[SCM] Packaging for mathgl branch, experimental, updated. debian/2.0.3-1-16-gdb2aad2

Dimitrios Eftaxiopoulos eftaxi12 at otenet.gr
Thu Dec 27 01:05:07 UTC 2012

The following commit has been merged in the experimental branch:
commit 3ab4abf34572c489b7aa8500a184ef2e9ebc0ee5
Author: Dimitrios Eftaxiopoulos <eftaxi12 at otenet.gr>
Date:   Mon Dec 24 22:51:36 2012 +0200

    Refresh patch CMakeLists-txt.patch

diff --git a/CMakeLists.txt b/CMakeLists.txt
index a5bd669..496cb83 100644
--- a/CMakeLists.txt
+++ b/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -16,32 +16,32 @@ include(CMakeDependentOption)
 set(MGL_LIB_INSTALL_DIR "lib" CACHE STRING "Set library install directory")
 option(enable-double "Enable double precision in MathGL library" ON)
-option(enable-simple "Slightly increase drawing speed but disable mglDataA class")
-option(enable-mpi "Enable mpi")
-option(enable-all "Enable all core features")
-option(enable-all-widgets "Enable all Widgets")
-option(enable-all-swig "Enable all SWIG based interfaces")
+option(enable-simple "Slightly increase drawing speed but disable mglDataA class" OFF)
+option(enable-mpi "Enable mpi" ON)
+option(enable-all "Enable all core features" ON)
+option(enable-all-widgets "Enable all Widgets" ON)
+option(enable-all-swig "Enable all SWIG based interfaces" ON)
 option(enable-lgpl "Enable only LGPL part of MathGL" OFF)
 #option(enable-ltdl "Enable loading modules support")
-option(enable-pthread "Enable POSIX threads support")
-option(enable-gsl "Enable gsl support")
-option(enable-jpeg "Enable jpeg support")
+option(enable-pthread "Enable POSIX threads support" ON)
+option(enable-gsl "Enable gsl support" ON)
+option(enable-jpeg "Enable jpeg support" ON)
 option(enable-png "Enable png support" ON)
 option(enable-zlib "Enable zlib support" ON)
 #option(enable-u3d "Enable u3d support")
-option(enable-pdf "Enable pdf support")
-option(enable-gif "Enable gif support")
-option(enable-hdf4 "Enable hdf4 support")
-option(enable-hdf5 "Enable hdf5 support")
+option(enable-pdf "Enable pdf support" ON)
+option(enable-gif "Enable gif support" ON)
+option(enable-hdf4 "Enable hdf4 support" ON)
+option(enable-hdf5 "Enable hdf5 support" ON)
 option(enable-opengl "Enable OpenGL support" ON)
-option(enable-glut "Enable glut support")
-option(enable-fltk "Enable fltk widget")
-option(enable-wx "Enable wxWidget widget")
-option(enable-qt "Enable Qt4 widget")
-option(enable-python "Enable python interface")
-option(enable-octave "Enable octave interface")
+option(enable-glut "Enable glut support" ON)
+option(enable-fltk "Enable fltk widget" ON)
+option(enable-wx "Enable wxWidget widget" ON)
+option(enable-qt "Enable Qt4 widget" ON)
+option(enable-python "Enable python interface" ON)
+option(enable-octave "Enable octave interface" ON)
 option(enable-octave-install "Octave interface will install for all users" ON)
-option(enable-doc "Enable documentation building")
+option(enable-doc "Enable documentation building" ON)
 include_directories( ${MathGL_SOURCE_DIR}/include ${MathGL_BINARY_DIR}/include)
diff --git a/debian/patches/CMakeLists-txt.patch b/debian/patches/CMakeLists-txt.patch
index 06848c8..004722c 100644
--- a/debian/patches/CMakeLists-txt.patch
+++ b/debian/patches/CMakeLists-txt.patch
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
 --- a/CMakeLists.txt
 +++ b/CMakeLists.txt
-@@ -14,32 +14,32 @@
- include(CMakeDependentOption)
+@@ -16,32 +16,32 @@
+ set(MGL_LIB_INSTALL_DIR "lib" CACHE STRING "Set library install directory")
  option(enable-double "Enable double precision in MathGL library" ON)
 -option(enable-simple "Slightly increase drawing speed but disable mglDataA class")

Packaging for mathgl

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