[giella-sme] 01/02: Imported Upstream version 0.0.20150917~r121176

Tino Didriksen tinodidriksen-guest at moszumanska.debian.org
Fri Mar 4 11:47:54 UTC 2016

This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.

tinodidriksen-guest pushed a commit to branch master
in repository giella-sme.

commit b87bb1b879f72b1e4a8dda99864cb8564f2a49e4
Author: Tino Didriksen <tino at didriksen.cc>
Date:   Fri Mar 4 11:47:03 2016 +0000

    Imported Upstream version 0.0.20150917~r121176
 doc/ConvertingToApertium.jspwiki        |   24 -
 doc/KompilereFST.xml                    |  255 --
 doc/Links.jspwiki                       |   23 -
 doc/Numerals.jspwiki                    |  515 ----
 doc/PXdiscussion.jspwiki                |  151 -
 doc/TheL2Transducer.jspwiki             |   31 -
 doc/WhatIsThis.jspwiki                  |   18 -
 doc/abbreviations-stems.jspwiki         |  136 -
 doc/acronyms-stems.jspwiki              |   70 -
 doc/adjectives-affixes.jspwiki          |  528 ----
 doc/adjectives-stems.jspwiki            |   33 -
 doc/adpositions-stems.jspwiki           |   20 -
 doc/adverbs-stems.jspwiki               |  101 -
 doc/conjunctions-stems.jspwiki          |   15 -
 doc/dependency-syntax.jspwiki           |  360 ---
 doc/disambiguation-syntax.jspwiki       | 5123 -------------------------------
 doc/docu-deptags.xml                    |    1 -
 doc/docu-sme-about-disamb.xml           |  459 ---
 doc/docu-sme-bugs.xml                   |  247 --
 doc/docu-sme-dis.xml                    |  388 ---
 doc/docu-sme-flag-diacritics.xml        |  326 --
 doc/docu-sme-flowchart.xml              |   72 -
 doc/docu-sme-grammartags.xml            |  586 ----
 doc/docu-sme-lex.xml                    | 1280 --------
 doc/docu-sme-makefile.xml               |  225 --
 doc/docu-sme-preprocessor.xml           |  213 --
 doc/docu-sme-syntaxtags.xml             |    1 -
 doc/docu-sme-testplan.xml               |  317 --
 doc/docu-sme-twol.xml                   |  496 ---
 doc/functions-syntax.jspwiki            |  758 -----
 doc/index.xml                           |   41 -
 doc/j-sme.xml                           |  145 -
 doc/link-header.jspwiki                 |    2 -
 doc/normativity-issues.xml              |  685 -----
 doc/nouns-affixes.jspwiki               |  495 ---
 doc/nouns-stems.jspwiki                 |   59 -
 doc/numerals-stems.jspwiki              |  573 ----
 doc/particles-stems.jspwiki             |   18 -
 doc/possessive-suffixes-affixes.jspwiki |   56 -
 doc/possessives.jspwiki                 |   39 -
 doc/preamble.jspwiki                    |   11 -
 doc/pronouns-stems.jspwiki              |  122 -
 doc/root-morphology.jspwiki             |  878 ------
 doc/sets.xml                            |   33 -
 doc/site.xml                            |   12 -
 doc/skinconf.xml                        |  450 ---
 doc/sme-propernouns-stems.jspwiki       |   13 -
 doc/sme-syn-open.xml                    |  589 ----
 doc/sme-testdiary.xml                   |  244 --
 doc/sme.jspwiki                         | 3889 -----------------------
 doc/subjunctions-stems.jspwiki          |   18 -
 doc/tabs.xml                            |    9 -
 doc/verbs-affixes.jspwiki               |  535 ----
 doc/verbs-stems.jspwiki                 |   52 -
 doc/xerox-discussion.xml                |  536 ----
 55 files changed, 22276 deletions(-)

diff --git a/doc/ConvertingToApertium.jspwiki b/doc/ConvertingToApertium.jspwiki
deleted file mode 100644
index c2a972c..0000000
--- a/doc/ConvertingToApertium.jspwiki
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,24 +0,0 @@
-[Apertium|http://wiki.apertium.org] is a machine translation platform, we use it a.o. for sme-sma.
-!!!Converting the fst
-In order to convert the North Sami fst to Apertium, do the following, in {{langs/sme}}:
-./configure --with-hfst --enable-apertium
-cd src
-make analyser-apertium-norm.att
-gzip -9 analyser-apertium-norm.att
-cp analyser-apertium-norm.att.gz /path/to/your/apertium/nursery/apertium-sme-sme/apertium-sme-sma.sme.att.gz 
-* Then compile in the apertium folder, and check that everything is well. 
-* Then check in the {{apertium-sme-sma.sme.att.gz}} file.
-!!!Documenting the conversion setup
diff --git a/doc/KompilereFST.xml b/doc/KompilereFST.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index 0ef4067..0000000
--- a/doc/KompilereFST.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,255 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
-<!DOCTYPE document PUBLIC "-//APACHE//DTD Documentation V2.0//EN" "http://forrest.apache.org/dtd/document-v20.dtd">
-<document xml:lang="en">
-  <header>
-    <title>Nordsamiske FSTar</title>
-  </header>
-  <body>
-    <section>
-      <title>Oversyn</title>
-<p>Her er eit oversyn over fst-ane som skal bli kompilert og eigenskapane deira.  </p>
-<li><strong>Bortfiltrering av strenger</strong>:  Dial/- og Use/NG filtreres bort bare for generator-mt-gt-norm og generator-oahpa-gt-restr .  Err/Orth og Err/Lex filtreres bort for alle norm-analysatorer og -generatorer. Use/MT filtreres bort for alle bortsett fra for Apertium. Selve taggen skal ikke vises.</li>
-<li><strong>MWE</strong> er lagt til entryer som skal beholdes som multiwords under preprosessering. Taggen skal ikke være synlig i noen FSTer.</li>
-<li>De andre taggene, pluss Err/Orth og Err/Lex, er <strong>synlige eller usynlige</strong> i de forskjellige applikasjonene. Hensikten er å skille varianter fra hverandre, eller å gi semantisk, grammatisk eller uttale-informasjon, eller å skille lemmaer fra hverandre som er homonyme i grunnform.</li>
-<li><strong>NDS</strong> analyseres online med analyser-dict-gt-desc, og genereres med generator-dict-gt-norm. I ordbøkene trenger vi tagger som Hom, G3 for å velge riktig oversetting til lemmaene, og vi vil ha tagger synlige for å kunne velge hvilke former vi vil ha med i miniparadigmene: <a href="../../dicts/dictionarywork.html">dictionarywork</a></li>
-<li><strong>VD-dict</strong> genereres med generator-dict-gt-norm. I ordbøkene trenger vi tagger som Hom, G3 for å velge riktig oversetting til lemmaene, og vi vil ha tagger synlige for å kunne velge hvilke former vi vil ha med i miniparadigmene: <a href="../../dicts/dictionarywork.html">dictionarywork</a></li>
-<li>For <strong>disambiguering</strong> analyseres med analyser-dict-gt-desc og vi trenger semantiske tagger for disambiguering, og tagger som Hom, G3 for å velge riktig lemma. Allegro, Err/Orth og Err/Lex kan også være til hjelp ved disambiguering.</li>
-<li>For <strong>Oahpa</strong> generes generator-oahpa-gt-restr for hver dialekt og generator-oahpa-gt-norm som fungerer som fasit, og her skal alle normative former være med sammen med tagger som Hom, G3 osv. for å skille mellom lemmaene. Vi trenger Allegro for å kunne filtrere ut denne formen. For Oahpa genereres også ped-sme.fst i egen error-gt-branchen, og den brukes for analyse av studentenes input i Sahka og Vasta. Den er ikke dokumentert her.</li>
-<li>På <strong>web</strong> ønsker vi å gi morfologisk analyse til brukeren med minst mulig ekstratagger, slik at det blir ryddigst mulig for brukeren. Men her vil vi ha Err/Orth og Err/Lex synlig slik at brukeren ser om former er normativ. For at dette skal fungere, må dubletter med samme analyse, men hvor den ene har Err/Sub, fjernes, evt med vislcg3-fil.</li>
-    </section>
-    <section>
-      <title>Analysatorar</title>
-        <table>
-          <tr>
-            <td><strong>alias *.fst</strong></td>
-            <td><strong>FST</strong></td>
-            <td><strong>synlege</strong></td>
-            <td><strong>Usynlege</strong></td>
-            <td><strong>Merknader</strong></td>
-            <td><strong>Status</strong></td>
-          </tr>
-          <tr>
-            <td>-</td>
-            <td>analyser-raw-gt-desc</td>
-            <td>alle bortsett frå MWE</td>
-            <td>MWE</td>
-            <td>MWE blir berre brukt i preprosessoren, aldri i fst-samanhang</td>
-            <td>-</td>
-          </tr>
-         <tr>
-            <td>-</td>
-            <td>analyser-dict-gt-desc</td>
-            <td>NomAg (sme), G3 (sme), G7 (sme), Hom1 (sma), Hom2 (sma), vN, Coll, Use/NGminip, Allegro (sme)</td>
-            <td>Sem/-taggar, OLang/*, MWE</td>
-            <td>v1-vN - N = 24 </td>
-            <td>NGminip må testast</td>
-          </tr>
-          <tr>
-            <td>-</td>
-            <td>analyser-dict-gt-desc-mobile 1)</td>
-            <td>NomAg (sme), G3 (sme), G7 (sme), Hom1 (sma), Hom2 (sma), vN, Coll, Use/NGminip, Allegro (sme)</td>
-            <td>Sem/-taggar, OLang/*, MWE</td>
-            <td>v1-vN - N = 24</td>
-            <td>NGminip må testast</td>
-          </tr>
-         <tr>
-            <td>smX-norm.fst</td>
-            <td>analyser-gt-norm</td>
-            <td>NomAg (sme), G3 (sme), G7 (sme), Hom1 (sma), Hom2 (sma), Coll, vN</td>
-            <td>Sem/-taggar, OLang/*, MWE, Use/NGminip, Allegro (sme)</td>
-            <td>v1-vN - N = 24 </td>
-            <td>NGminip må testast</td>
-          </tr>
-          <tr>
-            <td>-</td>
-            <td>analyser-oahpa-gt-norm </td>
-            <td>NomAg (sme), G3 (sme), G7 (sme), Hom1 (sma), Hom2 (sma), Coll</td>
-            <td>Sem/-taggar, OLang/*, MWE, Use/NGminip, Allegro (sme), vN</td>
-            <td>v1-vN - N = 24. Fst for testing, parallell til generatoren</td>
-            <td>NGminip må testast</td>
-          </tr>
-        </table>
-<p>analyser-dict-gt-desc-mobile er kompilert med orthography/spellrelax-mobile-keyboard.regex i tillegg til den vanlege spellrelax.regex.</p>
-<p>Morfologisk analyse presentert på web vs. til disambiguering:</p>
-        <table>
-          <tr>
-            <td><strong>alias *.fst</strong></td>
-            <td><strong>FST</strong></td>
-            <td><strong>synlege</strong></td>
-            <td><strong>Usynlege</strong></td>
-            <td><strong>Status</strong></td>
-          </tr>
-          <tr>
-            <td>smX-site.fst (smX.fst)</td>
-            <td>analyser-gt-desc</td>
-            <td>Err/Orth, Err/Lex, +vN</td>
-            <td>Sem/-taggar</td>
-            <td>Ferdig</td>
-          </tr>
-          <tr>
-            <td>smX-dis.fst</td>
-            <td>analyser-disamb-gt-desc</td>
-            <td>Err/Orth, Err/Lex, Sem/-taggar, Allegro</td>
-            <td>+vN</td>
-            <td>Ferdig</td>
-          </tr>
-    </section>
-    <section>
-      <title>Generatorar</title>
-        <table>
-          <tr>
-            <td><strong>alias *.fst</strong></td>
-            <td><strong>FST</strong></td>
-            <td><strong>obligatoriske</strong></td>
-            <td><strong>valgfrie</strong></td>
-          </tr>
-          <tr>
-            <td>ismX</td>
-            <td>generator-gt-desc</td>
-            <td>-</td>
-            <td>IV, TV, vN, Coll, Allegro (sme), Use/NGminip, NomAg (sme), G3 (sme), G7 (sme), Hom1 (sma), Hom2 (sma)</td>
-          </tr>
-          <tr>
-            <td>ismX.norm</td>
-            <td>generator-gt-norm</td>
-            <td>-</td>
-             <td>IV, TV, vN, Coll, Allegro (sme), Use/NGminip, NomAg (sme), G3 (sme), G7 (sme), Hom1 (sma), Hom2 (sma)</td>
-         </tr>
-          <tr>
-            <td>-</td>
-            <td>generator-dict-gt-norm</td>
-            <td>NomAg (sme), G3 (sme), G7 (sme), Hom1 (sma), Hom2 (sma), vN, Coll, Use/NGminip, Allegro (sme)</td>
-             <td>IV, TV</td>
-         </tr>
-          <tr>
-            <td>-</td>
-            <td>generator-oahpa-gt-norm</td>
-            <td>NomAg (sme), G3 (sme), G7 (sme), Hom1 (sma), Hom2 (sma), Coll</td>
-             <td>IV, TV, vN, Allegro (sme), Use/NGminip</td>
-         </tr>
-          <tr>
-            <td>-</td>
-            <td>generator-oahpa-gt-restr_GG</td>
-            <td>= generator-oahpa-gt-norm + Allegro</td>
-             <td>men strengar med Use/NG og Dial/-GG skal ikke med i kompileringa (sme)</td>
-         </tr>
-          <tr>
-            <td>-</td>
-            <td>generator-oahpa-gt-restr_KJ</td>
-            <td>= generator-oahpa-gt-norm + Allegro</td>
-             <td>men strengar med Use/NG og Dial/-KJ skal ikke med i kompileringa (sme)</td>
-         </tr>
-          <tr>
-            <td>-</td>
-            <td>generator-oahpa-gt-restr_SH</td>
-            <td>= generator-oahpa-gt-norm</td>
-             <td>men strengar med Use/NG og Dial/-SH skal ikke med i kompileringa (sma)</td>
-         </tr>
-          <tr>
-            <td>-</td>
-            <td>generator-oahpa-gt-restr_L</td>
-            <td>= generator-oahpa-gt-norm</td>
-             <td>men strengar med Use/NG og Dial/-L skal ikke med i kompileringa (sma)</td>
-         </tr>
-<p>Dialekt-fst-ane er no implementerte. Dei må testast slik at vi veit at dei fungerer som dei skal.</p>
-    </section>
-    <section>
-      <title>Ferdige FST-ar</title>
-        <table>
-          <tr>
-            <td><strong>FST-namn</strong></td>
-            <td><strong>Tag-merknader m.m.</strong></td>
-         </tr>
-<tr><td> analyser-mt-apertium-desc.sma      </td>
-<td>Sem/-tagger for sme-sma, filtrert mot bidix (gjort på Apertium-sida)</td></tr>
-<tr><td> analyser-mt-apertium-desc.smj      </td>
-<td>Sem/-tagger for sme-smj, filtrert mot bidix (gjort på Apertium-sida)</td></tr>
-<tr><td> generator-mt-apertium-norm         </td>
-<td>uten Sem/tagger</td></tr>
-<tr><td> analyser-mt-gt-desc.sma            </td>
-<tr><td> analyser-mt-gt-desc.smj            </td>
-<tr><td> generator-mt-gt-norm               </td>
-<tr><td> analyser-mt-gt-desc                </td>
-<td>grunnlag for .sma og .smj</td></tr>
-<tr><td> analyser-raw-gt-desc               </td>
-<td>testa, verkar ok</td></tr>
-<tr><td> analyser-dict-gt-desc              </td>
-<td>testa, verkar ok</td></tr>
-<tr><td> analyser-dict-gt-desc-mobile       </td>
-<td>testa, verkar ok</td></tr>
-<tr><td> analyser-gt-norm                   </td>
-<td>testa, verkar ok</td></tr>
-<tr><td> analyser-oahpa-gt-norm             </td>
-<td>testa, verkar ok</td></tr>
-<tr><td> analyser-gt-desc                   </td>
-<td>testa, verkar ok</td></tr>
-<tr><td> analyser-disamb-gt-desc            </td>
-<td>testa, verkar ok</td></tr>
-<tr><td> generator-gt-desc                  </td>
-<td>testa, verkar ok</td></tr>
-<tr><td> generator-gt-norm                  </td>
-<td>testa, verkar ok</td></tr>
-<tr><td> generator-dict-gt-norm             </td>
-<td>testa, verkar ok</td></tr>
-<tr><td> generator-oahpa-gt-norm            </td>
-<td>testa, verkar ok</td></tr>
-<tr><td> generator-oahpa-gt-norm-dial_$DIAL </td>
-<td>testa, verkar ok</td></tr>
-<p>Dette burde vera alle fst-ar for alle formål som gjeld meir enn eitt språk.</p>
-    </section>
-    <section>
-      <title>Korleis kompilere i langs/sme</title>
-<p>Eksempel på parameterverdiar:<code>./configure --enable-dicts etc.</code></p>
-<li>--enable-spellers       build any/all spellers [default=no]</li>
-<li>--enable-grammarchecker enable grammar checker [default=no]</li>
-<li>--enable-dicts          enable dictionary transducers [default=no]</li>
-<li>--enable-oahpa          enable all tranducers with adjective-oahpa.lexc file instead of adjective.lexc [default=no]</li>
-<li>--enable-apertium       enable apertium transducers [default=no]</li>
-    </section>
-    <section>
-      <title>(Shell-)skript som manglar</title>
-<li>Oppsett for dis-regresjonstesting mot gullstandard (gt/sme/script/)</li>
-<li>mange andre skript skrive for sme</li>
-    </section>
-    <section>
-      <title>Notatar framover</title>
-<li>Sme til nyinfra</li>
-<li>Nyinfra-namn i /opt/smi etc.</li>
-<li>vurdering av 4x sme-lex </li>
-<li>Ny vurdering av error-greina (sme-L1 + sme-L2?)</li>
-    </section>
-    </body>
-    </document>
diff --git a/doc/Links.jspwiki b/doc/Links.jspwiki
deleted file mode 100644
index 8ff493c..0000000
--- a/doc/Links.jspwiki
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,23 +0,0 @@
-Here's a list of links to the page for each file of source code. All pages are concatenated and can be found as [sme.html].
diff --git a/doc/Numerals.jspwiki b/doc/Numerals.jspwiki
deleted file mode 100644
index 38350f8..0000000
--- a/doc/Numerals.jspwiki
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,515 +0,0 @@
-Some Numeral meeting is long overdue
-__Potential obstacle__
-Different people have different things they want to discuss. Now, we just jot down what we want, and then go to lunch.
-__Question to think of:__
-What part of the list below as a plenary discussion for all, and what for only some.
-# The TODO-list (__all__)
-# Morphology (__Trond, Thomas, Sjur?, Börre?__)
-# Spelling: Recursivity and the non-recursive transducers (__Thomas, __)
-# Preprocessing (__Trond, Saara,__ no need to meeting on this, there is a bug report)
-# Morphosyntax (__Trond, Linda, others?__)
-!!The TODO-list:
-* discontinous case inflection (but only for maximally three-part compound
-  numerals) ({{viđain/goalmmát/logiin}} and {{guvttiin/logiin/viđain}})
-  (__Thomas, Trond__)
-* produce correct base forms in the analyzer (__Thomas, Trond__)
-* include numbers in the non-recursive transducers (i.e. split the recursive and 
-  the non-recursive part of the numerals) (__Trond, Thomas__)THIS MUST BE DONE IMMEDIEATELY (i.e. today...)
-* Make a test bed {{make num-paradigm}} (__Trond__). Done.
-* Set up test bed for numerals, test and revise (__who?__)
-* Go through the Num bugs (__Trond, Thomas, Steinar__)
-* Preprocessing of ordinals at the end of sentences - reported as bug #368.
-  (__Trond__)
-Fleshing out some priority items:
-__Top-priority:__ make num-paradgim (__Trond__) Done.
-cvs up
-cd gt/sme/testing
-make num-paradigm WORD=guokte
-__Thereafter:__ someone to test the output (let's see how it looks before we decide who)
-__Speller:__ numbers in non-recursive
-* Complex numerals written as single words
-* Case forms of Complex numerals written as single words (subnorm?)
-* Checking what we generate (test bed)
-Split the lexicon into circular and non-circular parts:
-* all base numbers should be non-circular as well as circular (ones, tens, hundred, thousand, etc)
-* complex numbers can be formed by simple concatenation (ie compounding) by the base numbers
-* case inflection of complex numbers will have to be pregenerated for spellers - but what counts as "three parts"? will __305 000__ be such a three-part compound?
-golbma#cuohti#vihtta#duhát = four parts
-ok - 300 000 ?
-golbma#cuohti#duhát = three parts
-        "golbmačuohtiduhát" Num Sg Nom <<< @SPRED
-thus case inflection on all parts? yes, and that is not implemented. I suggest we do that after the beta release.
-That is fine with me, we don't need perfect numeral coverage in the beta
-Have a look at the Finnish numeral example from the book, see [this link.
-!Complex numerals written as single words
-__Nothing here yet__
-Cf. the num.plx.txt list (output from the present PLX number conversion).
-We need a clarification of the num.plx.txt list. What is in, what is out, and why.
-Issue: We analyse numerals at the end of sentences as ordinals. Oslo analyses it as cardinals.
-Arguments for our view? I (TT) am leaning toward the Oslo solution as better.
-I could do some research with both options. That's fine. I remember there was a request to analyze end of sentences as ordinals, but it can be otherwise.
-Examples of sentence final numerical expressions:
-## Dat lea s. 240.
-## Dieđáhusa nummar okta.
-## Mun lean ilus go beasan ovdanbuktit St.dieđ. nr. 33.
-## Mun boađán diibmu vihtta/viđas.
-## Máŋggabealatvuohta ja ovttadássásašvuohta - ráđđehusa dearvvašvuođa- ja
-   sosiálabálvalusaid doaibmaplána Norgga sápmelaččaid várás 2002-2005.
-### There is no problem with years, they are not regarded as ordinals in the
-    preprocessor in any case. How do you know it is a year?  we have rules that
-    say it is a year after "jagi" and we have a Range analysis for "-"
-    expressions, but isn't it a usual numeral (potentially) otherwise?
-## He owned kr 10000.
-## She was only 16.
-## The population is 120.000.
-## He reads from book 4.
-### Well, I don't go so deep to details, I just assume that a number containing
-    4 digits is a year. Of course there are errors, but not so many.
-### I'm not so sure since we have a lot of law texts to which get numbers and
-    other entitites which just as well could get 4 digits, it would be nice
-    though to have some help for recognizing years
-### Trond and I have worked on date expressions such as 21.5.2000 which are now
-    clearly identified as dates, that helps a lot
-### Yes, they are fine. The thing is, at the moment I don't have any better
-    heuristics for recognizing years, if they are not part of some date
-    expression like above. It may also be that the date expressions in analyzer
-    are not compatible with preprocessor, since I haven't updated it lately.
-### But we are maybe talking of two issues here. The expressions with 4 digits
-    are not considered as ordinals (since they are assumed to be years) but the
-    question is if there are other 4-digit expressions that are ordinals
-    contrary to the assumption.
-### would it be possible to get a tag for the 4-digit expressions so that we
-    could use it in the rule file?
-### counterexamples could be:
-## I took part in a race. I got 1345.
-### Probably not very often in our corpus :)
-### Exactly, I think this is an empirical question.
-Empirical investigation:
-kwic-snt '[a-z] [0-9]\. [A-Z]
-So far, ONE example with sentence-final ordinals (Nordlys). 
-tafettinnspurt greide Trude å sikre Kjelsås sitt 10. NM-gull. 
-er til Kypros torsdag 2. februar, proffene søndag 5. Roger Nilsen   <== 1/100
-  real example, ellipsis                              
-probably not..unless min aigi deceides to write about large-scale sports with placing
-Ok. What if you just punched some Finnish text through the preprocessor and looked for the final numerals, to get an impression? I am pretty sure Fi and Sa behave the same.
-So, we have a verdict, and a new system.
-!! Syntax
-* Date
-* Range
-* Numbers in date expressions
-* Numbers postmodifying nouns
-* Concrete analyses
-!Numbers after ":"
-such as in "faksa: 2323232323"
-I tried to solve that problem before when there were still sentence borders, so that the numeral item after the communication-device would get @SPRED (which was at least my favorable analysis) but after the sentence borders disappeared the analysis does not work any more. My proposal would be to make a set of communication devices with numbers and make a new rule
-        "Statens" N Prop Attr @PROP>
-        "forvaltningstjeneste" ? @X
-        "Informasjonsforvaltning" ? @X
-        "poasta#boksa" N Sg Nom @SUBJ
-        "8169" Num Sg Acc @OBJ
-        "8169" Num Sg Gen @QN>
-        "poasta#boksa" N Sg Nom @HNOUN
-        "8169" Num Sg Nom @NumN<
-        "." CLB <<<
-!functional numbers in texts (such as ennumerations etc.)
-This is a formating problem. I would prefer to mark those numbers as text-functional numbers, otherwise we always have the problem that they could be either quantifiers (post or pre) or one of the "thousand" different functions of numerals...
-        "¶" CLB <<<
-        "SISDOALLU" ? @X
-        "ovda#sátni" N Sg Nom @HNOUN
-        "..." CLB <<<
-        "5" Num Sg Nom @HNOUN
-        "¶" CLB <<<
-        "1" A Ord @X
-        "." CLB <<<
-        "12" Num Sg Gen @QN>
-        "2.1" Num Sg Gen @QN>
-        "2.2" Num Sg Gen @QN>
-        "2.3" Num Sg Gen @QN>
-        "2.4" Num Sg Gen @QN>
-        "sáme#politihkalaš" A Attr @AN>
-        "perspektiiva" N Pl Nom @HNOUN
-        "..." CLB <<<
-        "12" Num Sg Gen @GN>
-        "riikka#viiddus" N* Der1 Der/Dimin N Sg Nom @HNOUN
-        "diehto#juohkin#doaibma" N Pl Nom @SPRED
-!Numbers in date expressions
-there is a lot of creativity among dates (written in several or just one words, leaving out month or day, writing b or beaivvi
-probably not a big problem, even though sometimes I am unsure about the case
-        "gustojeaddji" A Attr @AN>
-        "luodda#plána" N Sg Nom @SUBJ
-        "dohkkehit" V TV Der2 Der/Pass Ind Prt Sg3 @+FMAINV
-        "guovva#mánnu" N Sg Gen @ADVL
-        "1997" Num Sg Nom @SUBJ
-        "1997" Num Sg Nom @APP
-        "1997" Num Sg Nom @HNOUN
-        "ja" CC @CC-VP
-        "sisttis#doallat" V TV Ind Prs Sg3 @+FMAINV
-        "njuolggadus" N Pl Acc @OBJ
-        "ahte" CS @CS-VP
-        "makkár" Pron Dem Attr @DN>
-        "eaktu" N Pl Nom @SUBJ
-        "galgat" V IV Ind Prs Pl3 @+FAUXV
-        "leat" V IV Inf @-FMAINV
-        "deavdit" V TV Der2 Der/Pass PrfPrc @-FMAINV
-        "go" CS @CS-VP
-        "klassifiseret" V TV Ind Prs Sg3 @+FMAINV
-        "suohkanlaš" A Attr @AN>
-        "luodda" N Sg Acc @OBJ
-        "." CLB <<<
-!Numbers postmodifying nouns
-* so etwas wie láhka nr. 67, jahki 2000,...
-* The láhka nr. 45 already has the analysis we want (the @NNum< must be interpreted as
-  "not the one to the left, but the one to the left of that again.
-I was thinking about more complex expressions, I can look after concrete examples
-        "láhka" N Sg Nom @SPRED
-        "nr" ABBR N Nom @NNum>
-        "nr" ABBR N Gen @NNum>
-        "45" Num Sg Nom <<< @NNum<
-        That is a wrong analysis...
-!Concrete analyses
-golbma maŋemus jagi leat lassánan buhtadusat boraspiriid geažil.
-"<golbma>" S:14943, 14945, 15284
-        "golbma" Num Sg Nom S:3314 @SUBJ <==== ADVL
-"<maŋemus>" S:8267
-        "maŋemus" A Attr S:2431 @AN>
-"<jagi>" S:9657
-        "jahki" N Sg Gen S:2900 @NQ<
-"<leat>" S:8607, 12762, 13029, 13029, 13276, 13276, 14531
-        "leat" V IV Ind Prs Pl3 S:3102 @+FAUXV
-"<lassánan>" S:3610, 5049, 5049, 8834
-        "lassánit" V IV PrfPrc S:3162 @-FMAINV
-"<buhtadusat>" S:10195, 10358, 10358, 10586
-        "buhtadus" N Pl Nom S:3314 @SPRED
-"<boraspiriid>" S:9683
-        "bora#spire" N Pl Gen S:2798 @GP>
-"<geažil>" S:5921
-        "geažil" Po S:3419 @ADVL
-        "." CLB <<<
-	"62"                              <=== head
-"<milj.>" Num       
-	"milj" ABBR Num Gen @NumQ<        <===
-	"milj" ABBR Num Acc @NumQ<
-        "10" Num Sg Nom @SUBJ-QH
-        "kr" ABBR Gen <<< @NQ<
-<10>" S:10069, 10069, 14874, 15260
-        "10" Num Sg Gen S:2683 @QN>
-"<miljovnna>" S:10069
-        "miljon" Num Sg Gen S:2647 @NumQ<
-"<ruvnnu>" S:3583, 15042
-        "ruvdnu" N Sg Acc <<< S:3397 @OBJ
-"<10>" S:10072, 10072, 15392, 15468
-        "10" Num Sg Nom S:3360 @SUBJ
-"<miljovnna>" S:9871
-        "miljon" Num Sg Gen S:2647 @NumQ<
-"<ruvnnu>" S:9851
-        "ruvdnu" N Sg Gen S:2650 @NQ<
-"<lea>" S:15390
-        "leat" V IV Ind Prs Sg3 S:3145 @+FMAINV
-        "stuoris" A Attr S:2449 @AN>
-"<summa>" S:10090, 10090, 10804, 14722
-        "summa" N Sg Nom S:3360 @SPRED
-        "." CLB <<<
-what modifies what? 
-2006 stáhtabušeahtas lea ráđđehus liigudan 10 milj. kr álggahanmearreruhtan ođđa dieđavistái. 
-        "2006" Num Sg Acc @OBJ
-        "stáhta#bušeahtta" N Sg Gen PxSg3 @NQ<
-        "leat" V IV Ind Prs Sg3 @+FAUXV
-        "ráđđehus" N Sg Nom @SUBJ
-        "liigudit" V TV PrfPrc @-FMAINV
-"<10>"								   |||
-        "10" Num Sg Gen @QN>		   |||
-"<milj.>"							   |||
-        "milj" ABBR Num Acc @NumQ<	   |||
-        "milj" ABBR Num Gen @NumQ<	   |||
-"<kr>"								   |||
-        "kr" ABBR Gen @GN>  <== @NQ<   |||
-        "álggahan#mearre#ruhta" N Ess @OPRED
-        "ođas" A Attr @AN>
-        "dieđa#visti" N Sg Ill @ADVL
-        "." CLB <<<
-"<2006>" S:11106, 11106, 15045, 15313
-        "2006" Num Sg Acc S:3400 @OBJ
-"<stáhtabušeahtas>" S:9851
-        "stáhta#bušeahtta" N Sg Gen PxSg3 S:2936 @NQ<
-"<lea>" S:14633
-        "leat" V IV Ind Prs Sg3 S:3145 @+FAUXV
-"<ráđđehus>" S:8340, 14714
-        "ráđđehus" N Sg Nom S:3360 @SUBJ
-"<liigudan>" S:3665, 8951
-        "liigudit" V TV PrfPrc S:3207 @-FMAINV
-"<10>" S:11064, 15057, 15395
-        "10" Num Sg Gen S:2686 @QN>
-"<milj.>" S:11064
-        "milj" ABBR Num Gen S:2647 @NumQ<
-        "milj" ABBR Num Acc S:2647 @NumQ<
-"<kr>" S:3586, 9851
-        "kr" ABBR Gen S:2650 @NQ<
-"<álggahanmearreruhtan>" S:5138, 5138, 5138, 5138, 5138, 15392
-        "álggahan#mearre#ruhta" N Ess S:3495 @OPRED
-        "ođas" A Attr S:2449 @AN>
-        "dieđa#visti" N Sg Ill S:3480 @ADVL
-        "." CLB <<<
-        "Sámediggi" N Prop Org Sg Nom @SUBJ
-        "hálddašit" V TV Ind Prs Sg3 @+FMAINV
-        "2" Num Sg Acc @OBJ
-        "2" Num Sg Gen @QN>
-        "milj" ABBR Num Acc @NumQ<
-        "milj" ABBR Num Gen @NumQ<
-        "kr" ABBR Acc @OBJ
-        "kr" ABBR Gen @GN>
-        "doarjja#ortnet" N Sg Acc @OBJ
-        "mii" Pron Rel Sg Acc @OBJ
-        "Birasgáhttendepartemeanta" N Prop Org Sg Nom @SUBJ
-        "leat" V IV Ind Prs Sg3 @+FAUXV
-        "ruhtadit" V TV PrfPrc @-FMAINV
-        "." CLB <<<
-        "2006" Num Sg Nom S:3360 @SUBJ
-        "2006" Num Sg Acc S:3400 @OBJ
-        "2006" Num Sg Gen S:2686 @QN>
-        "2006" Num Sg Acc S:3400 @OPRED
-        "2006" Num Sg Nom S:3360 @SPRED
-        "stáhta#bušeahtta" N Sg Acc PxSg3 S:3400 @OBJ
-        "stáhta#bušeahtta" N Sg Gen PxSg3 S:2936 @NQ<
-        "stáhta#bušeahtta" N Sg Loc S:3482 @ADVL
-        "stáhta#bušeahtta" N Sg Acc PxSg3 S:3400 @OPRED
-        "leat" V IV Ind Prs Sg3 S:3145 @+FAUXV
-        "leat" V IV Ind Prs Sg3 S:3145 @+FMAINV
-        "ráđđehus" N Sg Nom S:3360 @SUBJ
-        "ráđđehus" N Sg Nom S:3360 @SPRED
-        "ráđđet" V TV Der1 Der/h Imprt Prs Sg3 S:3195 @+FMAINV
-"<liigudan>" S:3665
-        "liigudit" V TV Actio Nom S:3360 @SUBJ
-        "liigudit" V TV Actio Acc S:3400 @OBJ
-        "liigudit" V TV Ind Prs Sg1 S:3195 @+FMAINV
-        "liigudit" V TV Actio Acc S:3400 @OPRED
-        "liigudit" V TV PrfPrc S:3207 @-FMAINV
-        "liigudit" V TV Actio Gen S:3498 @ADVL
-        "liigudit" V TV Actio Nom S:3360 @SPRED
-        "10" Num Sg Acc S:3397 @OBJ    <============= gibt's schon!!
-        "10" Num Sg Nom S:2754 @NumN<
-        "10" Num Sg Acc S:3397 @OPRED
-        "10" Num Sg Gen S:2686 @QN>   <============== ausschliessen?
-        "milj" ABBR Num Acc S:3397 @OBJ
-        "milj" ABBR Num Nom S:2724 @SUBJ-QH
-        "milj" ABBR Num Nom S:2724 @SPRED
-        "milj" ABBR Num Gen S:2647 @NumQ<
-        "milj" ABBR Num Acc S:3397 @OPRED
-"<kr>" S:3586
-        "kr" ABBR Acc S:3400 @OBJ
-        "kr" ABBR Nom S:3360 @SUBJ
-        "kr" ABBR Gen S:2650 @NQ<
-        "kr" ABBR Nom S:3360 @SPRED
-        "kr" ABBR Acc S:3400 @OPRED
-        "álggahan#mearre#ruhta" N Ess S:3495 @SPRED
-        "álggahan#mearre#ruhta" N Sg Nom PxSg1 S:3360 @SUBJ
-        "álggahan#mearre#ruhta" N Sg Acc PxSg1 S:3400 @OBJ
-        "álggahan#mearre#ruhta" N Sg Gen PxSg1 S:2886 @GN>
-        "álggahan#mearre#ruhta" N Sg Acc PxSg1 S:3400 @OPRED
-        "álggahan#mearre#ruhta" N Sg Nom PxSg1 S:3360 @SPRED
-        "álggahan#mearre#ruhta" N Ess S:3495 @OPRED
-        "ođas" A Attr S:2449 @AN>
-        "dieđa#visti" N Sg Ill S:3480 @ADVL
-        "." CLB <<<
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-!!!Begrense generering av NPx?
-!!Dokumentert i korpus, oktober 2014
-!Laura/Lenes skjønnlitterært korpus og NT - oversikt
-76 tilfeller med diminutiv Nom PxSg1 er holdt utenfor da de ikke lager problemer for å identifisere feilstavinger. De blir heller ikke generert i Norm.
-|| - || Nom Sg  || Pl || Acc Sg || Pl || Gen Sg || Pl || Ill Sg || Pl || Loc Sg || Pl || Com Sg || Pl || Ess 
-| Sg1 | 52 | 20  | 51 	| 33  | 35 | 12  | 15 | 3   | 37 | 13  | 20 | 5  | - 
-| Sg2 | 21 	|  - | 76  | 26   | 25  | 5  | 15  | 2  | 27  | 3  | 9   | -  | - 
-| Sg3 | 14 	|  - | 426 | 254  | 194 | 75 | 229 | 25 | 211 | 37 | 174 | 57 | 6 
-| Du1 |  -  |  -  | 1 	| 1   |  - | 1 	 | 1   | -  | -   | -  | -   | 1   | -  
-| Du2 | -	| -  | - 	| -   | -  | 1   | -   | 1   | -  | -  | - |  - | - 
-| Du3 |  -	| -  | 12 	| 15  | 9 	| 1   | 3  | -   | 4  | 2  | 4  | - | - 
-| Pl1 | 44 	|  1   | 21  | 12 | 27 | 7   | 3   | 2   | 12 | 4  | - | 6 | -  
-| Pl2 | 12 	|  - | 11  | 30   | 13  | 21 | 2   | 7  | 12  | 11 | 3   | 4 | - 
-| Pl3 |  -	| -  | 50 	| 101 | 17  | 25  | 5  | 19  | 22 | 26 | 5  | 16  | - 
-!Laura/Lenes skjønnlitterært korpus og NT - nominativ og essiv
-|| - || Nom Sg || Nom Pl || Ess 
-| Sg1  | (52) 36 Kin, 16 Human | 20 Human (Bare NT) ustit, oskuguoibmi, ráhkis  | -
-| Sg2  | (21) Kin       | -        | -
-| Sg3  | (14) Human, Kin      | -        | (6)  Property, Kin, Event, Human
-| Pl1  | (44) Kin, Human. 1 Abstraction: doaivu (NT)  | (1) Human: ráhkis (Bare NT)       | -
-| Pl2  | (12) Kin, Human      | -        | -
-| Pl3  | -       | -        | -
-I andre bibelske tekster finnes essiv PxSg1: illu, áhkká, PxPl1: oapmi, ávki, PxSg2: bálvaleaddji, opmodat, orrunsadji, vovdna, mánná, gievravuohta PxPl2: áhčči \\
-I andre tekster: Sg3: bargu, vuođđu, dovddaldat, namma Pl3: ovddasvástádus, ávki, oassi
-! News 280214 - nominativ og essiv
-123 tilfeller med diminutiv Nom PxSg1 er holdt utenfor.
-|| - || Nom Sg || Nom Pl || Ess 
-| Sg1  | 74: Kin, Human. 4 suohpal, váibmu, čoavji   | horti, ráhkis     | -
-| Sg2 | 38 Kin. eallingeardi, boahtteáigi | - | -
-| Sg3 | 17 Kin.  | - | -
-| Du1 | - | - | -
-| Du2 | - | - | -
-| Du3 | - | - | -
-| Pl1 | 14 Kin. eatnanhearrá, hearrá, ráhkis, ustit, mátki, giella, eatnigiella, identitehta, kultuvra, eallifilosofiija, vuoiŋŋalašvuohta, váttisvuohta | 1 máddu | -
-| Pl2 | - | - | -
-| Pl3 | 1 Kin: eadni | - | -
-!! Diskusjon om NPx i Divvun/fst - fra mai 2012, før siste versjon av Divvun
-I første omgang kan vi se på Nom+Px i 3.p. Her er det PxSg3 som er plagsom
-fordi den skygger for feil stadieveksling i SgLoc:
-sme$ dsmeNorm 
-lávka+N+Sg+Nom+PxSg3    lávkas
-lávka+N+Sg+Nom+PxDu3    lávkaska
-lávka+N+Sg+Nom+PxPl3            lávkaset
-lávka+N+Sg+Loc    lávkkas
-Sammallahti/Nickel skriver om bruken fra s. 502:
-Eksoforiske og endoforiske px viser til noe som er utenfor setninga, og det
-gjelder fremfor alt slektskapsbenevnelser. 
-Px i nominativ kommer inn i denne gruppa. 1. person har slike som lottážan (fugl), lieđážan (blomst), med diminutiv. Finnes det uten diminutiv?
-Eksempel med PxSg3 fra korpuset:
-Dat láhttii aivve dego áhččis.
-De aller fleste av Nom Px 3.pers ellers er skrivefeil eller dårlig 
-Begrense nominativformene for 3. (og 2.) person til slektskapsbenevnelser, (og
-da har vi på langt nær løst problemet med SgLoc.) 
-!! Diskusjonsinnspill fra Lene på mail fra 29. sept 2011, om NPx i VD
-Vi har fjerna NPx fra Vuosttaš Digisánit, men for å dekke ordformene i ungdomsbøkene vi har lagt til grunn, kan det være behov for å legge til noen typer. Her er setningene det gjelder fra bøkene, og en liten analyse av materialet.
-Mii válddiimet eret buot NPx:id VD:s, muhto orru leamen dárbu lasihit muhtum hámiid, dušše substantiivvaide (ovdal mis lea adjektiivvaide maid)
-!Dás leat ovdamearkkat dáin girjjiin:
-Sárá beaivegirji, Čábbámus iđitguovssu, Mu ártegis eallin:
-* -Ártet go oahpaheaddji ii lágidan buot  ohppiidis ruoktot.
-* - Duon dálus go áhkkot orru?
-* -Ean eisege, nieiddažan, gos bat don leat dakkár jurdagiid roggan?
-* Sus gieđat šadde soadján, son lebbii soajáidis ja girdilii,
-* Liná vulggii eatnis mielde ruoktot.
-* - Maid don dál leat, láikkes bussážan?
-* - Juogo leat čorgen lanjat?
-* Son bálkestii lieđi ja vulggii latnjasis vuordit dassážii áhčči geargá lohkamis Ibsena girjji.
-* Liná lovttohalai guhkes vuovttaidis.
-* Sus lei ollu maid áiggui olbmásis muitalit.
-* Oinnii movt Lárin ain laktadii baksamiiddis njuovčča-gežiin go geahčai sutnje.
-* Urbán dollii su sallasis.
-* Don leat hearkkes rássi mii it vel leat liđiidat rahpan.
-* - Jus odne basat viesu, de áiggun du bealuštit nuppes jus eadnát gieldá du dohko mannamis, lohpidii áhčči.
-* Urbán šuohkehii ja gaikkihii Liná sallasis.
-* - Manne čierut, mánážan?
-* Hálidan duinna juogadit visot čiegusvuođaidan.
-* Dan botta go doalai Liná salastis, girde jagit ja dáhpáhusat su muittus.
-* Liná lei tennjen rukses lieđi mii aitto lei liđiidis rahpan.
-* Áilu árvalii Liná váhnemiidda ahte su mielas Liná galgá viidáseappot beassat bargat dáidagiinnis.
-* Áhčči fuomášii muitalit nuppi máilmmi-soađi birra, nugo son lei áhčistis gullan.
-* Lean dutnje addán sojiid ja oahpahan movt galggat sojiidat atnit.
-* Girdil dál lottážan!
-* Muhto don galggat vuos girdilit ja nanosmahttet sojiidat.
-* Son lei nu ilus ahte orui mielastis sáhttimin girdilit vaikko guđe čalbme-ravkaleamis.
-* Son gaikkui Liná čuožžut ja dollii su sallasis.
-* Liná healkkehii ja rabestii čalmmiidis.
-* Jáhkán áhččán dalle duođas ipmirdii ahte ...
-* Muhto muđui ledjen áibbas dábálaš, jus ii namut rukses vuovttaidan, mat ceaggájedje juohke guvlui.
-* ja mun nagodin vajáldahttit bárttiidan..
-* Fertejin divustit áhččán, go doavttir ii orron ipmirdeame áhčán dulkoma.
-* Dađistaga vulge ruovttuidasaset, earret ....
-* Oabbá lei oađašan vovnnastis nu movt lávii.
-# eat váldde NPx:id mielde
-# addit buot NPx:id buot substantiivvaide (102 lassehámi juohke substantiivii)
-# addit buot NPx:id buot substantiivvaide, muhto ráddjejuvvon fst:s:
-lea sáhka ráddjet px fst-leksinonain, nu ahte dušše fuolkenamahusat ožžot olles px-paradigma (102 lassehámi), eará sánit ožžot buot earret NomSg3, NomDu3, NomPl3 (82 lassehámi)
-# mearkut sániid dict-fiillas main galgá leat px - omd olbmuid, elliid, rumašlahtuid...
-!vuolábeal listu lea dien dáfus miellagiddevaš:
-# olbmot:
-ohppiidis, nieiddažan, eatnis, olbmásis, eadnát, mánážan, áhčistis, áhččán, áhčán
-# eallit:
-bussážan, lottážan,
-# rumašlahttu:
-soajáidis, sojiidat,  vuovttaidis, baksamiiddis, sallasis, salastis, mielastis, čalmmiidis, vuovttaidan    liđiidat (šattu rumašlahttu :-)
-# maid sáhttá oamastit ja gos sáhttá orodit:
-dálus, ruovttuidasaset, lanjat, latnjasis, vovnnastis,
-# abstrávttat:
-čiegusvuođaidan, dáidagiinnis, bárttiidan
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-The L2 transducer is a transducer that models probable L2 errors.
-Similar transducers are planned for Plains Cree and Northern Haida as well.
-It is made as follows:
-For __lexc__, the ordinary files are named as for all other languages, 
-{{adjectives.lexc}}, etc. The L2 transducer files for adjectives, nouns and verbs in the stems and affixes folders are named {{affixes/adjectives-L2.lexc}}
-etc. They shall be manually copied over from {{branches/errorfst}}.
-For __twolc__, the ordinary file is called sme-phon-L1.twolc (and is
-automatically copied over from the oldinfra file twol-sme.txt, by our
-ordinary update script. The L2 file is called sme-phon-L2.twolc, and
-is our source file for the L2 transducer.
-__Note the not-so-elegant asymmetry__: sme-phon-L1.twolc is a file 
-copied from oldinfra, and shall __not__ be edited. sme-phon-L2.twolc
-is the source file itself, and __shall__ be edited. The derived
-file sme-phon.twolc is the copy of either -L1 or -L2, and shall not be
-To compile, in langs/sme:
-./configure --enable-oahpa # to make the L2 transducer
-./configure --disable-oahpa # to __not__ make the L2 transducer
-The normal transducers have their normal names, the L2 transducers are called *-oahpa*.
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-This is a grammatical analyser for North Saami.
-It is in use in a wide range of applications.
-The structure of the source file catalogue is the same for all
-the languages, it is documented [here|../../infra/infraremake/NewinfraCatalogues.html].
-These pages document how to build the parsers. If you want to know
-how to use them on the command line, read the
-[How to use the morphological parsers|../../tools/docu-sme-manual.html] page.
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-!!!File containing abbreviations 
-!!Lexica for adding tags and periods
-Splitting in 4 + 1  groups, because of the preprocessor
- * __LEXICON Abbreviation   __
- # The ITRAB ;	    lexicon (intransitive abbrs)
- # The TRNUMAB ;   lexicon (abbrs trans wrt. numberals)
- # The TRAB ;	    lexicon (transitive abbrs)
- # The NOAB ;	    lexicon (not really abbrs)
- # The NUMNOAB ;   lexicon (not behaving as abbr before num)
- # The SYMBOLS ;   lexicon (misc. symbols)
-!!The sublexica
-!Dividing between abbreviations with and witout final period
- * __LEXICON ab-dot-noun-adj   __
- * __LEXICON ab-noun   __
- * __LEXICON ab-adj   __
- * __LEXICON ab-adv   __
- * __LEXICON ab-num   __
-!The lexicons that add tags
- * __LEXICON ab-nodot-noun   __  The bulk
- * __LEXICON ab-nodot-adj   __
- * __LEXICON ab-nodot-adv   __
- * __LEXICON ab-nodot-num   __
- * __LEXICON ab-dot-noun   __  This is the lexicon for abbrs that must have a period.
- * __LEXICON ab-dot-adj   __  This is the lexicon for abbrs that must have a period.
- * __LEXICON ab-dot-adv   __  This is the lexicon for abbrs that must have a period.
- * __LEXICON ab-dot-num   __  This is the lexicon for abbrs that must have a period.
- * __LEXICON ab-dot-cc   __
- * __LEXICON ab-verb   __  A lexicon for "gč." and perhaps also other abbreviated verbs.
- * __LEXICON ab-dot-verb   __
- * __LEXICON ab-nodot-verb   __
- * __LEXICON ab-dot-IVprfprc   __
- * __LEXICON SYMBOLconnector   __
- * __LEXICON SYMBOLsuff   __
-!!The abbreviation lexicon itself
- * __LEXICON SYMBOLS   __ is for iscellaneous abbr symbols
- * __LEXICON ITRAB   __ are intransitive abbreviations, A.S. etc.
- * __LEXICON NOAB   __ du, gen, jur
-This class contains homonyms, which are both intransitive
-abbreviations and normal words. The abbreviation usage
-is less common and thus only the occurences in the middle of
-the sentnece (when next word has small letters) can be 
-considered as true cases.
- * __LEXICON TRNUMAB   __ contains abbreviations who are transitive in front of numerals 
-For abbrs for which numerals are complements, but other
-words not necessarily are. This group treats arabic numerals as
-if it were transitive but letters as if it were intransitive.
- * __LEXICON TRAB   __ contains transitive abbreviations
-This lexicon is for abbrs that always have a constituent following it.
- * __LEXICON NUMNOAB   __ su, dii
-This class contains homonyms, which are both abbrs for 
-which numerals are complements and normal words. The abbreviation usage
-is less common and thus only the occurences in the middle of
-the sentnece can be considered as true cases.
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-!!!North Saami acronyms
-This file contains a loop for random capital-letter acronyms, 
-as well as two lists of common acronyms: letter-number acronyms and 
-small-capital letter combinations.
-!!The main part
- * __LEXICON Acronym   __ divides the acros in the 3 types just mentioned.
-The Acronym lexicon also contains common short acronyms.
-!!The acro generator
- * __LEXICON FIRSTLETTER	   __  instead of regex, a 4-letter loop for random acronyms
- * __LEXICON SCND													   __ second part of loop
- * __LEXICON THRD													   __ third part of loop
- * __LEXICON FRTH													   __ fourth part of loop
-!!The other acro lexica
- * __LEXICON LETTERNUMBER   __ contains a list of letters and numbers
- * __LEXICON smallacro   __ contains acros with small letters
-!!The lexica giving tags and suffixes to the acronyms
- * __LEXICON UNIT   __  As acro, but without paradigm
- * __LEXICON ACRO   __ adds +N+ACR and redicrects to acroconnector
- * __LEXICON acroconnector   __ Here comes a set of possible symbols to
-put between the abbreviation and its suffix
- * __LEXICON acronull   __  for suffixless forms, redirecting to K_only for clitic forms
- * __LEXICON acrooblique   __
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-Divvun & Giellatekno - open source grammars for Sámi and other languages
-              !!!North Saami adjective declension file
-!!Bisyllabic adjectives
- * __LEXICON BUORRE  __  For this adj only
- * __LEXICON BUOROT  __ SUB, Southern dialect
- * __LEXICON ALKI  __  Bisyll V-Adj, -es-Attr, no WeG.
- * __LEXICON SEARRA  __ Bisyll. V-Adj's with s-Attr in WeG.
- * __LEXICON HOHPI  __ Bisyll. V-Adj's with s-Attr. in WeG & Adv.
- * __LEXICON LAIKI  __ Bisyll. V-Adj's with es-Attr. in WeG & Adv.
- * __LEXICON LODJI  __ bisyll V-Adj with -es and -is Attr in WeG
- * __LEXICON JUHKKIS  __ Bisyll. V-Adj. with s-Attr; no Adv.
- * __LEXICON HAHTTI  __ Bisyll. V-Adj. no Adv.
- * __LEXICON NUORRA  __ Bisyll. V-Adj. w/CG, w/o Sep. Attr; no Adv.
- * __LEXICON RIEKTA  __  Bisyll adj w/o obl sg forms, WeG Attr
- * __LEXICON VIELG  __  adj with -es -attrib. (cns final adj)
- * __LEXICON VIELGAT __  just a sublexicon to VIELG
- * __LEXICON VIELG_NOCOMP  __  adj with -es -attrib. (cns final adj)
- * __LEXICON VIELGAT_NOCOMP __  just a sublexicon to VIELG_NOCOMP
- * __LEXICON CAHKK __  -at final adj with attr -es and -dis
- * __LEXICON JALGAT __  only jalgat, attr jalga and jalges
- * __LEXICON UHCC __  uhcci, unni, seaggi, attr uhca, unna, seakka
- * __LEXICON JEAGOHEAPMI __  caritives
- * __LEXICON BIVNNUHEAPME  __  no bivnnuhis here, special, beacause popular and unpopular collide in attribute form :)
- * __LEXICON JEAGOHEAPMI_NOCOMP __  caritives, no comparative
- * __LEXICON OATNI  __  only this adj, no attr
-!!Consonant-final even-syllabic adjectives
- * __LEXICON ISSORAS  __  issoras and certain as-adj. also derivations, final -s
- * __LEXICON IHKALAS-DABALAS __ loan adjectives ending on -ihkalaš - kritihkalaš etc
- * __LEXICON DABALAS  __   -laš adjectives with short Attr and SgNom Comp forms - dábálet, dábálut etc
- * __LEXICON NVDCompAttr_ISSORASSA-  __  sublexicon to DABALAS
- * __LEXICON DEARVVASLAS  __  -laš adjectives without short Attr and SgNom Comp forms. The word dearvvaslaš/dearvvašlaš is not directed here, but to DABALAS
- * __LEXICON DEARVVASLAS2  __  only to lift out ISSORASSA-, see DEARVVASLAS
- * __LEXICON STUORIBUS  __  -buš comparatives
- * __LEXICON ASEHAS __  5 words with -is attr: asehis, asihis, oanehis, vuollegis, vuolligis
- * __LEXICON UNOHAS   __  for this word only
- * __LEXICON IPMAHA  __ Tris. Gradating C-adj:s, The Troms declension: imaš:ipmaha, gáđaš:gáhtaha
-!!Trisyllabic adjectives
- * __LEXICON MEAHTTUS  __  meahttun-adj. with comp. and superl. forms -seabbo, -seamos etc.
- * __LEXICON BEAKKAN  __ Trisyll. Non-gradating C-Adj. without Separate Attr.
- * __LEXICON BEAKKAN_NOCOMP  __ Trisyll. Non-gradating C-Adj. without Separate Attr. No comparatives
- * __LEXICON GEARDAN  __ Trisyll. Non-gradating C-Adj. without Separate Attr.
- * __LEXICON JOHTIL  __ Trisyll. Non-gradating C-Adj. with is-Attr.
- * __LEXICON HEITTOHA  __ Trisyll. Non-gradating C-Adj. with is-Attr.
- * __LEXICON GUOHCA  __ Trisyll. Gradating V-Adj., no sep. Attr.
- * __LEXICON GARAS  __ Trisyll. Gradating C-Adj. with Bisyll. a-Attr. and final s Pred
- * __LEXICON LINIS  __ Trisyll. Gradating C-Adj. with Bisyll. a-Attr. and final s Pred
- * __LEXICON SUVRRIS   __ Trisyll. Gradating C-Adj. with Bisyll. weak grade a-Attr. and final s Pred
- * __LEXICON NANUS   __ Trisyll. Gradating C-Adj. with Bisyll. weak grade u-Attr. and final s Pred
- * __LEXICON LOSSAT  __ Trisyll. Gradating C-Adj. with Bisyll. a-Attr. and final t  Pred. geahppat and lossat, words with bisyllable form comparatives in addition to trisyllable form: geahpit, losit
- * __LEXICON CAVGAT  __ Trisyll. Gradating C-Adj. with Bisyll. a/es-Attr. and final t Pred, both -but and -eappot comparatives
- * __LEXICON CIENAL  __ Trisyll. Gradating C-Adj. with Strong Grade is-Attr.
- * __LEXICON NJUORAS  __ Trisyll. Gradating C-Adj., with Strong Grade a-Attr.
- * __LEXICON DILDDAS  __  ,-ld-(#=is) Trisyll Grad., facult is-Attr.
- * __LEXICON VUOGAS  __  Trisyll. adj. with gradation I-III and no sep. attr. only this word, vuogas, vuohkkasat
- * __LEXICON HEAHKAS  __  ,-hkk-#=is heahkka Trisyll Grad., is-Attr & heahkka
- * __LEXICON EATTAS  __  ,-dd-#=is Trisyll. Grad. C-Adj. with WeG -is Attr.
- * __LEXICON BOAKKAS  __  ,-gg-#boagge9- Trisyll no attr
- * __LEXICON FARGAT  __  :d#Ø Trisyll no attr
- * __LEXICON GAPPUS  __  -bbo- Trisyll, attr same as pred
- * __LEXICON VATTIS  __  Trisyll CG, -es/-is Attr
- * __LEXICON BIEKKUS  __  ,-iggo-#=is Trisyll Grad, is-Attr,
- * __LEXICON LIEKKUS  __  ,-iggo-(#=is) Trisyll Grad,  attr same as pred
- * __LEXICON GUOROS __  guoros and luovos, Trisyll Grad,  attr same as pred
- * __LEXICON NUOLUS  __  ,-u8llo-(#nuolo9s)
- * __LEXICON GEARGGUS  __  ,-ergo-#gearggo9s
- * __LEXICON VUDDJII_DECLINED  __ misses most cases
- * __ LEXICON JIEDNAI_DECLINED  __ misses most cases
- * __LEXICON BOARIS  __  As GAPPUS, but with different attr.
- * __LEXICON RAMIS  __  A new adj? Found in corp. Only a couple of forms as a start
- * __LEXICON AKTIIVA  __  loans ending with -a, same attr as pred
- * __LEXICON BOREALA  __ AKTIIVA without comparatives
- * __LEXICON SPANSKA __ spánska, dánska, fránska, ránska. WeG attr
- * __LEXICON ALLAT __ allat, gassat, govdat, attr: alla, gassa, govda. Trisyllables with Bisyllable compforms: alit, gasit, govddit
- * __LEXICON ALLAGA __ sublexicon to ALLAT and word árrat
-!!Contracted adjectives
- * __LEXICON FIINNIS  __  ,-dná-(:Ø)#fiinna, western comp: fiidnát, eastern comp: fiidnásabbo/-sut/-sat
- * __ LEXICON DEAHTIS  __  as fiinnis, but with StrGr in Attr
- * __LEXICON SMAVIS  __  as deahtis, but with even more Attr forms and comparative smávit in addition
- * __LEXICON STUORIS  __  As fiinnis, but with different comparation
- * __LEXICON NJALGGAT __ Comp+Sg+Nom: njálgát, njálgásut/-sit/-sut/-sat, njálgáseabbo/-sabbo 
- * __LEXICON CAPPIS __  western comp: čábbát, eastern comp: čábbásabbo/-sut/-sat 
- * __LEXICON VIISSIS   __  Contr, CG and -is -> -á, attr -es/-is, western and eastern comp forms
- * __LEXICON RAHPIS   __  Contr, CG and -is -> -á, attr -es, with long and short comp forms
- * __LEXICON HARVVIS   __  Contr, CG and -is -> -á, attr -e, short comp forms
- * __LEXICON MALLASadj- __
- * __LEXICON MALLASadj-_MINIP __  for giving Use/NGminip-tags
- * LEXICON DEVNVCASE    bisyllabic nominal declension
- * __LEXICON GODIIadj- __
- * __LEXICON GOADIadj- __
- * __LEXICON NomVadj  __
- * __LEXICON EssVadj __
-!!Special cases
- * __LEXICON NomActVEARA __ hardcoded postposition frases with veara, for speller
-!!Final note on the adjective sublexica
-todo: Rewrite the adj lexica so that the attr variation is kept separate
-from the otherwise uniform declension.
- * __LEXICON BOHCCOadj __
- * __LEXICON BOHCCUadj __
-!!!Adjective declension
- * __LEXICON ATTR  __  This is the normal lexicon for ATTR forms
- * __LEXICON ATTRCONT  __  This lexicon is for forms with non-sub Attr, where we sub the rest.
- * __LEXICON LAIKI0     __  Directing adjectives ...
-it does not have the Prop tag.
-it does not have the Prop tag.
- * __LEXICON EABBO/EAMOS __ comparision for trisyllable adjectives
- * __LEXICON EABBO/EAMOS_MINIP __  for giving Use/NGminip-tags
- * __LEXICON EABBO/EAMOS_CONT_MINIP __ for giving Use/NGminip-tags
- * __LEXICON EAMOS_MINIP __  for giving Use/NGminip-tags
- * __LEXICON EABBO/EAMOS_CONT-contracted  __ for certain contracted adjectives, divided dialect-naziwise
- * __LEXICON SHORTCOMP_MINIP __  for giving Use/NGminip-tags
- * __LEXICON SHORTCOMP_PRED_MINIP __  for giving Use/NGminip-tags
- * __LEXICON EABBU __ eastern form -abbo as well
- * __LEXICON EABBU_MINIP __  for giving Use/NGminip-tags
- * __LEXICON EABBUCASE1_MINIP __  for giving Use/NGminip-tags
- * __LEXICON EABBUCASE2_MINIP __  for giving Use/NGminip-tags
- * __LEXICON BU/MUS __  Bisyllabic adjectives comparision
- * __LEXICON BUStem __
- * __LEXICON EAMOS __ eastern form -amos as well
- * __LEXICON GAPPUS0 __ Almost id. to MALIS0. MALIS0 has no VUOHTA, GAPPUS0 has no Px Ess., and shouldn't have either.
