r36383 - in /packages/scilab/trunk/debian: changelog control patches/better-feedback-on-lib-error.diff patches/test_run_permission.diff rules

sylvestre at users.alioth.debian.org sylvestre at users.alioth.debian.org
Fri Apr 16 14:03:10 UTC 2010

Author: sylvestre
Date: Fri Apr 16 14:03:06 2010
New Revision: 36383

URL: http://svn.debian.org/wsvn/debian-science/?sc=1&rev=36383
  * Enable also the keep alive for Debian (sparc has some pbs on the 
   documentation build)
  * Update of the completion script
  * Update of the README.Debian file (Scilab is free since 5.0.0)
  * Fix a problem with the unitary tests (permission). Backport from upstream.
  * In case of error on the library load, provide more feedbacks 


Modified: packages/scilab/trunk/debian/changelog
URL: http://svn.debian.org/wsvn/debian-science/packages/scilab/trunk/debian/changelog?rev=36383&op=diff
--- packages/scilab/trunk/debian/changelog (original)
+++ packages/scilab/trunk/debian/changelog Fri Apr 16 14:03:06 2010
@@ -1,9 +1,15 @@
-scilab (5.2.1-8) UNRELEASED; urgency=low
+scilab (5.2.1-8) unstable; urgency=low
+  * Enable also the keep alive for Debian (sparc has some pbs on the 
+   documentation build)
   * Update of the completion script
-  * Update of the README.Debian file (Scilab is now free)
- -- Sylvestre Ledru <sylvestre at debian.org>  Fri, 26 Mar 2010 16:02:41 +0100
+  * Update of the README.Debian file (Scilab is free since 5.0.0)
+  * Fix a problem with the unitary tests (permission). Backport from upstream.
+    test_run_permission.diff
+  * In case of error on the library load, provide more feedbacks 
+    better-feedback-on-lib-error.diff
+ -- Sylvestre Ledru <sylvestre at debian.org>  Sat, 03 Apr 2010 22:12:44 +0200
 scilab (5.2.1-7) unstable; urgency=low

Modified: packages/scilab/trunk/debian/control
URL: http://svn.debian.org/wsvn/debian-science/packages/scilab/trunk/debian/control?rev=36383&op=diff
--- packages/scilab/trunk/debian/control (original)
+++ packages/scilab/trunk/debian/control Fri Apr 16 14:03:06 2010
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
 Build-Depends: autoconf, automake, cdbs, debhelper (>= 7), cdbs, gfortran, 
  default-jdk, chrpath, ocaml-nox,
  tcl8.5-dev, tk8.5-dev, libxml2-dev, libpcre3-dev, 
- gettext, libreadline-dev, pkg-config, lsb-release,
+ gettext, libreadline-dev, pkg-config,
 # numerical libraries
  libblas-dev | librefblas3-dev | libatlas-base-dev, liblapack-dev, 
 # Java deps

Added: packages/scilab/trunk/debian/patches/better-feedback-on-lib-error.diff
URL: http://svn.debian.org/wsvn/debian-science/packages/scilab/trunk/debian/patches/better-feedback-on-lib-error.diff?rev=36383&op=file
--- packages/scilab/trunk/debian/patches/better-feedback-on-lib-error.diff (added)
+++ packages/scilab/trunk/debian/patches/better-feedback-on-lib-error.diff Fri Apr 16 14:03:06 2010
@@ -1,0 +1,34 @@
+diff --git a/scilab/modules/core/src/c/callDynamicGateway.c b/scilab/modules/core/src/c/callDynamicGateway.c
+index 52dc74e..b230ceb 100644
+--- a/scilab/modules/core/src/c/callDynamicGateway.c
++++ b/scilab/modules/core/src/c/callDynamicGateway.c
+@@ -46,8 +46,11 @@ dynamic_gateway_error_code callDynamicGateway(char *moduleName,
+ 		}
+ #else
+ 		*hlib = LoadDynLibrary(dynLibName); 
+ 		if (*hlib == NULL) 
+ 		{
++            char *previousError = GetLastDynLibError();
+ 			/* Haven't been able to find the lib with dlopen... 
+ 			 * This can happen for two reasons:
+ 			 * - the lib must be dynamically linked
+@@ -68,8 +71,12 @@ dynamic_gateway_error_code callDynamicGateway(char *moduleName,
+ 			if (*hlib == NULL) 
+ 			{
+-			        if (SciPath) {FREE(SciPath); SciPath = NULL;}
+-			        if (pathToLib) {FREE(pathToLib); pathToLib = NULL;}
++                if (previousError != NULL)
++                {
++                    sciprint("A previous error has been detected while loading %s: %s\n",dynLibName, previousError);
++                }
++                if (SciPath) {FREE(SciPath); SciPath = NULL;}
++                if (pathToLib) {FREE(pathToLib); pathToLib = NULL;}
+ 			}
+ 			if (SciPath) {FREE(SciPath); SciPath = NULL;}

