[mathgl] 01/02: Merge tag 'upstream/2.3.3'

Dimitrios Eftaxiopoulos eftaxiop-guest at moszumanska.debian.org
Sun Jul 19 08:26:24 UTC 2015

This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.

eftaxiop-guest pushed a commit to branch master
in repository mathgl.

commit 6f108dec916188146302fecc7e7b028535a53fb4
Merge: b6b35dc b5a9178
Author: Dimitrios Eftaxiopoulos <eftaxi12 at otenet.gr>
Date:   Sat Jul 18 17:33:48 2015 +0300

    Merge tag 'upstream/2.3.3'
    Upstream version 2.3.3

 CMakeLists.txt                             |   29 +-
 ChangeLog.txt                              |   35 +
 FindMathGL2.cmake                          |   50 +-
 cmake-qt4.txt                              |    4 +-
 cmake-qt5.txt                              |    4 +
 examples/CMakeLists.txt                    |   11 +
 examples/fltk_example.cpp                  |    4 +-
 examples/full_test.cpp                     |   37 +-
 examples/glut_example.cpp                  |    2 +-
 udav/mem_pnl.h => examples/qgl_example.cpp |   68 +-
 examples/qgl_example.h                     |   22 +
 examples/qt_example.cpp                    |    4 +-
 examples/samples.cpp                       |   97 ++-
 examples/wnd_samples.cpp                   |    6 +-
 fonts/CMakeLists.txt                       |   20 +
 fonts/adventor.vfm                         |  Bin 0 -> 266241 bytes
 fonts/adventor_b.vfm                       |  Bin 0 -> 258872 bytes
 fonts/adventor_bi.vfm                      |  Bin 0 -> 271197 bytes
 fonts/adventor_i.vfm                       |  Bin 0 -> 278121 bytes
 fonts/bonum.vfm                            |  Bin 0 -> 525818 bytes
 fonts/bonum_b.vfm                          |  Bin 0 -> 500685 bytes
 fonts/bonum_bi.vfm                         |  Bin 0 -> 549356 bytes
 fonts/bonum_i.vfm                          |  Bin 0 -> 555506 bytes
 fonts/chorus.vfm                           |  Bin 0 -> 521710 bytes
 fonts/cursor.vfm                           |  Bin 0 -> 580080 bytes
 fonts/cursor_b.vfm                         |  Bin 0 -> 651531 bytes
 fonts/cursor_bi.vfm                        |  Bin 0 -> 671869 bytes
 fonts/cursor_i.vfm                         |  Bin 0 -> 631711 bytes
 fonts/heros.vfm                            |  Bin 0 -> 285750 bytes
 fonts/heros_b.vfm                          |  Bin 0 -> 285026 bytes
 fonts/heros_bi.vfm                         |  Bin 0 -> 311011 bytes
 fonts/heros_i.vfm                          |  Bin 0 -> 315904 bytes
 fonts/heroscn.vfm                          |  Bin 0 -> 270313 bytes
 fonts/heroscn_b.vfm                        |  Bin 0 -> 261330 bytes
 fonts/heroscn_bi.vfm                       |  Bin 0 -> 285968 bytes
 fonts/heroscn_i.vfm                        |  Bin 0 -> 292114 bytes
 fonts/pagella.vfm                          |  Bin 0 -> 551258 bytes
 fonts/pagella_b.vfm                        |  Bin 0 -> 542842 bytes
 fonts/pagella_bi.vfm                       |  Bin 0 -> 634397 bytes
 fonts/pagella_i.vfm                        |  Bin 0 -> 622419 bytes
 fonts/schola.vfm                           |  Bin 0 -> 541994 bytes
 fonts/schola_b.vfm                         |  Bin 0 -> 545310 bytes
 fonts/schola_bi.vfm                        |  Bin 0 -> 588460 bytes
 fonts/schola_i.vfm                         |  Bin 0 -> 585632 bytes
 fonts/termes.vfm                           |  Bin 0 -> 554688 bytes
 fonts/termes_b.vfm                         |  Bin 0 -> 526340 bytes
 fonts/termes_bi.vfm                        |  Bin 0 -> 584270 bytes
 fonts/termes_i.vfm                         |  Bin 0 -> 588928 bytes
 include/config.h.in                        |    3 +
 include/mgl2/abstract.h                    |    7 +
 include/mgl2/addon.h                       |    4 +-
 include/mgl2/base.h                        |   85 ++-
 include/mgl2/base_cf.h                     |   30 +-
 include/mgl2/canvas.h                      |   33 +-
 include/mgl2/canvas_cf.h                   |  178 ++++-
 include/mgl2/cont.h                        |  117 ++-
 include/mgl2/data.h                        |   61 +-
 include/mgl2/data_cf.h                     |   50 +-
 include/mgl2/datac.h                       |   82 +-
 include/mgl2/datac_cf.h                    |   74 +-
 include/mgl2/define.h                      |   32 +-
 include/mgl2/fit.h                         |   53 +-
 include/mgl2/font.h                        |    6 +-
 include/mgl2/mgl.h                         |  934 +++++++++++++++++++++--
 include/mgl2/mgl_pas.pas                   |   39 +-
 include/mgl2/opengl.h                      |    1 -
 include/mgl2/other.h                       |   43 +-
 include/mgl2/parser.h                      |   13 +-
 include/mgl2/plot.h                        |   59 +-
 include/mgl2/prim.h                        |   73 +-
 include/mgl2/qmathgl.h                     |    4 +
 include/mgl2/surf.h                        |   41 +-
 include/mgl2/type.h                        |    1 +
 include/mgl2/vect.h                        |  118 ++-
 include/mgl2/volume.h                      |   50 ++
 json/main.js                               |    6 +-