-GOAL: Keep GAPPUS- and MALLAS- apart, because of
-the Px(1)V issue, but unify the rest.
-GAPPUS- and MALLAS- differ
-in the A and N treatment of
-Pl Nom Px (only 1st p. for A
-and all persons for N).
-Now that MALLASI- is deleted,
-GAPPUS- and MALLAS- are
-identical. We check by pointing
-GAPPUS- to MALLAS-. Look into this.
-and remove GAPPUS- for MALLAS-
- * __LEXICON MEAHTTUN   __ Deverbal adjectives.
- * __LEXICON LEXATTR_GEAHTES __ trisyllabic stems: geahtes for trisyll, heapmi for bisyll
- * __LEXICON GEAHTES __  geahtes for trisyll, heapmi for bisyll
- * __LEXICON OVDDIT  __ Inherently comparative adjectives, bisyll
- * __LEXICON MADDELEABBO  __ Inherently comparative adjectives, trisyll
-!!!Nominal derivation
-!!Noun derivation
- * __LEXICON VUOHTA  __ +CmpN/SgG +CmpN/DefPlGen
- * __LEXICON DenominalNounsV __ diminutives from bisyllabic nouns
- * __LEXICON DenominalNounsC __ diminutives from trisyllabic nouns
- * __LEXICON EAPMI __ action noun, from bisyll intransitive verb
- * __LEXICON MUITTASJEAPMI __ action noun, from trisyll intransitive verb
- * __LEXICON EAPMITV   __ +CmpN/Sg +CmpN/DefSgGen +CmpN/DefPlGen +CmpN/SgLeft +CmpN/SgNomLeft +CmpN/SgGenLeft +CmpN/PlGenLeft
- * __LEXICON EAPMITVCT __ action noun, from bisyll transitive verb
- * __LEXICON MUITTASJEAPMITV   __ +CmpN/Sg +CmpN/DefSgGen +CmpN/DefPlGen +CmpN/SgLeft +CmpN/SgNomLeft +CmpN/SgGenLeft +CmpN/PlGenLeft
- * __LEXICON MUITTASJEAPMITVCT __ action noun, from trisyll intransitive verb
- * __LEXICON UPMI __ action noun, from passive verb
- * __LEXICON VUONAT  __ +CmpN/SgN +CmpN/SgG +CmpN/PlG
- * __LEXICON VUONATCT __ derivated nouns, from propers: guovdageainnut, divttasvuonat etc.
- * __LEXICON ACTORder  __ +CmpN/SgN +CmpN/SgG +CmpN/PlG 
- * __LEXICON ACTORderCT  __ Tagged NomAg nowadays, Long compound-forms, from intransitive verbs
- * __LEXICON ACTORderCTcase  __ Tagged NomAg nowadays, Long compound-forms, from intransitive verbs
- * __LEXICON ACTORTVder  __ +CmpN/SgN +CmpN/SgG +CmpN/PlG +CmpN/SgLeft +CmpN/SgNomLeft +CmpN/SgGenLeft +CmpN/PlGenLeft
- * __LEXICON ACTORTVderCT __ Tagged NomAg nowadays, Long compound-forms, from transitive verbs
- * __LEXICON ACTORSHORTTVder __ Tagged NomAg nowadays, Short compound-forms, from transitive verbs
-!!!Adjective derivation
- * __LEXICON LAS __ from verbs: čirrolas, bealkálas etc
- * __LEXICON BUOREMUSS __ superlatives, from bisyll adjectives
- * __LEXICON LEXDIMINC __ diminutives, these comes from noun stems file, from trisyll nouns
- * __LEXICON DIMINC __ diminutives, these comes from noun affix file,  from trisyll nouns
- * __LEXICON DIMINV __ diminutives, these comes from bisyll nouns
- * __LEXICON HEAPMI __ caritives
- * __LEXICON LAGAN __ lágan, lágán and subform lagan as well
- * __LEXICON LAGAS __ lágaš, lágáš and subform lagaš as well
- * __LEXICON AHKASAS __ derived words on -saš, -haš, -laš
- * __LEXICON AHKASAS_PL __  derived words on -saš, -haš, -laš, only plural, 
- * __LEXICON SISKKALDAS __ olgguldas, siskkáldas, siskkildas, nuppáldas, that's all
- * __LEXICON DenominalAdjsV1 __ caritives and their derivatives (huvva, huhtti), from bisyll nouns
- * __LEXICON DenominalAdjsV1Long __ caritives and their derivatives (huvva, huhtti), from bisyll nouns without vowel shortening
- * __LEXICON DenominalAdjsV1Short __ caritives and their derivatives (huvva, huhtti), from bisyll nouns with vowel shortening
- * __LEXICON DenominalAdjsV2 __ from bisyllables, muoralaš, gieđalaš etc
- * __LEXICON DenominalAdjsC __ from trisyllables, -laš and caritives on -heapme
- * __LEXICON DenominalAdjsCLong __ from trisyllables, -laš and caritives on -heapme
- * __LEXICON DenominalAdjsCShort __ from trisyllables, -laš and caritives on -heapme
- * __LEXICON DenominalAdjsV3  __ +CmpN/SgN +CmpN/SgG +CmpN/PlG !from Propernames
- * __LEXICON DenominalAdjsV3case  __ from bisyllabic propers
- * __LEXICON DenominalAdjsC2  __ +CmpN/SgN +CmpN/SgG +CmpN/PlG	!from Propernames
- * __LEXICON DenominalAdjsC2case  __ from trisyllabic propers
- * __LEXICON DenominalAdjsV4  __ +CmpN/SgN +CmpN/SgG +CmpN/PlG  from Propernames
- * __LEXICON DenominalAdjsV4case  __ from bisyllabic propers (subbed)
- * __LEXICON DenominalAdjsC3  __ +CmpN/SgN +CmpN/SgG +CmpN/PlG	 !from Propernames
- * __LEXICON DenominalAdjsC3case  __ from trisyllabic propers (subbed)
- * __LEXICON HEAPMIOBL __ sublexicon not only for caritives on -heapmi/-heapme
-!!Adverbs from adjectives
- * __LEXICON ADVV  __ adverb from bilysll stems
- * __LEXICON ADVC  __ adverb from trilysll stems
-!!Adjectives from nouns
- * __LEXICON AGAdj  __  mostly words like guovttejagat, allajoccat etc
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-                    !!!North Sámi adjective lexicon                           
- * __LEXICON LEXATTR  __ This lexicon is here to give the tags to the compounding
- * __LEXICON At    __ gives +A+Attr and directs to K
- * __LEXICON PrfPrc __ Gives +A+Attr and Sg/Pl Nom and directs to K
- * __LEXICON FINJU- __ compounds only, directs to Rreal and NAMAT
- * __LEXICON ALIT __ Both second-part compound and independent adj.
-čáhppesalit bábir, alit bábir								
- * __LEXICON Eahpe_Adjective __ is a long list of lexicalised eahpe-prefixed adjs
- * __LEXICON Adjective __ is the main adjective list
- * __LEXICON AdjectivePx __ Px-forms are restricted to this lexicon
-Move adjs that may take Px from __Adjective__ to this lexicon.
- * __LEXICON AdjectiveNoPx __ is the main adjective list, not taking Px
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-North Saami adposition lexicon
-First come the 3 continuation lexica, the division is based on Nickel
-and should probably be revised. Then comes the adpositions themselves.
-The uninflecting ones are pointed to the 3 tag lexica, the Px ones to the
-Px lexica in sme-lex.txt and closed-sme-lex.txt.
- * __LEXICON Pp   __ gives both +Po and +Pr
- * __LEXICON Postp   __ gives +Po
- * __LEXICON Prep   __ gives +Pr
- * __LEXICON Adposition   __ is the lexicon with the adpositions
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-!!!North Saami adverbs
- * __LEXICON Adverb   __
-First come sSome multiword adverbs, declared as MWE in tok.txt
-Of these, the ones going to adv are not treated as MWE in
-abbr.txt and preprocess, whereas the ones going to
-multiadv are treated as one unit in the syntax.
-There are only a handful of words in the multiadv lexicon,
-they are the ones that are mentioned in sme-dis.rle.
-Goal: have mwe adverbs with syntactic behaviour as single
-words going to multiadv.
-Thereafter comes the ordinary adverb list.
-Then comes the gradating advs
-* type 1
-* type 2a
-* type 2b
-* 2c
-* 2d
-* type 3a
-* type 3b
-* type 3c
-Lexica for adverb subtypes
- * __LEXICON LAGAadv   __										    
- * __LEXICON LAGAIDadv   __									   
- * __LEXICON LEBBUIplc   __									    
- * __LEXICON LEAPPOSplc   __									    
- * __LEXICON gadv   __  adv that can form compounds			    
- * __LEXICON gadv-plc   __  adv that can form compounds		    
- * __LEXICON adv-plc   __										    
- * __LEXICON adv-time   __										    
- * __LEXICON adv-time-plc   __									    
- * __!LEXICON multiadv   __  dan_dihte							    
- * __LEXICON CSadv   __										   
- * __LEXICON adv-comp   __										    
- * __LEXICON adv-sup   __										    
- * __LEXICON adv-plc-comp   __									    
- * __LEXICON adv-plc-sup   __									    
- * __LEXICON adv-time-comp   __								    
- * __LEXICON adv-time-sup   __									   
- * __LEXICON COMPADV   __										    
- * __LEXICON plc-SUPADVmus   __								    
- * __LEXICON plc-SUPADVmusj   __								    
-The main adverb lexicon 											   
- * __LEXICON adv   __ simply gives the tag +Adv and directs to K  
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-!!!North Saami Conjunctions 
- * __LEXICON Conjunction   __ contains the list of conjunctions
- * __LEXICON Cc   __ assigns the tag +CC
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-!!!C O M M O N  S Á M I  D E P E N D E N C Y   G R A M M A R
-This dep file is for sma, sme, smj.
-Sentence delimiters are the following: <.> <!> <?> <...> <¶>
-CITATION to keep colouring we add a "
-Caus causative eus
-IM For fao
-!!POS sub-categories
-!!Syntactic tags and sets
-Syntactic tag definitions
-!!!Dep grammar
-Correction rules
-* __muitalit__
-* __XX__
-* __XX__
-* __XX__
-* __faoSumId=Rel__
-!!the finite verb
-!!!Mapping rules
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-Sentence delimiters are the following: <.> <!> <?> <...> <¶>
-This section lists all the tags inherited from the fst, and used as tags
-in the syntactic analysis. The next section, __Sets__, contains sets defined
-on the basis of the tags listed here, those set names are not visible in the output.
-!Beginning and end of sentence
-!Parts of speech tags
-!Tags for POS sub-categories
-!Tags for morphosyntactic properties
-!Tags for clitic particles
-!Derivation tags
-Der/PassL Der/PassS
-Der/NuA (what is NuA?) 
-!Semantic tags
-! Syntactic tags
- at +FAUXV
- at +FMAINV
- at -FAUXV
- at -FMAINV
- at -FSUBJ>
- at -F<OBJ
- at -FOBJ>
- at -F<ADVL
- at -FADVL>
- at -F<SPRED
- at -F<OPRED
- at -FSPRED>
- at -FOPRED>
- at ADVL<
- at ADVL>
- at ADVL
- at HAB>
- at N<
- at P<
- at HNOUN
- at Pron<
- at Num<
- at OBJ
- at OBJ>
- at OPRED
- at OPRED>
- at PCLE
- at COMP-CS<
- at SPRED
- at SPRED>
- at SUBJ
- at SUBJ>
- at PPRED
- at APP
- at APP-N<
- at APP-Pron<
- at APP>Pron
- at APP-Num<
- at APP-ADVL<
- at VOC
- at CVP
- at CNP
- at X
-!!Sets containing sets of lists and tags
-This part of the file lists a large number of sets based partly upon the tags defined above, and 
-partly upon lexemes drawn from the lexicon.
-See the sourcefile itself to inspect the sets, what follows here is an overview of the set types.
-!Sets for Single-word sets
-OKTA and go, and the set INITIAL for initial letters 
-!Sets for word or not
-!Derivational affixes
-!Case sets
-!Verb sets
-!Sets for finiteness and mood
-!Sets for person
-!Sets consisting of forms of "leat" (these ones need to be rewritten)
-!Pronoun sets
-!Adjectival sets and their complements
-!Adverbial sets and their complements
-!Sets for coordinators
-!Sets for adverbs that have lookalikes
-Here come some adverbs that have identical twins in other POS. 
-If these are found in Adv contexts, we treat them as adverbs.
-!Sets of elements with common syntactic behaviour
-!Sets for verbs
-V is all readings with a V tag in them, REAL-V should
-be the ones without an N tag following the V.  
-The REAL-V set thus awaits a fix to the preprocess V ... N bug.
-* The set COPULAS is for predicative constructions
-TRANS-V is the set for verbs really taking objects
-* Sets for verbs choosing oblique objects or adverbials
-* __STVLIST__ is the list of strictly transitive verbs. In the rules, refer not to STVLIST, but to the set STV defined below.
-STRICT-TRANS-V is the set for verbs which don't let a GenAcc be a modifier of anything else than an object, e.g. Mun organiseren eatni gievkkanis. - eatni wants to be the object
-!Valency sets
-* __PLACE-V__ Those get only not locative if the target is a member TOOL, ABSTR-TOOL or ANIMATE or CONCEPT. Selects more locatives than ONLY-PLACE-LOC-V 
-!Adverb sets
-!Adjective sets
-!NP sets defined according to their morphosyntactic features
-!The PRE-NP-HEAD family of sets
-These sets model noun phrases (NPs). The idea is to first define whatever can
-occur in front of the head of the NP, and thereafter negate that with the
-expression __WORD - premodifiers__.
-The set __NOT-NPMOD__ is used to find barriers between NPs.
-Typical usage: ... (*1 N BARRIER NPT-NPMOD) ...
-meaning: Scan to the first noun, ignoring anything that can be
-part of the noun phrase of that noun (i.e., "scan to the next NP head")
-!Other negatively defined morphosyntactic noun sets
-!Noun sets
-Nominal sets defined according to their morphophonological properties
-Sets for lexeme homonymy (most of them are moved to where the actual rules are.)
-The words in the set __N-PO__ can be both N and Po, the set takes that into account.
-!The LAHKA set family
-!Nominal sets defined according to their semantical properties
-* Spatial noun sets. These nouns behave like postpositions
-* Time sets
-* Amount sets
-* Sets for nouns with morpho-syntactic preferences
-* Number-related sets
-* Sets for case, possessive, etc.
-* Sets for nouns as pred
-* Sets for animals
-* Sets for things
-* Sets for qualities
-* Sets for things, not necessarily tools
-* Sets for things such that people can be inside them:
-* Sets for things such that people cannot be inside them:
-* Part-whole sets for human
-* Sets for places
-* Sets that can both be buildings/places and represent humans
-* Sets denoting relations
-!Miscellaneous sets
-!Border sets and their complements
-!Syntactic sets
-''These were the set types.''
-!!!Section 1, The section for popular rules
-!!Guessing: Rule for adding Sem/Date as a tag to readings which looks like dates
-!!Guessing: Rule for adding Adv Sem/Adr as a tag to readings which looks addresses
-* Rule for adding <vdic> to verbs denoting verbal actions like: ... dadjá Aili Kestkitalo.
-*Substitute __PlcSur__ (Sem/Plc) (Sem/Sur) 
-!Some propernouns have two parts and the first is not a genitive. We still have problems with abbr when these propernouns are inflected or are a part of a cmp. The copy rule adds Attr reading to names which not get it in the fst (Soria). The select rule selects Attr when the next word is e.g. Moria.
-* __SoriaAttr__  Soria Attr Moria, Harry Attr Potter-girji
-* __SoriaMoria__
-! Rules for giving Attr to names, e.g. Ole Attr Kåven.
-* __PropAttr__ 
-Remove unwanted analyses
-!!Lexicalised derivations
-* __eapmi__ compounds with eapmi if they have Der/NomAct analysis
-* __derN__ removes DER-N if lexicalised non-essives
-* __derNEss__ removes DER-N if lexicalised essives (revise this) - flytter denne til slutten av fila
-* __derA__ removes DER-A if lexicalised A
-* __derV__ removes DER-V if lexicalised V,
-* __derHderAlla, derAlla, derH, derST__ chosses longest Der/tag
-* __vuohtaNotAttr__ removes Attr for Der/vuohta
-* __derPassActio__ removes Actio Nom/Gen/Acc for passive forms. I don't think they exist in Sg, we prefer the PrfPrc analysis.
-!Particular verbs
-* __notRealV__ removes verb readings from verbs like álbmotregistreret
-* __notN__ removes N for adjectives which have got noun analysis because of Px for Divvun 
-* __leapmaDimin__ removes it
-* __Der/PassS__ removes some Pass-readings in favour of V not Pass
-* __notPass__ removes som Pass readings which are not likely at all
-* __LEX-PASS__ removes passive forms of some lemmas in favour for the lexixalised one
-* __LexSelbeassat__
-* __LexSelgieldit__
-* __LexSelollet__
-* __Lexdiehttelasaid__ diehttelasaid Adv
-* __Lexgeassit__ geassit Adv vs geassit V
-* __Ger and GER-NOTV__ remove Ger-forms which are not likely at all
-! Removing proper nouns that are lookalikes
-* __SamediggiProp__ selects Prop after Ášši 01/12
-* Rules for removing some Props which are identical to common nouns
-*Removes __PropPl__, but problems with names as Davviriikkaid Ráđi, there we want Prop Pl
-* __PropVfin__ selects propernouns which can be Vfin in the beginning of a sentence
-* __confProp, Lea, Man, Hui, Mo, Prop__ removes Props which confuces the analyser, 
- * __Dert__ Rule for removing Der/t Prop when there are other analysis
-!Some adjectives are never derived as Adv
-!Rules for Prop Attr, Sem/Sur and Plc
-* __PropAttrIfPropx__ removes Attr if no Prop on the right side
-* __PropInsideProp__ Selects Prop if capital letter inside clause
-* __AttrPropDerlaš__ Selects (Prop Der/laš Attr) if first one to the right is a noun
-* __PropAttr__ Removes (Prop Attr), but not if to the right is Prop or Ord 
-* __PropSur__ Selects (Prop Sem/Sur) if finite verb to the left. Immediately to the right is FIRSTNAME
-* __PropAttr1__ Selects Attr if you are FIRSTNAME, Sem/Sur or INITIAL and to your right is Prop which is FIRSTNAME or Sem/Sur 
-*Removes __PropAttr__ if no Prop on the right side
-* __NotConNegII__ removes ConNegII if no Neg Imprt around. This is important, as the homonym forms are common. - 30850
-* __errsub_uvvo__ removes -uvvat Err/Sub Sg3 if Der/PassL, e.g. čujuhuvvo
-* sutnje is not verb
- * __ABBR__ Removes ABBR in favour of Adv, Pcle or Pron, e.g. "dii" when there is no punctuation
-* __ollit__ removes ollit when ollu - move this one?
-* __FocbaDu3__ removes Foc/ba when Du3 verbs like máhttiba and Adv like juoba and Prop like Jáhkoba (Acc) 
-* __Focge__ removes Foc/ge when Adv like dieđusge
-The idea behind "cycle 0" is to have safe rules without context first.
-These rules typically chose lexicalisations over derivations, 
-Saami words instead of marginal names, etc.
-!!Lexicalised derivations
-* Removes __derV__  DER-V if lexicalised.
-*Removes __derN__ if lexicalised.
-*Removes __derNEss__ if lexicalised, and both nouns are essive.
-*Removes __derA__ or PrsPrc or VGen if lexicalised. VGen is a chance.
-*Removes __derAdv__  when Adv is lexicalised.  
-* Removes __derVhmm__ Does this function?
-* __derHderAlla__ removes Der/h Der/alla if Der/halla.
-* __derAlla__ removes Der/halla if Der/alla.
-* Removes __derH__ if Der/goahti.  
-* Removes __derST__ if Der/ahtti	
-* __derVuohta__ removes A Attr Der/vuohta if A Der/vuohta.	
-!!Adjectives or nouns, not adverbs
-* __Aifeambbo__ selects A after eambbo
-* __muhtunlagan__ removes lága Ess if Indef ja lágan A
-* __aiggePo__ removes áigge Po, which belongs to MT and thu
-* IFF __buotAdv__ : buot Adv in front of Superl
-!Lexicalised adverbs
-It is useful to select early the adverbial reading for potensial nouns or verbs.
-* __aibbasAdv__ áibbas dolin
-*__aloGen__ removes állu Gen,  álo  Adv vs. N Gen
-* __aiddo__
-* __mannelTimeAdv__ golbma jagi maŋŋel
-* __AdvSTV__ váldit mielde, oahppat bajil. eará? STRICT-TRANS-V is too strong
-* __cadaAdv__ if oažžut juoidá čađa
-* __gaskanAdvVGen__  
-* __gotAdv__  
-* __ikteAdv__  
-* __miehtaV__  
-* __miehtaV__  
-* __aigiAdv__  guokte vahku áigi
-*  __viimmatAdv__ 
-* __dalleAdv__
-*  __dusseAdv__ 
-* __alggageAdv__  
-* __bearraiAdv__  
-* __buresAdv__  
-* __cadatAdv__  
-* __cuozzutAdv__  
-* __dadjatAdv__  
-* __dadjatAdv2__ 
-* __dainnaAdv__  
-* __daninAdv__ selects danin Adv. It is a special rule, only negative restrictions.
-* Select Ess, and then kill?  
-* __dassaAdv__  
-* __dakkoAdv__  
-* __duoAdv__  
-* __duoN__  
-* __duodaidAdv__  
-* __AdvNotNA__ Adverbs, not nouns or adjectives
-* __AComp__ remove A Comp when Adv
-* __birrasii__ removes birrasii N
-* __doarvaiAdv__ removes birrasii N
-* __eanasAdv__  
-* __eambbogo__ selects Adv eambbo go
-* __eanetAdv__  
-* __AdvComp__  
-* __easkkaAdv__  
-* __gaskatAdv__  
-* __goassigeAdv__  
-* __gosaAdv__  
-* __gustoAdv__
-* __guhkasAdv__  
-* __VifVFIN__ removes V 
-* __harveAdv__
-* __juogoQst__
-* __justeAdv__
-* __loahpasAdv__
-* __liikkaAdv__
-* __luovosAdv__
-* __maninAdv__
-* __manneAdv__
-* __muhtuminAdv3__
-* __njuolgaAdv__
-* __oddasitAdv__
-* __oktanAdv__
-* __ovttasAdv__
-* __oktiiV__ remove
-* __oktiiAdv__ select
-* __ollasitAdv__ selects
-* __radjaiPo__ selects
-* __seahkáPl__ selects Pl
-* __seammaAdv__ selects
-* __unnanAdv__ selects
-* __varraAdv__ selects
-* __vehaziidAdv__ selects
-* __visotdAdv__ selects
-* __vuhtiiAdv__
-* __recipr, reciprPl__ select Recipr
-!Nouns, not verbs
-* __álbmotN__, ii V.
-* __headisge__, ii heađisge.
-* __loahppa__ after TIME Gen.
-!Lexical selection - nouns
-* __sahkaEss__ if Mii lea sáhkan.
-* __sahkaPl__ after PLURALIZER in NP
-* __UsImprt__ removes Imprt Sg3 for all nouns in -us	
-* __SUBImprt__ removes Imprt when it can be a part of an NP	
-* __oahppit__, ii Imprt.
-!mánnu vs mánus
-!Not noun
-!!Adposition or not
-* The rules __Pooaivai, Pogiedas__ removes oaivái and gieđas as Po
-*  __aldatV1, aldatPo, KillaldatV__ for the problem aldat V vs. alde Po
-!!Not Qst
-* __AdvQst__ removes dego/nugo Qst 
-* __Interjlemma__ voja voja nana nana select interj if repeated 
-!!Southern Locative vs. Essive
-* __SouthLoc__ removes Southern Locative vs. Essive
-!!Px-rules for special nouns
-* __NnoPx__ Remove Px for special nouns
-* __gaskaneaset__ selects Po for gaskaneaset	
-!!Some verb rules
-* __vfingo__ selects VFIN in front of go Qst
-* __buoritV__ removes buorit as V
-* Some brave rules for removing Imprt
-* __ImprtCopPrfPrc__ removes imperative readings in front of coopulas and PrfPrc
-* __FocV__ revmoves Foc when Actio, PrfPrc, VGen, e.g. čađahan, ovttasge
-!Particular CS
-* __madeCS__ for mađe/mađi and dađe/dađi
-* __dadeCS__ for mađe/mađi and dađe/dađi
-!Verb or Noun?
-* __Včiehká__ selects V instead of N when nomintive to the right and accusative to the left ''fápmu čiehká luottaid''
-!Adpositions, not verbs
-* __bealisPo__ removes imperatives when Po lookalikes
-!!FAMILY pronouns
-!Pron Pers 1. p.
-* __moai__ This rule is not in use because of REMOVE:Prop
-* __miiPersLeft1, miiPersLeft2, _miiPersRight__ select mii Pers 
-!Pron Pers 2. p.
-* __donPers__ selecst don as Pers instead of Dem
-!Pron Pers 3. p.
-* __sonSG3V, sonRel, goson__ select son as Pers, Rel or Pcle 
-* __sutnje__ ( = forms of the verb "suotnjat")
-* __danin__ (Pron Ess OR Adv)
-* __datPlIll__ selects dát Pron Dem Pl Ill
-* __daiddaVerb__ removes dáidda N Sg Nom 
-* __dasaVGen, dasaLassin dasa,datSg3, datSg3PrfPrc__ ( = forms of the verb "dassat"): 
-* __dasaILLV__ choses dasa to the left of verbs like duhtat, suhttat, luohttit
-* __DemPlLoc__ selects Dem when Dem Pl Loc and agreement, perhaps no need for it here because we have agreement-rules later. Men viktig: her blir vi kvitt duo N.
-* __DemPlCom__ selects Dem when Dem Pl Com and agreement, perhaps no need for it here because we have agreement-rules later.
-* __datPersCopulas__ select Pers in front of copula. I setninger som Riššat dat gal leat musge, jus eai leačča njuoskan. tolker jeg dat som Pcle. Derfor constraint hva som kommer etter.
-* __datPcle1__ selects dat Pcle between N and finite, even if there is agreement between verb and dat .
-* __datPcle2__ selects dat Pcle when there is no agreement between verb and dat .
-* __KilldatPcle__ removes the remaining dat Pcle
-* __PersAcc__ selects Pers Acc in accusativ infinitive clauses with object
-* __datPers__ selects Pers. I made it stronger than it was. ref. r897 in sme-dis.rle
-* __datDemSg__ selects Dem from Pron Pers Sg3 Gen
-* __datPersPl3__ selects dat Pl3 in front of V Pl3 and V Du3 and Rel Pl
-!!An early rule for "eanaš"/"eanas"
-* __eanasPron__ selects Pron in front of Pron Loc
-!!Px constraints 
-First select Px, then remove all remaining Px
-* Set with adjectives, which are documented to have Px in our corpus
-* __APxifN__ Remove A Px if N:
-* __APx__ Remove A Px if Adv of A Ess og A Attr og PrfPrc or Loc
-* __PxLocIll__ Remove Px if viesus vissui or similar
-* __NPxPrfPrc__ Remove Px if PrfPrc with  leat to the left
-* Nouns: __NomPxSg1__ (not Ess) as the only word in a sentence. Needs no disambiguation.
-* Nouns:  __AccPxSg1__ after a TV verb. Exception for Aux.
-* Nouns:  __AccPxSg1__ after a TV Inf verb.
-* __PxSg1LocAcc__ is Acc to the right.
-* __PxSg1Acc__ is Acc to the right.
-* coordination __PxSg1coord__ 
-* __PxSg1coordLast__ for the last word of a coordination
-* __ReflPxSg1__ lean oahppan alddán
-* Nouns: __PxSg2__ if SG2-V. The rule needs no disambiguation. The DON-constraint because of homonymi with (N Pl)
-* __PxSg2Acc__ if  TV to the right
-* __PxSg2AccImprt__ if  TV Imprt to the left
-* __PxSg2AccPrfPrc__ after PrfPrc 
-* __NotPxSg2__ if no Sg2 
-* __PxSg2GenPo__ if in front of Po, after til verb
-* __PxSg3Loc__ after habitivconstruction
-* __atnitPx__ removes Px for for atnit muittus, gudnis, árvvus, čalmmis
-* Nouns: __PxSg3Acc__ if Sg3 or Sg to the left
-* Nouns: __PxSg3Acc__ if Sg3 or Sg to the left
-* Nouns: __PxSg3AccPrfPrc__ if PrfPrc and Sg3 to the left
-*  __PxSg3GenPo1__ in front of Po, to the left of the owner
-*  __PxSg3GenPo2__ in front of Po, to the left of the owner
-* __Genguossis__ is  selection Gen, not only with Px. The FAMILY-set would be better than Sem/Hum-tag, but there is often a propernoun connected to the noun. guossái and guossis should have Po analysis?
-* __GenNPFinal__ selects Gen as the modifier of a noun in the end of a sentence.
-* __PxSg3Nom__
-* __PxGenNorPo__  
-* __PxGenNum__  
-* __PxGenPr__  
-* __PXGenoaivai__  for oaivái Po, there could be more Po for this rule?
-* __PXAccCoor__  
-*  __PxSg3CC__ in coordination with the owner
-* __PxSgIllPx__  
-* __gaskaAcc__  
-We end section 2 by removing all remaining Px
-* __KillPx__ removes all remaining Px readings
-!!Section 3: Certain verb readings
-* __FinGoInf__ for  vai áigu go njulget.. Lene:  we don't need this
-verb or adv	
-* __NotVGenIfDer__ removes VGen if 0 = Der/Pass or Der...(r947)
-* __NotVGenIfDer__ removes VGen if 0 = Der/Pass or Der...(r947)
-!All imperatives
-For imperative disambiguation we need the following:
-Pick imperative contexts, and thereafter remove imperative.
-Such contexts are: Imperative verb sentence-initially with exclamation mark
-* __NotEmbeddedImprt__ removed Imprt after CS
-* __NotImprtWhenInd__ removes Imprt if part of an Ind domain
-* __NotImprtWhenIndCoor__ removes Imprt when coordination of an Ind domain - a very special case
-* __NotImprtIfAttrLeft__ removes Imprt after attribute
-* __NotImprtIfRel__ removes Imprt after Rel, unify this with other left context (r948)
-!Sg1 - early cycle, safe rules
-* __VSg1IfLeftMun__ selects Sg1 when "mun" is to the left (r949)
-* __VSG1IfRightMun__ selects Sg1 when "mun" is to the right (r950)
-!Sg2 - early cycle, safe rules
-* __VSG2IfLeftDon__ selects Sg2 when "don" is to the left (r951)
-* __VSG2IfRightDon__ selects Sg2 when "don" is to the right (r952)
-* __VInfIfAhte__ removes Inf if there is no other VFIN between BOS and "ahte" (r953)
-!Sg3 - early cycle, safe rules
-* __VSG3IfLeftSon__ selects Sg3 when "son" is to the left (r954)
-* __VSG3IfRithgSon__ selects Sg3 when "son" is to the right (r954)
-* __VNotSg3When12Left__ removes Sg3 if 12 Pron immediate left (r955)
-* __VNotSg3IfCom__ removes Sg3 in X with Y is... (r957)
-* __Sg3vdic__ selects Sg3 if VERBAL-ACTIVITY between comma and Nom
-* __NegSg3BeforeFoc__ selects Neg before Foc/ge or ConNeg (r959)
-* __vfin__ removes verb reading when the reading should be noun  
-Negative verb, not abbreviation or roman numeral Ii.
-!Du1 - early cycle, safe rules
-These Du1, Du2 rules are (almost) not in use in our corpus, but we keep them for completeness.
-* __VDu1IfMoaiLeft__ selects Du1 when "moai" left (r960)
-* __VDu1IfMoaiRight__ selects Du1 when "moai" right (r961)
-!Du2 - early cycle, safe rules
-The next two rules are not found in the corpus, but logically
-they belong, to cover the whole paradigm. There is no verb-internal
-homonymy here, but there is homonymy with e.g. Illative for certain verbs.
-* __VDu2IFDoaiLeft__ selects Du2 if "doai" to the left (r962)	 
-* __VDu2IFDoaiRight__ selects Du2 if "doai" to the right (r963)	 
-!Du3 - early cycle, safe rules
-The competitor to Du3 is -ba Foc.
-* __VDu3IfSoaiLeft__ selects Du3 when "soai" left (r964)
-* __VDu3IFSoaiLeft__ selects Du2 if "doai" to the right (r965)	 
-* __VDu3IfGuokteLeft__ selects Du3 if "guokte" left (r966) - 15
-* __VDu3IfGuokteRight__ removes Sg3 if "guokte" right and 0 Du3 (r967)
-* __VDu3IfNjaNLeft__ selects Du3 as verb with coordinated subject to the left (r968) - 43
-* __VDu3IfNjaNRight__ selects Du3 as verb with coordinated subject to the right (r969) - 12
-* __VDu3IfCollLeft__ hmm, remove this?
-!Pl1 - early cycle, safe rules
-The competitor here is obviously Inf, but also Pl3 and Prt Sg2.
-* __goasbeareInf__ goas beare Inf
-* __VPl1IfMiiLeft__ selects Pl1 if "mii" Pron to the left (r971) - 3163
-* __VPl1IfMiiRight__ selects Pl1 if "mii" Pron to the right (r972) - 272
-* __VPl1NotImprIfMiiLeft__ removes Imprt if if "mii" Pron to the left and 0 = "mii" (r973) - 557
-!Pl2 - early cycle, safe rules
-These rules are not used when disambiguating the corpus
-* __VPl2IfDiiLeft__ selects Pl2 if "dii" Pron to the left (r974) - 0
-* __VPl2IfDiiRight__ selects Pl2 if "dii" Pron to the right (r975) - 0
-!Pl3 - early cycle, safe rules
-* __r976__ SE V Pl1 if *-1 SII
-* __r977__ SE V Pl1 if *1 SII
-* __VPl3jaPl3__ selects Prt Pl3 in coordination (r978)
-The following two may be joined:
-* __VPl3IfPronRelLeft1__ selects Pl3 if -1 Rel is linked to -2 Pl (r979) - 7801
-* __VPl3IfPronRelLeft2__ selects Pl3 if -1 Rel is linked via COMMA to -3 Pl (r980) - 853
-* __VPl3IfCSLinkPl3Left__ selects Pl3 if -1 Rel is linked via COMMA to -3 Pl (r979) - 341
-The following two may be joined:
-* __r982__ removes Prt Sg2 if Pl3 subject - 6002
-* __r983__ removes Prt Sg2 if Pl3 subject via CS - 305
-* __VPl3Lookalikes__ removes "verbs" like "manne" and "dušše" (r984) - 274
-* __VSg3Lookalikes__ removes "verbs" like "skuvlii" 
-* __VPl3NotSg2BefPassive__ removes Sg2 for Pl3 and Inf before passive (r985)
-* __EssNotV__ selects Ess instead of VFIN
-* __PrsPrc__ selects PrsPrc if coordinated with A - 10
-Early rule since many PrsPrc readings are removed later.
-OBS: denne er ikke helt bra
-* Actio Gen
-* __ENInf1__ 
-* __ENInf2__ selects Inf (NOTE, this was further down in sme-dis)
-We don't need more Px sections, it's done alrady
-!!Noun, adjectiv, PrsPrc or not?
-* __NnotAcoord__ removes A instead of N (earlier: selects N instead of A), based on coordination with N, and a vfin-verb
-* __NPlbeforeRel, NSgbeforeRel__ select N in front of Rel and MO
-!!Adjectives and adverbs
-!Adv or not?
-maid has many readings and as Rel it is a member of S-BOUNDARY. Therefore we need to disambiguate is early in this file. Most important is to select Adv. Because of that A ang N still can have Vfin readings, it is difficult to make very general rules.
-* __vaikkomii__
-* __Interj__ or not
-* __maidAdv1__ selects maid Adv when there is no vfin to the right.
-* __maidAdv2__ selects maid Adv copulas and PrfPrc or Actio Ess. We need this rule because of that there can be an Inf to the right which also has Vfin reading.
-* __maidAdv3__ selects maid Adv even if there is a vfin to the right.
-* __maidAdv4__ selects maid Adv between two verbs or the verb after is IV
-* __maidAdv5__ selects maid Adv in front of Comp which at this stage can have vfin analysis.
-* __maidAdv6__ selects maid Adv between copulas Pl3 and N Pl.
-* __maidAdv7__ in a special construction with geahččat
-* __maidAdv8__ selects maid Adv after a Pers
-* __maidAdv9__ selects maid Adv even 
-* __maidAdv10__ selects maid Adv iežas 
-* __maidAdv11__ selects maid Adv iežas 
-* __KillmaidAdv__ removed the remaining maid Adv
-The following two rules are omitted. They only inflect on the disambiguation of mat pcle, a wackernagel, which is done in the rule over here, I think.
-* __olluNom__ 
-* __olluAdv__
-* __jogoAdv__ jogo and juoga as adverbs
-* __AdvPx__ selects Adv Px instead of N Px
-* __AdvwhenAPl__ selects A Pl instead of Adv
-!!Disambiguating abbreviations
-* __AttrABBRNum__
-!!Disambiguating particles
-* __sonPcle__ selects son Pcle, the remaining Pcle are removed
-!!Disambiguating clitics
-!!Disambiguating numerals
-!!Disambiguating adpositions
-* __caddaN__ if čađa and movement-v
-Commented out som adp-rules we don't need anymore:
-* __geahcaiPP__ not geahččat V
-* __guovddasPP__ or not 
-* __madePo__ after Num Gen
-* __NumMade__ Num before mađe
-* "miehtá" is also VFIN, and miehtá needs special treatment 
-** __miehtaPo__ after place or time Gen
-** __miehtaPr__ before place or time Gen
-* __oidnosisAdv__
-* "ovddas" has many readings and needs special treatment 
-** __ovddasPo__  - commented out because we don't need it
-* special rules for rastá because it often is Adv, and it can be an object connected to the PP
-** __rastaAdv__  čuohppat/časkit/sahet rastá
-** __rastaPo, rastaPr__  fievrridit olbmo man nu rastá
-** __rastaPr__  rastá ráji/rájá
-* __birraPo, birraPr__ special rules for birra because it often is Adv, and it can be an object connected to the PP
-* "vuostá" has many readings and needs special treatment 
-** __vuostaAdv__  váldit vuostá/vuostái
-** __vuostaPr__  váldit vuostá/vuostái	
-* vuollel ja badjel as Adv in front of Num
-!LIST LG-MATERIAL = Inf Adv Nom ;
-* __gaskasPosticky, gaskasPrsticky__ selects Po after coordinating language materials
-* __PoParantes__ selects Po after paranteces
-* __PoNomCompl__ removes Po if no possible complement to the left
-* __PoMeasure__ removes Po when MEASURE to the left
-* __PrGen1__ selects Pr
-* __PrGen2__ selects Pr
-* __PrNoCompl__ removes Pr if no complement to the right	
-* __PoGen__ selects Po
-!Diambiguation  Noun vs. Po or Pr:
-* __vuollaiPo__ selects
-* __beallaiPo__ selects
-* __ovdalPr__ selects
-* __gaskanPo__ selects
-* __gaskkasPo__ selects
-* __ovddasPo1__ selects
-* __ovddasPo2__ selects
-* __ovddasPo3__ 	selects
-* __ovddasPocoord__ selects
-* __NwhenPo__ removes N if Po
-* __VwhenPo__ removes V if Po
-!!Some particular subjunctions and Neg Sup
-* __amasCS__ selects CS, not A or Neg Sup
-* __amasA__ selects A, not CS or Neg Sup
-* __amasNegSup__ selects Neg Sup, not CS or A
-* __amatNegSup__ selects Neg Sup, not CS
-* __dasgoCS__ selects CS, not Qst
-* Removes __vaikkoAdv__ , it is always CS because of abbr: "vaikko_mii" Pron Indef
-!!go as CS and Qst Pcle
-First select all "go" Qst Pcle, then remove them so the rest will be "go" CS
-* __standQst__ selects Pcle in standard questions
-* __standQst__ selects Pcle in standard questions without question mark
-* __objQst__ selects Pcle in questions which function as object in the clause
-* __objQst2__ selects Pcle in standard questions where an object follows VFIN
-* __subQst__ selects Pcle in questions as subordinated clause
-* __vaiQst__ selects Pcle in questions with vai
-* __auxQst__ selects Pcle in questions as subordinated clause, starting with AUX
-* __refQst__ selects Pcle in two main clauses, the first one a question which is referred to in the second.
-* __nounQst__ selects Pcle for go after NP
-* __poQst__ selects Pcle for go after Po
-* __AdvQst__ selects Pcle for go after WORD
-* __killPcle__ removes all remaining Pcle for go 
-!!Some particular subjunctions
-!!Adverb rules
-First map all COMP-CS<, then remove the other readings
-* __compInf__ Inf go Inf
-* __ComptimeAdvl__ buoret go ovdal
-* __ComptimeAdvl__ ii nu ollu go dál
-* __Compadvlcase__ eará sivas go fuorrávuođas
-* __CompNumP__ uhcit go njealji stivrralahtu doarjagiin
-* __CompEanet__ dohko eanet go 
-* __Compvejolas__ go vejolaš
-* __compNomHead__ NP-HEAD-NOM (ADVL) go NP-HEAD-NOM (ADVL). VFIN-NOT-IMPRT pga manglende disamgiguering
-* __CompNomHead__ Comp NP-HEAD-NOM leat go NP-HEAD-NOM  
-* __compMisc__ go geassebuođut, go dán áigge
-* __Compdego__ dego @COMP-CS<
-* __compAccdego__ Acc dego Acc
-* __compAccgo__ Acc go Acc
-* __compNum__ TRANS-V eambbo go Num  
-* __compCoord__ coordination	
-* __compCoordAttr__ coordination again, now with Attr. Speacial rule because of that Attr also has other readings.	
-* __compInf__ 
-* __compInfCoor__ 
-* __killAllnotComp__ Removes analysis which are not @COMP-CS<
-** ''This was the kill all not Comp rule!!''
-* __goCSbeforeComp__ Selects CS analysis in front of @COMP-CS<
-* __ACompgo__ Selects Comp analysis in front of go and @COMP-CS<
-Mostly we map both @CNP and @CVP, then we select @CNP, after that we remove them so @CVP remains
-* __cnpCompSC__ Map @CNP if @COMP-CS< or COMPAR ahte
-* __cnpCompSpec__ special rule because of PrfPrc = VFIN
-* __CSasCNPCVP__ Map some CSs both @CNP @CVP
-* __CSasCVP__ Map @CVP to CS
-* __CCasCNPCVP__ Map (@CNP @CVP) to CC
-* __ahteCNP__ ahte CC @CNP, remove the rest
-* __killAllahtenotCS__ All other occurrences of "ahte" are CSs.
-* __vaiCCCNP__ vai as CC or CS
-* __vaiCC__ remove vai as CC 
-* __vaiCCNegQst1__ vai CC @CVP before Neg or question
-* __vaiCCNegQst2__ vai CC @CNP in question about two alternatives
-* __vaiCCPrfPrcInfQst__ vai CC @CNP in question about two alternatives
-* __killAllvainotCSCVP__ Select all vai CS @CVP	
-* __dadeCNP__ removes dađe @CNP, so @CVP remains
-* __CVPNPron__ No finite verb or verbalactivity in front N/Pron @CNP N/Pron	
-* __CVPnoVfin__ No potential finite verb following
-* __CVPnoVfin__ Infitive following
-* __CVPInfInf__ between to Inf
-* __CVPAdvAdv__ between to Adv
-* __CVPActioNom__ 
-* __CVPnoVfinAdvl__ No finite verb in front ADVLCASE @CNP ADVLCASE	
-* __CVPAdvNom__ Nom @CNP Adv Nom	
-* __CVPCopNomInf__ COPULAS Nom @CNP Nom Inf	
- *__CVPoppramsing__ Lásse, Iŋgá ja mun
-*__CVPRCmpnd__ RCmpnd @CNP
-* __CVPwrongCmpnd__ wrongly formatted compounds
-* __CVPAAttr__ A Attr @CNP A Attr	
-* __CVPA__ A @CNP A 	
-* __CVPAccAdv__ Acc @CNP Adv Acc	
-* __killAllCNP__ removes all remaining @CNP
-* __XCC-CS__ removes CC and CS with no synttag
-* __PlSg3V__ removes plural in front of Sg3 verb (and __SgPl3V__ does the opposite)
-!!Interrogative and relative pronouns
-* __Interr__ selects interrogative pronouns in questions
-* __InterrIfPot__ selects interrogative pronouns in potential sentences, and after that we remove the remaining Interr
-* __munPl3__ removes Pron Pers Pl3 if there is no verb agreement
-* __Rel__ selects Rel
-* __RelSg1, RelSg2__ select Rel
-* __RelPl__ selects Rel
-* __RelPl__ removes Rel
-!!Emphatic ieš     
-* __ies1Pl, ies2Pl__ select Pl for ieža
-* __iesDu__ select Pl for ieža
-* __NifNum__ 
-* __AdvOvtta__ 
-* __AdvNumEss__ 
-* __NumCurrency__ Selects Num
-* __NumNomJahki__ Selects (Num Nom) 
-* __NumDassa__ Selects (Num Nom)
-* __NumAccCurrency__ Selects (Num Acc)	
-* __NumNom__ Selects (Num Nom) 
-* __NumNomCoord__ Selects (Num Nom) 
-* __r1082__ Selects (Num Nom) 
-* __year__ Selects (Num Gen)
-* __numunit__ Selects (Num Gen) + NUMUNIT 
-* __NumGenPo__ Selects Gen if you are Num and there is a Gen following the first Gen to the right ''gávcci máná njuni ovddas'' 
-* __WWNumOrdIllAttr__ selects Ill Attr and Loc Attr for numerals and ordinals
-!!Indefinite pronouns
-The rules are not documented yet
-* __IndefAttr1__ Selects (Indef Attr) 	
-* __IndefAttr2__ Selects (Indef Attr) 
-* __IndefAttr3__ Selects (Indef Attr)
-* __NoAttr__ Removes Attr if you are Pron and first one to your right is (Pron Rel)	
-* __NoIndefAttr__ Removes (Indef Attr) if first one to the right is (Pron Pers Loc)
-* __NoIndefGen__ Removes (Pron Gen Indef) or (Pron Acc Indef) if intransitive mainverb to the left and end of sentence to the right ''muhto gávdnojit maid eará''
-* __IndefAttr4__ Selects Indef if you are Interr, and to the left is ''jus''
-* __AttrBuot__ IFF-rule
-* __IndefNom__ Selects (Pron Indef Nom) if you are BUOT and first one to the right is PL3-V 	
-* __IndefNom2__ Selects Indef Nom if you are BUOT and there is no transitive verb to your left or roght in the clause
-* __miiIndef__ it vaikko mii or mii beare
-!!Demonstrative pronouns - should have a look at these
-* __DemPlIll__ removes Dem Ill and Dem Loc in front of Acc
-* __DemSgNom__ selects Dem Nom Sg if VFIN Sg3
-* __DemIndefAttr__ selects Dem in front of Indef Attr, no verb to the left
-* __DemGenSeammas__ selects dat Dem Gen in front seammás
-* __DemSg__ removes Dem Sg when there is no Sg N to the right
-* __datPersSg3__ selects dat Pers Sg3 when there is no N to the right
-* __PersNRel__ selects Pers Sg3 when there is a N and a Rel to the right
-* __DemMeasure__ removes Dem in front of a Num and MEASURE or NUMUNIT in Ill
-!!Disambiguating adjectives 
-!Rules related to specific adjectives
-* jagáš
-* boaris A or N
-* dáláš
-* dološ 
-* garra N vs. garas A
-* nanus
-* nuorra (vs. nuorrat V)
-* sierra
-* surgat
-* veara
-* __vulitAttr__
-* __Comp__ rules select Comp A
-!Attribute disambiguation
-* __AttrVFIN__ removes Attr in front of VFIN
-* __AttrnotNA__ removes Attr when no N or A to the right
-* __ANomILLA__ selects Nom when ILL-A	
-!Rules for Attr between Dem and N
-* __AAttrDemSg1, AAttrDemPl1__ 
-* __AAttrDemSg2, AAttrDemPl2__ 
-* __AAttrDemSg3, AAttrDemPl3__ 
-* __AAttrDemSgIll, AAttrDemPlIll__ 
-* __AAttrDemSgLoc, AAttrDemPlLoc__ 
-* __AAttrDemComPl__ 
-* __AAttrDemdakkar__ 
-!Other attribute rules 
-* Not attribute in front of Ess: dovddus sánálaš nissonin
-* __AAttrN__ no copulas close to the left
-* __AAttrCop__  copulas close to the left
-* __AttrPlacelaš__ This rule selects Sem/Plc Der/laš A Attr in front of Prop or N
-* __AdvManimus__ 
-* __AttrIllCop__ 
-* __AttrAdv__ 
-* __ANom__  removes A Nom
-* __AAttr__  selects A Attr
-* __AdvN__ removes Adv   
-* __AAttrPunct__    
-* __AAttrgoAAttr__    
-* __AttrTIME__    
-* __AAttrCoord1__ coordination, first part
-* __AAttrCoord2__ coordination, first part
-* __PrfPrcCoordA__ selects PrfPrc in coordination with an A
-* __ACoordPrfPrc__ selects A itn coordination with PrfPrc 
-* __AAttrContra__ selects A itn coordination with PrfPrc 
-!Special rules for 'buorre' (the only adjective showing case agreement)
-This block of rules is there to ensure case agreement for comparatives.
-* Select Pl Nom if V Pl3
-* Remove Nom, Acc and Gen if Comp
-!alit vs. allat Comp Attr
-* __allat__ in front of ALLAT OR MONEY OR EDUCATION OR go
-* __alitColour__ in coordination with COLOUR
-* __alitN__ in front of VEHICLE, CLOTHES, BEDCLOTHES, BUILDING and more
-* __alitEOS__ in the end of a sentence
-* __APlNomafterCop__ selects A Pl Nom after copulas and Pl Nom OR Pl Pron
-* __APlNomafterCop2__ selects A Pl Nom after copulas and Pl Nom OR Pl Pron
-* __APlNomafterDu__ selects A Pl Nom after copulas and Du
-* __ASgNomNoSubj__ selects A Sg Nom after copulas Sg3 or Neg Sg3
-* __ASgNomafterCop__ selects A Sg Nom after copulas and Sg Nom, not so strong constraint for the target
-* __ASgNomEssCopNeg__ selects A Sg Nom after copulas Sg3 or Neg Sg3s, 
-* dsfa
-* __AcompGo__ Selects (A Comp Nom) even if there is no verb (ellipse)
-* __Wr1775xc__ Selects (A Sg Nom) if you are (N Sg Loc), Der/NomAg or (N* A). Copulas is to the left. EOS or CLB is to the right
-* __Wr1776xc__ selects (A Sg Nom) 
-!!And now some rules for adverbs that modify adjectives
-!!Proper nouns
-!!Disambiguating verbs - part 1 
-First ConNeg forms, they are dependent upon Neg verbs. Then Imperative 
-(with their special syntax), infinitive, and other infinite forms. 
-Person comes later (in part 2)
-!!ConNeg forms
-Number following the rule headers below refer to numbers of hit in a 13 053 859 word corpus.
-* __ConNegImp__ selects ConNeg Imprt if Neg Imprt to the left. - 4265
-* __PrfPrcConNeg__  to ConNeg Aux after PrfPrc
-* __ConNegIfNeg__ selects Ind ConNeg if Neg Ind to the left. This is the main (and common) ConNeg rule. - 660327
-* __ConNegPrt__ selects Prt if Prt to the left
-* __ConNegCondIfNeg__ selects Cond ConNeg if Neg Cond to the left. Less used, obviously. - 0 - homonymi?
-* __ConNegPrfPrc__ selects ConNeg for leat when topicalised PrfPrc between Neg and leat - 713
-* __ConNegImpCC__ catches the second ConNeg in cases like don't smile or laugh - 0
-* __ConNegIndCC__ catches the second ConNeg in cases like doesn't smile or laugh - 369
-* __NotConNegIfNotNeg__ removes ConNeg if no Neg to the left. Consider unifying with NotConNegNotNeg. - 1094269
-* __NotConNegNotNeg__ removes remaining ConNegs whenever no Neg to the left. - 5862
-See also ''Imprt or Ind'' some sections down.
-* __PassLNotImprt__ removes Imprt when passive (sentence-initial, hence important)
-* __ImprtLeat__ says BOS Leat A is Imprt - 575
-* __ImprtDál__ 
-* __SelImprtExcl__ selects initial Imprt when excl mark 
-* __ImprtComma__ 
-* __ImprtNotVGen__
-* __NotImprtInd__ 
-* __NotImprtConNeg__ 
-* __NotImprtA__ 
-* __NotImprtN__ 
-* __NotImprtVFIN__ 
-* __NotImprtSlash__ 
-* __NotImprtGo__ 
-* bearrat TV or berret IV - berret is aux
-* __r2974__ was moved up to select PL3-V after N Pl, might be relaxed to REMOVE Inf
-* __r2976__ was moved up to select PL3-V after N Pl, might be relaxed to REMOVE Inf
-* __r1809__ Not Pl1 (but Inf) if VFIN to the left, This is the basic Inf rule.
-* __r1812__ 
-* __InfCompCs__ 
-* __r1811__ 
-* __EssInf__
-Rules that prevent later selection of Inf for a finite verb in the frame 			
-* __r1816__ 
-* __r1818__ 
-* __r1819__ 
-* __r1820__ 
-* __r1821__ 
-* __r1823__ 
-* __r1824__ 
-* __r1825__ 
-* __r1827__ 
-* __r1828__ 
-* __VGen__ is typo
-* __VGen__ selects VGen after VGEN-V-TRIGGER-verb
-* __Gen2__	selects VGen after after gaskan and lahka
-* __VGen3__ selects VGen after copulas
-* __VGen4__
-* __KillAllVGen__ removes all VGen (r1842)
-!!Supinum vs. potential -- no example found in large corpus
-!!Perfect Participle
-* __r1844__ removes PrfPrc if 0 is the second N in an N and ... N construction
-* __r1844__ removes PrfPrc if 0 is the second N in an N and Gen ... N construction (this is marginal)
-* __PrfPrc_Ess__ removes N Ess if 0 PrfPrc
-* __r1852__ selects PrfPrc if copula to the left
-* __r1853__ selects PrfPrc if Rel to the left which again is linked to copula
-!Topicalized version
-the following chapter should be possible to unify.
-* __r1855__ selects PrfPrc if Nom to the left linked to copula
-* __r1857__ selects PrfPrc if Acc to the left linked to copula
-* __r1858__ selects PrfPrc if NP head to the left linked to copula
-* __r1857__ selects PrfPrc if copula to the left
-* __r1861__ selects PrfPrc if VFIN to the left
-* __r3576__ selects PrfPrc if Acc to the left linked to activity verb
-* __r1863__ is the mannan vahkku rule
-!!Present participle
-*orrut vs. orrot) 
-!!Rules for "addit" (which is an adjective, but more often a verb)
-!!Actio Loc = N Loc
-* __ActioLoc__ is an IFF rule, we also need rule for 'leat', like in lea go bieru oastimis
-!!Actio Nom = Ess
-!!Imprt or Ind
-* __removeAllImp__
-!!Nouns or verbs
-The rules are no documented yet
-* __VFINAttr__
-* __NPlbuorit__  
-* __ActioEssNum__	
-* __ActEssIfSensationv__	
-* __NoActorIfSg3__
-* __GenIfPo__
-!!Demonstrative pronouns, agreement in DP - should it be moved to after verbmappings? 
-The rules are no documented yet
-* __DemAttr__
-* __IndefAgree__ guhtege goappašat iešguhtege guhte
-* __DemCASEPl__
-* __DemCASESg__
-* __DemAttrNum__
-* __DemAcc__
-* __DemAttr__
-!!Verbs as predicatives (@SPRED>) and (@<OPRED) 
-!The tags (@SPRED>) and (@<OPRED) target  PrfPrc
-The rules are no documented yet
-* __spredPrfPrc__ Buressivdniduvvon lehkos (topicalised PrfPrc) -- was r494
-* __opredPrfPrc__	
-* __opredPrfPrc__
-!!Passive verbs often have 
-!!Verbs as prenominal participles (@>N):
-* Some verbs will not be @>N
-* __NPrfPrc1__ with 1C N Nom
-* __NPrfPrc2__ with -1C Dem or Num or Attr or Indef
-* __NPrfPrc3__ with PrfPrc or ConNeg to the left, the N can be different cases
-* __NPrfPrc4__ mannat in front of TIME
-* __NPrfPrcPr__ after Pr 
-* __NPrfPrcPo__ before Po
-* __NPrfPrcGen__ after Gen
-* __NPrfPrc6__ the verb can be to the right
-* __NPrfPrc7__ Der/Pass, no TIME to the right
-* __NPrfPrcCoor__ coordination
-!(@+FAUXV) and (@+FMAINV) target Neg, orrut
-* __+FAUXVNeg__
-* __+FMAINVorrut__ finite orrut
-* __FAUXVorrut__ finite orrut
-* __FAUXVorrut__ infinite orrut
-!(@<SUBJ)  target Inf
-* __<SUBJInf2__
-* __r354__
-* __<SUBJInf3__
-* __<SUBJInf4__
-* __<SUBJInf5__
-* __<SUBJInf6__
-* __SUBJ>Inf__
-!(@<SPRED)  target Inf
-!(@<ADVL)  target Inf, Actio Ess
-!@-F<OBJ  target Inf 
-!(@A<)  target Inf 	
-* __AInf__ Inf 	
-* __r368__	
-!(@N<)  target Inf, Actio Ess
-* __N<Infcoor__
-!(@<ADVL)  target Inf, Actio Ess
-* __ADVLActioEss__ Inf 		
-!(@<OBJ)  target Inf, Actio Ess, PrfPrc 
-* __OBJActioEss__ Inf 		
-* __OBJPrfPrc__ PrfPrc 			
-!(@+FMAINV) and (@+FAUXV) and (@-FAUXV)
-* __+FMAINVaux__ AUX-OR-MAIN verbs     
-* __+FMAINVcop__ COPULAS verbs     
-* __+FAUXVaux__ AUX  verbs     
-* __+FAUXVboahtit__ boahtit as AUX      
-* __-FAUXVaux__ AUX verbs     
-* __+FMAINVcopInfconstr__ leat before Inf     
-* __+FAUXVCop__  copulas coming before the mainverb
-* __+FAUXVCop__  copulas coming before the mainverb, relative clause inbetween
-* __+FMAINVcopMannan__  leat before mannan TIME     
-* __+FMAINVHabconstr__  in habitive constructions    
-* __+FMAINVCoopCoord__ coordination  
-* __+FAUXVleat__  
-* __+FMAINVAux1__  
-* __-FMAINVAux2__  
-* __+FAUXVCop__  copulas coming after the mainverb
-* __+FAUXVboahtit__  boahtit coming before the mainverb
-* __+FMAINVCop__  copulas 	
-* __+FMAINV__  to the remaining finite verbs which are not AUX    
-* __+FMAINV__  to finite verb after mainverb
-!(@-FMAINV) and (@-FAUXV)
-* __-FAUXVConNegCop__  to ConNeg COPULAS   
-* __-FAUXVConNegAux__  to ConNeg AUX-OR-MAIN   
-* __-FAUXVConNegAux__  to ConNeg AUX   
-* __-FMAINVConNeg__  to ConNeg   
-* __-FMAINVConNeg__  to ConNeg
-* __-FMAINVConNeg__  to ConNeg Aux after PrfPrc
-* __-FMAINVConNegCop__  to ConNeg COPULAS   
-* __-FAUXVPrfPrcAux__  to PrfPrc AUX  before Inf or Actio Ess
-* __-FMAINVPrfPrc__  to PrfPrc 
-* __-FMAINVPrfPrcEss__  to PrfPrc before Ess
-* __-FMAINVPrfPrcleat__  to PrfPrc leat
-* __-FMAINVPrfPrcafterAuxAux__  to PrfPrc after two Auxs
-* __-FMAINVPrfPrccoord__  to PrfPrc coordination	
-* __-FMAINVPrfPrccoord__  to PrfPrc coordination	
-* __-FMAINVPrfbeforeAux__  to PrfPrc before the Aux	
-* __-FMAINVPrfafterMan__  to PrfPrc before the Aux	
-* __-FMAINVInf__  to Inf
-* __-FMAUXVActioEss__  to Actio Ess
-* __-FMAINVActioEss__  to Actio Ess
-* __-FMAINVSup__  to Sup
-* __+FAUXV__ to  Aux
-* __NPrsPrc1__ with 1C N Nom
-* __ActioNom__ with 1C N Nom
-* __<ADVLVAbess__ VAbess ADVL
-* __<ADVLVGen__ VGen ADVL
-* __ADVL>VGen__ VGen ADVL
-* __<ADVLGer__ Gerundium ADVL
-* __ADVLGer>__
-* __-FMAINVLoc__ Actio Loc
-* __>AActioGen__ Actio Gen
-!And then we remove the verbs which didn't get any syntactic tag, in favour of verbs with syntactic tags.
-* __realverbX__
-* __NomActLocX__
-* __NomActX__ removes other readings when PrfPrc Or Actio Ess
-* __IfonlyVerb__ selects the FMAINV reading in the cohort
-* __IfonlyConNeg__ ConNeg if it is @-FMAINV or @-FAUXV
-!__killifVinCohort__ This rule removes all other readings, if there is a mapped V reading in the same cohort. Every case which this goes wrong, should be fixed in mapping rules or previous disrules.
-* __TEST__ selects some infinte verb readings in the cohort
-* __X__
-!Substitute-rule __TV-IV__ for verbs which are both IV AUX and TV main verb: lávet and sáhttit
-* __TV-IV__
-!!Num as subject, tricky cases - the rule should be here because of the verbdisambiguation
-* __DiminNomPxSg1__	
-!!Secure rules for choosing Acc
-* __PGenN__ selects Gen when (Pron Pers) to the left and N to the right ''mu sámevuođa iđuid''
-* __CoGen1__ (quite strict) selects the first of coordinated genitives ''riikkaid, čearuid ja boazoorohagaid ovttasbarggu''
-! Semantihkka: Choosing accusative or genitive semantically
-* __vuoiAcc__ selects accusative if ''vuoi'' or ''vuoi surgat'' to the left 
-* __SEMnotPossessor__ Removes Gen if you are not a possible possessor (a human) # HAB-ACTOR
-* __SEMnotHUM__ removes Gen. This is when an NP is thought to be the OBJ, because it's not in the human sets and to the right is NON-FAMILY ''njálgáid mánáide''. 
