[lua-torch-optim] 01/01: Imported Upstream version 0~20160808-g6c59c35

Zhou Mo cdluminate-guest at moszumanska.debian.org
Sun Aug 14 14:14:22 UTC 2016

This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.

cdluminate-guest pushed a commit to branch master
in repository lua-torch-optim.

commit b6c716c5f38f1d6dea85211a0439b2583dc070ae
Author: Zhou Mo <cdluminate at gmail.com>
Date:   Sun Aug 14 14:12:59 2016 +0000

    Imported Upstream version 0~20160808-g6c59c35
 .dokx                    |   4 +
 .gitignore               |   1 +
 CMakeLists.txt           |  14 ++
 COPYRIGHT.txt            |  35 +++++
 ConfusionMatrix.lua      | 361 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 Logger.lua               | 186 ++++++++++++++++++++++++
 README.md                |   8 ++
 adadelta.lua             |  55 +++++++
 adagrad.lua              |  55 +++++++
 adam.lua                 |  72 ++++++++++
 adamax.lua               |  66 +++++++++
 asgd.lua                 |  73 ++++++++++
 cg.lua                   | 208 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 checkgrad.lua            |  41 ++++++
 cmaes.lua                | 270 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 de.lua                   | 109 ++++++++++++++
 doc/algos.md             | 364 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 doc/intro.md             |  41 ++++++
 doc/logger.md            |  73 ++++++++++
 doc/logger_plot.png      | Bin 0 -> 45532 bytes
 fista.lua                | 192 +++++++++++++++++++++++++
 init.lua                 |  33 +++++
 lbfgs.lua                | 268 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 lswolfe.lua              | 192 +++++++++++++++++++++++++
 mkdocs.yml               |   8 ++
 nag.lua                  |  86 +++++++++++
 optim-1.0.3-0.rockspec   |  29 ++++
 optim-1.0.3-1.rockspec   |  29 ++++
 optim-1.0.4-0.rockspec   |  28 ++++
 optim-1.0.5-0.rockspec   |  27 ++++
 polyinterp.lua           | 234 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 rmsprop.lua              |  57 ++++++++
 rprop.lua                | 103 ++++++++++++++
 sgd.lua                  |  90 ++++++++++++
 test/l2.lua              |  22 +++
 test/rosenbrock.lua      |  50 +++++++
 test/sparsecoding.lua    | 127 +++++++++++++++++
 test/test_adadelta.lua   |  23 +++
 test/test_adagrad.lua    |  23 +++
 test/test_adam.lua       |  19 +++
 test/test_adamax.lua     |  23 +++
 test/test_cg.lua         |  17 +++
 test/test_cmaes.lua      |  23 +++
 test/test_confusion.lua  |  39 +++++
 test/test_de.lua         |  24 ++++
 test/test_fista.lua      |  95 +++++++++++++
 test/test_lbfgs.lua      |  38 +++++
 test/test_lbfgs_w_ls.lua |  20 +++
 test/test_logger.lua     |  20 +++
 test/test_rmsprop.lua    |  23 +++
 test/test_sgd.lua        |  23 +++
 51 files changed, 4021 insertions(+)

diff --git a/.dokx b/.dokx
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0d62f75
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.dokx
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+return {
+    githubURL = "torch/optim",
+    exclude   = {"test", "polyinterp.lua"}
diff --git a/.gitignore b/.gitignore
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..567609b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.gitignore
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
diff --git a/CMakeLists.txt b/CMakeLists.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..26ec4de
--- /dev/null
+++ b/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+    MESSAGE(STATUS "Installing Torch through Luarocks")
+    STRING(REGEX REPLACE "(.*)lib/luarocks/rocks.*" "\\1" CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX  "${LUAROCKS_PREFIX}")
+    MESSAGE(STATUS "Prefix inferred from Luarocks: ${CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX}")
+FILE(GLOB luasrc *.lua)
+ADD_TORCH_PACKAGE(optim "${src}" "${luasrc}")
+#ADD_TORCH_DOK(dok optim "Machine Learning" "Optimization" 3.2)
diff --git a/COPYRIGHT.txt b/COPYRIGHT.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2e4118c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/COPYRIGHT.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
+Copyright (c) 2011-2014 Idiap Research Institute (Ronan Collobert)
+Copyright (c) 2011-2012 NEC Laboratories America (Koray Kavukcuoglu)
+Copyright (c) 2011-2013 NYU (Clement Farabet)
+Copyright (c) 2006-2010 NEC Laboratories America (Ronan Collobert, Leon Bottou, Iain Melvin, Jason Weston)
+Copyright (c) 2006      Idiap Research Institute (Samy Bengio)
+Copyright (c) 2001-2004 Idiap Research Institute (Ronan Collobert, Samy Bengio, Johnny Mariethoz)
+All rights reserved.
+Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
+modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:
+1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
+   notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
+2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
+   notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the
+   documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
+3. Neither the names of NEC Laboratories American and IDIAP Research
+   Institute nor the names of its contributors may be used to endorse or
+   promote products derived from this software without specific prior
+   written permission.
diff --git a/ConfusionMatrix.lua b/ConfusionMatrix.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8659a4e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ConfusionMatrix.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,361 @@
+--[[ A Confusion Matrix class
+    conf = optim.ConfusionMatrix( {'cat','dog','person'} )   -- new matrix
+    conf:zero()                                              -- reset matrix
+    for i = 1,N do
+        conf:add( neuralnet:forward(sample), label )         -- accumulate errors
+    end
+    print(conf)                                              -- print matrix
+    image.display(conf:render())                             -- render matrix
+local ConfusionMatrix = torch.class('optim.ConfusionMatrix')
+function ConfusionMatrix:__init(nclasses, classes)
+   if type(nclasses) == 'table' then
+      classes = nclasses
+      nclasses = #classes
+   end
+   self.mat = torch.LongTensor(nclasses,nclasses):zero()
+   self.valids = torch.FloatTensor(nclasses):zero()
+   self.unionvalids = torch.FloatTensor(nclasses):zero()
+   self.nclasses = nclasses
+   self.totalValid = 0
+   self.averageValid = 0
+   self.classes = classes or {}
+   -- buffers
+   self._mat_flat = self.mat:view(-1)
+   self._target = torch.FloatTensor()
+   self._prediction = torch.FloatTensor()
+   self._max = torch.FloatTensor()
+   self._pred_idx = torch.LongTensor()
+   self._targ_idx = torch.LongTensor()
+-- takes scalar prediction and target as input
+function ConfusionMatrix:_add(p, t)
+   assert(p and type(p) == 'number')
+   assert(t and type(t) == 'number')
+   -- non-positive values are considered missing
+   -- and therefore ignored
+   if t > 0 then
+      self.mat[t][p] = self.mat[t][p] + 1
+   end
+function ConfusionMatrix:add(prediction, target)
+   if type(prediction) == 'number' then
+      -- comparing numbers
+      self:_add(prediction, target)
+   else
+      self._prediction:resize(prediction:size()):copy(prediction)
+      assert(prediction:dim() == 1)
+      if type(target) == 'number' then
+         -- prediction is a vector, then target assumed to be an index
+         self._max:max(self._pred_idx, self._prediction, 1)
+         self:_add(self._pred_idx[1], target)
+      else
+         -- both prediction and target are vectors
+         assert(target:dim() == 1)
+         self._target:resize(target:size()):copy(target)
+         self._max:max(self._targ_idx, self._target, 1)
+         self._max:max(self._pred_idx, self._prediction, 1)
+         self:_add(self._pred_idx[1], self._targ_idx[1])
+      end
+   end
+function ConfusionMatrix:batchAdd(predictions, targets)
+   local preds, targs, __
+   self._prediction:resize(predictions:size()):copy(predictions)
+   if predictions:dim() == 1 then
+      -- predictions is a vector of classes
+      preds = self._prediction
+   elseif predictions:dim() == 2 then
+      -- prediction is a matrix of class likelihoods
+      if predictions:size(2) == 1 then
+         -- or prediction just needs flattening
+         preds = self._prediction:select(2,1)
+      else
+         self._max:max(self._pred_idx, self._prediction, 2)
+         preds = self._pred_idx:select(2,1)
+      end
+   else
+      error("predictions has invalid number of dimensions")
+   end
+   self._target:resize(targets:size()):copy(targets)
+   if targets:dim() == 1 then
+      -- targets is a vector of classes
+      targs = self._target
+   elseif targets:dim() == 2 then
+      -- targets is a matrix of one-hot rows
+      if targets:size(2) == 1 then
+         -- or targets just needs flattening
+         targs = self._target:select(2,1)
+      else
+         self._max:max(self._targ_idx, self._target, 2)
+         targs = self._targ_idx:select(2,1)
+      end
+   else
+      error("targets has invalid number of dimensions")
+   end
+   -- non-positive values are considered missing and therefore ignored
+   local mask = targs:ge(1)
+   targs = targs[mask]
+   preds = preds[mask]
+   self._mat_flat = self._mat_flat or self.mat:view(-1) -- for backward compatibility
+   preds = preds:typeAs(targs)
+   assert(self.mat:isContiguous() and self.mat:stride(2) == 1)
+   local indices = ((targs - 1) * self.mat:stride(1) + preds):typeAs(self.mat)
+   local ones = torch.ones(1):typeAs(self.mat):expand(indices:size(1))
+   self._mat_flat:indexAdd(1, indices, ones)
+function ConfusionMatrix:zero()
+   self.mat:zero()
+   self.valids:zero()
+   self.unionvalids:zero()
+   self.totalValid = 0
+   self.averageValid = 0
+local function isNaN(number)
+  return number ~= number
+function ConfusionMatrix:updateValids()
+   local total = 0
+   for t = 1,self.nclasses do
+      self.valids[t] = self.mat[t][t] / self.mat:select(1,t):sum()
+      self.unionvalids[t] = self.mat[t][t] / (self.mat:select(1,t):sum()+self.mat:select(2,t):sum()-self.mat[t][t])
+      total = total + self.mat[t][t]
+   end
+   self.totalValid = total / self.mat:sum()
+   self.averageValid = 0
+   self.averageUnionValid = 0
+   local nvalids = 0
+   local nunionvalids = 0
+   for t = 1,self.nclasses do
+      if not isNaN(self.valids[t]) then
+         self.averageValid = self.averageValid + self.valids[t]
+         nvalids = nvalids + 1
+      end
+      if not isNaN(self.valids[t]) and not isNaN(self.unionvalids[t]) then
+         self.averageUnionValid = self.averageUnionValid + self.unionvalids[t]
+         nunionvalids = nunionvalids + 1
+      end
+   end
+   self.averageValid = self.averageValid / nvalids
+   self.averageUnionValid = self.averageUnionValid / nunionvalids
+-- Calculating FAR/FRR associated with the confusion matrix
+function ConfusionMatrix:farFrr()
+   local cmat = self.mat
+   local noOfClasses = cmat:size()[1]
+   self._frrs = self._frrs or torch.zeros(noOfClasses)
+   self._frrs:zero()
+   self._classFrrs = self._classFrrs or torch.zeros(noOfClasses)
+   self._classFrrs:zero()
+   self._classFrrs:add(-1)
+   self._fars = self._fars or torch.zeros(noOfClasses)
+   self._fars:zero()
+   self._classFars = self._classFars or torch.zeros(noOfClasses)
+   self._classFars:zero()
+   self._classFars:add(-1)
+   local classSamplesCount = cmat:sum(2)
+   local indx = 1
+   for i=1,noOfClasses do
+      if classSamplesCount[i][1] ~= 0 then
+         self._frrs[indx] = 1 - cmat[i][i]/classSamplesCount[i][1]
+         self._classFrrs[i] = self._frrs[indx]
+         -- Calculating FARs
+         local farNumerator = 0
+         local farDenominator = 0
+         for j=1, noOfClasses do
+            if i ~= j then
+               if classSamplesCount[j][1] ~= 0 then
+                  farNumerator = farNumerator + cmat[j][i]/classSamplesCount[j][1]
+                  farDenominator  = farDenominator + 1
+               end
+            end
+         end
+         self._fars[indx] = farNumerator/farDenominator
+         self._classFars[i] = self._fars[indx]
+         indx = indx + 1
+      end
+   end
+   indx = indx - 1
+   local returnFrrs = self._frrs[{{1, indx}}]
+   local returnFars = self._fars[{{1, indx}}]
+   return self._classFrrs, self._classFars, returnFrrs, returnFars
+local function log10(n)
+   if math.log10 then
+      return math.log10(n)
+   else
+      return math.log(n) / math.log(10)
+   end
+function ConfusionMatrix:__tostring__()
+   self:updateValids()
+   local str = {'ConfusionMatrix:\n'}
+   local nclasses = self.nclasses
+   table.insert(str, '[')
+   local maxCnt = self.mat:max()
+   local nDigits = math.max(8, 1 + math.ceil(log10(maxCnt)))
+   for t = 1,nclasses do
+      local pclass = self.valids[t] * 100
+      pclass = string.format('%2.3f', pclass)
+      if t == 1 then
+         table.insert(str, '[')
+      else
+         table.insert(str, ' [')
+      end
+      for p = 1,nclasses do
+         table.insert(str, string.format('%' .. nDigits .. 'd', self.mat[t][p]))
+      end
+      if self.classes and self.classes[1] then
+         if t == nclasses then
+            table.insert(str, ']]  ' .. pclass .. '% \t[class: ' .. (self.classes[t] or '') .. ']\n')
+         else
+            table.insert(str, ']   ' .. pclass .. '% \t[class: ' .. (self.classes[t] or '') .. ']\n')
+         end
+      else
+         if t == nclasses then
+            table.insert(str, ']]  ' .. pclass .. '% \n')
+         else
+            table.insert(str, ']   ' .. pclass .. '% \n')
+         end
+      end
+   end
+   table.insert(str, ' + average row correct: ' .. (self.averageValid*100) .. '% \n')
+   table.insert(str, ' + average rowUcol correct (VOC measure): ' .. (self.averageUnionValid*100) .. '% \n')
+   table.insert(str, ' + global correct: ' .. (self.totalValid*100) .. '%')
+   return table.concat(str)
+function ConfusionMatrix:render(sortmode, display, block, legendwidth)
+   -- args
+   local confusion = self.mat:double()
+   local classes = self.classes
+   local sortmode = sortmode or 'score' -- 'score' or 'occurrence'
+   local block = block or 25
+   local legendwidth = legendwidth or 200
+   local display = display or false
+   -- legends
+   local legend = {
+      ['score'] = 'Confusion matrix [sorted by scores, global accuracy = %0.3f%%, per-class accuracy = %0.3f%%]',
+      ['occurrence'] = 'Confusiong matrix [sorted by occurences, accuracy = %0.3f%%, per-class accuracy = %0.3f%%]'
+   }
+   -- parse matrix / normalize / count scores
+   local diag = torch.FloatTensor(#classes)
+   local freqs = torch.FloatTensor(#classes)
+   local unconf = confusion
+   local confusion = confusion:clone()
+   local corrects = 0
+   local total = 0
+   for target = 1,#classes do
+      freqs[target] = confusion[target]:sum()
+      corrects = corrects + confusion[target][target]
+      total = total + freqs[target]
+      confusion[target]:div( math.max(confusion[target]:sum(),1) )
+      diag[target] = confusion[target][target]
+   end
+   -- accuracies
+   local accuracy = corrects / total * 100
+   local perclass = 0
+   local total = 0
+   for target = 1,#classes do
+      if confusion[target]:sum() > 0 then
+         perclass = perclass + diag[target]
+         total = total + 1
+      end
+   end
+   perclass = perclass / total * 100
+   freqs:div(unconf:sum())
+   -- sort matrix
+   if sortmode == 'score' then
+      _,order = torch.sort(diag,1,true)
+   elseif sortmode == 'occurrence' then
+      _,order = torch.sort(freqs,1,true)
+   else
+      error('sort mode must be one of: score | occurrence')
+   end
+   -- render matrix
+   local render = torch.zeros(#classes*block, #classes*block)
+   for target = 1,#classes do
+      for prediction = 1,#classes do
+         render[{ { (target-1)*block+1,target*block }, { (prediction-1)*block+1,prediction*block } }] = confusion[order[target]][order[prediction]]
+      end
+   end
+   -- add grid
+   for target = 1,#classes do
+      render[{ {target*block},{} }] = 0.1
+      render[{ {},{target*block} }] = 0.1
+   end
+   -- create rendering
+   require 'image'
+   require 'qtwidget'
+   require 'qttorch'
+   local win1 = qtwidget.newimage( (#render)[2]+legendwidth, (#render)[1] )
+   image.display{image=render, win=win1}
+   -- add legend
+   for i in ipairs(classes) do
+      -- background cell
+      win1:setcolor{r=0,g=0,b=0}
+      win1:rectangle((#render)[2],(i-1)*block,legendwidth,block)
+      win1:fill()
+      -- %
+      win1:setfont(qt.QFont{serif=false, size=fontsize})
+      local gscale = freqs[order[i]]/freqs:max()*0.9+0.1 --3/4
+      win1:setcolor{r=gscale*0.5+0.2,g=gscale*0.5+0.2,b=gscale*0.8+0.2}
+      win1:moveto((#render)[2]+10,i*block-block/3)
+      win1:show(string.format('[%2.2f%% labels]',math.floor(freqs[order[i]]*10000+0.5)/100))
+      -- legend
+      win1:setfont(qt.QFont{serif=false, size=fontsize})
+      local gscale = diag[order[i]]*0.8+0.2
+      win1:setcolor{r=gscale,g=gscale,b=gscale}
+      win1:moveto(120+(#render)[2]+10,i*block-block/3)
+      win1:show(classes[order[i]])
+      for j in ipairs(classes) do
+         -- scores
+         local score = confusion[order[j]][order[i]]
+         local gscale = (1-score)*(score*0.8+0.2)
+         win1:setcolor{r=gscale,g=gscale,b=gscale}
+         win1:moveto((i-1)*block+block/5,(j-1)*block+block*2/3)
+         win1:show(string.format('%02.0f',math.floor(score*100+0.5)))
+      end
+   end
+   -- generate tensor
+   local t = win1:image():toTensor()
+   -- display
+   if display then
+      image.display{image=t, legend=string.format(legend[sortmode],accuracy,perclass)}
+   end
+   -- return rendering
+   return t
diff --git a/Logger.lua b/Logger.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..48915ef
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Logger.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,186 @@
+--[[ Logger: a simple class to log symbols during training,
+        and automate plot generation
+    logger = optim.Logger('somefile.log')    -- file to save stuff
+    for i = 1,N do                           -- log some symbols during
+        train_error = ...                     -- training/testing
+        test_error = ...