 json/mathgl.Backend.js                     |    6 +-
 json/mathgl.Graph.js                       |  170 +++--
 json/mathgl.View.js                        |   81 +-
 json/mathgl.WebkitBackend.js               |   15 +-
 mgltex/CMakeLists.txt                      |   36 +-
 mgltex/mgltex.sty                          | 1122 +++++++++++++++-------------
 mgltex/sample.tex                          |   37 +-
 src/CMakeLists.txt                         |    2 +-
 src/addon.cpp                              |    4 +-
 src/axis.cpp                               |  231 +++---
 src/base.cpp                               |   58 +-
 src/base_cf.cpp                            |   20 +-
 src/canvas.cpp                             |  110 +--
 src/canvas_cf.cpp                          |   41 +-
 src/complex.cpp                            |  246 ++++--
 src/complex_ex.cpp                         |  179 ++++-
 src/complex_io.cpp                         |    4 +-
 src/cont.cpp                               |   30 +-
 src/cont.hpp                               |    4 +-
 src/crust.cpp                              |  103 ++-
 src/data.cpp                               |  106 ++-
 src/data_ex.cpp                            |  125 ++--
 src/data_gr.cpp                            |   34 +-
 src/data_io.cpp                            |    7 +-
 src/data_png.cpp                           |    2 +-
 src/{def_font.cpp => def_font.cc}          |    0
 src/eval.cpp                               |   25 +-
 src/evalc.cpp                              |   30 +-
 src/evalp.cpp                              | 1111 ++++++++++++++-------------
 src/exec.cpp                               | 1004 ++++++++++++++++---------
 src/export_2d.cpp                          |  150 ++--
 src/export_3d.cpp                          |    2 +-
 src/fft.cpp                                |   79 +-
 src/fit.cpp                                |   43 +-
 src/font.cpp                               |   82 +-
 src/opengl.cpp                             |   97 +--
 src/parser.cpp                             |  444 ++++++++---
 src/pde.cpp                                |   27 +-
 src/pixel.cpp                              |  192 +++--
 src/plot.cpp                               |   44 +-
 src/prim.cpp                               |   18 +-
 src/surf.cpp                               |  360 ++++-----
 src/{tex_table.cpp => tex_table.cc}        |   70 +-
 src/vect.cpp                               |  337 +++++++--
 src/volume.cpp                             |  362 ++++-----
 texinfo/CMakeLists.txt                     |  368 ++++-----
 texinfo/concept_en.texi                    |   10 +-
 texinfo/concept_ru.texi                    |   10 +-
 texinfo/core_en.texi                       |   89 ++-
 texinfo/core_ru.texi                       |   77 +-
 texinfo/data_en.texi                       |   16 +-
 texinfo/data_ru.texi                       |   15 +-
 texinfo/doc_en.texi                        |   42 +-
 texinfo/doc_ru.texi                        |   42 +-
 texinfo/ex_mgl_en.texi                     |   77 +-
 texinfo/ex_mgl_ru.texi                     |   76 +-
 texinfo/example_en.texi                    |  104 ++-
 texinfo/example_ru.texi                    |  104 ++-
 texinfo/mathgl.js                          |   17 +-
 texinfo/parse_en.texi                      |   47 +-
 texinfo/parse_ru.texi                      |   51 +-
 texinfo/symbols_en.texi                    |   14 +-
 texinfo/symbols_ru.texi                    |   14 +-
 texinfo/version.texi                       |    2 -
 texinfo/version.texi.in                    |    4 +
 texinfo/web_en.texi                        |   44 +-
 texinfo/web_ru.texi                        |   43 +-
 todo.txt                                   |   45 +-
 udav/CMakeLists.txt                        |   14 +-
 udav/calc_dlg.cpp                          |   26 +-
 udav/dat_pnl.cpp                           |  100 ++-
 udav/help_pnl.cpp                          |   29 +-
 udav/mem_pnl.cpp                           |   58 +-
 udav/mem_pnl.h                             |    4 +-
 udav/mgl.xml                               |    6 -
 udav/mgl.xml.in                            |   10 +
 udav/open_dlg.cpp                          |    3 +-
 udav/plot_pnl.cpp                          |  102 +--
 udav/style_dlg.cpp                         |    6 +-
 udav/subplot_dlg.cpp                       |    4 +-
 udav/text_pnl.cpp                          |   52 +-
 udav/textedit.h                            |    3 +-
 udav/udav_wnd.cpp                          |   13 +-
 utils/CMakeLists.txt                       |    3 +
 udav/mem_pnl.h => utils/make_bin.cpp       |   62 +-
 utils/make_pas.cpp                         |    3 +
 utils/mglconv.cpp                          |   13 +-
 utils/mglview.cpp                          |    4 +-
 widgets/fltk.cpp                           |   29 +-
 widgets/glut.cpp                           |    1 -
 widgets/qt.cpp                             |   56 +-
 167 files changed, 7794 insertions(+), 3958 deletions(-)