-* __SEMXr2066__ Removes Gen if there is a human or org to the right, exeption for ''čállingiela áhčči'' and so on
-* __SEMgenEss__ Removes Acc if there is Gen + Ess, like ''dálu eamidin''
-* __SEMXxr2071__ Removes Gen: Nobody can possess a Proper name? Except from (Pron Pers) and FIRSTNAME
-* __SEMXxPropOrg__ Removes Gen: Who can possess Prop Sem/Org?    
-* __SEMdep__ Select Gen if main-organization in front of department   
-* __SEMorghum__ select gen if organization or education in front of human   
-* __SEMXr2073__ Remove Gen: Accusative in front of a human group ''loktema sámiid buorrin''
-* __SEMr2074__ Selects Gen in front of HUMAN-GROUP
- * __SEMactor__ Select Gen in front of ABSTRACT and RIEKTEDILLI ''unnitlogu oaidninčiegas''
-* __SEMXr2076__ Selects Gen if you are HUMAN or Pron with an ABSTRACT to your right ''iežaset vuoigatvuođa''
-* __SEMyouareNom__ Removes Gen and Acc when 0 FAMILY or PROFESSION because you are Nom. Not if -1 Num and VFIN is LEAT or IV ''Oahpai go Sire sámegiela''
-* __SEMyouareGen__ Removes Nom if movement verb to the left and illative to the right, because you are the modifier of Ill ''mannat Madame Tussaud kabinehttii''
-* __SEMnotNom__ Removes Nom if a Nom to the right followed by a transitive verb. 0 is animate and to the right is Ill. You are the modifier of Ill
-* __SEMXxr2081__ Removes Gen if NATION or POLITICAL-PLACE are to your right ''dilálašvuođaid sámi''
-* __SEMr2082__ Selects Gen if you are LANGUAGE, giellanjuolggadus or giellaláhka in Acc-case and to your right is SAPMI-N-HEAD ''sámegiela hálddašanguovlun''
-* __SEMr2084__ Selects Gen for ''hálddašanguovllu suohkanat/gielddat''
-* __SEMguovttis__ selects genitive in front of guovttos and guovttis
-* __SEMXr2087__ selects Gen if you are a Prop/Plc followed by "gielda" or "suohkan"
-* __SEMXr2087__ Selects Gen if you have "eana" or "guovu" immediately to your right ''Gomorra eatnamii''
-* __SEMhumgroup__ , tja
-* __SEMplcGen_a__ Selects Gen if you are GEOGRAPHICAL-PLACE or (Prop Sem/Plc) in front of PLACE-ADV ''Finnmárkku máttabealde''
-* __SEMplcGen_b__ Selects Gen if you are GEOGRAPHICAL-PLACE or (Prop Sem/Plc) after a PLACE-ADV
-* __SEMplcGen2__ Removes Gen in front of a GENERAL-PLACE or POLITICAL-PLACE, if you are a noun ''bidjen hildu sadjásis'' 
-* __SEMplcGen3__ Removes Gen in front of GENERAL-PLACE or POLITICAL-PLACE, if you are ABSTR-TEXT or TEXT ''cealkámušaid guovlluid dearvvašvuođafitnodagaid jahkedieđáhusain''
-* __SEMXr2079__ Removes Gen if you are Acc in front of MANNU ''guđii virggi skábmanánu 1. b.''
-* __SEMxhab__ Selects Acc if COPULAS to the left of HAB-ACTOR ''lea min''
-* __SEMxboaris__ Selects Gen if you are ''boaris'' in front of SAPMI-N-HEAD or SAPMI-PROP-HEAD ''sii dolvo áhku boarrásiid siidii''
-* __EMeallimamuorra__ Selects Gen eallima muorra
-* __ACRGen__ Selects genitive: NRK Sápmi
-* __ACRAttr__ Selects genitive: IL Nordlys
-* __SEMXxr2093__ Selects accusative: if váldit to the left and mielde to the right: ''váldit mielde''
-* __SEMXr2096__ Removes genitive: because Accusative in front of an organization
-* __SEMGenORG__ selects Gen (modifier): in front of an organization ''Stáhta Oahpahuskantuvra''
-* __SEMgen1__ removes Acc if buot, gait or buohkat in front of a genitive, followed by a plural noun ''buot Norlándda ohppiid''
-* __SEMgen2__ removes Acc if bargat or dihte are FMAINV or Inf and are found somewhere to the left of a Gen, which is followed by a noun ''bargame boazodoallolága ođastemiin''
-* __SEMXr2103__ Selects accusative: OASSI is usually accusative ''hálddaša stuora oasi''
-* __SEMXxr2104__ Selects accusative: if WRITING-ACTIVITY-V to the left and you are a TEXT ''čállá vaidaga''
-* __SEMXxacc__Removes accusative: if WRITING-ACTIVITY-V to the left and a noun to the right ''čállit Norgga vásáhusaid''
-* __SEMXxOrgRep__ Selects genitive: An organization´s representative ''Sámiráđi ovdaolmmoš''
-* __SEMxr2107__ Acc if *-1 fáktemuš
-* __SEMXxr2108__ Selects genitive if you are SAPMI with an Acc/Gen immediately to your left and a noun immediately to your right ''girji sámi áššiid (birra)''
-* __SEMsapmiModifier__ Selects genitive (modifier): Sámi, suoma or ruoŧa  as modifier of noun ''sámi oahpahus''
-* __SEMsapmiModifier2__ Select genitive (modifier): Sámi, suoma or ruoŧa on both sides of CNP as modifier of noun ''Suoma ja Ruošša soahti''
-* __SEMdazaModifier__ Selects genitive (modifier): dáža, indiána, maya-indiána or romer  as modifier of noun ''dáža oahpahus''
-* __SEMXr2115__ Selects genitive (modifier) in front of a lahka-noun ''spábbačiekčanlága vuoigatvuohta''
-* __SEMXr2116__ Selects genitive (modifier) if you are LAHKA OR ORGANIZATION followed by mannu, day and numerals..
-* __SEMtext__ (modifier) selects genitive (modifier) if you are a TEXT in front of KLASS ''doalloplána čuoggái''
-*  __SEMgiella1__ (modifier) selects Gen if you are a LANGUAGE in front of LESSON or SATNI ''sámegiela oahpahusa''
-* __SEMsamegiella__ selects Gen for LANGUAGE if *1 is LESSON 
-* __SEMlang__ removes Gen if LANGUAGE is to the right, but not if you are ACTOR-ROLE and so on ''oahpponeavvuid sámegillii'' 
-* __SEMlang2__ Gen if you are LANGUAGE with 1 N: You are only a modifier in a sentence with a TV-verb, if there is an Acc or Com between you, or if the Obj is topicalized ''ráhkadii sámegiela Áppesa''
-* __SEMgiella2__ Gen if you are Pron followed by giella ''iežas giella''
-* __SEMstahta1__ Gen if 0 stáhta 1 org etc.
-* __SEMfylka1__ Gen if you are FYLKA followed by fylka ''Romssa fylkkasuohkan''
-* __SEMfylka2__ Gen if you are FYLKA, then "ja" to the right followed by FYLKA ''Finnmárkku ja Romssa fylkkagielddaide''
-* __SEMfylka3__ Gen if FYLKA and some place or org to the right ''Finnmárkku ássiide''
-!Other genitive rules
-* __topGEN__ Selects Gen if sentence intitial. To the right a Prf Prc that modifies nominative ''Stáhta nammadan láhtu''
-* __NomQst__ Selects Nom in a Qst-sentence. To the left is Nom and leat with a Qst-particle ''Leat go álbmotmeahcit veahkaváldi''
-*__Genlassin__ Selects Gen if first one to the right is lassin ''bargostipeanddaid lassin''
-*__lassinIll__ Selects Ill if first one to the left is lassin ''lassin Sarai''
-!Gen and preposition/postposition
-* __GenAPP__ Selects genitive when a preposition to the left, or when a postposition to the right ''rastá riikarájiid''
-* __NomIfPo__ removes Nom if sentence initial, because it modifies Gen
-* __GenPoCoordPunct__ Selects genitive for coordinated postpositions: with PUNKT to the left 
-* __GenPoCoord__ Selects genitive for coordinated postpositions ''ráŋggáštusa ja buhtadusa hárrái''
-* __GenGenPo__ (modifies pp-phrase) selects Gen in front of postposition-phrase ''álgojagiid soađi maŋŋá''
-* __GenORG__ (modifies Loc) selects Gen if you are MAIN-ORGANIZATION and to your right is Loc ''dearvvašvuođafitnodagaid jahkedieđáhusain''
-* __SEMnom__ (modifies Nom) removes Acc if sentence boundary or adv to the left. To the right is Nom followed by a transitive verb and Acc ''stálu beana njoallu háviid''
-* __deaivatGenlusa__ selects genitive when used like deaivat Gen lusa/lahkosii even if the verb deaivat belongs to the strict TV set.
-!Genitive in place adverbials ROUTE
-* __GenPlc__ Selects genitive if you are ROUTE, and there is a MOVEMENT-V to your left or right ''boahtiba dán geainnu''
-* Selects accusative if you are ROUTE, and the verb čuovvut to the left. 
-* __ruovttoluottaAdv__
-!Adjectives take object
-!Temporal adverbials: Choosing accusative or genitive TIME
-* __GenMannuOrdRight__ selects Gen if you are mannu and to your right is A Ord ''miessemánu 10.''
-* __GenMannuOrdLeft__ selects Gen if you are mannu, to your left is Ord and to your right is a numeral
-* __JahkeNumNom__ selects Nom if you are Num, to your left is beaivi, then ord/Num and then mannu ''borgemánu 1. b. 1891''
-* __GenBoahtte__ selects Gen if you are time, to your left is boahtte, boahtit, čuovvovaš or ovddit
-* __TIMEobs__ selects Gen if you are time, and to your right is an intransitive real-verb. No adverbials allowed to the right ''vuolggán bearjadaga''
-* __GenGuhte__ selects Gen if you are vahkku with guhte to your left ''guđe beaivvi''
-* __Nom_b_1__ selects Nom if you are b/beaivi with a numeral/Ord to your left and a mannu to the left of that. To your right a finite verb čuovvut
-* __Nom_b_2__ selects Nom if your are b with a numeral/Ord to your left and a mannu to the left of that. To your right copulas followd by beaivi in nom-case ''juovlamánu 1. b. 1972 lei buorre beaivi''
-* __Nom_b_3__ selects Nom if you are b/beaivi with Num/Ord to your left, with mannu to the left of that, with copulas even futer to the left and beaivi to the left of copulas
-* __aigiAcc__ Gen if 0 TIME 1 áigi
-* __GenBeaivi2__ selects Gen if you are beaivi with the end of the sentence or comma to your right. Restrictions to the left ''riegádanbeaivvi,''
-* __GenBeaivi3__ selects Gen if you are beaivi with the beginning of the sentence to your right ''Bearjadaga mii vuolgit''
-* __GenBeaivi4__ selects Gen if you are beaivi with a NP-boundary to your right
-* __GenJuohke__ selects Gen if juohke or seamma to the left ''juohke dálvvi''
-* __GenJahkiNum__ selects Gen if you are jahki num with a numeral to your right ''Skuvlajagi 1998-99''
-* __AigiModifier__ (modifier) selects Gen if aigi to the right ''konferánssa áiggi''
-* __GenHávvi__ selects Gen for hávvi if Acc somewhere to the right 
-* __GenHávvi2__ selects Gen for hávvi if a transitive verb cannot be found somewhere in the sentence
-* __GenGeardi__ selects Gen if the beginning of the sentence to the left ''Eará háviid''
-* __GenRbeaivi__ (modifier) selects Gen if riegádanbeaivi to your right 
-* __GenGeardi2__ selects Gen for geardi if Num Gen to the left 
-* __GenTimePl__ selects Gen for TIME-N + Pl if an attribute to the left ''lagamus beivviid''
-* __GenDURadj1__ selects Gen if a duration adverbial to the left 
-* __GenDURadj2__ removes Gen for TIME-N, if duration adjective to the left ''olles dálvvi''
-* __GenDURNumPl__ duháhiid jagiid
-* __GenDUR1__ removes Gen for VAHKKU-DUR if duration verb or place verb somewhere in the sentence. Restrictions. ''ádjánii beaivvi''
-* __GenDURNum__ vázzen guokte maŋimuš jagi doppe
-* __GenDUR2__ removes Gen for VAHKKU-DUR if the duration verb or place verb to the left is perfectum participle or infinitive with an auxiliary to the left 
-* __NoTimeAcc__ removes Acc for time if POINT-IN-TIME-SPEC or Ord to the left ''vuosttas beaivvi''
-* __NoTimeAccII__ removes Acc for time if POINT-IN-TIME verb to the left 
-* __NoTimeAccIII__ removes Acc for time if POINT-IN-TIME verb to the left is infinitive or perfectum participle with an auxilliary or negation to the left 
-* __AccBeaivi__ removes Acc for relative pronouns if followed by general beaivi ''guđe beaivvi''
-* __timeADVL__ selects Gen for time: when perfectum participle or infinitive to the left are time adverbial verbs or not time object verbs, to the left of this there shall be an auxiliary ''lean čoavdán cealkagiid maŋimuš áiggi''
-* __theAccusative___ selects Acc if you are a N or Pron with CC to your right, followed by Acc and a CLB or VFIN ''gápmagiid ja vuoddagiid, sii geavahedje''
-* __NotGenitive__ selects Acc if you are a N or Pron with punctuation marks to your right, followed by a noun-phrase boundary
-! Reflexive pronouns: acc or gen
-* __NUGOr2159__ selects Gen between nugo and N ''nugo suorri dulkaoahpu''
-* __AccIEScoord__ selects (Pron Refl Acc) Acc in front of "ja" to the left. To the right Loc or Ill ''elliideaset ja iežaset ealáhussii''
-* __GenIES__ (modifier) selects (Pron Refl Gen) if NON-FAMILY OR ("bellodat") OR SAMEDIGGI-GEN to the right ''iežaset mánáide''
-* __AccIES__ SELECTS accusative object (Pron Refl Acc)  
-* __AccIES__ (modifier) removes accusative object (Pron Refl Acc) if Ill or Loc to the right, but not if a transitive verb is found to the left 
-* __GenIESinf__ removes (Pron Refl Gen) if a transitive verb to the left and an Inf to the right 
-!Accusative object 
-* __AccActioEss__ Selects accusative: when a Strict transitive verb actio ess to the left, but not if there is an other Acc to the right followed by EOS
-* __AccEss__ removes Acc when you are SAPMI-N-HEAD with an Ess to your right, but not if there is a transitive mainverb to the left ''dutkama duogážin''
-*__topOBJPers__ Removes Gen if you are Acc, and to you right is a Pron followed by a transitive verb. You have to be sentence initial
-*__AccVAbess__ Selects Gen if to the right is abessive 
-* __topOBJ1__ Selects accusative: when a Strict transitive verb to the right (topicalized object) ''beaskka geavahedje''
-* __topOBJ2__ Selects Acc when a transitive finite mainverb to the right (less strict) ''dan juohkehaš fuobmá''
-* __topOBJ3__ Selects Acc. It is not depending on a transitive verb like topOBJ1 and 2, but selects Acc when Aux to the left, but only if there is no chanse of it beeing a Nom 
-* __AccTV1__ Selects accusative: when a Strict transitive verb to the left (barrier exludes everything but: adv, N Ess , N Loc and Pcle). No Acc allowed to the left of the verb. No Acc allowed to the right of you, except pronouns and education (sentenceboundary and N Ess as barriers). Only numunit numerals are allowed to the left. You are not Acc if you are: time, ruote or Pron Indef. Neither if you are Pron Refl with Gen to your right followed by N Ess. Neither if you are Pron Refl with [...]
-* __gosnevrriid__ selects Acc in the special cases where there is an Acc Pl in the beginning of the question which is not the object of the verb: Gos nevrriid...
-* __PronNP__ (removes Acc): selects Gen for Pron Pers if Acc or Ill to the right, given that there is a secure object or that no transitive verb is found ''bija ruđa mu kontoi''
-* __r2206__ selects Gen when a finite verb to the left and Nom or Acc to the right ''lohkaba su girjji''
-* __r2271__ Removes genitive when a transitive verb to the left and you (not if you are a pronoun) are followed by Ill/Loc/Com/Adv: ''doalvvui stálu meahccái''
-* __AccTV2__ Selects accusative: when a transitive verb to the left. No Acc allowed to the left in the sentence (sentenceboundary as a barrier). No Acc allowed to the right (barriers are CC, comma and sentenceboundary). Note that Gen to the right followed by a noun is allowed. You shall not be: route, time, Pron Dem. You are not Acc if you are: Gen-cased Pron or Animate with Ill immediately to your right. No Acc, Com, N Nom or Gerundium allowed immediately to your right. No Gen followed  [...]
-* __AccTV3__ Selects accusative: when transitive verb to the left, if it doesn't find a barrier: comma, Num, real-v, Ess, s-boundary. Acc not allowed to the left of the verb. Not Acc if animate or Gen in front of Ill. Numerals the only Acc allowed to the right. Not Num, time route or adv. Not Com or Ger immediately to the right. Neither Po. Not Acc if sg3-verb to the left without a Nom to its left. Not Pron Dem followed by N, neither Pron Rel followed by time. No vdic immediately to your [...]
-* __OLDr2466__ Selects accusative: when transitive verb to the left, but not if the TV is FAUX OR LOC-V
-* __AccInf__ Selects Acc if the verb to the left is TV + Inf (you are the obj of the Inf). Differs from the other rules by not beeing restricted by an Acc to the right ''hállat eatnigiela''
-* __AccCOP__ Selects Acc if copulas to the left and nominative to the left of COP ''gápmagat leat áhči''
-!Gen modifiers inside NP 
-* __GenNP1__ Selects Gen for Pron Pers (modifier): if NP-BOUNDARY OR Acc (but not if the finite verb is TV) to the left and N to right 
-* __GenNP2__ Selects Gen for N (modifier): if CC "ja" immediately to your left and accusative to your right ''ja sámi jurddašanvuogi''
-* __GenNP3__ Selects Gen (modifier): if first one to right is Nom or Loc ''Norgga oaivegávpogis''
-* __GenNP4__ (modifier) selects Gen -1 BOS or COMMA, 1 Nom ''nissoniid bargu''
-* __GenNPCo__ (modifier) Selects Pron Pers Gen if Nom to the left of ja ''Mun ja mu ustibat''
-* __GenRefl__ (modifier) selects Gen in front of a noun in accusative or nominative case ''iežaset oiviliid''
-* __AccAfterCC__ Select accusative: if genitiv to the left, and CC "ja" to the left of genitive ''eamiálbmot- ja globaliserenprošeavtta koordináhtor''
-!Accusative in coordination
-* __CoAcc1__ Selects Acc when NP inbetween commas ''guolleoivviid, dáraid, debbuid, buđeittaid, boares rásiid''
-* __CoAcc2__ Select Acc if coordinator to your left and accusative to the left of the coordinator ''deaja dahje sávtta''
-* __CoAcc3__ Selects Acc in front of ''ja'' if there is a secure Acc to the right ''semináraid ja diehtojuohkinčoahkimiid''
-* __CoAccJA__ Selects Acc when "ja" to the left and comma to the left of "ja" with a secure Acc to the left of comma ''sámegiela, ja heajos dárogiela.''
-* __CoAccJA2__ Selects Acc in front of Gen + Po if ja in front of Acc ''ja ruhtan sávzzaid ovddas''
-!Intransitive verbs can sometimes be transitive
-* __IVasTV__ Selects Acc if you are GEOGRAPHICAL-PLACE, ABSTR-ROUTE or EDUCATION and somewhere in the sentence is a intransitive verb acting as a transitive verb ''sii vázzet skuvlla''
-* __IVisTrans__ Selects Acc if you are ''spábba'' and somewhere is ''viehkat'' 
-* __IVisTrans2__ Selects Acc if you are SHOE or HUNT-ANIMAL or BOAZU and somewhere is ''vázzit''
-* __IVceavzit__ Selects Acc for ceavzit IV if you are ''eksámen'' and ceavzit is found somewhere in the clause 
-* __IVnohkkat__ Selects Acc if you are BEDCLOTHES  
-* __IVsahttit__ Selects Acc 
-* __IVsahttit2__ Selects Acc 
-!Accusative or genitive in front of ALU and in front of adjectives
-!Exceptional accusative attributes in front of ALU nouns.
-* __ALU__ Selects Acc when Num and right is MEASURE LINK 1 ALU
-* __ALU2__ Selects Acc when Num and not Adv, and 1 ALU
-* __ALU3__ Selects Acc for Num when right context Num ALU
-* __NewGen__ (complement of numerals) Selects Gen Sg when Num Sg to the left ''guhtta kilu''
-* __NewGenCo__ (coordinated complement of numerals) Selects Gen if Num Acc + NewGen found to the left of "ja" ''máŋga dáhpáhusa ja digaštallama''
-* __ALU4__ Selects Acc if you are Num and to your right Num Acc followed by MEASURE OR ALU/A ''guokte golbma mehtara alu'' 
-* __ALU5__ Selects Gen if Num to the right, followed by Num, followed by ALU/A 
-* __NumTimeMannel__ Selects Acc for Num before TIME MANNEL
-* __NumPageMannel__ Selects Acc for Num before siiddu etc + MANNEL.
-* __NumPageMannel2__ Selects Acc for Num before ovdalis etc
-* __GenBoaris__ Selects Gen in golbma ''jagi'' boaris
-** Ritva comment: Find a rule for "viđa" aswell, this hits "mehter" as it should
-* __XXr2002__ Selects genitive if there is a numeral immediately to your left, and you are TIME: ''golbma jagi''
-* __NumGenPo__ Selects Gen for a numeral if a transitive verb to the left. To the right a Gen followed by a postposition ''vuovdán 163 000 ruvnnu ovddas''
-* __NumMoney__ Selects Gen if you are a numeral and immediately to your right is CURRENCY ''vihtta ruvnnu''
-* __NumGitta__ Selects Acc when you are a numeral with "gitta" immediately to your right followed by a numeral with acc-case ''180 gitta 200''
-* __NumAcc1__ Selects Acc if you have a transitive verb to the left and you are a numeral followed by a noun  ''oste guokte mielkki''
-* __NumJahki__ Removes Acc if you are a numeral and JAHKI-NUM is immediately to your left ''mávssii mannan jagi 43 ruvnnu''
-* __NomIfNum__ Removes Acc if Gen to the right (because you are Nom). Transitive verb with an Acc to the right ''máŋga gávpeolbmá lonuhedje fáhcaid''
-* __NumAcc2__ Selects Acc for singular numerals if there is a transitive verb somewhere in the sentence and the numeral is followed by a noun ''logi báhkkoma'' OBS
-* __GenIfNum__ (complement of numerals) Selects Gen Sg if there is a Num Sg to your left ''guđa geardde'' 
-* __NumAccCo__ (coordinated num) Selects Acc if you are Num Sg and to your right: CC with a Num to the right ''guokte ja eanemusat golbma''
-* __NumAccIV__ Selects Acc 
-* __NumAge__ Selects Acc for Sg numerals if a time unit to the right is followed by boaris ''vihtta jagi boaris''
-* __NumAccPlRight__ Selects Acc when transitive verb to the left. You are Num Pl and to your right is Acc ''goarui viđaid gápmagiid''
-* __NumAccPlLeft__ Selects Acc when tranistive verb to the right (same as the previous. Only differs in which direction the verb is found). ''galliid sabehiid don ostet''	
-* __NumAccPlLeft__ Selects Acc if you are N Acc Pl and to your left is Num Acc Pl ''galliid sabegiid''		
-* __NumOkta__ Selects Acc if 0 okta followed by a noun. Transitive verb to the left ''oidnen ovtta nieidda''
-* __QUANgenCoord__ Selects Gen for coordinated complement of a numeral
-* __QUANgen1__ Selects Gen if a numeral with Nom-case to the left and 3Pl-verb to the right
-* __QUANr2142__ Selects Gen if a numeral to the left and genitive to the right. Transitive verb not allowed to the left.
-!Leftover accusatives
-*__COMPInfAcc__ Selects Acc if you are Gen and to the left is an Inf TV @COMP-CS<
-* __AccInf2__ Selects Acc if Inf immediately to the RIGHT ''guliid čoallut''
-* __AccNomCOPconstr__ Selects Acc in front of Inf; only if there is no chance for itself beeing Nom
-* __AccTV4__ Selects Acc if transitive mainverb to the left. Lots of restrictions to the right
-* __AccPronRel__ Selects (Pron Rel Acc) when a secure Acc or Nom to the left ''gáibidedje internáhttaskuvlla man''
-* __AccPronRel2__ Selects (Pron Rel Acc) when somewhere in the sentence is a Nom (barrier is sv-boundary), but only if leat isn't the main verb. ''geaid eamiálbmogat'' 
-* __AccPronRel3__ Selects Acc if there is a (Pron Rel Nom) to the right. Obs: not hit nominatives, hence negations. ''eanu mii šealgá''	
-* __AccActioLoc__ Selects Acc when transitive Actio Loc somewhere in the sentence ''guldeleames muitalusaid''
-* __AccAhte__ Selects Acc when ''ahte'' is found to the right 
-* __AccAux__ Selects Acc if beginning of sentence to the right and aux, not leat,  is to the left. No Acc allowed to the left ''láđđi fertejetne oastit''
-* __HabGenAdvl__ Removes Acc; in a habitive adverbial construction with Gen, but only if there is no chans of 0 beeing Nom ''Dat lea áhči''
-* __AccIll__ Selects Acc if a strict transitive verb is found to the left and Ill to your right. You are not allowed to be a possible modifier of ill: Pron, Px. ''buktán heasttaid meahccái''
-* __Gerundium0__ Selects Acc as the complement of Ger
-* __Gerundium1__ Removes Gen if no other object available for the preceding tv-verb
-* __Gerundium2__ Selects Acc in front of Ger, but not if it is not HAB-ACTOR/Pron Pers. No transitive verb allowed to the left, exept it it has an object of its own.
-* __GerundiumTEST__ Selects Acc 
-* __GerundiumTEST__ selects Gen for HAB-ACTOR and Pron Pers in front of Ger, but only if there is an Acc belonging to a transitive to the left
-* __NomIfProp__ Removes Acc and Gen when you Prop because you are Nom. To the left is a sg3-verb. Should not hit Prop that are Sem/Plc.
-* __NomIfProp2__ Removes Acc and Nom when you are Prop Sem/Plc because you are Gen. To the left is a sg3-verb. To the right is a noun.
-* __NomSentFin__ Selects Nom if you are Acc or Gen and EOS is to yoru right. Copulas is found to the left 
-* __jr_sr__ Selects (ABBR Nom) if you are ''jr'' or ''sr'' and first one to your left is (Sem/Sur Nom)
-!!Accusative before @COMP-CS<
-!!Accusative before some A
-!!Accusative sentence-finally
-* __r2143__ The most frequent genitive rule: Gen when postpos immediately to the right:
-!!Nominative and accusative
-* __NAr2266__ Selects Nom
-*__NomIFInitialThenSg3__ Selects Nom if -1 BOS and 1 oblique / Sg3 lookalike. Works in fragments.
-* __NAAccEllipsis1__ Selects Acc	
-* __NAAccEllipsis2__ Selects Acc
-* __r2281__ marginal
-* __NAr2288__ Removes Nom
-!Miscellaneous rules
-* __NDnom__ Selects Nom
-* __NDr2300__ Selects Nom if Gen immediately to the left. You are N-SG-NOM and to your right is SG3-V ''Du ášši lea dehálaš''
-* __NDr2302__ Selects Nom if immediately to the left is "ruvdno" and to the left of it is Num ''70 ruvnno mehtar''
-* __NDr2304__ Selects Nom for (Num Sg Loc) if to the left is a spesific word and to the right is EOC 	
-* __NDr2305__ Selects Nom for (Coll Nom) if to the left is (Pers Pl Nom) ''mii golmmas''
-* __NDr2306__ Selects Nom for (N Nom) if to the left is "okta" or "nubbi" ''okta lihtter''
-* __NDr2308__ Selects Nom for PROP
-!Vocatives, subjects of sentence fragments
-* __NDr2309__ Selects Nom
-* __NDr2310__ Selects Nom	
-* __NDr2311__ Selects Nom
-* __NDr2312__ Selects Nom
-* __NDr2313__ Selects Nom
-* __NDr2314__ Selects Nom
-* __NDr2315__ Selects Nom
-!Nominative in titles and sentence fragments
-* __NDr2317__ Selects Nom: A single word is nominative
-* __NDr2318__ Selects Nom: A single word with a numeral in front of it is nominative
-* __NDr2319__ Selects Nom: An NP head with a genitive modifier is nominative
-* __NDr2320__ Selects Nom: A title is nominative if it has a Nom reading at all
-* __NDr2321__ Selects Nom: An NP head with an Attr modifier is nominative
-!Nominative after "go", "dego", "dugo" and "nugo"
-* __NDr2324__ Selects Nom
-* __NDr2325__ Selects Nom
-* __NDr2326__ Selects Nom
-* __NDr2327__ Selects Nom
-* __NumNomgo__ Selects (Num Nom)
-* __NumAccgo__ Selects (Num Acc)
-!Preverbal subjects
-* __NDr2331__ Selects (N Nom)
-* __NDr2332__ Selects (Num Nom)
-* __NDr2333__ Selects (Num Nom)	
-* __NDr2334__ Selects Nom
-* __NDr2335__ Selects Nom
-* __NDr2336__ selects (N Sg Nom) when 1 SG3-V
-* __NDr2337__ Selects (N Sg Nom)	
-* __NDr2338__ Selects (N Sg Nom)	
-* __NDr2339__ Selects (N Sg Nom)	
-* __NDr2341__ Selects Nom
-* __NDr2341__ Selects Nom
-* __NDr2343__ Selects (Sg Nom)
-* __NDr2345__ Selects Nom
-* __NDr2350__ Selects Nom
-* __NDr2351__ Selects Nom
-* __NDr2353__ Selects Adv
-* __NDr2354__ Selects Adv
-* __NDr2355__ Selects Adv
-* __NDr2357__ Selects (A Pl Nom)
-* __NDr2358__ Selects (A Pl Nom)
-* __NDr2359__ Selects (A Pl Nom)
-!Postverbal subjects
-* __NDr2360__ Selects Nom
-* __NDr2361__ Selects Nom
-* __NDr2364__ Selects (Sg Nom)
-* __NDr2366__ Selects Nom
-* __NDr2367__ Selects Nom
-* __NDr2368__ Selects (N Pl Nom)
-* __NDr2369__ Selects (Pl3 Nom)
-* __NDr2370__ Selects (Num Nom)
-* __NDr2372__ Selects (Pron Pl Nom)
-* __NDr2373__ Selects Nom
-* __NDr2375__ Selects Nom
-* __NDr2376__ Selects Nom
-* __PostVNom__ Selects Nom if a singular third person verb to the left with no Nom to the left of it
-* __PostVNomComp__ Selects (N Sg Nom)
-!Nominative predicatives
-* __NDr2378__ Selects (Sg Nom)
-* __ND__ selects Nom if; you are HUMAN and immediately to your right is a place. Leat is to the left, and there is HUMAN or Pers to the left of leat ''Son lei oahpaheaddji Kárášjogas''
-* __NDr2379__ Selects (Sg Nom)
-* __NDr2380__ Selects (Pl Nom)
-* __NDr2381__ Selects (Pl Nom)	
-* __NDr2382__ Selects (Pl Nom)
-* __NDr2383__ Selects Nom
-* __NDr2384__ Selects Nom
-* __NDr2385__ Selects Nom
-* __NDr2386__ Selects Nom
-* __NDr2387__ Selects Nom
-!Nominative as objects in existential clauses
-* __NDSgr2388__ Selects Nom
-* __NDPlr2388__ Selects Nom
-* __NDr2389__ Selects Nom
-* __NDr2390__ Selects Nom
-* __NDr2391__ Selects Nom 
-* __NDr2392__ Selects Nom
-* __NDr2396__ Selects (Pl Nom)
-* __NDr2391__ Selects Nom
-!Nominative in coordination and apposition
-* __NDr2399__ Selects Nom  
-* __NDr2400__ Selects Nom
-* __NDr2401__ Selects Nom
-* __NDr2402__ Selects Nom
-* __NDr2403__ Selects Nom
-* __NDr3529__ Selects Nom	
-* __NDr2406__ Selects Nom
-* __NDr2407__ Selects Nom
-* __NDr2408__ Selects Nom
-* __NDr2409__ Selects Nom
-* __NDr2411__ Selects Nom
-* __NDr2412__ Selects Nom
-* __NDr2413__ Selects Nom
-* __NDr2414__ Selects Nom
-* __NomCCNom__ Selects Nom
-* __NDr2416__ Selects Nom
-* __NDr2417__ Selects Nom
-* __NDr2418__ Selects Nom
-* __NDr2420__ Selects Nom
-* __NDr2421__ Selects 
-!Nominative in parallell constructions
-* __NDr2422__ Selects Nom
-* __NDr2423__ selects Nom if it finds a Nom to the left of CC and to the left of a verb. No verb allowed to the right ''eamit barggai vuođđoskuvllas ja isit fas gymnásas''
-* __nomHnoun__ Selects Nom
-* __SOV__ Selects Nom in front of an Acc	
-!Not nominative
-* __NDr2424__ Removes Nom
-* __NDr2425__ Removes Nom
-* __NDr2426__ Removes Nom, but not Actio 
-* __NDr2427__ Removes Nom
-* __ND__ Removes Nom	
-!!Comitative rules
-!NP internal disambiguation of Com
-* __PlSg-W__ removes Pl when SG-WORD
-* __LocPlur__ removes Sg when PLURALIZER or OASSI OR HEADOFPARTS
-* __Locgoabbat__ selects Pl Loc after goabbat Foc/ge
-* __NumCom__ selects Num Com: guvttiin nieiddain if not plural-noun like: guvttiin heajain
-* __ComDemNum1__ selects N Com if there is a Dem or Num or buorre + Com to the left: Exception for plural-nouns  
-* __Comburiin__ selects N Com if there is a safe N Com to the right: buriin vugiin  
-* __ComCOM-A__ selects Sg Com after COM-A
-* __Comduhtavas__ selects Sg Com after duhtavaš
-* __ComComAdv1__ selects Com after COM-ADV or juohke
-!Disambiguation based upon verb valency
-* __LocLocVL1, LocLocVR__ select Pl Loc if there is a LOC-V
-* __LLocAccLocVL__ select Pl Loc if there is a ACC-LOC-V
-* __Loc-v__ select Sg Loc if LOC-V to the left in the clause. No mainverb to the right in the clause
-!Disambiguation of Com depending on Adv or certain verb or N
-* __ComComAdv1__ selects Com for ACTOR OR ACTOR-ROLE after og before COM-ADV 
-* __Comboahtit__ selects riika Com when boahtit: boahtit riikkainis, which is a special construction
-* __ComComplPl-N__ selects Sg Com for HUMAN, ORGANIZATION, INSTITUTION, STATE, EVENT-TOOL-ACTIVITY, láhka when there is a COM-COMPL-N to the left or right
-* __Comoktavuohta__ selects Sg Com when oktavuohta is to the left or right
-* __ComDU-NR__ selects Sg Com after Pers dualis: moai áhčiin, munno vieljain
-* __ComHumanOrg__ selects HUMAN Sg Com after HUMAN, ORGANIZATION, INSTITUTION
-!Animate nouns
-* __ComAnimate__ selecst Sg Com if there is an animate to the left, and the noun itself is not a ABSTR-TEXT,  TEXT,  PLACE,  INDUSTRY,  EDUCATION,  INSTITUTION,  ANIMATE
-* __ComProp__ selecst Prop Sg Com for person names. Exception for habitive constructions.
-!HAB-ACTOR in habitive-constructions
-* __LocHab1, LocHab2__ select Pl when HAB-ACTOR
-* __LocHab1, LocHab2__ select Pl when HAB-ACTOR
-* __LocGenerell__ select Pl 
-váldit vára + Loc
-dahkat earrodearvvuođat geainna nu
-eallit mainna nu
-!Disambiguation based upon verb valency 
-* __ComVR, ComVL__ select Com when COM-V
-* __ComVOktiiL__ select Com when OKTII-V 
-* __ComVOktiiR__ select Com when OKTII-V 
-!tools (concrete and abstract)
-* __ComTool1, ComTool2, ComToolCoord__ select Com TOOL when ACTIVITY-V, MOVEMENT-V, PLACE-V-V 
-* __ComHuman__ selects Com ABSTR-TOOL OR SATNI when HUMAN-AGENT-V - does it function? 
-!BODY as an instrument
-* __ComBodyVerbalV__ selects Com BODY when VERBAL-ACTIVITY-V 
-* __ComHumanVerbalV__ selects Com HUMAN when VERBAL-ACTIVITY-V or báhcit
-* Abstract-entity-com-verbs
-* __ComAbstract__ selects Com if ABSTR-ENTITY-COM-V somwhere
-* __ComOnlyPlaceV__ is Only-place-loc-verb 
-* __LocdynamicVR, LocdynamicVL__ select Pl Loc if there is a DYNAMIC-V and the noun itself is not a TOOL, ABSTR-TOOL, WRITING-TOOL, CONCEPT, HUMAN, VEHICLE, buorre, Der/NomAc
-Most actio can be both tool and event. 
-* __LocFurniture__ select Pl Loc FURNITURE if there is a PLACE-V
-* __LocInstitution__ select Loc INSTITUTION if there is a ABSTR-PLACE-V
-* __LocPlaceIndustry__ select Loc GEOGRAPHICAL-PLACE if there is a INDUSTRY to the right
-* __LocSourceVR__ select (Pl Loc)  
-* __LocHumanAgVL__ XXX This one was commented out (cf. 0 .. LINK ... BARRIER). Note that this rule did not affect the test result
-* __LocHuman-agentV__ XXX This one was commented out (cf. 0 .. LINK ... BARRIER). Note that this rule did not affect the test result
-!STATE-V (eallit)
-!The super-set Dynamic-verb according to choose (Pl Loc) or (Sg Com)
-The idea is that the superset DYNAMIC-V are not connected to TOOL, ABSTR-TOOL or CONCEPT in (Pl Loc). This is the "minste felles multiplum". The sub-sets are different, f.i. many of them (but not all) are not connected to HUMAN in (Pl Loc), one is not connected to ABSTR-ENTITY and ACTOR in (Pl Loc). We work with negation so the rules don´t destroy analysis because of insufficent sets. 
-First the general-rules for selecting (Sg Com), then the more special rules for selecting (Sg Com), and then we selct (Pl Loc) for the rest of them under # Another round of locative rules.
-* __ComDynV__ Dynamic-verbs selects Com when TOOL, ABSTR-TOOL, WRITING-TOOL, CONCEPT, EVENT-TOOL-ACTIVITY
-* Dynamic-verb selects Com when HUMAN, but not for HUMAN-SOURCE-VEHICLE-V 
-* __ComBody__ Body-activity-verb Selects Com when BODY, for BODY-ACTIVITY-V or VERBAL-ACTIVITY-V
-* __ComVeh__ Selects (Sg Com) if you are VEHICLE, default is Sg Com
-* __LOCsatni__ Selects (Pl Loc)
-* __LOCwordparts__ Selects (Pl Loc)
-* bivvat - we don't need this any more
-* ealihit
-* ipmirdit / áddet
-* ruhtadit
-* suokkardit and čielggadit
-* vástidit 
-* Coordination
-* __AccTV1NoC__ was Eckhard's late version of AccTV1 without C. We will look at this.
-* __AccEOS__ is The Dangerous Rule: it is the last rule before removing all leftover Acc. It only selects Acc if Nom is not an option, dont change this btw, and the end of the sentence is the next one to the right
-* __genRel__ removes genitive if Rel to your right ''ožžot olbmot skoviid maid''
-* __genAcc__ selects Acc 
-* __genNom__ removes Acc
-* __DemAcc__ selects Den Acc after the last acc-disambiguation of nouns
-* __KillAcc__ Removes Acc if you are Gen 
-!Locative and comitative - Disambiguation based upon coordination
-!And then we remove the remaining Sg Com analysis
-!!Late case rules (after other case rules have worked). 
-!!!VERBS PART 2, Section #22
-!!Finite or not
-!Not Finite
-!Indicative Negative
-* __InfComplToN__ Inf when -1 N
-!!Indicative or imperative
-!!Verbs according to person and number
-!Sg1 - First person singular
-* __InitialLeanRule__ selects lean when no VFIN to the left
-* __Sg1WhenAloneVfin__ selects Sg1 when no other VFIN or PrfPrc
-!Sg2 - Second person singular
-* --r2907__Sg2__ Prt Sg2 if ikte etc.
-!Sg3 - Third person singular
-Infinitive and clausal subject
-Rules that look backwards for a subject across a relative clause:
-Rules that look backwards for a subject across a subordinate clause (CP boundary):
-Extension possibilities: Coordination
-Son oaidná du ja mu ovdal go boahtit... 
-Coordinated Sg3 verbs
-Not (V Sg3)
-!Du1 - First person dual 
-* __MunJaDonDu__ selects Du1 if Mon V ja don V de V-Du2
-* __DonJaMunDu__ selects Du1 if Don V ja mun V de V-Du2
-The previous two rules look marginal.	
-* __DuNotPrtIfToday__ selects Du1 over Prt in the context of a present-marker.
-* __Du1IfDu1__ selects Du1 with a left context Du1 ... ja ... 
-* __NoDu1__ removes Du1 if no MOAI or Du1 around.
-!Du2 - Second person dual
-!Rules for leahppi = ("leahppi" N Sg Nom)
-!Du3 - Third person dual
-!Pl1 - First person plural
-!Pl2 - Second person plural
-!Pl3 - Third person plural
-* __Pl3IfPlSubj__ Pl3 if Pl noun to the left
-* __Pl3IfPlSubj__ Pl3 if safe plural (incl pron) to the left
-* __Sg2LeftDon__ selects Sg2 in Rel phrase if don to the left of it
-* __allSg2leat__ removes Sg2 if leat Prs Pl3
-* __allPrtSg2__ removes PrtSg2 if PrsPl3
-!!Rules for a special infinitive construction
-!!More finite verbs
-!!Present Participle
-!!Actio/Perfect Participle 
-!!Selecting some more finite verbs
-!!Lexical disambiguation of verbs 
-!!Case rules
-!!Other rules for nouns and pronouns
-!!Adverbs and adjectives
-* __derNEss__ removes DER-N if lexicalised essives (revise this) - flytter denne til slutten av fila
-!!Variant lemmas
-* Remove lemma2 if lemma 1
-* __cleanSemClass__ cleans up if a word has more semclasses. This is just a start.
-!!!Removing Err/Orth
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-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
-<!DOCTYPE document PUBLIC "-//APACHE//DTD Documentation V2.0//EN"
-  <header>
-    <title>Disambiguating the morphological homonymy</title>
-  </header>
-  <body>
-    <section>
-      <title>Intro</title>
-	<p>This file documents the background for disambiguation approaches we use in some specific cases. It describes ambiguities in detail and interpretation and choice of tags. For a documentation of the structure of our disambiguation file <code>sme-dis.rle</code>, see <a href="docu-sme-dis.html">this document</a>. The constraint grammar formalism is discussed <a href="../../tools/cgii-usage.html">here</a>.</p>
-	<p>Here, we discuss numerals (and other topics to be added shortly)</p>
-	</section>
-    <section>
-      <title>Numerals</title>
-      <section>
-        <title>Definition</title>
-        <section>
-          <title>Intro</title>
-          <p>As numerals we define single or a group of numbers or letters
-          that represent a number. That means numerals can have the form:</p>
-          <ol>
-            <li>2345</li>
-            <li>guoktelogi, goalmmát, guovttis</li>
-            <li>VIII</li>
-            <li>máŋga, galle</li>
-          </ol>
-          <p>"miljovdna" also gets the numeral tag, not the noun tag as Nickel
-          would want it to be</p>
-        </section>
-        <section>
-          <title>Case</title>
-          <p>Roman numbers can be nominative, genitive and accusative case
-          without showing it overtly:</p>
-          <source>
-200     200+Num+Sg+Acc
-200     200+Num+Sg+Gen
-200     200+Num+Sg+Nom
-          <p>Illative case can look like that:</p>
-          <source>
-"<Kontor>" S:11118, 11118, 11118, 11644
-        "kontor" N Sg Nom S:3818 @HNOUN
-        2000" Num Sg Ill S:4409 @ADVL
-        </section>
-        <section>
-          <title>Sets</title>
-          <p>There are several sets regarding numerals:</p>
-          <source>
-LIST MANGA = "máŋga" "galle" ;  
-        </section>
-        <section>
-          <title>Syntactic functions</title>
-          <p>Numerals can:</p>
-          <ol>
-            <li>quantify a noun</li>
-            <li>modify a noun as</li>
-            <li><ol>
-                <li>ordinals ("2. oassi")</li>
-                <li>substantival numerals ("oassi 2")</li>
-              </ol></li>
-            <li>be PRO nouns</li>
-            <li>make up a time adverbial, such as 21.03.1980</li>
-            <li>stand for "from (numeral) to (numeral)"</li>
-          </ol>
-        </section>
-        <section>
-          <title>Syntactic tags</title>
-          <p>There are various tags they can have:</p>
-            <source>
- at N<: 		## Dat lea s. <strong>240</strong>.
- at Pron<: 	## Mii <strong>golmmas</strong> finaimet Niillas-čeazi geahčen.
- at COMP-CS<: 	## Ráhkkásiiddán, allet vajáldahte ahte Hearrái lea okta beaivi 
-             	## dego <strong>duhát</strong> jagi ja duhát jagi dego <strong>okta</strong> beaivi.
-@>N:        	## Mii vuolgit <strong>ovttain</strong> biillain.
- at N<:        	## Mun boađán diibmu <strong>vihtta</strong>.
- at ADVL:       	## Mun lean riegádan <strong>1962</strong>. 
-@>ADVL:		## Mun boađán geassemánu <strong>16.</strong> b. 
- at APP-ADVL:	## Mun boađán geassemánu 16. b. <strong>2002</strong>. 
- at SUBJ:		## Mus leat <strong>golbma</strong> oappá.
- at SPRED:      	## Doaimmabiju jahkásaš bušeahttarámma lea: <strong>380.000</strong> ruvnno.
-        </section>
-        <section>
-          <title>Tags used for constituents in combination with numerals:</title>
-          <source>
- at Num<:		## Mus leat golbma <strong>oappá</strong>.	
-@>Num: 		## Mun lean ilus go beasan ovdanbuktit St.dieđ. <strong>nr.</strong> 33.
- </source>
-          <p>It is interesting to see that numerals following a noun react
-          differently with respect to the noun. A numeral in combination with
-          <em>oassi, kapihtal, siidu, paragráfa</em> respectively their
-          abbreviations <em>s., kap.</em> and <em>§</em> modifies the noun and
-          therefore gets the tag <code>N<</code>, while in the
-          combination <em>nr., nummár and nummir</em> + numeral, the numeral
-          stays head and gets the syntactic tag depending on the larger
-          context.</p>
-          <p>A possible explanation could be the implicitness of nr, nummár
-          respectively nummir in expressions such as <em>oassi (nr) 2</em> or
-          <em>kapihtal (nr) 34.</em></p>
-          <p>In expressions such as <em>oassi nr 2</em> the numeral is head of
-          the<em>nr 2 </em> expression but modifies oassi and therefore gets
-          the tag <code>@N<</code>. The abbreviations mentioned above
-          are furthermore transitive, which means the numerals following them
-          have to refer to those abbreviations.</p>
-        </section>
-        <section>
-          <title>Morphological tags</title>
-          <p>There are some complex numerals expressions that are identified
-          as simple numerals by the preprocessor. Therefore, the two tags</p>
-          <p><code>+Date</code> <code>+Range</code> exist. Both dates and
-          ranges have particular syntactic behavior in certain contexts that
-          distinguishes them from other numerals. Dates for example cannot be
-          quantifiers such as other numerals do. Furthermore it can be an
-          adverbial in certain contexts.</p>
-        </section>
-        <section>
-          <title>General expressions for Date and Range</title>
-          <p>The general expressions add the tags +Date and/or +Range to the
-          following constructions:</p>
-          <p>+Date to:</p>
-          <p>21.03.1960, 21.3.1960 or 21.03.60 or 21.3.60 03-21-1960,
-          3-21-1960 or 03-21-60 or 3-21-60 1960-03-21, 1960-3-21 or 60-03-21
-          or 60-3-21</p>
-          <p>+Range+Date to:</p>
-          <p>21.-22.03.1960, 21.-22.3.1960, 21.-22.03.60, 21.-22.3.60
-          21.03.-22.03.1960, 21.3.-22.3.1960, 21.03.-22.03.60, 21.3.-22.3.60
-          21.03.1960-22.03.1970, 21.3.1960-22.3.1970, 21.03.60-22.03.70,
-          21.3.60-22.3.70</p>
-        </section>
-        <section>
-          <title>Particular examples</title>
-          <p></p>
-          <section>
-            <title>Telephone numbers etc.</title>
-            <p>In expressions such as <em>Fáksa: 22242786</em> the numeral
-            gets the tag @SPRED. The ":" is interpreted equally as "lea",
-            which makes the numeral subject predicate.</p>
-          </section>
-          <section>
-            <title>Dates</title>
-            <p>Dates got many different formats. A couple of those will be
-            explained in the following. Most important of all, this paragraph
-            deals with the question: which part is head and which part is
-            modifier?</p>
-            <ol>
-              <li>month+day+year/ day+month+year</li>
-              <li>day+month</li>
-              <li>month+year</li>
-            </ol>
-            <section>
-              <title>day+month+year</title>
-              <p>There are different ways of combining day, month and year. There are variations with respect to order, wordborders and use of abbreviations and long date formats.</p>
-              <p>Both month+day+year and day+month+year exist:</p>
-              <ul>
-              <li>cuoŋománu 8. b. 1913</li>
-              <li>9. cuoŋománu 1687</li>
-              </ul>
-              <p>With respect to wordborders, the whole expression can be one word, the day and "b./beaivvi" part can make up one word and be separated from the rest of the expression, and of course, the expression can constist separate words for each element</p>
-              <ul>
-              <li>4.6.1981</li>
-              <li>cuoŋománu 29.b 1997</li>
-              <li>geassemánu 16. b. 2002</li>
-              </ul>
-              <p>the expression varies with respect to the use of "b", "beaivvi" or simply the nominalized numeral</p>
-              <ul>
-              <li>cuoŋománu 27.beaivvi 2001</li>
-              <li>geassemánu 16. b. 2002</li>
-              <li>4.6.1981</li>
-              </ul>
-              <p>depending on the format there are different analyses of the date expression.</p>
-              <p>in an expression like geassemánu 16. b. 2002, b. geassemánu modifies 16.b. and 16. modifies b. 2002 is an apposition to the "b".</p>
-"<Mun>" S:4527, 4531, 16552
-        "mun" Pron Pers Sg1 Nom S:4266 @SUBJ
-        "boahtit" V IV Ind Prs Sg1 S:4095 @+FMAINV
-"<geassemánu>" S:10483
-        "geasse#mánnu" N Sg Gen S:3628 @>ADVL
-        "16" A Ord S:3207 @>ADVL
-"<b.>" S:4527, 4527, 4531, 6674, 10520, 15603
-        "b" ABBR Gen S:3639 @ADVL
-"<2002>" S:8525, 10492
-        "2002" Num Sg Nom S:3230 @APP-ADVL<
-        "." CLB
-          </section>
-            </section>
-              </section>
-   <!--           <section>
-              <title>day+month</title>
-              <p></p>
-            </section>
-            <section>
-              <title>month+year</title>
-              <p>skábmamánu 2002/ borgemánu 1898:s (Saami versjon)</p>
-              <p>skábmamánnu 2002/ skábmamánus 2002 (Norwegian
-              interference)</p>
-            </section>
-            <source></source>
-          <section>
-            <title>Range</title>
-        </section> -->
-        <section>
-          <title>Roman digits</title>
-          <p>Roman digits differ in their use from arabic digits. Generally
-          they are ordinals, in some cases cardinals, but usually they do not
-          appear as quantifiers. Morphology and syntax differs from that of
-          arabic digits:</p>
-          <p>Roman digits can stand to the left of nounphrases as ordinals
-          such as in <em>III. kapihtal</em> or <em>III kapihtal, and they can
-          stand to the right of a nounphrase such as in Kapihtal III</em></p>
-          <ol>
-            <li>To the left of the nounphrase:<em><br />III. kapihtal</em>:
-            III is unambiguously an ordinal and modifies kapihtal, in other
-            cases it could also modify a preceeding noun <br />III kapihtal:
-            III could be both ordinal and cardinal, but preceeding kapihtal
-            has to be an ordinal (in contrast to arabic digits) and is
-            therefore an ordinal modifying a noun to the right such as the
-            first example<br /></li>
-            <li>To the right of the nounphrase:<br />Arkiivaláhka III: III is a
-            cardinal and modifies arkiivaláhka to the left<br />Heinrich IV.:
-            the phrase is equivalent to "Heinrich njealját". The sentence "Heinrich IV:s lea fápmu." shows that IV. is the head, and it can have several kind of tags. Heinrich is the modyfier and gets @>N.</li>
-          </ol>
-          <p>Ambiguity:</p>
-          <p>Arkiivalága III kapihtal priváhta arkiivvaid birra máinnaša
-          vuosttažettiin gáhttenárvosaš priváhta arkiivvaid.</p>
-          <p>III can modify both arkiiválaga and kapihtal.</p>
-          <p>Roman digits are usually ambiguous with acronyms.</p>
-          <source><br />LVI
-LVI     LVI+A+Ord
-LVI     LVI+Num+Acc
-LVI     LVI+Num+Gen
-LVI     LVI+Num+Nom
-LVI     LVI+N+ACR+Sg+Acc
-LVI     LVI+N+ACR+Sg+Gen
-LVI     LVI+N+ACR+Sg+Nom
-          <p> Otherwise case is ambiguous (Nom=Gen=Acc) and ordinal or
-          cardinal use (Ord vs. default cardinal).</p>
-        </section>
-      </section>
-    </section>
-    <section>
-      <title>"buot"</title>
-      <section>
-        <title>possible analyses</title>
-        <p>Buot has several meanings:<br />everything, all, completely</p>
-        <p>it can be:</p>
-        <ol>
-          <li>quantifier such as in <em>Buot olbmot šaddet okte
-          jápmit.</em></li>
-          <li>pronoun (in genitive an accusative) <em>Mun lean oaidnán
-          buot.</em></li>
-          <li>adverb such as in <em>Lei buot njuoskan.</em></li>
-        </ol>
-        <p>Nickel uses the term "indefinite pronoun" (ubestemt pronomen) for
-        both quantifier and pronoun, which is a bit problematic, for the first
-        because it uses "indefinite", and secondly because it does not
-        distinguish between quantifiers and pronouns.</p>
-        <section>
-          <title>possible morphological tags</title>
-          <p>buot buot+Adv<br />buot buot+Pron+Indef question:</p>
-          <p>1. should we take away Indef</p>
-          <p>2. should we add quantifier</p>
-        </section>
-        <section>
-          <title>possible syntactic tags</title>
-          <ol>
-            <li>@SUBJ</li>
-            <li>@OBJ</li>
-            <li>@N< (?)</li>
-            <li>@>A (<em>Guhtemuš báhkkon lea buot
-            mávssolaččamus?</em>)</li>
-            <li>@>N <em>Buot oktanuppelohkái máhttájeaddji vulge
-            Galileai., Buot dáid mun attán dutnje</em><em>., Ámtamánnii gulai
-            "bearráigeahččat buot min gullevaš eatnamiid, gittiid ja
-            opmodagaid".</em></li>
-          </ol>
-        </section>
-      </section>
-      <section>
-        <title>Disambiguation</title>
-        <section>
-          <title>1. adverbial</title>
-          <ol>
-            <li>in connection with PrfPrc or PrsPrc such as "in lei buot
-            njuoskan".</li>
-            <li>in connection with A (adjective) such as in "buot buoremus"</li>
-          </ol>
-        </section>
-        <section>
-          <title>2. pronoun and quantifier</title>
-          <p>a) for example with a restrictive relative sentence following
-          such as in: <em>Attášii sutnje buot maid dárbbašit.</em></p>
-          <p>In contrast to that, there is the non-restrictive relative
-          sentence: <em>Son lea njuoskan buot, mii lea fuones ášši.</em> Here
-          buot is adverb.</p>
-          <p>The comma distinguishes the restrictive from the non-restrictive
-          relative sentence. <br />But is the comma in non-restrictive
-          relative sentences really prescriptive?</p>
-          <p>Does a rule like REMOVE Adv IF (1 Interr OR N)(1 Rel);
-          suffice?</p>
-        </section>
-      </section>
-    </section>
-<!--    <section>
-      <title>"eará"</title>
-      <p>eará gets the morphological tags</p>
-      <source>
-eará    eará+Pron+Indef+Attr
-eará    eará+Pron+Indef+Sg+Acc
-eará    eará+Pron+Indef+Sg+Nom
-eará    eará+Pron+Indef+Sg+Gen
-      <p>and the syntactic tags</p>
-      <ol>
-        <li>@>N</li>
-        <li>@P<</li>
-      </ol>
-      <p>@>N is the default one, while @P< should be chosen in the
-      idiomatic expression "earret eará".</p>
-      <p>In contexts where a noun follows "earret eará", the idiomatic reading
-      appears to be chosen instead of the literal, which means @P< and not
-      @>N.</p>
-    </section>  -->
-  </body>
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-<!DOCTYPE document PUBLIC "-//APACHE//DTD Documentation V2.0//EN" "http://forrest.apache.org/dtd/document-v20.dtd">
-<document xml:lang="en">
-  <header>
-    <title>Bugs</title>
-  </header>
-  <body>
-    <section>
-      <title>Bug reports, errors</title>
-      <p>This file is now abandoned, as our bugs are reported and solved in our <a href="http://giellatekno.uit.no/bugzilla">Bugzilla bug report system</a>. This file is kept here for nostalgic reasons.</p>
-      <section>
-        <title>Morphophonological (twol) errors</title>
-        <p>it accepts girkudáidda but not girkodáidda. The vow shortening in compounds thus does not quite work. Other examples:</p>
-        <source>Muitosuodjalus
-        <source>oskkoldat
-oskkoldat       oskkoldat+N+Sg+Nom
-diehtaga        died1a+N+Sg+Gen
-diehtaga        died1a+N+Sg+Acc
-oskkoldatdiehtaga       oskkoldatdiehtaga       +?
-oahpaheaddjeoahpus      oahpaheaddjeoahpus      +?
-        <p>Answer: because Nom + Nom is not accepted for this type of words.</p>
-      </section>
-      <section>
-        <title>Moprpholoical errors (Errors in the rule file)</title>
-        <section>
-          <title>comparative</title>
-          <p>dárkil works but dárkileappot does not.</p>
-        </section>
-        <section>
-          <title>no paradigm for actio of DOHPPE</title>
-          <source>dohppema
-dohppema        dohppema        +?
-beastima        beastit+V+n+N+Actio+Sg+Gen
-beastima        beastit+V+n+N+Actio+Sg+Acc
-          <p>besten, dohppen, beastin are ok, but not bestema, dohppema, contrary to beastima. This is a problem for the DOHPPE lexicon.</p>
-        </section>
-        <section>
-          <title>Definite pronouns</title>
-          <source>goappas1 (wesrt)
-guktot (east)
-gukton (?)
-          <p>HAVE A LOOK.</p>
-        </section>
-        <section>
-          <title>e in front of -las in deverbal adjectives</title>
-          <p>The parser gives bealkálas from bealkit, which is correct, but it overgenerates to joavdálas for joavdit, where the correct form should be jovdelas. Look into this.</p>
-        </section>
-        <section>
-          <title>Illative of foreign names in -e</title>
-          <p>There are two documented patterns:</p>
-          <p>Lene -> Lenii</p>
-          <p>Manasse -> Manassei</p>
-          <p>The question is: Can there be made some generalisations?</p>
-        </section>
-        <section>
-          <title>Qestions, open issues</title>
-          <p>Missing POS</p>
-          <source>otnás1
-otnás1 otnás1+Sg+Gen
-otnás1 otnás1+Sg+Acc
-otnás1 otnás1+Sg+Nom
-otnás1 otnás1+N+Sg+Gen
-otnás1 otnás1+N+Sg+Acc
-otnás1 otnás1+N+Sg+Nom
-        </section>
-        <section>
-          <title>Missing POS in derivatives</title>
-          <source>mánnálas1
-mánnálas1     mánná+N+las1+Sg+Nom
-mánnálas1     mánnálas1+N+Sg+Nom
-mánnálas1     mánnálas1+A+Sg+Nom
-mánnálas1     mánnálas1+A+Attr
-          <p>The first entry does not say "+A".</p>
-        </section>
-        <section>
-          <title>Diacritical marks in the lexicon forms</title>
-        </section>
-        <section>
-          <title>The forest of comparatives</title>
-          <source>apply down> issoras+A+Comp+Sg+Nom
-apply down> fargat+A+Sg+Gen
-        </section>
-        <section>
-          <title>Missing declension forms (?)</title>
-          <p>deaivat > deives1 (missing)</p>
-          <p>jeagadit > jeagolas1 (missing)</p>
-        </section>
-        <section>
-          <title>Gradation error for certain nouns</title>
-          <p>Weak grade not rec. for <em>máhli, duihmi, c1áihmi</em>, -hl-, -hm-, -hn- also in weak grade.</p>
-        </section>
-      </section>
-      <section>
-        <title>Errors in the lexicon files (missing words)</title>
-        <p>MUSH<br/> has defect Acc, Gen, and 'apply down' does not work</p>
-        <p>LASIS<br/>is not found in the lexicon list at all. TODO: Write a lexicon for LASIS</p>
-        <section>
-          <title>Checking diary</title>
-          <p>All CG cases of series II E are checked. The ihx ones do not work (cf. above), but the other ones do.</p>
-        </section>
-        <section>
-          <title>The multiple genitive forms</title>
-          <p>At one stage , Acc/Gen forms were accompanied by several strange additional forms (Gen#vuoign1an/vuoignám). These are now commented out of the noun lexicon, by a ! mark.</p>
-          <p>TODO: Check with the original lexicon, to ensure that nothing crucial has been lost in the conversion process.</p>
-        </section>
-      </section>
-      <section>
-        <title>Miscellania</title>
-        <section>
-          <title>Comitative plural and Px</title>
-          <source>Correct:
-apply down> giella+N+Pl+Com+PxSg3
-apply down> giella+N+Pl+Com+PxPl3
-apply down> beana+N+Pl+Com+PxPl3
-apply down> beana+N+Pl+Com+PxSg3
-          <p>Also the contracted words <em>luomi</em> and <em>gahpir</em> behaved the same way as <em>beana</em>. It thus seems this is an error for all contracted nouns.</p>
-          <p>TODO: Go through the Px paradigm, and see if <em>beana</em> shows errors in other parts of the paradigm, and if there are other words that have problems in the Comitative Plural paradigm.</p>
-        </section>
-        <section>
-          <title>Words</title>
-          <source>apply down> jearaldat+N+Pl+Ill
-          <p>Also for servodat</p>
-          <p>Missing:</p>
-          <p>dihto tietty</p>
-          <source>apply up> buorre
-buorri1+A+Sg+Nom     <== what is buorri1 ?
