[debian-edu-commits] [Debian Wiki] Update of "DebianEdu/Status/Stretch" by WolfgangSchweer

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Wed Mar 29 19:10:26 UTC 2017

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The "DebianEdu/Status/Stretch" page has been changed by WolfgangSchweer:

nbd migrated already thanks to unblock-udeb and aging from 10->5 by nthykier.

  {{attachment:i.png|Debian Edu Installer Logo|width=800}}
  == Known installation related issues ==
-  * Both thin and diskless LTSP clients fail to start atm. This is caused by a new upstream release of nbd server/client; see DebianBug:846998 [fixed in unstable, unblocked, about to migrate April 2nd]. Until the fixed nbd-client package is available this workaround could be used:
- {{{
- sed -i s#/opt/ltsp/i386#opt/ltsp/i386# /etc/nbd-server/conf.d/ltsp_i386.conf
- service nbd-server restart
- }}}
   * PXE installations fail atm due to kernel modules mismatch. (This will be fixed once newer netboot-installer images are available.)
  == Changes from Jessie to Stretch which need documentation  ==
@@ -56, +51 @@

  == Fixed + done (related packages migrated to stretch or unstable) ==
+  * Both thin and diskless LTSP clients fail to start atm. This is caused by a new upstream release of nbd server/client; see DebianBug:846998 [fixed in unstable, unblocked, about to migrate April 2nd]. Until the fixed nbd-client package is available this workaround could be used:
+ {{{
+ sed -i s#/opt/ltsp/i386#opt/ltsp/i386# /etc/nbd-server/conf.d/ltsp_i386.conf
+ service nbd-server restart
+ }}}
   * GOsa²: broken mass import of user data via CSV file; see DebianBug:847571.
   * unblock bug: DebianBug:857866 LTSP related issue (missing packages 'ldm-server' and 'squashfs-tools', DebianBug:856267).
   * LTSP chroot installation is broken if the usbstick ISO image is used; see DebianBug:854203. (Fixed in unstable.)

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