[flint] branch master updated (6f6eac8 -> 5aa9f8c)

Julien Puydt julien.puydt at laposte.net
Thu Aug 13 14:35:44 UTC 2015

This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.

jpuydt-guest pushed a change to branch master
in repository flint.

      from  6f6eac8   Updated gbp.conf
       new  8c84458   Remove debian patches : next upstream doesn't need anything
      adds  c577b3c   Imported Upstream version 2.4.5
      adds  56864bc   Imported Upstream version 2.5.1
       new  ef9f8a8   Merge tag 'upstream/2.5.1'
       new  6fb4a47   Updated d/copyright
       new  5aa9f8c   Adapted packaging to 2.5.1

The 4 revisions listed above as "new" are entirely new to this
repository and will be described in separate emails.  The revisions
listed as "adds" were already present in the repository and have only
been added to this reference.

Summary of changes:
 .gitignore                                         |    13 +-
 AUTHORS                                            |    45 +-
 Makefile.in                                        |   102 +-
 Makefile.subdirs                                   |    13 +-
 NEWS                                               |    58 +-
 NTL-interface.h                                    |    40 +-
 arith.h                                            |   156 +-
 arith/bernoulli_number_denom.c                     |     2 +-
 arith/chebyshev_t_polynomial.c                     |    72 -
 arith/chebyshev_u_polynomial.c                     |    72 -
 arith/cyclotomic_polynomial.c                      |   160 -
 arith/dedekind_cosine_sum_factored.c               |     3 +-
 arith/dedekind_sum.c                               |    84 -
 arith/dedekind_sum_coprime.c                       |    54 -
 arith/dedekind_sum_coprime_d.c                     |    57 -
 arith/dedekind_sum_coprime_large.c                 |    96 -
 arith/dedekind_sum_naive.c                         |    82 -
 arith/divisor_sigma.c                              |    87 -
 arith/doc/arith.txt                                |   209 +-
 arith/euler_phi.c                                  |    67 -
 arith/harmonic_number.c                            |    85 +-
 arith/inlines.c                                    |    34 +
 arith/moebius_mu.c                                 |    56 -
 arith/number_of_partitions_mpfr.c                  |    11 +-
 arith/number_of_partitions_vec.c                   |     2 +-
 arith/pi_chudnovsky.c                              |   653 -
 arith/primorial.c                                  |   151 -
 arith/swinnerton_dyer_polynomial.c                 |   138 -
 arith/test/t-dedekind_sum.c                        |   192 -
 arith/test/t-dedekind_sum_coprime_d.c              |    86 -
 arith/test/t-dedekind_sum_coprime_large.c          |    83 -
 arith/test/t-divisor_sigma.c                       |    94 -
 arith/test/t-euler_phi.c                           |   118 -
 arith/test/t-moebius_mu.c                          |    98 -
 arith/test/t-pi_chudnovsky.c                       |    66 -
 arith/test/t-primorial.c                           |    69 -
 build.vc14/build_tests/_msvccompiler.py            |   563 +
 build.vc14/build_tests/build_tests.py              |   156 +
 build.vc14/build_tests/build_tests.pyproj          |    47 +
 build.vc14/config.h                                |   350 +
 build.vc14/cpimport.h                              | 35357 +++++++++++++++++++
 build.vc14/dll_flint/dll_flint.vcxproj             | 13991 ++++++++
 build.vc14/dll_flint/dll_flint.vcxproj.filters     |  7136 ++++
 build.vc14/dll_flint/postbuild.bat                 |    85 +
 build.vc14/flint.sln                               |    27 +
 build.vc14/flint_config/flint_config.py            |   796 +
 build.vc14/flint_config/flint_config.pyproj        |    45 +
 build.vc14/getopt.c                                |  1281 +
 build.vc14/getopt.h                                |   182 +
 build.vc14/gettimeofday.c                          |    39 +
 build.vc14/gettimeofday.h                          |    34 +
 build.vc14/lib_flint/lib_flint.vcxproj             | 13971 ++++++++
 build.vc14/lib_flint/lib_flint.vcxproj.filters     |  7136 ++++
 build.vc14/lib_flint/postbuild.bat                 |    85 +
 build.vc14/out_copy_rename.bat                     |    36 +
 build.vc14/readme.txt                              |   115 +
 build.vc14/run_tests/run_tests.py                  |   101 +
 build.vc14/run_tests/run_tests.pyproj              |    41 +
 build.vc14/unistd.h                                |    15 +
 clz_tab.c                                          |     4 +-
 code_conventions.txt                               |    16 +
 configure                                          |   150 +-
 d_mat.h                                            |   153 +
 d_mat/approx_equal.c                               |    51 +
 d_mat/clear.c                                      |    37 +
 d_mat/doc/d_mat.txt                                |   193 +
 d_mat/equal.c                                      |    51 +
 d_mat/gso.c                                        |   101 +
 d_mat/init.c                                       |    49 +
 d_mat/inlines.c                                    |    34 +
 d_mat/is_approx_zero.c                             |    44 +
 d_mat/is_zero.c                                    |    44 +
 d_mat/mul_classical.c                              |    89 +
 d_mat/one.c                                        |    39 +
 d_mat/print.c                                      |    47 +
 d_mat/qr.c                                         |   110 +
 d_mat/randtest.c                                   |    40 +
 d_mat/set.c                                        |    41 +
 d_mat/swap.c                                       |    40 +
 d_mat/test/t-entry.c                               |    84 +
 d_mat/test/t-equal.c                               |    98 +
 d_mat/test/t-gso.c                                 |   104 +
 d_mat/test/t-init_clear.c                          |    66 +
 d_mat/test/t-is_empty.c                            |    66 +
 d_mat/test/t-is_square.c                           |    66 +
 d_mat/test/t-mul_classical.c                       |   102 +
 d_mat/test/t-one.c                                 |    81 +
 d_mat/test/t-qr.c                                  |   129 +
 d_mat/test/t-transpose.c                           |   112 +
 d_mat/test/t-zero.c                                |    75 +
 d_mat/transpose.c                                  |    58 +
 d_mat/zero.c                                       |    39 +
 d_vec.h                                            |    91 +
 d_vec/add.c                                        |    36 +
 d_vec/approx_equal.c                               |    43 +
 d_vec/clear.c                                      |    33 +
 d_vec/doc/d_vec.txt                                |   146 +
 d_vec/dot.c                                        |    40 +
 d_vec/dot_heuristic.c                              |    59 +
 d_vec/dot_thrice.c                                 |   102 +
 d_vec/equal.c                                      |    41 +
 d_vec/init.c                                       |    33 +
 d_vec/is_approx_zero.c                             |    37 +
 d_vec/is_zero.c                                    |    37 +
 d_vec/norm.c                                       |    40 +
 d_vec/randtest.c                                   |    36 +
 d_vec/set.c                                        |    39 +
 d_vec/sub.c                                        |    36 +
 d_vec/test/t-add.c                                 |   103 +
 d_vec/test/t-dot.c                                 |    79 +
 d_vec/test/t-dot_heuristic.c                       |    86 +
 d_vec/test/t-dot_thrice.c                          |    86 +
 d_vec/test/t-init_clear.c                          |    60 +
 d_vec/test/t-norm.c                                |    76 +
