[libfann] 193/242: *** empty log message ***

Christian Kastner chrisk-guest at moszumanska.debian.org
Sat Oct 4 21:10:43 UTC 2014

This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.

chrisk-guest pushed a commit to tag Version2_0_0
in repository libfann.

commit ae4759b9e8855d6292fb5e911633f8568f7abbcc
Author: Steffen Nissen <lukesky at diku.dk>
Date:   Tue Sep 20 16:12:20 2005 +0000

    *** empty log message ***
 fann.prj                    |   8 +-
 src/doublefann.c            |   1 -
 src/fann.c                  | 128 ++++++++++++
 src/fann_cascade.c          |  71 +++++++
 src/fann_options.c          | 312 -----------------------------
 src/fann_train.c            |  72 +++++++
 src/fixedfann.c             |   1 -
 src/floatfann.c             |   1 -
 src/include/fann.h          | 468 ++++++--------------------------------------
 src/include/fann_cascade.h  | 162 +++++++++++++++
 src/include/fann_error.h    |  67 +++++++
 src/include/fann_internal.h |  17 ++
 src/include/fann_io.h       |  65 ++++++
 src/include/fann_train.h    | 225 +++++++++++++++++++++
 14 files changed, 875 insertions(+), 723 deletions(-)

diff --git a/fann.prj b/fann.prj
index 34f0b01..41dd998 100644
--- a/fann.prj
+++ b/fann.prj
@@ -78,7 +78,13 @@ module.include.files=\
-	src/include/floatfann.h
+	src/include/floatfann.h\
+	src/include/fann_cascade.h\
+	src/include/fann_error.h\
+	src/include/fann_io.h\
+	src/include/fann_options.h\
+	src/include/fann_train.h\
+	src/include/fann_train_data.h
diff --git a/src/doublefann.c b/src/doublefann.c
index 94083bf..e7f9e77 100644
--- a/src/doublefann.c
+++ b/src/doublefann.c
@@ -25,6 +25,5 @@ Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA
 #include "fann_io.c"
 #include "fann_train.c"
 #include "fann_train_data.c"
-#include "fann_options.c"
 #include "fann_error.c"
 #include "fann_cascade.c"
diff --git a/src/fann.c b/src/fann.c
index b6dd69b..d7823a3 100644
--- a/src/fann.c
+++ b/src/fann.c
@@ -918,6 +918,134 @@ FANN_EXTERNAL void FANN_API fann_init_weights(struct fann *ann, struct fann_trai
+FANN_EXTERNAL void FANN_API fann_print_parameters(struct fann *ann)
+	struct fann_layer *layer_it;
+	printf("Input layer                :%4d neurons, 1 bias\n", ann->num_input);
+	for(layer_it = ann->first_layer + 1; layer_it != ann->last_layer - 1; layer_it++)
+	{
+		if(ann->shortcut_connections)
+		{
+			printf("  Hidden layer             :%4d neurons, 0 bias\n",
+				   layer_it->last_neuron - layer_it->first_neuron);
+		}
+		else
+		{
+			printf("  Hidden layer             :%4d neurons, 1 bias\n",
+				   layer_it->last_neuron - layer_it->first_neuron - 1);
+		}
+	}
+	printf("Output layer               :%4d neurons\n", ann->num_output);
+	printf("Total neurons and biases   :%4d\n", fann_get_total_neurons(ann));
+	printf("Total connections          :%4d\n", ann->total_connections);
+	printf("Connection rate            :  %5.2f\n", ann->connection_rate);
+	printf("Shortcut connections       :%4d\n", ann->shortcut_connections);
+	printf("Training algorithm         :   %s\n", FANN_TRAIN_NAMES[ann->training_algorithm]);
+	printf("Learning rate              :  %5.2f\n", ann->learning_rate);
+/*	printf("Activation function hidden :   %s\n", FANN_ACTIVATION_NAMES[ann->activation_function_hidden]);
+	printf("Activation function output :   %s\n", FANN_ACTIVATION_NAMES[ann->activation_function_output]);
+#ifndef FIXEDFANN
+	printf("Activation steepness hidden:  %5.2f\n", ann->activation_steepness_hidden);
+	printf("Activation steepness output:  %5.2f\n", ann->activation_steepness_output);
+	printf("Activation steepness hidden:  %d\n", ann->activation_steepness_hidden);
+	printf("Activation steepness output:  %d\n", ann->activation_steepness_output);
+	printf("Decimal point              :%4d\n", ann->decimal_point);
+	printf("Multiplier                 :%4d\n", ann->multiplier);
+	printf("Training error function    :   %s\n", FANN_ERRORFUNC_NAMES[ann->train_error_function]);
+	printf("Quickprop decay            :  %9.6f\n", ann->quickprop_decay);
+	printf("Quickprop mu               :  %5.2f\n", ann->quickprop_mu);
+	printf("RPROP increase factor      :  %5.2f\n", ann->rprop_increase_factor);
+	printf("RPROP decrease factor      :  %5.2f\n", ann->rprop_decrease_factor);
+	printf("RPROP delta min            :  %5.2f\n", ann->rprop_delta_min);
+	printf("RPROP delta max            :  %5.2f\n", ann->rprop_delta_max);
+	printf("Cascade change fraction    :  %9.6f\n", ann->cascade_change_fraction);
+	printf("Cascade stagnation epochs  :%4d\n", ann->cascade_stagnation_epochs);
+	printf("Cascade no. of candidates  :%4d\n", fann_get_cascade_num_candidates(ann));
+FANN_GET(unsigned int, num_input)
+FANN_GET(unsigned int, num_output)
+FANN_EXTERNAL unsigned int FANN_API fann_get_total_neurons(struct fann *ann)
+	if(ann->shortcut_connections)
+	{
+		return ann->total_neurons;
+	}
+	else
+	{
+		/* -1, because there is always an unused bias neuron in the last layer */
+		return ann->total_neurons - 1;
+	}
+FANN_GET(unsigned int, total_connections)
+FANN_GET(unsigned int, decimal_point)
+FANN_GET(unsigned int, multiplier)
+   Adjust the steepwise functions (if used)
+void fann_update_stepwise(struct fann *ann)
+	unsigned int i = 0;
+	/* Calculate the parameters for the stepwise linear
+	 * sigmoid function fixed point.
+	 * Using a rewritten sigmoid function.
+	 * results 0.005, 0.05, 0.25, 0.75, 0.95, 0.995
+	 */
+	ann->sigmoid_results[0] = fann_max((fann_type) (ann->multiplier / 200.0 + 0.5), 1);
+	ann->sigmoid_results[1] = (fann_type) (ann->multiplier / 20.0 + 0.5);
+	ann->sigmoid_results[2] = (fann_type) (ann->multiplier / 4.0 + 0.5);
+	ann->sigmoid_results[3] = ann->multiplier - (fann_type) (ann->multiplier / 4.0 + 0.5);
+	ann->sigmoid_results[4] = ann->multiplier - (fann_type) (ann->multiplier / 20.0 + 0.5);
+	ann->sigmoid_results[5] =
+		fann_min(ann->multiplier - (fann_type) (ann->multiplier / 200.0 + 0.5),
+				 ann->multiplier - 1);
+	ann->sigmoid_symmetric_results[0] =
+		fann_max((fann_type) ((ann->multiplier / 100.0) - ann->multiplier - 0.5),
+				 (fann_type) (1 - (fann_type) ann->multiplier));
+	ann->sigmoid_symmetric_results[1] =
+		(fann_type) ((ann->multiplier / 10.0) - ann->multiplier - 0.5);
+	ann->sigmoid_symmetric_results[2] =
+		(fann_type) ((ann->multiplier / 2.0) - ann->multiplier - 0.5);
+	ann->sigmoid_symmetric_results[3] = ann->multiplier - (fann_type) (ann->multiplier / 2.0 + 0.5);
+	ann->sigmoid_symmetric_results[4] =
+		ann->multiplier - (fann_type) (ann->multiplier / 10.0 + 0.5);
+	ann->sigmoid_symmetric_results[5] =
+		fann_min(ann->multiplier - (fann_type) (ann->multiplier / 100.0 + 1.0),
+				 ann->multiplier - 1);
+	for(i = 0; i < 6; i++)
+	{
+		ann->sigmoid_values[i] =
+			(fann_type) (((log(ann->multiplier / (float) ann->sigmoid_results[i] - 1) *
+						   (float) ann->multiplier) / -2.0) * (float) ann->multiplier);
+		ann->sigmoid_symmetric_values[i] =
+			(fann_type) (((log
+						   ((ann->multiplier -
+							 (float) ann->sigmoid_symmetric_results[i]) /
+							((float) ann->sigmoid_symmetric_results[i] +
+							 ann->multiplier)) * (float) ann->multiplier) / -2.0) *
+						 (float) ann->multiplier);
+	}
    Allocates the main structure and sets some default values.
diff --git a/src/fann_cascade.c b/src/fann_cascade.c
index 8a016cf..79971b9 100644
--- a/src/fann_cascade.c
+++ b/src/fann_cascade.c
@@ -954,3 +954,74 @@ void fann_install_candidate(struct fann *ann)
 #endif /* FIXEDFANN */
+FANN_EXTERNAL unsigned int FANN_API fann_get_cascade_num_candidates(struct fann *ann)
+	return ann->cascade_activation_functions_count *
+		ann->cascade_activation_steepnesses_count *
+		ann->cascade_num_candidate_groups;
+FANN_GET_SET(float, cascade_change_fraction)
+FANN_GET_SET(unsigned int, cascade_stagnation_epochs)
+FANN_GET_SET(unsigned int, cascade_num_candidate_groups)
+FANN_GET_SET(fann_type, cascade_weight_multiplier)
+FANN_GET_SET(fann_type, cascade_candidate_limit)
+FANN_GET_SET(unsigned int, cascade_max_out_epochs)
+FANN_GET_SET(unsigned int, cascade_max_cand_epochs)
+FANN_GET(unsigned int, cascade_activation_functions_count)
+FANN_GET(enum fann_activationfunc_enum *, cascade_activation_functions)
+FANN_EXTERNAL void fann_set_cascade_activation_functions(struct fann *ann,
+														 enum fann_activationfunc_enum *
+														 cascade_activation_functions,
+														 unsigned int 
+														 cascade_activation_functions_count)
+	if(ann->cascade_activation_functions_count != cascade_activation_functions_count)
+	{
+		ann->cascade_activation_functions_count = cascade_activation_functions_count;