+        logger:add{['training error'] = train_error,
+            ['test error'] = test_error}
+    end
+    logger:style{['training error'] = '-',   -- define styles for plots
+                 ['test error'] = '-'}
+    logger:plot()                            -- and plot
+---- OR ---
+    logger = optim.Logger('somefile.log')    -- file to save stuff
+    logger:setNames{'training error', 'test error'}
+    for i = 1,N do                           -- log some symbols during
+       train_error = ...                     -- training/testing
+       test_error = ...
+       logger:add{train_error, test_error}
+    end
+    logger:style{'-', '-'}                   -- define styles for plots
+    logger:plot()                            -- and plot
+    logger:setlogscale(true)                 -- enable logscale on Y-axis
+    logger:plot()                            -- and plot
+require 'xlua'
+local Logger = torch.class('optim.Logger')
+function Logger:__init(filename, timestamp)
+   if filename then
+      self.name = filename
+      os.execute('mkdir ' .. (sys.uname() ~= 'windows' and '-p ' or '') .. ' "' .. paths.dirname(filename) .. '"')
+      if timestamp then
+         -- append timestamp to create unique log file
+         filename = filename .. '-'..os.date("%Y_%m_%d_%X")
+      end
+      self.file = io.open(filename,'w')
+      self.epsfile = self.name .. '.eps'
+   else
+      self.file = io.stdout
+      self.name = 'stdout'
+      print('<Logger> warning: no path provided, logging to std out')
+   end
+   self.empty = true
+   self.symbols = {}
+   self.styles = {}
+   self.names = {}
+   self.idx = {}
+   self.figure = nil
+   self.showPlot = true
+   self.plotRawCmd = nil
+   self.defaultStyle = '+'
+   self.logscale = false
+function Logger:setNames(names)
+   self.names = names
+   self.empty = false
+   self.nsymbols = #names
+   for k,key in pairs(names) do
+      self.file:write(key .. '\t')
+      self.symbols[k] = {}
+      self.styles[k] = {self.defaultStyle}
+      self.idx[key] = k
+   end
+   self.file:write('\n')
+   self.file:flush()
+   return self
+function Logger:add(symbols)
+   -- (1) first time ? print symbols' names on first row
+   if self.empty then
+      self.empty = false
+      self.nsymbols = #symbols
+      for k,val in pairs(symbols) do
+         self.file:write(k .. '\t')
+         self.symbols[k] = {}
+         self.styles[k] = {self.defaultStyle}
+         self.names[k] = k
+      end
+      self.idx = self.names
+      self.file:write('\n')
+   end
+   -- (2) print all symbols on one row
+   for k,val in pairs(symbols) do
+      if type(val) == 'number' then
+         self.file:write(string.format('%11.4e',val) .. '\t')
+      elseif type(val) == 'string' then
+         self.file:write(val .. '\t')
+      else
+         xlua.error('can only log numbers and strings', 'Logger')
+      end
+   end
+   self.file:write('\n')
+   self.file:flush()
+   -- (3) save symbols in internal table
+   for k,val in pairs(symbols) do
+      table.insert(self.symbols[k], val)
+   end
+function Logger:style(symbols)
+   for name,style in pairs(symbols) do
+      if type(style) == 'string' then
+         self.styles[name] = {style}
+      elseif type(style) == 'table' then
+         self.styles[name] = style
+      else
+         xlua.error('style should be a string or a table of strings','Logger')
+      end
+   end
+   return self
+function Logger:setlogscale(value)
+   self.logscale = value
+function Logger:plot(...)
+   if not xlua.require('gnuplot') then
+      if not self.warned then
+         print('<Logger> warning: cannot plot with this version of Torch')
+         self.warned = true
+      end
+      return
+   end
+   local plotit = false
+   local plots = {}
+   local plotsymbol =
+      function(name,list)
+         if #list > 1 then
+            local nelts = #list
+            local plot_y = torch.Tensor(nelts)
+            for i = 1,nelts do
+               plot_y[i] = list[i]
+            end
+            for _,style in ipairs(self.styles[name]) do
+               table.insert(plots, {self.names[name], plot_y, style})
+            end
+            plotit = true
+         end
+      end
+   local args = {...}
+   if not args[1] then -- plot all symbols
+      for name,list in pairs(self.symbols) do
+         plotsymbol(name,list)
+      end
+   else -- plot given symbols
+      for _,name in ipairs(args) do
+         plotsymbol(self.idx[name], self.symbols[self.idx[name]])
+      end
+   end
+   if plotit then
+      if self.showPlot then
+         self.figure = gnuplot.figure(self.figure)
+         if self.logscale then gnuplot.logscale('on') end
+         gnuplot.plot(plots)
+         if self.plotRawCmd then gnuplot.raw(self.plotRawCmd) end
+         gnuplot.grid('on')
+         gnuplot.title('<Logger::' .. self.name .. '>')
+      end
+      if self.epsfile then
+         os.execute('rm -f "' .. self.epsfile .. '"')
+         local epsfig = gnuplot.epsfigure(self.epsfile)
+         if self.logscale then gnuplot.logscale('on') end
+         gnuplot.plot(plots)
+         if self.plotRawCmd then gnuplot.raw(self.plotRawCmd) end
+         gnuplot.grid('on')
+         gnuplot.title('<Logger::' .. self.name .. '>')
+         gnuplot.plotflush()
+         gnuplot.close(epsfig)
+      end
+   end
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+<a name='optim.dok'></a>
+# Optimization package
+This package contains several optimization routines and a logger for [Torch](https://github.com/torch/torch7/blob/master/README.md):
+ * [Overview](doc/intro.md);
+ * [Optimization algorithms](doc/algos.md);
+ * [Logger](doc/logger.md).
diff --git a/adadelta.lua b/adadelta.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7cc058d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/adadelta.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,55 @@
+--[[ ADADELTA implementation for SGD http://arxiv.org/abs/1212.5701
+- `opfunc` : a function that takes a single input (X), the point of
+            evaluation, and returns f(X) and df/dX
+- `x` : the initial point
+- `config` : a table of hyper-parameters
+- `config.rho` : interpolation parameter
+- `config.eps` : for numerical stability
+- `config.weightDecay` : weight decay
+- `state` : a table describing the state of the optimizer; after each
+         call the state is modified
+- `state.paramVariance` : vector of temporal variances of parameters
+- `state.accDelta` : vector of accummulated delta of gradients
+- `x` : the new x vector
+- `f(x)` : the function, evaluated before the update
+function optim.adadelta(opfunc, x, config, state)
+    -- (0) get/update state
+    if config == nil and state == nil then
+        print('no state table, ADADELTA initializing')
+    end
+    local config = config or {}
+    local state = state or config
+    local rho = config.rho or 0.9
+    local eps = config.eps or 1e-6
+    local wd = config.weightDecay or 0
+    state.evalCounter = state.evalCounter or 0
+    -- (1) evaluate f(x) and df/dx
+    local fx,dfdx = opfunc(x)
+    -- (2) weight decay
+    if wd ~= 0 then
+      dfdx:add(wd, x)
+    end
+    -- (3) parameter update
+    if not state.paramVariance then
+        state.paramVariance = torch.Tensor():typeAs(x):resizeAs(dfdx):zero()
+        state.paramStd = torch.Tensor():typeAs(x):resizeAs(dfdx):zero()
+        state.delta = torch.Tensor():typeAs(x):resizeAs(dfdx):zero()
+        state.accDelta = torch.Tensor():typeAs(x):resizeAs(dfdx):zero()
+    end
+    state.paramVariance:mul(rho):addcmul(1-rho,dfdx,dfdx)
+    state.paramStd:resizeAs(state.paramVariance):copy(state.paramVariance):add(eps):sqrt()
+    state.delta:resizeAs(state.paramVariance):copy(state.accDelta):add(eps):sqrt():cdiv(state.paramStd):cmul(dfdx)
+    x:add(-1, state.delta)
+    state.accDelta:mul(rho):addcmul(1-rho, state.delta, state.delta)
+    -- (4) update evaluation counter
+    state.evalCounter = state.evalCounter + 1
+    -- return x*, f(x) before optimization
+    return x,{fx}
diff --git a/adagrad.lua b/adagrad.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6860c43
--- /dev/null
+++ b/adagrad.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,55 @@
+--[[ ADAGRAD implementation for SGD
+- `opfunc` : a function that takes a single input (X), the point of
+         evaluation, and returns f(X) and df/dX
+- `x` : the initial point
+- `state` : a table describing the state of the optimizer; after each
+         call the state is modified
+- `state.learningRate` : learning rate
+- `state.paramVariance` : vector of temporal variances of parameters
+- `state.weightDecay` : scalar that controls weight decay
+- `x` : the new x vector
+- `f(x)` : the function, evaluated before the update
+function optim.adagrad(opfunc, x, config, state)
+   -- (0) get/update state
+   if config == nil and state == nil then
+      print('no state table, ADAGRAD initializing')
+   end
+   local config = config or {}
+   local state = state or config
+   local lr = config.learningRate or 1e-3
+   local lrd = config.learningRateDecay or 0
+   local wd = config.weightDecay or 0
+   state.evalCounter = state.evalCounter or 0
+   local nevals = state.evalCounter
+   -- (1) evaluate f(x) and df/dx
+   local fx,dfdx = opfunc(x)
+   -- (2) weight decay with a single parameter
+   if wd ~= 0 then
+       dfdx:add(wd, x)
+   end
+   -- (3) learning rate decay (annealing)
+   local clr = lr / (1 + nevals*lrd)
+   -- (4) parameter update with single or individual learning rates
+   if not state.paramVariance then
+      state.paramVariance = torch.Tensor():typeAs(x):resizeAs(dfdx):zero()
+      state.paramStd = torch.Tensor():typeAs(x):resizeAs(dfdx)
+   end
+   state.paramVariance:addcmul(1,dfdx,dfdx)
+   state.paramStd:resizeAs(state.paramVariance):copy(state.paramVariance):sqrt()
+   x:addcdiv(-clr, dfdx,state.paramStd:add(1e-10))
+   -- (5) update evaluation counter
+   state.evalCounter = state.evalCounter + 1
+   -- return x*, f(x) before optimization
+   return x,{fx}
diff --git a/adam.lua b/adam.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..bc80b5e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/adam.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,72 @@
+--[[ An implementation of Adam http://arxiv.org/pdf/1412.6980.pdf
+- 'opfunc' : a function that takes a single input (X), the point
+             of a evaluation, and returns f(X) and df/dX
+- 'x'      : the initial point
+- 'config` : a table with configuration parameters for the optimizer
+- 'config.learningRate'      : learning rate
+- `config.learningRateDecay` : learning rate decay
+- 'config.beta1'             : first moment coefficient
+- 'config.beta2'             : second moment coefficient
+- 'config.epsilon'           : for numerical stability
+- 'config.weightDecay'       : weight decay
+- 'state'                    : a table describing the state of the optimizer; after each
+                              call the state is modified
+- `x`     : the new x vector
+- `f(x)`  : the function, evaluated before the update
+function optim.adam(opfunc, x, config, state)
+   -- (0) get/update state
+   local config = config or {}
+   local state = state or config
+   local lr = config.learningRate or 0.001
+   local lrd = config.learningRateDecay or 0
+   local beta1 = config.beta1 or 0.9
+   local beta2 = config.beta2 or 0.999
+   local epsilon = config.epsilon or 1e-8
+   local wd = config.weightDecay or 0
+   -- (1) evaluate f(x) and df/dx
+   local fx, dfdx = opfunc(x)
+   -- (2) weight decay
+   if wd ~= 0 then
+      dfdx:add(wd, x)
+   end
+   -- Initialization
+   state.t = state.t or 0
+   -- Exponential moving average of gradient values
+   state.m = state.m or x.new(dfdx:size()):zero()
+   -- Exponential moving average of squared gradient values
+   state.v = state.v or x.new(dfdx:size()):zero()
+   -- A tmp tensor to hold the sqrt(v) + epsilon
+   state.denom = state.denom or x.new(dfdx:size()):zero()
+   -- (3) learning rate decay (annealing)
+   local clr = lr / (1 + state.t*lrd)
+   state.t = state.t + 1
+   -- Decay the first and second moment running average coefficient
+   state.m:mul(beta1):add(1-beta1, dfdx)
+   state.v:mul(beta2):addcmul(1-beta2, dfdx, dfdx)
+   state.denom:copy(state.v):sqrt():add(epsilon)
+   local biasCorrection1 = 1 - beta1^state.t
+   local biasCorrection2 = 1 - beta2^state.t
+   local stepSize = clr * math.sqrt(biasCorrection2)/biasCorrection1
+   -- (4) update x
+   x:addcdiv(-stepSize, state.m, state.denom)
+   -- return x*, f(x) before optimization
+   return x, {fx}
diff --git a/adamax.lua b/adamax.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2b64877
--- /dev/null
+++ b/adamax.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,66 @@
+--[[ An implementation of AdaMax http://arxiv.org/pdf/1412.6980.pdf
+- 'opfunc' : a function that takes a single input (X), the point
+             of a evaluation, and returns f(X) and df/dX
+- 'x'      : the initial point
+- 'config` : a table with configuration parameters for the optimizer
+- 'config.learningRate'      : learning rate
+- 'config.beta1'             : first moment coefficient
+- 'config.beta2'             : second moment coefficient
+- 'config.epsilon'           : for numerical stability
+- 'state'                    : a table describing the state of the optimizer;
+                               after each call the state is modified.
+- `x`     : the new x vector
+- `f(x)`  : the function, evaluated before the update
+function optim.adamax(opfunc, x, config, state)
+   -- (0) get/update state
+   local config = config or {}
+   local state = state or config
+   local lr = config.learningRate or 0.002
+   local beta1 = config.beta1 or 0.9
+   local beta2 = config.beta2 or 0.999
+   local epsilon = config.epsilon or 1e-38
+   local wd = config.weightDecay or 0
+   -- (1) evaluate f(x) and df/dx
+   local fx, dfdx = opfunc(x)
+   -- (2) weight decay
+   if wd ~= 0 then
+      dfdx:add(wd, x)
+   end
+   -- Initialization
+   state.t = state.t or 0
+   -- Exponential moving average of gradient values
+   state.m = state.m or x.new(dfdx:size()):zero()
+   -- Exponential moving average of the infinity norm
+   state.u = state.u or x.new(dfdx:size()):zero()
+   -- A tmp tensor to hold the input to max()
+   state.max = state.max or x.new(2, unpack(dfdx:size():totable())):zero()
+   state.t = state.t + 1
+   -- Update biased first moment estimate.
+   state.m:mul(beta1):add(1-beta1, dfdx)
+   -- Update the exponentially weighted infinity norm.
+   state.max[1]:copy(state.u):mul(beta2)
+   state.max[2]:copy(dfdx):abs():add(epsilon)
+   state.u:max(state.max, 1)
+   local biasCorrection1 = 1 - beta1^state.t
+   local stepSize = lr/biasCorrection1
+   -- (2) update x
+   x:addcdiv(-stepSize, state.m, state.u)
+   -- return x*, f(x) before optimization
+   return x, {fx}
diff --git a/asgd.lua b/asgd.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..cc1c459
--- /dev/null
+++ b/asgd.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,73 @@
+--[[ An implementation of ASGD
+       x := (1 - lambda eta_t) x - eta_t df/dx(z,x)
+       a := a + mu_t [ x - a ]
+    eta_t = eta0 / (1 + lambda eta0 t) ^ 0.75
+     mu_t = 1/max(1,t-t0)
+implements ASGD algoritm as in L.Bottou's sgd-2.0
+- `opfunc` : a function that takes a single input (X), the point of
+         evaluation, and returns f(X) and df/dX
+- `x`      : the initial point
+- `state`  : a table describing the state of the optimizer; after each
+         call the state is modified
+- `state.eta0`   : learning rate
+- `state.lambda` : decay term
+- `state.alpha`  : power for eta update
+- `state.t0`     : point at which to start averaging
+- `x`     : the new x vector
+- `f(x)`  : the function, evaluated before the update
+- `ax`    : the averaged x vector
+(Clement Farabet, 2012)
+function optim.asgd(opfunc, x, config, state)
+   -- (0) get/update state
+   local config = config or {}
+   local state = state or config
+   config.eta0 = config.eta0 or 1e-4
+   config.lambda = config.lambda or 1e-4
+   config.alpha = config.alpha or 0.75
+   config.t0 = config.t0 or 1e6
+   -- (hidden state)
+   state.eta_t = state.eta_t or config.eta0
+   state.mu_t = state.mu_t or 1
+   state.t = state.t or 0
+   -- (1) evaluate f(x) and df/dx
+   local fx,dfdx = opfunc(x)
+   -- (2) decay term
+   x:mul(1 - config.lambda*state.eta_t)
+   -- (3) update x
+   x:add(-state.eta_t, dfdx)
+   -- (4) averaging
+   state.ax = state.ax or torch.Tensor():typeAs(x):resizeAs(x):zero()
+   state.tmp = state.tmp or torch.Tensor():typeAs(state.ax):resizeAs(state.ax)
+   if state.mu_t ~= 1 then
+      state.tmp:copy(x)
+      state.tmp:add(-1,state.ax):mul(state.mu_t)
+      state.ax:add(state.tmp)
+   else
+      state.ax:copy(x)
+   end
+   -- (5) update eta_t and mu_t
+   state.t = state.t + 1
+   state.eta_t = config.eta0 / math.pow((1 + config.lambda * config.eta0 * state.t), config.alpha)
+   state.mu_t = 1 / math.max(1, state.t - config.t0)
+   -- return x*, f(x) before optimization, and average(x_t0,x_t1,x_t2,...)