diff --cc CMakeLists.txt
index c951953,2aae334..6035d4a
--- a/CMakeLists.txt
+++ b/CMakeLists.txt
@@@ -11,13 -11,10 +11,13 @@@ if(NOT CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE
- #set(MathGL_VERSION_MAJOR 2)
- #set(MathGL_VERSION_MINOR 2.2)
+ set(MathGL_VERSION_MINOR 3.3)
  set(MathGL_SOVERSION 7.4.0)
  MACRO(MGL_DEPENDENT_OPTION option doc default depends1 force1 depends2 force2)
    IF(${option}_ISSET MATCHES "^${option}_ISSET$")
@@@ -63,9 -60,10 +63,10 @@@ ENDMACRO(MGL_DEPENDENT_OPTION
  set(MGL_LIB_INSTALL_DIR "lib" CACHE STRING "Set library install directory")
+ string(TIMESTAMP MGL_NIGHT "%d.%m.%y")
  option(enable-double "Enable double precision in MathGL library" ON)
 -option(enable-mpi "Enable mpi")
 +option(enable-mpi "Enable mpi" ON)
  option(enable-opengl "Enable OpenGL support" ON)
  option(enable-all-docs "Enable all documentation building")
  #option(enable-doc "Enable documentation building")

Alioth's /usr/local/bin/git-commit-notice on /srv/git.debian.org/git/debian-science/packages/mathgl.git

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