+		/* reallocate mem */
+		ann->cascade_activation_functions = 
+			(enum fann_activationfunc_enum *)realloc(ann->cascade_activation_functions, 
+			ann->cascade_activation_functions_count * sizeof(enum fann_activationfunc_enum));
+		if(ann->cascade_activation_functions == NULL)
+		{
+			fann_error((struct fann_error*)ann, FANN_E_CANT_ALLOCATE_MEM);
+			return;
+		}
+	}
+	memmove(ann->cascade_activation_functions, cascade_activation_functions, 
+		ann->cascade_activation_functions_count * sizeof(enum fann_activationfunc_enum));
+FANN_GET(unsigned int, cascade_activation_steepnesses_count)
+FANN_GET(fann_type *, cascade_activation_steepnesses)
+FANN_EXTERNAL void fann_set_cascade_activation_steepnesses(struct fann *ann,
+														   fann_type *
+														   cascade_activation_steepnesses,
+														   unsigned int 
+														   cascade_activation_steepnesses_count)
+	if(ann->cascade_activation_steepnesses_count != cascade_activation_steepnesses_count)
+	{
+		ann->cascade_activation_steepnesses_count = cascade_activation_steepnesses_count;
+		/* reallocate mem */
+		ann->cascade_activation_steepnesses = 
+			(fann_type *)realloc(ann->cascade_activation_steepnesses, 
+			ann->cascade_activation_steepnesses_count * sizeof(fann_type));
+		if(ann->cascade_activation_steepnesses == NULL)
+		{
+			fann_error((struct fann_error*)ann, FANN_E_CANT_ALLOCATE_MEM);
+			return;
+		}
+	}
+	memmove(ann->cascade_activation_steepnesses, cascade_activation_steepnesses, 
+		ann->cascade_activation_steepnesses_count * sizeof(fann_type));
diff --git a/src/fann_options.c b/src/fann_options.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 45f5849..0000000
--- a/src/fann_options.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,312 +0,0 @@
-  Fast Artificial Neural Network Library (fann)
-  Copyright (C) 2003 Steffen Nissen (lukesky at diku.dk)
-  This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
-  modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
-  License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
-  version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
-  This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-  Lesser General Public License for more details.
-  You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
-  License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
-  Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include <stdlib.h>
-#include <stdarg.h>
-#include <string.h>
-#include "config.h"
-#include "fann.h"
-#include "fann_errno.h"
-FANN_EXTERNAL void FANN_API fann_print_parameters(struct fann *ann)
-	struct fann_layer *layer_it;
-	printf("Input layer                :%4d neurons, 1 bias\n", ann->num_input);
-	for(layer_it = ann->first_layer + 1; layer_it != ann->last_layer - 1; layer_it++)
-	{
-		if(ann->shortcut_connections)
-		{
-			printf("  Hidden layer             :%4d neurons, 0 bias\n",
-				   layer_it->last_neuron - layer_it->first_neuron);
-		}
-		else
-		{
-			printf("  Hidden layer             :%4d neurons, 1 bias\n",
-				   layer_it->last_neuron - layer_it->first_neuron - 1);
-		}
-	}
-	printf("Output layer               :%4d neurons\n", ann->num_output);
-	printf("Total neurons and biases   :%4d\n", fann_get_total_neurons(ann));
-	printf("Total connections          :%4d\n", ann->total_connections);
-	printf("Connection rate            :  %5.2f\n", ann->connection_rate);
-	printf("Shortcut connections       :%4d\n", ann->shortcut_connections);
-	printf("Training algorithm         :   %s\n", FANN_TRAIN_NAMES[ann->training_algorithm]);
-	printf("Learning rate              :  %5.2f\n", ann->learning_rate);
-/*	printf("Activation function hidden :   %s\n", FANN_ACTIVATION_NAMES[ann->activation_function_hidden]);
-	printf("Activation function output :   %s\n", FANN_ACTIVATION_NAMES[ann->activation_function_output]);
-#ifndef FIXEDFANN
-	printf("Activation steepness hidden:  %5.2f\n", ann->activation_steepness_hidden);
-	printf("Activation steepness output:  %5.2f\n", ann->activation_steepness_output);
-	printf("Activation steepness hidden:  %d\n", ann->activation_steepness_hidden);
-	printf("Activation steepness output:  %d\n", ann->activation_steepness_output);
-	printf("Decimal point              :%4d\n", ann->decimal_point);
-	printf("Multiplier                 :%4d\n", ann->multiplier);
-	printf("Training error function    :   %s\n", FANN_ERRORFUNC_NAMES[ann->train_error_function]);
-	printf("Quickprop decay            :  %9.6f\n", ann->quickprop_decay);
-	printf("Quickprop mu               :  %5.2f\n", ann->quickprop_mu);
-	printf("RPROP increase factor      :  %5.2f\n", ann->rprop_increase_factor);
-	printf("RPROP decrease factor      :  %5.2f\n", ann->rprop_decrease_factor);
-	printf("RPROP delta min            :  %5.2f\n", ann->rprop_delta_min);
-	printf("RPROP delta max            :  %5.2f\n", ann->rprop_delta_max);
-	printf("Cascade change fraction    :  %9.6f\n", ann->cascade_change_fraction);
-	printf("Cascade stagnation epochs  :%4d\n", ann->cascade_stagnation_epochs);
-	printf("Cascade no. of candidates  :%4d\n", fann_get_cascade_num_candidates(ann));
-#define FANN_GET(type, name) \
-FANN_EXTERNAL type FANN_API fann_get_ ## name(struct fann *ann) \
-{ \
-	return ann->name; \
-#define FANN_SET(type, name) \
-FANN_EXTERNAL void FANN_API fann_set_ ## name(struct fann *ann, type value) \
-{ \
-	ann->name = value; \
-#define FANN_GET_SET(type, name) \
-FANN_GET(type, name) \
-FANN_SET(type, name)
-FANN_GET_SET(enum fann_train_enum, training_algorithm)
-FANN_GET_SET(float, learning_rate)
-FANN_EXTERNAL void FANN_API fann_set_activation_function_hidden(struct fann *ann,
-																enum fann_activationfunc_enum activation_function)
-	struct fann_neuron *last_neuron, *neuron_it;
-	struct fann_layer *layer_it;
-	struct fann_layer *last_layer = ann->last_layer - 1;	/* -1 to not update the output layer */
-	for(layer_it = ann->first_layer + 1; layer_it != last_layer; layer_it++)
-	{
-		last_neuron = layer_it->last_neuron;
-		for(neuron_it = layer_it->first_neuron; neuron_it != last_neuron; neuron_it++)
-		{
-			neuron_it->activation_function = activation_function;
-		}
-	}
-FANN_EXTERNAL void FANN_API fann_set_activation_function_output(struct fann *ann,
-																enum fann_activationfunc_enum activation_function)
-	struct fann_neuron *last_neuron, *neuron_it;
-	struct fann_layer *last_layer = ann->last_layer - 1;
-	last_neuron = last_layer->last_neuron;
-	for(neuron_it = last_layer->first_neuron; neuron_it != last_neuron; neuron_it++)
-	{
-		neuron_it->activation_function = activation_function;
-	}
-FANN_EXTERNAL void FANN_API fann_set_activation_steepness_hidden(struct fann *ann,
-																 fann_type steepness)
-	struct fann_neuron *last_neuron, *neuron_it;
-	struct fann_layer *layer_it;
-	struct fann_layer *last_layer = ann->last_layer - 1;	/* -1 to not update the output layer */
-	for(layer_it = ann->first_layer + 1; layer_it != last_layer; layer_it++)
-	{
-		last_neuron = layer_it->last_neuron;
-		for(neuron_it = layer_it->first_neuron; neuron_it != last_neuron; neuron_it++)
-		{
-			neuron_it->activation_steepness = steepness;
-		}
-	}
-FANN_EXTERNAL void FANN_API fann_set_activation_steepness_output(struct fann *ann,
-																 fann_type steepness)
-	struct fann_neuron *last_neuron, *neuron_it;
-	struct fann_layer *last_layer = ann->last_layer - 1;
-	last_neuron = last_layer->last_neuron;
-	for(neuron_it = last_layer->first_neuron; neuron_it != last_neuron; neuron_it++)
-	{
-		neuron_it->activation_steepness = steepness;
-	}
-FANN_GET(unsigned int, num_input)
-FANN_GET(unsigned int, num_output)
-FANN_EXTERNAL unsigned int FANN_API fann_get_total_neurons(struct fann *ann)
-	if(ann->shortcut_connections)
-	{
-		return ann->total_neurons;
-	}
-	else
-	{
-		/* -1, because there is always an unused bias neuron in the last layer */
-		return ann->total_neurons - 1;
-	}
-FANN_GET(unsigned int, total_connections)
-FANN_GET_SET(enum fann_errorfunc_enum, train_error_function)
-FANN_GET_SET(float, quickprop_decay)
-FANN_GET_SET(float, quickprop_mu)
-FANN_GET_SET(float, rprop_increase_factor)
-FANN_GET_SET(float, rprop_decrease_factor)
-FANN_GET_SET(float, rprop_delta_min)
-FANN_GET_SET(float, rprop_delta_max)
-FANN_GET_SET(enum fann_stopfunc_enum, train_stop_function)
-FANN_EXTERNAL unsigned int FANN_API fann_get_cascade_num_candidates(struct fann *ann)
-	return ann->cascade_activation_functions_count *
-		ann->cascade_activation_steepnesses_count *
-		ann->cascade_num_candidate_groups;