+   return x,{fx},state.ax
diff --git a/cg.lua b/cg.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..842a7d5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cg.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,208 @@
+This cg implementation is a rewrite of minimize.m written by Carl
+E. Rasmussen. It is supposed to produce exactly same results (give
+or take numerical accuracy due to some changed order of
+operations). You can compare the result on rosenbrock with minimize.m.
+    [x fx c] = minimize([0 0]', 'rosenbrock', -25)
+Note that we limit the number of function evaluations only, it seems much
+more important in practical use.
+- `opfunc` : a function that takes a single input, the point of evaluation.
+- `x`      : the initial point
+- `state` : a table of parameters and temporary allocations.
+- `state.maxEval`     : max number of function evaluations
+- `state.maxIter`     : max number of iterations
+- `state.df[0,1,2,3]` : if you pass torch.Tensor they will be used for temp storage
+- `state.[s,x0]`      : if you pass torch.Tensor they will be used for temp storage
+- `x*` : the new x vector, at the optimal point
+- `f`  : a table of all function values where
+     `f[1]` is the value of the function before any optimization and
+     `f[#f]` is the final fully optimized value, at x*
+(Koray Kavukcuoglu, 2012)
+function optim.cg(opfunc, x, config, state)
+   -- parameters
+   local config = config or {}
+   local state = state or config
+   local rho  = config.rho or 0.01
+   local sig  = config.sig or 0.5
+   local int  = config.int or 0.1
+   local ext  = config.ext or 3.0
+   local maxIter  = config.maxIter or 20
+   local ratio = config.ratio or 100
+   local maxEval = config.maxEval or maxIter*1.25
+   local red = 1
+   local verbose = config.verbose or 0
+   local i = 0
+   local ls_failed = 0
+   local fx  = {}
+   -- we need three points for the interpolation/extrapolation stuff
+   local z1,z2,z3 = 0,0,0
+   local d1,d2,d3 = 0,0,0
+   local f1,f2,f3 = 0,0,0
+   local df1 = state.df1 or x.new()
+   local df2 = state.df2 or x.new()
+   local df3 = state.df3 or x.new()
+   local tdf
+   df1:resizeAs(x)
+   df2:resizeAs(x)
+   df3:resizeAs(x)
+   -- search direction
+   local s = state.s or x.new()
+   s:resizeAs(x)
+   -- we need a temp storage for X
+   local x0 = state.x0 or x.new()
+   local f0 = 0
+   local df0 = state.df0 or x.new()
+   x0:resizeAs(x)
+   df0:resizeAs(x)
+   -- evaluate at initial point
+   f1,tdf = opfunc(x)
+   fx[#fx+1] = f1
+   df1:copy(tdf)
+   i=i+1
+   -- initial search direction
+   s:copy(df1):mul(-1)
+   d1 = -s:dot(s )         -- slope
+   z1 = red/(1-d1)         -- initial step
+   while i < math.abs(maxEval) do
+      x0:copy(x)
+      f0 = f1
+      df0:copy(df1)
+      x:add(z1,s)
+      f2,tdf = opfunc(x)
+      df2:copy(tdf)
+      i=i+1
+      d2 = df2:dot(s)
+      f3,d3,z3 = f1,d1,-z1   -- init point 3 equal to point 1
+      local m = math.min(maxIter,maxEval-i)
+      local success = 0
+      local limit = -1
+      while true do
+         while (f2 > f1+z1*rho*d1 or d2 > -sig*d1) and m > 0 do
+            limit = z1
+            if f2 > f1 then
+               z2 = z3 - (0.5*d3*z3*z3)/(d3*z3+f2-f3)
+            else
+               local A = 6*(f2-f3)/z3+3*(d2+d3)
+               local B = 3*(f3-f2)-z3*(d3+2*d2)
+               z2 = (math.sqrt(B*B-A*d2*z3*z3)-B)/A
+            end
+            if z2 ~= z2 or z2 == math.huge or z2 == -math.huge then
+               z2 = z3/2;
+            end
+            z2 = math.max(math.min(z2, int*z3),(1-int)*z3);
+            z1 = z1 + z2;
+            x:add(z2,s)
+            f2,tdf = opfunc(x)
+            df2:copy(tdf)
+            i=i+1
+            m = m - 1
+            d2 = df2:dot(s)
+            z3 = z3-z2;
+         end
+         if f2 > f1+z1*rho*d1 or d2 > -sig*d1 then
+            break
+         elseif d2 > sig*d1 then
+            success = 1;
+            break;
+         elseif m == 0 then
+            break;
+         end
+         local A = 6*(f2-f3)/z3+3*(d2+d3);
+         local B = 3*(f3-f2)-z3*(d3+2*d2);
+         z2 = -d2*z3*z3/(B+math.sqrt(B*B-A*d2*z3*z3))
+         if z2 ~= z2 or z2 == math.huge or z2 == -math.huge or z2 < 0 then
+            if limit < -0.5 then
+               z2 = z1 * (ext -1)
+            else
+               z2 = (limit-z1)/2
+            end
+         elseif (limit > -0.5) and (z2+z1) > limit then
+            z2 = (limit-z1)/2
+         elseif limit < -0.5 and (z2+z1) > z1*ext then
+            z2 = z1*(ext-1)
+         elseif z2 < -z3*int then
+            z2 = -z3*int
+         elseif limit > -0.5 and z2 < (limit-z1)*(1-int) then
+            z2 = (limit-z1)*(1-int)
+         end
+         f3=f2; d3=d2; z3=-z2;
+         z1 = z1+z2;
+         x:add(z2,s)
+         f2,tdf = opfunc(x)
+         df2:copy(tdf)
+         i=i+1
+         m = m - 1
+         d2 = df2:dot(s)
+      end
+      if success == 1 then
+         f1 = f2
+         fx[#fx+1] = f1;
+         local ss = (df2:dot(df2)-df2:dot(df1)) / df1:dot(df1)
+         s:mul(ss)
+         s:add(-1,df2)
+         local tmp = df1:clone()
+         df1:copy(df2)
+         df2:copy(tmp)
+         d2 = df1:dot(s)
+         if d2> 0 then
+            s:copy(df1)
+            s:mul(-1)
+            d2 = -s:dot(s)
+         end
+         z1 = z1 * math.min(ratio, d1/(d2-1e-320))
+         d1 = d2
+         ls_failed = 0
+      else
+         x:copy(x0)
+         f1 = f0
+         df1:copy(df0)
+         if ls_failed or i>maxEval then
+            break
+         end
+         local tmp = df1:clone()
+         df1:copy(df2)
+         df2:copy(tmp)
+         s:copy(df1)
+         s:mul(-1)
+         d1 = -s:dot(s)
+         z1 = 1/(1-d1)
+         ls_failed = 1
+      end
+   end
+   state.df0 = df0
+   state.df1 = df1
+   state.df2 = df2
+   state.df3 = df3
+   state.x0 = x0
+   state.s = s
+   return x,fx,i
diff --git a/checkgrad.lua b/checkgrad.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..aecb969
--- /dev/null
+++ b/checkgrad.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
+--[[ An implementation of a simple numerical gradient checker.
+- `opfunc` : a function that takes a single input (X), the point of
+         evaluation, and returns f(X) and df/dX
+- `x` : the initial point
+- `eps` : the epsilon to use for the numerical check (default is 1e-7)
+- `diff` : error in the gradient, should be near tol
+- `dC` : exact gradient at point 
+- `dC_est` : numerically estimates gradient at point
+-- function that numerically checks gradient of NCA loss:
+function optim.checkgrad(opfunc, x, eps)
+    -- compute true gradient:
+    local _,dC = opfunc(x)
+    dC:resize(x:size())
+    -- compute numeric approximations to gradient:
+    local eps = eps or 1e-7
+    local dC_est = torch.Tensor():typeAs(dC):resizeAs(dC)
+    for i = 1,dC:size(1) do
+      x[i] = x[i] + eps
+      local C1 = opfunc(x)
+      x[i] = x[i] - 2 * eps
+      local C2 = opfunc(x)
+      x[i] = x[i] + eps
+      dC_est[i] = (C1 - C2) / (2 * eps)
+    end
+    -- estimate error of gradient:
+    local diff = torch.norm(dC - dC_est) / torch.norm(dC + dC_est)
+    return diff,dC,dC_est
diff --git a/cmaes.lua b/cmaes.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..74cd58a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cmaes.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,270 @@
+require 'torch'
+require 'math'
+local BestSolution = {}
+--[[ An implementation of `CMAES` (Covariance Matrix Adaptation Evolution Strategy),
+ported from https://www.lri.fr/~hansen/barecmaes2.html.
+-    `opfunc` : a function that takes a single input (X), the point of
+               evaluation, and returns f(X) and df/dX. Note that df/dX is not used
+-    `x` : the initial point
+-    `state.sigma`
+            float, initial step-size (standard deviation in each
+            coordinate)
+-    `state.maxEval`
+            int, maximal number of function evaluations
+-    `state.ftarget`
+            float, target function value
+-    `state.popsize`
+          population size. If this is left empty,
+            4 + int(3 * log(|x|)) will be used
+-    `state.ftarget`
+            stop if fitness < ftarget
+-    `state.verb_disp`
+            int, display on console every verb_disp iteration, 0 for never
+- `x*` : the new `x` vector, at the optimal point
+- `f`  : a table of all function values:
+       `f[1]` is the value of the function before any optimization and
+       `f[#f]` is the final fully optimized value, at `x*`
+function optim.cmaes(opfunc, x, config, state)
+   if  (x.triu == nil or x.diag == nil) then
+      error('Unsupported Tensor ' .. x:type() .. " please use Float- or DoubleTensor for x")
+   end
+   -- process input parameters
+   local config = config or {}
+   local state = state or config
+   local xmean = x:clone():view(-1) -- distribution mean, a flattened copy
+   local N = xmean:size(1)  -- number of objective variables/problem dimension
+   local sigma = state.sigma -- coordinate wise standard deviation (step size)
+   local ftarget = state.ftarget -- stop if fitness < ftarget
+   local maxEval = tonumber(state.maxEval) or 1e3*N^2
+   local objfunc = opfunc
+   local verb_disp = state.verb_disp -- display step size
+   local min_iterations = state.min_iterations or 1
+   local lambda = state.popsize -- population size, offspring number
+   -- Strategy parameter setting: Selection
+   if state.popsize == nil then
+      lambda = 4 + math.floor(3 * math.log(N))
+   end
+   local mu = lambda / 2  -- number of parents/points for recombination
+   local weights = torch.range(0,mu-1):apply(function(i)
+       return math.log(mu+0.5) - math.log(i+1)  end) -- recombination weights
+   weights:div(weights:sum())  -- normalize recombination weights array
+   local mueff = weights:sum()^2 / torch.pow(weights,2):sum()  -- variance-effectiveness of sum w_i x_i
+   weights = weights:typeAs(x)
+   -- Strategy parameter setting: Adaptation
+   local cc = (4 + mueff/N) / (N+4 + 2 * mueff/N)  -- time constant for cumulation for C
+   local cs = (mueff + 2) / (N + mueff + 5)  -- t-const for cumulation for sigma control
+   local c1 = 2 / ((N + 1.3)^2 + mueff)  -- learning rate for rank-one update of C
+   local cmu = math.min(1 - c1, 2 * (mueff - 2 + 1/mueff) / ((N + 2)^2 + mueff))  -- and for rank-mu update
+   local damps = 2 * mueff/lambda + 0.3 + cs  -- damping for sigma, usually close to 1
+   -- Initialize dynamic (internal) state variables
+   local pc = torch.Tensor(N):zero():typeAs(x) -- evolution paths for C
+   local ps = torch.Tensor(N):zero():typeAs(x) -- evolution paths for sigma
+   local B = torch.eye(N):typeAs(x)   -- B defines the coordinate system
+   local D = torch.Tensor(N):fill(1):typeAs(x)  -- diagonal D defines the scaling
+   local C = torch.eye(N):typeAs(x)   -- covariance matrix
+   if not pcall(function () torch.symeig(C,'V') end) then -- if error occurs trying to use symeig
+      error('torch.symeig not available for ' .. x:type() ..
+         " please use Float- or DoubleTensor for x")
+   end
+   local candidates = torch.Tensor(lambda,N):typeAs(x)
+   local invsqrtC = torch.eye(N):typeAs(x)  -- C^-1/2
+   local eigeneval = 0      -- tracking the update of B and D
+   local counteval = 0
+   local f_hist = {[1]=opfunc(x)}  -- for bookkeeping output and termination
+   local fitvals = torch.Tensor(lambda)-- fitness values
+   local best = BestSolution.new(nil,nil,counteval)
+   local iteration = 0 -- iteration of the optimize loop
+   local function ask()
+      --[[return a list of lambda candidate solutions according to
+       m + sig * Normal(0,C) = m + sig * B * D * Normal(0,I)
+       --]]
+      -- Eigendecomposition: first update B, D and invsqrtC from C
+      -- postpone in case to achieve O(N^2)
+      if counteval - eigeneval > lambda/(c1+cmu)/C:size(1)/10 then
+         eigeneval = counteval
+         C = torch.triu(C) + torch.triu(C,1):t() -- enforce symmetry
+         D, B = torch.symeig(C,'V') -- eigen decomposition, B==normalized eigenvectors, O(N^3)
+         D = torch.sqrt(D)  -- D contains standard deviations now
+         invsqrtC = (B * torch.diag(torch.pow(D,-1)) * B:t())
+      end
+      for k=1,lambda do --repeat lambda times
+         local z = D:clone():normal(0,1):cmul(D)
+         candidates[{k,{}}] = torch.add(xmean, (B * z) * sigma)
+      end
+      return candidates
+   end
+   local function tell(arx)
+      --[[update the evolution paths and the distribution parameters m,
+      sigma, and C within CMA-ES.
+      Parameters
+      ----------
+            `arx`
+                  a list of solutions, presumably from `ask()`
+            `fitvals`
+                  the corresponding objective function values --]]
+      -- bookkeeping, preparation
+      counteval = counteval + lambda  -- slightly artificial to do here
+      local xold = xmean:clone()
+      -- Sort by fitness and compute weighted mean into xmean
+      local arindex = nil --sorted indices
+      fitvals, arindex = torch.sort(fitvals)
+      arx = arx:index(1, arindex[{{1, mu}}]) -- sorted candidate solutions
+      table.insert(f_hist, fitvals[1]) --append best fitness to history
+      best:update(arx[1], fitvals[1], counteval)
+      xmean:zero()
+      xmean:addmv(arx:t(), weights) --dot product
+      -- Cumulation: update evolution paths
+      local y = xmean - xold
+      local z = invsqrtC * y -- == C^(-1/2) * (xnew - xold)
+      local c = (cs * (2-cs) * mueff)^0.5 / sigma
+      ps = ps - ps * cs + z * c -- exponential decay on ps
+      local hsig = (torch.sum(torch.pow(ps,2)) /
+         (1-(1-cs)^(2*counteval/lambda)) / N  < 2 + 4./(N+1))
+      hsig = hsig and 1.0 or 0.0 --use binary numbers
+      c = (cc * (2-cc) * mueff)^0.5 / sigma
+      pc = pc - pc * cc + y * c * hsig -- exponential decay on pc
+      -- Adapt covariance matrix C
+      local c1a = c1 - (1-hsig^2) * c1 * cc * (2-cc)
+      -- for a minor adjustment to the variance loss by hsig
+      for i=1,N do
+         for j=1,N do
+            local r = torch.range(1,mu)
+            r:apply(function(k)
+               return weights[k] * (arx[k][i]-xold[i]) * (arx[k][j]-xold[j]) end)
+            local Cmuij = torch.sum(r) / sigma^2  -- rank-mu update
+            C[i][j] = C[i][j] + ((-c1a - cmu) * C[i][j] +
+                  c1 * pc[i]*pc[j] + cmu * Cmuij)
+            end
+         end
+         -- Adapt step-size sigma with factor <= exp(0.6) \approx 1.82
+         sigma = sigma * math.exp(math.min(0.6,
+               (cs / damps) * (torch.sum(torch.pow(ps,2))/N - 1)/2))
+   end
+   local function stop()
+      --[[return satisfied termination conditions in a table like
+      {'termination reason':value, ...}, for example {'tolfun':1e-12},
+      or the empty table {}--]]
+      local res = {}
+      if counteval > 0 then
+         if counteval >= maxEval then
+            res['evals'] = maxEval
+         end
+         if ftarget ~= nil and fitvals:nElement() > 0 and fitvals[1] <= ftarget then
+            res['ftarget'] = ftarget
+         end
+         if torch.max(D) > 1e7 * torch.min(D) then
+            res['condition'] = 1e7
+         end
+         if fitvals:nElement() > 1 and fitvals[fitvals:nElement()] - fitvals[1] < 1e-12 then
+            res['tolfun'] = 1e-12
+         end
+         if sigma * torch.max(D) < 1e-11 then
+            -- remark: max(D) >= max(diag(C))^0.5
+            res['tolx'] = 1e-11
+         end
+      end
+      return res
+   end
+   local function disp(verb_modulo)
+      --[[display some iteration info--]]
+      if verb_disp == 0 then
+         return nil
+      end
+      local iteration = counteval / lambda
+      if iteration == 1 or iteration % (10*verb_modulo) == 0 then
+         print('evals:\t ax-ratio max(std)   f-value')
+      end
+      if iteration <= 2 or iteration % verb_modulo == 0 then
+         local max_std = math.sqrt(torch.max(torch.diag(C)))
+         print(tostring(counteval).. ': ' ..