-          <p>tag missing</p>
-          <source>duogás1 duogás1+Sg+Gen
-duogás1 duogás1+Sg+Acc
-duogás1 duogás1+Sg+Nom
-        </section>
-        <section>
-          <title>Compounds</title>
-        </section>
-        <section>
-          <title>Closed classes</title>
-          <section>
-            <title>goappa</title>
-            <p>Have a look at this:</p>
-            <source>apply up> goappa
-apply up> goappá
-            <p>It seems the first one is errouneous.</p>
-          </section>
-        </section>
-      </section>
-      <section>
-        <title>The tokenizer</title>
-        <p>bienasta bitnii must be included in a list of multiword expressions in the preproscessor.</p>
-      </section>
-      <section>
-        <title>The vislcg preprocessor lookup2cg</title>
-        <p>This preprocessor is located in gt/script/. It has two main problems:</p>
-        <ol>
-          <li>The quotation marks are not always in place</li>
-          <li>The grammatical tags are kept on non-final elements in compounds.</li>
-        </ol>
-        <section>
-          <title>The quotation marks are not always in place</title>
-          <p>(find examples)</p>
-        </section>
-        <section>
-          <title>The grammatical tags are kept on non-final elements in compounds.</title>
-          <p>Cf. this example:</p>
-          <source>"<girkoás1s1it>"
-        "girku" N Sg Nom # ás1s1i N Pl Nom
-        "girku" N Sg Gen # ás1s1i N Pl Nom
-"<gulle>" S:1314, 1573, 1573, 1530
-        "gullat" V Ind Prs Du1
-        "gullet" V VGen
-        "gullet" V Ind Prs Sg3
-          <p>Here, the correct reading "gullet V Ind Prt Pl3" is removed due to rule 1314, saying</p>
-          <p>REMOVE Pl3 IF (0 Sg3) (-1 (N Sg Nom)); ## Dokumeanta c1ilge, mo mii eallit.</p>
-          <p>But the Sg Nom in the preceeding word is the first part of the compound, not the second, and it should be disregarded during the context evaluation of the 1314 rule.</p>
-          <p>Possible solutions:</p>
-          <dl>
-            <dt>Remove all grammatical information before the # symbol</dt>
-            <dd>This is a clean solution. One marginal problem is that the initial tag, the "word" itself is kept, and this may act as a tag in its own right.</dd>
-            <dt>Change the grammatical tags before the # symbol into something else, e.g. by wrapping < > parentheses around them.</dt>
-            <dd>The output becomes cumbersome to read, but it may still be the best solution.</dd>
-            <dt>One possibility may be to include the # symbol in the set definitions, so that for each tag, the set of corresponding tags including a succeeding # is disregarded, e.g. SET NSGNOM = (N Sg Nom) - (N Sg Nom #);</dt>
-            <dd>This looks cumbersome, though, as all tag combinations must be decleared as sets.</dd>
-          </dl>
-          <p>Todo: Evaluate this.</p>
-        </section>
-      </section>
-      <p class="last_modified">Last modified: $Date: 2015-04-12 03:55:08 +0000 (Sun, 12 Apr 2015) $, by $Author: trond $</p>
-    </section>
-  </body>
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-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
-<!DOCTYPE document PUBLIC "-//APACHE//DTD Documentation V2.0//EN"
-<document xml:lang="en">
-  <header>
-    <title>The disambiguation file sme-dis.rle</title>
-  </header>
-  <body>
-    <section>
-      <title>The disambiguation files <code>sme-dis.rle</code> and <code>sme-tdis.rle</code></title>
-<p>In this file, we discuss the structure of the disambiguation rule files <code>sme-dis.rle</code>, and, more marginally, of the file <code>sme-tdis.rle</code>. The former file disambiguates morphological homonymy and gives a syntactic analysis of the clause, whereas the latter has the paragraph as its domain. For a documentation of the linguistic considerations behind some specific linguistic issues, see <a href="docu-sme-about-disamb.html">this document</a>. </p>
-      <section>
-        <title>File macrostructure</title>
-        <p>The disambiguation file <code>sme-dis.rle consists of</code> the following
-        parts:</p>
-        <ul>
-          <li>Delimiter declarations</li>
-          <li>Tag and tag list declarations</li>
-          <li>Mapping rules</li>
-          <li>Constraints</li>
-        </ul>
-        <p>The file format is documented in Tapanainen 1996. Cf. also the <a
-        href="../../tools/cgii-usage.html">general discussion on CG-2
-        usage</a>.</p>
-        <section>
-          <title>The delimiters</title>
-          <p>Four sentence delimiters are declared in <code>sme-dis.rle</code>, ".", "?", "!" and "¶". This is thus where we find the difference between this file and the file <code>sme-tdis.rle</code>, which has only one delimiter, "¶".</p>
-        </section>
-        <section>
-          <title>Tag and tag list declarations</title>
-          <p>This section consists of two parts. In the first part, every
-          single lexc tag has been given a list declaration of its own. There
-          probably is a better way of doing this (the reader is invited to
-          find a better way :-).</p>
-          <p>In the second part comes the real set and list declarations.</p>
-        </section>
-        <section>
-          <title>Mapping rules</title>
-          <p>These rules define mappings from morphological tags to syntactic
-          functions. Note that it is important here to select the TARGET and
-          the conditions carefully. For example, if one writes MAP (@-FAUXV)
-          TARGET ("leat") IF (0 Inf), not only Inf readings will get the tag
-          (@-FAUXV). The tag will be applied to every member of the relevant
-          cohorts, even to the Sg2 and Pl1 and Pl3 readings. If one writes
-          instead MAP (@-FAUXV) TARGET Inf IF (0 ("leat")), only the Inf
-          reading gets that tag, and the other readings can be taken care of
-          by other rules.</p>
-        </section>
-        <section>
-          <title>The constraints</title>
-          <p>The constraints are organised in cycles. CG-2 makes it possible
-          to arrange the rules in blocks. Each set of constraints is
-          introduced with the key word CONSTRAINTS, and the last section is
-          closed off with the word END.</p>
-          <p>First we have disambiguation rules that each refer to one single
-          cohort (marked with "cycle 0"). Then comes local disambiguation,
-          referring mainly to words one cohort to the left or right (possibly
-          with intervening adverbials) ("cycle 1"). Then follows the main part
-          of the disambiguation file ("cycle 2"),which contains rules with
-          local and long-distance scope. The next cycle consists of rules with
-          global scope, along with some rules that need to come as late as
-          possible ("cycle 3"). Cycle 4 contains rules for syntactic
-          disambiguation, and finally, there is cycle 5 with post-syntactic
-          morphological rules.</p>
-          <p>The rules within some of the main cycles are organised in
-          subcycles, set apart by the key word CONSTRAINTS. This gives better
-          control of the order in which the rules apply.</p>
-          <p>Also note that rules are often organised such that a block of
-          rules is followed by a set of examples. In these cases, the first
-          rule will go with the first example, the second rule with the second
-          example, and so on. The idea is that this gives a better overview
-          than if each rule is immediately followed by an example.</p>
-          <p>The majority of the examples show where a rule hits. But in some
-          cases, an example shows where the rule does NOT hit. Then the
-          example is there to illustrate the need for some specific condition
-          in the rule. Which condition is normally pointed out explicitly.</p>
-        </section>
-      </section>
-    </section>
-    <section>
-      <title>More on the cycles</title>
-      <section>
-        <title>Cycle 0</title>
-        <p>Much cohort-internal disambiguation is taken care of in the
-        preprocessor phase (in the script <a
-        href="../../tools/docu-lookup2cg.html">lookup2cg</a>, see also the
-        documentation in the script).</p>
-        <p>The rules in this section are there to reject analyses where there
-        is a better analysis in the same cohort. Typically, this is the case
-        where a lexicalised derivation competes with a dynamically derived
-        form. For example, adverbs derived from adjectives are rejected if
-        there is an alternative analysis with the lexicalised adverb. Then
-        there are certain tag combinations that are excluded, for example, one
-        rule says REMOVE Imprt IF (0 Qst). The idea is that a verb cannot be
-        imperative if it has a cliticised question marker. Hence, all Imprt
-        readings are removed from verbs with question markers. All in all,
-        this cycle eliminates readings that we do not ever want to end up
-        with.</p>
-      </section>
-      <section>
-        <title>Cycle 1</title>
-        <p>This cycle consists of two subcycles. In cycle 1a we deal with some
-        personal pronouns that have homonyms in other parts of speech, and
-        with the pronoun "eanaš/eanas", we pick out some Px readings, and
-        select verb readings that depend on personal pronouns. There is also a
-        rule for "dušše" and two rules related to "ahte", which have to come
-        early so that only the CS reading of "ahte" survives to cycle 2. In
-        cycle 1b most of the remaining Px readings are removed.</p>
-      </section>
-      <section>
-        <title>Cycle 2</title>
-        <p>This is the largest cycle in the disambiguation file. It consists
-        of several subcycles. The main organising principle is that rules that
-        are relevant to one and the same part of speech should come as one
-        rule block. However, some exceptions to this principle have turned out
-        to be necessary. For example, although the main verb rule block
-        follows the main noun rule block, certain verb rules precede the noun
-        rules, thereby improving the effect of the latter.</p>
-        <p>In the following, the main subcycles of Cycle 2 are dealt with one
-        by one.</p>
-        <section>
-          <title>Noun or not?</title>
-          <p>In this subcycle some relatively certain noun readings are picked
-          out. In most cases adjective readings are thereby removed, but also
-          some verb readings. The selected noun readings will serve as context
-          for later rules.</p>
-        </section>
-        <section>
-          <title>Adjectives and adverbs</title>
-          <p>In this subcycle some relatively certain adverb and adjective
-          readings are picked out. The competing readings are verb or noun
-          readings.</p>
-        </section>
-        <section>
-          <title>Disambiguating clitics</title>
-          <p>So far two rules here. They remove the Qst reading from the
-          particle "dego" and from adverbs like "nugo".</p>
-        </section>
-        <section>
-          <title>Disambiguating adpositions</title>
-          <p>Two subcycles. The first one deals with some individual
-          adpositions, with some adpositions that take modifiers, and with
-          adpositions of the GASKAL class, in the cases where they combine
-          with a coordination. The second subcycle consists of rules that
-          select and remove Po and Pr readings in a general fashion. The
-          ordering of rules is crucial here. The present ordering is not
-          necessarily the best one, although it has been worked on quite a
-          lot.</p>
-        </section>
-        <section>
-          <title>Disambiguating subjunctions</title>
-          <p>Two subcycles. The first one contains two general CS rules and a
-          number of rules related to individual subjunctions with homonyms in
-          other POS. The second one contains rules that disambiguate those
-          ambiguous instances that survive the first subcycle.</p>
-        </section>
-        <section>
-          <title>Disambiguating adverbs</title>
-          <p>Consists of some general adverb rules, some rules that
-          distinguish between adverbs and other specified POS, and a series of
-          rules related to individual adverbs. The latter set of rules deals
-          with ambiguities that are not resolved by the general adverb
-          rules.</p>
-        </section>
-        <section>
-          <title>Disambiguating pronouns</title>
-          <p>Since personal pronouns are dealt with in cycle 1, this cycle
-          consists of rule blocks for interrogative pronouns, reflexive
-          pronouns, reciprocal pronouns, numerals (placed here because of
-          "nubbi"), indefinite pronouns, and demonstrative pronouns, in that
-          order, so that the rules for demonstratives, for example, can build
-          on the output of all other pronoun rules.</p>
-          <p>Note that there are particularly many rules for "dat", since
-          "dat" can be a demonstrative pronoun or a personal pronoun. We have
-          chosen here to treat "dat" as a personal pronoun whenever it stands
-          alone.</p>
-        </section>
-        <section>
-          <title>Disambiguating adjectives</title>
-          <p>This cycle is introduced by some rules for individual adjectives,
-          followed by some rules that pick out comparatives. The next block of
-          rules identify attributes that come between a demonstrative and a
-          noun with compatible cases. Between these elements we expect only
-          DP-internal material, so it is relatively easy to identify
-          attributes in this domain. It is much harder to identify attributes
-          that are not preceded by demonstratives, which is why the next rule
-          block, for other attribute rules, is much longer. After the main
-          rule block for attributes follow rules for coordinated attributes
-          and for "buorre". The last part of the adjective cycle contains
-          rules for predicative adjectives, and finally, a couple of adverb
-          rules.</p>
-        </section>
-        <section>
-          <title>Disambiguating verbs - part 1</title>
-          <p>In this cycle we deal with some verb forms that are relatively
-          easy to disambiguate. We select ConNeg and imperative forms, and
-          also some infinitives. In addition, in the middle of the rule block
-          for infinitives there are some rules that remove infinitive. Then we
-          have rules for VGen and for PrfPrc, including cases where "leamaš"
-          appears without a finite verb. We select some Actio and some PrsPrc
-          readings, and finally, there are rules for the individual verbs
-          "orrut" and "addit".</p>
-        </section>
-        <section>
-          <title>Disambiguating nouns</title>
-          <p>The first rules in this cycle deal with proper nouns-selection of
-          proper nouns, removal of proper nouns, and choosing between
-          different proper nouns. Then follow a series of rules that remove
-          certain adjective readings when corresponding noun readings are
-          available. After that the case disambiguation begins. We start with
-          rules for some specific constructions that need to be picked out
-          early. Then for each case there is a rule section with the following
-          structure: 1) rules that identify single occurences of the case in
-          question, 2) rules that find coordinated elements with that case, 3)
-          rules that REMOVE that case in certain environments. This is to make
-          the job easier for later case rules, by removing wrong readings as
-          early as possible.</p>
-          <p>Since there are quite a few syntactic environments where only
-          genitive case is found, we pick out genitive readings first. Then
-          nominative rules follow, and after that accusative. These three
-          sections are all relatively large, since ambiguity between
-          nominative, accusative and genitive is so widespread in North
-          Sámi.</p>
-          <p>The case rule sections that follow, for illative, locative,
-          comitative and essive are much smaller. And at the end of the case
-          rule chapter, there is a section for case rules that have to come
-          after others have worked.</p>
-        </section>
-        <section>
-          <title>Disambiguating verbs - part 2</title>
-          <p>This is the main rule block for verb disambiguation.We first
-          select some finite verbs, that is, verb readings that include an
-          Ind, Pot, Imprt, ImprtII, or Cond tag. After that we have a couple
-          of rules that disambiguate between the negation 'it' and the
-          abbreviation 'it'. Then follow a block of rules that select
-          infinitive, and a block of rules that select or remove
-          imperative.</p>
-          <p>Now it is time for the rules that select verb readings according
-          to person and number. There are a few rules for Sg1, a few for Sg2,
-          lots of rules for Sg3, and some rules for Du1, Du2 and Du3. There
-          are also a couple of rules for Pl1 and for Pl2, and a large section
-          of rules for Pl3. Then, since some verbs will remain ambiguous after
-          the preceding rule blocks, the section for finite rules is rounded
-          off by some rules for infinitive, for finite verbs and for
-          passive.</p>
-          <p>The last part of the verb rule block contains rules for various
-          non-finite verb forms, another rule block for finite verbs,
-          consisting of rules that work best when as many other verb forms as
-          possible are disambiguated, and finally, lexical rules that
-          disambiguate between verbs that have overlapping paradigms.</p>
-        </section>
-        <section>
-          <title>Residual cases</title>
-          <p>Now that all parts of speech are disambiguated, we can apply some
-          rules that make reference to particular forms. The rule block
-          Residual cases contains case rules, other rules for nominals, rules
-          for determiners, and rules for adverbs and adjectives.</p>
-        </section>
-      </section>
-      <section>
-        <title>Cycle 3</title>
-        <p>This is meant to be a cycle for disambiguation rules of global
-        scope. At present, it contains only three one-cohort rules.</p>
-      </section>
-      <section>
-        <title>Cycle 4</title>
-        <p>This is where syntactic disambiguation is done. That is, the rules
-        in this cycle pick out one syntactic tag in cases where an element has
-        more than one. There are rules for subject, for subject predicate, for
-        object and object predicate, for verbal functions, and for other
-        functions.</p>
-      </section>
-      <section>
-        <title>Cycle 5</title>
-        <p>This cycle contains morphological rules that make reference to
-        syntactic functions.</p>
-      </section>
-      <section>
-        <title>A more thorough documentation, on rule level</title>
-        <p>Here, we write some stuff that later on will be transferred to
-        separate files..</p>
-        <section>
-          <title>Syntactic disambiguation rules</title>
-          <p>This is for the rules concerning @ tags, both the mapping and the
-          disambiguating rules.</p>
-        </section>
-        <section>
-          <title>Morphological disambiguation rules</title>
-          <p>Here we look at the rules concerning the tags from the sme.fst
-          transducer.</p>
-          <section>
-            <title>The Acc/Gen issue</title>
-            <p>Yes, the Acc/Gen issue...</p>
-          </section>
-        </section>
-        <section>
-          <title>Morphological and syntactic disambiguation</title>
-          <p>Interrelation between morphological and syntactic rules.</p>
-        </section>
-        <section>
-          <title>Semantic disambiguation</title>
-          <p>So far, we have only 5 semantic tags, related to proper nouns.
-          Here, we say something about how we disambiguate them.</p>
-        </section>
-      </section>
-      <p class="last_modified">Last modified: $Date: 2015-04-12 03:55:08 +0000 (Sun, 12 Apr 2015) $, by
-      $Author: trond $</p>
-      </section>
-      </body>
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index 910a329..0000000
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-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
-<!DOCTYPE document PUBLIC "-//APACHE//DTD Documentation V2.0//EN"
-<document xml:lang="en">
-  <header>
-    <title>Flags diacritics</title>
-  </header>
-  <body>
-    <section>
-      <title>Flag diacritics</title>
-      <section>
-        <title>Introduction</title>
-        <p>The use of flag diacritics is documented in chapter 8 of the Xerox
-        book. The present page documents the flag diacritics format, and the
-        use of them in the parser.</p>
-        <p>Flag diacritics are used in the Saami morphological parser in order
-        to remove illegal compounds, and in order to handle
-        automatic downcasing of proper names when they are converted to e.g.
-        adjectives.</p>
-      </section>
-      <section>
-        <title>Flag diacritics format</title>
-        <p>There are four types of flag diacritics, all of them with the
-        format @operator.feature.value@ or @operator.feature@:</p>
-        <dl>
-          <dt>U or Unification flags, @U.feature.value@</dt>
-          <dd>U is the unification operator, and the form is accepted if, for
-          the relevant feature, the two flags in the derivation string have
-          the same value.</dd>
-          <dt>P or Positive (Re)Setting, @P.feature.value@</dt>
-          <dd>Sets or resets the feature to the given value.</dd>
-          <dt>N or Negative (Re)Setting, @N.feature.value@</dt>
-          <dd>Sets or resets the feature to the negation of the given
-          value.</dd>
-          <dt>R or Require Test, @R.feature.value@</dt>
-          <dd>For this diacritic, a test is performed, and it succeeds iff
-          feature is currently set to value, otherwise the path is
-          blocked.</dd>
-          <dt>D or Disallow Test, @D.feature.value@</dt>
-          <dd>A test is performed that succeds if feature is neutral or set to
-          a value that is incompatible with value.</dd>
-          <dt>C or Clear Feature, @C.feature@</dt>
-          <dd>For this flag, the value of feature is reset to neutral.</dd>
-          <dt>U or Unification Test, @U.feature.value@</dt>
-          <dd>If feature is currently neutra, this diacritic causes feature to
-          be set to value. Else if feature is currently set, then the test
-          succeeds iff value is compatible with the current value of
-          feature.</dd>
-        </dl>
-      </section>
-    </section>
-    <section>
-      <title>Flags diacritics for Saami compounds</title>
-      <section>
-        <title>Introduction</title>
-        <p>Flag diacritics are used in the Saami morphological parser in order
-        to remove illegal compounds. </p>
-      </section>
-      <section>
-        <title>The problem</title>
-        <p>Without flag diacritics, compounds with derived nouns are
-        errouneously blocked, or, if they are accepted,</p>
-        <dl>
-            <dt>Too strict:</dt> 
-            <dd>only N + N accepted, N + [V-suf]N is not</dd>
-            <dt>Too sloppy:</dt>
-            <dd>also N + V accepted, not only N + [V-suf]N</dd>
-            <dt>Correct: </dt>
-            <dd>accept compound only if 2nd part is N at end of derivation</dd>
-        </dl>
-      </section>
-      <section>
-        <title>A solution</title>
-        <ol>
-          <li>The Nominative and Genitive sublexica of all NounRoot entries
-          are lead to the R lexicon (as earlier).</li>
-          <li>From there, they go to NounRoot again without flag diacritics.
-          They are also led to VerbRoot and AdjectiveRoot, but equipped with a
-          compound flag diacritic. Then, all affixes that turn adjectives and
-          verbs into nouns are equipped with a corresponding diacritic.</li>
-          <li>Compounds with only an unsaturated diacritic are removed,
-          whereas compounds with a saturated diacritic are accepted.</li>
-        </ol>
-      </section>
-      <section>
-        <title>A sketch</title>
-        <p>Here, the P and R diacritics are used, as shown with the R lexicon
-        and two lexica for deverbal nouns, that takes verbal stems as input.
-        The P diacritic sets the value of cmpnd to N, and the R diacritic
-        requires a test.</p>
-        <ul>
-            <li>LEXICON R
-                <ul>
-                    <li># NounRoot ;</li>
-                    <li>#@P.cmpnd.N@   VerbRoot ;</li>
-                    <li>#@P.cmpnd.N@   AdjectiveRoot ;</li>
-                </ul>
-            </li>
-            <li>LEXICON DeverbalNounsBOAHTI
-                <ul>
-                    <li>+N+Actor:@R.cmpnd.N@  DEVNVCASE ;</li>
-                </ul>
-            </li>
-            <li>LEXICON DeverbalNounsDOHPPE-
-                <ul>
-                    <li>+n+N+Actio:m at R.cmpnd.N@ BOAHTIN ;</li>
-                    <li>+mus1+N:mus1s1 at R.cmpnd.N@ MUSH ;</li>
-                    <li>+meahttun+A:X7#meahttum MEAHTTUN ;</li>
-                </ul>
-            </li>
-        </ul>
-      </section>
-    </section>
-    <section>
-      <title>Flag diacritics for downcasing of derived proper nouns</title>
-      <section>
-        <title>The problem</title>
-        <fixme author="Trond">This is fixed, isn't it?</fixme>
-        <p>All proper nouns may be turned into adjectives of the type London
-        > Londoner, in Sámi, Oslo > oslolaš. In Sámi, the capital letter
-        of the proper name must be downcased.</p>
-        <p>An earlier solution was to write a twol rule that exchanged all
-        initial uppercase letters with an initial lowercase one if the stem
-        was followed by the right kind of derivational suffix (this rule is
-        still found at the end of the twol-sme.txt file, where it is commented
-        out). This solution was abandoned, since the compilation time was
-        simply too long</p>
-      </section>
-      <section>
-        <title>A solution involving flag diacritics</title>
-        <p>A possible solution is to use flag diacritics, in the same way as
-        we used flag diacritics to fix compounds.</p>
-        <p>The tags <code>@U.Cap.Obl@ @U.Cap.Opt@</code> were introduced (cf.
-        the <code>sme-lext.txt </code>file), but so far, we don't have a
-        working solution. The problem is documented (for Finnish) in section
-        8.5.5. (of the pre-published version), and on pp. 368-372 in the
-        published version of the B&K book.</p>
-        <p>Working on it (Trond): I copied the two files demo-lex.txt (the
-        lexc file) and lexscript.xfst (the xfst script). I then saved the
-        former as lex.fst (in lexc) and ran the latter (in xfst). The lexc
-        commands were:</p>
-        <source>compile-source demo-lex.txt
-save-result lex.fst</source>
-        <p>The sole xfst command was:</p>
-        <source>source paloscript.xfst</source>
-        <p>The resulting message from xfst is seen below:</p>
-        <source>xfst[0]: source paloscript.xfst
-Opening file paloscript.xfst...
-defined UC: 568 bytes. 2 states, 26 arcs, 26 paths.
-5.2 Kb. 6 states, 356 arcs, Circular.
- >>>>This leaves the rule transducer on the stack
-0: 5.2 Kb. 6 states, 356 arcs, Circular.
- >>>>Loading lex.fst onto the stack
-Opening 'lex.fst'
-Closing 'lex.fst'
- >>>>There should now be two networks on the stack
-0: 1.5 Kb. 32 states, 35 arcs, 12 paths.
-1: 5.2 Kb. 6 states, 356 arcs, Circular.
- >>>>Composing the rules under the lexicon
-1.8 Kb. 38 states, 45 arcs, 18 paths.
-flex scanner jammed</source>
-        <p>According to the Book, we should have two networks, so that is ok.
-        The question is why we get the final message (<code>flex scanner
-        jammed</code>), and how we shall get the demo work, and thereafter how
-        we can make our own problem work.</p>
-      </section>
-      <section>
-        <title>Appendix: The files used</title>
-        <p>These two files were copied from the B&K book. No attempt was
-        done do modify them, as the first goal should be to get them to
-        work.</p>
-        <p>The lexc file demo-lex.txt</p>
-        <source>!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
-! demo-lex.txt
-! Simple Finnish Lexicon with Flag Diacritics
-! Includes words like "Pariisi" (Paris) "pariisilainen"
-! (Parisian), "Palo Alto", "paloaltolainen" (Palo Altan).
-! The initial capital is obligatory in "Pariisi",
-! optional in "pariisilainen". The internal space in
-! "Palo Alto" is not present in "paloaltolainen".
- @U.Cap.Obl@ @U.Cap.Opt@
- +PN +Adj +Der+
- @U.Cap.Obl@ PropNoun ;
- @U.Cap.Opt@ PropNoun ;
- Pariisi PNSuff ;
- Grenoble PNSuff ;
- Palo_Alto PNSuff ;
-! N.B. that _ denotes the literal space
-! character in this grammar
- @U.Cap.Obl@ PN ;
- @U.Cap.Opt@ AdjSuff ;
-+PN:0 # ;
- +Der+:0 LAINEN ;
- lainen ADJ ;
- +Adj:0 # ;</source>
-        <p>The xfst script paloscript.xfst</p>
-        <source>clear stack
-define UC A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H |
-I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S |
-T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z ;
-read regex [
-# Allow optional initial downcasing after @U.Cap.Opt@
-A (->) a, B (->) b, C (->) c, D (->) d, E (->) e,
-F (->) f, G (->) g, H (->) h, I (->) i, J (->) j,
-K (->) k, L (->) l, M (->) m, N (->) n, O (->) o,
-P (->) p, Q (->) q, R (->) r, S (->) s, T (->) t,
-U (->) u, V (->) v, W (->) w, X (->) x, Y (->) y,
-Z (->) z
-                || .#. %@U%.Cap%.Opt%@ _
-# No uppercase in the middle of a downcasable word
-A->a, B->b, C->c, D->d, E->e, F->f, G->g, H->h,
-I->i, J->j, K->k, L->l, M->m, N->n, O->o, P->p,
-Q->q, R->r, S->s, T->t, U->u, V->v, W->w, X->x,
-Y->y, Z->z
-|| %@U%.Cap%.Opt%@ ?+ _
-# Eliminate internal spaces inside a downcasable word
-# Spaces are indicated here with the literal
-# underscore character
-%_ -> [] || .#. %@U%.Cap%.Opt%@ ?+ _
-] ;
-echo >>>>This leaves the rule transducer on the stack
-print stack
-echo >>>>Loading lex.fst onto the stack
-load stack lex.fst
-echo >>>>There should now be two networks on the stack
-print stack
-echo >>>>Composing the rules under the lexicon
-compose net
-echo >>>>Composition complete</source>
-      </section>
-      <p class="last_modified">Last modified: $Date: 2015-04-12 03:55:08 +0000 (Sun, 12 Apr 2015) $, by
-          $Author: trond $</p>
-    </section>
-  </body>
diff --git a/doc/docu-sme-flowchart.xml b/doc/docu-sme-flowchart.xml
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index ebed676..0000000
--- a/doc/docu-sme-flowchart.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,72 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version = '1.0' encoding = 'UTF-8'?>
-<!DOCTYPE document PUBLIC "-//APACHE//DTD Documentation V2.0//EN" "http://forrest.apache.org/dtd/document-v20.dtd">
-<document xml:lang="en">
-  <header>
-    <title>A flowchart over the sme files for morphological parsing</title>
-  </header>
-  <body>
-    <section>
-      <title>A flowchart over the sme files for morphological parsing</title>
-      <p>This flowchart gives an overview of how the sme sourcefiles are related. In principle, the other lg files are arranged in the same way.</p>
-      <p/>
-      <source>The main lex file            Separate lex files for different POS (parts
-                                                               of speech)
-|----------------------|    |------------------|
-|     sme-lex.txt      |    | noun-sme-lex.txt |
-|                      |    |  viessu GOAHTI ; |  From the Root lexicon, there
-|     Root   -------------> |  ...             |  are pointers to each POS.
-|                      |    |        |         |  The files for nouns, verbs and
-|     LEXICON GOAHTI <---------------|         |  adjectives point back to the
-|      +N DEVNVCASE ;  |    |                  |  sme-lex.txt file, and are di-
-|      ...             |    |------------------|  rected to their respective
-|                      |                          sublexica.
-|                      |    |-------------------|
-|                     --->  | verb-sme-lex.txt  | (the auxiliary verbs are
-|                   <--------- ...              | also found in the verb file)
-|                      |    |-------------------|
-|                      |
-|                      |    |-------------------|
-|                     --->  | adj-sme-lex.txt   |
-|                   <--------- ...           |
-|                      |    |-------------------|
-|                      |
-|                      |
-|                     --->  |-------------------| The other lex files contain
-|                  <- - - - - closed-sme-lex.txt| closed classes. They are smal
-|----------------------|    | LEXICON Pronoun   | ler, and all the sublexica
-                            |  Personal ;       | are in the same file, not in
-                            |                   | the sme-lex file (well, some
-                            | LEXICON Personal  | point to some sme-lex sub-
-                            |  ...              | lexica). Other files are pp-
-                            |-------------------| lex.txt, etc. All in all
-                                                  there are ca. 10 lex files.
-This is compiled together with the        ||
-twol rules. These rules contain the       ||
-(morpho)phonological processes,           ||
-consonant gradation, etc.                 \/
-|------------|    |------------|      |------------|   The sme.save file is
-|twol-sme.txt| => |twol-sme.bin|  =>  |  sme.save  |   compiled in lexc, and
-|------------|    |------------|      |------------|   is the merger of the
-                                                       lex files and the rule
-Here are the      After compi-                         file twol-sme.bin
-rules them-       lation in twolc           ||
-selves            they are in this          ||
-                  binary file               ||
-                                            ||
-Then comes preprosessor files:              \/
-|----------|    |------------|         ||=========||  This is the final morpho-
-|case.regex| => |caseconv.fst| ======> || sme.fst ||  logical parser for
-|----------|    |------------|         ||=========||  North Sami.
-The case.regex file is com-
-piled in xfst. The preprocessor
-itself, tok.fst, is not shown here.
-      <p class="last_modified">Last modified: $Date: 2015-04-12 03:55:08 +0000 (Sun, 12 Apr 2015) $, by $Author: trond $</p>
-    </section>
-  </body>
diff --git a/doc/docu-sme-grammartags.xml b/doc/docu-sme-grammartags.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index d33a481..0000000
--- a/doc/docu-sme-grammartags.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,586 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
-<!DOCTYPE document PUBLIC "-//APACHE//DTD Documentation V2.0//EN"
-<document xml:lang="en">
-  <header>
-    <title>Morphological tags</title>
-  </header>
-  <body>
-<p>On the bottom of this page is a list with all tags in alphabetical order.</p>
-      <section>
-        <title>Overview</title>
-        <p>All the words are analysed with dictionary form + grammatical tags.
-        Each tag is introduced with a "+" sign. We thus have</p>
-        <p><code>biilla biila+N+Sg+Acc</code><br /><code>boađán boahtit+V+Ind+Prs+Sg1</code></p>
-<!--        <p>The following tags are defined in the lexicon file (in the
-        beginning of the sme-lex.txt file, and correspondingly, with other
-        tags, for the other languages):</p>
-       <source>
-! Tags for POS
- +N +A +Adv +V
- +Pron +CS +CC +Po +Pr +Interj +Pcle +Num 
-! Tags for sub-POS
- +Prop +Pers +Dem +Interr +Refl +Recipr +Rel +Indef
-! Tags for Inflection
- +Ess +Sg +Du +Pl +Nom +Gen +Acc +Ill +Loc +Com
- +SgCmp +SgNomCmp +SgGenCmp +PlGenCmp +Cmpnd +Cmpnd+ +Guess
- +PxSg1 +PxSg2 +PxSg3 +PxDu1 +PxDu2 +PxDu3 +PxPl1 +PxPl2 +PxPl3
- +Comp +Superl +Attr +Card +Ord +Ind +Prs +Prt +Pot +Cond +Imprt
- +Sg1 +Sg2 +Sg3 +Du1 +Du2 +Du3 +Pl1 +Pl2 +Pl3  +TV +IV 
- +Inf +Ger +ConNeg +Neg +ImprtII +PrsPrc +PrfPrc +Sup +VGen +VAbess
- +Actio +Actor 
- ! Question and Focus particles:
- +Qst +Foc/naj+Qst +Qst+Foc/son +Foc/ge +Foc/gen +Foc/ges +Foc/gis  +Foc/naj +Foc/ba +Foc/be +Foc/hal +Foc/han +Foc/bat +Foc/son
-!Tags for Derivation
- +Der/adda +Der/ahtti +Der/alla +Der/asti +Der/easti +Der/aš +Der/d +Der/eamoš
- +Der/amoš +Der/eapmi +Der/geahtes +Der/gielat !better: +Der/NuA
- +Der/h +Der/heapmi +Der/hudda +Der/huhtti +Der/huvva +Der/halla +Der/j +Der/l
- +Der/laš +Der/las +Der/hat +Der/meahttun +Der/muš +Der/n +Der/š +Der/st
- +Der/stuvva +Der/upmi +Der/supmi +Der/vuohta +Der/goahti 
- +Der/lágan +Der/lágán +Der/lágaš +Der/jagáš
- +Dimin +Der/viđá +Der/viđi +Der/veara +Der/duohke +Der/duohkai
- +Der/vuolle +Der/vuollai +Der/vuolde
- +Der/eaddji +Der/n   
-!Other tags
-        <p>The reason why there is a Multichar_Symbols section is that without
-        it, lexc (the morphological program) would have treated them as
-        separate letters (+Pron as +, P, r, o and n) instead of as tags. Since
-        all tags are marked with an initial "+", all grammatical tags are
-        found in the list. Note that in order to disambiguate text (with the
-        program vislcg), we strip the pluses and instead represent the words
-        as "<biilla> N Sg Acc" instead.</p> -->
-        <p>Note that you have to add the part of speech twice when you use the derivational tag: </p>
-        <p><code>boradišgohten  boradit+V+Der/goahti+V+Ind+Prt+Sg1</code></p>
-        <p>The main parts of speech (POS) for North Sámi are:</p>
-        <p>Nouns (+N), adjectives (+A), verbs (+V), pronouns (+Pron), adverbs (+Adv), particles (+Pcle),
-        subjunctions (+CS), conjunctions (+CC), postpositions (+Po), prepositions (+Pr)
-        and interjections (+Interj).</p>
-      </section>
-      <section>
-        <title>The nouns</title>
-        <p>The string is +N+(Subclass)+(Semclass)+Number+Case(+Possessivesuffix)(+Clitic)". The word
-        form <code>biilasgo</code> is thus analysed as <code>biila+N+Sem/Veh+Sg+Gen+PxSg3+Qst</code>.</p>
-        <p>Here is a list of the nominal tags, given in the same order as for
-        the analysis. Note that the grammatical categories in parentheses can
-        be omitted.</p>
-        <table>
-          <tr>
-            <td>Part of speech</td>
-            <td>+N</td>
-          </tr>
-          <tr>
-            <td>Subclass</td>
-            <td>+Prop, +G3, +NomAg</td>
-          </tr>
-          <tr>
-            <td>Semantic class</td>
-            <td>+Sem/Hum, +Sem/Plc, +Sem/Veh (see list)</td>
-          </tr>
-          <tr>
-            <td>Number</td>
-            <td>+Sg, +Pl</td>
-          </tr>
-          <tr>
-            <td>Case</td>
-            <td>+Ess +Nom +Gen +Acc +Ill +Loc +Com</td>
-          </tr>
-          <tr>
-            <td>(Possessive suffix)</td>
-            <td>+PxSg1 +PxSg2 +PxSg3 +PxDu1 +PxDu2 +PxDu3 +PxPl1 +PxPl2
-            +PxPl3</td>
-          </tr>
-          <tr>
-            <td>(Clitic)</td>
-            <td>+Qst +Foc/</td>
-          </tr>
-        </table>
-      </section>
-      <section>
-        <title>The adjectives</title>
-        <p>Used non-attributively the adjective resembles the noun:</p>
-        <table>
-          <tr>
-            <td>Part of speech</td>
-            <td>+A</td>
-          </tr>
-          <tr>
-            <td>(Grade)</td>
-            <td>+Comp, +Superl</td>
-          </tr>
-          <tr>
-            <td>Number</td>
-            <td>+Sg, +Pl</td>
-          </tr>
-          <tr>
-            <td>Case</td>
-            <td>+Ess +Nom +Gen +Acc +Ill +Loc +Com</td>
-          </tr>
-          <tr>
-            <td>(Clitic)</td>
-            <td>e.g. +Qst (see list)</td>
-          </tr>
-        </table>
-        <p>Used attributively the adjective has a quite simple tag scheme:</p>
-        <table>
-          <tr>
-            <td>Part of speech</td>
-            <td>+A</td>
-          </tr>
-          <tr>
-            <td>Attribute</td>
-            <td>+Attr</td>
-          </tr>
-          <tr>
-            <td>(Clitic)</td>
-            <td>e.g. +Qst (see list)</td>
-          </tr>
-        </table>
-      </section>
-      <section>
-        <title>The verbs</title>
-        <p>Finite and infinite verb forms have quite distinct paradigms.
-        Finite first:</p>
-        <table>
-          <tr>
-            <td> Part of speech</td>
-            <td>+V</td>
-          </tr>
-          <tr>
-            <td>(Derivation)</td>
-            <td>+Der/PassL, +Der/PassS, +Der/h (see list)</td>
-          </tr>
-          <tr>
-            <td>Mood</td>
-            <td>+Ind, +Pot, +Cond, +Imprt</td>
-          </tr>
-          <tr>
-            <td>Tense</td>
-            <td>+Prs, +Prt</td>
-          </tr>
-          <tr>
-            <td>Person/Number</td>
-            <td>+Sg1 +Sg2 +Sg3 +Du1 +Du2 +Du3 +Pl1 +Pl2 +Pl3, +ConNeg</td>
-          </tr>
-          <tr>
-            <td>Clitic</td>
-            <td>e.g. +Qst (see list)</td>
-          </tr>
-        </table>
-        <p>Infinite verb forms:</p>
-        <table>
-          <tr>
-            <td>Part of speech</td>
-            <td>+V</td>
-          </tr>
-          <tr>
-            <td>(Derivation)</td>
-            <td>+Der/PassL</td>
-          </tr>
-          <tr>
-            <td>Nominal verb form</td>
-            <td>+Inf, +Act, +Ger, +PrsPrc, +PrfPrc, +VGen, +VAbess</td>
-          </tr>
-          <tr>
-            <td>(Clitic)</td>
-            <td>e.g. +Qst (see list)</td>
-          </tr>
-        </table>
-        <p>Other derived verb forms:</p>
-        <table>
-          <tr>
-            <td>Part of speech</td>
-            <td>+V</td>
-          </tr>
-          <tr>
-            <td>Part of speech</td>
-            <td>+N</td>
-          </tr>
-          <tr>
-            <td>Derivation</td>
-            <td>+NomAg</td>
-          </tr>
-          <tr>
-            <td>Number</td>
-            <td>+Sg, +Pl</td>
-          </tr>
-          <tr>
-            <td>Case</td>
-            <td>+Ess +Nom +Gen +Acc +Ill +Loc +Com</td>
-          </tr>
-          <tr>
-            <td>(Possessive suffix)</td>
-            <td>+PxSg1 +PxSg2 +PxSg3 +PxDu1 +PxDu2 +PxDu3 +PxPl1 +PxPl2
-            +PxPl3</td>
-          </tr>
-         </table>
-        <p>Here is an example: <code>oahppit</code> > <code>oahppi+N+NomAg+Pl+Nom</code></p>
-<!--        <p>These tags are still not documented: +Actio +Neg +ImprtII</p> -->
-      </section>
-      <section>
-        <title>The pronouns</title>
-        <p>The personal, demonstrative and interrogative pronouns:</p>
-        <p>baseform+Pron+Pers+NumberPerson+Case</p>
-        <p>Example:</p>
-        <p>underlying form: <code>mun+Pron+Pers+Sg1+Com</code>, surface form: <code>muinna</code></p>
-        <p>The reflexive pronouns:</p>
-        <p>baseform+Pron+pronoun_type+Case(+possessive suffix)</p>
-        <p>Example:  underlying form: <code>ieš+Pron+Refl+Loc+PxDu1</code>, surface form: <code>alddáme</code></p>
-      </section>
-      <section>
-        <title>The indeclinable words</title>
-        <p>These have their POS tag as their only tag:</p>
-        <p>underlying form: <code>birra+Pr</code> or <code>birra+Po</code>,
-surface form:    <code>birra</code> </p>
-      </section>
-<!--        <section>
-          <title>2. Numerals</title>
-          <p>Nickel: "tallord" "tallsubstantiv" Magga 1980: Lohkosánit leat
-          ovddemusta okta, guokte, golbma, jnv. mat almmuhit dárkilis logu.
-          dasto leat sullalogu s´</p>
-        </section> -->
-                <section>
-          <title>Alphabetic list over the tags</title>
-          </section> 
-                    <section>
-            <title>Part of speech and subclass</title> 
- <ul>
- <li><strong>+A</strong> adjective <ul>
- <li><strong>+Ord</strong> ordinal </li>
- </ul> </li>
- <li><strong>+Adv</strong> adverb </li>
- <li><strong>+CC</strong> conjunction </li>
- <li><strong>+CS</strong> subjunction </li>
- <li><strong>+Interj</strong> interjection </li>
- <li><strong>+N</strong> noun  <ul>
- <li><strong>+Prop</strong> proper noun </li>
- <li><strong>+NomAg</strong> agent noun </li>
- <li><strong>+G3</strong> geminat grade 3, e.g. s's </li>
- </ul> </li>
- <li><strong>+Num</strong> numeral <ul>
- <li><strong>+Card</strong> cardinal number </li>
- </ul> </li>
- <li><strong>+Pcle</strong> particle </li>
- <li><strong>+Po</strong> postposition </li>
- <li><strong>+Pr</strong> preposition </li>
- <li><strong>+Pron</strong> pronoun <ul>
- <li><strong>+Dem</strong> demonstrative pronoun </li>
- <li><strong>+Indef</strong> indefinite pronoun </li>
- <li><strong>+Interr</strong> interrogative pronoun </li>
-  <li><strong>+Pers</strong> person pronoun </li>
- <li><strong>+Refl</strong> reflecsive pronoun </li>
- <li><strong>+Recipr</strong> reciprocal pronoun </li>
-  <li><strong>+Rel</strong> relative pronoun </li>
-</ul> </li>
- <li><strong>+N, +Adv</strong>for several parts of speech <ul>
- <li><strong>+ABBR</strong> abbreviation </li>
- <li><strong>+ACR</strong> acronym </li>
-</ul> </li>
- </ul>
-        </section>
-        <section>
-          <title>Grammatical properties</title>
- <ul>
- <li><strong>+Acc</strong> Accusative </li>
- <li><strong>+Actio</strong> Actio form of the verb </li>
- <li><strong>+Attr</strong> Attributive </li>
- <li><strong>+CLB</strong> Clause boundary </li>
- <li><strong>+Cmpnd</strong> Compound (inconsistent with other notation for this tag) </li>
- <li><strong>+Cmpnd+</strong> Compound (left tag)(inconsistent with other notation for this tag) </li>
- <li><strong>+Com</strong> Comitative </li>
- <li><strong>+Comp</strong> Comperative </li>
- <li><strong>+ConNeg</strong> Negationform of the verb </li>
- <li><strong>+Cond</strong> Conditional </li>
- <li><strong>+Du</strong>Dual</li>
- <li><strong>+Du1 </strong> Dual 1. person  </li>
- <li><strong>+Du2 </strong> Dual 2. person  </li>
- <li><strong>+Du3 </strong> Dual 3. person  </li>
- <li><strong>+Ess</strong> Essive  </li>
- <li><strong>+Foc/ba </strong>  Focusclitic (-)ba </li>
- <li><strong>+Foc/bat </strong>  Focusclitic (-)bat </li>
- <li><strong>+Foc/be </strong>  Focusclitic (-)be </li>
- <li><strong>+Foc/ge </strong>  Focusclitic (-)ge </li>
- <li><strong>+Foc/gen </strong>  Focusclitic (-)gen </li>
- <li><strong>+Foc/ges </strong>  Focusclitic (-)ges </li>
- <li><strong>+Foc/gis </strong>  Focusclitic (-)gis </li>
- <li><strong>+Foc/hal</strong>   Focusclitic (-)hal</li>
- <li><strong>+Foc/han</strong>   Focusclitic (-)han</li>
- <li><strong>+Foc/naj</strong>  Focusclitic (-)nai </li>
- <li><strong>+Foc/naj+Qst</strong>  Focusclitic (-)naigo </li>
- <li><strong>+Foc/son</strong>  Focusclitic (-)son </li>
- <li><strong>+Gen</strong>  Genitive </li>
- <li><strong>+Ger</strong>  Gerund </li>
- <li><strong>+IV</strong>  Intrasitive verb </li>
- <li><strong>+Ill</strong> Illative </li>
- <li><strong>+Imprt</strong>  Imperative </li>
- <li><strong>+Ind</strong>  Indicative </li>
- <li><strong>+Inf</strong>  Infinitive </li>
- <li><strong>+LEFT</strong>  Left parenthesis </li>
- <li><strong>+Loc</strong>  Locative </li>
- <li><strong>+Neg</strong>  Negationverb </li>
- <li><strong>+Nom</strong>  Nominative </li>
- <li><strong>+PUNCT</strong>  Punctuation other than clause boundaries<em>"/", "(", ")", "+"</em> </li>
- <li><strong>+Pl</strong>  Plural </li>
- <li><strong>+Pl1</strong>  Plural 1. person </li>
- <li><strong>+Pl2</strong>  Plural 2. person </li>
- <li><strong>+Pl3</strong>  Plural 3. person </li>
- <li><strong>+PlGenCmp</strong>  Plural genitive compound </li>
- <li><strong>+Pot</strong>  Potential </li>
- <li><strong>+PrfPrc</strong>  Perfect participle </li>
- <li><strong>+Prs</strong>  Present tense </li>
- <li><strong>+PrsPrc</strong>  Present participle </li>
- <li><strong>+Prt</strong>  Preteritum </li>
- <li><strong>+PxDu1</strong>  Possessivesuffix dual 1. person </li>
- <li><strong>+PxDu2</strong>  Possessivesuffix dual 2. person </li>
- <li><strong>+PxDu3</strong>  Possessivesuffix dual 3. person </li>
- <li><strong>+PxPl1</strong>  Possessivesuffix plural 1. person </li>
- <li><strong>+PxPl2</strong>  Possessivesuffix plural 2. person </li>
- <li><strong>+PxPl3</strong>  Possessivesuffix plural 3. person </li>
- <li><strong>+PxSg1</strong>  Possessivesuffix singular 1. person </li>
- <li><strong>+PxSg2</strong>  Possessivesuffix singular 2. person </li>
- <li><strong>+PxSg3</strong>  Possessivesuffix singular 3. person </li>
- <li><strong>+Qst</strong>  Question clitic <em>(-)go</em> </li>
- <li><strong>+Qst+Foc/son</strong>  Question clitic </li>
- <li><strong>+RIGHT</strong>  Right parenthesis </li>
- <li><strong>+Sg</strong> Singular </li>
- <li><strong>+Sg1</strong> Singular 1. person</li>
- <li><strong>+Sg2</strong> Singular 2. person</li>
- <li><strong>+Sg3</strong> Singular 3. person</li>
- <li><strong>+SgCmp</strong> Singular compound</li>
- <li><strong>+SgGenCmp</strong> Singular genitive compound</li>
- <li><strong>+SgNomCmp</strong> Singular nominative compound</li>
- <li><strong>+Sup</strong> Supinum</li>
- <li><strong>+Superl</strong> Superlative</li>
- <li><strong>+TV</strong> Transitive verb</li>
- <li><strong>+VAbess</strong> Verb abessive</li>
- <li><strong>+VGen</strong> Verb genitive</li>
- </ul>
-        </section>
-        <section>
-          <title>Derivational suffix tags</title>
- <ul>
-            <li><strong>+Der/Dimin</strong> Diminutive</li>
-            <li><strong>+Der/adda</strong> suffix </li>
-            <li><strong>+Der/ahtti</strong> suffix </li>
-            <li><strong>+Der/alla</strong> suffix </li>
-            <li><strong>+Der/amoš</strong> suffix </li>
-            <li><strong>+Der/asti</strong> suffix </li>
-            <li><strong>+Der/aš</strong> suffix </li>
-            <li><strong>+Der/d</strong> suffix </li>
-            <li><strong>+Der/duohkai</strong> suffix </li>
-            <li><strong>+Der/duohke</strong> suffix </li>
-            <li><strong>+Der/NomAg</strong> agent noun </li>
-            <li><strong>+Der/eamoš</strong> suffix </li>
-            <li><strong>+Der/NomAct</strong> action noun </li>
-            <li><strong>+Der/easti</strong> suffix </li>
-            <li><strong>+Der/g</strong> suffix </li>
-            <li><strong>+Der/geahtes</strong> suffix </li>
-            <li><strong>+Der/goahti</strong> suffix </li>
-            <li><strong>+Der/h</strong> suffix </li>
-            <li><strong>+Der/halla</strong> suffix </li>
-            <li><strong>+Der/hat</strong> suffix </li>
-            <li><strong>+Der/heapmi</strong> suffix </li>
-            <li><strong>+Der/hudda</strong> suffix </li>
-            <li><strong>+Der/huhtti</strong> suffix </li>
-            <li><strong>+Der/huvva</strong> suffix </li>
-            <li><strong>+Der/j</strong> suffix </li>
-            <li><strong>+Der/l</strong> suffix </li>
-            <li><strong>+Der/las</strong> suffix </li>
-            <li><strong>+Der/laš</strong> suffix </li>
-            <li><strong>+Der/lágan</strong> suffix </li>
-            <li><strong>+Der/meahttun</strong> suffix </li>
-            <li><strong>+Der/muš</strong> suffix </li>
-            <li><strong>+Der/PassL</strong> passive verb, long form </li>
-            <li><strong>+Der/PassS</strong>  passive verb, short form </li>
-            <li><strong>+Der/st</strong> suffix </li>
-            <li><strong>+Der/stuvva</strong> suffix </li>
-            <li><strong>+Der/supmi</strong> suffix </li>
-            <li><strong>+Der/upmi</strong> suffix </li>
-            <li><strong>+Der/us</strong> suffix </li>
-            <li><strong>+Der/viđi</strong> suffix </li>
-            <li><strong>+Der/viđá</strong> suffix </li>
-            <li><strong>+Der/vuohta</strong> suffix </li>
-            <li><strong>+Der/vuolde</strong> suffix </li>
-            <li><strong>+Der/vuollai</strong> suffix </li>
-            <li><strong>+Der/vuolle</strong> suffix </li>
-            <li><strong>+Der/š</strong> suffix </li>          
-            </ul>
-        </section>
-        <section>
-          <title>Semantic tags</title>
-          <p>These are tags used for classifying names and nouns, e.g. +Prop+Sem/Fem</p>
-          <dl>
-            <dt>+Sem/Ani</dt>
-            <dd>Animal name</dd>
-            <dt>+Sem/Fem</dt>
-            <dd>Female name</dd>
-            <dt>+Sem/Mal</dt>
-            <dd>Male name</dd>
-            <dt>+Sem/Obj</dt>
-            <dd>Object</dd>
-            <dt>+Sem/Org</dt>
-            <dd>Organisation name</dd>
-            <dt>+Sem/Plc</dt>
-            <dd>Place </dd>
-            <dt>+Sem/Sur</dt>
-            <dd>Surname</dd>
-            <dt>+Sem/WEB</dt>
-            <dd>Web addresse</dd>
-          </dl>
-        </section>
-      <section>
-        <title>A critical discussion of some particular tags</title>
-          <p><strong>Determiner or Pronoun</strong></p>
-          <p>the POSs of words like buot, dat, etc. get different terms in the
-          literature.</p>
-          <p>Nickel:</p>
-          <ul>
-            <li>indefinite pronouns ("ubestemte pronomen"): vaikko mii,
-            mihkkege, buot, buohkat, eanas...</li>
-          </ul>
-          <p>Vesa Guttorm:</p>
-          <ul>
-            <li>determiner ("pronomendeterminatiiva")</li>
-          </ul>
-          <p>Magga 1980:</p>
-          <ul>
-            <li>demonstrative pronouns ("čujuheaddji pronomenat"): dat, dát,
-            diet, duot, dot</li>
-            <li>interrogative pronouns ("gažaldatpronomenat")</li>
-            <li>relative pronouns ("relatiivapronomenat")</li>
-            <li>personal pronouns ("persovnnalaš pronomenat")</li>
-            <li>indefinite pronouns ("indefinihtta (mearritkeahtes)
-            pronomenat"): muhtun, soames, goappašagat</li>
-            <li>reciprocal pronouns ("resiprohka pronomenat: goabbat
-            buoibmame, guhtet guoimmiset")</li>
-          </ul>
-          <p>Outi Kilpimaa:</p>
-          <ul>
-            <li>determiner ("dat-determinánttalš"): dat,...</li>
-          </ul>
-        </section>
-      <p class="last_modified">Last modified: $Date: 2014-10-11 08:06:21 +0000 (Sat, 11 Oct 2014) $, by
-      $Author: lene $</p>
-  </body>
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-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
-<!DOCTYPE document PUBLIC "-//APACHE//DTD Documentation V2.0//EN"
-<document xml:lang="en">
-  <header>
-    <title>Documenting the North Saami lexicon file</title>
-  </header>
-  <body>
-    <section>
-      <title>Introduction</title>
-    </section>
-    <section>
-      <title>File structure</title>
-      <p>The file format is documented in the Xerox manuals, especially in <a
-      href="http://www.xrce.xerox.com/competencies/content-analysis/fssoft/docs/lexc-93/lexc93.html">Karttunen
-      1993 Finite-State Lexicon Compiler</a>, but see also the <a
-      href="http://www.fsmbook.com">Beesley and Karttunen book</a>. The file
-      itself consists of a section defining
-      <strong>Multichar_symbols</strong>, and of a large number of lexica, 183
-      lexica according to the present count (19.10.01). The file sme-lex.txt
-      contains a.o. the continuation lexica for nouns, verbs and adjectives,
-      whereas the bulk of the lexicon is divided into different files, as
-      indicated below.</p>
-      <p>In the sme-lex.txt file, the <strong>Multichar_Symbols</strong>
-      section contains all grammatical tags, and all multicharacter members of
-      the alphabet (the latter set is taken from the grammar file).</p>
-      <p>The <strong>Root</strong> lexicon points to the lexica of the
-      different parts of speech: (for each sublexicon there is a pointer to
-      the relevant file containing the sublexicon)</p>
-      <source>LEXICON Root
-NounRoot ;      ! -> noun-sme-lex.txt
-ProperNoun ;    ! -> the file sme-lex.txt itself
-AdjectiveRoot ; ! -> adj-sme-lex.txt
-VerbRoot ;      ! -> verb-sme-lex.txt
-Pronoun ;       ! -> closed-sme.lex.txt
-Adverb ;        ! -> adv-sme-lex.txt
-Particles ;     ! -> closed-sme.lex.txt
-Subjunction ;   ! -> closed-sme.lex.txt
-Conjunction ;   ! -> closed-sme.lex.txt
-Adposition ;    ! -> pp-sme.lex.txt
-Postposition ;  ! -> pp-sme.lex.txt
-Preposition ;   ! -> pp-sme.lex.txt
-Interjection ;  ! -> closed-sme.lex.txt</source>
-      <p>The different part of speech lexica are documented here, in the order
-      just given.</p>
-    </section>
-    <section>
-      <title>Nouns</title>
-      <section>
-        <title>The NounRoot lexicon</title>
-        <section>
-          <title>The structure of the noun-sme.txt file</title>
-          <p>The file contains the following sections:</p>
-          <ol>
-            <li>LEXICON GuessNoun</li>
-            <li>LEXICON NounRoot<ol>
-                <li>Stray forms</li>
-                <li>Compounds</li>
-                <li>Multiword nouns</li>
-                <li>The noun stems themselves, sorted alphabetically (the
-                alphabetical sorting is according to the computer algorithm,
-                and not according to the Saami one)</li>
-              </ol></li>
-          </ol>
-          <p>The GuessNoun lexiconbelongs to the guess-sme binary file. The
-          idea behind this is to have a binary file that guesses the
-          grammatical form of nouns on the basis of their suffix, a
-          hypothetical form like <em>plineraiguin</em> could for example be
-          hypothetised to be the Comitative Plural of <em>plinera</em>. The
-          guesser has not been used, and it is unclear whether it works at
-          all. TODO: Check this.</p>
-          <p>The lexicon NounRoot first has some temporary sections. There is
-          a set "compounds, awaiting a solution on the shorting question",
-          such like sámegiel, oar, beal, etc., reduced first- and middlepart
-          compounds. The long-term solution is to build a syllable shortener
-          for these compounds, for the time being the lexicalised ones are
-          listed here. This section also contain some loanwords that typically
-          have a shorter, non-sámi form as compounds, and a longer, Saami form
-          when used as independent word. An illustrative example is the word
-          <em>sosial</em>. In isolation, we find sosiála, but as compound, we
-          find <em>sosialdepartemeantta</em>, etc. Thus, these words are
-          listed here, pointing directly to the compound lexicon R.</p>
-          <p>Finally, the noun stem section itself is the large one, it
-          contains about 26500 nouns, they are divided into different noun
-          stem classes. They are documented in the next section.</p>
-        </section>
-        <section>
-          <title>The noun stem classes</title>
-          <p>The sublexica, ordered by inflectional type</p>
-          <p>Bisyllabic nouns:</p>
-          <p><br />GOAHTI !Bisyll. V-Nouns. Short nom-compound-forms
-          goahte-,long/short gen<br />GOAHTILONG !Long
-          nom-compound-forms,long/short gen<br />GOAHTILONGSHORT !Sometimes
-          long nom-compound-forms,long/short gen<br />ALBMI !Bisyll. V-Nouns.
-          Short nom-compound-forms, long gen.<br />ALBMILONG !Bisyll. V-Nouns.
-          Long nom-compound-forms, long gen.<br />ALBMILONGSHORT !Bisyll.
-          V-Nouns. Long/SHORT nom-compound-forms, long gen.<br />AIGI !Bisyll.
-          V-Nouns. Short nom-compound-forms, short gen</p>
-          <p>ACTOR !Long compound-forms<br />ACTORLONGSHORT !Sometimes long
-          compound-forms<br />ACTORTV !deverbal nouns from transitive
-          verbs<br />ACTORLONGSHORTTV !deverbal nouns from transitive
-          verbs<br /></p>
-          <p>STAHTA !Bisyll. Non-Gradating a-Nouns; i-Illative<br />IIJA
-          !Bisyll. Non-Gradating a-Nouns; a-Illative</p>
-          <p>LUONDU !this word (+vuohta) because of behavior in
-          compounds<br />RUOKTU !only this word because of its behavior in
-          compounds<br />MANNI !Bisyll. V-Nouns. Long/SHORT
-          nom-compound-forms, long gen. ILL:mánnii/mánnái<br />BASSI
-          !Bisyll. V-Nouns. Short nom-compound-forms, short gen., long
-          heapmi-caritive<br />EADNI !Bisyll. V-Nouns. Short
-          nom-compound-forms, long gen.short caritive<br />RAFI !Bisyll.
-          V-Nouns. Long nom-compound-forms, long gen. short
-          heapmi-caritive<br />DUOHKI !only this word so far for disamb.
-          reasons<br /></p>
-          <p>JOHTOLAT<br />LEXMUSH<br /></p>
-          <p></p>
-          <p><em>Actios</em>:</p>
-          <p>BOAHTALADDAN ! No compound-forms<br />BOAHTALADDANTV !Words
-          coming from transitive verbs, No compound-forms<br />IHTALUDDAMAT !