-FANN_GET_SET(float, cascade_change_fraction)
-FANN_GET_SET(unsigned int, cascade_stagnation_epochs)
-FANN_GET_SET(unsigned int, cascade_num_candidate_groups)
-FANN_GET_SET(fann_type, cascade_weight_multiplier)
-FANN_GET_SET(fann_type, cascade_candidate_limit)
-FANN_GET_SET(unsigned int, cascade_max_out_epochs)
-FANN_GET_SET(unsigned int, cascade_max_cand_epochs)
-FANN_GET(unsigned int, cascade_activation_functions_count)
-FANN_GET(enum fann_activationfunc_enum *, cascade_activation_functions)
-FANN_EXTERNAL void fann_set_cascade_activation_functions(struct fann *ann,
-														 enum fann_activationfunc_enum *
-														 cascade_activation_functions,
-														 unsigned int 
-														 cascade_activation_functions_count)
-	if(ann->cascade_activation_functions_count != cascade_activation_functions_count)
-	{
-		ann->cascade_activation_functions_count = cascade_activation_functions_count;
-		/* reallocate mem */
-		ann->cascade_activation_functions = 
-			(enum fann_activationfunc_enum *)realloc(ann->cascade_activation_functions, 
-			ann->cascade_activation_functions_count * sizeof(enum fann_activationfunc_enum));
-		if(ann->cascade_activation_functions == NULL)
-		{
-			fann_error((struct fann_error*)ann, FANN_E_CANT_ALLOCATE_MEM);
-			return;
-		}
-	}
-	memmove(ann->cascade_activation_functions, cascade_activation_functions, 
-		ann->cascade_activation_functions_count * sizeof(enum fann_activationfunc_enum));
-FANN_GET(unsigned int, cascade_activation_steepnesses_count)
-FANN_GET(fann_type *, cascade_activation_steepnesses)
-FANN_EXTERNAL void fann_set_cascade_activation_steepnesses(struct fann *ann,
-														   fann_type *
-														   cascade_activation_steepnesses,
-														   unsigned int 
-														   cascade_activation_steepnesses_count)
-	if(ann->cascade_activation_steepnesses_count != cascade_activation_steepnesses_count)
-	{
-		ann->cascade_activation_steepnesses_count = cascade_activation_steepnesses_count;
-		/* reallocate mem */
-		ann->cascade_activation_steepnesses = 
-			(fann_type *)realloc(ann->cascade_activation_steepnesses, 
-			ann->cascade_activation_steepnesses_count * sizeof(fann_type));
-		if(ann->cascade_activation_steepnesses == NULL)
-		{
-			fann_error((struct fann_error*)ann, FANN_E_CANT_ALLOCATE_MEM);
-			return;
-		}
-	}
-	memmove(ann->cascade_activation_steepnesses, cascade_activation_steepnesses, 
-		ann->cascade_activation_steepnesses_count * sizeof(fann_type));
-FANN_GET(unsigned int, decimal_point)
-FANN_GET(unsigned int, multiplier)
-   Adjust the steepwise functions (if used)
-void fann_update_stepwise(struct fann *ann)
-	unsigned int i = 0;
-	/* Calculate the parameters for the stepwise linear
-	 * sigmoid function fixed point.
-	 * Using a rewritten sigmoid function.
-	 * results 0.005, 0.05, 0.25, 0.75, 0.95, 0.995
-	 */
-	ann->sigmoid_results[0] = fann_max((fann_type) (ann->multiplier / 200.0 + 0.5), 1);
-	ann->sigmoid_results[1] = (fann_type) (ann->multiplier / 20.0 + 0.5);
-	ann->sigmoid_results[2] = (fann_type) (ann->multiplier / 4.0 + 0.5);
-	ann->sigmoid_results[3] = ann->multiplier - (fann_type) (ann->multiplier / 4.0 + 0.5);
-	ann->sigmoid_results[4] = ann->multiplier - (fann_type) (ann->multiplier / 20.0 + 0.5);
-	ann->sigmoid_results[5] =
-		fann_min(ann->multiplier - (fann_type) (ann->multiplier / 200.0 + 0.5),
-				 ann->multiplier - 1);
-	ann->sigmoid_symmetric_results[0] =
-		fann_max((fann_type) ((ann->multiplier / 100.0) - ann->multiplier - 0.5),
-				 (fann_type) (1 - (fann_type) ann->multiplier));
-	ann->sigmoid_symmetric_results[1] =
-		(fann_type) ((ann->multiplier / 10.0) - ann->multiplier - 0.5);
-	ann->sigmoid_symmetric_results[2] =
-		(fann_type) ((ann->multiplier / 2.0) - ann->multiplier - 0.5);
-	ann->sigmoid_symmetric_results[3] = ann->multiplier - (fann_type) (ann->multiplier / 2.0 + 0.5);
-	ann->sigmoid_symmetric_results[4] =
-		ann->multiplier - (fann_type) (ann->multiplier / 10.0 + 0.5);
-	ann->sigmoid_symmetric_results[5] =
-		fann_min(ann->multiplier - (fann_type) (ann->multiplier / 100.0 + 1.0),
-				 ann->multiplier - 1);
-	for(i = 0; i < 6; i++)
-	{
-		ann->sigmoid_values[i] =
-			(fann_type) (((log(ann->multiplier / (float) ann->sigmoid_results[i] - 1) *
-						   (float) ann->multiplier) / -2.0) * (float) ann->multiplier);
-		ann->sigmoid_symmetric_values[i] =
-			(fann_type) (((log
-						   ((ann->multiplier -
-							 (float) ann->sigmoid_symmetric_results[i]) /
-							((float) ann->sigmoid_symmetric_results[i] +
-							 ann->multiplier)) * (float) ann->multiplier) / -2.0) *
-						 (float) ann->multiplier);
-	}
diff --git a/src/fann_train.c b/src/fann_train.c
index d3d9728..7cef28b 100644
--- a/src/fann_train.c
+++ b/src/fann_train.c
@@ -770,3 +770,75 @@ void fann_update_weights_irpropm(struct fann *ann, unsigned int first_weight, un
+FANN_GET_SET(enum fann_train_enum, training_algorithm)
+FANN_GET_SET(float, learning_rate)
+FANN_EXTERNAL void FANN_API fann_set_activation_function_hidden(struct fann *ann,
+																enum fann_activationfunc_enum activation_function)
+	struct fann_neuron *last_neuron, *neuron_it;
+	struct fann_layer *layer_it;
+	struct fann_layer *last_layer = ann->last_layer - 1;	/* -1 to not update the output layer */
+	for(layer_it = ann->first_layer + 1; layer_it != last_layer; layer_it++)
+	{
+		last_neuron = layer_it->last_neuron;
+		for(neuron_it = layer_it->first_neuron; neuron_it != last_neuron; neuron_it++)
+		{
+			neuron_it->activation_function = activation_function;
+		}
+	}
+FANN_EXTERNAL void FANN_API fann_set_activation_function_output(struct fann *ann,
+																enum fann_activationfunc_enum activation_function)
+	struct fann_neuron *last_neuron, *neuron_it;
+	struct fann_layer *last_layer = ann->last_layer - 1;
+	last_neuron = last_layer->last_neuron;
+	for(neuron_it = last_layer->first_neuron; neuron_it != last_neuron; neuron_it++)
+	{
+		neuron_it->activation_function = activation_function;
+	}
+FANN_EXTERNAL void FANN_API fann_set_activation_steepness_hidden(struct fann *ann,
+																 fann_type steepness)
+	struct fann_neuron *last_neuron, *neuron_it;
+	struct fann_layer *layer_it;
+	struct fann_layer *last_layer = ann->last_layer - 1;	/* -1 to not update the output layer */
+	for(layer_it = ann->first_layer + 1; layer_it != last_layer; layer_it++)
+	{
+		last_neuron = layer_it->last_neuron;
+		for(neuron_it = layer_it->first_neuron; neuron_it != last_neuron; neuron_it++)
+		{
+			neuron_it->activation_steepness = steepness;
+		}
+	}
+FANN_EXTERNAL void FANN_API fann_set_activation_steepness_output(struct fann *ann,
+																 fann_type steepness)
+	struct fann_neuron *last_neuron, *neuron_it;
+	struct fann_layer *last_layer = ann->last_layer - 1;
+	last_neuron = last_layer->last_neuron;
+	for(neuron_it = last_layer->first_neuron; neuron_it != last_neuron; neuron_it++)
+	{
+		neuron_it->activation_steepness = steepness;
+	}
+FANN_GET_SET(enum fann_errorfunc_enum, train_error_function)
+FANN_GET_SET(float, quickprop_decay)
+FANN_GET_SET(float, quickprop_mu)
+FANN_GET_SET(float, rprop_increase_factor)
+FANN_GET_SET(float, rprop_decrease_factor)
+FANN_GET_SET(float, rprop_delta_min)
+FANN_GET_SET(float, rprop_delta_max)
+FANN_GET_SET(enum fann_stopfunc_enum, train_stop_function)
diff --git a/src/fixedfann.c b/src/fixedfann.c
index 9878803..b6536c2 100644
--- a/src/fixedfann.c
+++ b/src/fixedfann.c
@@ -25,6 +25,5 @@ Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA
 #include "fann_io.c"
 #include "fann_train.c"
 #include "fann_train_data.c"
-#include "fann_options.c"
 #include "fann_error.c"
 #include "fann_cascade.c"
diff --git a/src/floatfann.c b/src/floatfann.c
index baa4cc5..bd74136 100644
--- a/src/floatfann.c
+++ b/src/floatfann.c
@@ -25,6 +25,5 @@ Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA
 #include "fann_io.c"
 #include "fann_train.c"
 #include "fann_train_data.c"
-#include "fann_options.c"
 #include "fann_error.c"
 #include "fann_cascade.c"
diff --git a/src/include/fann.h b/src/include/fann.h
index 2d18762..ee522fc 100644
--- a/src/include/fann.h
+++ b/src/include/fann.h
@@ -22,6 +22,8 @@ Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA
    NOT be included directly. If included directly it will react as if
    floatfann.h was included.
+/* Package: FANN Create/Destroy */
 /* just to allow for inclusion of fann.h in normal stuations where only floats are needed */ 
@@ -125,10 +127,17 @@ extern "C"
 #define FANN_API
 #endif	/* _MSC_VER */
 /* ----- End of macros used to define DLL external entrypoints ----- */ 