+            string.format(' %6.1f %8.1e ', torch.max(D) / torch.min(D), sigma * max_std)
+            .. tostring(fitvals[1]))
+      end
+      return nil
+   end
+   while next(stop()) == nil or iteration < min_iterations do
+      iteration = iteration + 1
+      local X = ask() -- deliver candidate solutions
+      for i=1, lambda do
+         -- put candidate tensor back in input shape and evaluate in opfunc
+         local candidate = X[i]:viewAs(x)
+         fitvals[i] = objfunc(candidate)
+      end
+      tell(X)
+      disp(verb_disp)
+   end
+   local bestmu, f, c = best:get()
+   if verb_disp > 0 then
+      for k, v in pairs(stop()) do
+         print('termination by', k, '=', v)
+      end
+      print('best f-value =', f)
+      print('solution = ')
+      print(bestmu)
+      print('best found at iteration: ', c/lambda, ' , total iterations: ', iteration)
+   end
+   table.insert(f_hist, f)
+   return bestmu, f_hist, counteval
+BestSolution.__index = BestSolution
+function BestSolution.new(x, f, evals)
+   local self = setmetatable({}, BestSolution)
+   self.x = x
+   self.f = f
+   self.evals = evals
+   return self
+function BestSolution.update(self, arx, arf, evals)
+   --[[initialize the best solution with `x`, `f`, and `evals`.
+      Better solutions have smaller `f`-values.--]]
+   if self.f == nil or arf < self.f then
+      self.x = arx:clone()
+      self.f = arf
+      self.evals = evals
+   end
+   return self
+function BestSolution.get(self)
+   return self.x, self.f, self.evals
diff --git a/de.lua b/de.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..72a2c8a
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+++ b/de.lua
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+--[[ An implementation of `DE` (Differential Evolution), 
+    -`opfunc` : a function that takes a single input (X), the point of 
+    evaluation, and returns f(X) and df/dX. Note that df/dX is not used 
+    -`x` : 		the initial point
+    -`state.popsize`: 			population size. If this is left empty, 10*d will be used
+    -`state.scaleFactor`: 		float, usually between 0.4 and 1 
+    -`state.crossoverRate`:		float, usually between 0.1 and 0.9
+    -`state.maxEval`:			int, maximal number of function evaluations
+    - `x*` : the new `x` vector, at the optimal point
+    - `f`  : a table of all function values: 
+    `f[1]` is the value of the function before any optimization and
+    `f[#f]` is the final fully optimized value, at `x*`
+require 'torch'
+function optim.de(opfunc, x, config, state)
+    -- process input parameters
+    local config = config or {}
+    local state = state
+    local popsize = config.popsize			-- population size
+    local scaleFactor = config.scaleFactor	 	-- scale factor
+    local crossoverRate = config.crossoverRate	-- crossover rate
+    local maxFEs = tonumber(config.maxFEs)		-- maximal number of function evaluations
+    local maxRegion = config.maxRegion	        -- upper bound of search region
+    local minRegion = config.minRegion		-- lower bound of search region
+    local xmean = x:clone():view(-1) 		-- distribution mean, a flattened copy
+    local D = xmean:size(1)  			-- number of objective variables/problem dimension 
+    if config.popsize == nil then
+	popsize = 10 * D
+    end 
+    if config.maxRegion == nil then
+	maxRegion = 30
+    end
+    if config.minRegion == nil then
+	minRegion = -30
+    end
+    -- Initialize population 
+    local fx = x.new(maxFEs)
+    local pop = x.new(popsize, D)
+    local children = x.new(popsize, D)
+    local fitness = x.new(popsize)
+    local children_fitness = x.new(popsize)
+    local fes = 1	-- number of function evaluations
+    local best_fitness
+    local best_solution = x.new(D)
+    -- Initialize population and evaluate the its fitness value
+    local gen = torch.Generator()
+    torch.manualSeed(gen, 1)
+    pop:uniform(gen, minRegion, maxRegion)
+    for i = 1, popsize do
+	fitness[i] = opfunc(pop[i])
+	fx[fes] = fitness[i]
+	fes = fes + 1
+    end
+    -- Find the best solution
+    local index
+    best_fitness, index = fitness:max(1)
+    best_fitness = best_fitness[1]
+    index = index[1]
+    best_solution:copy(pop[index])
+    -- Main loop
+    while fes < maxFEs do
+	local  r1, r2
+	for i = 1, popsize do
+	    repeat
+		r1 = torch.random(gen, 1, popsize)
+	    until(r1 ~= i)
+	    repeat
+		r2 = torch.random(gen, 1, popsize)
+	    until(r2 ~= r1 and r2 ~= i)
+	    local jrand = torch.random(gen, 1, D)
+	    for j = 1, D do
+		if torch.uniform(gen, 0, 1) < crossoverRate or i == jrand then
+		    children[i][j] = best_solution[j] + scaleFactor * (pop[r1][j] - pop[r2][j])
+		else
+		    children[i][j] = pop[i][j]
+		end
+	    end
+	    children_fitness[i] = opfunc(children[i])
+	    fx[fes] = children_fitness[i]
+	    fes = fes + 1
+	end
+	for i = 1, popsize do
+	    if children_fitness[i] <= fitness[i] then
+		pop[i]:copy(children[i])
+		fitness[i] = children_fitness[i]
+		if fitness[i] < best_fitness then
+		    best_fitness = fitness[i]
+		    best_solution:copy(children[i])
+		end
+	    end
+	end
+    end
+    return best_solution, fx
diff --git a/doc/algos.md b/doc/algos.md
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+<a name='optim.algos'></a>
+# Optimization algorithms
+The following algorithms are provided:
+  * [*Stochastic Gradient Descent*](#optim.sgd)
+  * [*Averaged Stochastic Gradient Descent*](#optim.asgd)
+  * [*L-BFGS*](#optim.lbfgs)
+  * [*Congugate Gradients*](#optim.cg)
+  * [*AdaDelta*](#optim.adadelta)
+  * [*AdaGrad*](#optim.adagrad)
+  * [*Adam*](#optim.adam)
+  * [*AdaMax*](#optim.adamax)
+  * [*FISTA with backtracking line search*](#optim.FistaLS)
+  * [*Nesterov's Accelerated Gradient method*](#optim.nag)
+  * [*RMSprop*](#optim.rmsprop)
+  * [*Rprop*](#optim.rprop)
+  * [*CMAES*](#optim.cmaes)
+All these algorithms are designed to support batch optimization as well as stochastic optimization.
+It's up to the user to construct an objective function that represents the batch, mini-batch, or single sample on which to evaluate the objective.
+Some of these algorithms support a line search, which can be passed as a function (*L-BFGS*), whereas others only support a learning rate (*SGD*).
+General interface:
+x*, {f}, ... = optim.method(opfunc, x[, config][, state])
+<a name='optim.sgd'></a>
+## sgd(opfunc, x[, config][, state])
+An implementation of *Stochastic Gradient Descent* (*SGD*).
+  * `opfunc`: a function that takes a single input `X`, the point of a evaluation, and returns `f(X)` and `df/dX`
+  * `x`: the initial point
+  * `config`: a table with configuration parameters for the optimizer
+  * `config.learningRate`: learning rate
+  * `config.learningRateDecay`: learning rate decay
+  * `config.weightDecay`: weight decay
+  * `config.weightDecays`: vector of individual weight decays
+  * `config.momentum`: momentum
+  * `config.dampening`: dampening for momentum
+  * `config.nesterov`: enables Nesterov momentum
+  * `state`: a table describing the state of the optimizer; after each call the state is modified
+  * `state.learningRates`: vector of individual learning rates
+  * `x*`: the new x vector
+  * `f(x)`: the function, evaluated before the update
+<a name='optim.asgd'></a>
+## asgd(opfunc, x[, config][, state])
+An implementation of *Averaged Stochastic Gradient Descent* (*ASGD*):
+x = (1 - lambda eta_t) x - eta_t df / dx(z, x)
+a = a + mu_t [ x - a ]
+eta_t = eta0 / (1 + lambda eta0 t) ^ 0.75
+mu_t = 1 / max(1, t - t0)
+  * `opfunc`: a function that takes a single input `X`, the point of evaluation, and returns `f(X)` and `df/dX`
+  * `x`: the initial point
+  * `config`: a table with configuration parameters for the optimizer
+  * `config.eta0`: learning rate
+  * `config.lambda`: decay term
+  * `config.alpha`: power for eta update
+  * `config.t0`: point at which to start averaging
+  * `x*`: the new x vector
+  * `f(x)`: the function, evaluated before the update
+  * `ax`: the averaged x vector
+<a name='optim.lbfgs'></a>
+## lbfgs(opfunc, x[, config][, state])
+An implementation of *L-BFGS* that relies on a user-provided line search function (`state.lineSearch`).
+If this function is not provided, then a simple learning rate is used to produce fixed size steps.
+Fixed size steps are much less costly than line searches, and can be useful for stochastic problems.
+The learning rate is used even when a line search is provided.
+This is also useful for large-scale stochastic problems, where opfunc is a noisy approximation of `f(x)`.
+In that case, the learning rate allows a reduction of confidence in the step size.
+  * `opfunc`: a function that takes a single input `X`, the point of evaluation, and returns `f(X)` and `df/dX`
+  * `x`: the initial point
+  * `config`: a table with configuration parameters for the optimizer
+  * `config.maxIter`: Maximum number of iterations allowed
+  * `config.maxEval`: Maximum number of function evaluations
+  * `config.tolFun`: Termination tolerance on the first-order optimality
+  * `config.tolX`: Termination tol on progress in terms of func/param changes
+  * `config.lineSearch`: A line search function
+  * `config.learningRate`: If no line search provided, then a fixed step size is used
+  * `x*`: the new `x` vector, at the optimal point
+  * `f`: a table of all function values:
+   * `f[1]` is the value of the function before any optimization and
+   * `f[#f]` is the final fully optimized value, at `x*`
+<a name='optim.cg'></a>
+## cg(opfunc, x[, config][, state])
+An implementation of the *Conjugate Gradient* method which is a rewrite of `minimize.m` written by Carl E. Rasmussen.
+It is supposed to produce exactly same results (give or take numerical accuracy due to some changed order of operations).
+You can compare the result on rosenbrock with [`minimize.m`](http://www.gatsby.ucl.ac.uk/~edward/code/minimize/example.html).
+x, fx, c = minimize([0, 0]', 'rosenbrock', -25)
+Note that we limit the number of function evaluations only, it seems much more important in practical use.
+  * `opfunc`: a function that takes a single input, the point of evaluation.
+  * `x`: the initial point
+  * `config`: a table with configuration parameters for the optimizer
+  * `config.maxEval`: max number of function evaluations
+  * `config.maxIter`: max number of iterations
+  * `state`: a table of parameters and temporary allocations.
+  * `state.df[0, 1, 2, 3]`: if you pass `Tensor` they will be used for temp storage
+  * `state.[s, x0]`: if you pass `Tensor` they will be used for temp storage
+  * `x*`: the new `x` vector, at the optimal point
+  * `f`: a table of all function values where
+   * `f[1]` is the value of the function before any optimization and
+   * `f[#f]` is the final fully optimized value, at `x*`
+<a name='optim.adadelta'></a>
+## adadelta(opfunc, x[, config][, state])
+*AdaDelta* implementation for *SGD* http://arxiv.org/abs/1212.5701.
+  * `opfunc`: a function that takes a single input `X`, the point of evaluation, and returns `f(X)` and `df/dX`
+  * `x`: the initial point
+  * `config`: a table of hyper-parameters
+  * `config.rho`: interpolation parameter
+  * `config.eps`: for numerical stability
+  * `state`: a table describing the state of the optimizer; after each call the state is modified
+  * `state.paramVariance`: vector of temporal variances of parameters
+  * `state.accDelta`: vector of accummulated delta of gradients
+  * `x*`: the new x vector
+  * `f(x)`: the function, evaluated before the update
+<a name='optim.adagrad'></a>
+## adagrad(opfunc, x[, config][, state])
+*AdaGrad* implementation for *SGD*.
+  * `opfunc`: a function that takes a single input `X`, the point of evaluation, and returns `f(X)` and `df/dX`
+  * `x`: the initial point
+  * `config`: a table with configuration parameters for the optimizer
+  * `config.learningRate`: learning rate
+  * `state`: a table describing the state of the optimizer; after each call the state is modified
+  * `state.paramVariance`: vector of temporal variances of parameters
+  * `x*`: the new `x` vector
+  * `f(x)`: the function, evaluated before the update
+<a name='optim.adam'></a>
+## adam(opfunc, x[, config][, state])
+An implementation of *Adam* from http://arxiv.org/pdf/1412.6980.pdf.
+  * `opfunc`: a function that takes a single input `X`, the point of a evaluation, and returns `f(X)` and `df/dX`
+  * `x`: the initial point
+  * `config`: a table with configuration parameters for the optimizer
+  * `config.learningRate`: learning rate
+  * `config.learningRateDecay`: learning rate decay
+  * `config.beta1`: first moment coefficient
+  * `config.beta2`: second moment coefficient
+  * `config.epsilon`: for numerical stability
+  * `state`: a table describing the state of the optimizer; after each call the state is modified
+  * `x*`: the new x vector
+  * `f(x)`: the function, evaluated before the update
+<a name='optim.adamax'></a>
+## adamax(opfunc, x[, config][, state])
+An implementation of *AdaMax* http://arxiv.org/pdf/1412.6980.pdf.
+  * `opfunc`: a function that takes a single input `X`, the point of a evaluation, and returns `f(X)` and `df/dX`
+  * `x`: the initial point
+  * `config`: a table with configuration parameters for the optimizer
+  * `config.learningRate`: learning rate
+  * `config.beta1`: first moment coefficient
+  * `config.beta2`: second moment coefficient
+  * `config.epsilon`: for numerical stability
+  * `state`: a table describing the state of the optimizer; after each call the state is modified
+  * `x*`: the new `x` vector
+  * `f(x)`: the function, evaluated before the update
+<a name='optim.FistaLS'></a>
+## FistaLS(f, g, pl, xinit[, params])
+*Fista* with backtracking *Line Search*:
+  * `f`: smooth function
+  * `g`: non-smooth function
+  * `pl`: minimizer of intermediate problem Q(x, y)
+  * `xinit`: initial point
+  * `params`: table of parameters (**optional**)
+  * `params.L`: 1/(step size) for ISTA/FISTA iteration (0.1)
+  * `params.Lstep`: step size multiplier at each iteration (1.5)
+  * `params.maxiter`: max number of iterations (50)
+  * `params.maxline`: max number of line search iterations per iteration (20)
+  * `params.errthres`: Error thershold for convergence check (1e-4)
+  * `params.doFistaUpdate`: true : use FISTA, false: use ISTA (true)
+  * `params.verbose`: store each iteration solution and print detailed info (false)
+On output, `params` will contain these additional fields that can be reused.
+  * `params.L`: last used L value will be written.
+These are temporary storages needed by the algo and if the same params object is
+passed a second time, these same storages will be used without new allocation.
+  * `params.xkm`: previous iterarion point
+  * `params.y`: fista iteration
+  * `params.ply`: `ply = pl(y * 1/L grad(f))`
+Returns the solution `x` and history of `{function evals, number of line search , ...}`.
+Algorithm is published in http://epubs.siam.org/doi/abs/10.1137/080716542
+<a name='optim.nag'></a>
+## nag(opfunc, x[, config][, state])
+An implementation of *SGD* adapted with features of *Nesterov's Accelerated Gradient method*, based on the paper "On the Importance of Initialization and Momentum in Deep Learning" (Sutsveker et. al., ICML 2013) http://www.cs.toronto.edu/~fritz/absps/momentum.pdf.
+  * `opfunc`: a function that takes a single input `X`, the point of evaluation, and returns `f(X)` and `df/dX`
+  * `x`: the initial point
+  * `config`: a table with configuration parameters for the optimizer
+  * `config.learningRate`: learning rate
+  * `config.learningRateDecay`: learning rate decay
+  * `config.weightDecay`: weight decay
+  * `config.momentum`: momentum
+  * `config.learningRates`: vector of individual learning rates
+  * `x*`: the new `x` vector
+  * `f(x)`: the function, evaluated before the update
+<a name='optim.rmsprop'></a>
+## rmsprop(opfunc, x[, config][, state])
+An implementation of *RMSprop*.