 d_vec/test/t-set_equal.c                           |   119 +
 d_vec/test/t-sub.c                                 |   133 +
 d_vec/test/t-zero.c                                |    72 +
 d_vec/zero.c                                       |    36 +
 debian/changelog                                   |     8 +
 debian/control                                     |     8 +-
 debian/copyright                                   |    30 +-
 debian/libflint-2.4.5.install                      |     2 -
 debian/libflint-2.5.1.install                      |     2 +
 ...1-Make-fmpz_invmod-behave-like-mpz_invert.patch |    37 -
 ...de-directly-g_lip.h-which-is-considered-i.patch |    21 -
 debian/patches/series                              |     2 -
 debian/rules                                       |     8 +-
 doc/latex/flint-manual.bib                         |   128 +
 doc/latex/flint-manual.tex                         |   299 +-
 doc/latex/input/title.tex                          |     4 +-
 doc/profiler.txt                                   |     3 +-
 double_extras.h                                    |    22 +-
 double_extras/doc/double_extras.txt                |    20 +
 double_extras/inlines.c                            |    34 +
 double_extras/is_nan.c                             |    36 +
 double_extras/log2.c                               |    34 +
 double_extras/randtest.c                           |    14 +-
 double_extras/randtest_signed.c                    |    45 +
 double_extras/randtest_special.c                   |    57 +
 double_extras/test/t-is_nan.c                      |    76 +
 double_extras/test/t-log2.c                        |    64 +
 double_extras/test/t-randtest.c                    |    60 +
 double_extras/test/t-randtest_signed.c             |    60 +
 fft.h                                              |   102 +-
 fft/doc/fft.txt                                    |     4 +-
 fft/inlines.c                                      |    34 +
 fft/test/t-mul_fft_main.c                          |     2 +-
 flint.h                                            |   130 +-
 flintxx/doc/design.tex                             |    20 +-
 flintxx/doc/flintxx.txt                            |     8 +-
 flintxx/test/t-dummy.c                             |     7 +
 fmpq.h                                             |   215 +-
 fmpq/add_fmpz.c                                    |    66 +
 fmpq/add_si.c                                      |    69 +
 fmpq/dedekind_sum.c                                |    84 +
 fmpq/dedekind_sum_coprime.c                        |    56 +
 fmpq/dedekind_sum_coprime_d.c                      |    58 +
 fmpq/dedekind_sum_coprime_large.c                  |    96 +
 fmpq/dedekind_sum_naive.c                          |    82 +
 fmpq/doc/fmpq.txt                                  |   170 +-
 fmpq/get_mpz_frac.c                                |    34 +
 fmpq/harmonic_ui.c                                 |   272 +
 fmpq/init_set_fmpz_frac_readonly.c                 |    34 +
 fmpq/inlines.c                                     |    66 +
 fmpq/next_minimal.c                                |    14 +-
 fmpq/sub_fmpz.c                                    |    66 +
 fmpq/sub_si.c                                      |    69 +
 fmpq/test/t-add_fmpz.c                             |   152 +
 fmpq/test/t-add_si.c                               |   143 +
 fmpq/test/t-canonicalise.c                         |     2 +-
 fmpq/test/t-dedekind_sum.c                         |   191 +
 fmpq/test/t-dedekind_sum_coprime_d.c               |    86 +
 fmpq/test/t-dedekind_sum_coprime_large.c           |    82 +
 fmpq/test/t-harmonic_ui.c                          |   149 +
 fmpq/test/t-sub_fmpz.c                             |   152 +
 fmpq/test/t-sub_si.c                               |   143 +
 fmpq_mat.h                                         |   154 +-
 fmpq_mat/concat_horizontal.c                       |    55 +
 fmpq_mat/concat_vertical.c                         |    53 +
 fmpq_mat/doc/fmpq_mat.txt                          |    89 +-
 fmpq_mat/gso.c                                     |   100 +
 fmpq_mat/inlines.c                                 |    34 +
 fmpq_mat/solve_fmpz_mat.c                          |    55 +
 fmpq_mat/swap.c                                    |    40 +
 fmpq_mat/test/t-concat_horizontal.c                |    90 +
 fmpq_mat/test/t-concat_vertical.c                  |    92 +
 fmpq_mat/test/t-gso.c                              |   116 +
 fmpq_mat/test/t-solve_fmpz_mat.c                   |   139 +
 fmpq_mat/test/t-window_init_clear.c                |    81 +
 fmpq_mat/window_clear.c                            |    32 +
 fmpq_mat/window_init.c                             |    45 +
 fmpq_poly.h                                        |   527 +-
 fmpq_poly/add.c                                    |    50 +-
 fmpq_poly/add_series.c                             |   260 +
 fmpq_poly/asin_series.c                            |    55 +-
 fmpq_poly/asinh_series.c                           |    55 +-
 fmpq_poly/atan_series.c                            |    53 +-
 fmpq_poly/atanh_series.c                           |    53 +-
 fmpq_poly/cos_series.c                             |    52 +-
 fmpq_poly/cosh_series.c                            |    49 +-
 fmpq_poly/div_series.c                             |    72 +-
 fmpq_poly/doc/fmpq_poly.txt                        |   212 +-
 fmpq_poly/equal_trunc.c                            |   112 +
 fmpq_poly/evaluate_fmpq.c                          |     4 +-
 fmpq_poly/exp_series.c                             |   171 +-
 fmpq_poly/inlines.c                                |   221 +
 fmpq_poly/inv_series_newton.c                      |   156 +-
 fmpq_poly/invsqrt_series.c                         |    36 +-
 fmpq_poly/log_series.c                             |    36 +-
 fmpq_poly/mul.c                                    |     8 +
 fmpq_poly/revert_series.c                          |    38 +-
 fmpq_poly/revert_series_lagrange.c                 |    44 +-
 fmpq_poly/revert_series_lagrange_fast.c            |    44 +-
 fmpq_poly/revert_series_newton.c                   |    80 +-
 fmpq_poly/set_trunc.c                              |    53 +
 fmpq_poly/sin_series.c                             |    39 +-
 fmpq_poly/sinh_series.c                            |    44 +-
 fmpq_poly/sqrt_series.c                            |    34 +-
 fmpq_poly/sub.c                                    |    37 +-
 fmpq_poly/sub_series.c                             |   231 +
 fmpq_poly/tan_series.c                             |    67 +-
 fmpq_poly/tanh_series.c                            |    43 +-
 fmpq_poly/test/t-add.c                             |    42 +
 fmpq_poly/test/t-add_series.c                      |   159 +
 fmpq_poly/test/t-equal_trunc.c                     |   129 +
 fmpq_poly/test/t-inv_series_newton.c               |     5 +-
 fmpq_poly/test/t-print_read.c                      |     2 +-
 fmpq_poly/test/t-set_trunc.c                       |    89 +
 fmpq_poly/test/t-sub_series.c                      |   159 +
 fmpq_vec.h                                         |    60 +
 fmpq_vec/doc/fmpq_vec.txt                          |    57 +
 fmpq_vec/dot.c                                     |    41 +
 fmpq_vec/randtest.c                                |    57 +
 fmpq_vec/set_fmpz_vec.c                            |    40 +
 fmpq_vec/test/t-dot.c                              |    80 +
 fmpz.h                                             |   439 +-
 fmpz/CRT.c                                         |   107 +
 fmpz/CRT_ui.c                                      |    39 +
 fmpz/divisor_in_residue_class_lenstra.c            |   224 +
 fmpz/divisor_sigma.c                               |    84 +
 fmpz/dlog.c                                        |     7 +-
 fmpz/doc/fmpz.txt                                  |   289 +-