+#include "fann_train.h"
+#include "fann_train_data.h"
+#include "fann_cascade.h"
+#include "fann_error.h"
+#include "fann_io.h"
 /* ----- Implemented in fann.c Creation, running and destruction of ANNs ----- */ 
-/* Constructs a backpropagation neural network, from an connection rate,
+/* Function: fann_create
+   Constructs a backpropagation neural network, from an connection rate,
    a learning rate, the number of layers and the number of neurons in each
    of the layers.
@@ -140,470 +149,115 @@ extern "C"
    and this bias neuron will be connected to all neurons in the next layer.
    When running the network, the bias nodes always emits 1
-  FANN_EXTERNAL struct fann *FANN_API fann_create(float connection_rate, float learning_rate, 
+FANN_EXTERNAL struct fann *FANN_API fann_create(float connection_rate, float learning_rate, 
 												  /* the number of layers, including the input and output layer */ 
 												  unsigned int num_layers, 
 												  /* the number of neurons in each of the layers, starting with
 												   * the input layer and ending with the output layer */ 

-/* Just like fann_create, but with an array of layer sizes
+/* Function: fann_create_array
+   Just like fann_create, but with an array of layer sizes
    instead of individual parameters.
 FANN_EXTERNAL struct fann *FANN_API fann_create_array(float connection_rate, float learning_rate,
 													  unsigned int num_layers,
 													  unsigned int *layers);

-/* create a fully connected neural network with shortcut connections.
+/* Function: fann_create_shortcut
+   create a fully connected neural network with shortcut connections.
 FANN_EXTERNAL struct fann *FANN_API fann_create_shortcut(float learning_rate,
unsigned int num_layers, 
-/* the number of layers, including the input and output layer */
+														 unsigned int num_layers, 
 /* the number of neurons in each of the layers, starting with the input layer and ending with the output layer */

-/* create a neural network with shortcut connections.
+/* Function: fann_create_shortcut_array
+   create a neural network with shortcut connections.
 FANN_EXTERNAL struct fann *FANN_API fann_create_shortcut_array(float learning_rate,
 															   unsigned int num_layers,
 															   unsigned int *layers);

-/* Runs a input through the network, and returns the output.
+/* Function: fann_run
+   Runs a input through the network, and returns the output.
 FANN_EXTERNAL fann_type * FANN_API fann_run(struct fann *ann, fann_type * input);

-/* Destructs the entire network.
+/* Function: fann_destroy
+   Destructs the entire network.
    Be sure to call this function after finished using the network.
 FANN_EXTERNAL void FANN_API fann_destroy(struct fann *ann);

-/* Randomize weights (from the beginning the weights are random between -0.1 and 0.1)
+/* Function: fann_randomize_weights
+   Randomize weights (from the beginning the weights are random between -0.1 and 0.1)
 FANN_EXTERNAL void FANN_API fann_randomize_weights(struct fann *ann, fann_type min_weight,
 												   fann_type max_weight);

-/* Initialize the weights using Widrow + Nguyen's algorithm.
+/* Function: fann_init_weights
+   Initialize the weights using Widrow + Nguyen's algorithm.
 FANN_EXTERNAL void FANN_API fann_init_weights(struct fann *ann, struct fann_train_data *train_data);

-/* print out which connections there are in the ann */ 
+/* Function: fann_print_connections
+   print out which connections there are in the ann */ 
 FANN_EXTERNAL void FANN_API fann_print_connections(struct fann *ann);

-/* ----- Implemented in fann_io.c Saving and loading of ANNs ----- */ 
-/* Constructs a backpropagation neural network from a configuration file.
- */ 
-FANN_EXTERNAL struct fann *FANN_API fann_create_from_file(const char *configuration_file);

-/* Save the entire network to a configuration file.
- */ 
-FANN_EXTERNAL void FANN_API fann_save(struct fann *ann, const char *configuration_file);

-/* Saves the entire network to a configuration file.
-   But it is saved in fixed point format no matter which
-   format it is currently in.
-   This is usefull for training a network in floating points,
-   and then later executing it in fixed point.
-   The function returns the bit position of the fix point, which
-   can be used to find out how accurate the fixed point network will be.
-   A high value indicates high precision, and a low value indicates low
-   precision.
-   A negative value indicates very low precision, and a very
-   strong possibility for overflow.
-   (the actual fix point will be set to 0, since a negative
-   fix point does not make sence).
-   Generally, a fix point lower than 6 is bad, and should be avoided.
-   The best way to avoid this, is to have less connections to each neuron,
-   or just less neurons in each layer.
-   The fixed point use of this network is only intended for use on machines that
-   have no floating point processor, like an iPAQ. On normal computers the floating
-   point version is actually faster.
-FANN_EXTERNAL int FANN_API fann_save_to_fixed(struct fann *ann, const char *configuration_file);

