[debian-edu-commits] [Debian Wiki] Update of "DebianEdu/Status/Jessie" by HolgerLevsen

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Wed May 18 17:40:08 UTC 2016

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The "DebianEdu/Status/Jessie" page has been changed by HolgerLevsen:

move to "would like to fix", the script is optional…

   * Automatic filesystem resizing fails cause /proc/mounts contains /dev/dm-X devices for / (and /usr if on a separate partion). See DebianBug:800651 for a patch.
-  * The subnet-change script doesn't adjust (the migrated) squid.conf (DebianBug:800654).    
  == Known problems, we would like to fix ==
   * With gosa version 2.7.4+reloaded2-1+deb8u1 an annoying message pops up each time when logging into the GOsa² web gui because the default non Debian Edu configuration file has been changed (DebianBug:794189). To avoid this the first line of /etc/gosa/gosa.conf must be changed to be like this: <conf configVersion="3dcfa28818766382948647a15bcbcbbc">. (<conf configVersion=""> would work as well.)
@@ -33, +32 @@

   * It takes up to 15 minutes for an updated system hostname to take effect (DebianBug:780461).
   * The hostname script fails to update LTSP server hostname (DebianBug:783087).
   * Installations done using the two available images [[https://lists.debian.org/20150426091516.GA11761@local.schweer-online.de|differ in installed packages]] - though it's not sure whether this is fixable or by design.
+  * The subnet-change script doesn't adjust (the migrated) squid.conf (DebianBug:800654).    
  == Fixed in git, needs upload to unstable ==

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