 fmpz/euler_phi.c                                   |    75 +
 fmpz/fits_si.c                                     |     4 +-
 fmpz/gcdinv.c                                      |    12 +-
 fmpz/get_mpf.c                                     |    39 +
 fmpz/get_mpfr.c                                    |    53 +
 fmpz/inlines.c                                     |    90 +-
 fmpz/invmod.c                                      |    15 +-
 fmpz/is_prime.c                                    |   274 +
 fmpz/is_prime_morrison.c                           |   244 +
 fmpz/is_prime_pocklington.c                        |   208 +
 fmpz/is_probabprime_BPSW.c                         |    52 +
 fmpz/is_probabprime_lucas.c                        |   108 +
 fmpz/is_strong_probabprime.c                       |    95 +
 fmpz/lucas_chain.c                                 |   243 +
 fmpz/mods.c                                        |    63 +
 fmpz/moebius_mu.c                                  |    56 +
 fmpz/popcnt.c                                      |     2 +-
 fmpz/primorial.c                                   |   173 +
 fmpz/set_mpf.c                                     |    49 +
 fmpz/set_mpz.c                                     |     8 +-
 fmpz/sqrtmod.c                                     |    30 +-
 fmpz/test/t-crt.c                                  |   122 +
 fmpz/test/t-divisor_in_residue_class_lenstra.c     |   149 +
 fmpz/test/t-divisor_sigma.c                        |    96 +
 fmpz/test/t-euler_phi.c                            |   118 +
 fmpz/test/t-get_mpf.c                              |   103 +
 fmpz/test/t-get_mpfr.c                             |    83 +
 fmpz/test/t-invmod.c                               |    21 +-
 fmpz/test/t-is_prime.c                             |   106 +
 fmpz/test/t-is_prime_morrison.c                    |    85 +
 fmpz/test/t-is_prime_pocklington.c                 |    85 +
 fmpz/test/t-is_probabprime_BPSW.c                  |   102 +
 fmpz/test/t-is_probabprime_lucas.c                 |   106 +
 fmpz/test/t-is_strong_probabprime.c                |   120 +
 fmpz/test/t-mods.c                                 |   224 +
 fmpz/test/t-moebius_mu.c                           |    98 +
 fmpz/test/t-out_inp_raw.c                          |     2 +-
 fmpz/test/t-primorial.c                            |    69 +
 fmpz/test/t-print_read.c                           |     2 +-
 fmpz/test/t-xgcd.c                                 |     4 +-
 fmpz/xgcd.c                                        |   144 +-
 fmpz_factor.h                                      |    44 +-
 fmpz_factor/append.c                               |    39 +
 fmpz_factor/doc/fmpz_factor.txt                    |    11 +-
 fmpz_factor/factor_pp1.c                           |     5 +-
 fmpz_lll.h                                         |   186 +
 fmpz_lll/advance_check_babai.c                     |    60 +
 fmpz_lll/advance_check_babai_heuristic_d.c         |    61 +
 fmpz_lll/babai.c                                   |   660 +
 fmpz_lll/check_babai.c                             |    63 +
 fmpz_lll/check_babai_heuristic.c                   |   529 +
 fmpz_lll/check_babai_heuristic_d.c                 |    61 +
 fmpz_lll/context_init.c                            |    38 +
 fmpz_lll/context_init_default.c                    |    37 +
 fmpz_lll/d_lll.c                                   |   764 +
 fmpz_lll/doc/fmpz_lll.txt                          |   448 +
 fmpz_lll/heuristic_dot.c                           |    49 +
 fmpz_lll/is_reduced.c                              |    40 +
 fmpz_lll/is_reduced_d.c                            |   860 +
 fmpz_lll/is_reduced_d_with_removal.c               |   899 +
 fmpz_lll/is_reduced_mpfr.c                         |   959 +
 fmpz_lll/is_reduced_mpfr_with_removal.c            |  1000 +
 fmpz_lll/is_reduced_with_removal.c                 |    46 +
 fmpz_lll/lll.c                                     |    34 +
 fmpz_lll/lll_d.c                                   |    74 +
 fmpz_lll/lll_d_heuristic.c                         |    77 +
 fmpz_lll/lll_d_heuristic_with_removal.c            |    77 +
 fmpz_lll/lll_d_with_removal.c                      |    74 +
 fmpz_lll/lll_d_with_removal_knapsack.c             |    74 +
 fmpz_lll/lll_mpf.c                                 |    50 +
 fmpz_lll/lll_mpf2.c                                |    42 +
 fmpz_lll/lll_mpf2_with_removal.c                   |    42 +
 fmpz_lll/lll_mpf_with_removal.c                    |    53 +
 fmpz_lll/lll_with_removal.c                        |    35 +
 fmpz_lll/lll_with_removal_ulll.c                   |   142 +
 fmpz_lll/mpf2_lll.c                                |   633 +
 fmpz_lll/profile/p-lll.c                           |   135 +
 fmpz_lll/randtest.c                                |    57 +
 fmpz_lll/shift.c                                   |    48 +
 fmpz_lll/storjohann_ulll.c                         |   154 +
 fmpz_lll/test/t-heuristic_dot.c                    |    97 +
 fmpz_lll/test/t-lll.c                              |   422 +
 fmpz_lll/test/t-lll_d.c                            |   422 +
 fmpz_lll/test/t-lll_d_heuristic.c                  |   422 +
 fmpz_lll/test/t-lll_d_heuristic_with_removal.c     |   451 +
 fmpz_lll/test/t-lll_d_with_removal.c               |   450 +
 fmpz_lll/test/t-lll_d_with_removal_knapsack.c      |   450 +
 fmpz_lll/test/t-lll_mpf.c                          |   422 +
 fmpz_lll/test/t-lll_mpf_with_removal.c             |   450 +
 fmpz_lll/test/t-lll_with_removal.c                 |   450 +
 fmpz_lll/test/t-wrapper.c                          |   422 +
 fmpz_lll/test/t-wrapper_with_removal.c             |   450 +
 fmpz_lll/test/t-wrapper_with_removal_knapsack.c    |   474 +
 fmpz_lll/wrapper.c                                 |    52 +
 fmpz_lll/wrapper_with_removal.c                    |    56 +
 fmpz_lll/wrapper_with_removal_knapsack.c           |    56 +
 fmpz_mat.h                                         |   309 +-
 fmpz_mat/CRT_ui.c                                  |    30 +-
 fmpz_mat/chol_d.c                                  |    64 +
 fmpz_mat/concat_horizontal.c                       |    55 +
 fmpz_mat/concat_vertical.c                         |    53 +
 fmpz_mat/content.c                                 |    52 +
 fmpz_mat/doc/fmpz_mat.txt                          |   384 +-
 fmpz_mat/fflu.c                                    |     8 +-
 fmpz_mat/fread.c                                   |     2 +-
 fmpz_mat/get_d_mat.c                               |    52 +
 fmpz_mat/get_d_mat_transpose.c                     |    52 +
 fmpz_mat/get_mpf_mat.c                             |    37 +
 fmpz_mat/gram.c                                    |    64 +
 fmpz_mat/hadamard.c                                |   272 +
 fmpz_mat/hnf.c                                     |    70 +
 fmpz_mat/hnf_classical.c                           |   122 +
 fmpz_mat/hnf_minors.c                              |   143 +
 fmpz_mat/hnf_modular.c                             |   114 +
 fmpz_mat/hnf_pernet_stein.c                        |   628 +
 fmpz_mat/hnf_transform.c                           |    61 +
 fmpz_mat/hnf_xgcd.c                                |   100 +
 fmpz_mat/inlines.c                                 |    36 +
 fmpz_mat/is_hadamard.c                             |    65 +
 fmpz_mat/is_in_hnf.c                               |    72 +
 fmpz_mat/is_in_rref_with_rank.c                    |    67 +
 fmpz_mat/is_in_snf.c                               |    55 +
 fmpz_mat/is_one.c                                  |    49 +
 fmpz_mat/is_reduced.c                              |   121 +
 fmpz_mat/is_reduced_gram.c                         |   110 +
 fmpz_mat/is_reduced_gram_with_removal.c            |   146 +
 fmpz_mat/is_reduced_with_removal.c                 |   158 +
 fmpz_mat/lll_original.c                            |   177 +