-/* ----- Implemented in fann_train.c Training and testing of ANNs ----- */ 
-#ifndef FIXEDFANN
-/* Train one iteration with a set of inputs, and a set of desired outputs.
- */ 
-FANN_EXTERNAL void FANN_API fann_train(struct fann *ann, fann_type * input,
-									   fann_type * desired_output);
-#endif	/* NOT FIXEDFANN */
-/* Test with a set of inputs, and a set of desired outputs.
-   This operation updates the mean square error, but does not
-   change the network in any way.
-	FANN_EXTERNAL fann_type * FANN_API fann_test(struct fann *ann, fann_type * input,
-												 fann_type * desired_output);

-/* Reads the mean square error from the network.
-   (obsolete will be removed at some point, use fann_get_MSE)
- */ 
-FANN_EXTERNAL float FANN_API fann_get_error(struct fann *ann);

-/* Reads the mean square error from the network.
- */ 
-FANN_EXTERNAL float FANN_API fann_get_MSE(struct fann *ann);

-/* Resets the mean square error from the network.
-   (obsolete will be removed at some point, use fann_reset_MSE)
- */ 
-FANN_EXTERNAL void FANN_API fann_reset_error(struct fann *ann);

-/* Resets the mean square error from the network.
- */ 
-FANN_EXTERNAL void FANN_API fann_reset_MSE(struct fann *ann);

-/* ----- Implemented in fann_train_data.c Data for training of ANNs ----- */ 
-/* Reads a file that stores training data, in the format:
-   num_train_data num_input num_output\n
-   inputdata seperated by space\n
-   outputdata seperated by space\n
-   .
-   .
-   .
-   inputdata seperated by space\n
-   outputdata seperated by space\n
-FANN_EXTERNAL struct fann_train_data *FANN_API fann_read_train_from_file(char *filename);

-/* Destructs the training data
-   Be sure to call this function after finished using the training data.
- */ 
-FANN_EXTERNAL void FANN_API fann_destroy_train(struct fann_train_data *train_data);

-#ifndef FIXEDFANN
-/* Train one epoch with a set of training data.
- */ 
-FANN_EXTERNAL float FANN_API fann_train_epoch(struct fann *ann, struct fann_train_data *data);

-/* Test a set of training data and calculate the MSE
- */ 
-FANN_EXTERNAL float FANN_API fann_test_data(struct fann *ann, struct fann_train_data *data);

-/* Function: fann_train_on_data
+/* Group: Parameters */

+/* Function: fann_print_parameters
-   Trains on an entire dataset, for a maximum of max_epochs
-   epochs or until mean square error is lower than desired_error.
-   Reports about the progress is given every
-   epochs_between_reports epochs.
-   If epochs_between_reports is zero, no reports are given.
-FANN_EXTERNAL void FANN_API fann_train_on_data(struct fann *ann, struct fann_train_data *data,
-											   unsigned int max_epochs,
-											   unsigned int epochs_between_reports,
-											   float desired_error);

-/* Function: fann_train_on_data_callback
-   Same as fann_train_on_data, but a callback function is given,
-   which can be used to print out reports. (effective for gui programming).
-   If the callback returns -1, then the training is terminated, otherwise
-   it continues until the normal stop criteria.
-FANN_EXTERNAL void FANN_API fann_train_on_data_callback(struct fann *ann,
-														struct fann_train_data *data,
-														unsigned int max_epochs,
-														unsigned int epochs_between_reports,
-														float desired_error,
-														int (FANN_API *
-															 callback) (unsigned int epochs,
-																		float error));

-/* Does the same as train_on_data, but reads the data directly from a file.
- */ 
-FANN_EXTERNAL void FANN_API fann_train_on_file(struct fann *ann, char *filename,
-											   unsigned int max_epochs,
-											   unsigned int epochs_between_reports,
-											   float desired_error);

-/* Does the same as train_on_data_callback, but
-   reads the data directly from a file.
- */ 
-FANN_EXTERNAL void FANN_API fann_train_on_file_callback(struct fann *ann, char *filename,
-														unsigned int max_epochs,
-														unsigned int epochs_between_reports,
-														float desired_error,
-														int (FANN_API *
-															 callback) (unsigned int epochs,
-																		float error));

-/* shuffles training data, randomizing the order
- */ 
-FANN_EXTERNAL void FANN_API fann_shuffle_train_data(struct fann_train_data *train_data);

-/* Scales the inputs in the training data to the specified range
- */ 
-FANN_EXTERNAL void FANN_API fann_scale_input_train_data(struct fann_train_data *train_data,
-														fann_type new_min, fann_type new_max);

-/* Scales the inputs in the training data to the specified range
- */ 
-FANN_EXTERNAL void FANN_API fann_scale_output_train_data(struct fann_train_data *train_data,
-														 fann_type new_min, fann_type new_max);

-/* Scales the inputs in the training data to the specified range
- */ 
-FANN_EXTERNAL void FANN_API fann_scale_train_data(struct fann_train_data *train_data,
-												  fann_type new_min, fann_type new_max);

-/* merges training data into a single struct.
- */ 
-FANN_EXTERNAL struct fann_train_data *FANN_API fann_merge_train_data(struct fann_train_data *data1,
-																	 struct fann_train_data *data2);

-/* return a copy of a fann_train_data struct
- */ 
-FANN_EXTERNAL struct fann_train_data *FANN_API fann_duplicate_train_data(struct fann_train_data
-																		 *data);

-#endif	/* NOT FIXEDFANN */
-/* Save the training structure to a file.
- */ 
-FANN_EXTERNAL void FANN_API fann_save_train(struct fann_train_data *data, char *filename);

-/* Saves the training structure to a fixed point data file.
- *  (Very usefull for testing the quality of a fixed point network).
- */ 
-FANN_EXTERNAL void FANN_API fann_save_train_to_fixed(struct fann_train_data *data, char *filename,
-													 unsigned int decimal_point);

-/* ----- Implemented in fann_cascade.c Used to train the ANN with cascade correlation ----- */ 
-FANN_EXTERNAL void fann_cascadetrain_on_data_callback(struct fann *ann,
-													  struct fann_train_data *data,
-													  float desired_error,
-													  int (*callback) (unsigned int epochs,
-																	   float error),
-													  unsigned int max_out_epochs,
-													  unsigned int neurons_between_reports);

-/* ----- Implemented in fann_options.c Get and set options for the ANNs ----- */ 
-/* Prints all of the parameters and options of the ANN */ 
-FANN_EXTERNAL void FANN_API fann_print_parameters(struct fann *ann);

-/* Get the training algorithm.
- */ 
-FANN_EXTERNAL enum fann_train_enum FANN_API fann_get_training_algorithm(struct fann *ann);

-/* Set the training algorithm.
- */ 
-FANN_EXTERNAL void FANN_API fann_set_training_algorithm(struct fann *ann,
-														enum fann_train_enum training_algorithm);

-/* Get the learning rate.
- */ 
-FANN_EXTERNAL float FANN_API fann_get_learning_rate(struct fann *ann);

-/* Set the learning rate.
- */ 
-FANN_EXTERNAL void FANN_API fann_set_learning_rate(struct fann *ann, float learning_rate);

-/* Set the activation function for the hidden layers.
- */ 
-FANN_EXTERNAL void FANN_API fann_set_activation_function_hidden(struct fann *ann,
-																enum fann_activationfunc_enum
-																activation_function);

-/* Set the activation function for the output layer.
- */ 
-FANN_EXTERNAL void FANN_API fann_set_activation_function_output(struct fann *ann,
-																enum fann_activationfunc_enum
-																activation_function);
/* Set the steepness of the sigmoid function used in the hidden layers.
-   Only usefull if sigmoid function is used in the hidden layers (default 0.5).
- */ 
-FANN_EXTERNAL void FANN_API fann_set_activation_steepness_hidden(struct fann *ann,
-																 fann_type steepness);