-          No compound-forms, plural
-          only<br />UPMI<br />EAPMI<br />MUITTASJEAPMI<br />EAPMITV !words
-          stemming from transitives<br />MUITTASJEAPMITV !words stemming from
-          transitives</p>
-          <p><br /><br /></p>
-          <p><br /><em>Without loc and ill sg</em>:</p>
-          <p>OLGU !Bisyll. V-Nouns. Short nom-compound-forms, short
-          gen.<br />MIEHTI !Bisyll. V-Nouns. Short nom-compound-forms, long
-          gen.<br />LULLI !Bisyll. V-Nouns. Long/SHORT nom-compound-forms,
-          long gen <br /></p>
-          <p><br /><em>With comparatives</em>:</p>
-          <p>GADDI !Bisyll. V-Nouns with Comparative Forms. Short
-          nom-compound-forms, long gen.<br />GADDILONG !long compound
-          forms<br />GADDISHORT !Bisyll. V-Nouns with Comparative Forms. Short
-          nom-compound-forms, SHORT gen.<br /></p>
-          <p><em>With comparatives, without loc and ill sg</em>:</p>
-          <p>GADDILONGSHORT !NB! No SgIll and SgLoc because davvi is the only
-          word this far Bisyll. V-Nouns with Comp. Forms, long-short nomcmp,
-          long gencmpOARJI !Bisyll. V-Nouns with Comparative Forms. Short
-          nom-compound-forms, long gen.<br />LULLILONG !long compound
-          forms<br /></p>
-          <p><br /></p>
-          <p><em>Plurals</em>:</p>
-          <p>BUVSSAT !Pl.<br />BUVSSATLONG</p>
-          <p>BORALMASAT !like JOHTOLAT but plural only</p>
-          <p></p>
-          <p></p>
-          <p>Trisyllabic nouns:</p>
-          <p><em>Ending with consonant, gradating:</em></p>
-          <p>MATTAR !Tris. Anim. Gradating C-Nouns<br />MALIS !Tris. Inanim.
-          Gradating C-Nouns, Short compound-forms<br />MALISLONG !Tris.
-          Inanim. Gradating C-Nouns. Long compound-forms<br />MALISLONGSHORT
-          !Tris. Inanim. Gradating C-Nouns. Long and short
-          compound-forms<br /></p>
-          <p>OVCCIS ! Collective numerals<br />DAIVVAS !Tris. Gradating
-          C-Nouns, The Troms declension: dáivvaš:dáivaha, bearaš:bearraha,
-          njunuš:njunnoha</p>
-          <p><br /></p>
-          <p><em>Ending with vowel, gradating:</em></p>
-          <p>BEANA !Trisyll. Anim. Gradating 0-Nouns<br />SEAMU !Short
-          compound-forms. Trisyll. Inanim. Gradating 0-Nouns<br />SEAMULONG
-          !Long compound-forms. Trisyll. Inanim. Gradating 0-Nouns</p>
-          <p><em></em></p>
-          <p><em>Ending with consonant, non-gradating</em>:</p>
-          <p>GAHPIR !Short compound-forms. Trisyll. Non-Gradating
-          C-Nouns<br />GAHPIRLONGSHORT !Long and short compound-forms.
-          Trisyll. Non-Gradating C-Nouns<br />GAHPIRLONG !Long compound-forms.
-          Trisyll. Non-Gradating C-Nouns</p>
-          <p>LEXDIMINC !Diminutives</p>
-          <p></p>
-          <p><em>Actios</em>:</p>
-          <p>BOAHTINLONGSHORT ! Deverbal nouns<br />BOAHTIN ! Long
-          compound-forms<br />BOAHTINSHORT ! Short
-          compound-forms<br />BOAHTINLONGSHORTTV !!Words coming from
-          transitive verbs Deverbal nouns<br />BOAHTINTV !!Words coming from
-          transitive verbs Long compound-forms<br />BOAHTINSHORTTV !!Words
-          coming from transitive verbs Short compound-forms<br />IHTAMAT
-          !Actio plurals</p>
-          <p><br /></p>
-          <p></p>
-          <p><em>Plurals</em>:</p>
-          <p>BADJOSAT !Pl. bajus:badjosat<br />BADJOSATLONG !Pl.
-          bajus:badjosat<br />ALIMAT !Pl. alin:alimat<br />CEAKCAGAT !Like
-          seamu but plural only<br />VUOIGNAHAT !Like DAIVVAS but only
-          Pl. vuoiŋŋaš:vuoigŋahat</p>
-          <p><br /></p>
-          <p>Contracted nouns:</p>
-          <p></p>
-          <p>BOAZU !Anim. Contracted 0-Nouns<br />SUOLU !Short compound-forms.
-          Inanim. Contracted 0-Nouns<br />SUOLULONG !Long compound-forms.
-          Inanim. Contracted 0-Nouns<br /></p>
-          <p>GISTTA !The Noun gistta, gist -</p>
-          <p>FALIS !Contracted Anim. C-Nouns<br />LASIS !Contracted Inanim.
-          C-Nouns<br /></p>
-          <p>GUOVTTIS ! Collective numerals<br />GUOVTTU !Here because other
-          lexicons don't fit for it</p>
-          <p></p>
-          <p><em>Plurals</em>:</p>
-          <p>DURVAT !like LASIS but pl. only<br />GIRKOSADDOT !LIKE SATTU but
-          pl, only</p>
-          <p></p>
-          <p>Miscellaneous noun types:</p>
-          <p></p>
-          <p>GENTLEMAN ! cns-final bisyllabic loanwords (stem mana-<br />MADII
-          !Another peculiar word that deserves its own lex<br />MASAI !heavy
-          fin syll !gen = -a ill = -ii !parallel to NYSTØ<br />BUDEITA !Rather
-          special word<br />GARGIA ! light fin syll, bisyll. on -o- that
-          doesn't have change o:u in front of j (i): Kino<br />BUFFALO !heavy
-          fin syll !gen = -a ill = -ii !parallel to NYSTØ<br />KULTUR !Recent
-          loanwords on -vra with short cmp-form<br />KANTUR<br />MASKIN
-          !Recent loanwords on -iidna with short cmp-form<br />TELEFON !Recent
-          loanwords on -vdna with short cmp-form<br />SOSIAL !Recent loanwords
-          on -ála with both short and long cmp-form<br />OLLUVUOHTA
-          !Exceptional vuohta-Nouns<br />MAGASH<br />EGEZHAGAT</p>
-          <p></p>
-          <p></p>
-          <p></p>
-          <p></p>
-          <p></p>
-        </section>
-        <section>
-          <title>Nominal sublexica</title>
-          <p>tbw. Here we document the nominal section of the sme-lex.txt
-          file.</p>
-        </section>
-      </section>
-      <section>
-        <title>khjh</title>
-      </section>
-    </section>
-    <section>
-      <title>The ProperNoun lexicon</title>
-      <p>The proper nouns are stored in
-      <code>gt/sme/src/propernoun-sme-lex.txt</code>.</p>
-      <section>
-        <title>The file structure</title>
-        <p><strong>Propernoun</strong> is one file, with the inflectional
-        lexica first, followed by the over 36000 items long proper noun
-        lexicon. This lexicon points to several sublexica. They are shown
-        below, ordered according to the phonological and semantical properties
-        of the stem. After the table comes a list of lexica not yet integrated
-        in the table.</p>
-        <source>
-StemCoda  CG  IllChange  Loc          Lexicon 
-Monosyllabic stems
-HeavyVow  no   no        -as          NYSTØ  
-HeavyCns  no   no        -as          BERN
-Bisyllabic stems
-LightVow  no   yes       -s           ACCRA  
-LightVow  yes  yes       -s           MARJA
-LightVow  yes  yes       -s           SUOPMA
-Light e   no   no        -s           SIJTE
-LightCns  no                          HEANDARAT
-LightVow  no   no        -s           NIKOSIIJA
-LightVow  yes  yes       -s           HEIM
-LightVow  yes  yes       -s           SUND
-Trisyllabic stems
-LightCns  no   no        -is          LONDON
-LightCns  no   no        -is          ANAR
-LightCns  yes  yes       -is          DUORTNUS
-LightVow  yes                         GUOLBBA
-LightCns  no   no        -is          PLACE-DIM
-LightCns  yes  yes       -is          RANES
-LightCns  yes  yes       -is          CAVKKUS
-LightCns  no   no        -is          BALAK
-LightCns  no   no        -is          SARAK
-Contracted stems
-DAVVISUOLU !Inanim. Contracted 0-Names - from SUOLU
-Mixed stems
--nen      no   no        -as/nenis  no    C-FI-NEN
-Plural stems
-ALEUHTAT is for bisyllabic, would-have-been vowel final stems
-VARGGAT  is as aleuhtat, but with Sg Gen and Loc substandard forms
-EATNAMAT is for trisyllabic plural stems
-ADJAGAT  is for trisyllabic plural stems
-SULLOT   is for contracted plural stems
-LASSAT   is for contracted plural stems
-SKANIK   is for plurals on -k
-Comp means "has comparative forms"
-        <fixme author="Trond">This table is still not completed. The lexica
-        are there, but they are not all properly characterised.</fixme>
-        <p>Looking at the distribution, and ignoring the semantic subtags, we
-        have a (slightly outdated) distribution of names over lexicon types as
-        follows:</p>
-        <source>
-9114 ACCRA
-8482 BERN
-8371 MARJA
-6480 LONDON
-1390 C-FI-NEN
- 865 NYSTØ
- 296 PLACE
-  59 ANAR
-  31 SULLOT
-  27 GIEDDI
-        <section>
-          <title>Saami geographical names</title>
-          <p>Saami names have been added from Norway, in 2002. Since that,
-          Statens Kartverk has translated most (all?) Saami names from the old
-          Bergsland/Ruong to the new 1979 orthography. Now, the remaining Sámi
-          names should be added to the list, in the following way:</p>
-          <ol>
-            <li>All North Saami names should be extracted from the map base and
-            run against the transducer</li>
-            <li>The names that do not get a +Prop tag should be extracted, and
-            then added to the base.</li>
-          </ol>
-          <p>Saami names from Finland and Sweden have not been added, but they
-          are underway.</p>
-          <p>Saami names from outside Sápmi, as listed in <em>Sámi Atlas</em>
-          are added. Other Saami names from outside Sápmi should also be added,
-          but we don't know of good sources for such names (language councils
-          are one possibility)</p>
-          <p>Names in other Saami languages are increasingly being used in
-          North Saami texts, e.g. when referring to South Saami or Lule Saami
-          institutions. These ones should be added and organised in
-          lexica.</p>
-        </section>
-      </section>
-    </section>
-    <section>
-      <title>Adjectives</title>
-      <p>The file <em>adj-sme-lex.txt</em> contains 4270 entries.</p>
-      <section>
-        <title>AdjRoot</title>
-      </section>
-      <section>
-        <title>The adjective sublexica</title>
-        <p>In the lexicon file <em>adj-sme-lex.txt</em>, the sublexica are
-        distributed in the following way (30.06.05) (ordered after frequency,
-        thereafter after declension type):</p>
-        <source>
-Making linguistic sense of the system (Sammallahti's codes aaa etc.):
- 899 DABALAS       aad
- 477 JEAGOHEAPMI   bae
- 358 BOAKKAS       c
- 329 At            attributes
- 280 BEAKKAN       aab
- 218 GAPPUS        aab
- 205 JOHTIL        babaa
- 191 NUORRA        aaa
- 157 JIEDNAI       bad
- 150 GARAS         bbb
- 139 MEAHTTUS      aab
- 114 LAIKI         baa
- 106 DEARVVASLAS   aad
-  71 ISSORAS       aad
-  59 VIELG         babab
-  38 CAHKK         babaa babab
-  31 BUOREMUS      aae
-  30 JUHKKIS       aaa
-  26 GUOHCA        aab
-  26 EATTAS        babba
-  19 LODJI         baa bac
-  14 GEARGGUS      aab
-  13 SEARRA        baa
-  13 DILDDAS       babba
-   8 VUDDJII       bad
-   8 CIENAL        babbb
-   7 LINIS         bbe
-   7 DEAHTIS       bbe
-   7 BIEKKUS       babba
-   7 ASEHAS        baf
-   6 OVDDIT        aae
-   6 NUOLUS        aab
-   5 VATTIS        aab
-   5 NJUORAS       bbb
-   5 HEAHKAS       babba
-   4 VIISSIS       aab aac
-   4 LIEKKUS       aab
-   4 FINJU-        
-   3 UHCC          bba
-   3 SUVRRIS       bbe
-   3 JALGAT        bbc babab
-   3 BUORRE         ab
-   3 BU/MUS        
-   3 ATTR
-   3 ALLAT         bbc
-   2 NJALGGAT      bbe
-   2 NAMAT
-<strong><strong>a</strong>.................</strong><strong><em><strong>No morphologically distinct attr. form</strong></em></strong>
-  aa..............attr. is not inflected
-    <em>aaa...........Bisyll.</em>
-                  NUORRA      
-                  JUHKKIS     Non-gradating 
-    <em>aab...........Trisyll.</em>
-                  BEAKKAN     Gradating 
-                  GAPPUS      Gradating 
-                  MEAHTTUS    Compounded non-gradating 
-                  GUOHCA      Gradating 
-                  GEARGGUS    Gradating 
-                  NUOLUS      Gradating 
-                  VATTIS      Gradating 
-                  VIISSIS     Gradating 
-                  LIEKKUS     Gradating 
-                  IPMAHA      Gradating
-    <em>aac...........Contracted </em>
-                  VIISSIS     
-    <em>aad...........Qadrisyll.</em>
-                  DABALAS      
-                  DEARVVASLAS 
-                  ISSORAS     
-    <em>aae...........Comparative forms</em>
-                  BUOREMUS    
-                  OVDDIT      
-  ab..............Attr. in partial congruence with the noun
-                  BUORRE     
-b.................<strong><em><strong>Morphologically distinct attr. form</strong></em></strong>  
-  ba..............Attr. form ends with -s
-    <em>baa...........Bisyll.</em>
-                  LAIKI       Attr. form -es in WeG
-                  LODJI       Attr. form -es and -is in WeG
-                  SEARRA      Attr. form -s in WeG
-    <em>bab...........Trisyll.</em>
-      baba........Non-gradating
-        <em>babaa.....No contraction in attr. form</em>
-                  JOHTIL  is-Attr.
-                  CAHKK   is-Attr.
-        <em>babab.....Contraction (and ensuing strengthening) in attr. fom</em>
-                  VIELG   es-Attr. 
-                  CAHKK   es-Attr.
-                  JALGAT  es-Attr.   
-      babb........Grade alternation in stem
-        <em>babba.....s-stems with WeG attr-form</em>
-                  EATTAS  is-Attr.
-                  DILDDAS is-Attr.
-                  BIEKKUS is-Attr
-                  HEAHKAS is-Attr
-        <em>babbb.....Attr. form in StG</em>
-                  CIENAL  is-Attr.
-    <em>bac...........Vocalic contracetd attr. form</em>
-                  LODJI       -es and -is Attr. in WeG
-    <em>bad...........Contracted stems</em>
-                  JIEDNAI     Non-gradating 
-                  VUDDJII     Non-gradating 
-    <em>bae...........Caritives with attr- -his.</em>
-                  JEAGOHEAPMI 
-    <em>baf...........Qadrisyll. Adj., with Attr.-his</em>
-                  ASEHAS      
-  bb..............Attr. form ends with -a
-   <em> bba...........Bisyll. ending in -i (or -a sometimes) </em>
-                  UHCC        StG attr.
-    <em>bbb...........Trisyll. ending -as</em>
-                  GARAS       Gradating with StG attr.
-                  NJUORAS     Gradating with StG attr.
-    <em>bbc...........Trisyll. ending -at</em>
-                  JALGAT      Non-gradating with StG attr.
-                  ALLAT       Non-gradating with StG attr.
-    bbe...........<em>Trisyll. ending -is</em>
-                  LINIS       Gradating with StG Attr. 
-                  DEAHTIS     Contracted with StG Attr.
-                  SUVRRIS     Gradating with WeG Attr. 
-                  NJALGGAT    Gradating with StG Attr.
-<strong>c.................No attr.</strong>
-                  BOAKKAS         Trisyll. 
-      </section>
-    </section>
-    <section>
-      <title>Verbs</title>
-      <section>
-        <title>The VerbRoot lexicon</title>
-        <p>The lexicon is stored in the verb-sme.txt file.</p>
-        <p></p>
-        <p><strong>VerbRoot</strong> contains 49 sublexica divided into three
-        stem types:</p>
-        <ul>
-          <li>lexicon for impersonal verbs</li>
-          <li>lexicon for verbs with personal passives, Transitives</li>
-          <li>lexicon for verbs without personal passives, Intransitives</li>
-          <li>lexicon without Personal Passive but with Acc obj</li>
-          <li>lexicon for inherent passives</li>
-        </ul>
-        <p><em></em></p>
-        <p><em>Modals:<em><br /></em></em></p>
-        <p><em><em><em>G</em></em>ALGA<br />FERTE</em></p>
-        <p><em></em></p>
-        <p><em>Bisyllabic verbs:</em></p>
-        <p>Impersonals:<br />ARVI arvit sataa !Bisyllabic Impersonal
-        Verbs<br />ARVALADDAT arváladdat sataa !Already derived bisyllabic
-        Impersonal Verbs<br /></p>
-        <p></p>
-        <p>Transitives:<br />DIEHTI diehtit tietaa !Bisyllabic i-Verbs with
-        Personal Passive<br />BORRA !Bisyllabic a- and u-verbs with Personal
-        Passive<br />DEAKCU !as BORRA for u-verbs with dim -astit, and a-verbs
-        with dim -istit that are hardcoded<br />DIEHTISHORT !Short actio
-        compound-form DIEHTILONGSHORT !Long and short actio compound-form
-        DIEHTALADDAT diehtáladdat tietaa !Already derived bisyllabic Verbs
-        with Personal Passive<br />HAHTTIT !Four-syll kausatives on
-        -httit<br />DAHTU dáhtut ! As diehti, but -ut verbs, thus without
-        short passive<br />BOLTU ! As dáhtu but with dim -astit that are
-        harcoded<br />DOAROSTUVVA !INCHOATIVES on -stuvvat<br /></p>
-        <p></p>
-        <p>Intransitives:<br />ALLU ! -ut verbs, thus without short passive
-        BOAHTI boahtit tulla !Bisyllabic i-Verbs without Personal
-        Passive<br />BOAHTILONGSHORT !!Long and short actio compound-form
-        DIEVVA ! Bisyllabic a- and u-verbs without Personal Passive but with
-        Actor BOAZZU !as DIEVVA for u-verbs with dim -astit, that are
-        hardcoded BINDU !as DIEVVA (but without short passive) for u-verbs
-        with dim -astit, that are hardcoded BOAHTALADDA boahtáladda tulla
-        !Already derived bisyllabic Verbs without Personal
-        Passive<br />RAIMMAHALLA !passives on -hallat and INCHOATIVES on
-        -stuvvat<br /></p>
-        <p></p>
-        <p>Personal Passive but with Acc obj:<br />MAHTI máhttiit ! Bisyllabic
-        Verbs without Personal Passive but with Acc obj.<br />MAHTALADDA
-        máhtáladdat ! Already derived bisyllabic Verbs without Personal
-        Passive but with Acc obj.<br /></p>
-        <p></p>
-        <p>Inherent passives:<br />RAIMMAHALLA !passives on -hallat and
-        INCHOATIVES on -stuvvat UVVA !passives -uvvat</p>
-        <p><em></em></p>
-        <p><em>Contracted verbs:</em><br /></p>
-        <p>Impersonals:<br />BORGE borget tehda pyry !Contracted Impersonal
-        Verbs<br /></p>
-        <p></p>
-        <p>Transitives:<br />DOHPPE dohppet tarttua !Contracted Verbs with
-        Personal Passive<br />MUITA ! Inchoatives and translatives on -á, -o,
-        -e with Personal Passive<br /></p>
-        <p></p>
-        <p>Intransitives:<br />GILLE gillet viitsia !Contracted Verbs without
-        Personal Passive<br />CIRRO ! Inchoatives and translatives on -á, -o,
-        -e without Personal Passive<br /></p>
-        <p></p>
-        <p>Personal Passive but with Acc obj:<br />MAHTA máhttát !Contracted
-        Verbs without Personal Passive but with Acc obj.</p>
-        <p></p>
-        <p>Inherent passives:<br />BASSO bassot ! Bisyllabic, inherently
-        passive -ot verbs<br /></p>
-        <p><em></em></p>
-        <p><em></em></p>
-        <p><em>Trisyllabic verbs:</em><br /></p>
-        <p>Impersonals:<br />COASKKIT čoaskkidiit !Trisyllabic impersonal
-        verbs<br />ARVVASJ arvvašit !Trisyllabic impersonal verbs ending -šit,
-        -skit, smit, -idit, -ldit, -git and 5-syllables<br />ARVIL arvilit
-        !Trisyllabic impersonal verbs ending -lit<br /></p>
-        <p></p>
-        <p>Transitives:<br />MUITAL muitalit !Trisyllabic Verbs with Personal
-        Passive<br />MUITTASJ !Words ending -šit, -skit, -ldit - !directed
-        here as well: !Reciprocals on -dit !Momentatives on -dit, -ádit,
-        -ihit, -e7hit !Frequentatives on -(u)hit !Continuatives on -nit
-        !Inchoatives in -nit</p>
-        <p>HALIID !Words ending -smit, -idit, -git - BONJAT !!Cont/Freq on
-        -dit, Continuatives on -(u)hit, Reciprocals, momentatives and
-        frequentatives ending -alit<br />VUORDIL !Trisyllabic Verbs ending
-        -lit, -rit with Personal Passive<br /></p>
-        <p></p>
-        <p>Intransitives:<br />ALIST alistit !Trisyllabic Verbs without
-        Personal Passive<br />BEAGASJ !Words ending -šit, -skit
-        -ldit, transitives on -hit<br />!directed here as well:
-        !Reciprocals on -dit !Momentatives on -dit, -ádit, -ihit, -e7hit
-        !Frequentatives on -(u)hit !Continuatives on -nit !Inchoatives in
-        -nit</p>
-        <p>JORGGIID !Words ending -smit, -idit, -git <br />BALAT !!Cont/Freq
-        on -dit, Continuatives on -(u)hit, Reciprocals, momentatives and
-        frequentatives ending -alit<br />SUOTNJAL suotnjalit !Trisyllabic
-        Verbs without Personal Passive ending -lit<br />BOTNJAS botnjasit
-        !Trisyllabic Verbs without Personal Passive ending -nit and
-        -sit<br />LASSAN !Trisyllabic Verbs ending -nit without Personal
-        Passive<br /></p>
-        <p></p>
-        <p>Personal Passive but with Acc obj:<br />GEAGAT ! Trisyllabic Verbs
-        without Personal Passive but with Acc obj. BUOVVAL buovvalit !
-        Trisyllabic Verbs without Personal Passive but with Acc obj ending
-        -lit</p>
-        <p></p>
-        <p></p>
-        <p>The stems are distributed numerically as follows (the <em>-it</em>
-        class includes both even-syllable and odd-syllable verbs):</p>
-        <p></p>
-        <source>
--at            3722
-even-syll  -it 1035 
--ut             794
-total          5551
-3-syllabic -it 5376
--át            297
--et            2310
--ot             111
-total          2718
-        <p></p>
-      </section>
-      <section>
-        <title>Verbal sublexica</title>
-        <p>tbw.</p>
-        <p></p>
-      </section>
-      <section>
-        <title>Verbal derivation</title>
-        <p>Here documenting the main even-syll ones, the other ones are
-        similar. DIEHTI is transitive, BOAHTI is intransitive.</p>
-        <p></p>
-        <source>
-DIEHTI -> +V: DIEHTIStem ; +V: DeverbalVerbsDIEHTI ;
-BOAHTI -> +V: BOAHTIStem ; +V: DeverbalVerbsBOAHTI ;
-BOAHTIINCH -> DeverbalNounsV ; +goah0ti:goah'ti BOAHTICnj ; BOAHTICnj ;
-BOAHTICnj -> +Ind+Prs: PrsV ; +Ind+Prt: PrtV ; +Pot+Prs:Q7z1 PrsC ;
-      +Cond: CondV1 ; +Imprt: ImprtVA ; NominalFormsV ;
-NominalFormsV -> :X1 NominalFormsV1 ; :X4 NominalFormsV2 ;
-      :Q6 NominalFormsV3 ; :X2 NominalFormsV4 ; :Q3 NominalFormsV5 ;
-      :Y1 NominalFormsV6 ;
-PASSIVE ->  +Pass:uvvo DOHPPEINCH ; +Pass+meahttun+A:uvvomeahttum
-      MEAHTTUN ; +Pass+PrfPrc:un K ; +Pass+eaddji+N+Actor:uvvojeaddji¤
-      DEVNVCASE ; +Pass+upmi+N:upmi DEVNVCASE ;
-DeverbalVerbsDIEHTI ->
- +st:X8st MUITALStem ;
- +st+alla:X6stalla DIEHTIStem ;
- +st+adda:X6stadda DIEHTIStem ;
- +l:l MUITALStem ;
- +l+adda:X2ladda DIEHTIStem ;
- +l+ahtti:lahtti DIEHTIStem ;
- +l+asti:las'ti DIEHTIStem ;
- +h:X4h MUITALStem ;
- +h+alla:X6halla DIEHTIStem ;
- +h+adda:X6hadda DIEHTIStem ;
- +h+asti:X4has'ti DIEHTIStem ;
- +stuvva:X8stuvva SG3PASSV ;
- +d:Q8d MUITALStem ;
-DeverbalVerbsBOAHTI ->
- +st:X8st ALISTStem ;
- +st+alla:X6stalla BOAHTIStem ;
- +st+adda:X6stadda BOAHTIStem ;
- +l:l ALISTStem ;
- +l+adda:X2ladda BOAHTIStem ;
- +l+ahtti:lahtti BOAHTIStem ;
- +l+asti:las'ti BOAHTIStem ;
- +h:X4h MUITALStem ;
- +h+alla:X6halla DIEHTIStem ;
- +h+adda:X6hadda DIEHTIStem ;
- +h+asti:X4has'ti DIEHTIStem ;
- +stuvva:X8stuvva SG3PASSV ;
- +d:Q8d ALISTStem ;
-        <section>
-          <title>Comments to the verb sublexica</title>
-          <p>Within each of the main groups, there are FIVE types, impersonal
-          verbs, verbs with and without personal passives, verbs without
-          Personal Passive but with Acc obj (+ two more lexicas, see above The
-          VerbRoot lexicon), and inherent passives. The difference between
-          <em>i/a/u</em> and <em>e/á/o</em> verbs is handeled in the rules
-          file, and not in the lexicon file.</p>
-          <p>The with / without Personal Passive distinction shows up in one
-          sublexicon. DOHPPE has PASSIVE, where GILLE has SG3PASS. So, this is
-          (probably) a transivity difference, cf. also <em>diehtit</em> vs.
-          <em>boahtit</em>. It seems thus that the difference is one of
-          transitivity: 0, 1 and 2 valence.</p>
-          <p>At present, the file <em>verb-sme-lex.txt</em> comtains all the
-          verbs. In the beginning of the file, all sublexica are exemplified.
-          Then follows the bulk of the verbs, twosyllabic even, manysyllabic
-          even, odd and contracted verbs.</p>
-        </section>
-      </section>
-    </section>
-    <section>
-      <title>Pronouns</title>
-      <p>The tag system follows the outline in Nickel.</p>
-      <p>All Pronouns have the initial lexicon path Root -> Pronoun ->
-      ...</p>
-      <p></p>
-      <section>
-        <title>Personal pronouns</title>
-        <p>Lexicon path:</p>
-        <source>
- firstperspron
-  firstperspronsg -> wordforms -> K
-  firstpersprondu -> wordforms -> K
-  perspronpl -> wordforms -> K
- nonfirstperspron
-  nonfirsperspronsg -> wordforms -> K
-  nonfirstpersrondu -> wordforms -> K
-  perspronpl -> wordforms -> K
-        <p>Note that 3rd person is identical for all three persons. Not all
-        forms were different for the sg and du forms, but the lexica were
-        split for consistency.</p>
-        <p></p>
-      </section>
-      <section>
-        <title>Interrogative pronouns</title>
-        <p>Mii, Gii, Guhte, Guhtemuš, Makkár, MAn Láhkái. The sublexicon
-        Interrogative contains one entry for Sg Nom, and points the rest to
-        the case paradigms.</p>
-        <p></p>
-        <source>Interrogative +Sg+Nom -> K (one entry for gii and one for mii)
-        oblintercas (one entry for gii and one for mii) demcas</source>
-        <p></p>
-      </section>
-      <section>
-        <title>Demonstrative pronouns</title>
-        <p>The lexicon path:</p>
-        <source>
- demcas (one entry for each stem)
-  demcassg
-   nomdemcassg -> wordforms -> K
-   obldemcassg -> wordforms -> K
-  demcaspl
-   nomdemcaspl -> wordforms -> K
-   obldemcaspl -> wordforms -> K
-        <p></p>
-      </section>
-      <section>
-        <title>Reflexive pronouns</title>
-        <p>The Nominative forms are just listed. The oblique ones are directed
-        to the sublexicon reflobl, and there directed via different case stems
-        to appropriate Px sublexica. These sublexica are the same as the ones
-        for nouns, they are found in the sme-lex.txt file. The only exception
-        are some sublexica that are used only for plural forms, these are
-        duplicated here from the sme-lex file, in order not to revise the main
-        lexicon.</p>
-        <p></p>
-      </section>
-      <section>
-        <title>Reciprocal pronouns</title>
-        <p>The section on reciprocal pronouns consists of three parts. The
-        first 6 entries handle the first element of the recipr. The next 12
-        handle the 2nd part of the non-Px recipr. Finally, the members of the
-        third section point to special Px sublexica, designed for the
-        reciprocal pronouns, and found in the same section.</p>
-      </section>
-      <section>
-        <title>Relative pronouns</title>
-        <p>Formally, the relative and interrogative pronouns are identical. In
-        this parser, we skip the separate chapter on relative pronouns, and
-        instead we use the interrogative pronouns.</p>
-      </section>
-      <section>
-        <title>Indefinite pronouns</title>
-        <p>We divide the indefinite pronouns into three groups, with a fourth
-        group of leftovers waiting for a better destiny:</p>
-        <ol>
-          <li>Declineable indefinite pronouns with case + clitic
-          (<em>mihkkege, giige, guhtemušge</em>)</li>
-          <li>Declineable indefinites with normal case paradigms (<em>eará,
-          eanas, muhtin</em>)</li>
-          <li>Indeclineable indefinites (<em>buot, eatnat, guhtet</em>)</li>
-          <li>TODO: A set of ideosyncratic cases</li>
-        </ol>
-        <section>
-          <title>Declineable indefinite pronouns with case + clitic</title>
-          <p>These pronouns have two stems, one nominative, and one oblique,
-          and the clitic <em>-ge</em> attached to the case ending. The initial
-          lexicon splits them in two, one hard-coded nominative (e.g.
-          <em>giige</em>), and one oblique stem (e.g. <em>gea-</em>). Then,
-          the case + clitic sequence is treated as a single suffix (e.g.
-          locative <em>-sge</em>, etc.). Since the clitic slot has already
-          been filled, they are directed to <code>#</code> rather than to
-          <code>K</code>.</p>
-        </section>
-        <section>
-          <title>Declineable indefinites with normal case paradigms</title>
-          <p>This section hosts a seemingly complicated system of taylored
-          sublexica. It contains three sections: First a section where the
-          pronouns themselved are split into different continuation lexica,
-          then a section with intoermadiate lexica, and finally a section with
-          the case suffixes themselves. The lexica are partly modelled upon
-          nominal lexica.</p>
-          <p>Naming convention for the sublexica:</p>
-          <dl>
-            <dt>-c, -v</dt>
-            <dd>Consonant stem, vowel stem</dd>
-          </dl>
-          <dl>
-            <dt>-n, -ne</dt>
-            <dd>nominative, nominative and essive</dd>
-          </dl>
-        </section>
-        <section>
-          <title>Indeclineable indefinites</title>
-          <p>There is first a list of multiword indefinites. These are picked
-          out by the preprocessor and copied onto a file abbr.txt and put in
-          the bin/ catalogue. In thie closed-sme-lex.txt they behave like the
-          other indeclineable indefinites.</p>
-          <p></p>
-        </section>
-        <section>
-          <title>The ideosyncratic rest category</title>
-          <p>Indefinite pronouns are complex, and the grammars are not always
-          explicit enough, so this section hosts a set of pronouns, partly
-          with a hard-coded tag, partly just commented out. They are awaiting
-          a principled linguistic solution, but in order to do that, we need
-          more info than we can get from the reference grammars.</p>
-          <p>TODO: Have a linguistic/native speaker-look at this section.</p>
-        </section>
-      </section>
-    </section>
-    <section>
-      <title>Numerals</title>
-      <section>
-        <title>Overview of the lexicon structure</title>
-        <p>The numeral lexica are formed as a generator, generating all
-        possible numerals. The basic lexicon is <code>Numeral</code>, and it
-        looks like this:</p>
-        <p></p>
-        <source>
-LEXICON Numeral
-MILJON ; ! a noun of its own
-UNDERDUHAT ; ! for generator under 1000
-JUSTDUHAT ; ! going via 1000
-OVERDUHAT ; ! for generator over 1000
-OLD ; ! for "thirteen hundred, etc.
-!num-basic ; ! replaced by the 5 lexica above
-!num-derived ; ! still unimplemented
-num-imprecise ;! still almost unimplemented
-ARABIC ; ! for the arabic numerals
-ROMAN ; ! for the roman numerals
-        <p>MILJON is a noun. OLD is the old way of counting. num-ordinal act
-        like adjectives, they are not finished yet. ARABIC and ROMAN contain
-        number generators.</p>
-        <p>So, what is the reason for the three different lexica around
-        1000?</p>
-        <p>The reason is that the numeric system turns at the thousand mark.
-        Numbers above it and numbers below it behave in the same way, thus we
-        have both <em>twentyfour</em> and <em>twentyfourthousand</em>,
-        etc.</p>
-        generates the part of the numeral that is over 1000, and all these
-        lexica then point to JUSTDUHAT. That lexicon has an optional "(one)
-        thousand" before it leads either to DUHAT and via the relevant case
-        paradigm to K, or to UNDERDUHAT. UNDERDUHAT contains the numerals
-        1-999. UNDERDUHAT starts with the lexicon for one, and gives each
-        group of numerals its own lexicon.</p>
-      </section>
-      <section>
-        <title>Cardinals and ordinals</title>
-        <p>The cardinal and ordinal numbers are split at the final lexica, the
-        <code>OKTAF</code> and <code>2TO9F</code> lexica. This generates both
-        numbers as second and fiftysecond.</p>
-      </section>
-    </section>
-    <section>
-      <title>Indeclinable words</title>
-      <p>All the lexica for indeclinable words are made the same way:</p>
-      <p></p>
-      <source>
-Adverb ;
- LEXICON Adverb
- áđamusat adv ;
-  LEXICON adv
-  +Adv:0 K ;
-      <p>The Root lexicon points to the POS lexica (Adverb etc.). Each of the
-      POS lexica lists the entries, with a pointer to an arbitrarily named
-      sublexicon (here "adv"). This sublexicon contains the grammatical tag
-      for the POS in question (the tag has no surface form, hence ":0"), and
-      eventually a pointer towards the cliticon lexicon K. Adverbs can have
-      clitics added, hence K, whereas subjunctions do not, hence no K.</p>
-      <p>[XXX At the moment particles are not directed to K, perhaps they
-      should be. TODO: Check with corpus and native speakers.]</p>
-      <section>
-        <title>Adverbs</title>
-        <p>They are explained in the intro to the section "Indeclinable words"
-        above.</p>
-        <p></p>
-      </section>
-      <section>
-        <title>Particles</title>
-        <p>These are in the closed-sme-lex.txt file. Their tag is +Pcle and
-        th|qeir lexicon path is:</p>
-        <p>Root -> Particle -> pcle -> #</p>
-        <p></p>
-      </section>
-      <section>
-        <title>Subjunctions</title>
-        <p>Subjunctions are <em>ahte, juos</em>, etc. These are in the
-        closed-sme-lex.txt file. Their lexicon path is:</p>
-        <p>Root -> Subjunction -> -> #</p>
-        <p></p>
-      </section>
-      <section>
-        <title>Conjunctions</title>
-        <p>Conjunctions are <em>ja, dahjege</em>, etc. These are in the
-        closed-sme-lex.txt file. Their tag is +CC and their lexicon path
-        is:</p>
-        <p>Root -> Conjunction -> Cc -> #</p>
-        <p></p>
-      </section>
-      <section>
-        <title>P-positions</title>
-        <p>There are three different classes here: Postpositions, occuring
-        after their complement, prepositions, occuring before, and
-        adpositions, occuring both before and after. This could have been done
-        the Lingsoft way as well: Having +Adp as a common tag for both, and
-        eventually +Prep and +Postp as subtags, no subtag would indicate both
-        ways (or both subtags could be used). At the moment, they are left as
-        3 distinct groups. The classification is based upon Nickel,
-        p-positions found only in Sammallahti's dictionary and not in Nickel
-        were put in the Adposition group. Empirical studies will probably lead
-        to rearrangement of the present division, this should be looked into
-        in connection with the morphological disambiguator (cg grammar).</p>
-        <p></p>
-        <section>
-          <title>Adpositions</title>
-          <p>Adpositions are are <em>bajil, birra, gaskal</em>, etc. These are
-          in the pp-sme-lex.txt file. Their tag is +Adp and their lexicon path
-          is:</p>
-          <p>Root -> Adposition -> Pp -> #</p>
-          <p></p>
-        </section>
-        <section>
-          <title>Postpositions</title>
-          <p>Postpositions are are <em>bokte, lusa</em>, etc. These are in the
-          pp-sme-lex.txt file. Their tag is +Po and their lexicon path is:</p>
-          <p>Root -> Postposition -> Postp -> #</p>
-          <p></p>
-        </section>
-        <section>
-          <title>Prepositions</title>
-          <p>Prepositions are are <em>aisttan, earet</em>, etc. These are in
-          the pp-sme-lex.txt file. Their tag is +Pr and their lexicon path
-          is:</p>
-          <p>Root -> Preposition -> Prep -> #</p>
-          <p></p>
-        </section>
-      </section>
-      <section>
-        <title>Interjections</title>
-        <p>Interjections are are <em>hoi, huh, kyš-kyš</em>, etc. These are in
-        the closed-sme-lex.txt file. Their tag is +Interj and their lexicon
-        path is:</p>
-        <p>Root -> Interjection -> Ij -> #</p>
-        <p></p>
-      </section>
-    </section>
-    <section>
-      <title>Abbreviations</title>
-      <p>There is a file called abbr-sme-lex.txt.</p>
-      <p class="last_modified">Last modified: $Date: 2015-04-12 03:55:08 +0000 (Sun, 12 Apr 2015) $, by
-      $Author: trond $</p>
-    </section>
-  </body>
diff --git a/doc/docu-sme-makefile.xml b/doc/docu-sme-makefile.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index d1f897e..0000000
--- a/doc/docu-sme-makefile.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,225 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
-<!DOCTYPE document PUBLIC "-//APACHE//DTD Documentation V2.0//EN"
-<document xml:lang="en">
-  <header>
-    <title>The sme Makefile and scripts</title>
-  </header>
-  <body>
-    <section>
-      <title>The sme Makefile and scripts</title>
-      <p>The Makefile is used to compile the source files, i.e. to make the
-      programs. It is put to use by (being in <code>gt/sme/src/</code> and)
-      writing the command <code>make</code>. Makefiles in general are
-      documented in introductions to the program <code>make</code>, and the
-      format of the makefiles used in this project is found in Appendix C of
-      the Beesley and Karttunen book. The makefiles for the other languages
-      follow the same layout, but they are simpler.</p>
-      <section>
-        <title>The Makefile itself</title>
-        <p>The sme Makefile is organized as follows: It contains of a number
-        of blocks, each block builds one binary file. Each binary file is
-        dependent upon a number of other files. The first line of each block,
-        the dependency line, mentions the target file, a colon, and the
-        address of the dependency file. On the next line comes the file with
-        address, thereafter again a colon, and after the colon the dependency
-        files are listed. The dependency line can go over several lines with
-        the backslash character (\). In the first block, the dependency lines
-        look as follows:</p>
-        <source>isme.fst: ../bin/isme.fst
-../bin/isme.fst: ../bin/sme.fst ../bin/sme.save ../bin/tok.fst \
-        ../bin/allcaps.fst
-        <p>After the dependency line comes the actions themselves. In the
-        Makefile, each line is initiated with a TAB character. Commands are
-        initiated with the "@" character, and arguments delimited with quotes.
-        Quotes within the quotes are preceded by \.</p>
-        <p>The commands are initiated by an informative banner printed to the
-        screen. Then comes the actions. They are printed to a temporary script
-        file (in the first block, the file is "isme-fst-script", by the
-        @printf command. Then the relevant program (e.g. the program xfst in
-        the first block of the sme Makefile) reads the scriptfile and executes
-        it. Finally, the temporary script file is removed by the @rm command.
-        The makefiles for the other languages are made in the same way.</p>
-        <p>Note that the source files are taken from the src directory (and
-        referred to by filenames only, since the Makefile itself is in the src
-        directory), whereas the binary files are taken from the bin directory,
-        and hence prefixed with '../bin/'.</p>
-        <section>
-          <title>lookup: the lookup scripts</title>
-          <p>There are three lookup scripts (i.e. scripts for the Xerox
-          program <code>lookup</code>) in the bin directory, cap-sme,
-          guess-sme and missing. They are all invoked with the lookup -f flag,
-          i.e. when the ordinary parser is called as in 1., the script version
-          is called as in 2the.:</p>
-          <ol>
-            <li>... | lookup -flags mbTT -utf8 bin/sme.fst | ...</li>
-            <li>... | lookup -flags mbTT -utf8 -f bin/cap-sme | ...</li>
-          </ol>
-          <p>The general format of the Xerox lookup scripts is documented in
-          the chapter on lookup in the Beesley and Karttunen book. To take one
-          example, the script missing looks like this (for the user
-          <code>trond</code>, the Makefile generates scripts with a unique
-          absolute path for each user):</p>
-          <source>analyzer /Users/trond/gt/sme/bin/sme.fst
- foreign /Users/trond/gt/sme/bin/foreign.fst
- typos /Users/trond/gt/sme/bin/typos.fst
- analyzer
- foreign
- typos</source>
-          <p>The script names three transducers (by arbitrary names), and
-          gives an absolute path to each of the transducers. Then comes an
-          empty line, and then the transducers, in the order they are meant to
-          apply.</p>
-          <p>The main point with the scripts is that it is possible to chunk
-          different transducers together, without making one large transducer.
-          The main drawback with them is that they are much slower than simple
-          transducers. The script cap-sme makes it possible to analyse words
-          written with capital letters, but if you want to analyse a larger
-          text with this script, you should rather issue the command before
-          lunch break, and then return after lunch to have a look at what has
-          happened.</p>
-          <p>Since these scripts need a user-unique path, involving the user
-          name, they must be generated in the makefile. This is done as
-          follows (using the same script as example):</p>
-          <source>missing: ../bin/missing
-        @echo
-        @echo "*** Generating missing ***";
-        @echo
-        @printf "analyzer ${BINDIR}/sme.fst\n\                                                                                             
-        foreign ${BINDIR}/foreign.fst\n\                                                                                                   
-        typos ${BINDIR}/typos.fst\n\n\                                                                                                     
-        analyzer\n\                                                                                                                        
-        foreign\n\                                                                                                                         
-        typos\n" > $@</source>
-          <section>
-            <title>The cap-sme script</title>
-            <p>This script chunks the transducers sme.fst and allcap.fst,
-            i.e., it analyses both biilla, Biilla and BIILLA (but not
-            BiilLA).</p>
-          </section>
-          <section>
-            <title>The guess-sme script</title>
-            <p>This script involves the transducers sme.fst (the ordinary sme
-            transducer) and g-sme.fst (the guesser). </p>
-            <fixme author="Tomi">It is unclear to what extent this script
-            works.</fixme>
-          </section>
-          <section>
-            <title>The missing script</title>
-            <p>The script itself was quoted in the introductory text above.
-            The idea behind the script is to first run the incoming text
-            through the ordinary sme transducer, then to run it through an
-            extensive list of foreign (i.e. Norwegian, Swedish, Finnish and
-            English) word forms, and then to run it through a list of known
-            typos, both typos that we know are common, and typos that we have
-            attested in our corpora. A typical command involving this script
-            is the following:</p>
-            <source>cat corp/ntunix corp/*txt | preprocess --abbr=bin/abbr.txt | 
- lookup -flags mbTT -utf8 -f bin/missing | grep '\?' | 
- cut -f1 | sort | uniq -c | sort -nr | less</source>
-            <p>Here, the text is preprocessed as usal. Then it is lead to the
-            missing script, and all wordforms that are either Saami words,
-            Norwegian etc. words or known typos, get an analysis. The
-            remaining words (the ones picked out with the <code>grep '\?'
-            </code>command) are the words really missing from the transducer
-            (thereby the name of the script).</p>
-          </section>
-        </section>
-        <section>
-          <title>The preprocessor</title>
-          <p>The sme Makefile contains target for generating a file
-          <code>abbr.txt</code> which contains a list of abbreviations used in
-          the preprocessing phase. The file is generated by script
-          <code>abbr-extract.pl</code> which is located in <code>gt/script</code>
-          directory. It gets as a command line parameter the main abbreviation
-          file and then a list of files from where multiword expressions
-          should be searched for. Basically:</p>
-          <source>abbr.txt: ../bin/abbr.txt
-../bin/abbr.txt: ../../script/abbr-extract abbr-sme-lex2.txt \
-        propernoun-sme-lex.txt closed-sme-lex.txt adv-sme-lex.txt
-        abbr-extract --abbr_lex=abbr-sme-lex2.txt \
-        --lex=propernoun-sme-lex.txt,closed-sme-lex.txt,adv-sme-lex.txt \
-        --output=../bin/abbr.txt
-        </section>
-      </section>
-      <section>
-        <title>If one ever should need to manage without make...</title>
-        <p>In case the actual commands themeselves are sometimes needed: This
-        is a list of the commands that were needed to build a morphological
-        parser before the time of the makefile.</p>
-        <source>exchange "sme" for other lg (smj, sms)
-Compiling the parser
-in twolc (open by typing "twolc")
-read-grammar twol-sme.txt
-save-binary twol-sme.bin
-in lexc (open by typing "lexc")
-compile-source *-sme.txt
-or: run-script skript1 (smj has script file "lskr", sms has no script file)
-read-rules twol-sme.bin
-save-result sme.save
-in xfst (open by typing "xfst")
-load stack caseconv.fst
-load stack sme.save
-compose net
-save stack sme.fst
-The tok.fst tokenizer is also built in xfst:
-read-regex < case.regex
-save stack caseconv.fst
-      </section>
-      <p class="last_modified">Last modified: $Date: 2015-04-12 03:55:08 +0000 (Sun, 12 Apr 2015) $, by
-      $Author: trond $</p>
-    </section>
-  </body>
diff --git a/doc/docu-sme-preprocessor.xml b/doc/docu-sme-preprocessor.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index fff1fda..0000000
--- a/doc/docu-sme-preprocessor.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,213 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
-<!DOCTYPE document PUBLIC "-//APACHE//DTD Documentation V2.0//EN"
-<document xml:lang="en">
-  <header>
-    <title>Preprocessing the input</title>
-  </header>
-  <body>
-    <section>
-      <title>Introduction</title>
-      <warning>This file documents the use of a preprocessor no longer in use.
-      As explained below, the current preprocessor (called
-      <code>preprocess</code>) is documented (the documentation of the current
-      preprocessor is found <a href="../../ling/preprocessor.html">here</a>.
-      The present document is left here partly because it contains issues
-      neutral to the choice of preprocessor method, and partly because we
-      might return to this preprocessor at some point.</warning>
-      <p>Within the Xerox framework, this is done with the <em>tokenize</em>
-      tool. The code itself is written as a set of regular expressions, and
-      the source file (tok.txt) is compiled by xfst into a preprocessor
-      <code>tok.fst</code>.</p>
-      <p>In the present project, we have temporarily abandoned the
-      preprocessor <code>tok.fst</code> (from spring 2004 on), and replaced it
-      with a perl-based preprocessor (see the <a
-      href="../../ling/preprocessor.html"> documentation</a> for the file
-      <code>gt/script/preprocess</code>. The main reason why we abandoned the
-      Xerox preprocessor that we document here is that its compilation time
-      ecxeeded half an hour on victorio, and several hours on local machines.
-      The reason why compilaton time exploded was our use of the Replace
-      operator @-> (see below), it looks for the longest match, which takes
-      time.</p>
-      <p>When the abbreviation list was part of the tok.txt file, it meant a
-      pause of more than half an hour for every added abbreviation or
-      multiword expression. Thus, we moved to a non-compiled version, perl,
-      during the developmental phase. In a stable, finished parser, tokenize
-      is probably faster than perl, and we should consider migrating back.
-      This documentation will be important if and when we migrate back, but
-      also in the meantime it contains program-independent documentation on
-      abbreviation handling which deserves to be browsed through.</p>
-    </section>
-    <section>
-      <title>Tokenizing</title>
-      <section>
-        <title>The tokenizer file</title>
-        <p>The starting point for the preprocessor was the tok1.fst
-        preprocessor file, written by Anne Schiller, and printed in the
-        Karttunen/Beesley book (cf. the first cvs versions of the tok.txt
-        file). This file has been revised several times. The leading idea
-        behind the file is the following:</p>
-        <p>The tokenizer has two purposes: It cuts text into sentences, and it
-        cuts sentences into words. Thus, symbols that are not letters or
-        numbers are separated from words and numbers. Sentence delimiter
-        symbols (.?!) are treated as separate tokens. In the morphological
-        parser itself, these symbols are given the tag '+CLB', for clause
-        boundary.</p>
-        <p>The file is an xfst source file. It defines sets, joins them
-        together as either words, symbols, abbreviations, initials, or
-        numerals (all being referred to by the variable 'Token'. Then, a
-        newline (NL) is introduced after each token (Token + NL is called
-        TOK1), all spaces are replaced by newlines (TOK2). The abbreviations
-        get a separate treatment, as described in the next sentence. At the
-        end of the tok.txt file, the different token types (TOK1, TOK1, and
-        the different classes of abbreviations are composed together into one
-        regular expression.</p>
-      </section>
-      <section>
-        <title>Handling abbreviations</title>
-        <p>The challenge is to handle abbreviations, like e.g. this one. Even
-        though e.g. contains a final period, it shall not end a sentence. Then
-        there are other abbreviations, like "Ltd.", that may end sentences.
-        The preprocessor thus divides the abbreviations in 4 different groups,
-        according to whether they take <em>objects</em> or not (i.e. according
-        to whether there is an obligatory word or numeral following them or
-        not):</p>
-        <ul>
-          <li>INTRANSABBR (abbr that do not take an object: 'Lloyds
-          Ltd.')</li>
-          <li>INTRANSNUMABBR (abbr that take CAP objects: '')</li>
-          <li>INTRANSCAPABBR (abbr that take NUM objects: 'Downing Str.
-          10')</li>
-          <li>TRANSABBR (abbr. that do take an object: 'Mr. Peters')</li>
-        </ul>
-        <p>Here is the rule set that lies behind the treatment of
-        abbreviations:</p>
-        <ol>
-          <li><em>WORD + dot + space -> sentence boundary</em> <br /></li>
-          <li>When there is a listed abbreviation + space, it is detected what
-          follows after the space. There are three possibilities: there can be
-          a small letter, an capital letter or a number:</li>
-          <li><em>Any abbreviation + space + small letter -> no sentence
-          boundary</em> <br /> Thus, all groups: TRANSABBR + INTRANSNUMABBR +
-          INTRANSCAPABBR + INTRANSABBR. When a word starting with a small
-          letter follows the abbreviation, all listed abbreviations are
-          treated as <em>transitive</em>, i.e. no sentence boundary is
-          inserted.</li>
-          <li>Certain abbreviations + space + <strong>capital letter</strong>
-          -> no sentence boundary (TRANSABBR + INTRANSNUMABBR)<br /> All
-          other abbreviations (complement of "certain") + space + capital
-          letter -> sentence boundary (INTRANSCAPABBR + INTRANSABBR)</li>
-          <li>Certain abbreviations + space + <strong>number</strong> -> no
-          sentence boundary (TRANSABBR + INTRANSCAPABBR)<br /> All other
-          abbreviations (complement of "certain") + space + number ->
-          sentence boundary<br /> (from INTRANSNUMABBR + INTRANSABBR)</li>
-        </ol>
-        <p>We thus have four groups:</p>
-        <ul>
-          <li>A list of abbreviations that never end a sentence (A set called
-          <strong>TRANSABBR</strong>)<br /></li>
-          <li>A list of abbreviations that do not end a sentence if followed
-          by any letter. These abbreviations do end a sentence if followed by
-          a number (A set called <strong>INTRANSNUMABBR</strong>)<br /></li>
-          <li>A list of abbreviations that do not end a sentence if followed
-          by a number or a small letter. These abbreviations do end a sentence
-          if followed by a capital letter. (A set called
-          <strong>INTRANSCAPABBR</strong>)<br /></li>
-          <li>A list of abbreviations end a sentence if followed by a capital
-          letter or a number. These do no end a sentence if followed by a
-          small case letter. (A set called
-          <strong>INTRANSABBR</strong>)<br /></li>
-        </ul>
-        <p>In other words:</p>
-        -> no sentence boundary</p>
-        <p>TRANSABBR + capital -> no sentence boundary<br />TRANSABBR +
-        number -> no sentence boundary</p>
-        <p>INTRANSNUMABBR + capital -> no sentence
-        boundary<br />INTRANSNUMABBR + number -> a sentence boundary</p>
-        <p>INTRANSCAPABBR + capital -> a sentence
-        boundary<br />INTRANSCAPABBR + number -> no sentence boundary</p>
-        <p>INTRANSABBR + capital -> a sentence boundary<br />INTRANSABBR +
-        number -> a sentence boundary<br /></p>
-        <p>It is better to have too few sentence boundaries than too many. Of
-        the 4 sets listed above, the first invokes no sentence boundaries, and
-        the following ones invoke an increasing amount of them. Thus, when in
-        doubt, put the abbreviation in question in the sets as follows:<br />
-        <em>TRANSABBR</em> is better than <em>INTRANSNUMABBR</em>, which is
-        better than <em>INTRANSCAPABBR</em>, which is better than
-        <em>INTRANSABBR</em>.</p>
-      </section>
-    </section>
-    <section>
-      <title>Examples</title>
-      <p><em>Jeg kjøpte epler. de var dyre.</em> A sentence boundary, rule 1.
-      A sentence beginning with a small letter will be found in the grammar
-      checker.<br /> <em>Siv.ing. Pia Aho stakk innom.</em> No sentence
-      boundary, rule 3.<br /> <em>Siv.ing. og kunstner Pia Aho stakk
-      innom.</em> No sentence boundary, rule 2.<br /> <em>Dette er Pia Aho,
-      siv.ing. Hun kjøper ost.</em> No sentence boundary, rule 3. This is
-      where there is a sentence boundary (in real life), but we have to trust
-      probabilities: it is likely that the first type of example is more
-      common than this type of example. If this hypothesis turns out to be
-      wrong, abbreviations can be moved into a more proper set. The point is
-      that we need to have this kind of an option.<br /> <em>F.eks. i Europa
-      kjøpes det mye ost.</em> No sentence boundary, rule 3.<br /> <em>F.eks.
-      kunstnerne kjøper mye ost.</em> No sentence boundary, rule 2.<br />
-      <em>Kjøp f.eks. 12 epler.</em> No sentence boundary, rule 4.<br />
-      <em>Jeg kjøper ost o.a. godt.</em> No sentence boundary, rule 2.<br />
-      <em>Jeg kjøper ost o.a. Ta med litt melk også.</em> A sentence boundary,
-      rule 3<br /> <em>Jeg kjøpte epler, pærer, osv. Jeg tok også med meg
-      melk.</em> A sentence boundary, rule 3.<br /> <em>Kjøp epler, pærer,
-      osv. ta med melk også.</em> No sentence boundary, rule 2.<br /> <em>Kjøp
-      epler, pærer, osv. og ta også med melk.</em> No sentence boundary, rule
-      2.<br /> <em>Også § 9, 3. avsn. nevner denne saka.</em> No sentence
-      boundary, rule 2.<br /> <em>Les også § 9, 3. avsn. Der tar man opp denne
-      saka.</em> A sentence boundary, rule 3.<br /> <em>I Trosterudveien 6,
-      leilighet nr. 7 bor det en mann.</em> No sentence boundary, rule
-      4.<br /> <em>Jeg trekker lodd i Lotto. I fjor trakk jeg 110 000 nr. Året
-      før trakk jeg bare 18 000 nr. og det første året mitt 500 nr.</em> Two
-      cases: A sentence boundary, rule 3, and no sentence boundary, rule
-      2.</p>
-      <p class="last_modified">Last modified: $Date: 2015-04-12 03:55:08 +0000 (Sun, 12 Apr 2015) $, by
-      $Author: trond $</p>
-    </section>
-  </body>
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\ No newline at end of file
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-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
-<!DOCTYPE document PUBLIC "-//APACHE//DTD Documentation V2.0//EN"
-<document xml:lang="en">
-  <header>
-    <title>Test plan for sme</title>
-  </header>
-  <body>
-    <section>
-      <title>Test plan for sme</title>
-      <section>
-        <title>Testing the morphological multitagger</title>
-        <section>
-          <title>Lexical testing</title>
-          <p>Texts from various domains should be tested at regular
-          intervals</p>
-          <ul>
-            <li>Fiction</li>
-            <li>Religious texts</li>
-            <li>Administrative language, politics, etc.</li>
-            <li>Scientific texts</li>
-          </ul>
-          <p>The corpus should be inspected, e.g. with the following command
-          (~/gt/sme/ as the working directory):</p>
-          <p><code>cat corp/* | preprocess abbr=bin/abbr.txt | lookup -flags
-          mbTT mbTT bin/sme.fst | grep '\?' | grep -v CLB | sort | uniq -c |
-          sort -nr | less</code></p>
-          <p>The result will contain all non-Saami words in the lexicon. In
-          order to remove these foreign words from the list, the following
-          command may be used:</p>
-          <p><code>cat corp/* | preprocess abbr=bin/abbr.txt | lookup -flags
-          mbTT mbTT bin/s\ me.fst | grep '\?' | grep -v CLB | cut -f1 | lookup
-          -flags mbTT bin/foreign.fst | grep '\?' | sort | uniq -c | sort -nr
-          | less</code></p>
-          <p>The resulting list is an overview over words not recognised by
-          the parser. All-capital words should be ignored, or they could be
-          tested separately, with the command</p>
-          <p><code>... | lookup -flags mbTT -f bin/cap-sme | ...</code></p>
-          <p>By using this script words written in CAPITALS are analysed as
-          well, but run in this mode, the parser is to slow to analyse the
-          full one-million word corpus.</p>
-          <p>The remaining words should be inspected. Failure of recognising
-          words has one of three reasons:</p>
-          <ol>
-            <li>They are misspellings</li>
-            <li>They are missing from the lexicon</li>
-            <li>They are listed in the lexicon, but an error in the
-            morphological or morphophonological system prevents the parser
-            from recognising them.</li>
-          </ol>
-          <p>In simple cases, errors should just be corrected. Otherwise they
-          should be reported to the <a
-          href="http://giellatekno.uit.no/bugzilla/">Bugzilla database</a>.
-          Misspellings may be ignored, or, if they are frequent, they should
-          be added to the lexicon, with a tag (at present the tag is "!SUB"). When developing a spell checker, misspellings become
-          interesting in their own right, but for the development of the
-          disambiguator, we are more interested in actually analysing the
-          words, than in pointing out that they are misspelled.</p>
-          <p>Clear formatting errors may be corrected in the corpus files,
-          with the following command:</p>
-          <p><code>perl -i -pe 's/formatting_error/corrected_formatting/g'
-          corp/filename</code></p>
-          <p>This should be done only in our old corpus, and only when it is totally clear that the input string cannot be interpreted as anything else than a formatting error. In our common corpus database we deal with formatting
-          errors with our file-specific <a
-          href="../../tools/docu-conversionscripts.html">conversion
-          tools</a>.</p>
-          <p>Words missing in the lexicon should be added, with their proper
-          lexicon.</p>
-          <p>Words listed in the lexicon, but with one or more word forms not
-          analysed, are the most challenging ones. This implies that there is
-          an error in the morphophonological file twol-sme.txt or more
-          probably in the morphological section (for nouns, verbs and
-          adjectives this means sme-lex.txt). In case of morphological errors,
-          the path through the morphological derivation should be traced and
-          inspected. In case of morphophonological errors there are procedures
-          within twolc for detecting them (see the twolc manual).</p>
-        </section>
-        <section>
-          <title>Grammatical testing</title>
-          <p>We want to test the following:</p>
-          <ul>
-            <li>All forms of all paradigms</li>
-            <li>All consonant gradation patterns</li>
-            <li>All vowel alternations</li>
-            <li>Compounds</li>
-          </ul>
-          <p>There is a discussion of this on the newsgroup. TODO: copy that
-          discussion into this document.</p>
-        </section>
-        <section>
-          <title>Testing the parser</title>
-          <p><a href="../../ling/docu-testing.html">testing tools</a></p>
-          <p>Status quo and directions for actively testing the parser:</p>
-          <section>
-            <title>Testing the morphology</title>
-            <p>The best way of testing the morphology is perhaps the command
-            <code>make n-paradigm WORD=johka</code>, as described in the
-            testing tools. This method is fine for the inflection of nouns,
-            verbs and adjectives. As of september 2004, the basic noun
-            paradigms in Nickel have all ben tested, as have the CG patterns.
