[Debian-med-packaging] Sponsoring many uploads

Andreas Tille andreas at an3as.eu
Thu Mar 17 17:06:19 UTC 2016

Hi Mattia,

On Thu, Mar 17, 2016 at 12:31:20PM +0000, Mattia Rizzolo wrote:
> cme is a great tool, but I don't really know it and I'm used to other
> tooling and doing stuff manually.
> For example, my personal preference for wrapping the (build-)deps, etc
> is to use `wrap-and-sort -ast`, which
>     1) always sort (same as cme)
>     2) put everything in a one-space from line start (cme does not)

I admit I personally prefer the cme layout.

>     3) put a trailing comma on the last item (reduce vcs noise, cme does
>        not)

Charles has commented on this.

> Is there a way to have cme do that?

Not that I know of.  You might like to file a wishlist bug report against
cme or otherwise contact the author.

> and does cme remove trailing whitespaces from other files and sort all
> *.install, *.dirs, etc?

Cme only deals with the files you call it upon (you can also use
   cme fix dpkg-copyright )
> I'm actually interested in having a tool to automate those kind of
> annoyances, but I also care about my personal preferences ;)

> Another thing: bumping Standards-Version shouldn't be done blindly, in
> this case is quite hard to have something compliant with 3.9.6 but not
> with 3.9.7, but still.

I admit my workflow was always to bump the Standards-Version and check
the package afterwards whether it complies to this.  Finally we always
want to have the latest standard and need to fix the package if there is
conflict.  In all the years and pollicy versions I've seen I had never
any problem with this workflow.

Kind regards



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