+  * `opfunc`: a function that takes a single input `X`, the point of a evaluation, and returns `f(X)` and `df/dX`
+  * `x`: the initial point
+  * `config`: a table with configuration parameters for the optimizer
+  * `config.learningRate`: learning rate
+  * `config.alpha`: smoothing constant
+  * `config.epsilon`: value with which to initialise m
+  * `state`: a table describing the state of the optimizer; after each call the state is modified
+  * `state.m`: leaky sum of squares of parameter gradients,
+  * `state.tmp`: and the square root (with epsilon smoothing)
+  * `x*`: the new x vector
+  * `f(x)`: the function, evaluated before the update
+<a name='optim.rprop'></a>
+## rprop(opfunc, x[, config][, state])
+A plain implementation of *Rprop* (Martin Riedmiller, Koray Kavukcuoglu 2013).
+  * `opfunc`: a function that takes a single input `X`, the point of evaluation, and returns `f(X)` and `df/dX`
+  * `x`: the initial point
+  * `config`: a table with configuration parameters for the optimizer
+  * `config.stepsize`: initial step size, common to all components
+  * `config.etaplus`: multiplicative increase factor, > 1 (default 1.2)
+  * `config.etaminus`: multiplicative decrease factor, < 1 (default 0.5)
+  * `config.stepsizemax`: maximum stepsize allowed (default 50)
+  * `config.stepsizemin`: minimum stepsize allowed (default 1e-6)
+  * `config.niter`: number of iterations (default 1)
+  * `x*`: the new x vector
+  * `f(x)`: the function, evaluated before the update
+<a name='optim.cmaes'></a>
+## cmaes(opfunc, x[, config][, state])
+An implementation of *CMAES* (*Covariance Matrix Adaptation Evolution Strategy*), ported from https://www.lri.fr/~hansen/barecmaes2.html.
+*CMAES* is a stochastic, derivative-free method for heuristic global optimization of non-linear or non-convex continuous optimization problems.
+Note that this method will on average take much more function evaluations to converge then a gradient based method.
+If `state` is specified, then `config` is not used at all.
+Otherwise `state` is `config`.
+  * `opfunc`: a function that takes a single input `X`, the point of evaluation, and returns `f(X)` and `df/dX`. Note that `df/dX` is not used and can be left 0
+  * `x`: the initial point
+  * `state`: a table describing the state of the optimizer; after each call the state is modified
+  * `state.sigma`: float, initial step-size (standard deviation in each coordinate)
+  * `state.maxEval`: int, maximal number of function evaluations
+  * `state.ftarget`: float, target function value
+  * `state.popsize`: population size. If this is left empty, `4 + int(3 * log(|x|))` will be used
+  * `state.ftarget`: stop if `fitness < ftarget`
+  * `state.verb_disp`: display info on console every verb_disp iteration, 0 for never
+  * `x*`: the new `x` vector, at the optimal point
+  * `f`: a table of all function values:
+   * `f[1]` is the value of the function before any optimization and
+   * `f[#f]` is the final fully optimized value, at `x*`
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+<a name='optim.overview'></a>
+# Overview
+Most optimization algorithms have the following interface:
+x*, {f}, ... = optim.method(opfunc, x[, config][, state])
+* `opfunc`: a user-defined closure that respects this API: `f, df/dx = func(x)`
+* `x`: the current parameter vector (a 1D `Tensor`)
+* `config`: a table of parameters, dependent upon the algorithm
+* `state`: a table of state variables, if `nil`, `config` will contain the state
+* `x*`: the new parameter vector that minimizes `f, x* = argmin_x f(x)`
+* `{f}`: a table of all `f` values, in the order they've been evaluated (for some simple algorithms, like SGD, `#f == 1`)
+<a name='optim.example'></a>
+## Example
+The state table is used to hold the state of the algorihtm.
+It's usually initialized once, by the user, and then passed to the optim function as a black box.
+config = {
+   learningRate = 1e-3,
+   momentum = 0.5
+for i, sample in ipairs(training_samples) do
+    local func = function(x)
+       -- define eval function
+       return f, df_dx
+    end
+    optim.sgd(func, x, config)
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+<a name='optim.logger'></a>
+# Logger
+`optim` provides also logging and live plotting capabilities via the `optim.Logger()` function.
+Live logging is essential to monitor the *network accuracy* and *cost function* during training and testing, for spotting *under-* and *over-fitting*, for *early stopping* or just for monitoring the health of the current optimisation task.
+## Logging data
+Let walk through an example to see how it works.
+We start with initialising our logger connected to a text file `accuracy.log`.
+logger = optim.Logger('accuracy.log')
+We can decide to log on it, for example, *training* and *testing accuracies*.
+logger:setNames{'Training acc.', 'Test acc.'}
+And now we can populate our logger randomly.
+for i = 1, 10 do
+   trainAcc = math.random(0, 100)
+   testAcc = math.random(0, 100)
+   logger:add{trainAcc, testAcc}
+We can `cat` `accuracy.log` and see what's in it.
+Training acc.   Test acc.
+ 7.0000e+01      5.9000e+01
+ 7.6000e+01      8.0000e+00
+ 6.6000e+01      3.4000e+01
+ 7.4000e+01      4.3000e+01
+ 5.7000e+01      1.1000e+01
+ 5.0000e+00      9.8000e+01
+ 7.1000e+01      1.7000e+01
+ 9.8000e+01      2.7000e+01
+ 3.5000e+01      4.7000e+01
+ 6.8000e+01      5.8000e+01
+## Visualising logs
+OK, cool, but how can we actually see what's going on?
+To have a better grasp of what's happening, we can plot our curves.
+We need first to specify the plotting style, choosing from:
+  * `.` for dots
+  * `+` for points
+  * `-` for lines
+  * `+-` for points and lines
+  * `~` for using smoothed lines with cubic interpolation
+  * `|` for using boxes
+  * custom string, one can also pass custom strings to use full capability of gnuplot.
+logger:style{'+-', '+-'}
+![Logging plot](logger_plot.png)
+If we'd like an interactive visualisation, we can put the `logger:plot()` instruction within the `for` loop, and the chart will be updated at every iteration.
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Binary files /dev/null and b/doc/logger_plot.png differ
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--- /dev/null
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@@ -0,0 +1,192 @@
+--[[ FISTA with backtracking line search
+- `f`        : smooth function
+- `g`        : non-smooth function
+- `pl`       : minimizer of intermediate problem Q(x,y)
+- `xinit`    : initial point
+- `params`   : table of parameters (**optional**)
+- `params.L`       : 1/(step size) for ISTA/FISTA iteration (0.1)
+- `params.Lstep`   : step size multiplier at each iteration (1.5)
+- `params.maxiter` : max number of iterations (50)
+- `params.maxline` : max number of line search iterations per iteration (20)
+- `params.errthres`: Error thershold for convergence check (1e-4)
+- `params.doFistaUpdate` : true : use FISTA, false: use ISTA (true)
+- `params.verbose` : store each iteration solution and print detailed info (false)
+On output, `params` will contain these additional fields that can be reused.
+- `params.L`       : last used L value will be written.
+These are temporary storages needed by the algo and if the same params object is
+passed a second time, these same storages will be used without new allocation.
+- `params.xkm`     : previous iterarion point
+- `params.y`       : fista iteration
+- `params.ply`     : ply = pl(y - 1/L grad(f))
+Returns the solution x and history of {function evals, number of line search ,...}
+Algorithm is published in
+    @article{beck-fista-09,
+       Author = {Beck, Amir and Teboulle, Marc},
+       Journal = {SIAM J. Img. Sci.},
+       Number = {1},
+       Pages = {183--202},
+       Title = {A Fast Iterative Shrinkage-Thresholding Algorithm for Linear Inverse Problems},
+       Volume = {2},
+       Year = {2009}}
+function optim.FistaLS(f, g, pl, xinit, params)
+   local params = params or {}
+   local L = params.L or 0.1
+   local Lstep = params.Lstep or 1.5
+   local maxiter = params.maxiter or 50
+   local maxline = params.maxline or 20
+   local errthres = params.errthres or 1e-4
+   local doFistaUpdate = params.doFistaUpdate
+   local verbose = params.verbose
+   -- temporary allocations
+   params.xkm = params.xkm or torch.Tensor()
+   params.y   = params.y   or torch.Tensor()
+   params.ply = params.ply or torch.Tensor()
+   local xkm = params.xkm  -- previous iteration
+   local y   = params.y    -- fista iteration
+   local ply = params.ply  -- soft shrinked y
+   -- we start from all zeros
+   local xk = xinit
+   xkm:resizeAs(xk):zero()
+   ply:resizeAs(xk):zero()
+   y:resizeAs(xk):zero()
+   local history = {} -- keep track of stuff
+   local niter = 0    -- number of iterations done
+   local converged = false  -- are we done?
+   local tk = 1      -- momentum param for FISTA
+   local tkp = 0
+   local gy = g(y)
+   local fval = math.huge -- fval = f+g
+   while not converged and niter < maxiter do
+      -- run through smooth function (code is input, input is target)
+      -- get derivatives from smooth function
+      local fy,gfy = f(y,'dx')
+      --local gfy = f(y)
+      local fply = 0
+      local gply = 0
+      local Q = 0
+      ----------------------------------------------
+      -- do line search to find new current location starting from fista loc
+      local nline = 0
+      local linesearchdone = false
+      while not linesearchdone do
+         -- take a step in gradient direction of smooth function
+         ply:copy(y)
+         ply:add(-1/L,gfy)
+         -- and solve for minimum of auxiliary problem
+         pl(ply,L)
+         -- this is candidate for new current iteration
+         xk:copy(ply)
+         -- evaluate this point F(ply)
+         fply = f(ply)
+         -- ply - y
+         ply:add(-1, y)
+         -- <ply-y , \Grad(f(y))>
+         local Q2 = gfy:dot(ply)
+         -- L/2 ||beta-y||^2
+         local Q3 = L/2 * ply:dot(ply)
+         -- Q(beta,y) = F(y) + <beta-y , \Grad(F(y))> + L/2||beta-y||^2 + G(beta)
+         Q = fy + Q2 + Q3
+         if verbose then
+            print(string.format('nline=%d L=%g fply=%g Q=%g fy=%g Q2=%g Q3=%g',nline,L,fply,Q,fy,Q2,Q3))
+         end
+         -- check if F(beta) < Q(pl(y),\t)
+         if fply <= Q then --and Fply + Gply <= F then
+            -- now evaluate G here
+            linesearchdone = true
+         elseif  nline >= maxline then
+            linesearchdone = true
+            xk:copy(xkm) -- if we can't find a better point, current iter = previous iter
+            --print('oops')
+         else
+            L = L * Lstep
+         end
+         nline = nline + 1
+      end
+      -- end line search
+      ---------------------------------------------
+      ---------------------------------------------
+      -- FISTA
+      ---------------------------------------------
+      if doFistaUpdate then
+         -- do the FISTA step
+         tkp = (1 + math.sqrt(1 + 4*tk*tk)) / 2
+         -- x(k-1) = x(k-1) - x(k)
+         xkm:add(-1,xk)
+         -- y(k+1) = x(k) + (1-t(k)/t(k+1))*(x(k-1)-x(k))
+         y:copy(xk)
+         y:add( (1-tk)/tkp , xkm)
+         -- store for next iterations
+         -- x(k-1) = x(k)
+         xkm:copy(xk)
+      else
+         y:copy(xk)
+      end
+      -- t(k) = t(k+1)
+      tk = tkp
+      fply = f(y)
+      gply = g(y)
+      if verbose then
+	 print(string.format('iter=%d eold=%g enew=%g',niter,fval,fply+gply))
+      end
+      niter = niter + 1
+      -- bookeeping
+      fval = fply + gply
+      history[niter] = {}
+      history[niter].nline = nline
+      history[niter].L  = L
+      history[niter].F  = fval
+      history[niter].Fply = fply
+      history[niter].Gply = gply
+      history[niter].Q  = Q
+      params.L = L
+      if verbose then
+         history[niter].xk = xk:clone()
+         history[niter].y  = y:clone()
+      end
+      -- are we done?
+      if niter > 1 and math.abs(history[niter].F - history[niter-1].F) <= errthres then
+         converged = true
+	 xinit:copy(y)
+         return y,history
+      end
+      if niter >= maxiter then
+	 xinit:copy(y)
+         return y,history
+      end
+      --if niter > 1 and history[niter].F > history[niter-1].F then
+      --print(niter, 'This was supposed to be a convex function, we are going up')
+      --converged = true
+      --return xk,history
+      --end
+   end
+   error('not supposed to be here')
diff --git a/init.lua b/init.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a045bd8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/init.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+require 'torch'
+optim = {}
+-- optimizations
+-- line search functions
+-- helpers
+-- tools
+return optim
diff --git a/lbfgs.lua b/lbfgs.lua
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+--[[ An implementation of L-BFGS, heavily inspired by minFunc (Mark Schmidt)
+This implementation of L-BFGS relies on a user-provided line
+search function (state.lineSearch). If this function is not
+provided, then a simple learningRate is used to produce fixed
+size steps. Fixed size steps are much less costly than line
+searches, and can be useful for stochastic problems.
+The learning rate is used even when a line search is provided.
+This is also useful for large-scale stochastic problems, where
+opfunc is a noisy approximation of f(x). In that case, the learning
+rate allows a reduction of confidence in the step size.
