[cb2bib] annotated tag master/1.9.2-1 created (now e58f0e8)

Filippo Rusconi lopippo at moszumanska.debian.org
Mon Aug 17 13:34:55 UTC 2015

This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.

lopippo pushed a change to annotated tag master/1.9.2-1
in repository cb2bib.

        at  e58f0e8   (tag)
   tagging  7774d56b822d1cb00efa2dcae51e97609a19b4c2 (commit)
  replaces  master/1.4.9-4
 tagged by  Filippo Rusconi (Uploading Debian Developer)
        on  Mon Aug 17 15:34:07 2015 +0200

- Log -----------------------------------------------------------------
Version: GnuPG v1


Filippo Rusconi (Uploading Debian Developer) (15):
      Imported Upstream version 1.9.2
      Merge tag 'upstream/1.9.2'
      New upstream version (port to QT5), initial package modifications.
      Removed useless patches.
      debian/rules and debian/changelog: fix call to rm in override_dh_clean.
      debian/rules: make qmake available by build-depending on qt5-default.
      debian/rules: remove old cruft bugging the call to qmake.
      debian/control: actually add liblzo2-dev to build-depends.
      debian/rules: fix problem with source tree having qtsingleapplications inside src.
      debian/control and debian/rules: change qt5-default to qtchooser as the former package is a metapackage and adapt the call to qmake in d/rules.
      Try patch to see if we can add flags to security-harden the binary.
      Revert file to upstream version. That file will be patched.
      debian/patches/hardening-rules.patch: fix patch to have the variables set correctly. Add title to patch.
      debian/changelog: too long line cosmetic change.
      Add lintian overrides.


This annotated tag includes the following new commits:

       new  89ab16c   Merge tag 'upstream/1.9.2'
       new  2ab678b   New upstream version (port to QT5), initial package modifications.
       new  b47015c   Removed useless patches.
       new  7906a20   debian/rules and debian/changelog: fix call to rm in override_dh_clean.
       new  da29c64   debian/rules: make qmake available by build-depending on qt5-default.
       new  69e49a8   debian/rules: remove old cruft bugging the call to qmake.
       new  f04ee7e   debian/control: actually add liblzo2-dev to build-depends.
       new  ceba795   debian/rules: fix problem with source tree having qtsingleapplications inside src.
       new  e87ad9f   debian/control and debian/rules: change qt5-default to qtchooser as the former package is a metapackage and adapt the call to qmake in d/rules.
       new  5f7d721   Try patch to see if we can add flags to security-harden the binary.
       new  44a7b1b   Revert file to upstream version. That file will be patched.
       new  bbeaeed   debian/patches/hardening-rules.patch: fix patch to have the variables set correctly. Add title to patch.
       new  1cb31b0   debian/changelog: too long line cosmetic change.
       new  7774d56   Add lintian overrides.

The 14 revisions listed above as "new" are entirely new to this
repository and will be described in separate emails.  The revisions
listed as "adds" were already present in the repository and have only
been added to this reference.

Alioth's /usr/local/bin/git-commit-notice on /srv/git.debian.org/git/debian-science/packages/cb2bib.git

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