 fmpz_mat/lll_storjohann.c                          |   255 +
 fmpz_mat/mul_multi_mod.c                           |    35 +-
 fmpz_mat/profile/p-sqr.c                           |    85 +
 fmpz_mat/randajtai.c                               |     2 +-
 fmpz_mat/rank.c                                    |     5 +-
 fmpz_mat/rref.c                                    |    80 +-
 fmpz_mat/rref_fflu.c                               |   105 +
 fmpz_mat/rref_mul.c                                |   180 +
 fmpz_mat/scalar_mod_fmpz.c                         |     6 +-
 fmpz_mat/scalar_mul_2exp.c                         |    49 +
 fmpz_mat/scalar_tdiv_q_2exp.c                      |    44 +
 fmpz_mat/snf.c                                     |    64 +
 fmpz_mat/snf_diagonal.c                            |    56 +
 fmpz_mat/snf_iliopoulos.c                          |   251 +
 fmpz_mat/snf_kannan_bachem.c                       |   151 +
 fmpz_mat/sqr.c                                     |    60 +-
 fmpz_mat/sqr_bodrato.c                             |   275 +
 fmpz_mat/test/t-chol_d.c                           |    93 +
 fmpz_mat/test/t-concat_horizontal.c                |    91 +
 fmpz_mat/test/t-concat_vertical.c                  |    92 +
 fmpz_mat/test/t-content.c                          |   106 +
 fmpz_mat/test/t-get_d_mat.c                        |    92 +
 fmpz_mat/test/t-get_d_mat_transpose.c              |    92 +
 fmpz_mat/test/t-get_mpf_mat.c                      |    92 +
 fmpz_mat/test/t-gram.c                             |    73 +
 fmpz_mat/test/t-hadamard.c                         |    88 +
 fmpz_mat/test/t-hnf.c                              |   175 +
 fmpz_mat/test/t-hnf_classical.c                    |    99 +
 fmpz_mat/test/t-hnf_minors.c                       |   111 +
 fmpz_mat/test/t-hnf_modular.c                      |   130 +
 fmpz_mat/test/t-hnf_pernet_stein.c                 |   181 +
 fmpz_mat/test/t-hnf_transform.c                    |   115 +
 fmpz_mat/test/t-hnf_xgcd.c                         |   114 +
 fmpz_mat/test/t-is_one.c                           |    78 +
 fmpz_mat/test/t-lll_original.c                     |    86 +
 fmpz_mat/test/t-lll_storjohann.c                   |    86 +
 fmpz_mat/test/t-nullspace.c                        |    59 +
 fmpz_mat/test/t-print_read.c                       |     2 +-
 fmpz_mat/test/t-rank.c                             |    12 +-
 fmpz_mat/test/t-rref.c                             |    55 +-
 fmpz_mat/test/t-rref_fflu.c                        |   157 +
 fmpz_mat/test/t-rref_mul.c                         |   186 +
 fmpz_mat/test/t-scalar_mul_2exp.c                  |   113 +
 fmpz_mat/test/t-snf_diagonal.c                     |    95 +
 fmpz_mat/test/t-snf_iliopoulos.c                   |   116 +
 fmpz_mat/test/t-snf_kannan_bachem.c                |    99 +
 fmpz_mat/test/t-window_init_clear.c                |    81 +
 fmpz_mat/window_clear.c                            |    32 +
 fmpz_mat/window_init.c                             |    45 +
 fmpz_mod_poly.h                                    |   711 +-
 fmpz_mod_poly/add_series.c                         |    53 +
 .../compose_mod_brent_kung_precomp_preinv.c        |   101 +-
 fmpz_mod_poly/compose_mod_brent_kung_vec_preinv.c  |   178 +
 .../compose_mod_brent_kung_vec_preinv_threaded.c   |   247 +
 fmpz_mod_poly/discriminant.c                       |    79 +
 fmpz_mod_poly/div_series.c                         |   156 +
 fmpz_mod_poly/divrem_basecase.c                    |    25 +-
 fmpz_mod_poly/divrem_divconquer.c                  |    37 +-
 fmpz_mod_poly/doc/fmpz_mod_poly.txt                |   522 +-
 fmpz_mod_poly/frobenius_power.c                    |    91 +
 fmpz_mod_poly/frobenius_powers_2exp_clear.c        |    42 +
 fmpz_mod_poly/frobenius_powers_2exp_precomp.c      |    60 +
 fmpz_mod_poly/frobenius_powers_clear.c             |    41 +
 fmpz_mod_poly/frobenius_powers_precomp.c           |    57 +
 fmpz_mod_poly/gcd_hgcd.c                           |   162 +
 fmpz_mod_poly/gcdinv_f.c                           |   142 +
 fmpz_mod_poly/hgcd.c                               |   650 +
 fmpz_mod_poly/inlines.c                            |   216 +
 fmpz_mod_poly/inv_series_newton.c                  |     2 -
 fmpz_mod_poly/inv_series_newton_f.c                |    88 +
 fmpz_mod_poly/invmod_f.c                           |   114 +
 fmpz_mod_poly/make_monic_f.c                       |    52 +
 fmpz_mod_poly/powmod_x_fmpz_preinv.c               |     5 +-
 fmpz_mod_poly/profile/p-gcd.c                      |   241 +
 fmpz_mod_poly/rem_basecase.c                       |    31 +-
 fmpz_mod_poly/resultant_euclidean.c                |   155 +
 fmpz_mod_poly/resultant_hgcd.c                     |   247 +
 fmpz_mod_poly/scalar_div_fmpz.c                    |    70 +
 fmpz_mod_poly/set_coeff_fmpz.c                     |    23 +-
 fmpz_mod_poly/set_coeff_ui.c                       |    27 +-
 fmpz_mod_poly/set_trunc.c                          |    52 +
 fmpz_mod_poly/sub_series.c                         |    53 +
 fmpz_mod_poly/test/t-add_series.c                  |   164 +
 ...ompose_mod_brent_kung_precomp_preinv_threaded.c |   263 +
 .../test/t-compose_mod_brent_kung_vec_preinv.c     |   123 +
 .../t-compose_mod_brent_kung_vec_preinv_threaded.c |   127 +
 fmpz_mod_poly/test/t-discriminant.c                |   143 +
 fmpz_mod_poly/test/t-div_series.c                  |    93 +
 fmpz_mod_poly/test/t-frobenius_powers_precomp.c    |   147 +
 fmpz_mod_poly/test/t-gcd_hgcd.c                    |   333 +
 fmpz_mod_poly/test/t-gcdinv.c                      |    38 +-
 fmpz_mod_poly/test/t-print_read.c                  |     2 +-
 fmpz_mod_poly/test/t-resultant.c                   |   143 +
 fmpz_mod_poly/test/t-resultant_euclidean.c         |   143 +
 fmpz_mod_poly/test/t-resultant_hgcd.c              |   143 +
 fmpz_mod_poly/test/t-scalar_div_fmpz.c             |   134 +
 fmpz_mod_poly/test/t-set_trunc.c                   |    97 +
 fmpz_mod_poly/test/t-sub_series.c                  |   164 +
 fmpz_mod_poly/test/t-xgcd_hgcd.c                   |   166 +
 fmpz_mod_poly/xgcd_euclidean.c                     |     2 +-
 fmpz_mod_poly/xgcd_euclidean_f.c                   |   260 +
 fmpz_mod_poly/xgcd_hgcd.c                          |   382 +
 fmpz_mod_poly_factor.h                             |    82 +-
 fmpz_mod_poly_factor/doc/fmpz_mod_poly_factor.txt  |    46 +-
 fmpz_mod_poly_factor/factor_distinct_deg.c         |    42 +-
 .../factor_distinct_deg_threaded.c                 |   493 +
 fmpz_mod_poly_factor/factor_kaltofen_shoup.c       |     9 +-
 fmpz_mod_poly_factor/is_irreducible_ddf.c          |    52 +-
 fmpz_mod_poly_factor/is_irreducible_rabin.c        |    43 +-
 fmpz_mod_poly_factor/is_irreducible_rabin_f.c      |   119 +
 fmpz_mod_poly_factor/is_squarefree_f.c             |    68 +
 .../test/t-factor_distinct_deg_threaded.c          |   151 +
 fmpz_mod_poly_factor/test/t-interval_threaded.c    |   173 +
 fmpz_poly.h                                        |   761 +-
 fmpz_poly/add_series.c                             |    51 +
 fmpz_poly/chebyshev_t.c                            |    72 +
 fmpz_poly/chebyshev_u.c                            |    72 +
 fmpz_poly/cos_minpoly.c                            |   277 +
 fmpz_poly/cyclotomic.c                             |   159 +
 fmpz_poly/discriminant.c                           |    56 +
 fmpz_poly/div_divconquer_recursive.c               |     2 +-
 fmpz_poly/div_series.c                             |   107 +-
 fmpz_poly/doc/fmpz_poly.txt                        |   383 +-
 fmpz_poly/equal_trunc.c                            |    66 +
 fmpz_poly/eta_qexp.c                               |   277 +
 fmpz_poly/evaluate_divconquer_fmpq.c               |   153 +
 fmpz_poly/evaluate_fmpq.c                          |    59 +
 fmpz_poly/evaluate_horner_fmpq.c                   |    92 +
 fmpz_poly/evaluate_horner_mpq.c                    |    94 -