+- `opfunc` : a function that takes a single input (X), the point of
+         evaluation, and returns f(X) and df/dX
+- `x` : the initial point
+- `state` : a table describing the state of the optimizer; after each
+         call the state is modified
+- `state.maxIter` : Maximum number of iterations allowed
+- `state.maxEval` : Maximum number of function evaluations
+- `state.tolFun` : Termination tolerance on the first-order optimality
+- `state.tolX` : Termination tol on progress in terms of func/param changes
+- `state.lineSearch` : A line search function
+- `state.learningRate` : If no line search provided, then a fixed step size is used
+- `x*` : the new `x` vector, at the optimal point
+- `f`  : a table of all function values:
+     `f[1]` is the value of the function before any optimization and
+     `f[#f]` is the final fully optimized value, at `x*`
+(Clement Farabet, 2012)
+function optim.lbfgs(opfunc, x, config, state)
+   -- get/update state
+   local config = config or {}
+   local state = state or config
+   local maxIter = tonumber(config.maxIter) or 20
+   local maxEval = tonumber(config.maxEval) or maxIter*1.25
+   local tolFun = config.tolFun or 1e-5
+   local tolX = config.tolX or 1e-9
+   local nCorrection = config.nCorrection or 100
+   local lineSearch = config.lineSearch
+   local lineSearchOpts = config.lineSearchOptions
+   local learningRate = config.learningRate or 1
+   local isverbose = config.verbose or false
+   state.funcEval = state.funcEval or 0
+   state.nIter = state.nIter or 0
+   -- verbose function
+   local verbose
+   if isverbose then
+      verbose = function(...) print('<optim.lbfgs> ', ...) end
+   else
+      verbose = function() end
+   end
+   -- import some functions
+   local abs = math.abs
+   local min = math.min
+   -- evaluate initial f(x) and df/dx
+   local f,g = opfunc(x)
+   local f_hist = {f}
+   local currentFuncEval = 1
+   state.funcEval = state.funcEval + 1
+   local p = g:size(1)
+   -- check optimality of initial point
+   state.tmp1 = state.tmp1 or g.new(g:size()):zero(); local tmp1 = state.tmp1
+   tmp1:copy(g):abs()
+   if tmp1:sum() <= tolFun then
+      -- optimality condition below tolFun
+      verbose('optimality condition below tolFun')
+      return x,f_hist
+   end
+   if not state.dir_bufs then
+      -- reusable buffers for y's and s's, and their histories
+      verbose('creating recyclable direction/step/history buffers')
+      state.dir_bufs = state.dir_bufs or g.new(nCorrection+1, p):split(1)
+      state.stp_bufs = state.stp_bufs or g.new(nCorrection+1, p):split(1)
+      for i=1,#state.dir_bufs do
+         state.dir_bufs[i] = state.dir_bufs[i]:squeeze(1)
+         state.stp_bufs[i] = state.stp_bufs[i]:squeeze(1)
+      end
+   end
+   -- variables cached in state (for tracing)
+   local d = state.d
+   local t = state.t
+   local old_dirs = state.old_dirs
+   local old_stps = state.old_stps
+   local Hdiag = state.Hdiag
+   local g_old = state.g_old
+   local f_old = state.f_old
+   -- optimize for a max of maxIter iterations
+   local nIter = 0
+   while nIter < maxIter do
+      -- keep track of nb of iterations
+      nIter = nIter + 1
+      state.nIter = state.nIter + 1
+      ------------------------------------------------------------
+      -- compute gradient descent direction
+      ------------------------------------------------------------
+      if state.nIter == 1 then
+         d = g:clone():mul(-1) -- -g
+         old_dirs = {}
+         old_stps = {}
+         Hdiag = 1
+      else
+         -- do lbfgs update (update memory)
+         local y = table.remove(state.dir_bufs)  -- pop
+         local s = table.remove(state.stp_bufs)
+         y:add(g, -1, g_old)  -- g - g_old
+         s:mul(d, t)          -- d*t
+         local ys = y:dot(s)  -- y*s
+         if ys > 1e-10 then
+            -- updating memory
+            if #old_dirs == nCorrection then
+               -- shift history by one (limited-memory)
+               local removed1 = table.remove(old_dirs, 1)
+               local removed2 = table.remove(old_stps, 1)
+               table.insert(state.dir_bufs, removed1)
+               table.insert(state.stp_bufs, removed2)
+            end
+            -- store new direction/step
+            table.insert(old_dirs, s)
+            table.insert(old_stps, y)
+            -- update scale of initial Hessian approximation
+            Hdiag = ys / y:dot(y)  -- (y*y)
+         else
+            -- put y and s back into the buffer pool
+            table.insert(state.dir_bufs, y)
+            table.insert(state.stp_bufs, s)
+         end
+         -- compute the approximate (L-BFGS) inverse Hessian
+         -- multiplied by the gradient
+         local k = #old_dirs
+         -- need to be accessed element-by-element, so don't re-type tensor:
+         state.ro = state.ro or torch.Tensor(nCorrection); local ro = state.ro
+         for i = 1,k do
+            ro[i] = 1 / old_stps[i]:dot(old_dirs[i])
+         end
+         -- iteration in L-BFGS loop collapsed to use just one buffer
+         local q = tmp1  -- reuse tmp1 for the q buffer
+         -- need to be accessed element-by-element, so don't re-type tensor:
+         state.al = state.al or torch.zeros(nCorrection) local al = state.al
+         q:mul(g, -1)  -- -g
+         for i = k,1,-1 do
+            al[i] = old_dirs[i]:dot(q) * ro[i]
+            q:add(-al[i], old_stps[i])
+         end
+         -- multiply by initial Hessian
+         r = d  -- share the same buffer, since we don't need the old d
+         r:mul(q, Hdiag)  -- q[1] * Hdiag
+         for i = 1,k do
+            local be_i = old_stps[i]:dot(r) * ro[i]
+            r:add(al[i]-be_i, old_dirs[i])
+         end
+         -- final direction is in r/d (same object)
+      end
+      g_old = g_old or g:clone()
+      g_old:copy(g)
+      f_old = f
+      ------------------------------------------------------------
+      -- compute step length
+      ------------------------------------------------------------
+      -- directional derivative
+      local gtd = g:dot(d)  -- g * d
+      -- check that progress can be made along that direction
+      if gtd > -tolX then
+         break
+      end
+      -- reset initial guess for step size
+      if state.nIter == 1 then
+         tmp1:copy(g):abs()
+         t = min(1,1/tmp1:sum()) * learningRate
+      else
+         t = learningRate
+      end
+      -- optional line search: user function
+      local lsFuncEval = 0
+      if lineSearch and type(lineSearch) == 'function' then
+         -- perform line search, using user function
+         f,g,x,t,lsFuncEval = lineSearch(opfunc,x,t,d,f,g,gtd,lineSearchOpts)
+         table.insert(f_hist, f)
+      else
+         -- no line search, simply move with fixed-step
+         x:add(t,d)
+         if nIter ~= maxIter then
+            -- re-evaluate function only if not in last iteration
+            -- the reason we do this: in a stochastic setting,
+            -- no use to re-evaluate that function here
+            f,g = opfunc(x)
+            lsFuncEval = 1
+            table.insert(f_hist, f)
+         end
+      end
+      -- update func eval
+      currentFuncEval = currentFuncEval + lsFuncEval
+      state.funcEval = state.funcEval + lsFuncEval
+      ------------------------------------------------------------
+      -- check conditions
+      ------------------------------------------------------------
+      if nIter == maxIter then
+         -- no use to run tests
+         verbose('reached max number of iterations')
+         break
+      end
+      if currentFuncEval >= maxEval then
+         -- max nb of function evals
+         verbose('max nb of function evals')
+         break
+      end
+      tmp1:copy(g):abs()
+      if tmp1:sum() <= tolFun then
+         -- check optimality
+         verbose('optimality condition below tolFun')
+         break
+      end
+      tmp1:copy(d):mul(t):abs()
+      if tmp1:sum() <= tolX then
+         -- step size below tolX
+         verbose('step size below tolX')
+         break
+      end
+      if abs(f-f_old) < tolX then
+         -- function value changing less than tolX
+         verbose('function value changing less than tolX')
+         break
+      end
+   end
+   -- save state
+   state.old_dirs = old_dirs
+   state.old_stps = old_stps
+   state.Hdiag = Hdiag
+   state.g_old = g_old
+   state.f_old = f_old
+   state.t = t
+   state.d = d
+   -- return optimal x, and history of f(x)
+   return x,f_hist,currentFuncEval
diff --git a/lswolfe.lua b/lswolfe.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0afbdbe
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lswolfe.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,192 @@
+--[[ A Line Search satisfying the Wolfe conditions
+- `opfunc` : a function (the objective) that takes a single input (X),
+         the point of evaluation, and returns f(X) and df/dX
+- `x`          : initial point / starting location
+- `t`          : initial step size
+- `d`          : descent direction
+- `f`          : initial function value
+- `g`          : gradient at initial location
+- `gtd`        : directional derivative at starting location
+- `options.c1` : sufficient decrease parameter
+- `options.c2` : curvature parameter
+- `options.tolX`    : minimum allowable step length
+- `options.maxIter` : maximum nb of iterations
+- `f`          : function value at x+t*d
+- `g`          : gradient value at x+t*d
+- `x`          : the next x (=x+t*d)
+- `t`          : the step length
+- `lsFuncEval` : the number of function evaluations
+function optim.lswolfe(opfunc,x,t,d,f,g,gtd,options)
+   -- options
+   options = options or {}
+   local c1 = options.c1 or 1e-4
+   local c2 = options.c2 or 0.9
+   local tolX = options.tolX or 1e-9
+   local maxIter = options.maxIter or 20
+   local isverbose = options.verbose or false
+   -- some shortcuts
+   local abs = torch.abs
+   local min = math.min
+   local max = math.max
+   -- verbose function
+   local function verbose(...)
+      if isverbose then print('<optim.lswolfe> ', ...) end
+   end
+   -- evaluate objective and gradient using initial step
+   local x_init = x:clone()
+   x:add(t,d)
+   local f_new,g_new = opfunc(x)
+   local lsFuncEval = 1
+   local gtd_new = g_new * d
+   -- bracket an interval containing a point satisfying the Wolfe
+   -- criteria
+   local LSiter,t_prev,done = 0,0,false
+   local f_prev,g_prev,gtd_prev = f,g:clone(),gtd
+   local bracket,bracketFval,bracketGval
+   while LSiter < maxIter do
+      -- check conditions:
+      if (f_new > (f + c1*t*gtd)) or (LSiter > 1 and f_new >= f_prev) then
+         bracket = x.new{t_prev,t}
+         bracketFval = x.new{f_prev,f_new}
+         bracketGval = x.new(2,g_new:size(1))
+         bracketGval[1] = g_prev
+         bracketGval[2] = g_new
+         break
+      elseif abs(gtd_new) <= -c2*gtd then
+         bracket = x.new{t}
+         bracketFval = x.new{f_new}
+         bracketGval = x.new(1,g_new:size(1))
+         bracketGval[1] = g_new
+         done = true
+         break
+      elseif gtd_new >= 0 then
+         bracket = x.new{t_prev,t}
+         bracketFval = x.new{f_prev,f_new}
+         bracketGval = x.new(2,g_new:size(1))
+         bracketGval[1] = g_prev
+         bracketGval[2] = g_new
+         break
+      end
+      -- interpolate:
+      local tmp = t_prev
+      t_prev = t
+      local minStep = t + 0.01*(t-tmp)
+      local maxStep = t*10
+      t = optim.polyinterp(x.new{{tmp,f_prev,gtd_prev},
+                                  {t,f_new,gtd_new}},
+                           minStep, maxStep)
+      -- next step:
+      f_prev = f_new
+      g_prev = g_new:clone()
+      gtd_prev = gtd_new
+      x[{}] = x_init
+      x:add(t,d)
+      f_new,g_new = opfunc(x)
+      lsFuncEval = lsFuncEval + 1
+      gtd_new = g_new * d
+      LSiter = LSiter + 1
+   end
+   -- reached max nb of iterations?
+   if LSiter == maxIter then
+      bracket = x.new{0,t}
+      bracketFval = x.new{f,f_new}
+      bracketGval = x.new(2,g_new:size(1))
+      bracketGval[1] = g
+      bracketGval[2] = g_new
+   end
+   -- zoom phase: we now have a point satisfying the criteria, or
+   -- a bracket around it. We refine the bracket until we find the
+   -- exact point satisfying the criteria
+   local insufProgress = false
+   local LOposRemoved = 0
+   while not done and LSiter < maxIter do
+      -- find high and low points in bracket
+      local f_LO,LOpos = bracketFval:min(1)
+      LOpos = LOpos[1] f_LO = f_LO[1]
+      local HIpos = -LOpos+3
+      -- compute new trial value
+      t = optim.polyinterp(x.new{{bracket[1],bracketFval[1],bracketGval[1]*d},
+                                  {bracket[2],bracketFval[2],bracketGval[2]*d}})
+      -- test what we are making sufficient progress
+      if min(bracket:max()-t,t-bracket:min())/(bracket:max()-bracket:min()) < 0.1 then
+         if insufProgress or t>=bracket:max() or t <= bracket:min() then
+            if abs(t-bracket:max()) < abs(t-bracket:min()) then
+               t = bracket:max()-0.1*(bracket:max()-bracket:min())
+            else
+               t = bracket:min()+0.1*(bracket:max()-bracket:min())
+            end
+            insufProgress = false
+         else
+            insufProgress = true
+         end
+      else
+         insufProgress = false
+      end
+      -- Evaluate new point
+      x[{}] = x_init
+      x:add(t,d)
+      f_new,g_new = opfunc(x)
+      lsFuncEval = lsFuncEval + 1
+      gtd_new = g_new * d
+      LSiter = LSiter + 1
+      if f_new > f + c1*t*gtd or f_new >= f_LO then
+         -- Armijo condition not satisfied or not lower than lowest point
+         bracket[HIpos] = t
+         bracketFval[HIpos] = f_new
+         bracketGval[HIpos] = g_new
+      else
+         if abs(gtd_new) <= - c2*gtd then
+            -- Wolfe conditions satisfied
+            done = true
+         elseif gtd_new*(bracket[HIpos]-bracket[LOpos]) >= 0 then
+            -- Old HI becomes new LO
+            bracket[HIpos] = bracket[LOpos]
+            bracketFval[HIpos] = bracketFval[LOpos]
+            bracketGval[HIpos] = bracketGval[LOpos]
+         end
+         -- New point becomes new LO
+         bracket[LOpos] = t
+         bracketFval[LOpos] = f_new
+         bracketGval[LOpos] = g_new
+      end
+      -- done?
+      if not done and abs((bracket[1]-bracket[2])*gtd_new) < tolX then
+         break
+      end
+   end
+   -- be verbose
+   if LSiter == maxIter then
+      verbose('reached max number of iterations')
+   end
+   -- return stuff
+   local _,LOpos = bracketFval:min(1)
+   LOpos = LOpos[1]
+   t = bracket[LOpos]
+   f_new = bracketFval[LOpos]
+   g_new = bracketGval[LOpos]
+   x[{}] = x_init
+   x:add(t,d)
+	return f_new,g_new,x,t,lsFuncEval
diff --git a/mkdocs.yml b/mkdocs.yml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9624b2a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/mkdocs.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+site_name: optim
+theme : simplex
+repo_url : https://github.com/torch/optim
+use_directory_urls : false
+markdown_extensions: [extra]
+docs_dir : doc
+- [index.md, Optim]
diff --git a/nag.lua b/nag.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..875d81e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/nag.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,86 @@
+-- An implementation of SGD adapted with features of Nesterov's
+-- Accelerated Gradient method, based on the paper
+-- On the Importance of Initialization and Momentum in Deep Learning
+-- Sutsveker et. al., ICML 2013
+-- ARGS:
+-- opfunc : a function that takes a single input (X), the point of
+--          evaluation, and returns f(X) and df/dX
+-- x      : the initial point
+-- state  : a table describing the state of the optimizer; after each
+--          call the state is modified
+--   state.learningRate      : learning rate
+--   state.learningRateDecay : learning rate decay
+--   state.weightDecay       : weight decay
+--   state.momentum          : momentum
+--   state.learningRates     : vector of individual learning rates
+-- x     : the new x vector
+-- f(x)  : the function, evaluated before the update
+-- (Dilip Krishnan, 2013)
+function optim.nag(opfunc, x, config, state)
+   -- (0) get/update state
+   local config = config or {}
+   local state = state or config
+   local lr = config.learningRate or 1e-3
+   local lrd = config.learningRateDecay or 0
+   local wd = config.weightDecay or 0
+   local mom = config.momentum or 0.9
+   local damp = config.dampening or mom
+   local lrs = config.learningRates
+   state.evalCounter = state.evalCounter or 0
+   local nevals = state.evalCounter
+   if mom <= 0 then
+     error('Momentum must be positive for Nesterov Accelerated Gradient')
+   end
+   -- (1) evaluate f(x) and df/dx
+   -- first step in the direction of the momentum vector
+   if state.dfdx then
+      x:add(mom, state.dfdx)
+   end
+   -- then compute gradient at that point
+   -- comment out the above line to get the original SGD
+   local fx,dfdx = opfunc(x)
+   -- (2) weight decay
+   if wd ~= 0 then
+      dfdx:add(wd, x)
+   end
+   -- (3) learning rate decay (annealing)
+   local clr = lr / (1 + nevals*lrd)
+   -- (4) apply momentum
+   if not state.dfdx then
+      state.dfdx = torch.Tensor():typeAs(dfdx):resizeAs(dfdx):fill(0)
+   else
+      state.dfdx:mul(mom)
+   end
+   -- (5) parameter update with single or individual learning rates
+   if lrs then
+      if not state.deltaParameters then
+         state.deltaParameters = torch.Tensor():typeAs(x):resizeAs(dfdx)
+      end
+      state.deltaParameters:copy(lrs):cmul(dfdx)
+      x:add(-clr, state.deltaParameters)
+      state.dfdx:add(-clr, state.deltaParameters)
+   else
+      x:add(-clr, dfdx)
+      state.dfdx:add(-clr, dfdx)
+   end
+   -- (6) update evaluation counter
+   state.evalCounter = state.evalCounter + 1
+   -- return x, f(x) before optimization
+   return x,{fx}
diff --git a/optim-1.0.3-0.rockspec b/optim-1.0.3-0.rockspec
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f9c45b6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/optim-1.0.3-0.rockspec
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
+package = "optim"
+version = "1.0.3-0"
+source = {
+   url = "git://github.com/torch/optim",
+   tag = "1.0.3-0"
+description = {
+   summary = "An optimization library for Torch.",
+   detailed = [[
+This package contains several optimization routines for Torch.   
+  ]],
+   homepage = "https://github.com/torch/optim",
+   license = "BSD"
+dependencies = {
+   "torch >= 7.0",
+   "sys >= 1.0",
+build = {
+   type = "command",
+   build_command = [[
+cmake -E make_directory build && cd build && cmake .. -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release -DCMAKE_PREFIX_PATH="$(LUA_BINDIR)/.." -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX="$(PREFIX)" && $(MAKE)
+   ]],
+   install_command = "cd build && $(MAKE) install"
diff --git a/optim-1.0.3-1.rockspec b/optim-1.0.3-1.rockspec
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8bcb10e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/optim-1.0.3-1.rockspec
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
+package = "optim"
+version = "1.0.3-1"
+source = {
+   url = "git://github.com/torch/optim",
+   tag = "1.0.3-1"
+description = {
+   summary = "An optimization library for Torch.",
+   detailed = [[
+This package contains several optimization routines for Torch.   
+  ]],
+   homepage = "https://github.com/torch/optim",
+   license = "BSD"
+dependencies = {
+   "torch >= 7.0",
+   "sys >= 1.0",
+build = {
+   type = "command",
+   build_command = [[
+cmake -E make_directory build && cd build && cmake .. -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release -DCMAKE_PREFIX_PATH="$(LUA_BINDIR)/.." -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX="$(PREFIX)" && $(MAKE)
+   ]],
+   install_command = "cd build && $(MAKE) install"
diff --git a/optim-1.0.4-0.rockspec b/optim-1.0.4-0.rockspec
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d0328fb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/optim-1.0.4-0.rockspec
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+package = "optim"
+version = "1.0.4-0"
+source = {
+   url = "git://github.com/torch/optim",
+   tag = "1.0.4-0"
+description = {
+   summary = "An optimization library for Torch.",
+   detailed = [[
+This package contains several optimization routines for Torch.   
+  ]],
+   homepage = "https://github.com/torch/optim",
+   license = "BSD"
+dependencies = {
+   "torch >= 7.0",
+build = {
+   type = "command",
+   build_command = [[
+cmake -E make_directory build && cd build && cmake .. -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release -DCMAKE_PREFIX_PATH="$(LUA_BINDIR)/.." -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX="$(PREFIX)" && $(MAKE)
+   ]],
+   install_command = "cd build && $(MAKE) install"
diff --git a/optim-1.0.5-0.rockspec b/optim-1.0.5-0.rockspec
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..325e67d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/optim-1.0.5-0.rockspec
@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
+package = "optim"
+version = "1.0.5-0"
+source = {
+   url = "git://github.com/torch/optim",
+description = {
+   summary = "An optimization library for Torch.",
+   detailed = [[
+This package contains several optimization routines for Torch.   
