[Debian-ha-maintainers] Bug#847295: Bug#847295: pcs: cluster auth does not generate tokens file & hangs on find

Rafael David Tinoco rafael.tinoco at canonical.com
Thu Dec 8 20:27:48 UTC 2016

Hello Valentin, 

> On 8 Dec 2016, at 18:17, Valentin Vidic <Valentin.Vidic at CARNet.hr <mailto:Valentin.Vidic at CARNet.hr>> wrote:
> On Wed, Dec 07, 2016 at 12:10:34AM -0200, Rafael David Tinoco wrote:
>> LP: #1640919 - pcs cluster auth does not generate "tokens" file
>> $ sudo pcs cluster auth cluster01 cluster02 -u hacluster
>> Password:
>> cluster01: Authorized
>> cluster02: Authorized
>> $ sudo ls -l /var/lib/pcsd/tokens
>> ls: cannot access '/var/lib/pcsd/tokens': No such file or directory
>> If corosync and pacemaker are stopped and /etc/corosync.conf is
>> removed, then /var/lib/pcsd/tokens gets created successfully.
> I am aware of this problem and it is a consequence of the fact that
> corosync and pacemaker start in configured state on Debian while on
> RHEL they are unconfigured and disabled after installation.

Definitely. Since PCS is a package to *configure* corosync. I do agree
with your statement (above and bellow).  

> The plan was to add a README file to the package explaining the
> required steps to initialize the cluster using pcs.  I don't
> think that touching the configuration and state of another
> package is a good idea here and would need to discuss this with
> the maintainers of corosync/pacemaker as installing pcs might
> influence the correct operations of a working cluster.

That is why I created the debconf template with a warning. We can 
put the "default" to "false" also. It moves /etc/corosync/corosync.conf
into a backup file so user doesn't loose it. If customer reads the
debconf, replies YES, that he is well aware of what will happen
(corosync is stopped and corosync.conf file is moved). 

Unfortunately PCS fails silently for a lot of things, including
missing files (or even missing corosync binary, that is why I put
it as a "dependency" -> https://goo.gl/sZxest <https://goo.gl/sZxest>).

Just trying to make PCS functional "by default" since now it will be
used as the clustering configuration tool for MSSQL Linux HA and they 
need it configured by default (or capable of). 

Looking forward to reading a decision. 

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