[debian-edu-commits] debian-edu/pkg-team/ branch master updated (38d440f -> bff2eca)

Mike Gabriel sunweaver at debian.org
Tue Oct 13 14:56:22 UTC 2015

This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.

sunweaver pushed a change to branch master
in repository gosa.

      from  38d440f   debian/patches: Add 1017_get-ogroups-ou-fix.patch. Use correct GOsa² API call to obtain ogroupRDN string.
       new  ba466e0   debian/patches: Add 1018_no-item-multiplication-on-duplicate-search-results.patch. Don't return items more than once when found during consecutive search queries.
       new  fa60435   Debian Menu system: Drop debian/gosa.menu in favour of shipping our gosa-desktop.desktop file. (See tech-ctte issue #741573).
       new  a5d38d2   Debhelper compat: Bump to version 9.
       new  c7fd17e   debian/patches: Add 1019_fix-various-typos.patch. Fix various typos in the GOsa² code.
       new  9d69668   debian/control: Drop R (gosa): ${misc:Recommends}.
       new  bff2eca   upload to unstable (debian/2.7.4+reloaded2-4)

The 6 revisions listed above as "new" are entirely new to this
repository and will be described in separate emails.  The revisions
listed as "adds" were already present in the repository and have only
been added to this reference.

Summary of changes:
 debian/changelog                                   | 35 ++++++++++++++++
 debian/compat                                      |  2 +-
 debian/control                                     |  4 +-
 debian/gosa-desktop.menu                           |  8 ----
 ...ultiplication-on-duplicate-search-results.patch | 14 +++++++
 debian/patches/1019_fix-various-typos.patch        | 47 ++++++++++++++++++++++
 debian/patches/series                              |  2 +
 7 files changed, 100 insertions(+), 12 deletions(-)
 delete mode 100644 debian/gosa-desktop.menu
 create mode 100644 debian/patches/1018_no-item-multiplication-on-duplicate-search-results.patch
 create mode 100644 debian/patches/1019_fix-various-typos.patch

Alioth's /usr/local/bin/git-commit-notice on /srv/git.debian.org/git/debian-edu/pkg-team/gosa.git

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