+  ]],
+   homepage = "https://github.com/torch/optim",
+   license = "BSD"
+dependencies = {
+   "torch >= 7.0",
+build = {
+   type = "command",
+   build_command = [[
+cmake -E make_directory build && cd build && cmake .. -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release -DCMAKE_PREFIX_PATH="$(LUA_BINDIR)/.." -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX="$(PREFIX)" && $(MAKE)
+   ]],
+   install_command = "cd build && $(MAKE) install"
diff --git a/polyinterp.lua b/polyinterp.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5975981
--- /dev/null
+++ b/polyinterp.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,234 @@
+local function isreal(x)
+   return x == x
+local function isnan(x)
+   return not x == x
+local function roots(c)
+   local tol=1e-12
+   c[torch.lt(torch.abs(c),tol)]=0
+   local nonzero = torch.ne(c,0)
+   if nonzero:max() == 0 then
+      return 0
+   end
+   -- first non-zero
+   local _,pos = torch.max(nonzero,1)
+   pos = pos[1]
+   c=c[{ {pos,-1} }]
+   local nz = 0
+   for i=c:size(1),1,-1 do
+      if c[i] ~= 0 then
+         break
+      else
+         nz = nz + 1
+      end
+   end
+   c=c[{ {1,c:size(1)-nz} }]
+   local n = c:size(1)-1
+   if n == 1 then
+      local e = torch.Tensor({{-c[2]/c[1], 0}})
+      if nz > 0 then
+         return torch.cat(e, torch.zeros(nz, 2), 1)
+      else
+         return e
+      end
+   elseif n > 1 then
+      local A = torch.diag(torch.ones(n-1),-1)
+      A[1] = -c[{ {2,n+1} }]/c[1];
+      local e = torch.eig(A,'N')
+      if nz > 0 then
+         return torch.cat(e, torch.zeros(nz,2), 1)
+      else
+         return e
+      end
+   else
+      return torch.zeros(nz,2)
+   end
+local function real(x)
+   if type(x) == number then return x end
+   return x[{ {} , 1}]
+local function imag(x)
+   if type(x) == 'number' then return 0 end
+   if x:nDimension() == 1 then
+      return torch.zeros(x:size(1))
+   else
+      return x[{ {},  2}]
+   end
+local function polyval(p,x)
+   local pwr = p:size(1)
+   if type(x) == 'number' then 
+      local val = 0
+      p:apply(function(pc) pwr = pwr-1; val = val + pc*x^pwr; return pc end)
+      return val
+   else
+      local val = x.new(x:size(1))
+      p:apply(function(pc) pwr = pwr-1; val:add(pc,torch.pow(x,pwr)); return pc end)
+      return val
+   end
+-- Minimum of interpolating polynomial based on function and 
+-- derivative values
+-- ARGS:
+-- points : N triplets (x,f,g), must be a Tensor
+-- xmin   : min value that brackets minimum (default: min of points)
+-- xmax   : max value that brackets maximum (default: max of points)
+-- minPos : position of minimum
+function optim.polyinterp(points,xminBound,xmaxBound)
+   -- locals
+   local sqrt = torch.sqrt
+   local mean = torch.mean
+   local Tensor = torch.Tensor
+   local zeros = torch.zeros
+   local max = math.max
+   local min = math.min
+   -- nb of points / order of polynomial
+   local nPoints = points:size(1)
+   local order = nPoints*2-1
+   -- returned values
+   local minPos
+   -- Code for most common case:
+   --   + cubic interpolation of 2 points w/ function and derivative values for both
+   --   + no xminBound/xmaxBound
+   if nPoints == 2 and order == 3 and not xminBound and not xmaxBound then
+      -- Solution in this case (where x2 is the farthest point):
+      --    d1 = g1 + g2 - 3*(f1-f2)/(x1-x2);
+      --    d2 = sqrt(d1^2 - g1*g2);
+      --    minPos = x2 - (x2 - x1)*((g2 + d2 - d1)/(g2 - g1 + 2*d2));
+      --    t_new = min(max(minPos,x1),x2);
+      local minVal,minPos = points[{ {},1 }]:min(1)
+      minVal = minVal[1] minPos = minPos[1]
+      local notMinPos = -minPos+3;
+      local d1 = points[{minPos,3}] + points[{notMinPos,3}] 
+               - 3*(points[{minPos,2}]-points[{notMinPos,2}])
+                     / (points[{minPos,1}]-points[{notMinPos,1}]);
+      local d2 = sqrt(d1^2 - points[{minPos,3}]*points[{notMinPos,3}]);
+      if isreal(d2) then -- isreal()
+         local t = points[{notMinPos,1}] - (points[{notMinPos,1}]
+                   - points[{minPos,1}]) * ((points[{notMinPos,3}] + d2 - d1)
+                     / (points[{notMinPos,3}] - points[{minPos,3}] + 2*d2))
+         minPos = min(max(t,points[{minPos,1}]),points[{notMinPos,1}])
+      else
+         minPos = mean(points[{{},1}])
+      end
+      return minPos
+   end
+   -- TODO: get the code below to work!
+   --error('<optim.polyinterp> extrapolation not implemented yet...')
+   -- Compute Bounds of Interpolation Area
+   local xmin = points[{{},1}]:min()
+   local xmax = points[{{},1}]:max()
+   xminBound = xminBound or xmin
+   xmaxBound = xmaxBound or xmax
+   -- Add constraints on function values
+   local A = zeros(nPoints*2,order+1)
+   local b = zeros(nPoints*2,1)
+   for i = 1,nPoints do
+      local constraint = zeros(order+1)
+      for j = order,0,-1 do
+         constraint[order-j+1] = points[{i,1}]^j
+      end
+      A[i] = constraint
+      b[i] = points[{i,2}]
+   end
+   -- Add constraints based on derivatives
+   for i = 1,nPoints do
+      local constraint = zeros(order+1)
+      for j = 1,order do
+         constraint[j] = (order-j+1)*points[{i,1}]^(order-j)
+      end
+      A[nPoints+i] = constraint
+      b[nPoints+i] = points[{i,3}]
+   end
+   -- Find interpolating polynomial
+   local res = torch.gels(b,A)
+   local params = res[{ {1,nPoints*2} }]:squeeze()
+   --print(A)
+   --print(b)
+   --print(params)
+   params[torch.le(torch.abs(params),1e-12)]=0
+   -- Compute Critical Points
+   local dParams = zeros(order);
+   for i = 1,params:size(1)-1 do
+      dParams[i] = params[i]*(order-i+1)
+   end
+   -- nan/inf?
+   local nans = false
+   if torch.ne(dParams,dParams):max() > 0 or torch.eq(dParams,math.huge):max() > 0 then
+      nans = true
+   end
+   -- for i = 1,dParams:size(1) do
+   --    if dParams[i] ~= dParams[i] or dParams[i] == math.huge then
+   --       nans = true
+   --       break
+   --    end
+   -- end
+   local cp = torch.cat(Tensor{xminBound,xmaxBound},points[{{},1}])
+   if not nans then
+      local cproots = roots(dParams)
+      local cpi = zeros(cp:size(1),2)
+      cpi[{ {1,cp:size(1)} , 1 }] = cp
+      cp = torch.cat(cpi,cproots,1)
+   end
+   --print(dParams)
+   --print(cp)
+   -- Test Critical Points
+   local fmin = math.huge
+   -- Default to Bisection if no critical points valid:
+   minPos = (xminBound+xmaxBound)/2
+   --print(minPos,fmin)
+   --print(xminBound,xmaxBound)
+   for i = 1,cp:size(1) do
+      local xCP = cp[{ {i,i} , {} }]
+      --print('xcp=')
+      --print(xCP)
+      local ixCP = imag(xCP)[1]
+      local rxCP = real(xCP)[1]
+      if ixCP == 0 and rxCP >= xminBound and rxCP <= xmaxBound then
+         local fCP = polyval(params,rxCP)
+	 --print('fcp=')
+	 --print(fCP)
+	 --print(fCP < fmin)
+         if fCP < fmin then
+            minPos = rxCP
+            fmin = fCP
+	    --print('u',minPos,fmin)
+         end
+	 --print('v',minPos,fmin)
+      end
+   end
+   return minPos,fmin
diff --git a/rmsprop.lua b/rmsprop.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1eb526d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/rmsprop.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,57 @@
+--[[ An implementation of RMSprop
+- 'opfunc' : a function that takes a single input (X), the point
+             of a evaluation, and returns f(X) and df/dX
+- 'x'      : the initial point
+- 'config` : a table with configuration parameters for the optimizer
+- 'config.learningRate'      : learning rate
+- 'config.alpha'             : smoothing constant
+- 'config.epsilon'           : value with which to initialise m
+- 'config.weightDecay'       : weight decay
+- 'state'                    : a table describing the state of the optimizer;
+                               after each call the state is modified
+- 'state.m'                  : leaky sum of squares of parameter gradients,
+- 'state.tmp'                : and the square root (with epsilon smoothing)
+- `x`     : the new x vector
+- `f(x)`  : the function, evaluated before the update
+function optim.rmsprop(opfunc, x, config, state)
+   -- (0) get/update state
+   local config = config or {}
+   local state = state or config
+   local lr = config.learningRate or 1e-2
+   local alpha = config.alpha or 0.99
+   local epsilon = config.epsilon or 1e-8
+   local wd = config.weightDecay or 0
+   -- (1) evaluate f(x) and df/dx
+   local fx, dfdx = opfunc(x)
+   -- (2) weight decay
+   if wd ~= 0 then
+      dfdx:add(wd, x)
+   end
+   -- (3) initialize mean square values and square gradient storage
+   if not state.m then
+      state.m = torch.Tensor():typeAs(x):resizeAs(dfdx):fill(1)
+      state.tmp = torch.Tensor():typeAs(x):resizeAs(dfdx)
+   end
+   -- (4) calculate new (leaky) mean squared values
+   state.m:mul(alpha)
+   state.m:addcmul(1.0-alpha, dfdx, dfdx)
+   -- (5) perform update
+   state.tmp:sqrt(state.m):add(epsilon)
+   x:addcdiv(-lr, dfdx, state.tmp)
+   -- return x*, f(x) before optimization
+   return x, {fx}
diff --git a/rprop.lua b/rprop.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d7af164
--- /dev/null
+++ b/rprop.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,103 @@
+--[[ A plain implementation of RPROP
+- `opfunc` : a function that takes a single input (X), the point of
+             evaluation, and returns f(X) and df/dX
+- `x`      : the initial point
+- `state`  : a table describing the state of the optimizer; after each
+             call the state is modified
+- `state.stepsize`    : initial step size, common to all components
+- `state.etaplus`     : multiplicative increase factor, > 1 (default 1.2)
+- `state.etaminus`    : multiplicative decrease factor, < 1 (default 0.5)
+- `state.stepsizemax` : maximum stepsize allowed (default 50)
+- `state.stepsizemin` : minimum stepsize allowed (default 1e-6)
+- `state.niter`       : number of iterations (default 1)
+- `x`     : the new x vector
+- `f(x)`  : the function, evaluated before the update
+(Martin Riedmiller, Koray Kavukcuoglu 2013)
+function optim.rprop(opfunc, x, config, state)
+   if config == nil and state == nil then
+      print('no state table RPROP initializing')
+   end
+   -- (0) get/update state
+   local config = config or {}
+   local state = state or config
+   local stepsize = config.stepsize or 0.1
+   local etaplus = config.etaplus or 1.2
+   local etaminus = config.etaminus or 0.5
+   local stepsizemax = config.stepsizemax or 50.0
+   local stepsizemin = config.stepsizemin or 1E-06
+   local niter = config.niter or 1
+   local hfx = {}
+   for i=1,niter do
+      -- (1) evaluate f(x) and df/dx
+      local fx,dfdx = opfunc(x)
+      -- init temp storage
+      if not state.delta then
+         state.delta    = dfdx.new(dfdx:size()):zero()
+         state.stepsize = dfdx.new(dfdx:size()):fill(stepsize)
+         state.sign     = dfdx.new(dfdx:size())
+         state.psign    = torch.ByteTensor(dfdx:size())
+         state.nsign    = torch.ByteTensor(dfdx:size())
+         state.zsign    = torch.ByteTensor(dfdx:size())
+         state.dminmax  = torch.ByteTensor(dfdx:size())
+         if torch.type(x)=='torch.CudaTensor' then
+            -- Push to GPU
+            state.psign    = state.psign:cuda()
+            state.nsign    = state.nsign:cuda()
+            state.zsign    = state.zsign:cuda()
+            state.dminmax  = state.dminmax:cuda()
+         end
+      end
+      -- sign of derivative from last step to this one
+      torch.cmul(state.sign, dfdx, state.delta)
+      torch.sign(state.sign, state.sign)
+      -- get indices of >0, <0 and ==0 entries
+      state.sign.gt(state.psign, state.sign, 0)
+      state.sign.lt(state.nsign, state.sign, 0)
+      state.sign.eq(state.zsign, state.sign, 0)
+      -- get step size updates
+      state.sign[state.psign] = etaplus
+      state.sign[state.nsign] = etaminus
+      state.sign[state.zsign] = 1
+      -- update stepsizes with step size updates
+      state.stepsize:cmul(state.sign)
+      -- threshold step sizes
+      -- >50 => 50
+      state.stepsize.gt(state.dminmax, state.stepsize, stepsizemax)
+      state.stepsize[state.dminmax] = stepsizemax
+      -- <1e-6 ==> 1e-6
+      state.stepsize.lt(state.dminmax, state.stepsize, stepsizemin)
+      state.stepsize[state.dminmax] = stepsizemin
+      -- for dir<0, dfdx=0
+      -- for dir>=0 dfdx=dfdx
+      dfdx[state.nsign] = 0
+      -- state.sign = sign(dfdx)
+      torch.sign(state.sign,dfdx)
+      -- update weights
+      x:addcmul(-1,state.sign,state.stepsize)
+      -- update state.dfdx with current dfdx
+      state.delta:copy(dfdx)
+      table.insert(hfx,fx)
+   end
+   -- return x*, f(x) before optimization
+   return x,hfx
diff --git a/sgd.lua b/sgd.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e21c696
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sgd.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,90 @@
+--[[ A plain implementation of SGD
+- `opfunc` : a function that takes a single input (X), the point
+             of a evaluation, and returns f(X) and df/dX
+- `x`      : the initial point
+- `config` : a table with configuration parameters for the optimizer
+- `config.learningRate`      : learning rate
+- `config.learningRateDecay` : learning rate decay
+- `config.weightDecay`       : weight decay
+- `config.weightDecays`      : vector of individual weight decays
+- `config.momentum`          : momentum
+- `config.dampening`         : dampening for momentum
+- `config.nesterov`          : enables Nesterov momentum
+- `config.learningRates`     : vector of individual learning rates
+- `state`  : a table describing the state of the optimizer; after each
+             call the state is modified
+- `state.evalCounter`        : evaluation counter (optional: 0, by default)
+- `x`     : the new x vector
+- `f(x)`  : the function, evaluated before the update
+(Clement Farabet, 2012)
+function optim.sgd(opfunc, x, config, state)
+   -- (0) get/update state
+   local config = config or {}
+   local state = state or config
+   local lr = config.learningRate or 1e-3
+   local lrd = config.learningRateDecay or 0
+   local wd = config.weightDecay or 0
+   local mom = config.momentum or 0
+   local damp = config.dampening or mom
+   local nesterov = config.nesterov or false
+   local lrs = config.learningRates
+   local wds = config.weightDecays
+   state.evalCounter = state.evalCounter or 0
+   local nevals = state.evalCounter
+   assert(not nesterov or (mom > 0 and damp == 0), "Nesterov momentum requires a momentum and zero dampening")
+   -- (1) evaluate f(x) and df/dx
+   local fx,dfdx = opfunc(x)
+   -- (2) weight decay with single or individual parameters
+   if wd ~= 0 then
+      dfdx:add(wd, x)
+   elseif wds then
+      if not state.decayParameters then
+         state.decayParameters = torch.Tensor():typeAs(x):resizeAs(dfdx)
+      end
+      state.decayParameters:copy(wds):cmul(x)
+      dfdx:add(state.decayParameters)
+   end
+   -- (3) apply momentum
+   if mom ~= 0 then
+      if not state.dfdx then
+         state.dfdx = torch.Tensor():typeAs(dfdx):resizeAs(dfdx):copy(dfdx)
+      else
+         state.dfdx:mul(mom):add(1-damp, dfdx)
+      end
+      if nesterov then
+         dfdx:add(mom, state.dfdx)
+      else
+         dfdx = state.dfdx
+      end
+   end
+   -- (4) learning rate decay (annealing)
+   local clr = lr / (1 + nevals*lrd)
+   -- (5) parameter update with single or individual learning rates
+   if lrs then
+      if not state.deltaParameters then
+         state.deltaParameters = torch.Tensor():typeAs(x):resizeAs(dfdx)
+      end
+      state.deltaParameters:copy(lrs):cmul(dfdx)
+      x:add(-clr, state.deltaParameters)
+   else
+      x:add(-clr, dfdx)
+   end
+   -- (6) update evaluation counter
+   state.evalCounter = state.evalCounter + 1
+   -- return x*, f(x) before optimization
+   return x,{fx}
diff --git a/test/l2.lua b/test/l2.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7866464
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/l2.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+require 'torch'
+-- rosenbrock.m This function returns the function value, partial derivatives
+-- and Hessian of the (general dimension) rosenbrock function, given by:
+--       f(x) = sum_{i=1:D-1} 100*(x(i+1) - x(i)^2)^2 + (1-x(i))^2 
+-- where D is the dimension of x. The true minimum is 0 at x = (1 1 ... 1).
+-- Carl Edward Rasmussen, 2001-07-21.
+function l2(x)
+   local xx = x:clone()
+   xx:cmul(xx)
+   local fout = xx:sum()
+   local dx = torch.Tensor():resizeAs(x):copy(x)
+   dx:mul(2)
+   --print('l2 eval = ', fout)
+   return fout,dx
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/test/rosenbrock.lua b/test/rosenbrock.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..06f1676
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/rosenbrock.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
+require 'torch'
+-- rosenbrock.m This function returns the function value, partial derivatives
+-- and Hessian of the (general dimension) rosenbrock function, given by:
+--       f(x) = sum_{i=1:D-1} 100*(x(i+1) - x(i)^2)^2 + (1-x(i))^2 
+-- where D is the dimension of x. The true minimum is 0 at x = (1 1 ... 1).