-/* Set the steepness of the sigmoid function used in the output layer.
-   Only usefull if sigmoid function is used in the output layer (default 0.5).
- */ 
-FANN_EXTERNAL void FANN_API fann_set_activation_steepness_output(struct fann *ann,
-																 fann_type steepness);
+   Prints all of the parameters and options of the ANN */ 
+FANN_EXTERNAL void FANN_API fann_print_parameters(struct fann *ann);
-/* Set the error function used during training. (default FANN_ERRORFUNC_TANH)
- */ 
-FANN_EXTERNAL void FANN_API fann_set_train_error_function(struct fann *ann,
-														  enum fann_errorfunc_enum 
-														  train_error_function);
+/* Function: fann_get_num_input
-/* Get the error function used during training.
+   Get the number of input neurons.
-FANN_EXTERNAL enum fann_errorfunc_enum FANN_API fann_get_train_error_function(struct fann *ann);
+FANN_EXTERNAL unsigned int FANN_API fann_get_num_input(struct fann *ann);
+/* Function: fann_get_num_output
-/* Set the stop function used during training. (default FANN_STOPFUNC_MSE)
+   Get the number of output neurons.
-FANN_EXTERNAL void FANN_API fann_set_train_stop_function(struct fann *ann,
-														 enum fann_stopfunc_enum train_stop_function);
+FANN_EXTERNAL unsigned int FANN_API fann_get_num_output(struct fann *ann);
-/* Get the stop function used during training.
- */ 
-FANN_EXTERNAL enum fann_stopfunc_enum FANN_API fann_get_train_stop_function(struct fann *ann);

-/* Decay is used to make the weights do not go so high (default -0.0001). */ 
-FANN_EXTERNAL float FANN_API fann_get_quickprop_decay(struct fann *ann);

-/* Decay is used to make the weights do not go so high (default -0.0001). */ 
-FANN_EXTERNAL void FANN_API fann_set_quickprop_decay(struct fann *ann, float quickprop_decay);

-/* Mu is a factor used to increase and decrease the stepsize (default 1.75). */ 
-FANN_EXTERNAL float FANN_API fann_get_quickprop_mu(struct fann *ann);

-/* Mu is a factor used to increase and decrease the stepsize (default 1.75). */ 
-FANN_EXTERNAL void FANN_API fann_set_quickprop_mu(struct fann *ann, float quickprop_mu);

-/* Tells how much the stepsize should increase during learning (default 1.2). */ 
-FANN_EXTERNAL float FANN_API fann_get_rprop_increase_factor(struct fann *ann);

-/* Tells how much the stepsize should increase during learning (default 1.2). */ 
-FANN_EXTERNAL void FANN_API fann_set_rprop_increase_factor(struct fann *ann,
-														   float rprop_increase_factor);

-/* Tells how much the stepsize should decrease during learning (default 0.5). */ 
-FANN_EXTERNAL float FANN_API fann_get_rprop_decrease_factor(struct fann *ann);

-/* Tells how much the stepsize should decrease during learning (default 0.5). */ 
-FANN_EXTERNAL void FANN_API fann_set_rprop_decrease_factor(struct fann *ann,
-														   float rprop_decrease_factor);

-/* The minimum stepsize (default 0.0). */ 
-FANN_EXTERNAL float FANN_API fann_get_rprop_delta_min(struct fann *ann);

-/* The minimum stepsize (default 0.0). */ 
-FANN_EXTERNAL void FANN_API fann_set_rprop_delta_min(struct fann *ann, float rprop_delta_min);

-/* The maximum stepsize (default 50.0). */ 
-FANN_EXTERNAL float FANN_API fann_get_rprop_delta_max(struct fann *ann);

-/* The maximum stepsize (default 50.0). */ 
-FANN_EXTERNAL void FANN_API fann_set_rprop_delta_max(struct fann *ann, float rprop_delta_max);

-/* Get the number of input neurons.
- */ 
-FANN_EXTERNAL unsigned int FANN_API fann_get_num_input(struct fann *ann);

-/* Get the number of output neurons.
- */ 
-FANN_EXTERNAL unsigned int FANN_API fann_get_num_output(struct fann *ann);

-/* Get the total number of neurons in the entire network.
- */ 
-FANN_EXTERNAL unsigned int FANN_API fann_get_total_neurons(struct fann *ann);

-/* Get the total number of connections in the entire network.
+/* Function: fann_get_total_neurons
+   Get the total number of neurons in the entire network.
-FANN_EXTERNAL unsigned int FANN_API fann_get_total_connections(struct fann *ann);
+FANN_EXTERNAL unsigned int FANN_API fann_get_total_neurons(struct fann *ann);
-/* Function: fann_get_cascade_num_candidates
-   The number of candidates (calculated from cascade_activation_functions_count,
-   cascade_activation_steepnesses_count and cascade_num_candidate_groups). 
+/* Function: fann_get_total_connections
+   Get the total number of connections in the entire network.
-FANN_EXTERNAL unsigned int FANN_API fann_get_cascade_num_candidates(struct fann *ann);
-FANN_EXTERNAL float FANN_API fann_get_cascade_change_fraction(struct fann *ann);
-FANN_EXTERNAL void FANN_API fann_set_cascade_change_fraction(struct fann *ann, 
-															 float cascade_change_fraction);
-FANN_EXTERNAL unsigned int FANN_API fann_get_cascade_stagnation_epochs(struct fann *ann);
-FANN_EXTERNAL void FANN_API fann_set_cascade_stagnation_epochs(struct fann *ann, 
-															 unsigned int cascade_stagnation_epochs);
FANN_EXTERNAL unsigned int FANN_API fann_get_cascade_num_candidate_groups(struct fann *ann);
-FANN_EXTERNAL void FANN_API fann_set_cascade_num_candidate_groups(struct fann *ann, 
-															 unsigned int cascade_num_candidate_groups);
-FANN_EXTERNAL fann_type FANN_API fann_get_cascade_weight_multiplier(struct fann *ann);
-FANN_EXTERNAL void FANN_API fann_set_cascade_weight_multiplier(struct fann *ann, 
-															 fann_type cascade_weight_multiplier);
-FANN_EXTERNAL fann_type FANN_API fann_get_cascade_candidate_limit(struct fann *ann);
-FANN_EXTERNAL void FANN_API fann_set_cascade_candidate_limit(struct fann *ann, 
-															 fann_type cascade_candidate_limit);
-FANN_EXTERNAL unsigned int FANN_API fann_get_cascade_max_out_epochs(struct fann *ann);
-FANN_EXTERNAL void FANN_API fann_set_cascade_max_out_epochs(struct fann *ann, 
-															 unsigned int cascade_max_out_epochs);
-FANN_EXTERNAL unsigned int FANN_API fann_get_cascade_max_cand_epochs(struct fann *ann);
-FANN_EXTERNAL void FANN_API fann_set_cascade_max_cand_epochs(struct fann *ann, 
-															 unsigned int cascade_max_cand_epochs);
-FANN_EXTERNAL unsigned int FANN_API fann_get_cascade_activation_functions_count(struct fann *ann);
-FANN_EXTERNAL enum fann_activationfunc_enum * FANN_API fann_get_cascade_activation_functions(
-															struct fann *ann);
-FANN_EXTERNAL void fann_set_cascade_activation_functions(struct fann *ann,
-														 enum fann_activationfunc_enum *
-														 cascade_activation_functions,
-														 unsigned int 
-														 cascade_activation_functions_count);
-FANN_EXTERNAL unsigned int FANN_API fann_get_cascade_activation_steepnesses_count(struct fann *ann);
-FANN_EXTERNAL fann_type * FANN_API fann_get_cascade_activation_steepnesses(struct fann *ann);
-FANN_EXTERNAL void fann_set_cascade_activation_steepnesses(struct fann *ann,
-														   fann_type *
-														   cascade_activation_steepnesses,
-														   unsigned int 
-														   cascade_activation_steepnesses_count);

+FANN_EXTERNAL unsigned int FANN_API fann_get_total_connections(struct fann *ann);
-/* returns the position of the decimal point.
+/* Function: fann_get_decimal_point
+   returns the position of the decimal point.
-FANN_EXTERNAL unsigned int FANN_API fann_get_decimal_point(struct fann *ann);

-/* returns the multiplier that fix point data is multiplied with.
+FANN_EXTERNAL unsigned int FANN_API fann_get_decimal_point(struct fann *ann);
+/* Function: fann_get_multiplier
+   returns the multiplier that fix point data is multiplied with.
-FANN_EXTERNAL unsigned int FANN_API fann_get_multiplier(struct fann *ann);
+FANN_EXTERNAL unsigned int FANN_API fann_get_multiplier(struct fann *ann);
 #endif	/* FIXEDFANN */
-/* ----- Implemented in fann_error.c Access error information about the ANN ----- */ 
-/* change where errors are logged to
- */ 
-FANN_EXTERNAL void FANN_API fann_set_error_log(struct fann_error *errdat, FILE * log_file);

-/* returns the last error number
- */ 
-FANN_EXTERNAL enum fann_errno_enum FANN_API fann_get_errno(struct fann_error *errdat);

-/* resets the last error number
- */ 
-FANN_EXTERNAL void FANN_API fann_reset_errno(struct fann_error *errdat);

-/* resets the last error string
- */ 
-FANN_EXTERNAL void FANN_API fann_reset_errstr(struct fann_error *errdat);

-/* returns the last errstr.
- * This function calls fann_reset_errno and fann_reset_errstr
- */ 
-FANN_EXTERNAL char *FANN_API fann_get_errstr(struct fann_error *errdat);

