[cpl-plugin-hawki] branch debian created (now abf2819)

Ole Streicher olebole-guest at alioth.debian.org
Mon Sep 16 19:36:05 UTC 2013

This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.

olebole-guest pushed a change to branch debian
in repository cpl-plugin-hawki.

        at  abf2819   Merge branch 'debian-template' into debian

This branch includes the following new commits:

       new  ccf284c   Initial files
       new  940667c   remove deprecated DMUA flag
       new  a4ecb26   push to version 3.9.4
       new  c6e532f   Upstream version 1.8.9
       new  85d666b   Merge branch 'debian-template' into debian
       new  49992c6   Adjust debian files for HAWK-I
       new  02796e5   Add missing build dependencies for gsl and pkgconfig
       new  4d4f258   New upstream version 1.8.10
       new  6c06f0d   Merge branch 'upstream' into debian
       new  20cc892   Adjust Debian files for new version
       new  0388bec   Fix FTBS on i386
       new  a306d24   Fix FTBS for irqlib on i386
       new  76ab138   Merge branch 'debian-template' of liska:git/debian/cpl-plugin/template into debian
       new  d46ba18   update to version 1.8.11
       new  67ea862   Merge branch 'upstream' into debian
       new  2bc8aec   New upstream version
       new  2bff572   Remove calibration packages since they may get huge
       new  220f0ea   Add Readme to descript missing calib
       new  f734f1f   Merge branch 'debian-template' into debian
       new  5edc53c   Remove calibration files
       new  9010290   Merge branch 'upstream' into debian
       new  f48b2d5   Remove install file: not needed anymore
       new  3fd0b10   Re-insert calib but (optionally) remove all "real" calibration files The "calib" tar file contains the subdirs "cal", "gasgano", and "dic" dubdirs. "cal" contains potentially huge fits files which can be choosen to removed not.
       new  03f21b7   Merge branch 'debian-template' into debian
       new  8feebd7   New upstream version 1.8.12
       new  b9eda94   Merge branch 'upstream' into debian
       new  23c3e9f   Adjust for release 1.8.12
       new  d05a5fd   Create scripts and install during build; download calib on calib pkg install
       new  9e4797f   Re-insert the calib package as download helper
       new  7febc04   Add plugin as dependency to calib file
       new  8c4fd8b   Change distribution to contrib for calib downloader
       new  7f54edf   Update download information
       new  4fdc4b1   Fix dh_install rule
       new  664a2fb   remove generated Debian files on clean
       new  b0b538d   Automatically detect whether the calibration files are included, and build downloader only if not
       new  380651f   Remove README.debian if not needed
       new  ac34eb1   add lintian-overrides for empty calib package
       new  70fc86d   Remove lintian-overrides on clean
       new  abf2819   Merge branch 'debian-template' into debian

The 39 revisions listed above as "new" are entirely new to this
repository and will be described in separate emails.  The revisions
listed as "adds" were already present in the repository and have only
been added to this reference.

Alioth's /usr/local/bin/git-commit-notice on /srv/git.debian.org/git/debian-science/packages/cpl-plugin-hawki.git

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