+-- Carl Edward Rasmussen, 2001-07-21.
+function rosenbrock(x)
+   -- (1) compute f(x)
+   local d = x:size(1)
+   -- x1 =  x(i)^2
+   local x1 = x.new(d-1):copy(x:narrow(1,1,d-1))
+   -- x(i+1) - x(i)^2
+   x1:cmul(x1):mul(-1):add(x:narrow(1,2,d-1))
+   -- 100*(x(i+1) - x(i)^2)^2
+   x1:cmul(x1):mul(100)
+   -- x(i)
+   local x0 = x.new(d-1):copy(x:narrow(1,1,d-1))
+   -- 1-x(i)
+   x0:mul(-1):add(1)
+   -- (1-x(i))^2
+   x0:cmul(x0)
+   -- 100*(x(i+1) - x(i)^2)^2 + (1-x(i))^2
+   x1:add(x0)
+   local fout = x1:sum()
+   -- (2) compute f(x)/dx
+   local dxout = x.new():resizeAs(x):zero()
+   -- df(1:D-1) = - 400*x(1:D-1).*(x(2:D)-x(1:D-1).^2) - 2*(1-x(1:D-1));
+   x1:copy(x:narrow(1,1,d-1))
+   x1:cmul(x1):mul(-1):add(x:narrow(1,2,d-1)):cmul(x:narrow(1,1,d-1)):mul(-400)
+   x0:copy(x:narrow(1,1,d-1)):mul(-1):add(1):mul(-2)
+   x1:add(x0)
+   dxout:narrow(1,1,d-1):copy(x1)
+  -- df(2:D) = df(2:D) + 200*(x(2:D)-x(1:D-1).^2);
+   x0:copy(x:narrow(1,1,d-1))
+   x0:cmul(x0):mul(-1):add(x:narrow(1,2,d-1)):mul(200)
+   dxout:narrow(1,2,d-1):add(x0)
+  return fout,dxout
diff --git a/test/sparsecoding.lua b/test/sparsecoding.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c1d443e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/sparsecoding.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,127 @@
+require 'kex'
+-- L1 FISTA Solution
+-- L1 solution with a linear dictionary ||Ax-b||^2 + \lambda ||x||_1
+-- D     : dictionary, each column is a dictionary element
+-- params: set of params to pass to FISTA and possibly temp allocation (**optional**)
+--         check unsup.FistaLS function for details.
+-- returns fista : a table with the following entries
+-- fista.run(x,lambda) : run L1 sparse coding algorithm with input x and lambda.
+-- The following entries will be allocated and reused by each call to fista.run(x,lambda)
+-- fista.reconstruction: reconstructed input.
+-- fista.gradf         : gradient of L2 part of the problem wrt x
+-- fista.code          : the solution of L1 problem
+-- The following entries just point to data passed to fista.run(x)
+-- fista.input         : points to the tensor 'x' used in the last fista.run(x,lambda)
+-- fista.lambda        : the lambda value used in the last fista.run(x,lambda)
+function optim.FistaL1(D, params)
+   -- this is for keeping parameters related to fista algorithm
+   local params = params or {}
+   -- this is for temporary variables and such
+   local fista = {}
+   -- related to FISTA
+   params.L = params.L or 0.1
+   params.Lstep = params.Lstep or 1.5
+   params.maxiter = params.maxiter or 50
+   params.maxline = params.maxline or 20
+   params.errthres = params.errthres or 1e-4
+   -- temporary stuff that might be good to keep around
+   fista.reconstruction = torch.Tensor()
+   fista.gradf = torch.Tensor()
+   fista.gradg = torch.Tensor()
+   fista.code = torch.Tensor()
+   -- these will be assigned in run(x)
+   -- fista.input points to the last input that was run
+   -- fista.lambda is the lambda value from the last run
+   fista.input = nil
+   fista.lambda = nil
+   -- smooth function
+   fista.f = function (x,mode)
+		local reconstruction = fista.reconstruction
+		local input = fista.input
+		-- -------------------
+		-- function evaluation
+		if x:dim() == 1 then
+		   --print(D:size(),x:size())
+		   reconstruction:resize(D:size(1))
+		   reconstruction:addmv(0,1,D,x)
+		elseif x:dim(2) then
+		   reconstruction:resize(x:size(1),D:size(1))
+		   reconstruction:addmm(0,1,x,D:t())
+		end
+		local fval = input:dist(reconstruction)^2
+		-- ----------------------
+		-- derivative calculation
+		if mode and mode:match('dx') then
+		   local gradf = fista.gradf
+		   reconstruction:add(-1,input):mul(2)
+		   gradf:resizeAs(x)
+		   if input:dim() == 1 then
+		      gradf:addmv(0,1,D:t(),reconstruction)
+		   else
+		      gradf:addmm(0,1,reconstruction, D)
+		   end
+		   ---------------------------------------
+		   -- return function value and derivative
+		   return fval, gradf, reconstruction
+		end
+		------------------------
+		-- return function value
+		return fval, reconstruction
+	     end
+   -- non-smooth function L1
+   fista.g =  function (x)
+		 local fval = fista.lambda*x:norm(1)
+		 if mod and mode:match('dx') then
+		    local gradg = fista.gradg
+		    gradg:resizAs(x)
+		    gradg:sign():mul(fista.lambda)
+		    return fval,gradg
+		 end
+		 return fval
+	      end
+   -- argmin_x Q(x,y), just shrinkage for L1
+   fista.pl = function (x,L)
+		 x:shrinkage(fista.lambda/L)
+	      end
+   fista.run = function(x, lam, codeinit)
+		  local code = fista.code
+		  fista.input = x
+		  fista.lambda = lam
+		  -- resize code, maybe a different number of dimensions
+		  -- fill with zeros, initial point
+		  if codeinit then
+		     code:resizeAs(codeinit)
+		     code:copy(codeinit)
+		  else
+		     if x:dim() == 1 then
+			code:resize(D:size(2))
+		     elseif x:dim() == 2 then
+			code:resize(x:size(1),D:size(2))
+		     else
+			error(' I do not know how to handle ' .. x:dim() .. ' dimensional input')
+		     end
+		     code:fill(0)
+		  end
+		  -- return the result of unsup.FistaLS call.
+		  return optim.FistaLS(fista.f, fista.g, fista.pl, fista.code, params)
+	       end
+   return fista
diff --git a/test/test_adadelta.lua b/test/test_adadelta.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ede3728
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/test_adadelta.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
+require 'torch'
+require 'optim'
+require 'rosenbrock'
+require 'l2'
+x = torch.Tensor(2):fill(0)
+fx = {}
+state = {}
+config = {eps=1e-10}
+for i = 1,10001 do
+	x,f=optim.adadelta(rosenbrock,x,config,state)
+	if (i-1)%1000 == 0 then
+		table.insert(fx,f[1])
+	end
+print('Rosenbrock test')
+for i=1,#fx do print((i-1)*1000+1,fx[i]); end
diff --git a/test/test_adagrad.lua b/test/test_adagrad.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c93f301
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/test_adagrad.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
+require 'torch'
+require 'optim'
+require 'rosenbrock'
+require 'l2'
+x = torch.Tensor(2):fill(0)
+fx = {}
+config = {learningRate=1e-1}
+for i = 1,10001 do
+	x,f=optim.adagrad(rosenbrock,x,config)
+	if (i-1)%1000 == 0 then
+		table.insert(fx,f[1])
+	end
+print('Rosenbrock test')
+for i=1,#fx do print((i-1)*1000+1,fx[i]); end
diff --git a/test/test_adam.lua b/test/test_adam.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2968056
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/test_adam.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+require 'torch'
+require 'optim'
+require 'rosenbrock'
+require 'l2'
+x = torch.Tensor(2):fill(0)
+fx = {}
+config = {learningRate=0.002}
+for i = 1,10001 do
+if (i-1)%1000 == 0 then
+print('Rosenbrock test')
+for i=1,#fx do print((i-1)*1000+1,fx[i]); end
diff --git a/test/test_adamax.lua b/test/test_adamax.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a62a9a5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/test_adamax.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
+require 'torch'
+require 'optim'
+require 'rosenbrock'
+require 'l2'
+x = torch.Tensor(2):fill(0)
+fx = {}
+state = {}
+config = {}
+for i = 1,10001 do
+   x,f=optim.adamax(rosenbrock,x,config,state)
+   if (i-1)%1000 == 0 then
+      table.insert(fx,f[1])
+   end
+print('Rosenbrock test')
+for i=1,#fx do print((i-1)*1000+1,fx[i]); end
diff --git a/test/test_cg.lua b/test/test_cg.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..cc20fd9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/test_cg.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+require 'torch'
+require 'optim'
+require 'rosenbrock'
+require 'l2'
+x = torch.Tensor(2):fill(0)
+print('Rosenbrock test: compare with http://www.gatsby.ucl.ac.uk/~edward/code/minimize/example.html')
+print('Number of function evals = ',i)
+for i=1,#fx do print(i,fx[i]); end
diff --git a/test/test_cmaes.lua b/test/test_cmaes.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8dd6878
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/test_cmaes.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
+require 'torch'
+require 'optim'
+require 'rosenbrock'
+require 'l2'
+-- 10-D rosenbrock
+x = torch.Tensor(10):fill(0)
+config = {maxEval=10000, sigma=0.5, verb_disp=0}
+-- will take some time
+print('Rosenbrock test')
+-- approx 6500 function evals expected
+print('Number of function evals = ',i)
+for i=1,#fx do print(i,fx[i]); end
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/test/test_confusion.lua b/test/test_confusion.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2a08349
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/test_confusion.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
+require 'torch'
+require 'optim'
+n_feature = 3
+classes = {0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9}
+print'ConfusionMatrix:__init() test'
+cm = optim.ConfusionMatrix(#classes, classes)
+target = 3
+prediction = torch.randn(#classes)
+print'ConfusionMatrix:add() test'
+cm:add(prediction, target)
+cm:add(prediction, torch.randn(#classes))
+batch_size = 8
+targets = torch.randperm(batch_size)
+predictions = torch.randn(batch_size, #classes)
+print'ConfusionMatrix:batchAdd() test'
+cm:batchAdd(predictions, targets)
+assert(cm.mat:sum() == batch_size + 2, 'missing examples')
+print'ConfusionMatrix:updateValids() test'
+print'ConfusionMatrix:__tostring__() test'
+target = 0
+cm:add(prediction, target)
+assert(cm.mat:sum() == batch_size + 2, 'too many examples')
+-- FAR/FRR testing on identify matrix. FRR/FAR should be zero for identity.
+cm.mat = torch.eye(#classes, #classes)
+classFrrs, classFars, frrs, fars = cm:farFrr()
+assert(classFrrs:sum() + classFars:sum() == 0, "Incorrect values")
diff --git a/test/test_de.lua b/test/test_de.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..666ebdb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/test_de.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+require 'torch'
+require 'optim'
+require 'rosenbrock'
+require 'l2'
+-- 10-D rosenbrock
+x = torch.Tensor(2):fill(0)
+config = {popsize=50, scaleFactor=0.5, crossoverRate=0.9, maxFEs=3000}
+-- will take some time
+print('Rosenbrock test')
+-- approx 6500 function evals expected
+print('Number of function evals = ',i)
+for i=1,config.maxFEs do print(i,fx[i]); end
diff --git a/test/test_fista.lua b/test/test_fista.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0876375
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/test_fista.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,95 @@
+require 'unsup'
+require 'torch'
+require 'gnuplot'
+require 'sparsecoding'
+-- gnuplot.setgnuplotexe('/usr/bin/gnuplot44')
+-- gnuplot.setgnuplotterminal('x11')
+function gettableval(tt,v)
+   local x = torch.Tensor(#tt)
+   for i=1,#tt do x[i] = tt[i][v] end
+   return x
+function doplots(v)
+   v = v or 'F'
+   local fistaf = torch.DiskFile('fista2.bin'):binary()
+   local istaf = torch.DiskFile('ista2.bin'):binary()
+   local hfista = fistaf:readObject()
+   fistaf:close()
+   local hista = istaf:readObject()
+   istaf:close()
+   gnuplot.figure()
+   gnuplot.plot({'fista ' .. v,gettableval(hfista,v)},{'ista ' .. v, gettableval(hista,v)})
+seed = seed or 123
+if dofista == nil then
+   dofista = true
+   dofista = not dofista
+nc = 3
+ni = 30
+no = 100
+x = torch.Tensor(ni):zero()
+--- I am keeping these just to make sure random init stays same
+fista = unsup.LinearFistaL1(ni,no,0.1)
+fista = nil
+fistaparams = {}
+fistaparams.doFistaUpdate = dofista
+fistaparams.maxline = 10
+fistaparams.maxiter = 200
+fistaparams.verbose = true
+for i=1,D:size(2) do
+   D:select(2,i):div(D:select(2,i):std()+1e-12)
+mixi = torch.Tensor(nc)
+mixj = torch.Tensor(nc)
+for i=1,nc do
+   local ii = math.random(1,no)
+   local cc = torch.uniform(0,1/nc)
+   mixi[i] = ii;
+   mixj[i] = cc;
+   print(ii,cc)
+   x:add(cc, D:select(2,ii))
+fista = optim.FistaL1(D,fistaparams)
+code,h = fista.run(x,0.1)
+rec = fista.reconstruction
+--code,rec,h = fista:forward(x);
+gnuplot.title('Fista = ' .. tostring(fistaparams.doFistaUpdate))
+gnuplot.title('Reconstruction Error : ' ..  x:dist(rec) .. ' ' .. 'Fista = ' .. tostring(fistaparams.doFistaUpdate))
+if dofista then
+   print('Running FISTA')
+   fname = 'fista2.bin'
+   print('Running ISTA')
+   fname = 'ista2.bin'
+ff = torch.DiskFile(fname,'w'):binary()
diff --git a/test/test_lbfgs.lua b/test/test_lbfgs.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..268af15
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/test_lbfgs.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
+require 'torch'
+require 'optim'
+require 'rosenbrock'
+require 'l2'
+print('--- regular batch test ---')
+x = torch.Tensor(2):fill(0)
+x,fx,i=optim.lbfgs(rosenbrock,x,{maxIter=100, learningRate=1e-1})
+print('Rosenbrock test')
+print('Number of function evals = ',i)
+for i=1,#fx do print(i,fx[i]); end
+print('--- stochastic test ---')
+x = torch.Tensor(2):fill(0)
+fx = {}
+config = {learningRate=1e-1, maxIter=1}
+for i = 1,100 do
+	x,f=optim.lbfgs(rosenbrock,x,config)
+	table.insert(fx,f[1])
+print('Rosenbrock test')
+print('Number of function evals = ',i)
+for i=1,#fx do print(i,fx[i]); end
diff --git a/test/test_lbfgs_w_ls.lua b/test/test_lbfgs_w_ls.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..cc1eb64
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/test_lbfgs_w_ls.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+require 'torch'
+require 'optim'
+require 'rosenbrock'
+require 'l2'
+print('--- batch test w/ line search ---')
+x = torch.Tensor(2):fill(0)
+x,fx,i=optim.lbfgs(rosenbrock,x,{maxIter=100, lineSearch=optim.lswolfe})
+print('Rosenbrock test')
+print('Number of function evals = ',i)
+for i=1,#fx do print(i,fx[i]); end
diff --git a/test/test_logger.lua b/test/test_logger.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6ee8cc4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/test_logger.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+require 'optim'
+logger_former = optim.Logger('accuracy-former.log')
+logger_new = optim.Logger('accuracy-new.log')
+logger_new:setNames({'channel 1', 'channel 2', 'channel 3'})
+for i = 1, 20 do
+   logger_former:add({['channel 1'] = 1 , ['channel 2'] = 0.1 * i, ['channel 3'] = 1 - 0.2 * i})
+   logger_new:add({1 , 0.1 * i, 1 - 0.2 * i})
+logger_former:style({['channel 1'] = '-' , ['channel 2'] = '-', ['channel 3'] = '-'})
+logger_new:style{'-', '-', '-'}
diff --git a/test/test_rmsprop.lua b/test/test_rmsprop.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..069810f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/test_rmsprop.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
+require 'torch'
+require 'optim'
+require 'rosenbrock'
+require 'l2'
+x = torch.Tensor(2):fill(0)
+fx = {}
+config = {learningRate=5e-4}
+for i = 1,10001 do
+	x,f=optim.rmsprop(rosenbrock,x,config)
+	if (i-1)%1000 == 0 then
+		table.insert(fx,f[1])
+	end
+print('Rosenbrock test')
+for i=1,#fx do print((i-1)*1000+1,fx[i]); end
diff --git a/test/test_sgd.lua b/test/test_sgd.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3518d6e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/test_sgd.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
+require 'torch'
+require 'optim'
+require 'rosenbrock'
+require 'l2'
+x = torch.Tensor(2):fill(0)
+fx = {}
+config = {learningRate=1e-3}
+for i = 1,10001 do
+	x,f=optim.sgd(rosenbrock,x,config)
+	if (i-1)%1000 == 0 then
+		table.insert(fx,f[1])
+	end
+print('Rosenbrock test')
+for i=1,#fx do print((i-1)*1000+1,fx[i]); end

Alioth's /usr/local/bin/git-commit-notice on /srv/git.debian.org/git/debian-science/packages/lua-torch-optim.git

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