[debian-edu-commits] debian-edu/ 18/183: Point to man page from README, and remove all info that's in the man page, also add TODO file, I hadn't added yet.

Alexander Alemayhu ccscanf-guest at moszumanska.debian.org
Wed Jun 11 16:48:29 UTC 2014

This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.

ccscanf-guest pushed a commit to branch master
in repository desktop-profiles.

commit bdb4f7d13ec4d2bc06985724b22100e75f490f3d
Author: Bart Cornelis <cobaco at linux.be>
Date:   Sun Oct 24 15:45:33 2004 +0000

    Point to man page from README, and remove all info that's in the man page,
    also add TODO file, I hadn't added yet.
 README | 152 ++++-------------------------------------------------------------
 TODO   |  17 ++++++++
 2 files changed, 25 insertions(+), 144 deletions(-)

diff --git a/README b/README
index 361b9bb..04ab159 100644
--- a/README
+++ b/README
@@ -1,144 +1,8 @@
-1. INTRO:
-One general problem is that often you want to have different setups (profiles)
-when different conditions are met (e.g. IT-staff member, vs. regular user). 
-KDE, ROX, and freedesktop all natively provide a way to add profiles (by setting
-certain environment variables), GNOME can be made to support profiles (with a
-bit of a hack, and custom system-wide path file). This package provides a
-framework for using profiles with any and all these environments.
-Native profiles (KDE, GNOME, ROX) allow you to customize the respective 
-environment completely. Freedesktop profiles are currently rather limited but
-allow to configure things for multiple desktops at once (seems to be KDE, GNOME,
-ROX, and XFCE to varying degrees for the existing freedesktop standards)
-2. How it works:
-2.1. Anyone wanting to add a set of profiles can do so by placing a 
-     <set-name>.listing file in /etc/desktop-profiles. Each file contains the
-     metadata for set of profiles listed in that file. The Listed meta-data
-     consists of name, location, precedence, requirements to activate, 
-     profile-kind, and description (See 3. for the exact format of these files).
-     NOTE: Packages that add profiles should use <package-name>.listing
-2.2. When starting X an Xsession.d script is run that activates the profiles 
-     based on the data in the /etc/desktop-profiles/*.listing files 
-     For KDE, ROX, an freedesktop profiles this means setting respectively the
-     variables.
-     The GCONF (i.e.GNOME) profile support is a bit of a hack, and needs the
-     system-wide gconf path file (/etc/gconf/2/path) to be replaced with  
-     /usr/share/doc/desktop-profiles/examples/path. This works by generating
-     a path file with the directives necesary for the profiles, and having
-     the system-wide path file contain (only) a directive to include the 
-     generated file. Out-of-the-box (without adding any extra profiles) this
-     gives the same behavior as the default GCONF-setup.
-3. Format of .listing files:
- - Empty lines are ignored
- - Lines starting with '#' are comments
- - Each profile description is ';'-separated list of 6 values on a single line.
-   The 6 fields are as follows:
-   - 1st field: Name of the profile, arbitrary, may be empty
-   - 2nd field: Root of the profile directory tree. May contain more then one 
-                directory (if so seperate them with spaces).
-		Except for the GCONF profiles, where this field contains the 
-		directive to be included in the generated path file.
-		Directives are either 
-		   include "path-to-a-pathfile"
-		or
-		   <gconf-backend>:<permissions>:<root-of-configuration-source>
-		with <gconf-backend> normally = 'xml'  
-		and  <permissions> = 'readonly' or 'readwrite'.
-   - 3th field: Precedence of the the profile, used to order the profiles when
-                multiple profiles are active. Empty = lowest precedence. This 
-		is mainly important if 2 active profiles define the same 
-		setting, in this case the setting from the profile with the 
-		highest precedence will be used.
-   - 4th field: Space separated list of requirements needed to activate this 
-                profile. If empty the profile is always used. All listed 
-		requirements need to be met to activate the profile.
-	        There are 3 kinds of requirements:	
-	        - <group>    = user needs to be a member of <group>
-	        - !<group>   = user must not be a member of <group> 
-	                      (just '!' deactivates the profile completely)
-	        - $(command) = the given shell command needs to exit succesfully
-   - 5th field: The kind of profile. Must be set, and must be one of following:
-                - KDE        -> set KDEDIRS
-		- ROX	     -> set CHOICESPATH	
-                - XDG_CONFIG -> set XDG_CONFIG_DIRS
-                - XDG_DATA   -> set XDG_DATA_DIRS
