[debian-edu-commits] [Debian Wiki] Update of "DebianEdu/HowTo/AddPackages" by WolfgangSchweer

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Wed Mar 20 10:14:22 GMT 2019

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The page "DebianEdu/HowTo/AddPackages" has been deleted by WolfgangSchweer:


outdated and obsolete

- = How to add packages to the Debian Edu DVD =
- (Cf. posting on DebianEdu/MailingLists 2007/04/17 23:22:10)
- Here is a short intro on how to add packages to the Debian Edu DVD.
- This assumes the package already exist, either in Debian/Etch or in the
- Debian Edu APT repository, and that you have svn access to the debian
- edu source repository on alioth.debian.org.
- /!\ This Howto is yet unconfirmed. Please check on your own risk and sign up here:
- || Tested by || Date || Result ||
- || YourName  || YourDate || YourResult ||
- == Six steps to go ==
-  1) Fetch the svn source  tree
-  {{{    svn co svn+ssh://aliothUsername@svn.debian.org/svn/debian-edu/trunk/src}}}
-  2) Move to the task package source files
-      {{{cd src/debian-edu}}}
-  3) Edit the task you want to modify, adding packages (more on this later), I use the education-common task as an example.
-      {{{emacs tasks/common}}}
-  4) Update the package changelog, documenting the change.
-      {{{emacs debian/changelog}}}
-  5) Check the change, make sure nothing unwanted is modified.
-      {{{svn diff}}}
-  6) When the change is complete, commit it to svn, with an explanation on the change, for example the same description stored in the changelog:
-     {{{  svn commit -m \
-        "Depend on openssh-server, to make sure ssh is enabled on all machines"\
-        debian/changelog tasks/common}}}
- == Task Files ==
- The task files include blocks like this:
-    {{{  
-   Depends:     procinfo, sysutils
-   Why:         Needed to access procinfo for debugging
-   Responsible: Petter Reinholdtsen
-   NeedConfig:  no
- }}}
- Instead of 'depends', one can use 'recommends', 'suggests', 'ignore'
- and 'avoid'.  They affect how the package is included on the DVD and
- CDs, and if they are installed by default or not.  The depends,
- recommends and suggests are listed in the metapackages.  The packages
- listed as depends are included first on the DVD and CDs, and are
- installed if the installation system find the packages.  The
- recommended packages are included next and installed if found by the
- installation system, bur are at the moment unlikely to make it onto
- the CDs.  Recommends make it into to DVD.  The suggested packages are
- unlikely to make it into the CDs, but make it into the DVD.  They are
- not installed by default.  The ignored packages are included on the
- DVD, but are not installed.  The avoided packages are excluded from
- the DVD and CDs, and thus not installed nor available.
- New packages you want to have included should start as ignored
- packages, to get them on the DVD but not installed by default.  When
- they are found to be useful, we can update them to suggests (to make
- them more visible, but not installed by default).  If they are really
- useful, possible to preseed and work out of the box, we can move them
- to recommend or depend, but before this is done, we need to verify
- that the disk space required is available in the default installation.
- == Space limits ==
- We are currently using 1.6 GiB of the 4.4 GiB DVD capasity.  The rest
- of the DVD content is popular packages according to popcon.debian.org
- (so the most commonly used packages are included first).  This mean we
- have heap of space available for packages.
- == Final Remarks ==
- I hope this make it easier to help out with updating the package list.
- Do not be afraid of listing packages as ignore, to get them on our
- radar.
- I very much welcome someone making the content of this email available
- as some 'getting started' wiki page, after verifying that it make
- sense.
- Friendly,
- -- 
- Petter Reinholdtsen
- == Appendix ==
- For less experienced contributors another option to suggest packages being added is to list them right here:
- === Etch r1 ===
- || Package || Depends on || Description / Reason ||
- || kpdf || (no additional packages) || KDE's default PDF viewer - optimal usability ||
- || mc   || -,,- || Midnight Commander - file browser for your console ||
- || kturtle || -,,- || Educational Programming Environment (LOGO) K7-12||
- || - || - || - ||
- KDE Addons: Kicker Applets
-  kdeaddons ksnapshot kworldclock kweather knewsticker knetdockapp kmoon kicker-applets keybled kbstate  
- Basics: mc  lshw htop apt-key
- CD Writer: k3b + cdrdao kdebase-kio-plugins k3b-i18n normalize-audio movixmaker-2   dvd+rw-tools 
- Developing: swi-prolog^W gprolog kturtle [gambas2]   sun-java5-jdk

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