 fmpz_poly/evaluate_mpq.c                           |    32 +-
 fmpz_poly/get_nmod_poly.c                          |     2 +-
 fmpz_poly/inlines.c                                |   131 +
 fmpz_poly/inv_series.c                             |    67 +
 fmpz_poly/inv_series_basecase.c                    |    86 +
 fmpz_poly/inv_series_newton.c                      |   122 +-
 fmpz_poly/mul.c                                    |   121 +-
 fmpz_poly/mul_SS.c                                 |    11 +-
 fmpz_poly/mullow.c                                 |   121 +-
 fmpz_poly/mullow_KS.c                              |     4 +
 fmpz_poly/mullow_SS.c                              |    22 +-
 fmpz_poly/profile/p-div_preinv.c                   |   158 +
 fmpz_poly/profile/p-gcd.c                          |   133 +
 fmpz_poly/resultant.c                              |   124 +-
 fmpz_poly/resultant_euclidean.c                    |   144 +
 fmpz_poly/resultant_modular.c                      |   177 +
 fmpz_poly/revert_series.c                          |    35 +-
 fmpz_poly/revert_series_lagrange.c                 |    38 +-
 fmpz_poly/revert_series_lagrange_fast.c            |    40 +-
 fmpz_poly/revert_series_newton.c                   |   103 +-
 fmpz_poly/set_coeff_fmpz.c                         |    30 +-
 fmpz_poly/set_coeff_si.c                           |    30 +-
 fmpz_poly/set_coeff_ui.c                           |    30 +-
 fmpz_poly/set_trunc.c                              |    51 +
 fmpz_poly/signature.c                              |     4 +-
 fmpz_poly/sqr.c                                    |   112 +-
 fmpz_poly/sqr_karatsuba.c                          |     2 +-
 fmpz_poly/sqrlow.c                                 |   119 +-
 fmpz_poly/sqrlow_KS.c                              |     3 +
 fmpz_poly/sub_series.c                             |    51 +
 fmpz_poly/swinnerton_dyer.c                        |   142 +
 fmpz_poly/taylor_shift_multi_mod.c                 |   240 +
 fmpz_poly/test/t-add_series.c                      |   146 +
 fmpz_poly/test/t-chebyshev_t.c                     |    75 +
 fmpz_poly/test/t-chebyshev_u.c                     |    65 +
 fmpz_poly/test/t-cos_minpoly.c                     |   107 +
 fmpz_poly/test/t-cyclotomic.c                      |   138 +
 fmpz_poly/test/t-discriminant.c                    |   126 +
 fmpz_poly/test/t-div_series.c                      |    20 +-
 fmpz_poly/test/t-equal_trunc.c                     |   122 +
 fmpz_poly/test/t-eta_qexp.c                        |    91 +
 fmpz_poly/test/t-evaluate_divconquer_fmpq.c        |   180 +
 fmpz_poly/test/t-evaluate_fmpq.c                   |   180 +
 fmpz_poly/test/t-evaluate_horner_fmpq.c            |   180 +
 fmpz_poly/test/t-evaluate_horner_mpq.c             |   181 -
 fmpz_poly/test/t-evaluate_mpq.c                    |   181 +
 fmpz_poly/test/t-inv_series.c                      |   114 +
 fmpz_poly/test/t-inv_series_basecase.c             |   114 +
 fmpz_poly/test/t-inv_series_newton.c               |     2 -
 fmpz_poly/test/t-mul.c                             |    30 +
 fmpz_poly/test/t-mul_SS.c                          |     2 +-
 fmpz_poly/test/t-mullow.c                          |    32 +
 fmpz_poly/test/t-print_read.c                      |     2 +-
 fmpz_poly/test/t-print_read_pretty.c               |     2 +-
 fmpz_poly/test/t-resultant_euclidean.c             |   126 +
 fmpz_poly/test/t-resultant_modular.c               |   126 +
 fmpz_poly/test/t-set_trunc.c                       |    89 +
 fmpz_poly/test/t-signature.c                       |    25 +-
 fmpz_poly/test/t-sub.c                             |     2 +-
 fmpz_poly/test/t-sub_series.c                      |   146 +
 fmpz_poly/test/t-swinnerton_dyer.c                 |    73 +
 fmpz_poly/test/t-taylor_shift_multi_mod_threaded.c |   134 +
 fmpz_poly/test/t-theta_qexp.c                      |    91 +
 fmpz_poly/theta_qexp.c                             |   135 +
 fmpz_poly_factor.h                                 |    32 +-
 fmpz_poly_mat.h                                    |   140 +-
 fmpz_poly_mat/concat_horizontal.c                  |    56 +
 fmpz_poly_mat/concat_vertical.c                    |    54 +
 fmpz_poly_mat/doc/fmpz_poly_mat.txt                |     2 +-
 fmpz_poly_mat/inlines.c                            |    34 +
 fmpz_poly_mat/test/t-concat_horizontal.c           |    90 +
 fmpz_poly_mat/test/t-concat_vertical.c             |    92 +
 fmpz_poly_mat/test/t-window_init_clear.c           |    81 +
 fmpz_poly_mat/window_clear.c                       |    34 +
 fmpz_poly_mat/window_init.c                        |    44 +
 fmpz_poly_q.h                                      |    78 +-
 fmpz_poly_q/inlines.c                              |    34 +
 fmpz_vec.h                                         |   123 +-
 fmpz_vec/doc/fmpz_vec.txt                          |    25 +
 fmpz_vec/dot.c                                     |    38 +
 fmpz_vec/get_d_vec_2exp.c                          |    48 +
 fmpz_vec/get_mpf_vec.c                             |    38 +
 fmpz_vec/inlines.c                                 |    34 +
 fmpz_vec/sort.c                                    |     6 +-
 fmpz_vec/test/t-dot.c                              |   110 +
 fmpz_vec/test/t-get_d_vec_2exp.c                   |    94 +
 fmpz_vec/test/t-get_mpf_vec.c                      |    84 +
 fprintf.c                                          |     4 +-
 fq.h                                               |   156 +-
 fq/ctx_init_conway.c                               |    44 +-
 fq/ctx_randtest.c                                  |     1 -
 fq/ctx_randtest_reducible.c                        |    45 +
 fq/div.c                                           |    36 +
 fq/doc/fq.txt                                      |    55 +-
 fq/gcdinv.c                                        |    95 +
 fq/inlines.c                                       |    42 +
 fq/is_invertible.c                                 |    36 +
 fq/is_invertible_f.c                               |    36 +
 fq/test/t-div.c                                    |    36 +
 fq/test/t-is_invertible.c                          |    36 +
 fq/test/t-is_invertible_f.c                        |    36 +
 fq/trace.c                                         |     2 +-
 fq_mat.h                                           |    11 +-
 fq_mat/concat_horizontal.c                         |    36 +
 fq_mat/concat_vertical.c                           |    36 +
 fq_mat/doc/fq_mat.txt                              |    29 +-
 fq_mat/inlines.c                                   |    34 +
 fq_mat/nullspace.c                                 |    36 +
 fq_mat/rank.c                                      |    36 +
 fq_mat/test/t-concat_horizontal.c                  |    36 +
 fq_mat/test/t-concat_vertical.c                    |    36 +
 fq_mat/test/t-nullspace.c                          |    36 +
 fq_mat/test/t-rank.c                               |    36 +
 fq_mat/test/t-window_init_clear.c                  |    36 +
 fq_mat_templates.h                                 |   137 +-
 fq_mat_templates/concat_horizontal.c               |    51 +
 fq_mat_templates/concat_vertical.c                 |    52 +
 fq_mat_templates/nullspace.c                       |   102 +
 fq_mat_templates/rank.c                            |    57 +
 fq_mat_templates/test/t-concat_horizontal.c        |    98 +
 fq_mat_templates/test/t-concat_vertical.c          |    99 +
 fq_mat_templates/test/t-nullspace.c                |   111 +
 fq_mat_templates/test/t-rank.c                     |    97 +
 fq_mat_templates/test/t-window_init_clear.c        |    87 +
 fq_mat_templates/window_init.c                     |     7 +-
 fq_nmod.h                                          |   158 +-
 fq_nmod/ctx_init_conway.c                          |    45 +-
 fq_nmod/ctx_randtest_reducible.c                   |    43 +