-		- GCONF	     -> generate /var/cache/${USER}_profiles.path	
-   - 6th field: A description of the profiles purpose, may be empty.
-4. Building profiles:
-  4.1. KDE (KDEDIRS):
-  ===================
-  - Each profile directory is layed out according to the KDE file system
-    hierarchy (see http://www.kde.org/areas/sysadmin/fsh.php)
-  - Config files in the different profiles are merged (in case of conflicting
-    keys, the value of the highest precedence profile is used). For other 
-    files the highest precedence profile that contains the file supplies it.
-  - Starting with kde 3.3. the kiosk framework can be used to lock settings 
-    down in the profiles, for all unlocked settings user-specified values are
-    always used when available.
-    (see http://www.kde.org/areas/sysadmin for more info on the 
-    kiosk-framework, and the format of kde config files)
-    NOTE: There is a graphical tool called kiosk-tool to easy the creation and
-          maintenance of kde-profiles (not necesarily using kiosk features).
-          It's available in .deb format from the kalyxo archives, see
-	  http://www.kalyxo.org/twiki/bin/view/Main/StagingArchive)
-  4.2. Freedesktop (XDG_*_DIRS):
-  ==============================
-  - The 'Desktop base directory specification' defines the basic framework for
-    using profiles (see http://freedesktop.org/Standards/basedir-spec).
-  - The actual contents of the profiles is filled in by things conforming to 
-    other freedesktop standards (e.g. the 'menu specification'). A list of 
-    freedesktop standards (that are being worked on) can be found at
-    http://freedesktop.org/Standards. Most of these standards are still 
-    under development and not (yet) widely supported. Eventually you can
-    probably suspect support of at least KDE, GNOME, ROX, and XFCE.
-  =======================
-  - Each profile directory has one subdirectory for each app for which it 
-    provides settings. When a configuration value is needed the profile
-    directorys are searched in order, first profile that contains the file
-    supplies it.
-    NOTE: Programs _may_ merge the files the different profiles. If the 
-          merging encounters conflicting values the one from the highest order
-          profile is used. 
-    See http://rox.sourceforge.net/choices.html for a more detailed description.
-  4.4. GNOME (GCONF "Configuration Sources"):
-  ===========================================
-  - Each configuration source is structured like a simple hierarchical file 
-    system as follows:
-    - Directories correspond to applications that use the GConf repository. 
-    - Subdirectories correspond to categories of preferences.
-    - Files list the preference keys in the directory, and contain information 
-      about the keys. 
-    - A /schemas directory that contains files that describe all of the
-      preference keys. 
-  - Configuration Sources are searched in order or each value, first source that
-    has the value (or is writeable in case of storing values) is used.
-  -> See the GNOME administration manual for a detailed explanation
-    (http://www.gnome.org/learn/admin-guide/2.6/system-admin-guide.html).
+See the desktop-profiles(7) man page for a description of how this package 
+works, and what it does.
+There is a graphical tool called kiosk-tool available to aid in the creation 
+and maintenance of KDE profiles (regardless of wether they use kiosk 
+features). It's not currently available from the Debian mirrors, but a 
+version in .deb format is available from the kalyxo project's archives:
+see http://www.kalyxo.org/twiki/bin/view/Main/StagingArchive for more info.
diff --git a/TODO b/TODO
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..15c4668
--- /dev/null
+++ b/TODO
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+- Finish package:
+  - What to do with systemwide gconf path file?
+    1) Can we legally Replace it ?
+       -> Policy 7.5 seems to indicate yes _IF_ package Replaces: gconf2
+       -> But Policy 10.7.4 seems to indicate I can't I?
+    2) Else pop up debconf question about wether to replace it (default to no)?
+  - is rox default right? 
+    -> waiting for reaction of rox-maintainer
+  - does XFCE support profiles prior to 4.2? 
+    -> waiting for reaction of benny (xfce developer)
+- Are there any docs on the kiosk system of XFCE 4.2 available anywhere we can
+  point to?
+- Add (debconf?) Tools to package to help maintain precedence and requirements
+  of installed profiles:
+  - change priority
+  - change requirements (deactivate, addgroup, excludegroup, commandtest)
+- Debhelper script for installing profiles? 

Alioth's /usr/local/bin/git-commit-notice on /srv/git.debian.org/git/debian-edu/pkg-team/desktop-profiles.git

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