-/* prints the last error to stderr
- */ 
-FANN_EXTERNAL void FANN_API fann_print_error(struct fann_error *errdat);

 #ifdef __cplusplus
 #ifndef __cplusplus
 /* to fool automatic indention engines */ 
diff --git a/src/include/fann_cascade.h b/src/include/fann_cascade.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..29e2437
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/include/fann_cascade.h
@@ -0,0 +1,162 @@
+Fast Artificial Neural Network Library (fann)
+Copyright (C) 2003 Steffen Nissen (lukesky at diku.dk)
+This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
+License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
+version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+Lesser General Public License for more details.
+You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
+License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
+Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA
+#ifndef __fann_cascade_h__
+#define __fann_cascade_h__
+/* Package: FANN Cascade Training
+   test info about cascade training
+/* Group: Functions */
+/* Function: fann_cascadetrain_on_data_callback
+FANN_EXTERNAL void fann_cascadetrain_on_data_callback(struct fann *ann,
+													  struct fann_train_data *data,
+													  float desired_error,
+													  int (*callback) (unsigned int epochs,
+																	   float error),
+													  unsigned int max_out_epochs,
+													  unsigned int neurons_between_reports);
+/* Group: Parameters */
+/* Function: fann_get_cascade_num_candidates
+   The number of candidates (calculated from cascade_activation_functions_count,
+   cascade_activation_steepnesses_count and cascade_num_candidate_groups). 
+ */ 
+FANN_EXTERNAL unsigned int FANN_API fann_get_cascade_num_candidates(struct fann *ann);
+/* Function: fann_get_cascade_change_fraction
+ */
+FANN_EXTERNAL float FANN_API fann_get_cascade_change_fraction(struct fann *ann);
+/* Function: fann_set_cascade_change_fraction
+ */
+FANN_EXTERNAL void FANN_API fann_set_cascade_change_fraction(struct fann *ann, 
+															 float cascade_change_fraction);
+/* Function: fann_get_cascade_stagnation_epochs
+ */
+FANN_EXTERNAL unsigned int FANN_API fann_get_cascade_stagnation_epochs(struct fann *ann);
+/* Function: fann_set_cascade_stagnation_epochs
+ */
+FANN_EXTERNAL void FANN_API fann_set_cascade_stagnation_epochs(struct fann *ann, 
+															 unsigned int cascade_stagnation_epochs);
+/* Function: fann_get_cascade_num_candidate_groups
+ */
+FANN_EXTERNAL unsigned int FANN_API fann_get_cascade_num_candidate_groups(struct fann *ann);
+/* Function: fann_set_cascade_num_candidate_groups
+ */
+FANN_EXTERNAL void FANN_API fann_set_cascade_num_candidate_groups(struct fann *ann, 
+															 unsigned int cascade_num_candidate_groups);
+/* Function: fann_get_cascade_weight_multiplier
+ */
+FANN_EXTERNAL fann_type FANN_API fann_get_cascade_weight_multiplier(struct fann *ann);
+/* Function: fann_set_cascade_weight_multiplier
+ */
+FANN_EXTERNAL void FANN_API fann_set_cascade_weight_multiplier(struct fann *ann, 
+															 fann_type cascade_weight_multiplier);
+/* Function: fann_get_cascade_candidate_limit
+ */
+FANN_EXTERNAL fann_type FANN_API fann_get_cascade_candidate_limit(struct fann *ann);
+/* Function: fann_set_cascade_candidate_limit
+ */
+FANN_EXTERNAL void FANN_API fann_set_cascade_candidate_limit(struct fann *ann, 
+															 fann_type cascade_candidate_limit);
+/* Function: fann_get_cascade_max_out_epochs
+ */
+FANN_EXTERNAL unsigned int FANN_API fann_get_cascade_max_out_epochs(struct fann *ann);
+/* Function: fann_set_cascade_max_out_epochs
+ */
+FANN_EXTERNAL void FANN_API fann_set_cascade_max_out_epochs(struct fann *ann, 
+															 unsigned int cascade_max_out_epochs);
+/* Function: fann_get_cascade_max_cand_epochs
+ */
+FANN_EXTERNAL unsigned int FANN_API fann_get_cascade_max_cand_epochs(struct fann *ann);
+/* Function: fann_set_cascade_max_cand_epochs
+ */
+FANN_EXTERNAL void FANN_API fann_set_cascade_max_cand_epochs(struct fann *ann, 
+															 unsigned int cascade_max_cand_epochs);
+/* Function: fann_get_cascade_activation_functions_count
+ */
+FANN_EXTERNAL unsigned int FANN_API fann_get_cascade_activation_functions_count(struct fann *ann);
+/* Function: fann_get_cascade_activation_functions
+ */
+FANN_EXTERNAL enum fann_activationfunc_enum * FANN_API fann_get_cascade_activation_functions(
+															struct fann *ann);
+/* Function: fann_set_cascade_activation_functions
+ */
+FANN_EXTERNAL void fann_set_cascade_activation_functions(struct fann *ann,
+														 enum fann_activationfunc_enum *
+														 cascade_activation_functions,
+														 unsigned int 
+														 cascade_activation_functions_count);
+/* Function: fann_get_cascade_activation_steepnesses_count
+ */
+FANN_EXTERNAL unsigned int FANN_API fann_get_cascade_activation_steepnesses_count(struct fann *ann);
+/* Function: fann_get_cascade_activation_steepnesses
+ */
+FANN_EXTERNAL fann_type * FANN_API fann_get_cascade_activation_steepnesses(struct fann *ann);
+/* Function: fann_set_cascade_activation_steepnesses
+ */
+FANN_EXTERNAL void fann_set_cascade_activation_steepnesses(struct fann *ann,
+														   fann_type *
+														   cascade_activation_steepnesses,
+														   unsigned int 
+														   cascade_activation_steepnesses_count);
diff --git a/src/include/fann_error.h b/src/include/fann_error.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e1463fd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/include/fann_error.h
@@ -0,0 +1,67 @@
+Fast Artificial Neural Network Library (fann)
+Copyright (C) 2003 Steffen Nissen (lukesky at diku.dk)
+This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
+License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
+version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+Lesser General Public License for more details.
+You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
+License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
+Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA
+#ifndef __fann_error_h__
+#define __fann_error_h__
+/* Package: FANN Error Handling */
+/* Function: fann_set_error_log
+   change where errors are logged to
+ */ 
+FANN_EXTERNAL void FANN_API fann_set_error_log(struct fann_error *errdat, FILE * log_file);
+/* Function: fann_get_errno
+   returns the last error number
+ */ 
+FANN_EXTERNAL enum fann_errno_enum FANN_API fann_get_errno(struct fann_error *errdat);
+/* Function: fann_reset_errno
+   resets the last error number
+ */ 
+FANN_EXTERNAL void FANN_API fann_reset_errno(struct fann_error *errdat);
+/* Function: fann_reset_errstr
+   resets the last error string
+ */ 
+FANN_EXTERNAL void FANN_API fann_reset_errstr(struct fann_error *errdat);
+/* Function: fann_get_errstr
+   returns the last errstr.
+ * This function calls fann_reset_errno and fann_reset_errstr
+ */ 
+FANN_EXTERNAL char *FANN_API fann_get_errstr(struct fann_error *errdat);
+/* Function: fann_print_error
+   prints the last error to stderr
+ */ 
+FANN_EXTERNAL void FANN_API fann_print_error(struct fann_error *errdat);
diff --git a/src/include/fann_internal.h b/src/include/fann_internal.h
index 373ce1d..677aeb9 100644
--- a/src/include/fann_internal.h
+++ b/src/include/fann_internal.h
@@ -36,6 +36,23 @@ Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA
+#define FANN_GET(type, name) \
+FANN_EXTERNAL type FANN_API fann_get_ ## name(struct fann *ann) \
+{ \
+	return ann->name; \
+#define FANN_SET(type, name) \
+FANN_EXTERNAL void FANN_API fann_set_ ## name(struct fann *ann, type value) \
+{ \
+	ann->name = value; \
+#define FANN_GET_SET(type, name) \
+FANN_GET(type, name) \
+FANN_SET(type, name)
 struct fann *fann_allocate_structure(float learning_rate, unsigned int num_layers);
 void fann_allocate_neurons(struct fann *ann);
diff --git a/src/include/fann_io.h b/src/include/fann_io.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5306d41
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/include/fann_io.h
@@ -0,0 +1,65 @@
+Fast Artificial Neural Network Library (fann)
+Copyright (C) 2003 Steffen Nissen (lukesky at diku.dk)
+This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
+License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
+version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+Lesser General Public License for more details.
+You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
+License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
+Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA
+#ifndef __fann_io_h__
+#define __fann_io_h__
