[Debian-med-packaging] Bug#737913: Scientists please raise your opinion (Was: Bug#737913: exonerate and dnaclust: error when trying to install together)

Daniel Barker db60 at st-andrews.ac.uk
Fri Feb 7 15:33:51 UTC 2014

Hi Andreas,

>Hi Daniel,
>thanks for your very quick answer.
>On Fri, Feb 07, 2014 at 01:03:54PM +0000, Daniel Barker wrote:
>> In my view, the dnaclust fastasort should be renamed. Exonerate is a
>> flexible and extremely widely used package.
>I do share your opinion.
>> (This is no disrespect to
>> danclust, which looks useful too. But someone has to be renamed here.)
>It is not matter of disrespect - you just name it:  Something has to be
>renamed.  Any recommendations for a fiting name?
>    dnaclust-fastasort  ?
>    dc-fastasort ?
>or even better
>    /usr/lib/dnaclust/fastasor
>The scripts which are calling the executable are all using
>    "$dnaclust_path/fastasort"
>so perhaps the later might fit best?

I agree. So far as I can tell, fastasort does not seem to be invoked
directly by the user. It can go anywhere that works.



Daniel Barker
The University of St Andrews is a charity registered in Scotland :
No SC013532

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