 fq_nmod/div.c                                      |    36 +
 fq_nmod/doc/fq_nmod.txt                            |    60 +-
 fq_nmod/gcdinv.c                                   |    33 +
 fq_nmod/get_str_pretty.c                           |     3 +-
 fq_nmod/inlines.c                                  |    42 +
 fq_nmod/is_invertible.c                            |    36 +
 fq_nmod/is_invertible_f.c                          |    36 +
 fq_nmod/randtest.c                                 |    16 +
 fq_nmod/test/t-div.c                               |    36 +
 fq_nmod/test/t-is_invertible.c                     |    36 +
 fq_nmod/test/t-is_invertible_f.c                   |    36 +
 fq_nmod/trace.c                                    |     2 +-
 fq_nmod_mat.h                                      |    11 +-
 fq_nmod_mat/concat_horizontal.c                    |    36 +
 fq_nmod_mat/concat_vertical.c                      |    36 +
 fq_nmod_mat/doc/fq_nmod_mat.txt                    |    29 +-
 fq_nmod_mat/inlines.c                              |    34 +
 fq_nmod_mat/nullspace.c                            |    36 +
 fq_nmod_mat/rank.c                                 |    36 +
 fq_nmod_mat/test/t-concat_horizontal.c             |    36 +
 fq_nmod_mat/test/t-concat_vertical.c               |    36 +
 fq_nmod_mat/test/t-nullspace.c                     |    36 +
 fq_nmod_mat/test/t-rank.c                          |    36 +
 fq_nmod_mat/test/t-window_init_clear.c             |    36 +
 fq_nmod_poly.h                                     |    13 +
 fq_nmod_poly/add_series.c                          |    36 +
 fq_nmod_poly/div_series.c                          |    36 +
 fq_nmod_poly/divrem_f.c                            |    36 +
 fq_nmod_poly/doc/fq_nmod_poly.txt                  |   291 +-
 fq_nmod_poly/equal_trunc.c                         |    36 +
 fq_nmod_poly/evaluate_fq_vec.c                     |    38 +
 fq_nmod_poly/evaluate_fq_vec_fast.c                |    38 +
 fq_nmod_poly/evaluate_fq_vec_iter.c                |    38 +
 fq_nmod_poly/gcd.c                                 |    36 +
 fq_nmod_poly/gcd_euclidean_f.c                     |    36 +
 fq_nmod_poly/gcd_hgcd.c                            |    36 +
 fq_nmod_poly/hgcd.c                                |    36 +
 fq_nmod_poly/inlines.c                             |    35 +
 fq_nmod_poly/mulhigh.c                             |    36 +
 fq_nmod_poly/mulhigh_classical.c                   |    36 +
 .../profile/p-factor_kaltofen_shoup_vs_fq_poly.c   |     2 +-
 fq_nmod_poly/profile/p-gcd.c                       |    36 +
 fq_nmod_poly/scalar_div_fq.c                       |    36 +
 fq_nmod_poly/set_trunc.c                           |    36 +
 fq_nmod_poly/sub_series.c                          |    36 +
 fq_nmod_poly/test/t-add_series.c                   |    36 +
 fq_nmod_poly/test/t-div_series.c                   |    36 +
 fq_nmod_poly/test/t-equal_trunc.c                  |    36 +
 fq_nmod_poly/test/t-evaluate_fq_vec_fast.c         |    38 +
 fq_nmod_poly/test/t-gcd.c                          |    36 +
 fq_nmod_poly/test/t-gcd_euclidean_f.c              |    36 +
 fq_nmod_poly/test/t-gcd_hgcd.c                     |    36 +
 fq_nmod_poly/test/t-hgcd.c                         |    36 +
 fq_nmod_poly/test/t-mulhigh.c                      |    36 +
 fq_nmod_poly/test/t-mulhigh_classical.c            |    36 +
 fq_nmod_poly/test/t-set_trunc.c                    |    36 +
 fq_nmod_poly/test/t-sub_series.c                   |    36 +
 fq_nmod_poly/test/t-xgcd_euclidean.c               |    36 +
 fq_nmod_poly/test/t-xgcd_euclidean_f.c             |    36 +
 fq_nmod_poly/tree.c                                |    36 +
 fq_nmod_poly/xgcd_euclidean.c                      |    36 +
 fq_nmod_poly/xgcd_euclidean_f.c                    |    36 +
 fq_nmod_poly_factor.h                              |    11 +-
 fq_nmod_poly_factor/doc/fq_nmod_poly_factor.txt    |     6 +-
 fq_nmod_poly_factor/inlines.c                      |    41 +
 fq_nmod_vec.h                                      |     8 +
 fq_nmod_vec/inlines.c                              |    34 +
 fq_nmod_vec/scalar_mul_fq.c                        |    36 +
 fq_poly.h                                          |    12 +
 fq_poly/add_series.c                               |    39 +
 fq_poly/div_series.c                               |    39 +
 fq_poly/divrem_f.c                                 |    36 +
 fq_poly/doc/fq_poly.txt                            |   291 +-
 fq_poly/equal_trunc.c                              |    40 +
 fq_poly/evaluate_fq_vec.c                          |    38 +
 fq_poly/evaluate_fq_vec_fast.c                     |    38 +
 fq_poly/evaluate_fq_vec_iter.c                     |    38 +
 fq_poly/gcd.c                                      |    36 +
 fq_poly/gcd_euclidean_f.c                          |    36 +
 fq_poly/gcd_hgcd.c                                 |    36 +
 fq_poly/hgcd.c                                     |    36 +
 fq_poly/inlines.c                                  |    35 +
 fq_poly/mulhigh.c                                  |    36 +
 fq_poly/mulhigh_classical.c                        |    36 +
 fq_poly/profile/p-gcd.c                            |    36 +
 fq_poly/scalar_div_fq.c                            |    40 +
 fq_poly/set_trunc.c                                |    40 +
 fq_poly/sub_series.c                               |    39 +
 fq_poly/test/t-add_series.c                        |    40 +
 fq_poly/test/t-div_series.c                        |    38 +
 fq_poly/test/t-equal_trunc.c                       |    39 +
 fq_poly/test/t-evaluate_fq_vec_fast.c              |    38 +
 fq_poly/test/t-gcd.c                               |    36 +
 fq_poly/test/t-gcd_euclidean_f.c                   |    36 +
 fq_poly/test/t-gcd_hgcd.c                          |    36 +
 fq_poly/test/t-hgcd.c                              |    36 +
 fq_poly/test/t-mulhigh.c                           |    36 +
 fq_poly/test/t-mulhigh_classical.c                 |    36 +
 fq_poly/test/t-set_trunc.c                         |    39 +
 fq_poly/test/t-sub_series.c                        |    40 +
 fq_poly/test/t-xgcd_euclidean.c                    |    36 +
 fq_poly/test/t-xgcd_euclidean_f.c                  |    36 +
 fq_poly/tree.c                                     |    36 +
 fq_poly/xgcd_euclidean.c                           |    36 +
 fq_poly/xgcd_euclidean_f.c                         |    36 +
 fq_poly_factor.h                                   |    11 +-
 fq_poly_factor/doc/fq_poly_factor.txt              |     6 +-
 fq_poly_factor/inlines.c                           |    35 +
 fq_poly_factor_templates.h                         |    80 +-
 fq_poly_templates.h                                |   695 +-
 fq_poly_templates/add_series.c                     |    58 +
 fq_poly_templates/div_series.c                     |   152 +
 fq_poly_templates/divrem_f.c                       |   132 +
 fq_poly_templates/equal_trunc.c                    |    73 +
 fq_poly_templates/evaluate_fq_vec.c                |    58 +
 fq_poly_templates/evaluate_fq_vec_fast.c           |   161 +
 fq_poly_templates/evaluate_fq_vec_iter.c           |    55 +
 fq_poly_templates/gcd.c                            |   110 +
 fq_poly_templates/gcd_euclidean_f.c                |   188 +
 fq_poly_templates/gcd_hgcd.c                       |   183 +
 fq_poly_templates/get_str_pretty.c                 |     2 +-
 fq_poly_templates/hgcd.c                           |   552 +
 fq_poly_templates/mulhigh.c                        |    96 +
 fq_poly_templates/mulhigh_classical.c              |   125 +
 fq_poly_templates/powmod_x_fmpz_preinv.c           |     1 +
 fq_poly_templates/profile/p-gcd-old.c              |   165 +
 fq_poly_templates/profile/p-gcd.c                  |   142 +
 fq_poly_templates/scalar_div_fq.c                  |    70 +
