[debian-edu-commits] [Debian Wiki] Update of "DebianEdu/Documentation/Stretch/Upgrades" by WolfgangSchweer

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Thu Feb 23 21:53:51 UTC 2017

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The "DebianEdu/Documentation/Stretch/Upgrades" page has been changed by WolfgangSchweer:

add LDAP database adjustment (sudoHost) as upgrade issue on the main server.

  internal email, if you can manage printers, and maybe other site
  specific things. Use the testsuite scripts if you spot an error.
+  * The LDAP data base (on the main server) has to be adjusted. The sudoHost value 'tjener' has to be replaced with 'tjener.intern' using GOsa² or an LDAP editor.
  === Upgrade LTSP chroot (default arch i386) ===

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