[Debian-ha-maintainers] HA-addon repo for jessie (Re: Removing packages from jessie)

Richard B Winters rik at mmogp.com
Wed Apr 15 19:04:48 UTC 2015

On Wed, 2015-04-15 at 17:32 +0200, Christoph Berg wrote:
> So the bottom line for me would be there's nothing to clean up in
> jessie.

Cool, was wondering what that package was. But that means we have a
really old cluster suite in Jessie...

> The next question then is: is there a set of packages that should go
> into some "jessie HA add-on repo" that would contain the minimal set
> of packages that would get pacemaker running there, or if that minimal
> set means to provide the full stack.

Not sure if they should go into a 'jessie HA add-on repo' but yes, the
modern Pacemaker/Coro stack should go into sid at least;

Libqb 0.17.1
Corosync 2.3.4
Pacemaker 2.1
Resoure-Agents (latest)
Fence-Agents (latest)
Crmsh 2.1.3 (finally released, updating now) :)
PCS/PCSD (latest)

Those are the components of the modern stack, which does _not_ use cman.

What we have so far in progress on this updated stack:

- libqb (I started, Feri helped, waiting on review)
- Corosync (Feri was working on this)
- Pacemaker (Stefan was working on this)
- CRMSH (I worked on this, updating now to new release and migrating 
  old changelog etc)

What is not done:

- Resource-Agents (nobody put a stake on it yet, but is easy I could do 
  it once I finish crmsh/pcs)
- Fence-Agents (Same as resource agents)
- PCS/PCSD (I have it built, even fixed the build for debian and 
  contributed upstream...but have not built a package for it yet)

You'll see some packages exist whether in jessie or sid...they need to
be updated because they are very old, outdated, and there are issues;

1. We need to use symbol files, all libraries should export them
properly, and developers should incrementally create them from any older
versions available via apt, up to the version they want to use, so that
cross-dependency checks happen and are resolved in the right way.

2. Standards, hardening, and more all need to be reviewed and updated
from the existing versions.

> If such a reasonable package subset exists, we could use unstable to
> prepare it, and "random new upstream version uploads" should go to
> experimental. If such a subset doesn't exist (or is not a subset), we
> can restart from scratch and upload everything to unstable now.

Most everything exists so we can certainly update the existing
packages...though for instance with crmsh I opted to repackage that from
scratch and simply copy over the changelog (not visisble in packaging
repository because I'm now dropping the new release we were waiting on).

Libqb I updated to new upstream release

Not sure how others are handling their packages but all of the packages
exist...just not necessarily in Jessie atm.

> Christoph
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