-            Priority should now be given to adjectives, and to the verbs. The
-            sublexica should all be run through the generator.</p>
-          </section>
-        </section>
-        <section>
-          <title>Testing the individual lexemes</title>
-          <section>
-            <title>Adjectives</title>
-            <p>As for the adjectives, there are several subtypes that are not
-            covered by the existing lexica. One possible way of monitoring the
-            situation would be to write a perl script (or shell script) that
-            takes as input a list of adjectives, and gives their nom.sg.,
-            attributive form, gen.sg, comparative nominative, comparative
-            genitive, superlative and superlative genitive forms, and then run
-            representative lists of adjectives through the script.</p>
-          </section>
-          <section>
-            <title>Verbs</title>
-            <p>As for the verbs, the verb file should be read through and
-            checked for transitivity (the question is whether the verbs are
-            assigned correct sublexicon).</p>
-          </section>
-          <section>
-            <title>P-positions and adverbs</title>
-            <p>TODO for a person with Saami as mother tongue: Read through the
-            pp-sme-lex.txt and adv-sme-lex.txtfiles and evaluate the division
-            into prepositions, postpositions, adpositions and adverbs.</p>
-          </section>
-          <section>
-            <title>Pronouns</title>
-            <p>Perhaps a script could be made to run all pronouns through a
-            test.</p>
-          </section>
-          <section>
-            <title>Numerals</title>
-            <p>The chapter on numerals is still not properly written. Wait
-            with testing this until the code is more stable.</p>
-          </section>
-        </section>
-        <section>
-          <title>Testing the correctness of the given analyses</title>
-          <p>When we test whether words are let through or not, we do not test
-          whether the parser actually gives correct analyses. A word may thus
-          be misanalysed, in two ways:</p>
-          <ol>
-            <li>It is misspelled, but still given an (errouneous)
-            analysis</li>
-            <li>It is correctly spelled, but given a grammatical analysis that
-            it should not have had</li>
-          </ol>
-          <p>The first issue is of major concern to the spell checker project,
-          and will not be dealt with here.</p>
-          <p>The second issue has great importance to the disambiguator, and
-          to the form generator isme.fst. Errors of this type pop up in two
-          contexts: When the parser is used as input to the disambiguator (and
-          the correct reading is missing from the input), and as a result of
-          regularly reading through the analysis of a shorter,
-          non-disambiguated text.</p>
-        </section>
-      </section>
-      <section>
-        <title>Testing of the disambiguator</title>
-        <section>
-          <title>Methods</title>
-          <p>Disambiguating is tested in the following way:</p>
-          <ul>
-            <li>Ambiguity = #Parses / #Tokens</li>
-            <li>Recall = #Tokens Correctly Disambiguated / # Tokens =
-            TP/P</li>
-            <li>Precision = #Tokens Correctly disambiguated / #Parses =
-            TP/(TP+FP)</li>
-          </ul>
-          <p>A token is correctly disambiguated when <em>at least one</em> of
-          the readings (parses) of the token is correct.</p>
-          <p>In the ideal case each token is uniquely and correctly
-          disambiguated with the correct parse. Here, both recall and
-          precision will be 1.0. A text where each token is annotated with all
-          possible parses, the recall will be 1.0, but the precision will be
-          low. A high recall thus comes with a price of low presicion. In
-          other words: A recall of less than 100% indicates that some correct
-          analyses were removed, and a precision of less than 100% indicates
-          that some wrong analyses were not removed. The goal is to have both
-          recall and precision as high as possible.</p>
-          <p>Testing procedure:</p>
-          <ol>
-            <li>Choose a reasonable short test, that has not been run on the
-            parser before</li>
-            <li>Run the test <ol>
-                <li>Run the text through the morphological parser, and inspect
-                the words that are not recognised by the parser. Add them to
-                the parser, or remove the sentence in question from the text.
-                Eventually: just run the test, but remove the sentences with
-                unknown words afterwards. The idea here is that it is
-                unreasonable to demand disambiguation from a sentence where
-                some words are not recognised in the first place</li>
-                <li>A different test would be to include all sentences, and
-                just count the failed words as well. They will have the
-                analysis '?+', which of course is wrong.</li>
-              </ol></li>
-            <li>Count the ambiguity, prior to disambiguation. The number of
-            parses is found like this: <code>cat file.txt | preprocess
-            --abbr=bin/abbr.txt | lookup -flags mbTT -utf8 bin/sme.fst |
-            lookup2cg | egrep '\t' | wc -l</code>. The number of tokens is
-            <code>cat file.txt | preprocess --abbr=bin/abbr.txt | wc
-            -l</code></li>
-            <li>Count the tokens correctly disambiguated (by hand): Read
-            through the analysed text, and count the number of words that have
-            got a correct analysis. The string is <code>cat file.txt |
-            preprocess --abbr=bin/abbr.txt | lookup -flags mbTT -utf8
-            bin/sme.fst | lookup2cg | vislcg --grammar=src/sme-dis.rle |
-            less</code>.</li>
-            <li>Then divide this number with the number of parses and get the
-            presicion, and with the number of tokens, and get the recall.</li>
-          </ol>
-          <p>During parser construction the recall and presicion data need not
-          be a goal in themselves. Another, equally important goal is to
-          identify errors and try to correct them. Deleting correct readings
-          is a more serious error than leaving the token ambigous.</p>
-        </section>
-        <section>
-          <title>Testing recall of texts</title>
-          <p>At regular intervals, new, previously unseen texts should be
-          tested for type and token recall. The test prcedure, as well as test
-          results, are explained in the <a href="sme-testdiary.html">sme test
-          diary</a>.</p>
-        </section>
-      </section>
-      <section>
-        <title>Reading through the code</title>
-        <p>Although the parser might give correct output, the internal lexicon
-        structure may not be optimal. At some point, the code should be read
-        through with this in mind.</p>
-      </section>
-    </section>
-    <section>
-      <title></title>
-    </section>
-    <p class="last_modified">Last modified: $Date: 2015-04-12 03:55:08 +0000 (Sun, 12 Apr 2015) $, by
-    $Author: trond $</p>
-  </body>
diff --git a/doc/docu-sme-twol.xml b/doc/docu-sme-twol.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index 6e91ee4..0000000
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+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,496 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
-<!DOCTYPE document PUBLIC "-//APACHE//DTD Documentation V2.0//EN"
-<document xml:lang="en">
-  <header>
-    <title>Documenting the North Saami twol rules file</title>
-  </header>
-  <body>
-    <section>
-      <title>Documenting the North Saami twol rules file</title>
-      <section>
-        <title>Introduction</title>
-        <p>This is a documentation of the format of the file
-        <code>gt/sme/twol-sme.txt</code>, the twol rules file.</p>
-      </section>
-      <section>
-        <title>File structure</title>
-        <p>The file format, as well as the rule formalism and the usage of the
-        twolc program, is documented in <a
-        href="http://www.xrce.xerox.com/competencies/content-analysis/fssoft/docs/twolc-92/twolc92.html">the
-        Xerox manual on twolc</a>. The file itself consists of three sections:
-        The Alphabet section, the Sets section and the Rule section. The
-        sections are treated below, one by one.</p>
-      </section>
-      <section>
-        <title>The Alphabet section</title>
-        <p>The parser uses the Saami letters that are found in the offical
-        spelling, i.e. <em>á, č, đ, ŋ, š, ŧ, ž</em>, in the UTF-8 encoding
-        scheme of Unicode. Unicode values for these North Saami letters can
-        be found at the relevant chapter of Michael Everson's <a
-        href="http://www.evertype.com/alphabets">The Alphabets of
-        Europe</a>.</p>
-        <p>There are also some numbered letters in the alphabet section. They
-        point to morphophonemes. The symbols <em>e7, i7, u7, o7</em> refer to
-        vowels with a special, alternating behaviour. These are the ones that
-        are printed with a dot below in Sammallahti's dictionaries and their
-        Norwegian pendants. These vowels correspont to Nielsens vowel with
-        breve above, and they denote vowels that are short. The symbols
-        <em>h8, g8, m8, n8</em> refer to consonants that alternate in
-        stem-final position. The symbols <em>b9, d9, g9, h9, j9, m9, n9, p9,
-        s9, t9, z9</em> refer to consonants <em>b, d, g, h</em>, etc., that do
-        not alternate, despite the behaviour of similar Saami consonants. Thus,
-        the word 'viehkat' has the stem viehkag, whereas the word 'Rollag' has
-        the stem Rollag9. This is to distinguish betweed the alternating
-        <em>-g</em> in 'viehkag' (which turns to <em>-t</em> in word-final
-        position), and the non-alternating <em>-g9</em> in 'Rollag9' (which
-        always is realised as <em>g</em>).</p>
-        <p>The symbol ¤ has two different functions. It prevents consonant
-        gradation, and it prevents the word-final vowel weakening i > e, u
-        > o.</p>
-        <p>The dummy symbols <em>X</em>1 to <em>Y8</em> denote
-        morphophonological processes. <em>X</em> are used for <em>nouns</em>
-        only, <em>Y</em> for verbs only, and <em>Q</em> for processes common
-        to both nouns and verbs, cf. the following table.</p>
-        <p>There are also (so far undocumented) W symbols</p>
-        <p>The dummy symbol <em>:0</em> is there to prevent consonant
-        gradation for certain lexemes. Thus, when a stem ends in <em>:0</em>,
-        it will not get weak grade. Also, the <em>:0</em> symbol is also a
-        member of the Lenition set.</p>
-        <p>For each dummy symbol <em>X1</em> etc. there is first a list over
-        the rules where the dummy applies, and then a partial list of the
-        lexicons where there is reference to the dummy in question (the lexica
-        are in the file sme-lex.txt, sublexicon paths are indicated by the
-        '->' symbol.</p>
-        <source>X1
-"Diphthong Simplification: Conditional in -alla- etc. Derivatives from Trisyllabics"
-"Diphthong Simplification: Optional before Deverbal -alla-, -adda-, -us"
-"Stem Vowel in Present Participials from i-Verbs"
-LEXICON EABBUCASE1 -> +Sg+Nom:X1 K ;  +Ess:X1n K ;
-LEXICON PxV -> :X1 Px3V ;
-LEXICON PxPlComV1 -> :X1 PxPlCom3V ;
-LEXICON BUORRE -> +A:X1 EssV "good A" ;
-LEXICON ARVI !Bisyllabic Impersonal Verbs! -> :X1 NominalFormsV1 ;
-LEXICON PrsV !Present Tense in Vocalic Verb Stems -> :X1 PrsV5 ;
-LEXICON DeverbalNounsMUITAL -> +us:X1uss JOHTOLAT ;
-LEXICON DeverbalVerbsMUITAL -> +alla:X1alla DIEHTIStem ;
-"Diphthong Simplification in Certain Forms from u-Stems"
-"Diphthong Simplification in Actor Nouns from u-Verbs (Optional)"
-"Diphthong Simplification in Diminutives etc. from Trisyllabics with 2nd Syll u/o"
-"Metaphony in Actor Nouns of i-, a-, and u-Verbs"
-"Word Final Neutralization of g8, h8, m8"
-Ill Sg Metaphony (i/a1, a/1, e1/a1)
-"Diphthong Simplification in Certain Forms from u-Stems"
-"Diphthong Simplification in Actor Nouns from u-Verbs (Optional)"
-"Diphthong Simplification in IllSg and Certain Conjug. Forms of a-Stems"
-"Illative Singular Metaphony"
-"Metaphony in Actor Nouns of i-, a-, and u-Verbs"
-X4 WG
-"Stem Vowel in Present Participials from i-Verbs"
-"Word Final Deletion of n8 m8 g8 h8"
-LEXICON VIVVA !Animate Bisyll. V-Nouns -> +N+Sg+Gen:X4 R ;
-LEXICON MALIS !Tris. Inanim. Gradating C-Nouns -> +N:X4 MALIS0 ;
-LEXICON BOAZU !Anim. Contracted 0-Nouns -> +N:X4 BOAZU- ;
-LEXICON GADDI !Bisyll. V-Nouns with Comp. Forms -> +N:X4 BU/MUS ;
-X5 WG
-"Diphthong Simplification in i-Stems before Suffixes Beginning with j:"
-"Diphthong Simplification in Actor Nouns from i- and a-Stems (Optional)"
-"Stem Vowel in Present Participials from i-Verbs"
-X6 WG
-"Diphthong Simplification in Certain Forms from u-Stems"
-"Diphthong Simplification in Actor Nouns from u-Verbs (Optional)"
-"Metaphony in Actor Nouns of i-, a-, and u-Verbs"
-"Word Final Deletion of n8 m8 g8 h8"
-vow shortening after long 1st syll
-"Optional Shortening of a1 in Compounds after Long 1st Syllable 1"
-"Optional Shortening of a1 in Compounds after Long 1st Syllable 2"
-"Stem Vowel in Present Participials from i-Verbs"
-"Word Final Neutralization of g8, h8, m8"
-WG vow shortening after long 1st syll
-"Optional Shortening of a1 in Compounds after Long 1st Syllable 1"
-"Optional Shortening of a1 in Compounds after Long 1st Syllable 2"
-"Stem Vowel in Present Participials from i-Verbs"
-"Word Final Deletion of n8 m8 g8 h8"
-X9 WG
-vow shortening in caritives
-"Word Final Deletion of n8 m8 g8 h8"
-"Indicative Present Singular 3rd Final Vowel"
-LEXICON PrsV !Present Tense in Vocalic Verb Stems -> :Q1 PrsV2 ; ->  +Sg3: K ;
-"Diphthong Simplification in IllSg and Certain Conjug. Forms of a-Stems"
-"Diphthong Simplification in Certain Conjugational Forms of i- and u-Stems"
-"Stem Vowel Shift a:e, i:e, u:o"
-LEXICON PrsV !Pres in Voc Verb Stems -> :Q2 PrsV3 ; ->  +Du1: K ; +Pl3:t K ;
-"Diphthong Simplification in IllSg and Certain Conjug. Forms of a-Stems"
-"Diphthong Simplification in Certain Conjugational Forms of i- and u-Stems"
-"Imperative Present 1st/3rd Person and Connegative Final Vowel"
-LEXICON ImprtV1 !Imp for Voc Verb -> +Sg1:Q3n K ; +Sg3:Q3s K ;
-"Stem Vowel in 1st and 2nd Person Singular Present"
-LEXICON PrsV !Pres Tns in Voc Verb -> :Q4 PrsV1 ; ->  +Sg1:n K ; +Sg2:t K ;
-"Diphthong Simplification in Actor Nouns from i- and a-Stems (Optional)"
-"Diphthong Simplification in u-Stems before Conditional Marker"
-"Stem Vowel before Conditional Marker"
-LEXICON CondV1 -> +Prs:Q5l CondBOAHTI ;
-Vow shortening in bisyll sg2 imp&conneg
-"Vowel Shortening in Bisyllabic Sg2 Imperatives and Connegatives"
-LEXICON NominalFormsV -> :Q6 NominalFormsV3 ; ->  +Ger:dettiin K ;
-LEXICON PrsV !Pres in Voc Verb -> :Q6 PrsV4 ; ->  +ConNeg: K ;
-"Diphthong Simplification in Certain Conjugational Forms of i- and u-Stems"
-"Potential Marker Metaphony"
-LEXICON ADVV -> +Adv:Q7t K ;
-LEXICON BOAHTICnj -> +Pot+Prs:Q7z1 PrsC ;
-"Diphthong Simplification in Certain Forms from u-Stems"
-"Stem Vowel before Frequentative d"
-LEXICON DeverbalVerbsBOAHTI -> +d:Q8d ALISTStem ; ->  SG3PASS ;
-"Stem Vowel before Frequentative l"
-!! Q9 not used in lexicon file!
-Y1 Len
-"Stem Vowel in Dual 2nd Person Imperative"
-"Lengthening of Central Consonants hk etc."
-"Lengthening of Central Consonants pm etc."
-"Lengthening of Central Consonants tnj"
-"Lengthening of Central Consonants dj"
-Y2 Len
-"Stem Vowel in Dual 1st Person Imperative"
-"Lengthening of Central Consonants hk etc."
-"Lengthening of Central Consonants pm etc."
-"Lengthening of Central Consonants tnj"
-"Lengthening of Central Consonants dj"
-Y3 Len
-"Stem Vowel in Plural 2nd Person Imperative"
-"Lengthening of Central Consonants hk etc."
-"Lengthening of Central Consonants pm etc."
-"Lengthening of Central Consonants tnj"
-"Lengthening of Central Consonants dj"
-Y4 Len WG
-"Stem Vowel in Imperative Plural 1st Person and Passive Stem"
-"Lengthening of Central Consonants hk etc."
-"Lengthening of Central Consonants pm etc."
-"Lengthening of Central Consonants tnj"
-"Lengthening of Central Consonants dj"
-Y5 Len WG
-Not Postvocalic j Surfacing (all other dummys have it)
-Not Word Final Cns Neutralisation (all other dummys have it)
-"Deletion: Final h s j z1 in Contracted Stems"
-"Diphthong Simplification in Certain Forms from u-Stems"
-"Stem Vowel in Contracted Stems"
-"Lengthening of Central Consonants hk etc."
-"Lengthening of Central Consonants pm etc."
-"Lengthening of Central Consonants tnj"
-"Lengthening of Central Consonants dj"
-Y6 Len WG
-"Deletion: Final h s j z1 in Contracted Stems"
-"Diphthong Simplification in Certain Forms from u-Stems"
-"Lengthening of Central Consonants hk etc."
-"Lengthening of Central Consonants pm etc."
-"Lengthening of Central Consonants tnj"
-"Lengthening of Central Consonants dj"
-Len WG
-"Diphthong Simplification in IllSg and Certain Conjug. Forms of a-Stems"
-"Diphthong Simplification in Certain Conjugational Forms of i- and u-Stems"
-"Stem Vowel in Imperative Plural 1st Person and Passive Stem"
-"Lengthening of Central Consonants hk etc."
-"Lengthening of Central Consonants pm etc."
-"Lengthening of Central Consonants tnj"
-"Lengthening of Central Consonants dj"
-Y8 WG
-"Stem Vowel before Reflexive s"
-Y9 Len
-"Lengthening of Central Consonants hk etc."
-"Lengthening of Central Consonants pm etc."
-"Lengthening of Central Consonants tnj"
-"Lengthening of Central Consonants dj"
-Q Len NonMPDummy
-"Stem Vowel in Present Participials from i-Verbs"
-W3 Second syllable deletion in compounding
-W4 Optional vowel shortening i:e and u:o i diminutives
-W5 Metaphony i:á and u:o in diminutive.frequentative verbs
-W6 Metaphony i:á in subitive-frequentative verbs
-W7 Metaphony in incoative verb derivation -stuvvat and diminutive-frequentative -stallat/-staddat
-W8 Vowel shortening i:e in verb derivation -meahttun.
-W9 Blocking the e:i change in front of illative j, cf. the difference between 
-   W9-less Børre:Børrii and W9 Sijte:Sijtei.
-        <p>Summary of dummy explanations:</p>
-        <source>
-              X                 Y               Q
-              1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Q
-         WeG        x x x   x x                       x x x x x
-         Len                    x x x x x x x                     x
-    FinalDum    x   x     x x
-    NonMPDum  x     x     x x                                     x
-       DnotY  x x x x x x x x x x x x x   x x x x x x x x x x x x x
-Diphtsimplif    x x     x               x x                   x
-Diphtsim-Ill      x                         x     x x
-Dipsim-iu-st                                x     x x       x
-Gen Metaphon    x       x
-PrsPtc i-vrb  x     x x   x x
-Wfinnmgh-del        x   x   x x
-WfinCnsneutr    x         x
-      </section>
-      <section>
-        <title>The <em>Sets</em> section</title>
-        <p>Vow and Cns are self-explanatory, StemCns are the stem-final
-        consonants.</p>
-        <p>WeG is the set of Dummy symbols that trigger weak grade.</p>
-        <p>One set is added to the original inventory, the set DummyNotY5. In
-        the original file, the rules here involved a subtraction operation
-        that did not give the desired result.</p>
-      </section>
-      <section>
-        <title>The Rules section</title>
-        <section>
-          <title>i:j alternation rules</title>
-          <p>This is a problematic alternation. The original 1993 rule did not
-          give "muitalit" for "mujtalit". The operator is "<=" instead of
-          the usual "<=>", and the rule "Postvocalic j in the stem of
-          words" has been added to take care of the mujtalit problem. Compiled
-          without lexicon, the rule "Postvocalic j Surfacing" works well
-          alone, but with the lexicon involved it seems both are needed.</p>
-          <p><strong>"Postvocalic j Surfacing"</strong> <br />
-          <strong>Postvocalic j in the stem of words</strong> <br /> Example:
-          "bijlla > biilla".</p>
-          <p>These rules turn all underlying j's into i. The phenomenon is
-          actually just orthographic: The vowel 'i' does not occur postvocalic
-          in North Sami, but the consonant 'j' does, albeit it is written
-          as "i".</p>
-          <p>Testing shows that combining these two rules this way gives the
-          correct result, although it is not completely clear why.</p>
-          <p></p>
-        </section>
-        <section>
-          <title>Word final consonant alternations</title>
-          <p>Rules:</p>
-          <p><em>"Word Final Consonant Neutralization"</em> <em>"Deletion:
-          Final h s j z1 in Contracted Stems"</em> <br /> <em>"Word Final
-          Cluster Simplification 1"</em> <br /> <em>"Word Final Cluster
-          Simplification 2"</em> <br /> <em>"Word Final Cluster Simplification
-          3"</em> <br /> <em>"Word Final Cluster Simplification 4"</em> <br />
-          <em>"Word Final Double Consonant Simplification"</em></p>
-          <p></p>
-        </section>
-        <section>
-          <title>The gradation rules</title>
-          <source>"Gradation: h Loss" !johka : joga (h:0)
-"Gradation: Prenasal Stops" !sa1pmi : sa1mi (p:0)
-"Gradation: tnj" !latnja : lanja (t:0)
-"Gradation: dj" !vuodjit:vuoja1n
-"Gradation: Double Consonant" !ka1ffe:ka1fes
-"Gradation: Long Double Consonant"
-"Gradation: Preaspirated Geminates"
-"Gradation: Jodded Double Consonants"
-"Gradation: Cluster Non-nasal Sonorant + Non-sonorant"
-!"Gradation: Cluster n1g"
-"Gradation: Cluster n1 + Non-sonorant"
-"Gradation: Cluster m + Non-sonorant"
-"Gradation: Cluster n + Non-sonorant"
-"Gradation: Cluster j/v + Liquid"
-"Gradation: Clusters lv, rj etc."
-"Gradation: Clusters tk, tm"
-"Gradation: Clusters ts, ks"
-"Gradation: Clusters sk, sm etc."
-"Gradation: Cluster vj"
-"Gradation: Cluster jv"
-"Gradation: ihm, vhl etc."
-"Gradation: Clusters lbm, jdn, vdn etc."
-"Gradation: Clusters ldnj, vdnj etc."
-"Gradation: Clusters rbm, rdn rgn1"
-"Gradation: Clusters rdnj"
-"Gradation: ist, vsk etc."
-"Gradation: ms1k, rs1k"
-"Gradation: Clusters kc ks etc. 1"
-"Gradation: Clusters kc ks etc. 2"
-"Gradation: Cluster kst 1"
-"Gradation: Cluster kst 2"
-"Gradation: bb dd etc.1"
-"Gradation: bb dd etc.2"
-          <p>...</p>
-        </section>
-        <section>
-          <title>Lengthening of consonants rules</title>
-          <p><em>"Lengthening of Central Consonants hk etc."</em> <br />
-          <em>"Lengthening of Central Consonants pm etc."</em> <br />
-          <em>"Lengthening of Central Consonants tnj"</em> <br />
-          <em>"Lengthening of Central Consonants dj"</em> <br /></p>
-        </section>
-        <section>
-          <title>Lenitions rules</title>
-          <p><em>"Lenition: Intervocalic Stops and Affricates"</em> <br /></p>
-        </section>
-        <section>
-          <title>Vowel shortening rules</title>
-          <p><em>"Vowel Shortening in Bisyllabic Sg2 Imperatives and
-          Connegatives"</em> <br /> <em>"Vowel Shortening in Compounds after
-          Long 1st Syllable 1"</em> <br /> <em>"Optional Vowel Shortening
-          after Short 1st Syllable"</em> <br /> <em>"Optional Vowel Shortening
-          in Caritives"</em> <br /> <em>"Optional Shortening of a1 in
-          Compounds after Long 1st Syllable 2"</em> <br /> <em>"Optional
-          Shortening of a1 in Compounds after Long 1st Syllable 1"</em> <br />
-          <em>"Optional Shortening of a1 in Compounds after Long 1st Syllable
-          2"</em> <br /> <em>"Vowel Shortening in Caritives"</em> <br /></p>
-        </section>
-        <section>
-          <title>Diphtong simplification rules</title>
-          <p><em>"Diphthong Simplification in i-Stems before Suffixes
-          Beginning with j:"</em> <br /> <em>"Diphthong Simplification in
-          Actor Nouns from i- and a-Stems (Optional)"</em> <br />
-          <em>"Diphthong Simplification in Certain Forms from u-Stems"</em>
-          <br /> <em>"Diphthong Simplification in Actor Nouns from u-Verbs
-          (Optional)"</em> <br /> <em>"Diphthong Simplification in Diminutives
-          etc. from Trisyllabics with 2nd Syll u/o"</em> <br /> <em>"Diphthong
-          Simplification: Conditional in -alla- etc. Derivatives from
-          Trisyllabics"</em> <br /> <em>"Diphthong Simplification in IllSg and
-          Certain Conjug. Forms of a-Stems"</em> <br /> <em>"Diphthong
-          Simplification in Certain Conjugational Forms of i- and
-          u-Stems"</em> <br /> <em>"Diphthong Simplification: Optional before
-          Deverbal -alla-, -adda-, -us"</em> <br /> <em>"Diphthong
-          Simplification in u-Stems before Conditional Marker"</em> <br /></p>
-        </section>
-        <section>
-          <title>Vowel Rising</title>
-          <p><em>"Vowel Rising"</em> <br /></p>
-        </section>
-        <section>
-          <title>Metaphony</title>
-          <p><em>"General Metaphony"</em> <br /> <em>"Metaphony in Derivatives
-          -us, -alla, -adda 1"</em> <br /> <em>"Metaphony in Derivatives -us,
-          -alla, -adda 2"</em> <br /> <em>"Illative Singular Metaphony"</em>
-          <br /> <em>"Metaphony in Actor Nouns of i-, a-, and u-Verbs"</em>
-          <br /> <em>"Metaphony in MUSH-Derivatives"</em> <br />
-          <em>"Potential Marker Metaphony"</em> <br /></p>
-        </section>
-        <section>
-          <title>Stem vowel alternations</title>
-          <p><em>"Stem Vowel in Contracted Stems"</em> <br /> <em>"Stem Vowel
-          before Frequentative d"</em> <br /> <em>"Stem Vowel before
-          Frequentative l"</em> <br /> <em>"Stem Vowel before Reflexive
-          s"</em> <br /> <em>"Indicative Present Singular 3rd Final
-          Vowel"</em> <br /> <em>"Imperative Present 1st/3rd Person and
-          Connegative Final Vowel"</em> <br /> <em>"Stem Vowel Shift a:e, i:e,
-          u:o"</em> <br /> <em>"Stem Vowel in 1st and 2nd Person Singular
-          Present"</em> <br /> <em>"Stem Vowel before Conditional Marker"</em>
-          <br /> <em>"Stem Vowel in Dual 2nd Person Imperative"</em> <br />
-          <em>"Stem Vowel in Present Participials from i-Verbs"</em> <br />
-          <em>"Stem Vowel in Dual 1st Person Imperative"</em> <br /> <em>"Stem
-          Vowel in Plural 2nd Person Imperative"</em> <br /> <em>"Stem Vowel
-          in Imperative Plural 1st Person and Passive Stem"</em> <br /></p>
-        </section>
-        <section>
-          <title>Special word final consonants</title>
-          <p><em>"Word Final Deletion of n2 m2 g2 h2"</em> <br /> <em>"Word
-          Final Neutralization of g2, h2, m2"</em> <br /></p>
-        </section>
-      </section>
-      <p class="last_modified">Last modified: $Date: 2015-04-12 03:55:08 +0000 (Sun, 12 Apr 2015) $, by
-      $Author: trond $</p>
-    </section>
-  </body>
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-   S Y N T A C T I C   F U N C T I O N S   F O R   S Á M I
- Sámi language technology project 2003-2014, University of Tromsø #
-This file adds syntactic functions. It is common for all the Saami
-* Sets for POS sub-categories
-* Sets for Semantic tags
-* Sets for Morphosyntactic properties
-* Sets for verbs
-** V is all readings with a V tag in them, REAL-V should
-be the ones without an N tag following the V.
-The REAL-V set thus awaits a fix to the preprocess V ... N bug.
-* The set COPULAS is for predicative constructions
-* NP sets defined according to their morphosyntactic features
-* The PRE-NP-HEAD family of sets
-These sets model noun phrases (NPs). The idea is to first define whatever can
-occur in front of the head of the NP, and thereafter negate that with the
-expression __WORD - premodifiers__.
-The set __NOT-NPMOD__ is used to find barriers between NPs.
-Typical usage: ... (*1 N BARRIER NPT-NPMOD) ...
-meaning: Scan to the first noun, ignoring anything that can be
-part of the noun phrase of that noun (i.e., "scan to the next NP head")
-* Miscellaneous sets
-* Border sets and their complements
-* Syntactic sets
-These were the set types.
-* __hab1__
-* __hab2__
-* __hab3__ (<hab> @ADVL>) for hab-actor and hab-case; if leat to the right, and Nom to the right of leat. Lots of restrictions.
-* __habNomLeft__
-* __hab4__
-* __hab6__
-* __hab7__
-* __hab8__ This is not HAB
-* __hab5__  This is not HAB
-* __habDain__ (<hab> @ADVL>) for (Pron Dem Pl Loc) if leat followed by Nom to the right
-* __habGen__ (<hab> @<ADVL) hab for Gen; if Gen is located in the end of the sentence and Nom is sentence initial
-* __habGenQst__ (<hab> @<ADVL) hab for Gen; in a question sentence. Gen is located sentence initially and SUBJ is found to the right. To the right of SUBJ is copulas
-* __n<titel1__ (@N<) for ("jr") or ("sr"); if first one to the left is Prop
-* __n<titel2__ (@N<) for INITIAL; if first one to the left is a noun, or if to the left of you is a single letter which is part of a noun conjunction ''bustávas e ja f gáibiduvvo''
-* __n<:com__ (@N<) for (Sg Com); if first one to the left is Coll
-* __>nAttr__ (@>N) for Attr; if there is a noun to your right
-* __n>Indef__ (Pron Indef Attr); if eará is to the right
-* __>nNum__ (@>N) for numerals if; there is a noun to your right. You are not allowed to be (Sg Nom), (Sg Acc) or (Sem/Date)
-* __noun>n__ (@>N) for Gen; if there is a noun to your right. Restrictions: Not if you are: a time related word. Not if you are OKTA with Pl Loc to your right. Not if CC is to your right followed by another Gen and then Po. Not if you are HUMAN and to your right is Actio Nom folloed by a noun.
-* __>nTime__ (@>N) for Gen TIME-N; if timenoun to your right. Restrictions: Not if you are a OKTA Nom with Pl Loc to your right. Not if CC followed by Gen, followed by Po to your right. Not if COMMA to your right
-* __>ntittel__ (@>N) for (Sg Nom TIME-N) or (Nom Der/NomAg); if to your right is Sem/Mal, Sem/Fem, Sem/Sur
-* __>nALU__ (@>N) for Sg Acc numerals; when a measure-noun to the right
-* __>NTime__ (@>N) for Gen; if you are TIME-N with BOC to your left, and PREGEN to your right
-* __n<:Refl__ (@N<) for (Refl Nom); if to the left is (N Nom), or if first one to the left is a finite mainverb with a (N Nom) to the left
-* __>pron1__ (@>Pron) for GRADE-ADV, DUSSE, BUOT if; first one to the right is Pron
-* __>pron2__ (@>Pron) for (Refl Nom) if; first one to the right is Refl
-* __>pron3__ (@>Pron) for (Pron Recipr) if; first one to the right is (Pron Recipr)
-* __vaikko__ (@>Pron) for vaikko if; first one to the right is Indef
-* __vaikkoman__ (@>ADVL) for vaikko if; first one to the right is man
-* __BOSvoc__ (@VOC) for HUMAN Nom; if sentence initial. To the right is comma. No nom-cased HUMAN followed by comma or CC is allowed to the right. There should not be a relative clause to the right, because then you are likely to be SUBJ
-* __voc__ (@VOC) for Nom HUMAN; if comma to the left and an second person verb or pronoun to the left. To the right is the end of the sentence
-* __Particle<subj __ (@PCLE)
-* __spred<obj__ (@SPRED<OBJ) for Acc; the object of an SPRPED. Not to be mistaken with OPRED. If SPRED is to the left, and copulas is to the left of it. Nom or Hab are found sentence initially.
-* __Hab<subj__ (<ext> @<SUBJ) for Nom; if copulas, goallut or jápmit is FMAINV and habitive or human Loc is found to the left. OR: if Ill or @Pron< followed by HAB are found to the left.
-* __Hab>Advlcase<subj__ (<ext> @<SUBJ) for Nom; it allows adverbials with Ill/Loc/Com/Ess to be found inbetween HAB and <ext>.
-* __Nom>Advlcase<subj__ (<ext> @<SUBJ) for Nom; it allows adverbials with Ill/Loc/Com/Ess to be found inbetween Nom and <ext> @<SUBJ.
-* __<extSubj__ (<ext> @<SUBJ) for Nom; if copulas to the left, and some kind of adverb, N Loc, time related word or Po to the left of it. OR: if Ill or @Pron< to the left, followed by copulas and the before mentioned to the left of copulas.
-* __<extSubjA__ (<ext> @<SUBJ) for A
-* __<extSubj?__ (<ext> @<SUBJ) for Nom; if leat to the left and sentenceboundary
-* __<extSubj__ (<ext> @<SUBJ) for Nom, but not for Pers. To the left boahtit or heaŋgát as MAINV, and futher to the left is some kind of place related word, or time related word
-* __loc<extSubj__ (<ext> @<SUBJ) for Nom
-* __<spred__ (@<SPRED) for Nom; if Nom to the left, copulas to the left of Nom, and a time related word to the left of it.
-* __<extQst1__ (<ext> @<SUBJ) for Nom; in an existential sentence. To your left is hab, some kind of place or time-word or Po. This is a Qst-sentence so the qst-pcle is attached to leat or following leat
-* __<extQst2__ (<ext> @<SUBJ) for Nom; in an existential sentence. To your left is leat and it is sentence initial. No attributes or other words are allowed inbetween (because then you are SPRED), except the attribute muhtun, muhtin
-* __extQst3>__ (<ext> @SUBJ>) for Nom; if habitive first one to the left, followed by copulas.
-* __<extsubjcoor__ (<ext> @<SUBJ) for Nom. Coordination
-* Sem/Year
-* __<spredQst__ (@<SPRED) for Nom; in a typically question sentence; You are not allowed to be Pers or human. The special part is that Nom is not allowed to your right
-* __<spredQst2__ (@<SPRED) for (A Nom); in a typically question sentence; You are SPRED if (N Nom) is to your left and leat + qst is to the left
-* __<spredQst3__ (@<SPRED) for (A Nom); you are SPRED when you are (A Nom) and to your right is (N Nom). This is a Qst-sentence, so copulas is found to your left
-* __<spredQst4__ (@<SPRED) for Nom; but only in a qst-sentence where there is no chance of you beeing the subj
-* __<NomBeforeSpred__ (@<SPRED) for (A Nom) if; Nom to the left, and copulas is to the left of Nom. There is no Nom allowed to the right of copulas! To avoid messing with coordination: ja, dahje and comma are not allowed to your left. Comma is not allowed to your right; if so then you are likely to be coordinated
-* __<spred__ (@<SPRED) for A Nom or N Nom if; the subject Nom is on the same side of copulas as you: on the right side of copulas
-* __<spredVeara__ (@<SPRED) for veara + Nom; if genitive immediately to the right, and intransitive mainverb to the right of genitive
-* __leftCop<spred__ (@<SPRED) for Nom; if copulas is the main verb to the left, and there is no Ess found to the left of cop (note that Loc is allowed between target and cop). OR: if you are Coll or Sem/Group with copulas to your left.
-* __<spredLocEXPERIMENT__ (@<SPRED) for material Loc; if you are to the right of copulas, and the Nom to the left of copulas is not a hab-actor
-* __NumTime__ (@<SPRED) for A Nom
-* __<spredSg__ (@<SPRED) for Sg Nom
-* __<spredPg__ (@<SPRED) for Pl Nom
-* __<spred__ (@<SPRED) for Nom; if copulas to the left, and Nom or sentence boundary to the left of copulas. First one to the right is EOS.
-* __COP<spredEss__ (@<SPRED) for N Ess
-* __spredEss>__ (@SPRED>) for N Ess; if copulas to the right of you, and if an NP with nom-case first one to your left.
-* __GalleSpred>__ (@SPRED>) for Num Nom; if sentence initial
-* __spredSgMII>__ (@SPRED>)
-* __r492>__ (@SPRED>) for Interr Gen; consisting only of negations. You are not allowed to be MII. You are not allowed to have an adjective or noun to yor right. You are not allowed to have a verb to your right; the exception beeing an aux.
-* __AdjSpredSg>__ (@SPRED>) for A Sg Nom; if copulas to the right, but not if A or @<SPRED are found to the right of copulas
-* __Spred>SubjInf__ (@SPRED>) for Nom; if copulas to the right, and the subject of copulas is an Inf to the right
-* __spredCoord__ (@<SPRED) coordination for Nom; only if there already is a SPRED to the left of CNP. Not if there is some kind of comparison involved.
-* __subj>Sgnr1__ (@SUBJ>) for Nom Sg, including Indef Nom if; VFIN + Sg3 or Pl3 to the right (VFIN not allowed to the left)
-* __subj>Du__ (@SUBJ>) for dual nominatives, including Coll Nom. VFIN + Du3 to the right.
-* __subj>Pl__ (@SUBJ>) for plural nominatives, including Coll and Sem/Group. VFIN + Pl3 to the right.
-* __subj>Pl__ (@SUBJ>) for plural nominatives
-* __subj>Sg__ (@SUBJ>) for Nom Sg; if VFIN + Sg3 to the right.
-* __Sg<subj__ (@<SUBJ) for Nom Sg; if VFIN Sg3 or Du2 to the left (no HAB allowed to the left).
-* __Du<subj__ (@<SUBJ) for Nom Coll if; a dual third person verb is found to the left
-* __PlDu<subj__ (@<SUBJ) for (N Nom Pl), (Sem/Group Nom), (Coll Nom), (Pron Nom Pl) if; a verb is Pl3 or Du3 to your left. The verb is not allowed to be copulas with a place, Loc or time noun to its left
-* __copPl3<subj__ (@<SUBJ) for Nom Pl; you don't to be a noun, only Nom Pl. To the left is copulas and first one to the right is @<SPRED
-* __-fsubj>__ (@-FSUBJ>) for HUMAN Gen; in a NP-clause. To your right is Actio Nom followed by a noun
-* __f<advl__ (@-F<ADVL) for infinite adverbials
-* __f<advl__ (@-F<ADVL) for infinite adverbials
-* __s-boundary=advl>__ (@ADVL>) for ADVL that resemble s-booundaries. Mainverb to the right.
-* __diibmuadvl>__ (@ADVL>) for (diibmu Nom) if first one to the right is Num
-* __-fobj>__ (@-FOBJ>) for Acc if front of abessive, gerundium, actio locative, perfectum participle or infinitive. First one to the right not allowed to be Acc though
-* __-fobj>__ (@-FOBJ>) for Acc if human with ADVL-case to the left and transitive infinitive OBJ to the right. First one to the right not allowed to be Acc though
-* __advl>mainV__ (@ADVL>) if; finite mainverb not found to the left, but the finite mainverb is found to the right.
-* __V<advl__ (@<ADVL) if; finite mainverb found to the left. Not if a comma is found immediately to the left and a finite mainverb is located somewhere to the right of this comma.
-* __advl>v__ (@ADVL>) if; you are ADVL, time-noun or Sem/Route and there is a finite verb to the right in the clause, or if to your right is: de followed by a finite verb. OR: if you are a time-nound and to your right is: go or sentenceboundary followed by a finite verb
-* __<advlPoPr__ (@<ADVL) for Po or Pr; if mainverb to the left.
-* __advlPoPr>__ (@<ADVL) for Po or Pr; if mainverb to the right.
-* __BOSPo>__ (@ADVL>) for Po; if trapped between BOS to the right and S-BOUNDARY OR COMMA to the left, because the main verb will then automatically be on your right side.
-* __<advlComIll__ (@<ADVL) only if; you are Com OR Ill. To your left is a mainverb, and to your right a sentenceboundary, because we don't want there to be another mainverb you potentially could belong to
-* __<advlEOS__ (@<ADVL) for Po or Pr or Loc; if you are found at the very end of a sentence. A mainverb is needed to the left though.
-* __<advlGen__ (@<ADVL) for (N Gen) if mainverb to the left and no noun to the right
-* __advlEss>__ (@<ADVL) for weather and time Ess, if FMAINV to the left.
-* __comma<advlEOS__ (@<ADVL) for Adv if; mainverb is to the left. Comma to the left and mainverb to the right in the same clause is not allowed
-* __advl>inbetween__ (@ADVL>) for Adv; if inbetween two sentenceboundaries where no mainverb is present.
-* __comma<advlEOS__ (@<ADVL) for Adv if; comma found to the left and the finite mainverb to the left of comma. To the right is the end of the sentence.
-* __BOSadvl>__ (@ADVL>) if; you are N Loc or N Ill and found sentence initially and there is a main verb somewhere to the right. No barrier for the mainverb; based on the thought that first one to your right is probably a sentenceboundary.
-* __cleanupILL<advl__ (@<ADVL) for N Ill if; there are no boundarysymbols to your left, if you arent already @N< OR @APP-N<, and no mainverb is to yor left.
-* __cleanupPo__ (@ADVL) for Po: This rule tags all Po:s as @ADVL if they haven't gotten a tag somewhere along the way.
-* __cleanupPr__ (@ADVL) for Po: This rule tags all Pr:s as @ADVL if they haven't gotten a tag somewhere along the way.
-* __-fsubj>asAcc__ (@-FSUBJ>) for HUMAN Acc; if there is a verb @<OBJ to your left
-* __-f<obj__ (@-F<OBJ) for Acc if there is a transitive verb + SYN-V to your left
-* __-fsubj>IV__ (@-FSUBJ>) for Acc; if there is an IV-verb acting as a @<OBJ to your right
-* __-fsubj>IV__ (@-FSUBJ>) for Acc; if there is an TV-verb acting as a @<OBJ to your right followed by an Acc
-* __-fsubj>asGen__ (@-FSUBJ>) for Gen;
-* __f<subj__ (@-F<SUBJ) for Nom if; (V @<OBJ) to the left.
-* __<opredAAcc__ (@<OPRED) for A Acc; if an other accusative to the left, and a transtive verb to the left of it. OR: if a transitive verb to the left, and an accusative to the left of it.
-* __TV<obj__ (@<OBJ) for Acc; if there is a transitive mainverb to the left in the clause. Not for Rel. Not if you are a numeral followed by a measure-noun
-!sma object
-* __<advlMeasr__ (@<ADVL) for (Num Acc); if finite IV-mainverb to the left, measure-noun to the right
-* __<objMeasr__ (@<OBJ) for Num Acc; if finite TV-mainverb to the left, measure-noun to the right
-* __<advlMeasr2__ (@<ADVL) for MEASR-N + Acc; if (Num Pl) to the left and mainverb to the left of it
-* __advlMeasr>__ (@ADVL>) for Num Acc;
-* __Obj>__ (@OBJ>) for Acc; if there is a finite mainverb to the right in the clause. A really simple rule with no other restrictions..
-* __s-boun<obj__ (@<OBJ) for Acc; if sentenceboundary to your left and a transitive mainverb to the left futher to the left
-* __<objIV__ (@<OBJ) for Acc; if there is an intransitive mainverb in the clause. Not for Rel or Num. Not if you are a numeral followed by a measure-noun
-* __<advlEss__ (@<ADVL) for ESS-ADVL if; FMAINV to the left
-* __IV<spredEss__ (@<SPRED) for N Ess if; FMAINV to the left is intransitive or bargat
-* __<opredEss__ (@<OPRED) for (N Ess), (A Ess) if; transitive mainverb to the left in the clause. If accusative to the left or to the right, or if Inf or ahte to the right, or if there is a noun to the right followed by an Inf
-* __Acc<opredEss__ (@<OPRED) for (N Ess), (A Ess) if; transitive mainverb to the left in the clause, and an accusative cased Rel left to the verb
-* __onlyV<opred__ (@<OPRED) for (N Ess) if; there is a transitive mainverb to the left. Usually there needs to be an Acc to the left, but here it is not needed
-* __onlyV<opred2__ (@<OPRED) for (N Ess) if;
-!!SUBJ MAPPING - leftovers
-* __subj>ifV__ (@SUBJ>) for NP-HEAD-NOM, DUPRON or (Num Nom) if; a finite mainverb is found to the right. This is a cleanup rule for subjects
-* __hnoun>ifV__ (@SUBJ>) for NP-HEAD-NOM, DUPRON if. The counterpart of subj>ifV. You are HNOUN if there is a finite verb to your right, but NOT if there is a finite verb after a relative clause
-!!OBJ MAPPING - leftovers
-* __@<ADVLcoor__ (@<ADVL) for ADVL if @CNP to the left and @ADVL to the left of it
-! __missingX__ adds @X to all missings
-! __therestX__ adds @X to all what is left, often errouneus disambiguated forms
-! __smeRemove__ removes the language tags <sma>, <sme>,  etc, before proceeding to the dep file.
-!!For Apertium:
-The analysis give double analysis because of optional semtags. We go for the one with semtag.
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-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
-  Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
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-  this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
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-  the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-  Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-  distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-  See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-  limitations under the License.
-<!DOCTYPE document PUBLIC "-//APACHE//DTD Documentation V2.0//EN" "http://forrest.apache.org/dtd/document-v20.dtd">
-  <header>
-    <title>Welcome to the Northern Sami project</title>
-  </header>
-  <body>
-    <section id="status">
-      <title>Congratulations</title>
-      <p>
-        You have successfully generated and rendered an
-        <a
-          href="http://forrest.apache.org">Apache Forrest™</a> site for
-          the Northern Sami language project.
-      </p>
-    </section>
-    <section id="links">
-      <title>Browsing the documentation</title>
-      <p>
-        The documentation provided in the source code can be viewed by following
-        the links provided on <a href="Links.html">this page</a>.
-      </p>
-    </section>
-  </body>
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-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
-<!DOCTYPE document PUBLIC "-//APACHE//DTD Documentation V2.0//EN"
-<document xml:lang="en">
-  <header>
-    <title>Documentation on North Saami</title>
-  </header>
-  <body>
-      <section>
-      <title/>
-      <p><a href="WhatIsThis.html">What is this?</a></p>
-      </section>
-<title>Source file documentation</title>
-   <ul>
-    <li><a href="Links.html">Documentation written in the source files</a></li>
-    <li>The source files themselves: 
-        <a href="https://victorio.uit.no/langtech/trunk/langs/sme/src/morphology/stems/">stems</a> /    
-       <a href="https://victorio.uit.no/langtech/trunk/langs/sme/src/morphology/affixes/">affixes</a> /  
-       <a href="https://victorio.uit.no/langtech/trunk/langs/sme/src/phonology/sme-phon.twolc">twolc</a> /
-       <a href="https://victorio.uit.no/langtech/trunk/langs/sme/src/phonetics">IPA</a> /
-       <a href="https://victorio.uit.no/langtech/trunk/langs/sme/src/syntax">syntax</a></li>
-   </ul>
-      <section>
-      <title>Using the analysers</title>
-      <ul>
-        <li>In the terminal: analyse words by writing <code>usme</code>, generate with <code>dsme</code></li>
-     <li>Generation of: 
-       <a href="http://giellatekno.uit.no/cgi/p-sme.sme.html">paradigms</a> / 
-       <a href="http://giellatekno.uit.no/cgi/d-sme.sme.html">text</a> / 
-     </li>
-        <li>For more info, see <a href="../../tools/docu-sme-manual.html">How to use the morphological parsers</a></li>
-      </ul>     
-      </section>
-    <section>
-      <title>Projects involving North Saami</title>
-      <ul>
-         <li><a href="KompilereFST.html">Oversyn over ulike FST-ar for nordsamisk</a></li>
-      <li><a href="../../dicts/dicts.html">Dictionary projects</a></li>
-      <li><a href="../../../ped/index.html">ICALL</a></li>
-      <li><a href="../../mt/MachineTranslation.html">Machine translation</a>
-      <ul>
-         <li><a href="ConvertingToApertium.html">Converting the transducers to Apertium format</a></li>
-      </ul></li>
-     <li><a href="http://gtweb.uit.no/cgi-bin/wiki/index.php/North_Saami_grammar_checker">Grammar checker</a></li>
-     <li><a href="http://giellatekno.uit.no//tts-plan.html">Text-to-speech</a></li>
-     <li><a href="TheL2Transducer.html">The L2 Transducer</a></li>
-      </ul>
-    </section>
-    <section>
-      <title>Tags used for analysis</title>
-      <ul>
-        <li>The <a href="docu-sme-grammartags.html">morphological</a>, 
-                <a href="docu-sme-syntaxtags.html">syntactic</a> and 
-                <a href="docu-sme-deptags.html">dependency</a> tags</li>
-         <li><a href="../smi/lemma.html">Lemma homonymies and variants - tags for indentifying and  sorting</a></li>
-      </ul>
-    </section>
-    <section>
-      <title>Discussions on improving our linguistic analysis</title>
-      <ul>
-         <li><a href="../smi/index.html">Discussions on issues common for Saami languages</a></li>
-        <li><a href="PXdiscussion.html">Discussions on restricting generating of possessive suffixes</a></li>
-      </ul>
-    </section>
-    <section>
-      <title>Morphophonology, morphology and syntax</title>
-      <ul>
-        <li><a href="docu-sme-twol.html">Documentation</a> of the
-         <a href="https://victorio.uit.no/langtech/trunk/gt/sme/src/twol-sme.txt"><code>twol-sme.txt</code></a> rule file</li>
-        <li><a href="docu-sme-lex.html">Documentation</a> of 
-        <a href="https://victorio.uit.no/langtech/trunk/gt/sme/src/">the lexicon files</a>
-        </li>
-        <li><a href="docu-sme-flag-diacritics.html">The use of flag diacritics
-        </a></li>
-        <li>Partly obsolete <a href="docu-sme-dis.html">Documentation of the disanbiguation file</a></li> 
-        <li>CG meetings 2013:
-            <a href="newcg/meeting_110213.html">11.02</a> // 
-            <a href="newcg/meeting_180213.html">18.02</a>
-        </li>        
-        <li>See also the general <a
-        href="../../ling/docu-disambiguation.html">disambiguation
-        page</a>.</li>
-      </ul>
-    </section>
-    <section>
-      <title>Pre- and postprocessing</title>
-      <ul>
-        <li><a href="https://victorio.uit.no/langtech/trunk/gt/script/preprocess"><code>preprocess</code></a>, cf. the <a
-        href="../../ling/preprocessor.html">documentation</a></li>
-        <li> For reference: Documentation of the old xfst-based preprocessor 
-         <a href="https://victorio.uit.no/langtech/trunk/gt/sme/src/tok.txt"><code>tok.txt</code></a> is
-         found <a href="docu-sme-preprocessor.html">here</a> </li>
-        <li><a href="../../ling/docu-case-allcaps.html">Documentation</a> of 
-         <a href="https://victorio.uit.no/langtech/trunk/langs/sme/src/orthography/inituppercase.regex"><code>inituppercase.regex</code></a>,
-          (initial capitalisation) and
-          <a href="https://victorio.uit.no/langtech/trunk/gt/common/src/allcaps.xfst"><code>allcaps.xfst</code></a>, the file for words written in all-caps.
-          Note: The latter is presently not in use.</li>
-        <li>Translating from xerox-style to vislcg3-style is done with the script
-        <a href="https://victorio.uit.no/langtech/trunk/gt/script/lookup2cg"><code>lookup2cg</code></a></li>
-      </ul>
-    </section>
-    <section>
-      <title>Normativity issues</title>
-      <ul>
-        <li><a href="normativity-issues.html">A list of issues to the Saami
-        language board</a></li>
-      </ul>
-    </section>
-    <section>
-      <title>Obsolete test reports, for reference</title>
-      <ul>
-        <li><a href="docu-sme-testplan.html">A test plan for sme</a> (obsolete)</li>
-        <li><a href="sme-testdiary.html">A test diary for sme</a> (obsolete)</li>
-        <li><a href="docu-sme-bugs.html">Bug report sheet from the days before we got a bug report system)</a> (obsolete)</li>
-                <li> <a
-        href="../../ling/docu-foreign.html">Our earlier treatment of foreign words</a> (obsolete)</li>
-      </ul>
-    </section>
-  </body>
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-Here's a list of links to the page for each file of source code. All pages are concatenated and can be found as [sme.html].
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-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
-<!DOCTYPE document PUBLIC "-//APACHE//DTD Documentation V2.0//EN"
-<document xml:lang="en">
-  <header>
-    <title>A list of open normativity issues</title>
-  </header>
-  <body>
-    <section>
-      <title>Background</title>
-      <p>The immediate background for this list is the meeting of the Sámi
-      language board meeting in Guovdageaidnu, in October, 2005. The list will
-      be relevant also after this meeting, though. It is a key document to the
-      normativity issued faced by the sámi spellchecker program, and lists
-      open normativity issues.</p>
-      <p>In some cases it is also a question of digging up old documents, and
-      find earlier decisions, as a certain normativity question has actually
-      been decided, but is not really enforced, and practice is unstable.</p>
-      <p>In mail from the administration of SGL 09.03.2006 it is said that
-      words already existing in dictionaries must be accepted: "Muhtinráje
-      luoikkassániiin leat juo anus dihto čállinvugiin, vrd čállinvuogi
-      sátnegirjjiin, iige daid sániid čállinvuogi leat nu álki
-      rievdadišgoahtit. Mii čujuhit dohkkehuvvon tearbmalisttuide,
-      sátnegirjjiide, ja giellalávdegotti mearrádusaide." (≈To some degree
-      loanwords are already in use and written in certain ways, for example in
-      dictionaries, and it is not so easy to change the way that they should
-      be written. We refer to accepted terminology lists, dictionaries and
-      decisions made by SGL. )</p>
-      <p>We interpret this the way that the grammar of Nickel should be
-      followed too regarding specific <strong>forms</strong>.</p>
-    </section>
-    <section>
-      <title>Orthographical conventions</title>
-      <section>
-        <title>Short passive forms</title>
-        <p>Should the speller accept short passive forms like this:</p>
-        <p><strong>mannojun vs. mannojuvvon</strong></p>
-        <p>And short forms like this:</p>
-        <p><strong>čállon vs. čállojuvvon</strong></p>
-        <p>Status/actions:</p>
-        <ol>
-          <li>Fully described with examples</li>
-          <li>Sent to Giellalávdegoddi</li>
-          <li>Decided on Giellalávdegoddi meeting 131205</li>
-          <li>Form -<strong>jun</strong> is not acceptable,
-          <strong>čállon</strong> is acceptable</li>
-        </ol>
-      </section>
-      <section>
-        <title>Gerund forms -dettiin vs. –diin/-din</title>
-        <p>Should the speller accept short gerunds?</p>
-        <p><strong>manadiin/manadin</strong></p>
-        <p>For example Nickels grammar show both -dettiin and -diin/-din with
-        the long form slightly predominating.</p>
-        <p>Status/actions:</p>
-        <ol>
-          <li>Fully described with examples</li>
-          <li>Sent to Giellalávdegoddi</li>
-          <li>Decided on Giellalávdegoddi meeting 131205</li>
-          <li>All/Both forms acceptable</li>
-        </ol>
-      </section>
-      <section>
-        <title>Placename+noun: Kárášjoh nieida vs. Kárášjohnieida</title>
-        <p>Should the placename and the noun be written separately or not.
-        Nickel does not separate them:</p>
-        <p><strong>romssabárdni</strong></p>
-        <p>Status/actions:</p>
-        <ol>
-          <li>Fully described with examples</li>
-          <li>Sent to Giellalávdegoddi</li>
-          <li>Decided on Giellalávdegoddi meeting 131205</li>
-          <li>Should be written <strong>Kárášjoga nieida</strong></li>
-        </ol>
-      </section>
-      <section>
-        <title>Verbgenitive and neg. and imp. 2p. form of verbs ending with
-        -idit</title>
-        <p>Verbs ending with -idit could teoretically have verbgenitive and
-        neg. and imp. 2p.sg forms ending either with -d or with -t:</p>
-        <p><strong>skilaidit--->skilait, háliidit--->háliit</strong></p>
-        <p><strong>skilaidit--->skilaid, háliidit--->háliid</strong></p>
-        <p>In our corpus there are both forms.</p>
-        <p>Status/actions:</p>
-        <ol>
-          <li>Fully described with examples</li>
-          <li>Decided on Sámiid X. konferánsa 20-220678 and Giellalávdegoddi
-          and Sámiráđđi meeting 18-191084</li>
-          <li>End consonant is always <strong>-t</strong>, except in acc/gen
-          pl.</li>
-        </ol>
-      </section>
-      <section>
-        <title>Adjectival forms -eabbo/-abbo vs. –eabbu/-abbu</title>
-        <p>This is about second stem vowel in comparative forms of odd-stem
-        adjectives:</p>
-        <p><strong><strong>garraseabbo/garrasabbo vs.
-        garraseabbu/garrasabbu</strong></strong></p>
-        <p>In the eightees these forms were written predominantly with -u, but
-        newer normative publications, like Nickels grammar from 1993, show
-        predominantly -o.</p>
-        <p>Status/actions:</p>
-        <ol>
-          <li>Fully described with examples</li>
-          <li>Should be written <strong>-eabbo/-abbo</strong>. This is how it
-          is written in grammar by Nickel (see "Background").</li>
-        </ol>
-      </section>
-      <section>
-        <title>Writing of acronyms: NRK:as</title>
-        <p>This is actually two sub-issues:</p>
-        <ul>
-          <li>Should the case form of acronyms be written with colon, hyphen
-          or apostroph? Example: <strong>NRK:as</strong> vs
-          <strong>NRK-as</strong> vs <strong>NRK'as</strong></li>
-          <li>Should consonant-final acronyms spell out the epenthetic -a- or
-          not? Example: <strong>NRK:s</strong> vs <strong>NRK:as</strong></li>
-          <li>This issue is relevant for other cases as well: <ul>
-              <li>- Numerals <strong>1993:s,
-              1998:as</strong>.<strong></strong></li>
-              <li>- Loan words ending in certain light vowels:
-              <strong>Bedriftshelse:in, Bedriftshelsiin,
-              Bedriftshelsein.</strong></li>
-            </ul></li>
-          <li>We need patterns for all cases and all vowels.</li>
-        </ul>
-        <p>Status/actions:</p>
-        <ol>
-          <li>Fully described with examples</li>
-          <li>Sent to Giellalávdegoddi</li>
-          <li><strong>Partially</strong> decided (the acronyms) on
-          Giellalávdegoddi meeting 131205</li>
-          <li>Nom. NSR Akk. NSR Gen. NSR Ill. NSR:i Lok. NSR:s Kom. NSR:in
-          Ess. NSR:n</li>
-          <li>Numerals will be written in the same way as acronyms.</li>
-          <li>Loan words ending in certain light vowels will be treated as
-          indigeanious words, ie: Bedriftshelsiin.</li>
-        </ol>
-      </section>
-      <section>
-        <title>Second syllable deletion in compounds</title>
-        <p>There hasn't been any normative decisions regarding second syllable
-        deletion when compounding. Čállinrávagirji of the Norwegian Sámediggi
-        says that forms with second syllable deletion should be avoided when
-        compounding. They have the example <strong>johgáddi</strong> vs.
-        <strong>johkagáddi</strong>. Čállinrávagirji doesn't more than touches
-        the subject in a few lines with just this one example. At the same
-        time there are definitively occasions where the forms with second
-        syllable deletion have become norm, as in
-        <strong>sotnabeaiskuvla</strong>
-        (<strong>sotnabeaivviskuvlla</strong>). The question is where to draw
-        the line. Is the second syllable deletion something that should only
-        occur in specific compounds, in specific words or in specific
-        consonant clusters? If so: in what compounds, words or clusters and
-        how? Pekka Sammalahtis article on compounding (<em>Sátnegoallosteapmi
-        ja čállinvuohk</em>i in Tearbmasympisia raporta, Dieđut nr. 3 1994 s.
-        35 ff .Sámi Instituhtta, Alta: 1994) has many examples on forms with
-        deleted second syllable that has become norm.</p>
-        <p>1. bálddoalgái vs. bálddaoalgái...............4A</p>
-        <p>2. čázoaivi vs. čázeoaivi............................2</p>
-        <p>3. gabboaivi vs. gabbaoaivi......................1</p>
-        <p>4. garroaivi vs. garraoaivi..........................1</p>
-        <p>5. gaskoapmi vs. gaskaoapmi..................4A</p>
-        <p>6. guoddolggoš vs. *guoddáolggoš........1</p>
-        <p>7. guoikkoaivi vs. guoikkaoaivi................4A</p>
-        <p>8. mieseadni vs. mieseeadni....................1</p>
-        <p>9. muorroaivi vs, muorraoaivi...................1</p>
-        <p>10. námmoaivi vs. námmeoaivi...............1</p>
-        <p>11. šlubboaivi vs. šlubbooaivi..................1</p>
-        <p>12. liigieres vs. liigegieres........................4A</p>
-        <p>13. niiboagán vs. niibeboagán................4A</p>
-        <p>14. risbárdni vs. ristabárdni......................4A</p>
-        <p>15. oaivvuloš vs. oaivevuloš....................4A</p>
-        <p>16. njárgeahči vs. njárgageahči..............4A</p>
-        <p>17. lihdoaŋggat vs. lihpedoaŋggat.........2</p>
-        <p>18. čipbealli vs. cippebealli......................1</p>
-        <p>19. vuohppbealli vs vuohppebealli.........2</p>
-        <p>Using Nickels system (Samisk Grammatikk s. 27 ff. Davvi Girji o.s.
-        1994) the consonant clusters are divided into different groups. These
-        are indicated by the numbers in the right column. Here we can see that
-        the second syllable deletion isn't always the same within the
-        different groups. The clusters belonging to one group aren't
-        pronounced/written in the same way from compound to compound.