+/* Package: FANN Input/Output */	
+/* Function: fann_create_from_file
+   Constructs a backpropagation neural network from a configuration file.
+ */ 
+FANN_EXTERNAL struct fann *FANN_API fann_create_from_file(const char *configuration_file);
+/* Function: fann_save
+   Save the entire network to a configuration file.
+ */ 
+FANN_EXTERNAL void FANN_API fann_save(struct fann *ann, const char *configuration_file);
+/* Function: fann_save_to_fixed
+   Saves the entire network to a configuration file.
+   But it is saved in fixed point format no matter which
+   format it is currently in.
+   This is usefull for training a network in floating points,
+   and then later executing it in fixed point.
+   The function returns the bit position of the fix point, which
+   can be used to find out how accurate the fixed point network will be.
+   A high value indicates high precision, and a low value indicates low
+   precision.
+   A negative value indicates very low precision, and a very
+   strong possibility for overflow.
+   (the actual fix point will be set to 0, since a negative
+   fix point does not make sence).
+   Generally, a fix point lower than 6 is bad, and should be avoided.
+   The best way to avoid this, is to have less connections to each neuron,
+   or just less neurons in each layer.
+   The fixed point use of this network is only intended for use on machines that
+   have no floating point processor, like an iPAQ. On normal computers the floating
+   point version is actually faster.
+FANN_EXTERNAL int FANN_API fann_save_to_fixed(struct fann *ann, const char *configuration_file);
diff --git a/src/include/fann_train.h b/src/include/fann_train.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e37d7c0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/include/fann_train.h
@@ -0,0 +1,225 @@
+Fast Artificial Neural Network Library (fann)
+Copyright (C) 2003 Steffen Nissen (lukesky at diku.dk)
+This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
+License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
+version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+Lesser General Public License for more details.
+You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
+License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
+Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA
+#ifndef __fann_train_h__
+#define __fann_train_h__
+/* Package: FANN Training */
+#ifndef FIXEDFANN
+/* Function: fann_train
+   Train one iteration with a set of inputs, and a set of desired outputs.
+ */ 
+FANN_EXTERNAL void FANN_API fann_train(struct fann *ann, fann_type * input,
+									   fann_type * desired_output);
+#endif	/* NOT FIXEDFANN */
+/* Function: fann_test
+   Test with a set of inputs, and a set of desired outputs.
+   This operation updates the mean square error, but does not
+   change the network in any way.
+	FANN_EXTERNAL fann_type * FANN_API fann_test(struct fann *ann, fann_type * input,
+												 fann_type * desired_output);
+/* Function: fann_get_MSE
+   Reads the mean square error from the network.
+ */ 
+FANN_EXTERNAL float FANN_API fann_get_MSE(struct fann *ann);
+/* Function: fann_reset_MSE
+   Resets the mean square error from the network.
+ */ 
+FANN_EXTERNAL void FANN_API fann_reset_MSE(struct fann *ann);
+/* Package: Parameters */
+/* Function: fann_get_training_algorithm
+   Get the training algorithm.
+ */ 
+FANN_EXTERNAL enum fann_train_enum FANN_API fann_get_training_algorithm(struct fann *ann);
+/* Function: fann_set_training_algorithm
+   Set the training algorithm.
+ */ 
+FANN_EXTERNAL void FANN_API fann_set_training_algorithm(struct fann *ann,
+														enum fann_train_enum training_algorithm);
+/* Function: fann_get_learning_rate
+   Get the learning rate.
+ */ 
+FANN_EXTERNAL float FANN_API fann_get_learning_rate(struct fann *ann);
+/* Function: fann_set_learning_rate
+   Set the learning rate.
+ */ 
+FANN_EXTERNAL void FANN_API fann_set_learning_rate(struct fann *ann, float learning_rate);
+/* Function: fann_set_activation_function_hidden
+   Set the activation function for the hidden layers.
+ */ 
+FANN_EXTERNAL void FANN_API fann_set_activation_function_hidden(struct fann *ann,
+																enum fann_activationfunc_enum
+																activation_function);
+/* Function: fann_set_activation_function_output
+   Set the activation function for the output layer.
+ */ 
+FANN_EXTERNAL void FANN_API fann_set_activation_function_output(struct fann *ann,
+																enum fann_activationfunc_enum
+																activation_function);
+/* Function: fann_set_activation_steepness_hidden
+   Set the steepness of the sigmoid function used in the hidden layers.
+    (default 0.5).
+ */ 
+FANN_EXTERNAL void FANN_API fann_set_activation_steepness_hidden(struct fann *ann,
+																 fann_type steepness);
+/* Function: fann_set_activation_steepness_output
+   Set the steepness of the sigmoid function used in the output layer.
+   Only usefull if sigmoid function is used in the output layer (default 0.5).
+ */ 
+FANN_EXTERNAL void FANN_API fann_set_activation_steepness_output(struct fann *ann,
+																 fann_type steepness);
+/* Function: fann_set_train_error_function
+   Set the error function used during training. (default FANN_ERRORFUNC_TANH)
+ */ 
+FANN_EXTERNAL void FANN_API fann_set_train_error_function(struct fann *ann,
+														  enum fann_errorfunc_enum 
+														  train_error_function);
+/* Function: fann_get_train_error_function
+   Get the error function used during training.
+ */ 
+FANN_EXTERNAL enum fann_errorfunc_enum FANN_API fann_get_train_error_function(struct fann *ann);
+/* Function: fann_get_train_stop_function
+   Set the stop function used during training. (default FANN_STOPFUNC_MSE)
+ */ 
+FANN_EXTERNAL void FANN_API fann_set_train_stop_function(struct fann *ann,
+														 enum fann_stopfunc_enum train_stop_function);
+/* Function: fann_get_train_stop_function
+   Get the stop function used during training.
+ */ 
+FANN_EXTERNAL enum fann_stopfunc_enum FANN_API fann_get_train_stop_function(struct fann *ann);
+/* Function: fann_get_quickprop_decay
+   Decay is used to make the weights do not go so high (default -0.0001). 
+ */
+FANN_EXTERNAL float FANN_API fann_get_quickprop_decay(struct fann *ann);
+/* Function: fann_set_quickprop_decay
+   Decay is used to make the weights do not go so high (default -0.0001). */ 
+FANN_EXTERNAL void FANN_API fann_set_quickprop_decay(struct fann *ann, float quickprop_decay);
+/* Function: fann_get_quickprop_mu
+   Mu is a factor used to increase and decrease the stepsize (default 1.75). */ 
+FANN_EXTERNAL float FANN_API fann_get_quickprop_mu(struct fann *ann);
+/* Function: fann_set_quickprop_mu
+   Mu is a factor used to increase and decrease the stepsize (default 1.75). */ 
+FANN_EXTERNAL void FANN_API fann_set_quickprop_mu(struct fann *ann, float quickprop_mu);
+/* Function: fann_get_rprop_increase_factor
+   Tells how much the stepsize should increase during learning (default 1.2). */ 
+FANN_EXTERNAL float FANN_API fann_get_rprop_increase_factor(struct fann *ann);
+/* Function: fann_set_rprop_increase_factor
+   Tells how much the stepsize should increase during learning (default 1.2). */ 
+FANN_EXTERNAL void FANN_API fann_set_rprop_increase_factor(struct fann *ann,
+														   float rprop_increase_factor);
+/* Function: fann_get_rprop_decrease_factor
+   Tells how much the stepsize should decrease during learning (default 0.5). */ 
+FANN_EXTERNAL float FANN_API fann_get_rprop_decrease_factor(struct fann *ann);
+/* Function: fann_set_rprop_decrease_factor
+   Tells how much the stepsize should decrease during learning (default 0.5). */ 
+FANN_EXTERNAL void FANN_API fann_set_rprop_decrease_factor(struct fann *ann,
+														   float rprop_decrease_factor);
+/* Function: fann_get_rprop_delta_min
+   The minimum stepsize (default 0.0). */ 
+FANN_EXTERNAL float FANN_API fann_get_rprop_delta_min(struct fann *ann);
+/* Function: fann_set_rprop_delta_min
+   The minimum stepsize (default 0.0). */ 
+FANN_EXTERNAL void FANN_API fann_set_rprop_delta_min(struct fann *ann, float rprop_delta_min);
+/* Function: fann_get_rprop_delta_max
+   The maximum stepsize (default 50.0). */ 
+FANN_EXTERNAL float FANN_API fann_get_rprop_delta_max(struct fann *ann);
+/* Function: fann_set_rprop_delta_max
+   The maximum stepsize (default 50.0). */ 
+FANN_EXTERNAL void FANN_API fann_set_rprop_delta_max(struct fann *ann, float rprop_delta_max);

Alioth's /usr/local/bin/git-commit-notice on /srv/git.debian.org/git/debian-science/packages/libfann.git

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