.10/g
- :%s/dc=3,dc=0,dc=10/dc=33,dc=100,dc=10/g
- :%s/dc=2,dc=0,dc=10/dc=32,dc=100,dc=10/g
- }}}
- vi /etc/ldap/dns_skole.ldif
- {{{
- :%s/
- :%s/
- }}}
- vi /etc/ldap/dhcp.ldif
- {{{
- :%s/10.0.2/10.100.32/g
- :%s/10.0.3/10.100.33/g
- if you are using 24 bit network you have to change dhcpNetMask to 24
- }}}
- vi /etc/ldap/dns_arpa.ldif
- {{{
- :%s/dc=2,dc=0,dc=10/dc=32,dc=100,dc=10/g
- :%s/dc=0,dc=10/dc=100,dc=10/g 
- :%s/0.10.in-addr.arpa/100.10.in-addr.arpa/g
- :%s/2.100.10.in-addr.arpa/32.100.10.in-addr.arpa/g
- :%s/dc=3,dc=100,dc=10/dc=33,dc=100,dc=10/g 
- :%s/3.100.10.in-addr.arpa/33.100.10.in-addr.arpa/g
- Remember to change line 5 from 2 to 32
- dn: dc=32,dc=100,dc=10,dc=in-addr,dc=arpa,ou=hosts,dc=skole,dc=skolelinux,dc=no
- objectclass: top
- objectclass: dnsdomain2
- objectclass: domainrelatedobject
- ""dc: 32""
- associateddomain: 32.100.10.in-addr.arpa
- }}}
- vi /etc/network/interfaces
- {{{
- address to address
- broadcast to broadcast
- gateway to gateway
- }}}
- vi /etc/hosts
- {{{
-  to
- }}}
- vi /etc/hosts.allow
- {{{
- syslog: 10.0.2. to 10.100.32. 
- syslog: 10.0.3. to 10.100.33.
- in.tftpd: 10.0.2. to 10.100.32.
- in.tftpd: 10.0.3. to 10.100.33.
- portmap:  10.0.2. to 10.100.32.
- portmap:  10.0.3. to 10.100.33.
- }}}
- vi /etc/exports
- {{{
- /opt/ltsp/i386 to /opt/ltsp/i386
- }}}
- vi /etc/powerdns/pdns.d/pdns-debian-edu.conf and /etc/powerdns/pdns.d/pdns-debian-edu-if.conf
- {{{
- allow-recursion= to allow-recursion=
- and
- to in pdns-debian-edu-if.conf
- }}}
- Then, take a backup of ldap datbase, genereate a new LDAP database, and make a new ssl certificate
- {{{
- cd /root/
- mkdir ldap-backup
- /etc/init.d/nscd stop
- /etc/init.d/slapd stop
- slapcat > ldap-backup.ldif
- mv /var/lib/ldap/* ldap-backup/
- /usr/bin/ldap-debian-edu-install
- chown openldap:openldap /var/lib/ldap/* # Really needed?  If so, there is a bug in ldap-debian-edu-install
- /etc/init.d/slapd start
- /etc/init.d/nscd start
- for a in  hosts passwd group services; do nscd -i $a; done
- /etc/init.d/fetch-ldap-cert start
- }}}
- Remember to run samba-debian-edu-admin to get samba to work.
- {{{
- Changes needed to get diskless clients to work.
- Edit /opt/ltsp/i386/etc/resolvconf/run/resolv.conf
- Edit /opt/ltsp/i386/etc/resolvconf/resolv.conf.d/original
- edit /opt/ltsp/i386/etc/resolv.conf
- change this ip from to
- Known problem:
- After changing to new ip addres, the nameserver under resolv.conf in chroot change back to nameserver everytime you reboote server,
- and diskless stop working untill you manually change it back to the ip it should be.
- To fix this problem you have to add $SERVER to trunk/src/debian-edu-config/share/debian-edu-config/default-ltsp-client-setup
- Go to: https://init.linpro.no/pipermail/skolelinux.no/commits/2010-June/105499.html to read more about this problem
- }}}

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