-        Difference in case is the most obvious cause of this like in (3):
-        nominative case vs. (8): genitive case. But difference in
-        pronouncing/writing is also depending on the overall fonotactics of a
-        bigger environment , as can be seen in (5): nominative case vs. (16):
-        nominative case.</p>
-        <p>In our corpus we see that second syllable deletion isn't at all
-        unusual. Here are a few examples that reinforce what has already been
-        told, regarding the consonant cluster types and differences in
-        pronouncing/writing:</p>
-        <p>20. guovttgielat vs. guovttigielat.............4D</p>
-        <p>21. guoihgáddi vs guoikagáddi.............4A</p>
-        <p>22. gaskabeai- vs. gaskabeaivvi...........4A</p>
-        <p>23. geassesaj- vs. geassesaji................3A</p>
-        <p>24. maŋŋegeaš- vs. maŋŋegeahči........2</p>
-        <p>We see here that the consonant cluster types are more than in
-        Sammalahtis examples. The corpus also shows that there is some
-        confusion about how second syllable deletion should be written, for
-        example (21): <em>guoikgáddi</em> (?).</p>
-        <p>Other examples on this phenomenon can be found in the grammars of
-        Konrad Nielsen (Lærebok i Lappisk, Bind 1, Grammatikk s. 287 ff.
-        Universitetsforlaget Oslo 1979) and Klaus Peter Nickel (Samisk
-        Grammatikk s. 387 Davvi Girji o.s. 1994). Especially Nickel reviews
-        second syllable deletion only in the second part of three-part
-        compounds though.</p>
-        <p>Status/actions:</p>
-        <ol>
-          <li>Fully described with examples</li>
-          <li>Decision on Giellalávdegoddi meeting 181194: "not necessary to
-          use apostrohpe, possible to write <strong>čipbealit, niiboagán,
-          vilbealle</strong>. h-like sound should be written -<strong>h:
-          čiehgahpir, johgáddi. vuohbealle</strong>".</li>
-          <li>Following the mail from the administration of SGL 09.03.2006
-          (see "Background") most of the listed words above will be accepted
-          by the speller. The speller will hence accept single compoundwords
-          with secondsyllable deletion and the acceptance will not be
-          fonologically based on certain clusters.</li>
-        </ol>
-      </section>
-      <section>
-        <title>Second syllable deletion in specific numerals</title>
-        <p>This issue is very much alike the issue on second syllable deletion
-        in compounds:</p>
-        <p>1. vihttanuppelot vs. vihttanuppelohkái...........2</p>
-        <p>2. viđanuppeloht vs. viđanuppelohkái.............2</p>
-        <p>Should the speller accept the deletion in these cases. How should
-        it be written? What about when it is predicative, and when the word is
-        an attribute?</p>
-        <p>Status/actions:</p>
-        <ol>
-          <li>Fully described with examples</li>
-          <li><strong>vihttanuppelot</strong> in Nickel (see "Background") as
-          attribute, hence can be used</li>
-        </ol>
-      </section>
-    </section>
-    <section>
-      <title>Dialectal variation</title>
-      <section>
-        <title>Diphtong simplification -eddjiid vs. no diphtong
-        simplification–eaddjiid</title>
-        <p>Usually there is dihptong simplification in first syllable when
-        there is -ii the second syllable:</p>
-        <p><strong>geavtit ---> gevttii, beahci ---> beziid</strong></p>
-        <p>In Eastern dialects however this rule does not apply when the
-        central consonantcluster in all inflectionforms is in the strongest
-        grade, grade III:</p>
-        <p><strong>oahpaheaddji ---> oahpaheaddjiid</strong></p>
-        <p>Western dialects here show the forms <strong>with</strong> diphtong
-        simplification:</p>
-        <p><strong>oahpaheaddji ---> oahpaheddjiid</strong></p>
-        <p>In grade III Western dialects show dipht. simpl. before second
-        syllable. -ui as well:</p>
-        <p><strong>goargŋu ---> gorgŋuid</strong></p>
-        <p>Also here the Eastern dialects lack dipht. simpl:</p>
-        <p><strong>goargŋu ---> goargŋuid</strong></p>
-        <p>Normative publications (for example Nickel 1993) show predominantly
-        the Western forms.</p>
-        <p>Status/actions:</p>
-        <ol>
-          <li>Fully described with examples</li>
-          <li>Sent to Giellalávdegoddi</li>
-          <li>Decided on Giellalávdegoddi meeting 131205</li>
-          <li>Forms with dipht. simpl. shall be used</li>
-        </ol>
-      </section>
-      <section>
-        <title>Adjectival forms -at/-ut vs. –et/-it</title>
-        <p>This are the attributive shortforms of odd-stem adjectives and the
-        division is between Western and Eastern dialects:</p>
-        <p>Western: <strong>garraset/garrasit</strong></p>
-        <p>Eastern: <strong>garrasat/garrasut</strong></p>
-        <p>Nickels grammar shows all these forms.</p>
-        <p>Status/actions:</p>
-        <ol>
-          <li>Fully described with examples</li>
-          <li>All forms in grammar by Nickel (see "Background"). These are
-          hence acceptable.</li>
-        </ol>
-      </section>
-      <section>
-        <title>Cons. h vs. š between 2 and third syllable</title>
-        <p>The normal way to write is with <em>š: jurddašit </em>and
-        <em>dárbbašit</em>. In dictionaries there are many times both variants
-        though, for example <em>jurddahit</em> (but not <em>dárbbahit</em>).
-        Should the speller accept just š or both?</p>
-        <p>Status/actions:</p>
-        <ol>
-          <li>Fully described with examples</li>
-          <li>Sent to Giellalávdegoddi</li>
-          <li>Decided on Giellalávdegoddi meeting 131205</li>
-          <li>Both forms are acceptable</li>
-        </ol>
-      </section>
-      <section>
-        <title>Conditional forms -lit vs. –šit</title>
-        <p>These are conditional forms and the division is again between
-        Western and Eastern dialects:</p>
-        <p>Eastern: <strong>manašit</strong></p>
-        <p>Western: <strong>manalit</strong></p>
-        <p>Here Nickels grammar show both forms with the Eastern form slightly
-        predominating.</p>
-        <p>Status/actions:</p>
-        <ol>
-          <li>Fully described with examples</li>
-          <li>Both forms in grammar by Nickel (see "Background"). Both forms
-          acceptable.</li>
-        </ol>
-      </section>
-      <section>
-        <title>Conditional forms with diphtong and long -u stem vowel</title>
-        <p>Usually there is diphtong simplification in u-verbs when the
-        conditional forms apply. This is because the long -u shortens to
-        -o.</p>
-        <p><strong>soabbut ---> soppolin/soppošin</strong></p>
-        <p>Some Western dialects however lack this shortening of stem vowel
-        and hence also the diphtong simplification:</p>
-        <p><strong>soabbut ---> soappulin/soappušin</strong></p>
-        <p>Nickels grammar has not these Western forms.</p>
-        <p>Status/actions:</p>
-        <ol>
-          <li>Fully described with examples</li>
-          <li>Not in Nickel (see "Background"), hence not acceptable</li>
-        </ol>
-      </section>
-      <section>
-        <title>Conditional alternative form livččon vs. livččen</title>
-        <p>These are different conditional forms of the verb
-        <strong>leat/leahkit</strong>. Nickels grammar shows both forms with a
-        predominace for livččen.</p>
-        <p>Status/actions:</p>
-        <ol>
-          <li>Fully described with examples</li>
-          <li>Sent to Giellalávdegoddi</li>
-          <li>Decided on Giellalávdegoddi meeting 131205</li>
-          <li>Only "normal" forms are acceptable:
-          <strong>livččen</strong></li>
-        </ol>
-      </section>
-      <section>
-        <title>Plosives in beginning of word: pievlat vs. bievlat and
-        politihkka vs. bolitihkka</title>
-        <p>Unvoiced plosives are frequent in the Eastern dialects. Here Nickel
-        only names them when he is talking of indigenius words:</p>
-        <p><strong>pievlat</strong></p>
-        <p>When talking about loanwords though he writes them with the
-        original unvoiced plosives:</p>
-        <p><strong>kušta, poasta, teaksta</strong></p>
-        <p>So this is actually two sub-issues devided into 1. indigenius words
-        and 2. loanwords.</p>
-        <p></p>
-        <p>Status/actions:</p>
-        <ol>
-          <li>Fully described with examples</li>
-          <li>Decided on Sámiid X. konferánsa 20-220678 and Giellalávdegoddi
-          and Sámiráđđi meeting 18-191084</li>
-          <li>Consonants in beginning of words are <strong>b-, d-,
-          g-</strong>. In young loanwords it is acceptable to write
-          <strong>p-, d-, k</strong>- too: <strong>kirku</strong>.</li>
-        </ol>
-      </section>
-      <section>
-        <title>Central consonant softening: rievan vs. rieban</title>
-        <p>In Eastern dialects central consonant -b- softens to -v-:</p>
-        <p><strong>rievan</strong></p>
-        <p>Nickel only names this.</p>
-        <p>Status/actions:</p>
-        <ol>
-          <li>Fully described with examples</li>
-          <li>Sent to Giellalávdegoddi</li>
-          <li>Decided on Sámiid X. konferánsa 20-220678 and Giellalávdegoddi
-          and Sámiráđđi meeting 18-191084</li>
-          <li>No softening</li>
-        </ol>
-      </section>
-      <section>
-        <title>Du1p of odd-syllable verbs</title>
-        <p>Du1p og odd-syllable verbs shows many parallel forms:</p>
-        <p><strong>hálede, hálededne, háledetne</strong></p>
-        <p>Nickel has all three forms.</p>
-        <p>Status/actions:</p>
-        <ol>
-          <li>Fully described with examples</li>
-          <li>Sent to Giellalávdegoddi</li>
-          <li>Decided on Giellalávdegoddi meeting 131205</li>
-          <li>Only one form should be allowed: -<strong>detne</strong></li>
-        </ol>
-      </section>
-      <section>
-        <title>Imperative forms</title>
-        <p>Imperative forms differ quit a lot:</p>
-        <p>Evenstems (Nickel shows all forms):</p>
-        <p>Pl1: <strong>bohtot </strong>(Western) Pl1:
-        <strong>boahttout</strong> (Eastern) Pl2: <strong>bohtet </strong>
-        (Western) Pl2: <strong>boahttit</strong> (Eastern)</p>
-        <p>Oddasyllables (Nickel shows some):</p>
-        <p>Du1 <strong>háliideadnu háliideahkku</strong> Pl1
-        <strong>háliideadnot háliideahkkot háliidehkot háliidetnot</strong>
-        Pl2 <strong> háliideahkket háliidehket</strong></p>
-        <p>Leat/Leahkit (Nickel shows all forms):</p>
-        <p>Du1: <strong>leadnu</strong> Du1: <strong>l</strong><strong>eahkku
-        </strong> Pl1: <strong>lehkot</strong> Pl1: <strong>leatnot
-        </strong></p>
-        <p>Status/actions:</p>
-        <ol>
-          <li>Fully described with examples</li>
-          <li>Forms that are in Nickel (see "Background") can be used.</li>
-        </ol>
-      </section>
-      <section>
-        <title>Noun shortforms in acc/gen</title>
-        <p>In the Eastern dialects odd-syllable nouns have a short form in
-        acc/gen:</p>
-        <p><strong>beakkán, luopmán</strong></p>
-        <p>The western form, which is in Nickel as well, is like this:</p>
-        <p><strong>beakkána, luopmána</strong></p>
-        <p>Status/actions:</p>
-        <ol>
-          <li>Fully described with examples</li>
-          <li>Only long forms acceptable according to grammar by Nickel (see
-          "Background")</li>
-        </ol>
-      </section>
-      <section>
-        <title>Caritative nom. form -hin vs. -heapmi</title>
-        <p>Some western dialects have short nominative caritive form:</p>
-        <p><strong>jeagohin</strong></p>
-        <p>Nickel here only gives the long counterpart -heapmi.</p>
-        <p>Status/actions:</p>
-        <ol>
-          <li>Fully described with examples</li>
-          <li>The form that should be used is
-          -<strong>heapm</strong><strong>i</strong>, since -hin not in grammar
-          by Nickel (see "Background")</li>
-        </ol>
-      </section>
-    </section>
-    <section>
-      <title>Hyphenation</title>
-      <section>
-        <title>dj and lj</title>
-        <p>Nickel s. 33: dj og lj bør helst ikke deles, selv om de betegner en
-        dobbeltkonsonant. </p>
-        <p>Status/actions:</p>
-        <ol>
-          <li>Fully described with examples</li>
-          <li>Sent to Giellalávdegoddi</li>
-          <li></li>
-          <li></li>
-        </ol>
-      </section>
-    </section>
-    <p class="last_modified">Last modified: $Date: 2015-04-12 03:55:08 +0000 (Sun, 12 Apr 2015) $, by
-    $Author: trond $</p>
-  </body>
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-Divvun & Giellatekno - open source grammars for Sámi and other languages
-              !!!North Saami noun declension
-!!Bisyllabic nouns
- * __LEXICON IIVA __ -iivva loan words. 
- * __LEXICON GOAHTI-A __ divided into a-i-u due to errortag-branch
- * __LEXICON GOAHTI-I  __ divided into a-i-u due to errortag-branch
- * __LEXICON GOAHTI-U  __ divided into a-i-u due to errortag-branch
- * __LEXICON GOAHTI __ Bisyll. V-Nouns. Short nom-compound-forms goahte-,long/short gen
- * __LEXICON PROFIILA __  -iila Loan words.
- * __LEXICON VARRA __  varra and uvdna. No -laš, to get rid of varalaš and uvnnalaš from speller
- * __LEXICON AKCU __  Only 'ákču': No -heapme, no wg+Foc/han (thereby avoiding ávččuhit, ávččuhan, ávččuhat in speller) Short nom-compound-form ákčo-,long/short gen
- * __LEXICON GOAHTI-IU __ Bisyll. V-Nouns. Short nom-compound-forms goahte-,long/short gen
- * __LEXICON GOAHTILONG __ Long nom-compound-forms, long gen
- * __LEXICON GOAHTILONGSHORT __ Sometimes long nom-compound-forms, long gen
- * __LEXICON ALBMI __ Bisyll. V-Nouns. Short nom-compound-forms, long gen.
- * __LEXICON ALBMILONG __ Bisyll. V-Nouns. Long nom-compound-forms, long gen.
- * __LEXICON ALBMILONGSHORT __ Bisyll. V-Nouns. Long/SHORT nom-compound-forms, long gen.
- * __LEXICON LOTLOHKU __ words on -lotlohku. Long/SHORT nom-compound-forms, long gen.
- * __LEXICON AIGI __ Bisyll. V-Nouns. Short nom-compound-forms, short gen.
- * __LEXICON BEALLE __ words ending -bealle. Short nom-compound-forms, short gen.
- * __LEXICON BASSI __ words on -bassi. Long nom-compound-forms, short gen, long heapmi-caritive
- * __LEXICON MUOHTU __ words on -muohtu. Short nom-compound-forms, short gen, long heapmi-caritive
- * __LEXICON EADNI __ eadni, gudni, ádnu. Short nom-compound-forms, long gen, short caritive
- * __LEXICON VALDI __ words on -váldi. Short nom-compound-forms, long gen, short caritive
- * __LEXICON RAFI __ words on -ráfi. Long nom-compound-forms, long gen. short heapmi-caritive
- * __LEXICON OLGU __ only olgu. Short nom-compound-form, short gen. Incomplete paradigm
- * __LEXICON MIEHTI __ nuorta, nuorti, oarji, miehti. Short nom-compound-forms, long gen. Incomplete paradigm
- * __LEXICON LULLI __ lulli and davvi. Long/SHORT nom-compound-forms, long gen. Incomplete paradigm
- * __LEXICON DAHPPA __ dahpa, dáhpa and dáhppa. to avoid dáhpahuvvat, dahpahuvvat etc in speller
- * __LEXICON LAHKI  __ the words on -láhki. Because in speller we want to aviod boasttoláhkái, borranláhki etc. (borran láhkai)
- * __LEXICON BEARRI __  to avoid unfortunate diminutives like bearáš and salaš in speller (bearaš, sálaš)
- * __LEXICON TAXI __ dákse and tákse
- * __LEXICON ACTOR __ +CmpN/SgN +CmpN/SgG +CmpN/PlG 
- * __LEXICON ACTORCT __ nowadays tagged NomAg. Long compound-forms
- * __LEXICON ACTOR-PL __ Plurals
- * __LEXICON ACTORLONGSHORTCT __ nowadays tagged NomAg. Sometimes long compound-forms
- * __LEXICON ACTORSHORT __ +CmpN/SgN +CmpN/SgG +CmpN/PlG 
- * __LEXICON ACTORSHORTCT __ nowadays tagged NomAg. Short compound-forms
- * __LEXICON ACTORLEX __ lexicalized actors because we have restricted verb derivation for speller. Long compound-forms
- * __LEXICON STAHTA __ Bisyll. Non-Gradating a-Nouns; i-Illative
- * __LEXICON IIJA __ loan words ending -iija; Illative -iijai as well -iijii: kopiijai, kopiijii
- * __LEXICON GADDI __ Bisyll. V-Nouns with Comparative Forms.  Short nom-compound-forms, long gen.
- * __LEXICON GADDILONG __ long compound forms, short -heapme
- * __LEXICON GADDILONGSHORT __ NB! No SgIll and SgLoc (not directed to GOADI-, GODII- or GOAHTAI) because 'davvi' is the only word this far Bisyll. V-Nouns with Comp. Forms, long-short nomcmp, long gencmp
- * __LEXICON GADDISHORT __ Bisyll. V-Nouns with Comparative Forms.  Short nom-compound-forms, SHORT gen.
- * __LEXICON OARJI __ máddi, nuorti, nuorta, oarji. Comparative Forms.  Short nom-compound-forms, long gen. Incomplete paradigms
- * __LEXICON LULLILONG __ long compound forms
- * __LEXICON LUONDU __ this word (+vuohta) because of behavior in compounds, where it is normally in SgGen: luonddubiebmu
- * __LEXICON RUOKTU __ only this word because of its behavior in compounds, where it is normally in SgGen: ruovttu-/ruovtto-
- * __LEXICON -RUOKTU __ compounds on -ruoktu, normally in SgGen: ruovttu-
- * __LEXICON MADIDJA __ máđi and cmp
- * __LEXICON GENTLEMAN __  gentleman (stem mana-)
- * __LEXICON DUOHKI __ 'duohki' and compounds, for disamb. reasons
- * __LEXICON BUDEITA __ Rather special word: buđeita
- * __LEXICON MANNI __ words on -mánni. Long/SHORT nom-compound-forms, long gen.ILL:mánnii/mánnái
-!!Trisyllabic nouns
- * __LEXICON EANA __ eana, eanan, eatnan
- * __LEXICON MATTAR __ Short compound-forms Tris. Anim. Gradating C-Nouns
- * __LEXICON MALIS __ Short compound-forms Tris. Inanim. Gradating C-Nouns
- * __LEXICON DOAVTTIR __ only doavttir. Short compound-forms 
- * __LEXICON MALISLONG __  Long compound-forms Tris. Inanim. Gradating C-Nouns
- * __LEXICON MALISLONGSHORT __  Long and short compound-forms. Tris. Inanim. Gradating C-Nouns
- * __LEXICON OVCCIS __  Collective numerals gallis, moattes, moattis, máŋggas
- * __LEXICON BEANA __ Short compound-forms. Trisyll. Anim. Gradating 0-Nouns
- * __LEXICON SEAMU __ Short compound-forms. Trisyll. Inanim. Gradating 0-Nouns
- * __LEXICON SEAMULONG __ Long compound-forms. Trisyll. Inanim. Gradating 0-Nouns
- * __LEXICON DAHPPAGA __  the dáhpahuvvá fix nr2. to avoid dahpahuvvat in speller
- * __LEXICON GAHPIR __ Short compound-forms. Trisyll. Non-Gradating C-Nouns
- * __LEXICON ENGEL __ Restricted denominals for speller   -eŋgel
- * __LEXICON GAHPIRLONGSHORT __ Long and short compound-forms. Trisyll. Non-Gradating C-Nouns
- * __LEXICON GAHPIRLONG __ Long compound-forms. Trisyll. Non-Gradating C-Nouns
- * __LEXICON DAIVVAS __ Tris. Gradating C-Nouns, The Troms declension: dáivvaš:dáivaha, bearaš:bearraha, njunuš:njunnoha
-!!Contracted nouns
- * __LEXICON BOAZU __ Anim. Contracted 0-Nouns. Short compound-forms.
- * __LEXICON SUOLU __ Inanim. Contracted 0-Nouns. Short compound-forms.
- * __LEXICON SUOLULONG __ Inanim. Contracted 0-Nouns. Long compound-forms.
- * __LEXICON GISTTA __ The Noun gistta, gist -
- * __LEXICON FALIS __ Contracted Anim. C-Nouns.  Short compound-forms.
- * __LEXICON LASIS __ Contracted Inanim. C-Nouns.  Short compound-forms.
- * __LEXICON CEAHKES __ only -ceahkes
- * __LEXICON GUOVTTIS __  only -guovttis
- * __LEXICON GUOVTTU __ only -guovttos
- * __LEXICON GARGIA __  Vowel-final loan words without Gradation and Ill ^change
- * __LEXICON BUFFALO __ consonant fin loanwords, some vow fin like revya
- * __LEXICON ESSAYA __ recent loanwords on vow+a
- * __LEXICON IDEA __ restricted Px for speller recent loanwords on vow+a, only idea this far
- * __LEXICON MASAI __ only masai
- * __LEXICON STRUKTUR __ Recent loanwords on -vra with short cmp-form: struktur-
- * __LEXICON KULTUR __ -kultuvra, compound forms: kultur-, kulttor-
- * __LEXICON KANTUR __ word with many forms
- * __LEXICON MAŠIIDNA __ mašiidna with short cmp-forms as well
- * __LEXICON BENSIN __ bensiidna with short cmp-forms as well
- * __LEXICON ADRENALIN __ Recent loanwords on -iidna with short cmp-form as well
- * __LEXICON TELEFON __ Recent loanwords on -vdna with short cmp-form as well
- * __LEXICON AKTION __ akšuvdna with cmp form ákšun- as well
- * __LEXICON NATION __ naššuvdna with short cmp form náššon as well
- * __LEXICON KANON __ kanovdna with short cmp form kánon/kánun as well
- * __LEXICON SOSIAL __ Recent loanwords on -ála with both short and long cmp-form
- * __LEXICON OLLUVUOHTA __ Exceptional vuohta-Noun
- * __LEXICON MAGASH __ reciprocals like verddežat, jumežat etc
- * __LEXICON EGEZHAGAT __  reciprocals like verddežagat, jumežagat etc
- * __LEXICON BUVSSAT  __ Pl. bisyll vow-fin. Short cmp-forms
- * __LEXICON BUVSSATLONG  __ Pl. bisyll vow-fin. Short cmp-forms
- * __LEXICON MUODUT __ muođut only, plural
- * __LEXICON DEAHKIT __ like AIGI but plural only
- * __LEXICON DIEDUT __ like ALBMI but plural only
- * __LEXICON BADJOSAT   __ Pl. bajus:badjosat, short cmp-form
- * __LEXICON BADJOSATLONG   __ Pl. bajus:badjosat, long cmp-form
- * __LEXICON ALIMAT   __ Pl. alin:alimat, like GAHPIR but pl only
- * __LEXICON CEAKCAGAT __ Like seamu but plural only
- * __LEXICON BORALMASAT __ like JOHTOLAT but plural only
- * __LEXICON DURVAT __ like LASIS but pl. only
- * __LEXICON VUOIGNAHAT   __ LikeDAIVVAS but only Pl. vuoiŋŋaš:vuoigŋahat
-!!!Sublexica for nominal stems
-!Noun declension
- * __LEXICON GOAHTI-NE  __ Bisyll. V-Nouns; Nominative Sg. and Essive
- * __LEXICON NomV __
- * __LEXICON EssV __
-!!Px lexica
- * __LEXICON NPx12A __ For loan word ending -a
- * __LEXICON NPx3A __ For loan word ending -a
- * __LEXICON NPxA __ For loan word ending -a
- * __LEXICON NPxPlComC __
- * __LEXICON NPxVvowch __ for vowel stems, with X2, X1 with stem vowel change,  
- * __LEXICON NPx12Vvowch __ for vowel stems, with X2, X1 with stem vowel change, 1. and 2. p
- * __LEXICON NPx1Vvowch __ for vowel stems, with X2, X1 with stem vowel change, 1. p
- * __LEXICON NPx3Vvowch __ for vowel stems, with X2, X1 with stem vowel change,  3. pers
- * __LEXICON NPxV __
- * __LEXICON NPx1V __
- * __LEXICON NPx2V __
- * __LEXICON NPx3V __
- * __LEXICON NPxC __
- * __LEXICON NPx1C __
- * __LEXICON NPx12C __
- * __LEXICON NPx3C __
- * __LEXICON NPxPlComV1 __
-!!Some GOAHTE-type lexica...
- * __LEXICON GOAHTE- __ compound lexicon
- * __LEXICON GOAHTICMP __ compound lexicon, vowel shortening
- * __LEXICON GOAHTILONGCMP __ compound lexicon, no vowel shortening
- * __LEXICON GOAHTILONGSHORTCMP __ compound lexicon, with and without vowel shortening
- * __LEXICON GOADE- __ genitiv
- * __LEXICON GOADE-IU- __ genitiv
- * __LEXICON GOAHTA- __ Lexicon for giving Px 1. and 2. p., pluss illativ
- * __LEXICON GOAHTAI __ illative
- * __LEXICON GOADI- __ weak grade
- * __LEXICON GOADI-_notCmp __
- * __LEXICON GODII- __ diphthong simplification
-!!Other lexica
- * __LEXICON STAHTACASE __ for no cons grad
-this lexicon is differet from HEANDARAT in that
-it does not have the Prop tag.
- * __LEXICON MALIS0 __ as GAPPUS0. MALIS0 has no VUOHTA, GAPPUS0 has no Px Ess
- * __LEXICON MALLASI-/NUORABU- __ joint cont. lexicon
- * __LEXICON LEXMUSH __ derived verbs on -muš
- * __LEXICON MUSHcase   __ Deverbal nouns
- * __LEXICON EAMOSH   __ superlatives, western
- * __LEXICON EAMOSHcase   __  Deverbal nouns
- * __LEXICON AMOSH   __ superlatives, eastern
- * __LEXICON AMOSHcase __
-!!Deverbal nouns
- * __LEXICON BOAHTINLONGSHORT   __  Intransitiv action nouns from bisyll verbs, long and short cmp-form
- * __LEXICON BOAHTIN   __  Intransitiv action nouns from bisyll verbs, long cmp-form
- * __LEXICON BOAHTINcase   __  Long compound-forms
- * __LEXICON BOAHTINSHORT   __ Intransitiv action nouns from bisyll verbs, short cmp-form
- * __LEXICON BOAHTALADDAN   __  Intransitiv Action nouns from deverbal verbs
- * __LEXICON BOAHTINLONGSHORTTV   __  Transitiv Action nouns. Both long and short compound forms
- * __LEXICON BOAHTINLONGSHORTTVcase    __ +CmpN/Sg +CmpN/DefSgGen +CmpN/DefPlGen +CmpN/SgLeft +CmpN/SgNomLeft +CmpN/SgGenLeft +CmpN/PlGenLeft
- * __LEXICON BOAHTINTV   __  Transitiv Action nouns. Long compound forms
- * __LEXICON BOAHTINTVcase    __ +CmpN/Sg +CmpN/DefSgGen +CmpN/DefPlGen +CmpN/SgLeft +CmpN/SgNomLeft +CmpN/SgGenLeft +CmpN/PlGenLeft
- * __LEXICON BOAHTINSHORTTV   __  Transitiv Action nouns. Short compound forms
- * __LEXICON BOAHTINSHORTTVcase    __ +CmpN/Sg +CmpN/DefSgGen +CmpN/DefPlGen +CmpN/SgLeft +CmpN/SgNomLeft +CmpN/SgGenLeft +CmpN/PlGenLeft
- * __LEXICON BOAHTALADDANTV   __  Transitiv Action nouns from deverbal verbs
- * __LEXICON BOAHTALADDANTVcase   __ +CmpN/Sg +CmpN/DefSgGen +CmpN/DefPlGen +CmpN/SgLeft +CmpN/SgNomLeft +CmpN/SgGenLeft +CmpN/PlGenLeft
- * __LEXICON IHTAMAT   __ Plural action nouns, from bisyllabic verbs
- * __LEXICON IHTALUDDAMAT   __  ihtaluddamat, plural
- * __LEXICON KEAHTTA __ Derivation keahttá/keahtes
- * __LEXICON KEAHTTA-PRED __ Der/keahtta - only predforms
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- * __LEXICON NounRoot  __ Main lexicon, dividing in Noun, FirstComponent, NyphNouns
- * __LEXICON MiddleNouns  __
- * __LEXICON HyphNouns  __
- * __LEXICON FirstComponent  __
- * __LEXICON Eahpe_Noun  __
- * __LEXICON NAMAT __ gives »»» and directs to NAMATCont
- * __LEXICON NAMATCont __ second-part compounds
- * __LEXICON SAS __ gives :»»» and goes to SASCont
- * __LEXICON SASCont __ FROM NUMERALS, gives -kilosaš etc.
- * __LEXICON Noun  __ dividing in NounNoPx, NounPx (with a P.Px.add flag)  and NounPxKin (with a P.Nom3Px.add flag)
- * __LEXICON NounNoPx   __ here goes nouns not taking Px.
- * __LEXICON NounPxKin  __ this is the noun lexicon for nouns which can have Px Nom 3. person, mostly kinshipterms
- * __LEXICON NounPx  __ this is the main noun lexicon
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-!!!North Saami numerals 
-!!The initial lexica
- * __LEXICON Numeral   __  initial lexica
- * __LEXICON MILJON   __  miljons and miljards
- * __LEXICON OVERDUHAT   __ for the numerals over 1000. 
- * __LEXICON O-OKTAF   __ All the child lexica of OVERDUHAT have the prefix O-. They are directed via their respective numerals to the lexicon JUSTDUHAT.
- * __LEXICON O-2TO9F   __ All the child lexica of OVERDUHAT have the prefix O-. They are directed via their respective numerals to the lexicon JUSTDUHAT.
- * __LEXICON 1TO9DUHAT   __
- * __LEXICON O-JUSTLOGIF   __ This lexicon is for the number 10 000 only. it is separated from the rest to avoid forms like *logivihttaduhát, etc.
- * __LEXICON O-LOGIF   __ this lexicon is accessed only via other O-lexica, and not directly from OVERDUHAT. Thus, *logivihttaduhát, etc. is avoided.
- * __LEXICON O-2TO9LOG   __ All the child lexica of OVERDUHAT have the prefix O-. They are directed via their respective numerals to the lexicon JUSTDUHAT.
- * __LEXICON O-NUPPELOT   __  Teens of thousands
- * __LEXICON O-NL   __
- * __LEXICON O-CUODI   __ Hundreds of thousands
- * __LEXICON O-2TO9CUO   __
- * __LEXICON O-GCUO   __
- * __LEXICON DUHAT   __
- * __LEXICON JUSTDUHAT   __ for numerals going via 1000
- * __LEXICON OLD   __ for the old counting thirteen hundred etc.
- * __LEXICON NLX   __
- * __LEXICON UNDERDUHAT   __  the numerals under 1000
- * __LEXICON OKTAF   __
- * __LEXICON 2TO9F   __
- * __LEXICON 11TO99F   __
- * __LEXICON LOGIF   __
- * __LEXICON LOHKI   __
- * __LEXICON 2TO9LOG   __
- * __LEXICON 21TO99   __
- * __LEXICON 111TO119   __
- * __LEXICON CUODI   __
- * __LEXICON 2TO9CUO   __
- * __LEXICON 1TO9CUODI   __
- * __LEXICON OKTA   __ Case forms of the basic digits
- * __LEXICON GUOKTE-pure   __ Case forms of the basic digits
- * __LEXICON GOLBMA   __  Case forms of the basic digits
- * __LEXICON VIHTTA   __ Case forms of the basic digits
- * __LEXICON CIEZA   __ Case forms of the basic digits
- * __LEXICON GAVCCI   __ Case forms of the basic digits
- * __LEXICON LOGI   __
- * __LEXICON NUMERALCOMPOUNDS   __  ! numeral as first part, duhatjienat, logigielat, etc.
- * __LEXICON num-ordinal   __ Ordinal numbers
- * __LEXICON num-ordinal-1   __ Ordinal numbers vuosttas, vuosttaš
- * __LEXICON num-ordinal-2to9   __ Ordinal numbers, 2 to 20, even though the name implies differenty
- * __LEXICON num-collective   __ Collective numerals
- * __LEXICON CIEZAS   __  Collective numerals
- * __LEXICON VIDAS   __  Collective numerals
- * __LEXICON num-imprecise   __ Imprecise numbers
- * __LEXICON BEANNOT   __ one and a half
- * __LEXICON ARABIC   __ arabic numerals
- * __LEXICON ARABICLOOPphone   __ +358(0)16671254
- * __LEXICON ARABICCASEphone   __  
- * __LEXICON ARABICLOOPORD   __ ordinals
- * __LEXICON ACASETAG   __  is for 1e+Num+Sg+Num:1e
- * __LEXICON ARABICLOOPCOLL   __ collectives
- * __LEXICON ARABICDELIMITER   __  blank + 3 delim, what does the lg counc prefer?
- * __LEXICON ARABICCASES   __  to distinguish between 0 and oblique
- * __ LEXICON ARABICCASEORD   __ ordinals
- * __ LEXICON ARABICCASECOLL   __ collectives
- * __LEXICON ROMAN   __  roman numerals
- * __LEXICON ROM-TEN   __ 
- * __LEXICON ROM-ONE   __ 
- * __LEXICON 2ROMAN   __ 
- * __LEXICON 2ROM-TEN   __ 
- * __LEXICON 2ROM-TEN-TAG   __ 
- * __LEXICON 2ROM-ONE   __ 
- * __LEXICON 2ROM-ONE-TAG   __ 
- * __LEXICON ISOLATED-NUMEXP   __ some isolated numeral expressions
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-!!!This file contains the Particles 
- * __LEXICON Particles   __ gives all particles 
- * __LEXICON pcle   __ gives the tag +Pcle
- * __LEXICON qpcle   __ gives two tags, +Pcle and +Qst
-Perhaps this should be opened to  a direction to K
-and all the ge versions should be removed.
-(i.e. only goit, not goitge). This errouneously
-permits gege, goge, etc., though, and we thus leave
-things as they are.
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-Divvun & Giellatekno - open source grammars for Sámi and other languages
-!!!North Saami Possessive suffixes
- * __LEXICON PxVvowch   __ for vowel stems, with X2, X1 with stem vowel change
- * __LEXICON Px1Vvowch   __ for vowel stems with stem vowel change, 1. p
- * __LEXICON Px2Vvowch   __ for vowel stems with stem vowel change, 1. and 2. p
- * __LEXICON Px3Vvowch   __ for vowel stems with stem vowel change, 3. p
- * __LEXICON PxV   __ for vowel stems, without stem vowel change
- * __LEXICON Px1V   __ for first person vowel stems
- * __LEXICON Px2V   __ for second person vowel stems
- * __LEXICON Px3V   __ for third person vowel stems
- * __!LEXICON PxSgV   __ Sg only
- * __LEXICON PxA   __ for a-stems
- * __LEXICON Px1A   __ for a-stems
- * __LEXICON Px2A   __ for a-stems
- * __LEXICON Px3A   __ for a-stems
- * __LEXICON PxC   __ for consonant stems
- * __LEXICON Px1C   __ for consonant stems
- * __LEXICON Px2C   __ for consonant stems
- * __LEXICON Px3C   __ for consonant stems
- * __LEXICON PxPlComC   __ for plural comitative forms of consonant stems
- * __LEXICON PxPlComV1   __ for first person vowel stems with vow change, directing onw
- * __LEXICON PxPlCom12V   __ for first, second person comitative Px
- * __LEXICON PxPlCom3V   __ for third person comitative Px
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-!!!Possessive suffikser i nordsamisk
-!!I korpus
-!Skjønnlitterært korpus og NT - oversikt
-|| - || Nom Sg  || Pl || Acc Sg || Pl || Gen Sg || Pl || Ill Sg || Pl || Loc Sg || Pl || Com Sg || Pl || Ess 
-| Sg1 | 123 | 24  | 51 	| 33  | 35 | 12  | 15 | 3   | 37 | 13  | 20 | 5  | - 
-| Sg2 | 21 	|  - | 76  | 26   | 25  | 5  | 15  | 2  | 27  | 3  | 9   | -  | - 
-| Sg3 | 14 	|  - | 426 | 254  | 194 | 75 | 229 | 25 | 211 | 37 | 174 | 57 | 6 
-| Du1 |  -  |  -  | 1 	| 1   |  - | 1 	 | 1   | -  | -   | -  | -   | 1   | -  
-| Du2 | -	| -  | - 	| -   | -  | 1   | -   | 1   | -  | -  | - |  - | - 
-| Du3 |  -	| -  | 12 	| 15  | 9 	| 1   | 3  | -   | 4  | 2  | 4  | - | - 
-| Pl1 | 44 	|  1   | 21  | 12 | 27 | 7   | 3   | 2   | 12 | 4  | - | 6 | -  
-| Pl2 | 12 	|  - | 11  | 30   | 13  | 21 | 2   | 7  | 12  | 11 | 3   | 4 | - 
-| Pl3 |  -	| -  | 50 	| 101 | 17  | 25  | 5  | 19  | 22 | 26 | 5  | 16  | - 
-!Skjønnlitterært korpus og NT - nominativ og essiv
-|| - || Nom Sg || Nom Pl || Ess 
-| Sg1  | (123) 65 Kin, 54 Human,  3 Animal, 1 Property: giissáš     | (24) Kin, Human (Bare NT) ustit,  mánáš, oskuguoibmi, ráhkis | -
-| Sg2  | (21) Kin       | -        | -
-| Sg3  | (14) Human, Kin      | -        | (6)  Property, Kin, Event, Human
-| Pl1  | (44) Kin, Human. 1 Abstraction: doaivu (NT)  | (1) Human: ráhkis (Bare NT)       | -
-| Pl2  | (12) Kin, Human      | -        | -
-| Pl3  | -       | -        | -
-! News - nominativ og essiv
-|| - || Nom Sg || Nom Pl || Ess 
-| Sg1  | 76 Human. 84 Kin. 6 Other 2 Body. 2 Place  | 1 Human     | -
-| Sg2 | 38 Kin. 1 Event.  1 Property | - | -
-| Sg3 | 17 Kin. 1 Body. | - | -
-| Du1 | - | - | -
-| Du2 | - | - | -
-| Du3 | 1 Kin | - | -
-| Pl1 | 6 Human. 14 Kin. 3 Abstraction. 1 Other. 3 Event. 11 Body. | 1 Kin | -
-| Pl2 | - | - | -
-| Pl3 | 1 Human. 1 Kin | 1 Kin | -
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-!!!Free and Open source Finnish analyser gtsvn-fi
-;Authors: Divvun and Giellatekno teams, Aajege, community members
-;Software version: 2012
-;Documentation license: GNU GFDL
-;SVN Revision: $Revision: 68217 $
-;SVN Date: $Date: 2013-01-16 11:31:33 +0200 (Wed, 16 Jan 2013) $
-This is free and open source South Sámi morphology.
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-!!!This file contains the Pronouns 
- * __LEXICON Pronoun   __ Points to all the pronoun subgrops
-!!Personal pronouns
- * __LEXICON Personal   __ , splitting in 1st, 2nd, 3rd
-!!Interrogative pronouns
-Giving ideosyncratic Sg Nom of gii, mii lexically
-Sending the oblique forms of gii, mii to an oblique sublexicon
-Giving the stem of guhte, guhtemuš, goabbá
- * __LEXICON Interrogative   __
-!!Relative pronouns
- * __LEXICON Relative   __
-!!Demonstrative pronouns
-!!Giving baseform + all demonstrative stems
-!!Pointing to case paradigms
- * __LEXICON Demonstrative   __
-!!Reflexive pronouns
-Two nominative reflexives, and pointer to the rest
-The Pl one is used for Du as well, here given two entries.
-Should one of them be removed?
- * __LEXICON Reflexive   __
-!!Reciprocal pronouns
-The first 4 entries handle the first element of the recipr.
-The next 12 handle the 2nd part of the non-Px recipr.
-The members of the third section  point to Px lexica.
- * __LEXICON Reciprocal   __
-!!Indefinite pronouns
-Dividing the indefinites in three groups
- * __LEXICON Indefinite   __
-Declineable indefinite pronouns with case + clitic
- * __LEXICON declindef-cl   __
-Declineable indefinites with normal case paradigms
- * __LEXICON declindef   __
-Separate lexica for exceptional entries
- * __LEXICON declindef-idiosync   __
-separate lexica for these entries:
-The indeclineable indefinites
- * __LEXICON indeclindef   __
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-Divvun & Giellatekno - open source grammars for North Sámi.
-                    !!!North Sámi morphological analyser                     
-!!Multicharacter symbols
-!Escaped chars
- * __ %    __
-!Tags for POS
- * __ +N 	  __ Noun
- * __ +A 	  __ Adjective
- * __ +Adv 	  __   Adverb
- * __ +V		  __ Verb
- * __ +Pron 	  __  Pronoun
- * __ +CS 	  __    Subjunction
- * __ +CC 	  __    Conjunction
- * __ +Adp 	  __   Adposition, ie Post- and Prepostion
- * __ +Po 	  __    Postpostion
- * __ +Pr 	  __    Preposition
- * __ +Interj  __  Interjection
- * __ +Pcle 	  __  Particle
- * __ +Num 	  __   Numeral
-!Tags for sub-POS
- * __ +Prop 	 __   Propernoun
- * __ +Pers 	 __   Personal Pronoun
- * __ +Dem 	 __    Demonstrative Pronoun
- * __ +Interr  __  Interrogative Pronoun
- * __ +Refl 	 __   Reflexive Pronoun
- * __ +Recipr  __  Reciprocal Pronoun
- * __ +Rel 	 __    Relative Pronoun
- * __ +Indef	 __   Indefinitive Pronoun
- * __ +Coll	 __    Collective numerals
- * __ +MWE	 __    Multi-word expressions treated as such in the preprocessor
-!Usage tags
- * __ +Err/Orth        __ substandard, not in normative fst
- * __ +Err/Lex         __ substandard, not in normative fst, no normative lemma
- * __ +Err/DerSub      __ substandard for derivation, not in normative fst, no normative lemma
- * __ +Err/CmpSub      __ substandard for compounding, not in normative fst (wrong form or POS in first part)
- * __ +Err/HyphSub     __ substandard for compounding, not in normative fst (needs hyph)
- * __ +Use/Marg        __ marginal
- * __ +Use/-Spell      __ Excluded in speller
- * __ +Use/-PLX        __ Excluded in PLX-speller
- * __ +Use/SpellNoSugg __ recognized but not suggested in speller
- * __ +Use/Circ        __ circular paths (old ^C^)
- * __ +Use/CircN       __ circular paths for the numerals (old ^N^)
- * __ +Use/NG          __ not-generate, for ped generation isme-ped.fst
- * __ +Use/MT          __ Generate for MT only, for restricting analyses needed 
-              for MT generation not to pop up elsewhere
- * __ +Use/NGminip     __ Not for miniparadigm in VD dicts
-!Dialect tags:
- * __ +Dial/-KJ  __ forms not in use in KJ (Kárásjohka)
- * __ +Dial/-GG  __ forms not in use in GG (Guovdageaidnu)
- * __ +Dial/-GS  __ forms not in use in GS (Gárasavvon)
- * __ +South		__ foreløpig lagt til Sg Loc -n, som er en sub-form
-!Tags for indicating the orthography used
- +Orth/Strd - Standard orthography
- +Orth/IPA - IPA transcription
-The above should either be used in pairs, or not at all. That is, if a word
-doesn't need an IPA stem (because the word in all its inflection can be
-converted to IPA by the standard IPA conversion rules), then none of these
-tags should be used.
-On the other hand, if the word has a spelling that doesn't follow the
-orthographic rules, and thus needs an exceptional IPA stem to get it right,
-then the exceptional stem must be marked with the {{+Orth/IPA}}, and the
-regular orthography stem must be marked with the tag {{+Orth/Strd}}. This is
-so that we can exclude the one or the other from different fst's, but only
-when the oposite stem variant is present.
-!Multichars for marking start and end of IPA sequences
- * %{%<ipa#%} - ipa text to the left
- * %{#ipa%>%} - ipa text to the right
-!Normative/prescriptive compounding tags
-(to govern compound behaviour for the speller, ie what a compound SHOULD BE):
-The first part of the component may be ..
- * +CmpN/Sg Sg
- * +CmpN/SgN SgNominative
- * +CmpN/SgG SgGenitive
- * +CmpN/PlG PlGenitive
- * +CmpN/PlN PlNominative, propers!
-Unmarked = Default, ie +CmpN/SgN
-This entry / word can ...
- * +CmpNP/All - ... be in all positions, __default__, this tag does not have to be written
- * +CmpNP/First - ... only be first part in a compound or alone
- * +CmpNP/Pref - ... only __first__ part in a compound, NEVER alone
- * +CmpNP/Last - ... only be last part in a compound or alone
- * +CmpNP/Suff - ... only __last__ part in a compound, NEVER alone
- * +CmpNP/None - ... not take part in compounds
- * +CmpNP/Only - ... only be part of a compound, i.e. can never
-                 be used alone, but can appear in any position
-If unmarked, any position goes.
-The second part of the compound may take ..
- * +CmpN/SgLeft Sg to the left
- * +CmpN/SgNomLeft etc.
- * +CmpN/SgGenLeft 
- * +CmpN/PlGenLeft 
-This part of the compound may ... 
- * +CmpN/Def works along with Left compound-tagging
- * +CmpN/DefSgGen works along with Left compound-tagging
- * +CmpN/DefPlGen works along with Left compound-tagging
-Descriptive compounding tags:
-Tags for compound analysis - this is what a compound is:
- * +AttrCmp 	    Attributive
- * +SgCmp 	  Singular
- * +SgNomCmp 	   Singular Nominative
- * +SgGenCmp 	   Singular Genitive
- * +PlGenCmp   Plural Genitiv
- * +Cmp Dynamic compound. This tag should always be part of a
-   dynamic compound. It is important for Apertium, and useful in
-   other cases as well.
- * +RCmpnd This is a split compound with the other part to the right:
-   "Arbeids- og inkluderingsdepartementet" => Arbeids- = +RCmpnd
- * +LCmpnd+ This is a split compound with the other part to the left
- * +ShCmp testing ShCmp
- * +Hyph on dynamic compounds that have a hyphen
- * +Use/NoHyph On compounds that SHOULD have had a hyphen, but doesn't
- * +SHyph Tags compounds containing SOFT HYPHENS (U+00AD)
-!!Tags for Inflection
-!Tags for Case and Number Inflection
- * +Sg Singular
- * +Du Dual
- * +Pl Plural
- * +Ess	    Essive
- * +Nom	 Nominative
- * +Gen	 Genitive
- * +Acc	 Accusative
- * +Ill	 Illative
- * +Loc	 Locative = Inessive and Ellative
- * +Com	 Comitative
- * +Com/Sh  Comitative Plural Hyphened Shortform (w/o -guin), ie Beatnagii-, Biillai-, Bohccui- etc.
-!Possessive tags
- * +PxSg1    Singular First Person
- * +PxSg2    Singular Second Person
- * +PxSg3    Singular Third Person
- * +PxDu1    Singular First Person
- * +PxDu2    Singular Second Person
- * +PxDu3    Singular Third Person
- * +PxPl1    Singular First Person
- * +PxPl2    Singular Second Person
- * +PxPl3    Singular Third Person
-!Adjectival tags
- * +Comp	    Comparative
- * +Superl	  Superlative
- * +Attr	    Attributive
- * +Card	    Cardinal Number
- * +Ord	 Ordinal Number
- * +Ind	 Indicative
- * +Pot	 Potential
- * +Cond	 Conditional
- * +Imprt	   Imperative
- * +Prs	 Present Tense
- * +Prt	 Past Tense, Preterite
-!Verb person-number
- * +Sg1	 Singular First Person
- * +Sg2	 Singular Second Person
- * +Sg3	 Singular Third Person
- * +Du1	 Dual First Person
- * +Du2	 Dual Second Person
- * +Du3	 Dual Third Person
- * +Pl1	 Plural First Person
- * +Pl2	 Plural Second Person
- * +Pl3	 Plural Third Person
-!Infinite verb forms
- * +Inf	 Infinitive
- * +Ger	 Gerund
- * +ConNeg	 Negation Form, ie Mana, Doalvvo, Juoge etc
- * +ConNegII Alternative, Rather Declamatory Negation Form - Infrequent
- * +Neg	 Negation Verb, Ii and its forms, ie Ale, Alli, Allot, Ehpet, Eat etc.
- * +ImprtII Alternative, Rather Declamatory Imperative Form - Infrequent
- * +PrsPrc	 Present Participe
- * +PrfPrc	 Perfect Participe
- * +Sup	 Supine
- * +VGen	 VerbGenitive
- * +VAbess	 VerbAbbesive
- * +Actio	 Action Verb Form
-!Other tags
- * +ABBR		 Abbreviation
- * +ACR		  Acronym
- * +CLB		  
- * +PUNCT		
- * +LEFT		
- * +RIGHT		
- * +TV 	    Transitive Verb
- * +IV Intransitive Verb
- * +Multi Multiword phrase tag
- * +G3 Grade 3 for homonymies
- * +G7 Grade 3, no CG
- * +NomAg Actor Noun From Verb - Nomen Agentis
- * +Guess for the name guesser
- * +ComPxCPlCom
- * +PxCPlComRecipr used in pronoun-sme-morph.txt
-!Question and Focus particles:
- * +Qst		   Question Particle
- * +Foc/naj	
- * +Foc/ge	
- * +Foc/gen	
- * +Foc/ges	
- * +Foc/gis	
- * +Foc/ba	
- * +Foc/be	
- * +Foc/hal	
- * +Foc/han	
- * +Foc/bat	
- * +Foc/son	
- * +Foc/bahal
- * +Foc/behal
- * +Foc/bahan
- * +Foc/behan
- * +Foc/bason
- * +Foc/beson
-!Tags distinguishing different versions of the same lemma (before POS)
- * +v1
- * +v2
- * +v3
- * +v4
- * +v5
- * +v6
- * +v7
- * +v8
- * +v9
- * +v10
- * +v11
- * +v12
- * +v13
- * +v14
- * +v15
- * +v16
- * +v17 
- * +v18 
- * +v19 
- * +v20
- * +v21
- * +v22
- * +v23
- * +v24
-Note: These high +v... number are in use for one word only:
-!L2 errortags
- * +CGErr	
- * +IllErr
- * +IllVErr
- * +ComVErr
- * +DiphErr
- * +AErr	
- * +AiErr	
-!Semantic tags to help disambiguation & synt. analysis: (before POS)
- *  +Sem/Act          = Activity
- *  +Sem/Adr          = Webadr
- *  +Sem/Amount       = Amount
- *  +Sem/Ani          = Animate
- *  +Sem/Aniprod      = Animal Product
- *  +Sem/Body         = Bodypart
- *  +Sem/Body-abstr   = siellu, vuoig?a, jierbmi
- *  +Sem/Build        = Building
- *  +Sem/Build-part   = Part of Bulding, like the closet
- *  +Sem/Cat	       = Category
- *  +Sem/Clth         = Clothes
- *  +Sem/Clth-jewl    = Jewelery
- *  +Sem/Clth-part    = part of clothes, boallu, sávdnji...
- *  +Sem/Ctain        = Container
- *  +Sem/Ctain-abstr  = Abstract container like bank account
- *  +Sem/Ctain-clth   = Soft container, like a rucksack
- *  +Sem/Curr         = Currency like dollár, Not Money
- *  +Sem/Dance        = Dance
- *  +Sem/Dir	       = Direction like GPS-kursa
- *  +Sem/Domain       = Domain like politics, reindeerherding (a system of actions)
- *  +Sem/Drink        = Drink
- *  +Sem/Dummytag     = Dummytag
- *  +Sem/Edu          = Educational event
- *  +Sem/Event        = Event
- *  +Sem/Feat		   = Feature, like Árvu
- *  +Sem/Feat-phys    = Physiological feature, ivdni, fárda
- *  +Sem/Feat-psych   = Psychological feauture
- *  +Sem/Feat-measr   = Psychological feauture
- *  +Sem/Fem          = Female name
- *  +Sem/Food         = Food
- *  +Sem/Food-med     = Medicine
- *  +Sem/Furn         = Furniture
- *  +Sem/Game         = Game
- *  +Sem/Geom         = Geometrical object
- *  +Sem/Group        = Animal or Human Group
- *  +Sem/Hum          = Human
- *  +Sem/Hum-abstr    = Human abstract
- *  +Sem/Ideol        = Ideology
- *  +Sem/Lang         = Language
- *  +Sem/Mal          = Male name
- *  +Sem/Mat          = Material for producing things
- *  +Sem/Measr        = Measure
- *  +Sem/Money        = Has to do with money, like wages, not Curr(ency)
- *  +Sem/Obj          = Object
- *  +Sem/Obj-clo      = Cloth
- *  +Sem/Obj-cogn      = Cloth
- *  +Sem/Obj-el       = (Electrical) machine or apparatus
- *  +Sem/Obj-ling     = Object with something written on it
- *  +Sem/Obj-rope     = flexible ropelike object
- *  +Sem/Obj-surfc    = Surface object
- *  +Sem/Org          = Organisation
- *  +Sem/Part		   = Feature, oassi, bealli
- *  +Sem/Perc-cogn      = Cloth
- *  +Sem/Perc-emo     = Emotional perception
- *  +Sem/Perc-phys	   = Physical perception
- *  +Sem/Perc-psych	   = Physical perception
- *  +Sem/Plant        = Plant
- *  +Sem/Plant-part   = Plant part
- *  +Sem/Plc          = Place
- *  +Sem/Plc-abstr         = Abstract place
- *  +Sem/Plc-elevate       = Place
- *  +Sem/Plc-line          = Place
- *  +Sem/Plc-water         = Place
- *  +Sem/Pos		   = Position (as in social position job)
- *  +Sem/Process	   = Process
- *  +Sem/Prod		   = Product
- *  +Sem/Prod-audio   = Audio product
- *  +Sem/Prod-cogn	   = Cognition product
- *  +Sem/Prod-ling	   = Linguistic product
- *  +Sem/Prod-vis	   = Visual product
- *  +Sem/Rel		   = Relation
- *  +Sem/Route        = Route
- *  +Sem/Rule         = Rule or convention
- *  +Sem/Semcon       = Semantic concept
- *  +Sem/Sign	       = Sign (e.g. numbers, punctuation) 
- *  +Sem/Sport       = Sport
- *  +Sem/State		   = 
- *  +Sem/State-sick   = Illness
- *  +Sem/Substnc      = Substance, like Air and Water
- *  +Sem/Sur          = Surname
- *  +Sem/Symbol	   = Symbol
- *  +Sem/Time         = Time
- *  +Sem/Tool		   = Prototypical tool for repairing things
- *  +Sem/Tool-catch   = Tool used for catching (e.g. fish)
- *  +Sem/Tool-clean   = Tool used for cleaning
- *  +Sem/Tool-it	   = Tool used in IT
- *  +Sem/Tool-measr   = Tool used for measuring
- *  +Sem/Tool-music   = Music instrument
- *  +Sem/Tool-write   = Writing tool
- *  +Sem/Txt          = Text (girji, lávlla...)
- *  +Sem/Veh          = Vehicle
- *  +Sem/Wpn          = Weapon
- *  +Sem/Wthr         = The Weather or the state of ground
-!Multiple Semantic tags:
- * +Sem/Act_Group					 Activity and Group
- * +Sem/Act_Plc					   A persons job is an activity, and a place as well
- * +Sem/Act_Route					 Activity and Route, ie johtolat
- * +Sem/Amount_Build				   Amount and Building
- * +Sem/Amount_Semcon				
- * +Sem/Ani_Body-abstr_Hum			
- * +Sem/Ani_Build					
- * +Sem/Ani_Build-part				
- * +Sem/Ani_Build_Hum_Txt			
- * +Sem/Ani_Group					
- * +Sem/Ani_Group_Hum				
- * +Sem/Ani_Hum					
- * +Sem/Ani_Hum_Plc				
- * +Sem/Ani_Hum_Time				
- * +Sem/Ani_Plc					
- * +Sem/Ani_Plc_Txt				
- * +Sem/Ani_Time					
- * +Sem/Ani_Veh					
- * +Sem/Aniprod_Hum				
- * +Sem/Aniprod_Obj-clo			
- * +Sem/Aniprod_Perc-phys			
- * +Sem/Aniprod_Plc				
- * +Sem/Body-abstr_Prod-audio_Semcon
- * +Sem/Body_Body-abstr			
- * +Sem/Body_Clth					
- * +Sem/Body_Food					
- * +Sem/Body_Group_Hum				
- * +Sem/Body_Hum					
- * +Sem/Body_Mat					
- * +Sem/Body_Measr					
- * +Sem/Body_Obj_Tool-catch		
- * +Sem/Body_Plc					
- * +Sem/Body_Time					
- * +Sem/Build-part_Plc				
- * +Sem/Build_Build-part			
- * +Sem/Build_Clth-part			
- * +Sem/Build_Edu_Org				
- * +Sem/Build_Event_Org			
- * +Sem/Build_Org					
- * +Sem/Build_Route				
- * +Sem/Clth-jewl_Curr				
- * +Sem/Clth-jewl_Money			
- * +Sem/Clth-jewl_Plant			
- * +Sem/Clth_Hum					
- * +Sem/Ctain-abstr_Org			
- * +Sem/Ctain-clth_Plant			
- * +Sem/Ctain-clth_Veh				
- * +Sem/Ctain_Feat-phys			
- * +Sem/Ctain_Furn					
- * +Sem/Ctain_Tool					
- * +Sem/Ctain_Tool-measr			
- * +Sem/Curr_Org					
- * +Sem/Dance_Org					
- * +Sem/Dance_Prod-audio			
- * +Sem/Domain_Food-med			
- * +Sem/Domain_Prod-audio			
- * +Sem/Edu_Event					
- * +Sem/Edu_Group_Hum				
- * +Sem/Edu_Mat					
- * +Sem/Edu_Org					
- * +Sem/Event_Food					
- * +Sem/Event_Hum					
- * +Sem/Event_Plc					
- * +Sem/Event_Time					
- * +Sem/Feat-measr_Plc 			
- * +Sem/Feat-phys_Tool-write		
- * +Sem/Feat-phys_Veh				
- * +Sem/Feat-phys_Wthr				
- * +Sem/Feat-psych_Hum				
- * +Sem/Feat_Plant					
- * +Sem/Food_Perc-phys				
- * +Sem/Food_Plant					
- * +Sem/Game_Obj-play				
- * +Sem/Geom_Obj					
- * +Sem/Group_Hum					
- * +Sem/Group_Hum_Org				
- * +Sem/Group_Hum_Plc				
- * +Sem/Group_Hum_Prod-vis			
- * +Sem/Group_Org					
- * +Sem/Group_Sign					
- * +Sem/Group_Txt					
- * +Sem/Hum_Lang					
- * +Sem/Hum_Lang_Plc				
- * +Sem/Hum_Lang_Time				
- * +Sem/Hum_Obj					
- * +Sem/Hum_Org					
- * +Sem/Hum_Plant					
- * +Sem/Hum_Plc					
- * +Sem/Hum_Tool					
- * +Sem/Hum_Veh					
- * +Sem/Hum_Wthr					
- * +Sem/Lang_Tool					
- * +Sem/Mat_Plant					
- * +Sem/Mat_Txt					
- * +Sem/Measr_Time					
- * +Sem/Money_Obj					
- * +Sem/Money_Txt					
- * +Sem/Obj-play					
- * +Sem/Obj-play_Sport				
- * +Sem/Obj_Semcon					
- * +Sem/Clth-jewl_Org				
- * +Sem/Org_Rule					
- * +Sem/Org_Txt					
- * +Sem/Org_Veh					
- * +Sem/Part_Prod-cogn				
- * +Sem/Perc-emo_Wthr				
- * +Sem/Plant_Plant-part			
- * +Sem/Plant_Tool					
- * +Sem/Plant_Tool-measr			
- * +Sem/Plc-abstr_Rel_State		
- * +Sem/Plc-abstr_Route			
- * +Sem/Plc_Pos					
- * +Sem/Plc_Route					
- * +Sem/Plc_Substnc				
- * +Sem/Plc_Substnc_Wthr			
- * +Sem/Plc_Time					
- * +Sem/Plc_Tool-catch				
- * +Sem/Plc_Wthr					
- * +Sem/Prod-audio_Txt				
- * +Sem/Prod-cogn_Txt				
- * +Sem/Semcon_Txt					
- * +Sem/Obj_State					
- * +Sem/Substnc_Wthr				
- * +Sem/Time_Wthr					
- * +Allegro			 from LEXICON GOADE-IU-
-All non-positional derivations should be preceded by this tag, to make it possible
-to target regular expressions at all derivations in a language-independent way:
-just specify +Der|+Der1 .. +Der5 and you are set.
