[debian-edu-commits] [Debian Wiki] Update of "DebianEdu/Introduction" by KevinBooth

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The "DebianEdu/Introduction" page has been changed by KevinBooth:

  == A bit of history ==
- Skolelinux seed appeared during a warm summer day in 2001 when a group of four computer talented people started debating about the computer situation at schools and how much they disliked the predominant market domination of proprietary software. They dreamt of a better scenario where Norwegian students could enjoy software natively translated and where they could have access to the source code to be able to learn from it. They were also conscious about schools' problems with all high costs and restrictions that proprietary software impose.
+ Skolelinux's seed first appeared during a warm summer day in 2001 when a group of four computer talented people started debating about the computer situation at schools and how much they disliked the predominant market domination of proprietary software. They dreamed of a better scenario where Norwegian students could enjoy software natively translated and where they could have access to the source code to be able to learn from it. They were also conscious about schools' problems with all high costs and restrictions that proprietary software impose.
- With great enthusiasm and high computer skills, they started working and officially founded Skolelinux project on July 2, 2001. Twenty-five computer programmers and translators combined efforts to improve and promote educational software. Naturally, some of this pioneers were more interested about software itself and some others about providing as much native translations as possible.<<BR>>
+ With great enthusiasm and high level computer skills, they started working and officially founded Skolelinux project on July 2, 2001. Twenty-five computer programmers and translators combined efforts to improve and promote educational software. Naturally, some of this pioneers were more interested about software itself and some others about providing as much native translations as possible.<<BR>>
- More or less at the same time, Raphael Herzog started the Debian Edu project in France to create an education-related meta-packages collection until 2003 when the two projects merged.
+ At about the same time, Raphael Herzog started the Debian Edu project in France to create an education-related meta-packages collection until 2003 when the two projects merged.
- Soon DebianEdu/Skolelinux importance grew and it associated with the "Free Software in Schools" organization (earlier called "Linux in schools") which was founded on July 16, 2001. During 2002 german teachers, developers and translators joined Skolelinux. In 2003, Skolelinux was included step-by-step as a standard part of Debian and since then many developers from around the world have collaborated to the project. During 2009 was tested on a pilot phase at eleven Norway schools and it was introduced in Hamburg schools too.
+ Soon DebianEdu/Skolelinux importance grew and it associated with the "Free Software in Schools" organization (earlier called "Linux in schools") which was founded on July 16, 2001. During 2002 German teachers, developers and translators joined Skolelinux. In 2003, Skolelinux was included step-by-step as a standard part of Debian and since then many developers from around the world have collaborated to the project. During 2009 was tested on a pilot phase at eleven Norway schools and it was introduced in Hamburg schools too.
  Nowadays the project has established cooperation with many other free educational software projects such as LTSP, gnuLinEx, Edubuntu, K12LTSP, KDE, Gnome, Firefox and OpenOffice.org.
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  == DebianEdu or Skolelinux? ==
- At some point during the spring and summer of 2001 both DebianEdu and Skolelinux projects started as an attempt to create a GNU/Linux distribution for educational purposes. Raphael Herzog started DebianEdu project as a member of a group called IIRC with objective to create education-related meta-packages and Skolelinux started from a Norwegian group as a project intended to create a CD distribution.
+ At some point during the spring and summer of 2001 both DebianEdu and Skolelinux projects started as an attempt to create a GNU/Linux distribution for educational purposes. Raphael Herzog started DebianEdu project as a member of a group called IIRC with the objective to create education-related meta-packages and Skolelinux started from a Norwegian group as a project intended to create a CD distribution.
- After some minimal collaborations, the french group left package maintenance to the Norwegian group which started to include them on their CD. By that time people all over the world were contributing but was at that point that both projects effectively became one. Some say that DebianEdu is the name of the project, and skolelinux is the name of the distribution but in practice '''nowadays both names actually refer to the same project.'''
+ After some minimal collaborations, the french group left package maintenance to the Norwegian group which started to include them on their CD. By that time people all over the world were contributing but was at that point that both projects effectively became one. Some say that DebianEdu is the name of the project, and Skolelinux is the name of the distribution but in practice '''nowadays both names actually refer to the same project.'''
  == Project objectives ==
-  * '''Create a complete solution:''' provide a complete educational free software solution suitable for real scenarios.
+  * '''Create a complete solution:''' provide a complete educational software solution suitable for real scenarios, entirely free.
   * '''Reduce technical barriers:''' The best way to reach wide spread is by easing installation, use, maintenance and administration. We make it easy and working out-of-the-box.
-  * '''International scale:''' as part of a collaborative project it is essential to offer as higher native translation level as possible.
+  * '''International scale:''' as part of a collaborative project, it is essential to offer as higher native translation level as possible.
   * ''' Educational software ecosystem:''' it is necessary to locate, package and classify any educational free software.
   * '''Teaching documentation:''' it is important not only to provide a great platform but to provide documentation on how to better use it for teaching.
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  == Advantages ==
-  * '''It is Free software:''' not only in price but also the way schools are allowed to use it. This is ethically important to an educational environment as it should avoid being an arena where piracy is accepted or encouraged but a place that promotes the making and sharing of knowledge. This project provides user-friendly licences that gives ''rights'' not ''responsibilities''.
+  * '''It is Free software:''' not only in price but also the way schools are allowed to use it. This is ethically important to an educational environment as it should avoid being an arena where piracy is accepted or encouraged but a place that promotes the making and sharing of knowledge. This project provides user-friendly licenses that gives ''rights'' not ''responsibilities''.
   * '''Provides control:''' users can decide themselves when to upgrade both hardware and software and so, they are able to remain independent from suppliers' influence.
   * '''Economical savings:''' Teleplan, an independent agency created a[[attachment:teleplan_03112003.pdf;|report (in Norwegian)]] concluding that it can help saving up to 60% thanks to its ''eased maintenance'' when compared to a traditional workstation infrastructure. Note that saving money does not mean zero cost.
-  * '''Rock solid:''' it is a stable and reliable system that just works. Additionally, it is less vulnerable to worms and viruses.
+  * '''Rock solid:''' it is a stable and reliable system that just works. Additionally, it is less vulnerable to viruses, worms and malicious acts.
   * '''Solves real needs:''' it is made by schools and for schools and so, it becomes inherently designed to fit real scenarios.
   * '''Highly supported:''' as it is part of Debian, it benefits from a large and vibrant community that means lots of momentum, development and guarantees that it will stand strong and around us for a very long time.
   * '''Ecological:''' it helps lowering ecological footprint as terminal servers enable reusing of old hardware to become thin clients and have also proved to be more power efficient than a traditional independent workstation infrastructure.
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  == Opinions and articles ==
- Many schools that are using it are currently listed on the DebianEdu Wiki. There is an illustrative case study of implementation at a school in Greece that deserves mention.<<BR>>
+ Many schools that are currently using it are listed on the DebianEdu Wiki. There is an illustrative case study of implementation at a school in Greece that also deserves mention.<<BR>>
  Take a look at some more interesting [[DebianEdu/InterestingLinks#Opinions|opinions]] and [[DebianEdu/InterestingLinks#Articles|articles]]

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