 fq_poly_templates/set_coeff.c                      |    26 +-
 fq_poly_templates/set_trunc.c                      |    55 +
 fq_poly_templates/sub_series.c                     |    58 +
 fq_poly_templates/test/t-add.c                     |    10 +-
 fq_poly_templates/test/t-add_series.c              |   221 +
 fq_poly_templates/test/t-div_series.c              |    95 +
 fq_poly_templates/test/t-equal_trunc.c             |   151 +
 fq_poly_templates/test/t-evaluate_fq_vec_fast.c    |    98 +
 fq_poly_templates/test/t-gcd.c                     |   254 +
 fq_poly_templates/test/t-gcd_euclidean_f.c         |   106 +
 fq_poly_templates/test/t-gcd_hgcd.c                |   172 +
 fq_poly_templates/test/t-hgcd.c                    |   197 +
 fq_poly_templates/test/t-make_monic.c              |     4 +-
 fq_poly_templates/test/t-mulhigh.c                 |    93 +
 fq_poly_templates/test/t-mulhigh_classical.c       |   189 +
 fq_poly_templates/test/t-set_trunc.c               |   104 +
 fq_poly_templates/test/t-sub_series.c              |   221 +
 fq_poly_templates/test/t-xgcd_euclidean.c          |   173 +
 fq_poly_templates/test/t-xgcd_euclidean_f.c        |   204 +
 fq_poly_templates/tree.c                           |   133 +
 fq_poly_templates/xgcd_euclidean.c                 |   254 +
 fq_poly_templates/xgcd_euclidean_f.c               |   291 +
 fq_templates.h                                     |    43 +
 fq_templates/div.c                                 |    42 +
 fq_templates/is_invertible.c                       |    38 +
 fq_templates/is_invertible_f.c                     |    42 +
 fq_templates/test/t-div.c                          |    84 +
 fq_templates/test/t-is_invertible.c                |    71 +
 fq_templates/test/t-is_invertible_f.c              |    92 +
 fq_vec.h                                           |     8 +
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 fq_vec/scalar_mul_fq.c                             |    36 +
 fq_vec_templates.h                                 |    47 +-
 fq_vec_templates/scalar_mul_fq.c                   |    46 +
 fq_zech.h                                          |   147 +-
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 fq_zech/div.c                                      |    36 +
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 fq_zech/inlines.c                                  |    42 +
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 fq_zech/is_invertible_f.c                          |    36 +
 fq_zech/mul_si.c                                   |     2 +-
 fq_zech/mul_ui.c                                   |     2 +-
 fq_zech/test/t-div.c                               |    36 +
 fq_zech/test/t-is_invertible.c                     |    36 +
 fq_zech/test/t-is_invertible_f.c                   |    36 +
 fq_zech_mat.h                                      |    11 +-
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 fq_zech_mat/concat_vertical.c                      |    36 +
 fq_zech_mat/doc/fq_zech_mat.txt                    |    30 +-
 fq_zech_mat/inlines.c                              |    34 +
 fq_zech_mat/nullspace.c                            |    36 +
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 fq_zech_mat/test/t-concat_horizontal.c             |    36 +
 fq_zech_mat/test/t-concat_vertical.c               |    36 +
 fq_zech_mat/test/t-nullspace.c                     |    36 +
 fq_zech_mat/test/t-rank.c                          |    36 +
 fq_zech_mat/test/t-window_init_clear.c             |    36 +
 fq_zech_poly.h                                     |    12 +
 fq_zech_poly/add_series.c                          |    36 +
 fq_zech_poly/div_series.c                          |    36 +
 fq_zech_poly/divrem_f.c                            |    36 +
 fq_zech_poly/doc/fq_zech_poly.txt                  |   290 +-
 fq_zech_poly/equal_trunc.c                         |    36 +
 fq_zech_poly/evaluate_fq_vec.c                     |    38 +
 fq_zech_poly/evaluate_fq_vec_fast.c                |    38 +
 fq_zech_poly/evaluate_fq_vec_iter.c                |    38 +
 fq_zech_poly/gcd.c                                 |    36 +
 fq_zech_poly/gcd_euclidean_f.c                     |    36 +
 fq_zech_poly/gcd_hgcd.c                            |    36 +
 fq_zech_poly/hgcd.c                                |    36 +
 fq_zech_poly/inlines.c                             |    34 +
 fq_zech_poly/mulhigh.c                             |    36 +
 fq_zech_poly/mulhigh_classical.c                   |    36 +
 fq_zech_poly/profile/p-gcd.c                       |    36 +
 fq_zech_poly/scalar_div_fq.c                       |    36 +
 fq_zech_poly/set_trunc.c                           |    36 +
 fq_zech_poly/sub_series.c                          |    36 +
 fq_zech_poly/test/t-add_series.c                   |    36 +
 fq_zech_poly/test/t-div_series.c                   |    36 +
 fq_zech_poly/test/t-equal_trunc.c                  |    36 +
 fq_zech_poly/test/t-evaluate_fq_vec_fast.c         |    38 +
 fq_zech_poly/test/t-gcd.c                          |    36 +
 fq_zech_poly/test/t-gcd_euclidean_f.c              |    36 +
 fq_zech_poly/test/t-gcd_hgcd.c                     |    36 +
 fq_zech_poly/test/t-hgcd.c                         |    36 +
 fq_zech_poly/test/t-mulhigh.c                      |    36 +
 fq_zech_poly/test/t-mulhigh_classical.c            |    36 +
 fq_zech_poly/test/t-set_trunc.c                    |    36 +
 fq_zech_poly/test/t-sub_series.c                   |    36 +
 fq_zech_poly/test/t-xgcd_euclidean.c               |    36 +
 fq_zech_poly/test/t-xgcd_euclidean_f.c             |    36 +
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 fq_zech_poly_factor/inlines.c                      |    32 +
 fq_zech_vec.h                                      |     8 +
 fq_zech_vec/inlines.c                              |    34 +
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 gmpcompat.h                                        |   253 +-
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 long_extras.h                                      |    14 +-
 long_extras/inlines.c                              |    34 +
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 mpf_mat/doc/mpf_mat.txt                            |   167 +
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 mpf_mat/is_zero.c                                  |    44 +
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 mpf_mat/one.c                                      |    39 +
 mpf_mat/print.c                                    |    47 +
 mpf_mat/qr.c                                       |   127 +
 mpf_mat/randtest.c                                 |    42 +
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 mpf_mat/swap.c                                     |    40 +
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 mpf_mat/test/t-equal.c                             |    95 +
 mpf_mat/test/t-gso.c                               |   129 +
 mpf_mat/test/t-init_clear.c                        |    65 +
 mpf_mat/test/t-is_empty.c                          |    65 +
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 mpf_mat/test/t-qr.c                                |   153 +
 mpf_mat/test/t-zero.c                              |    76 +
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 mpf_vec/scalar_mul_mpf.c                           |    35 +
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 mpf_vec/test/t-dot2.c                              |    83 +
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 mpfr_mat/test/t-zero.c                             |    76 +
 mpfr_mat/zero.c                                    |    41 +
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 mpfr_vec.h                                         |    26 +-
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 mpfr_vec/test/t-set_equal.c                        |   119 +
