[debian-edu-commits] r78753 - branches/wheezy/debian-edu-config/cf

Wolfgang Schweer w.schweer at gmx.de
Tue Jan 15 17:23:31 UTC 2013

On Tue, Jan 15, 2013 at 06:13:28PM +0100, Petter Reinholdtsen wrote:
> [Wolfgang Schweer]
> > installing the main-server as is ends up with the network configured
> > with dhcp, so this approach.
> Not sure if it is the right approach.
> If you look at the git history of /etc/network/interfaces, you will
> see that it start out correct, but are rewritten during the
> installation.  So something (network-manager?) change the correct
> setup to the wrong setup.  I suspect you need to figure out why to fix
> it.
Yes, it's o.k. until d-i finish-install, as I've written some days ago 
on the debian-edu list. 
IMO d-i/usr/lib/finish-install.d/55netcfg-copy-config checks if 
network-manager is installed, and if that's the case, wipes out the 
interfaces configuration. So if cfengine is runnig before, my approach 
is a dead end.


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