[SCM] Debian packaging for the lrslib vertex enumeration package branch, master, updated. 08143926a8c76346ae9308746e390c53d21da63a

David Bremner bremner at unb.ca
Sun Sep 13 16:13:18 UTC 2009

The following commit has been merged in the master branch:
commit 94ca542f676d49a2e5fadbed6577d562f3b0d4fc
Author: David Bremner <bremner at unb.ca>
Date:   Sun Aug 9 20:03:16 2009 -0300

    initial, far from complete, manpage

diff --git a/debian/lrslib.1.xml b/debian/lrslib.1.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..feed58f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/debian/lrslib.1.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,176 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>
+<!DOCTYPE refentry PUBLIC "-//OASIS//DTD DocBook XML V4.1.2//EN"
+                   "http://www.oasis-open.org/docbook/xml/4.1.2/docbookx.dtd">
+<refentry id='lrslib'>
+<refmiscinfo class='source'>July 2009</refmiscinfo>
+<refmiscinfo class='manual'>lrslib 0.42b</refmiscinfo>
+<refnamediv id='name'>
+<refpurpose>Convert between represetations of convex polyhedra.</refpurpose>
+<!-- body begins here -->
+<refsynopsisdiv id='synopsis'>
+  <command>lrs input.ine</command>    
+  <command>redund input.ine</command>
+<refsect1 id='description'><title>DESCRIPTION</title>
+  A polyhedron can be described by a list of inequalities
+  (<emphasis>H-representation)</emphasis> or as by a list of its
+  vertices and extreme rays
+  (<emphasis>V-representation).lrs</emphasis>is a C program that
+  converts a H-representation of a polyhedron to its
+  V-representation, and vice versa.&nbsp; These problems are known
+  respectively at the <emphasis>vertex enumeration</emphasis> and
+  <emphasis>convex hull problems</emphasis>.
+  <literallayout></literallayout>Fukuda's
+  <ulink url="http://www.ifor.math.ethz.ch/staff/fukuda/polyfaq/polyfaq.html">FAQ page</ulink>
+  &nbsp; contains a more detailed introduction to the problem, along
+  with many useful tips for the new user.
+<refsect1 id='files'><title>File Formats</title>
+  File formats were developed jointly with Komei Fukuda and are
+  compatible   with <ulink url="http://www.cs.mcgill.ca/%7Efukuda/soft/cdd_home/cdd.html">cdd</ulink>.
+  The input for <emphasis>lrs</emphasis> is a H- or V- representation
+  of a polytope. 
+  <title>H-representation</title>
+{<ulink url="#Linearities">linearities</ulink>}
+ m n rational
+{list of inequalities }
+    <para>
+      <emphasis>name</emphasis> is a user supplied name for the
+      polytope.&nbsp; If the line H-representation is omitted,
+      H-representation is assumed.&nbsp; The input coefficients are read
+      in free format, and are not checked for type. Coefficients are
+      separated by white space. Normally this file would be saved with
+      filename suffix. <emphasis>ine</emphasis> but this not
+      required.&nbsp; Comments may appear before the begin or after the
+      end, and to avoid interpretation as an option, should begin with a
+      special character such as &quot;*&quot; or &quot;#&quot;.
+      The integer&nbsp; m is the number of
+      inequalities,&nbsp; and the integer n is the dimension of the input
+      +1. A list of inequalities contains
+      the coefficients of inequalities of the form
+    </para>
+    <para>
+      a<subscript>0</subscript> +
+      a<subscript>1</subscript>x<subscript>1</subscript>+ ... +
+      a<subscript>n-1</subscript> x<subscript>n-1</subscript> &gt;=&nbsp;
+      0.
+    </para>
+    <para>
+      This inequality is input as the line
+    </para>
+    <para>
+      a<subscript>0</subscript> a<subscript>1</subscript>...
+      a<subscript>n-1</subscript> 
+    </para>
+    <para>
+      The coefficients can be entered as integers or rationals in the
+      format x/y.
+    </para>
+  </refsect2>
+  <refsect2>
+    <title>V-representation</title>
+{<ulink url="#Linearities">linearities</ulink>}
+ m n rational
+{list of vertices and extreme rays }
+    <emphasis>name</emphasis>is a user    supplied name for the polytope.&nbsp; The line V-representation is
+    required.&nbsp; The input coefficients are read in free format, and
+    are not checked for type. Coefficients are separated by white
+    space. Comments may appear before the begin or after the end, and
+    to avoid interpretation as an option, should begin with a special
+    character such as &quot;*&quot; or &quot;#&quot;. Normally this file
+    would be stored with filename suffix <emphasis>ext</emphasis>, but
+    this is not required.
+    <para>
+      The integer&nbsp; m is the number of vertices and rays,&nbsp; and
+      the integer n is the dimension of the input +1.
+      Each vertex is given in the form
+    </para>
+    <para>
+      1&nbsp;&nbsp; v<subscript>0&nbsp;&nbsp;</subscript> v
+      <subscript>1</subscript>...&nbsp;&nbsp; v<subscript>n-1</subscript>
+      &nbsp;
+    </para>
+    <para>
+      Each ray is given in the form
+    </para>
+    <para>
+      0&nbsp;&nbsp; r<subscript>0&nbsp;&nbsp;</subscript> r
+      <subscript>1</subscript>...&nbsp;&nbsp; r<subscript>n-1</subscript>
+    </para>
+    <para>
+      where r<subscript>0&nbsp;&nbsp;</subscript> r
+      <subscript>1</subscript>...&nbsp;&nbsp;
+      r<subscript>n-1</subscript>is a point on the ray.
+    </para>
+    <para>
+      There must be at least one vertex in each file. For bounded
+      polyhedra there will be no rays entered.
+      The coefficients can be entered as
+      integers or rationals in the format x/y.
+      </para>
+    <para>
+    <emphasis role="strong">Note for cdd users</emphasis>:
+    <emphasis>lrs</emphasis> uses essentially the same file format as
+    <emphasis>cdd</emphasis>. Files prepared for
+    <emphasis>cdd</emphasis> should work with little or no
+    modification. Note that&nbsp; the V-representation corresponds to
+    the &quot;hull&quot; option in <emphasis>cdd</emphasis>. Options
+    specific to <emphasis>cdd</emphasis> can be left in the input files
+    and will be ignored by <emphasis>lrs</emphasis>.&nbsp; Note the
+    input files for <emphasis>lrs</emphasis> are read in free format,
+    after the line
+    <emphasis role="strong">m n rational</emphasis><emphasis>lrs</emphasis>
+    will look for exactly m*n rationals or integers separated by white
+    space (blank,&nbsp; carriage return, tab etc.).
+    <emphasis>lrs</emphasis> will not &quot;drop&quot; extra columns of
+    input if n is less than the number of columns supplied.
+    </para>
+  </refsect2>

Debian packaging for the lrslib vertex enumeration package

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