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 mpn_extras/divrem_preinv1.c                        |     4 +
 mpn_extras/doc/mpn_extras.txt                      |    22 -
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 mpn_extras/mulmod_preinv1.c                        |    13 +-
 mpn_extras/mulmod_preinvn.c                        |     6 +-
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 nmod_mat/rref.c                                    |    29 +-
 nmod_mat/scalar_mul_add.c                          |    53 +
 nmod_mat/swap.c                                    |    38 +
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 nmod_mat/test/t-concat_vertical.c                  |    93 +
 nmod_mat/test/t-mul.c                              |     4 +-
 nmod_mat/test/t-pow.c                              |    88 +
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 nmod_mat/test/t-window_init_clear.c                |    79 +
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 nmod_poly/compose_mod_brent_kung_vec_preinv.c      |   172 +
 .../compose_mod_brent_kung_vec_preinv_threaded.c   |   243 +
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 nmod_poly/doc/nmod_poly.txt                        |   220 +-
 nmod_poly/evaluate_mat_horner.c                    |   104 +
 nmod_poly/evaluate_mat_paterson_stockmeyer.c       |    95 +
 nmod_poly/fprintf_pretty.c                         |   115 +
 nmod_poly/get_str_pretty.c                         |   123 +
 nmod_poly/hgcd.c                                   |   140 +-
 nmod_poly/inlines.c                                |    91 +
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 nmod_poly/mullow_KS.c                              |     5 +-
 nmod_poly/profile/p-evaluate_mat.c                 |    75 +
 nmod_poly/resultant_hgcd.c                         |   232 +
 nmod_poly/set_coeff_ui.c                           |     2 +-
 ...ompose_mod_brent_kung_precomp_preinv_threaded.c |   255 +
 .../test/t-compose_mod_brent_kung_vec_preinv.c     |   119 +
 .../t-compose_mod_brent_kung_vec_preinv_threaded.c |   122 +
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 nmod_poly/test/t-evaluate_mat_horner.c             |   135 +
 .../test/t-evaluate_mat_paterson_stockmeyer.c      |   135 +
 nmod_poly/test/t-fread_print.c                     |    17 +-
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 nmod_poly/test/t-resultant_hgcd.c                  |   128 +
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 nmod_poly_factor/doc/nmod_poly_factor.txt          |    15 +-
 nmod_poly_factor/factor_distinct_deg.c             |    45 +-
 nmod_poly_factor/factor_distinct_deg_threaded.c    |   481 +
 nmod_poly_factor/factor_kaltofen_shoup.c           |     7 +-
 nmod_poly_factor/inlines.c                         |    41 +
 nmod_poly_factor/is_irreducible_ddf.c              |    51 +-
 .../test/t-factor_distinct_deg_threaded.c          |   145 +
 nmod_poly_factor/test/t-interval_threaded.c        |   170 +
 nmod_poly_mat.h                                    |   121 +-
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 nmod_poly_mat/test/t-concat_vertical.c             |    88 +
 nmod_poly_mat/test/t-window_init_clear.c           |    82 +
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 nmod_poly_mat/window_init.c                        |    43 +
 nmod_vec.h                                         |    62 +-
 nmod_vec/inlines.c                                 |    34 +
 padic.h                                            |   185 +-
 padic/add.c                                        |    12 +-
 padic/doc/padic.txt                                |    13 +-
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 padic/pow_si.c                                     |     4 +-
 padic/set.c                                        |     5 +-
 padic/sub.c                                        |    10 +-
 padic/test/t-log_satoh.c                           |     2 -
 padic/test/t-mul.c                                 |     1 +
 padic/test/t-val_fac.c                             |     2 -
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 padic_mat/doc/padic_mat.txt                        |    18 +
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 padic_poly/inlines.c                               |    34 +
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 perm.h                                             |    28 +-
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 printf.c                                           |    57 +-
 profiler.h                                         |    24 +-
 qadic.h                                            |   136 +-
 qadic/ctx_init_conway.c                            |    59 +-
 qadic/inlines.c                                    |    34 +
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 qsieve.h                                           |    34 +-
 sprintf.c                                          |    47 +-
 sscanf.c                                           |    15 +-
 templates.h                                        |     6 +
 todo.txt                                           |    38 +
 ulong_extras.h                                     |   231 +-
 ulong_extras/cbrt.c                                |    94 +
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 ulong_extras/cbrt_estimate.c                       |    68 +
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 ulong_extras/cbrtrem.c                             |    49 +
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 ulong_extras/factor_partial.c                      |     6 +
 ulong_extras/factor_pp1.c                          |     2 +-
 ulong_extras/gcd.c                                 |    54 +-
 ulong_extras/inlines.c                             |    34 +
 ulong_extras/is_oddprime_binary.c                  |     3 +
 ulong_extras/is_prime.c                            |     7 +-
 ulong_extras/is_prime_pocklington.c                |    52 +-
 ulong_extras/mulmod_preinv.c                       |    10 +-
 ulong_extras/nextprime.c                           |   110 +-
 ulong_extras/powmod2_preinv.c                      |    37 +-
 ulong_extras/powmod_preinv.c                       |    58 +
 ulong_extras/prime_pi_bounds.c                     |    22 +-
 ulong_extras/profile/p-gcd.c                       |    97 +
 ulong_extras/root.c                                |   153 +
 ulong_extras/root_estimate.c                       |   127 +
 ulong_extras/rootrem.c                             |   164 +
 ulong_extras/sqrtmod.c                             |    38 +-
 ulong_extras/test/t-cbrt.c                         |   165 +
 ulong_extras/test/t-cbrt_binary_search.c           |   165 +
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 ulong_extras/test/t-cbrt_newton_iteration.c        |   164 +
 ulong_extras/test/t-cbrtrem.c                      |    77 +
 ulong_extras/test/t-gcd.c                          |     2 +-
 ulong_extras/test/t-nextprime.c                    |    27 +-
 ulong_extras/test/t-powmod.c                       |    22 +-
 ulong_extras/test/t-powmod2.c                      |    18 +
 ulong_extras/test/t-powmod2_preinv.c               |    21 +-
 ulong_extras/test/t-powmod2_ui_preinv.c            |    19 +
 ulong_extras/test/t-powmod_precomp.c               |    22 +
 ulong_extras/test/t-powmod_ui_precomp.c            |    24 +-
 ulong_extras/test/t-powmod_ui_preinv.c             |   108 +
 ulong_extras/test/t-root.c                         |   185 +
 ulong_extras/test/t-rootrem.c                      |   193 +
 1081 files changed, 167357 insertions(+), 9409 deletions(-)
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 delete mode 100644 arith/dedekind_sum_naive.c
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Alioth's /usr/local/bin/git-commit-notice on /srv/git.debian.org/git/debian-science/packages/flint.git

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