Added: packages/scilab/trunk/debian/patches/test_run_permission.diff
URL: http://svn.debian.org/wsvn/debian-science/packages/scilab/trunk/debian/patches/test_run_permission.diff?rev=36383&op=file
--- packages/scilab/trunk/debian/patches/test_run_permission.diff (added)
+++ packages/scilab/trunk/debian/patches/test_run_permission.diff Fri Apr 16 14:03:06 2010
@@ -1,0 +1,40 @@
+commit b336cd4f58c3da15a1fec774b23bd0e5e3689292
+Author: Pierre MARECHAL <pierre.marechal at scilab.org>
+Date:   Tue Mar 30 18:15:28 2010 +0200
+    Bug 6796 (and 6843) Fixed: test_run() crashed if SCI directory was read-only
+diff --git a/scilab/modules/development_tools/macros/test_run.sci b/scilab/modules/development_tools/macros/test_run.sci
+index ffcd7b9..1c3fad9 100644
+--- a/scilab/modules/development_tools/macros/test_run.sci
++++ b/scilab/modules/development_tools/macros/test_run.sci
+@@ -683,11 +683,11 @@ function st = st_set_name(st,name)
+ 	st.name = name;
+-	st.tmp_tst       = pathconvert( TMPDIR + "/" + name + ".tst" , %F);
+-	st.tmp_dia       = pathconvert( TMPDIR + "/" + name + ".dia" , %F);
+-	st.tmp_res       = pathconvert( TMPDIR + "/" + name + ".res" , %F);
+-	st.tmp_err       = pathconvert( TMPDIR + "/" + name + ".err" , %F);
++	st.tmp_tst       = pathconvert( TMPDIR + "/" + name + ".tst"     , %F);
++	st.tmp_dia       = pathconvert( TMPDIR + "/" + name + ".dia.tmp" , %F);
++	st.tmp_res       = pathconvert( TMPDIR + "/" + name + ".res"     , %F);
++	st.tmp_err       = pathconvert( TMPDIR + "/" + name + ".err"     , %F);
++	st.path_dia      = pathconvert( TMPDIR + "/" + name + ".dia"     , %F);
+ endfunction
+ function st = st_set_type(st,sttype)
+@@ -696,10 +696,8 @@ endfunction
+ function st = st_set_path(st,path)
+-	st.path     = path;
+-	basepath    = strsubst(path,"/\.tst$/","","r");
+-	st.path_dia = basepath + ".dia";
++	st.path         = path;
++	basepath        = strsubst(path,"/\.tst$/","","r");
+ 	st.path_dia_ref = basepath + ".dia.ref";
+ 	// Reference file management OS by OS

Modified: packages/scilab/trunk/debian/rules
URL: http://svn.debian.org/wsvn/debian-science/packages/scilab/trunk/debian/rules?rev=36383&op=diff
--- packages/scilab/trunk/debian/rules (original)
+++ packages/scilab/trunk/debian/rules Fri Apr 16 14:03:06 2010
@@ -160,4 +160,4 @@
 	[ -s modules/scipad/locales/fr_FR/scipad.po ] || rm -f modules/scipad/locales/fr_FR/scipad.po
-	if [ "$$(lsb_release --id -s)" = "Ubuntu" ] ; then sh debian/watcher.sh "$$PPID" "$(CURDIR)" "$(CURDIR)/build-stamp" 'scilab' ; fi &
+	sh debian/watcher.sh "$$PPID" "$(CURDIR)" "$(CURDIR)/build-stamp" 'scilab' &

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