- * +Der
-!Other/unclassified derivations, can appear in all positions:
- * +Der/veara  NA#
- * +Der/viđá  NA#
- * +Der/viđi  NA#
- * +Der/PassS  VV - short passive
-!Miscellanious list
- * +Der/agat	 
- * +Der/ahkásaš 
- * +Der/asat	 
- * +Der/beaivásaš 
- * +Der/bealat	 
- * +Der/bealjat 
- * +Der/borat	 
- * +Der/buddásaš 
- * +Der/báikásaš	 
- * +Der/bánat	 
- * +Der/diibmosaš 
- * +Der/dábat	 
- * +Der/dáfot	 
- * +Der/dáhtot	 
- * +Der/dásat	 
- * +Der/dássásaš 
- * +Der/dávddat 
- * +Der/dávttat 
- * +Der/fárddat 
- * +Der/gaccat	 
- * +Der/garat	 
- * +Der/gearddat 
- * +Der/geardásaš 
- * +Der/geažat	 
- * +Der/gieđat	 
- * +Der/gieškkat 
- * +Der/gilggat 
- * +Der/girjjat 
- * +Der/guvllot 
- * +Der/heakkat 
- * +Der/hájat	 
- * +Der/hámat	 
- * +Der/ivnnat	 
- * +Der/jagat	 
- * +Der/jahkásaš 
- * +Der/jearggat 
- * +Der/jienat	 
- * +Der/jierpmat 
- * +Der/joccat	 
- * +Der/juolggat 
- * +Der/juvllat 
- * +Der/kilosaš 
- * +Der/kultuvrrat 
- * +Der/lahkat	 
- * +Der/lahtot	 
- * +Der/lahttosaš	 
- * +Der/lanjat	 
- * +Der/leakkat 
- * +Der/liikkat 
- * +Der/linjjat 
- * +Der/lunddot 
- * +Der/luohkkálaš 
- * +Der/luohkálaš 
- * +Der/luottat 
- * +Der/láiddat 
- * +Der/mannosaš 
- * +Der/mearkkat 
- * +Der/mielat	 
- * +Der/mohkat	 
- * +Der/muđot	 
- * +Der/máhtat	 
- * +Der/mállet	 
- * +Der/mállesaš	 
- * +Der/mánnosaš 
- * +Der/namat	 
- * +Der/nammasaš	 
- * +Der/nađat	 
- * +Der/nierat	 
- * +Der/njunat	 
- * +Der/njálmmat 
- * +Der/nuolus	 
- * +Der/náittot 
- * +Der/nálat	 
- * +Der/oaivvat 
- * +Der/oasat	 
- * +Der/olat	 
- * +Der/orddat	 
- * +Der/pláhtat 
- * +Der/rattat	 
- * +Der/ravddat 
- * +Der/rávnnjat 
- * +Der/seagat	 
- * +Der/seaibbat 
- * +Der/seainnat 
- * +Der/siessat 
- * +Der/siiddot 
- * +Der/siidosaš 
- * +Der/soajat	 
- * +Der/soarttat 
- * +Der/sogat	 
- * +Der/sorttat 
- * +Der/stábat	 
- * +Der/stávval 
- * +Der/suorat	 
- * +Der/suorggat 
- * +Der/suorpmat 
- * +Der/suttat	 
- * +Der/sánat	 
- * +Der/sávnnjat 
- * +Der/uvssat	 
- * +Der/uvssot	 
- * +Der/vahkkosaš 
- * +Der/vahkosaš 
- * +Der/varat	 
- * +Der/vigat	 
- * +Der/viidosaš 
- * +Der/vuovttat 
- * +Der/vuđot	 
- * +Der/váillat 
- * +Der/váimmot 
- * +Der/válddat 
- * +Der/váttot	 
- * +Der/áigásaš 
- * +Der/áissat	 
- * +Der/ávjjot	 
- * +Der/čalmmat 
- * +Der/čeavžžat 
- * +Der/čiegahas 
- * +Der/čiegat	 
- * +Der/čielggat 
- * +Der/čoalat	 
- * +Der/čoarvvat 
- * +Der/čuolmmat 
- * +Der/čuvddat 
- * +Der/šlájat	 
- * 			 
- * +Der/A		 Adjective derivated from Noun or Verb
- * +Der/Adv	 Adverb derivated from Adjective
-!!Tags for originating language
-The following tags are used to guide conversion to IPA: loan words
-and foreign names are usually pronounced (approximately) as in the
-originating (majority) language. Instead of trying to identify the
-correct pronounciation based on fonotactics (orthotactics actually),
-we tag all words that can't be correctly transcribed using the SME
-transcriber with source language codes. Once tagged, it is possible
-to split the lexical transducer in smaller ones according to langu-
-age, and apply different IPA conversion to each of them.
-The principle of tagging is that we only tag to the extent needed,
-and following a priority:
-# any untagged word is pronounced with SME orthographic conventions
-# NNO and NOB have identical pronounciation, NNO is only used if
-  different in spelling from NOB
-# SWE has mostly the same pronounciation as NOB, and is only used
-  if different in spelling from NOB
-# Occasionally even SME (the default) may be tagged, to block other
-  languages from being specified, mainly during semi-automatic
-  language tagging sessions
-All in all, we want to get as much correctly transcribed to IPA
-with as little work as possible. On the other hand, if more words
-are tagged than strictly needed, this should pose no problem as
-long as the IPA conversion is correct - at least some words will
-get the same pronounciation whether read as SME or NOB/NNO/SWE.
- * +OLang/SME - North Sámi
- * +OLang/SMA - South Sámi
- * +OLang/FIN - Finnish
- * +OLang/SWE - Swedish
- * +OLang/NOB - Norw. bokmål
- * +OLang/NNO - Norw. nynorsk
- * +OLang/ENG - English
- * +OLang/UND - Undefined
-Valency tags, i.e. tags assigned to verbs for denoting their arbuments
- * +%<loc%> 		 case tags
- * +%<ill%> 		  
- * +%<com%>          
- * +%<inf%> 		 infinitive tags 
- * +%<acc_inf%>                
- * +%<po_lusa%> 	  adposition tags
- * +%<po_ala%> 	  
- * +%<po_alde%> 	  
- * +%<po_birra%>  
- * +%<sub%>  clause 
- * +%<acc_loc%> 	  combi case tags
- * +%<acc_ill%>        
- * +%<actio_ess%> 	  
- * +%<actio_loc%>   
-!Triggers for morphophonological rules
- * X1  Diphthong Simplification, Metaphony
- * X2  Diphthong Simplification, Metaphony, Word Final Neutralization of g8, h8, m8
- * X3  Diphthong Simplification, Metaphony
- * X4  WeG, Vowel Shortening, Stem vowel alternations, Word Final Deletion of n8 m8 g8 h8
- * X5  WeG, Diphthong Simplification, Stem vowel alternations
- * X6  WeG, Diphthong Simplification, Metaphony, Word Final Deletion of n8 m8 g8 h8
- * X7  Vowel Shortening, Stem vowel alternations, Word Final Neutralization of g8, h8, m8
- * X8  WeG, Vowel Shortening, Metaphony, Stem Vowel alternations, Word Final Deletion of n8 m8 g8 h8
- * X9  WeG, Dipthtong simplification, Word Final Deletion of n8 m8 g8 h8
- * Y1  Lengthening of Central Consonants, Stem Vowel alternations, 
- * Y2  Lengthening of Central Consonants, Stem Vowel alternations, 
- * Y3  Lengthening of Central Consonants, Stem Vowel alternations, 
- * Y4  Lengthening of Central Consonants, Stem Vowel alternations, 
- * Y5  Lengthening of Central Consonants, Word Final Consonant Deletion, Diphthong Simplification, Stem vowel alternations
- * Y6  Lengthening of Central Consonants, Word Final Consonant Deletion, Diphthong Simplification, Stem vowel alternations
- * Y7  Lengthening of Central Consonants, Diphthong Simplification, Stem vowel alternations
- * Y8  Not in use
- * Y9  Lengthening of Central Consonants, Diphthong Simplification
- * Q1  Stem vowel alternations, 
- * Q2  Diphthong Simplification, Stem vowel alternations, 
- * Q3  Diphthong Simplification, Stem vowel alternations,
- * Q4  WeG, Stem vowel alternations, 
- * Q5  WeG, Diphthong Simplification, Stem vowel alternations, 
- * Q6  WeG, Vowel shortening, 
- * Q7  WeG, Diphthong Simplification, Metaphony, 
- * Q8  WeG, Diphthong Simplification, Stem vowel alternations, 
- * Q9  Not in use
- * W1  WeG, Vowel Shortening
- * W2  Vowel Shortening, 
- * W3  Stem vowel deletion in compounding, 
- * W4  WeG, Word Final Cluster Simplification, Optional vowel-shortening, Word Final Deletion of n8 m8 g8 h8
- * W5  WeG, Diphthong Simplification, Stem vowel alternations
- * W6  Stem vowel alternations, WeG, 
- * W7  Stem vowel alternations, WeG
- * W8  Stem vowel alternations, 
- * W9  Not in use
- * %^DISIMP  diphthong simpification
-!Morphophonemes and Sámi letters
- * b9  twol rule override, so that b doesn't turn into t infront of hash
- * e7  shortened i = "e with dot below" from the dictionary
- * e9  twol rule override, so that e doesn't turn into i infront of j       
- * d9  twol rule override, so that d doesn't turn into t infront of hash
- * g8  Word Final Neutralization and Deletion
- * g9  twol rule override, so that g doesn't turn into t infront of hash
- * h7
- * h8  Word Final Neutralization and Deletion
- * h9  twol rule override, so that h doesn't turn into t infront of hash
- * i7  twol rule override, so that i doesn't turn into e in certain contextes
- * j9  twol rule override, so that j doesn't turn into i after i
- * k9  twol rule override, so that k doesn't turn into t infront of hash
- * m8  Word Final Neutralization and Deletion
- * m9  twol rule override, so that m doesn't turn into n infront of hash
- * n8  Word Final Neutralization and Deletion
- * n9  twol rule override, 
- * o7  shortened u = "o with dot below" from the dictionary
- * o9  twol rule override,  so that o doesn't turn into u infront of j
- * p9  twol rule override, so that p doesn't turn into t infront of hash
- * s9  twol rule override, so that we can have two ss in front of hash
- * t9  twol rule override, so that we can have st in front of hash
- * u7  
- * z9  twol rule override, to avoid Word Final Consonant Neutralization
- * ž9  twol rule override, to avoid Word Final Consonant Neutralization
- * '7  7 is the real apostroph
- * š9  twol rule override, so that we can have two šš in front of hash
- * r9  
- * æ7  in smi, for lulesámi
- * u6  twol rule override, so that u doesn't turn into o in certain contextes
- * æ9  in smi, for lulesámi
-!Symbols that need to be escaped on the lower side (towards twolc):
-* »
-* «
-* > (written with square brackets, see the root.lexc file)
-* < (written with square brackets, see the root.lexc file)
-!!Flag diacritics
-We have manually optimised the structure of our lexicon using following
-flag diacritics to restrict morhpological combinatorics - only allow compounds
-with verbs if the verb is further derived into a noun again:
- | @P.NeedNoun.ON@ | (Dis)allow compounds with verbs unless nominalised
- | @D.NeedNoun.ON@ | (Dis)allow compounds with verbs unless nominalised
- | @C.NeedNoun@ | (Dis)allow compounds with verbs unless nominalised
-For languages that allow compounding, the following flag diacritics are needed
-to control position-based compounding restrictions for nominals. Their use is
-handled automatically if combined with +CmpN/xxx tags. If not used, they will
-do no harm.
- | @P.CmpFrst.FALSE@ | Require that words tagged as such only appear first
- | @D.CmpPref.TRUE@ | Block such words from entering ENDLEX
- | @P.CmpPref.FALSE@ | Block these words from making further compounds
- | @D.CmpLast.TRUE@ | Block such words from entering R
- | @D.CmpNone.TRUE@ | Combines with the next tag to prohibit compounding
- | @U.CmpNone.FALSE@ | Combines with the prev tag to prohibit compounding
- | @U.CmpNone.TRUE@ | Combines with the two previous ones to block compounding
- | @P.CmpOnly.TRUE@ | Sets a flag to indicate that the word has passed R
- | @D.CmpOnly.FALSE@ | Disallow words coming directly from root.
- | @D.CmpHyph.TRUE@ | Flag to control hyphenated compounds like proper nouns
- | @U.CmpHyph.FALSE@ | Flag to control hyphenated compounds like proper nouns
- | @U.CmpHyph.TRUE@ | Flag to control hyphenated compounds like proper nouns
- | @C.CmpHyph@ | Flag to control hyphenated compounds like proper nouns
-Use the following flag diacritics to control downcasing of derived proper
-nouns (e.g. Finnish Pariisi -> pariisilainen). See e.g. North Sámi for how to use
-these flags. There exists a ready-made regex that will do the actual down-casing
-given the proper use of these flags.
- | @U.Cap.Obl@ | Allowing downcasing of derived names: deatnulasj.
- | @U.Cap.Opt@ | Allowing downcasing of derived names: deatnulasj.
- * @U.NeedsVowRed.OFF@ is used to force hyphenation/non-reduction: samediggi-
- * @U.NeedsVowRed.ON@ is used to force reduction w/o hyphen: samedigge#xxx
- * @C.NeedsVowRed@ Clearing this feature, so that it doesn't interfere with further compounding
- * @P.Px.add@	
- * @R.Px.add@	
- * @P.Px.block@
- * @D.Px.block@
-!!Basic lexica, pointing to the other lexicon files
- * __LEXICON Root__ is the basic lexicon starting everything
- * __LEXICON ProperNoun   __ 
-!!!Lexicon ENDLEX
-And this is the ENDLEX of everything:
- @D.CmpOnly.FALSE@@D.CmpPref.TRUE@@D.NeedNoun.ON@ # ;
-The {{@D.CmpOnly.FALSE@}} flag diacritic is ued to disallow words tagged
-with +CmpNP/Only to end here.
-The {{@D.NeedNoun.ON@}} flag diacritic is used to block illegal compounds.
diff --git a/doc/sets.xml b/doc/sets.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index 583a62b..0000000
--- a/doc/sets.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,33 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
-<!DOCTYPE document PUBLIC "-//APACHE//DTD Documentation V1.3//EN"
-  <header>
-    <title>Semantic sets for the North Saami disambiguator</title>
-  </header>
-  <body>
-<section><title>Noun sets</title>
-    <p>This is a template.</p>
-<section><title>Noun sets</title>
-    <p>This is a template.</p>
-<section><title>Verb sets</title>
-    <p>This is a template.</p>
-  </body>
diff --git a/doc/site.xml b/doc/site.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index cbde2b4..0000000
--- a/doc/site.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,12 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
-<site label="Northern Sami" href="" tab=""
-  xmlns="http://apache.org/forrest/linkmap/1.0"
-  xmlns:xi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XInclude"
-  >
-  <about label="About">
-    <index label="Index" href="index.html" description="Welcome to the Northern Sami documentation"/>
-    <links label="Links" href="Links.html"
-           description="Links to all documentation"
-           tab="Links" />
-  </about>
diff --git a/doc/skinconf.xml b/doc/skinconf.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index e693d96..0000000
--- a/doc/skinconf.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,450 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version="1.0"?>
-  Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
-  contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
-  this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
-  The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
-  (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
-  the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-  Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-  distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-  See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-  limitations under the License.
-Skin configuration file. This file contains details of your project,
-which will be used to configure the chosen Forrest skin.
-<!DOCTYPE skinconfig PUBLIC "-//APACHE//DTD Skin Configuration V0.8-2//EN" "http://forrest.apache.org/dtd/skinconfig-v08-2.dtd">
-<!-- To enable lucene search add provider="lucene" (default is google).
-    Add box-location="alt" to move the search box to an alternate location
-    (if the skin supports it) and box-location="all" to show it in all
-    available locations on the page.  Remove the <search> element to show
-    no search box. @domain will enable sitesearch for the specific domain with google.
-    In other words google will search the @domain for the query string.
-  -->
-  <search name="MyProject" domain="example.org" provider="google"/>
-<!-- Disable the print link? If enabled, invalid HTML 4.0.1 -->
-  <disable-print-link>true</disable-print-link>
-<!-- Disable the PDF link? -->
-  <disable-pdf-link>true</disable-pdf-link>
-<!-- Disable the POD link? -->
-  <disable-pod-link>true</disable-pod-link>
-<!-- Disable the Text link? FIXME: NOT YET IMPLEMENETED. -->
-  <disable-txt-link>true</disable-txt-link>
-<!-- Disable the xml source link? -->
-<!-- The xml source link makes it possible to access the xml rendition
-    of the source frim the html page, and to have it generated statically.
-    This can be used to enable other sites and services to reuse the
-    xml format for their uses. Keep this disabled if you don't want other
-    sites to easily reuse your pages.-->
-  <disable-xml-link>true</disable-xml-link>
-<!-- Disable navigation icons on all external links? -->
-  <disable-external-link-image>true</disable-external-link-image>
-<!-- Disable w3c compliance links? 
-    Use e.g. align="center" to move the compliance links logos to 
-    an alternate location default is left.
-    (if the skin supports it) -->
-  <disable-compliance-links>false</disable-compliance-links>
-<!-- Render mailto: links unrecognisable by spam harvesters? -->
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-  <obfuscate-mail-value>.at.</obfuscate-mail-value>
-<!-- Disable the javascript facility to change the font size -->
-  <disable-font-script>true</disable-font-script>
-<!-- mandatory project logo
-       default skin: renders it at the top -->
-  <project-name>MyProject</project-name>
-  <project-description>MyProject Description</project-description>
-  <project-url>http://example.org/myproj/</project-url>
-  <project-logo>images/project.png</project-logo>
-<!-- Alternative static image:
-  <project-logo>images/project-logo.png</project-logo> -->
-<!-- optional group logo
-       default skin: renders it at the top-left corner -->
-  <group-name>MyGroup</group-name>
-  <group-description>MyGroup Description</group-description>
-  <group-url>http://uit.no</group-url>
-  <group-logo>images/group.png</group-logo>
-<!-- Alternative static image:
-  <group-logo>images/group-logo.gif</group-logo> -->
-<!-- optional host logo (e.g. sourceforge logo)
-       default skin: renders it at the bottom-left corner -->
-  <host-url></host-url>
-  <host-logo></host-logo>
-<!-- relative url of a favicon file, normally favicon.ico -->
-  <favicon-url></favicon-url>
-<!-- The following are used to construct a copyright statement -->
-  <disable-copyright-footer>false</disable-copyright-footer>
-<!-- @inception enable automatic generation of a date-range to current date -->
-  <year inception="true">2013</year>
-  <vendor>The Example Organisation.</vendor>
-<!-- The optional copyright-link URL will be used as a link in the
-    copyright statement -->
-  <copyright-link>http://www.example.org/</copyright-link>
-<!-- Optional text trademark statement below the copyright statement -->
-  <trademark-statement>
-    Apache Forrest, Forrest, Apache, the Apache feather logo, and the Apache Forrest
-    logos are trademarks of The Apache Software Foundation.
-  </trademark-statement>
-<!-- Some skins use this to form a 'breadcrumb trail' of links.
-    Use location="alt" to move the trail to an alternate location
-    (if the skin supports it).
-    Omit the location attribute to display the trail in the default location.
-    Use location="none" to not display the trail (if the skin supports it).
-    For some skins just set the attributes to blank.
-    NOTE: If a breadcrumb entry points at a local file the href must
-    be complete, that is it must point to the file itself, not to a 
-    directory.
-  -->
-  <trail>
-    <link1 name="myGroup" href="http://www.apache.org/"/>
-    <link2 name="myProject" href="http://forrest.apache.org/"/>
-    <link3 name="" href=""/>
-  </trail>
-<!-- Configure the TOC, i.e. the Table of Contents.
-  @max-depth
-   how many "section" levels need to be included in the
-   generated Table of Contents (TOC). 
-  @min-sections
-   Minimum required to create a TOC.
-  @location ("page","menu","page,menu", "none")
-   Where to show the TOC.
-  -->
-  <toc max-depth="2" min-sections="1" location="page"/>
-<!-- Heading types can be clean|underlined|boxed  -->
-  <headings type="boxed"/>
-<!-- The optional feedback element will be used to construct a
-    feedback link in the footer with the page pathname appended:
-    <a href="@href">{@to}</a>
-    -->
-  <feedback to="webmaster at example.org"
-    href="mailto:webmaster at example.org?subject=Feedback " >
-    Send feedback about the website to:
-  </feedback>
-<!-- Optional message of the day (MOTD).
-    Note: This is only implemented in the pelt skin.
-    Note: Beware issue FOR-677 if you use an absolute path uri.
-    If the optional <motd> element is used, then messages will be appended
-    depending on the URI string pattern.
-    motd-option : Each option will match a pattern and apply its text.
-      The "pattern" attribute specifies the pattern to be matched.
-      This can be a specific page, or a general pattern to match a set of pages,
-      e.g. everything in the "samples-b" directory.
-      The @starts-with=true anchors the string to the start, otherwise contains 
-    motd-title : This text will be added in brackets after the <html><title>
-      and this can be empty.
-    motd-page : This text will be added in a panel on the face of the page,
-      with the "motd-page-url" being the hyperlink "More".
-    Values for the "location" attribute are:
-      page : on the face of the page, e.g. in the spare space of the toc
-      alt : at the bottom of the left-hand navigation panel
-      both : both
-    -->
- <motd>
-    <motd-option pattern="samples-b/index.html">
-      <motd-page location="both">
-        This is Samples 1 Documentation. There is 
-      </motd-page>
-      <motd-page-url>../samples-a/index.html</motd-page-url>
-    </motd-option>
-    <motd-option pattern="samples-c/index.html">
-      <motd-page location="both">
-        This is Samples 2 Documentation. There is 
-      </motd-page>
-      <motd-page-url>../samples-a/index.html</motd-page-url>
-    </motd-option>
-    <motd-option pattern="samples-b/sample.html">
-      <motd-title>sample</motd-title>
-      <motd-page location="both">
-        This is an example of a Message of the day (MOTD).
-      </motd-page>
-      <motd-page-url>faq.html</motd-page-url>
-    </motd-option>
-    <motd-option pattern="samples-b/faq.html">
-      <motd-page location="page">
-        How to enable this MOTD is on this page.
-      </motd-page>
-      <motd-page-url>http://forrest.apache.org/docs/faq.html</motd-page-url>
-    </motd-option>
-  </motd>
-    extra-css - here you can define custom css-elements that are 
-    A) overriding the fallback elements or 
-    B) adding the css definition from new elements that you may have 
-       used in your documentation.
-    -->
-  <extra-css>
-<!--Example of reason B:
-        To define the css definition of a new element that you may have used
-        in the class attribute of a <p> node. 
-        e.g. <p class="quote"/>
-    -->
-    p.quote {
-      margin-left: 2em;
-      padding: .5em;
-      background-color: #f0f0f0;
-      font-family: monospace;
-    }
-    <!--Example:
-        To override the colours of links only in the footer.
-    -->
-    #footer a { color: #0F3660; }
-    #footer a:visited { color: #009999; }
-    <!--Example:
-        Decrease font size.
-    -->
-    .copyright { font-size: 0.8em }
-  </extra-css>
-  <colors>
-<!-- These values are used for the generated CSS files.
-    They essentially "override" the default colors defined in the chosen skin.
-    There are four duplicate "groups" of colors below, denoted by comments:
-      Color group: Forrest, Krysalis, Collabnet, and Lenya using Pelt.
-    They are provided for example only. To customize the colors of any skin,
-    uncomment one of these groups of color elements and change the values
-    of the particular color elements that you wish to change.
-    Note that by default, all color groups are commented-out which means that
-    the default colors provided by the skin are being used.
-  -->
-<!-- Color group: Forrest: example colors similar to forrest.apache.org
-    Some of the element names are obscure, so comments are added to show how
-    the "pelt" skin uses them, other skins might use these elements in a different way.
-    Tip: temporarily change the value of an element to red (#ff0000) and see the effect.
-     pelt: breadtrail: the strip at the top of the page and the second strip under the tabs
-     pelt: header: top strip containing project and group logos
-     pelt: heading|subheading: section headings within the content
-     pelt: navstrip: the strip under the tabs which contains the published date
-     pelt: menu: the left-hand navigation panel
-     pelt: toolbox: the selected menu item
-     pelt: searchbox: the background of the searchbox
-     pelt: border: line border around selected menu item
-     pelt: body: any remaining parts, e.g. the bottom of the page
-     pelt: footer: the second from bottom strip containing credit logos and published date
-     pelt: feedback: the optional bottom strip containing feedback link
-  -->
-    <color name="breadtrail" value="#cedfef" font="#0F3660" link="#0F3660" vlink="#0F3660" hlink="#000066"/>
-    <color name="header" value="#294563"/>
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-    <color name="subheading" value="#4a6d8c"/>
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-    <color name="border" value="#294563"/>
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-!!!The North Saami proper noun lexicon
- * __LEXICON Prefix-Proper   __ for first-part names
- * __LEXICON ProperNoun-sme-nocomp   __ for no cmp without hyph
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-<!DOCTYPE document PUBLIC "-//APACHE//DTD Documentation V2.0//EN"
-  <header>
-    <title>Unresolved syntactic topics</title>
-  </header>
-  <body>
-    <section>
-      <title>Disambiguation of grammatical properties</title>
-      <p></p>
-      <section>
-        <title>Actor vs. TV</title>
-      </section>
-      <section>
-        <title>Com Sg. vs. Loc Pl.</title>
-        <p>Comitative singular and locative plural are homonymous in North
-        Sámi. This is the biggest unsolved topic in the sme disambiguation
-        file. What makes the topic so difficult to resolve is the fact that
-        both comitative and locative can function as arguments of verbs and
-        nouns as well as adjuncts. Arguments are fixed within the verbs
-        subcategorization frame. Adjuncts are optional and supply additional
-        information. The border can be difficult to draw.</p>
-        <section>
-          <title>Locative</title>
-          <p>The locative is quite flexible with respect to its functions,
-          which usually makes it rather difficult to exclude it as a potential
-          case.</p>
-          <p>Theta roles according to Sammallahti: GÁLDU, HÁLDDAŠEADDJI,
-          BÁIKI, LUOBAHEADDJI</p>
-          <p>GÁLDU: Máhtte bođii Mázes.</p>
-          <p>HÁLDDAŠEADDJI: Juhána beana lea Máhtes.</p>
-          <p>BÁIKI: Máhtte orru Mázes.</p>
-          <p>LUOBAHEADDJI: Máhtte oaččui Márehis sabehiid.</p>
-        </section>
-        <section>
-          <title>Comitative</title>
-          <p>Comiative can have either an instrumental, a sociative or another
-          idiosyncratic (idiomatic) function. Nickel describes comitative in
-          object or adverbial position with two main connotations:
-          instrumental and relational (sociative).</p>
-          <p>such as in: Dat láve álo riidalit isidiin.</p>
-        </section>
-        <section>
-          <title>Disambiguation can be attempted with respect to:</title>
-          <ol>
-            <li>The subcategorization frame of verbs</li>
-            <li>Number disambiguation</li>
-            <li>Word order</li>
-            <li>Signal words</li>
-          </ol>
-        </section>
-        <section>
-          <title>1. The subcategorization+adjunct frame of verbs:</title>
-          <p>There are illative verbs, comitative verbs, locative verbs and
-          verbs that have variants with different subcategorization frames.
-          Additionally, there are numerous ways of combining ordered
-          comitative and locative adjuncts. Verbs taking oblique objects, such
-          as <em>luohpat+Loc</em> that helps in so far as we can exclude
-          variant 6, which means if we only have one argument the situation is
-          unambiguous</p>
-          <ol>
-            <li>verb+Loc</li>
-            <li>verb+Loc+Com</li>
-            <li>verb+Com+Loc</li>
-            <li>verb+Loc+Com+Loc</li>
-            <li>verb+Com+Com+Loc</li>
-            <li>verb+Com</li>
-            <li>...</li>
-          </ol>
-          <p>Unless: there are homonymous variants of a verb with different
-          subcategorization frames (or different realizations of
-          subcategorization frames if one believes that the object simply is
-          not realized in some kind of surface structure):</p>
-          <p>In the case of <em>borrat</em>, the verb has a transitive and
-          intransitive variant:</p>
-          <ul>
-            <li>Mun boran. (Used in the same way as the intransitive
-            <em>boradit</em>: Mun boradan.)</li>
-            <li>Mun boran láibbi.</li>
-          </ul>
-        </section>
-        <section>
-          <title>2. Number disambiguation</title>
-          <p>Some words are typically not used in plural such as for example
-          "ipmárdus" "doaivu" "dárogiella" "gelbbolašvuohta" "kulturduogáš"
-          "kulturgelbbolašvuohta" "sámegiella" unless their plurality is
-          stressed by particular words such as "goappeš", "goappašat",
-          "earálágan", "máŋgalágan" or Num or Ord. There are other words that
-          typically do not appear in singular, such as "beassaš" "čalbmeláse"
-          "gálssot" "headja" "sabet" "sisttet" "skárri". But here the
-          situation is a bit more difficult as those words can appear in
-          singular with slightly different semantics.</p>
-        </section>
-        <section>
-          <title>3. Word order</title>
-          <p>Usually the argument or adjunct can stand to the left or right of
-          the verb or noun.</p>
-          <p>Is there a certain order of adjuncts or arguments?</p>
-          <section>
-            <title>Several locatives</title>
-            <p>There can be more than one locative in a sentence</p>
-            <ol>
-              <li>one verb or noun <ol>
-                  <li>locatives with the same function (theta roles
-                  respectively adverbial functions) have to stand next to each
-                  other, one of them is a specification of the other such as
-                  in: <p><em>I live in Berlin, in Germany.</em></p></li>
-                  <li>locatives with different functions do not have to be in
-                  neighbouring positions</li>
-                </ol></li>
-              <li>several verbs and/or nouns<ol>
-                  <li>that means different verbs and nouns can have a locative
-                  with the same function as adjuncts and arguments</li>
-                </ol></li>
-            </ol>
-          </section>
-          <section>
-            <title>Several comitatives</title>
-            <p>There can be more than one comitative in a sentence</p>
-            <ol>
-              <li>one verb or noun<ol>
-                  <li>comitatives with the same function</li>
-                  <li>comitatives with different functions<p></p><ul>
-                      <li><em>*Mon stoagan iežan rátnáiguin vávváiguin. - I
-                      play with my friends with dolls.</em></li>
-                      <li><em>Mon stoagan iežan rátnáiguin vávváiin. - I play
-                      with my friends with a doll.</em></li>
-                      <li><em>Mon stoagan vávváiguin iežan rátnáiguin. - I
-                      play with dolls with my friends.</em></li>
-                      <li><em>Iežan rátnáiguin mon stoagan vávváiguin. - With
-                      my friends I play with dolls.</em> (topicalization when
-                      the following question is answered: <em>Geaiguin don
-                      stoagat vávváguin? - With whom do you play with
-                      dolls?)</em></li>
-                    </ul></li>
-                </ol></li>
-              <li>several verbs and/or nouns</li>
-            </ol>
-          </section>
-          <p></p>
-        </section>
-        <section>
-          <title>4. Signal words</title>
-          <p>Usually work together with verbs and indicate a particular
-          case</p>
-          <p>Examples are <em>oktii</em> (+Com), <em>searválagaid</em>
-          (+Com)</p>
-        </section>
-        <section>
-          <title>5. Heads</title>
-          <p>Constructions where a head chooses a locative or comitative
-          substantive can have different forms: examples for this are:</p>
-          <p></p>
-          <ol>
-            <li>finite or infinte verb + complement</li>
-            <li>(deverbal) noun + complement</li>
-            <li>adjectival verb (participle) + complement</li>
-          </ol>
-          <p></p>
-          <ol>
-            <li>## Mii leat lihkostuvvan bures dáinna prošeavttain.<br />The
-            verb "lihkostuvvat" chooses the comitative "dáinna
-            prošeavttain".</li>
-            <li>## Mis leat ovttasbargočoahkkimat PP-bálvalusain, skuvllain,
-            mánáidsuodjalusain ja skulvadearvvašvuođabálvalusain.<br />The
-            noun "ovttasbargočoahkkin" chooses the comiatives
-            "PP-bálvalusain", "skuvllain", "mánáidsuodjalusain".</li>
-            <li>## Sieiddi bálvalemiin sturron eallu gohčoduvvui
-            bálvvoseallun. Here the participle "sturron" chooses the
-            comitative "bálvalemiin".</li>
-          </ol>
-        </section>
-        <section>
-          <title>6. Something about nouns as heads</title>
-          <p>There are deverbal nouns marked by a derivational affix, which
-          behave as their verbal counterparts with respect to
-          complementation.</p>
-          <p>There are other nouns that typically prefer locatives or
-          comitatives as their complements.</p>
-          <source>
-LIST LOC-COMPL-NOUN = "ávki" "árvalus" "dovdu" "ipmárdus" "ovda#mearka";
-    # Nouns that take a locative
-    # There is also an idiomatic use of "ovda#mearka" in the constructions "ovdamearkka dihte" and "ovdamearka" (Ess).
-          <source>
-LIST COM-COMPL-NOUN = "bargu" "lihkku" "ovtta#oaivil" "ovttas#bargu" "šiehtadus" ;
-        </section>
-      </section>
-      <section>
-        <title>Gen vs. Acc</title>
-        <section>
-          <title>rows</title>
-          <p>We got a problem if there are more than one heads and the number
-          of genitive modificators without attributes excedes the number of
-          heads, which are modified.</p>
-          <ul>
-            <li>1 head, 1 modifier; 2 heads, 2 modifiers => no problem</li>
-            <li>2 heads, >2 modifiers => problem</li>
-          </ul>
-          <p>such as in:</p>
-          <source>
-        "SDD" N ACR Sg Nom @SUBJ
-        "jođihit" V TV Ind Prs Sg3 @+FMAINV
-        "bajit" A Superl Attr @AN>
-        "dássi" N Sg Acc @OBJ
-        "dássi" N Sg Gen @GN>
-        "dearvvašvuođa#politihkka" N* laš A Attr @AN>
-        "stivret" V* TV N Actio Sg Acc @OBJ
-        "stivret" V* TV N Actio Sg Gen @GN>
-        "fitnodat" N Pl Gen @GP>
-        "hárrái" Po @ADVL
-        "." CLB <<<
-          <p>TV GA GA Po<br />(TV A)(G Po)<br />TV G A Adv not Po<br />TV (G G
-          Po) null object</p>
-          <p></p>
-          <p>TV GA GA GA Po<br />(TV A)(G G Po)<br />(TV (G A)(G Po)<br />(TV
-          (G G A) Adv<br />(TV (G G G Po)</p>
-          <p>How to overcome this: Look at the properties of the involved GA
-          constituents: GA1 GA2 is not (G A) if: 1 = common, 2 = proper<br />1
-          = abstract, 2 = concrete</p>
-        </section>
-      </section>
-      <section>
-        <title>Gen vs. Nom</title>
-        <p>The typical Gen/Nom case is a string of <em>1 2 3.. X</em>, where
-        <em>X</em> is a Genitive case assigner.. The question is then whether
-        it is possible to break the string at some point, and claim that we
-        have, say <em>G N G N Po</em>. Cases in point:</p>
-        <dl>
-          <dt>Min plánaid Sámi skuvllaid oktavuođas</dt>
-          <dd>Here, the <em>Prop</em> breaks the Gen string</dd>
-        </dl>
-      </section>
-      <section>
-        <title>Numerals</title>
-        <p>- check the usefulness of the tag +Range for other than dates</p>
-        <p>- write rules that include + Range/ +Date</p>
-      </section>
-      <section>
-        <title>TIME expressions</title>
-        <p>Our TIME set consists of the following subsets:</p>
-        <source>
- </source>
-        <p></p>
-        <p>TIME expressions are special with respect to their behaviour as
-        adverbials. They can be time adverbials not only in one of the oblique
-        cases, but also in genitive and accusative.</p>
-        <p>One gets the following syntactic tags from homonymy</p>
-        <ol>
-          <li>Genitive @GN></li>
-          <li>Genitive @ADVL</li>
-          <li>Accusative @ADVL</li>
-          <li>Accusative @OBJ</li>
-          <li>Locative @ADVL</li>
-          <li>Nominative @SUBJ</li>
-        </ol>
-        <section>
-          <title>1. Genitive @GN></title>
-          <p>jagi: <em>Mis ii leat guolli ovdal go jagi loahpas.</em></p>
-          <p>áigodaga: <em>Doaibmagolut leat kr 54 378', mii lea kr 964'
-          eambbo go áigodaga gaskamearálašbušeahtta.</em></p>
-          <p>suoidnemánu: <em>Suoidnemánu gaskamearalaš temperatuvra govvida
-          muhtin muddui man bures šattut sáhttet lieđđugoahtit.</em></p>
-        </section>
-        <section>
-          <title>2. Genitive @ADVL</title>
-          <p>Expresses according to Nickel how often or how many times
-          something happens, when it happens and under which
-          circumstances.</p>
-          <p><em>Mun ledjen doppe máŋgga geardde.</em> - I have been there a
-          lot of times.</p>
-          <p><em>Mun vuolggán boahtte vahku. </em>- I am leaving next
-          week.</p>
-        </section>
-        <section>
-          <title>3. Accusative @ADVL</title>
-          <p>This is for expression where the time period in contrast to point
-          of time is expressed.</p>
-          <p><em>Dat orui doppe vihtta jagi. </em>- He lived ther for five
-          years.</p>
-        </section>
-        <section>
-          <title>4. Accusative @OBJ</title>
-          <p>such as in:</p>
-          <p><em>Lea leamaš liiggás oanehis áigodat oažžut bohtosiid oidnosii,
-          čájehuvvo ahte easttadeaddji buohcanjávkan dárbbaha áiggi vai
-          váikkuha nu movt lea sávaldat. (áiggi)</em></p>
-        </section>
-        <section>
-          <title>5. Locative @ADVL</title>
-          <p>That applies to locatives vs. AccPx such as in:</p>
-          <p><em>Jus oahppi dahje ohppiidjoavku jávká lobihemiid osiid diimmus
-          dahje olles diimmu.</em></p>
-        </section>
-        <section>
-          <title>6. Nominative @SUBJ</title>
-          <p>This applies to <em>vahkku</em> which can be Nom, Gen and Acc</p>
-          <p>Jus vássá vahkku nu ahte dákkár duođaštus ii leat boahtán goddái,
-          de galgá dát dieđihuvvot riikka stevdnevihtana bokte.</p>
-        </section>
-        <section>
-          <title>Resolving ambiguity between @GN> and @ADVL</title>
-          <p>Ambiguity in this case is usually avoided by a particular word
-          order:</p>
-          <p><em>dan áigodaga goanagas</em> (@GN>) vs. <em>gonagas dan
-          áigodaga</em> (@ADVL)</p>
-          <p><em>áigodaga goanagas</em> (@GN>)</p>
-          <p><em>dan áiggi goanagas</em> (@GN>) vs. <em>gonagas dan
-          áiggi</em> (@ADVL)</p>
-          <p><em>áiggi goanagas</em> (@GN>)</p>
-          <p><em>jagi bušeahtta</em> (@GN>) vs. <em>bušeahtta jagi</em>
-          (@ADVL)</p>
-        </section>
-      </section>
-      <section>
-        <title>Px vs. Loc</title>
-        <p>Time expressions with numerals that modify them cannot/usually do
-        not bear a possessive suffix.</p>
-        <p>Jagis 2002. - In the year 2002. / * Her year 2002.</p>
-      </section>
-      <section>
-        <title>SgNomCmpnd vs. SgGenCmp</title>
-        <p>This is a case that cannot be disambiguated.</p>
-        <source>
-"<Dikšun->" S:1862, 1862
-        "dikšun" N SgNomCmp Cmpnd S:1440 @CMPND
-        "dikšun" N SgGenCmp Cmpnd S:1440 @CMPND
-	</source>
-        <source>
-        "sosiála" A SgGenCmp Cmpnd @CMPND
-        "sosiála" A SgNomCmp Cmpnd @CMPND
-        <p>One possibility could be to introduce a third tag, and have it as a
-        last resort: <em>SgNGCmp</em> or something like that. Another
-        possibility is to just go for Gen (this is not an optimal
-        solution).</p>
-      </section>
-    </section>
-    <section>
-      <title>Disambiguation of idiosyncratic cases</title>
-      <section>
-        <title>Disambiguation of <em>buot</em></title>
-        <p>The question is whether it should be adverbial or whether it should
-        be quantifier (called indefinite pronoun)</p>
-      </section>
-      <section>
-        <title>Disambiguation of suorggis vs. suorggi</title>
-        <p></p>
-      </section>
-      <section>
-        <title>Disambiguation of Sápmi vs. sápmi</title>
-        <p>The first question to ask: Is this real ambiguity? Or do we simply
-        have one form which always includes two different possiblities of
-        interpretation.</p>
-        <source>
-Sápmi   Sápmi+N+Prop+Sem/Plc+Sg+Nom
-Sápmi   sápmi+N+Sg+Nom
-        <p>Sápmi is a place propernoun meaning Sámiland; the noun sápmi on the
-        other hand means Saami person, Saami language and is often used
-        adjectival denoting everything regarding the Sámi; an adjective form
-        does not exist.</p>
-        <p>The problem of ambiguity arises in cases where the singular
-        genitive form is used with capital letters modifying some other noun
-        such as in the following examples. </p>
-        <source>
-Sámi Ovdanahttinfoanda ferte vuordit árra čakčii ovdal ruhtadilli čielga.
-Sámi doaibmaplána dárbu ja ulbmilat .
-Sámi perspektiiva iešguđet bálvalussuorggis.
-Sámi mánáid ja nuoraid bajásšaddaneavttut.
-Sámi geavaheaddjiid bálvalusaid vuođđun ferte leat sámegielmáhttu ja sámi kulturmáhttu.
-Sámi fierpmádagat ollet dávjá gielddarájáid rastá, ja danin veajášii leat buorre, juos gielddat barggašedje ovttas.
-...2001 giđa mátkkoštii Beaivváš Sámi Teáhter...
-        <p>In some cases "Sámi", the genitive form, clearly denotes the
-        place-name:</p>
-        <source>
-Sámi Radio - Sámiland's radio
-Sámi dutkamiid guovddáš - Sámiland's research centre
-Sámi Kulturmuitoráđđi - Sámiland's culture..council
-        <p>In other cases it clearly does not:</p>
-        <source>
-Sámi guovllut - Sámi-related areas
-Sámi perspektiiva lea dehálaš. - Sámi-related perspectives are important
-        <p>Within a sentence it would have been written with minuscules.</p>
-        <p>This is an example, where the plural is used, clearly indicating
-        sápmi, not Sápmi:</p>
-        <source>
-Norgga Sámiid Riikkabellodat - The Norwegian Sámi-people's ..party
-        <p>To be continued...</p>
-      </section>
-      <section>
-        <title>Disambiguation of guđetge</title>
-      </section>
-    </section>
-    <section>
-      <title>Discussion</title>
-      <section>
-        <title>maidege Sg or Pl</title>
-        <p>In: "In leat gullan dus maidege."</p>
-      </section>
-    </section>
-  </body>
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-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
-<!DOCTYPE document PUBLIC "-//APACHE//DTD Documentation V2.0//EN"
-<document xml:lang="en">
-  <header>
-    <title>Test diary</title>
-  </header>
-  <body>
-    <section>
-      <title>Test results for the morphology and lexicon files</title>
-      <p>This document documents the testing of the parser and disambiguator.
-      Background info and test plan is found in the <a
-      href="docu-sme-testplan.html">test plan document.</a>What is found here
-      is an overview of what has been tested, both vocabulary testing, testing
-      of the disambiguator, and testing of the morphological analysis.</p>
-      <section>
-        <title>Test results for morphology and lexicon</title>
-        <section>
-          <title>Vocabualry testing</title>
-          <p>The following table records recall for word forms in various
-          texts. Here we measure coverage of the vocabulary, by recording all
-          word forms that are not recognised.</p>
-          <source>---------------------------------------------------
-Test 9   Wftot Wf-tkn %-recall Tytot  Wf-typ %-recall
-051204   40030  38880 96.9 %    6974    6221 89,2 %
-Test 8  Wftot Wf-tkn  %-recall Tytot  Wf-typ %-recall
-050916 276798 255144  92.2 %   28480   22176 77.9 % Very many formatting errors.
-callinravvagat 2000.xml
-Test 7  Wftot Wf-tkn  %-recall Tytot  Wf-typ %-recall
-050518  26948  25168  93.4 %    6686   5435  81.3 %  w/o caps on
-050518  26948  25208  93.5 %    6686   5455  81.6 %  w caps on
-Test 6  Wftot Wf-tkn  %-recall Tytot  Wf-typ %-recall
-040903  38360  35704  93.0 %   20660  19102 92.4 %
-Test 5  Wftot Wf-tkn  %-recall Tytot  Wf-typ %-recall
-040903   1580   1532  96.7 %     683   636  93.1 %
-Test 4  Wftot Wf-tkn  %-recall Tytot  Wf-typ %-recall
-041005  32835  31834  96.9 %    6664  6054  90.8 %
-040913  32883  31255  95.0 %    6759  5856  86.6 %
-Test 4  Wftot Wf-tkn  %-recall Tytot  Wf-typ %-recall
-040903  60522  58549  96.7 %    8610  7610  88.4 %
-040329  62459  60159  95.3 %    8496  7406  87.2 %
-Test 3  Wftot Wf-tkn  %-recall Tytot  Wf-typ %-recall
-031120   2148   2053  95,6 %    1044   984  94.3 %
-040329   2461   2389  97.1 %     955   898  94.0 % (new preprocessor)
-Test 2  Wftot Wf-tkn  %-recall Tytot  Wf-typ %-recall
-Collection    225355                 32467 (test closed)
-020815        203080  90.1 %         22721  70.0 %
-020918        204315  90.7 %         22956  70.7 %
-030210 227062~214845  94.6 %   31474~24398  77.5 %
-Test 1  Wftot Wf-tkn  %-recall    Wf-types %-recall
-New Testament 139681                 14888 (test closed)
-011110         36471  26.1 %          4983  33.5 %
-011116         36980  26.5 %          5050  33.9 %
-011214         37736  27.0 %          5177  34.8 %
-011218         40741  29.2 %          5955  40.0 % (closed classes added)
-020129        126765  90.6 %         11676  78.4 % (proper names added)
-020205        128702  92.1 %         12340  82.9 %
-020206        129857  92.9 %         12328  82.8 % (nom_nom compound)
-020207        131846  94.4 %         12500  84.0 %
-020212        132394  94.8 %         12621  84.8 %
-020213        132878  95.1 %         12652  85.0 %
-020217        132993  95.2 %         12674  85.1 %
-020306        133791  95.8 %         12850  86.4 %
-020307        133821  95.8 %         12878  86.5 %
-020318        134042  95.9 %         12914  86.7 %
-020321        135446  97.0 %         13292  89.3 %
-020323        136120  97.5 %         13373  89.8 %
-020404        136621  97.8 %         13524  90.8 %
-020410        136974  98.1 %         13609  91.4 %
-020417        137435  98.4 %         13762  92.4 %
-020418        137977  98.8 %         13875  93.2 %
-020423        138101  98.9 %         13964  93.8 %
-021104        138254  99.0 %         14003  94.1 %
-040216 166194 165330  99.5 %  14916  14298  95.9 %
-050726 166191 165902  99.8 %  14920  14666  98.3 %
-          <section>
-            <title>Explaining the table</title>
-            <p>Lower token than type percentage indicates that the parser
-            misses common words more often than seldom ones.</p>
-            <p>Lower type than token percentage (which is the case) indicates
-            that the parser is good at the core vocabulary, but has</p>
-            <p>Each text is given a separate section in the table, ordered
-            chronologically, with the oldest test case (Test 1) at the bottom.
-            The first line of each section gives the name of the file (note:
-            the files of the test cases 2 and 3 are so changed that these two
-            test cases are closed). Each line represents a test run. The first
-            colum gives the test date (in the format ddmmyy), the second
-            (WFtot) the total number of words in the file question, the third
-            (Wf-tkn) the number of recognised word form tokens, and the
-            percentage compared to the total. The next columns does the same
-            for wordform types (cf. below for the commands used to calculate
-            the numbers).</p>
-            <source>-------------------------------------------------------------------------
-cat filename | preprocess --abbr=bin/abbr.txt | wc -l
-cat filename | preprocess --abbr=bin/abbr.txt | lookup -flags mbTT -utf8 bin/sme.fst
- | grep '\?' | grep -v CLB | wc -l
-Wf-tkn = Wftot - Non_recognised_wf
-%-recall = Wf-tkn * 100 / Wftot
-Tytot (Total number of wordform types):
-cat filename | preprocess --abbr=bin/abbr.txt | sort | uniq | wc -l
-Non_recognised_wt (Number of non-analysed wordform types:
-cat filename | preprocess --abbr=bin/abbr.txt | sort | uniq |
-lookup -flags mbTT -utf8 bin/sme.fst | grep '\?' | grep -v CLB | wc -l
-Wf-typ (Number of recognised wordform types)
-Wf-typ = Tytot - Non_recognised_wt
-%-recall = Wf-typ * 100 / Tytot
-If the text is taken from our new /usr/local/share/sme/gt corpus, then
-the "cat filename" part should be replaced with
-catxml --title --input /usr/local/share/sme/gt/
-and thereafter catalogue name and file name.
-          </section>
-        </section>
-      </section>
-      <section>
-        <title>Grammatical testing</title>
-        <p>February 2005: Here we will fill in an overview of which
-        grammatical paradigms and wich sublexica we have tested.</p>
-        <section>
-          <title>Part of speech testing</title>
-          <section>
-            <title>Adjectives</title>
-            <p>May 05. Adjectives are tested, both morphologically and
-            lexically.</p>
-          </section>
-          <section>
-            <title>Nouns</title>
-            <p>May 05: Nominal morphology is tested</p>
-          </section>
-          <section>
-            <title>Verbs</title>
-            <p>May 05: Verbs are about to be gone through</p>
-          </section>
-        </section>
-      </section>
-    </section>
-    <section>
-      <title>Testing the disambiguator</title>
-      <section>
-        <title>Test sentences</title>
-        <p>Here we test accuracy, precision and recall</p>
-        <source>Accuracy # Here we list tests that are not manually checked.
-Date   Tokens  Parses Ambiguity Type
-051204  40753         
-Date   Tokens Parses CorrTag Ambiguity Precision Recall Text           Type
-050429   9219   9736    9092    1.056      0.93   0.99 Nickel          Grammar
-050512   1972   2089    1928    1.059      0.92   0.98 Luossa          Traditional
-050719   9179  14749    9044    1.607      0.61   0.98 Nickel          Grammar
-051025   8770  11498            1.311                  Hálddášanáššiid Admin
-051027   2578   2686    2498    1.042      0.93   0.97 TaleE036.txt    Admin
-070207	 2059   2106    1973    1.023	   0.94   0.96 MinÁigi070202   news
-Date   Tokens Parses CorrTag Ambiguity Precision Recall Text           Type
-050429   9219   9736    9152    1.056      0.94   0.99 Nickel          Grammar
-050512   1972   2089    1955    1.059      0.94   0.99 Luossa          Traditional
-050719   9179  14749    9100    1.607      0.62   0.99 Nickel          Grammar
-051025   8770  11498            1.311                  Hálddášanáššiid Admin
-051027   2578   2686    2519    1.042      0.94   0.98 TaleE036.txt    Admin
-070207	 2059   2106    1999    1.023	   0.95   0.97 MinÁigi070202   news
-Tokens =     Number of tokens in the text 
-             (cat file.txt | preprocess --abbr=bin/abbr.txt | wc -l)
-             (or: "catxml -i" instead of "cat", the catxml command can only be used
-             on victorio, on the files in /usr/local/share/corp/ )
-Parses =     Number of parses given (number of the following command, minus the
-             number of tokens)
-             (cat file.txt | preprocess --abbr=bin/abbr.txt | lookup -flags mbTT
-             -utf8 bin/sme.fst | lookup2cg | vislcg --grammar=src/sme-dis.rle | wc -l
-CorrTag =    Number of tokens that did not have their correct tag removed
-             (This number must be manually arrived at: Tokens - errouneous_analyses
-Ambiguity =  #Parses / #Tokens
-Precision =  #CorrTag / #Parses
-Recall =     #CorrTag / #Tokens
-Syntax =     Tested wrt. the syntactic (@XXX) tags
-Morphology = Tested wrt. the morphological tags (all except the @XXX ones), but run
-             with the MAPPING section activated (standard mode, that is)
-  </source>
-      </section>
-    </section>
-    <p class="last_modified">Last modified $Date: 2013-02-13 20:02:13 +0000 (Wed, 13 Feb 2013) $, by
-    $Author: sjur $</p>
-  </body>
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-!!!Free and Open source Finnish analyser gtsvn-fi
-;Authors: Divvun and Giellatekno teams, Aajege, community members
-;Software version: 2012
-;Documentation license: GNU GFDL
-;SVN Revision: $Revision: 68217 $
-;SVN Date: $Date: 2013-01-16 11:31:33 +0200 (Wed, 16 Jan 2013) $
-This is free and open source South Sámi morphology.
-Divvun & Giellatekno - open source grammars for Sámi and other languages
-=== Tags for Inflection ===
-!!Sets containing lists of tags
-* Sets for parts of speech
-* Sets for POS sub-categories
-* Sets for Semantic tags
-* Sets for Morphosyntactic properties
-* Sets for Derivation
-* Sets for Syntactic tags
-* Sets for Single-word sets
-!!Sets containing sets of lists and tags
-* Sets for word or not
-* Derivational affixes
-* Case sets
-* Verb sets
-* Sets for finiteness and mood
-* Sets for person
-* Sets consisting of forms of "leat" (these ones need to be rewritten)
-* Pronoun sets
-* Adjectival sets and their complements
-* Adverbial sets and their complements
-* Sets for coordinators
-* Sets for adverbs that have lookalikes
-* Sets of elements with common syntactic behaviour
-* Sets for verbs
-** V is all readings with a V tag in them, REAL-V should
-be the ones without an N tag following the V.  
-The REAL-V set thus awaits a fix to the preprocess V ... N bug.
-* The set COPULAS is for predicative constructions
-TRANS-V is the set for verbs really taking objects
-* Sets for verbs choosing oblique objects or adverbials
-STRICT-TRANS-V is the set for verbs which don't let a GenAcc be a modifier of anything else than an object, e.g. Mun organiseren eatni gievkkanis. - eatni wants to be the object
-* Valency sets
-* __PLACE-V__ Those get only not locative if the target is a member TOOL, ABSTR-TOOL or ANIMATE or CONCEPT. Selects more locatives than ONLY-PLACE-LOC-V 
-* Adverb sets
-* Adjective sets
-* NP sets defined according to their morphosyntactic features
-* The PRE-NP-HEAD family of sets
-These sets model noun phrases (NPs). The idea is to first define whatever can
-occur in front of the head of the NP, and thereafter negate that with the
-expression __WORD - premodifiers__.
-The set __NOT-NPMOD__ is used to find barriers between NPs.
-Typical usage: ... (*1 N BARRIER NPT-NPMOD) ...
-meaning: Scan to the first noun, ignoring anything that can be
-part of the noun phrase of that noun (i.e., "scan to the next NP head")
-* Other negatively defined morphosyntactic noun sets
-* Noun sets
-Nominal sets defined according to their morphophonological properties
-Sets for lexeme homonymy (most of them are moved to where the actual rules are.)
-The words in the set __N-PO__ can be both N and Po, the set takes that into account.
-* The LAHKA set family
-* Nominal sets defined according to their semantical properties
-* Spatial noun sets. These nouns behave like postpositions
-* Time sets
-* Amount sets
-* Sets for nouns with morpho-syntactic preferences
-* Number-related sets
-* Sets for case, possessive, etc.
-* Sets for nouns as pred
-* Sets for animals
-* Sets for things
-* Sets for qualities
-* Sets for things, not necessarily tools
-* Sets for things such that people can be inside them:
-* Sets for things such that people cannot be inside them:
-* Part-whole sets for human
-* Sets for places
-* Sets that can both be buildings/places and represent humans
-* Sets denoting relations
-* Miscellaneous sets
-* Border sets and their complements
-* Syntactic sets
-These were the set types.
-!!Lexicalised derivations
-* __derN__ removes DER-N if lexicalised non-essives
-* __derNEss__ removes DER-N if lexicalised essives (revise this)
-* __derA__ removes DER-A if lexicalised A
-* __derV__ removes DER-V if lexicalised V,
-* __derHderAlla, derAlla, derH, derST__ chosses longest Der/tag
-* __vuohtaNotAttr__ removes Attr for Der/vuohta
-* __derPassActio__ removes Actio Nom/Gen/Acc for passive forms. I don't think they exist in Sg, we prefer the PrfPrc analysis.
-!Particular verbs
-* __leapmaDimin__ removes it
-* __Der/PassS__ removes some of them which are not likely at all
-* __LEX-PASS__ removes passive forms of some lemmas in favour for the lexixalised one
-* __Ger and GER-NOTV__ remove Ger-forms which are not likely at all
-! Removing proper nouns that are lookalikes
-* __SamediggiProp__ selects Prop after Ášši 01/12
-* Rules for removing some Props which are identical to common nouns
-*Removes __PropPl__, but problems with names as Davviriikkaid Ráđi, there we want Prop Pl
-* __PropVfin__ selects propernouns which can be Vfin in the beginning of a sentence
-* __confProp, Lea, Man, Hui, Mo, Prop__ removes Props which confuces the analyser, 
- * __Dert__ Rule for removing Der/t Prop when there are other analysis
-!Some adjectives are never derived as Adv
-!Rules for Prop Attr, Sur and Plc
-* __PropAttrIfPropx__ removes Attr if no Prop on the right side
-*Selects __Prop__ if capital letter inside clause
-*Substitute __PlcSur__ (Plc) (Sur) 
-*Removes __PropAttr__ if no Prop on the right side
- * __ABBR__ Removes ABBR in favour of Adv, Pcle or Pron, e.g. "dii" when there is no punctuation
-* __ollit__ removes ollit when ollu - move this one?
-* __FocbaDu3__ removes Foc/ba when Du3 verbs like máhttiba and Adv like juoba and Prop like Jáhkoba (Acc) 
-* __Focge__ removes Foc/ge when Adv like dieđusge
-The idea behind "cycle 0" is to have safe rules without context first.
-These rules typically chose lexicalisations over derivations, 
-Saami words instead of marginal names, etc.
-!!Lexicalised derivations
-* Removes __derV__  DER-V if lexicalised.
-*Removes __derN__ if lexicalised.
-*Removes __derNEss__ if lexicalised, and both nouns are essive.
-*Removes __derA__ or PrsPrc or VGen if lexicalised. VGen is a chance.
-*Removes __derAdv__  when Adv is lexicalised.  
-* Removes __derVhmm__ Does this function?
-* __derHderAlla__ removes Der/h Der/alla if Der/halla.
-* __derAlla__ removes Der/halla if Der/alla.
-* Removes __derH__ if Der/goahti.  
-* Removes __derST__ if Der/ahtti	
-* __derVuohta__ removes A Attr Der/vuohta if A Der/vuohta.	
-!!Adjectives or nouns, not adverbs
-* __Aifeambbo__ selects A after eambbo
-* __muhtunlagan__ removes lága Ess if Indef ja lágan A
-* IFF __buotSuperl__ : buot Adv in front of Superl
-!Lexicalised adverbs
-It is useful to select early the adverbial reading for potensial nouns or verbs.
-* __aibbasAdv__ áibbas dolin
-*__aloGen__ removes állu Gen,  álo  Adv vs. N Gen
-* __mannelTimeAdv__ golbma jagi maŋŋel
-* __AdvSTV__ váldit mielde, oahppat bajil. eará? STRICT-TRANS-V is too strong
-* __cadaAdv__ if oažžut juoidá čađa
-* __gaskanAdvVGen__  
-* __ikteAdv__  
-* __miehtaV__  
-* __miehtaV__  
-* __aigiAdv__  guokte vahku áigi
-*  __viimmatAdv__ 
-*  __dusseAdv__ 
-* __alggageAdv__  
-* __bearraiAdv__  
-* __buresAdv__  
-* __cadatAdv__  
-* __cuozzutAdv__  
-* __dadjatAdv__  
-* __dainnaAdv__  
-* __daninAdv__ selects danin Adv. It is a special rule, only negative restrictions.
-* Select Ess, and then kill?  
-* __dassaAdv__  
-* __dakkoAdv__  
-* __duoAdv__  
-* __duodaidAdv__  
-* __AdvNotNA__ Adverbs, not nouns or adjectives
-* __AComp__ remove A Comp when Adv
-* __birrasii__ removes birrasii N
-* __eanasAdv__  
-* __eambbogo__ selects Adv eambbo go
-* __eanetAdv__  
-* __AdvComp__  
-* __easkkaAdv__  
-* __gaskatAdv__  
-* __goassigeAdv__  
-* __gosaAdv__  
-* __guhkasAdv__  
-* __VifVFIN__ removes V 
-* __harveAdv__
-* __juogoQst__
-* __loahpasAdv__
-* __luovosAdv__
-* __maninAdv__
-* __manneAdv__
-* __muhtuminAdv3__
-* __njuolgaAdv__
-* __oddasitAdv__
-* __oktanAdv__
-* __ovttasAdv__
-* __oktiiV__ remove
-* __oktiiAdv__ select
-* __ollasitAdv__ selects
-* __radjaiPo__ selects
-* __seammaAdv__ selects
-* __unnanAdv__ selects
-* __varraAdv__ selects
-* __vehaziidAdv__ selects
-* __visotdAdv__ selects
-* __vuhtiiAdv__
-* __recipr, reciprPl__ select Recipr
-!!Variant lemmas
-* Remove lemma2 if lemma 1
-!Nouns, not verbs
-* __UsImprt__ removes Imprt Sg3 for all nouns in -us	
-!Not noun
-!!Not adposition
-* The rules __Pooaivai, Pogiedas__ removes oaivái and gieđas as Po
-!!Not Qst
-* __AdvQst__ removes dego/nugo Qst 
-* __Interjlemma__ voja voja nana nana select interj if repeated 
-!!Southern Locative vs. Essive
-* __SouthLoc__ removes Southern Locative vs. Essive
-!!Px-rules for special nouns
-* __NnoPx__ Remove Px for special nouns
-* __gaskaneaset__ selects Po for gaskaneaset	
-!!Some verb rules
-* __vfingo__ selects VFIN in front of go Qst
-* __buoritV__ removes buorit as V
-* __ImprtCopPrfPrc__ removes imperative readings in front of coopulas and PrfPrc
-* __FocV__ revmoves Foc when Actio, PrfPrc, VGen, e.g. čađahan, ovttasge
-!Particular CS
-* __madeCS__ for mađe/mađi and dađe/dađi
-* __dadeCS__ for mađe/mađi and dađe/dađi
-!Verb or Noun?
-* __Včiehká__ selects V instead of N when nomintive to the right and accusative to the left ''fápmu čiehká luottaid''
-!Adpositions, not verbs
-* __bealisPo__ removes imperatives when Po lookalikes
-!!FAMILY pronouns
-!Pron Pers 1. p.
-* __moai__ This rule is not in use because of REMOVE:Prop
-* __miiPersLeft1, miiPersLeft2, _miiPersRight__ select mii Pers 
-!Pron Pers 2. p.
-* __donPers__ selecst don as Pers instead of Dem
-!Pron Pers 3. p.
-* __sonSG3V, sonRel, goson__ select son as Pers, Rel or Pcle 
-* __sutnje__ ( = forms of the verb "suotnjat")
-* __danin__ (Pron Ess OR Adv)
-* __datPlIll__ selects dát Pron Dem Pl Ill
-* __daiddaVerb__ removes dáidda N Sg Nom 
-* __dasaVGen, dasaLassin dasa,datSg3, datSg3PrfPrc__ ( = forms of the verb "dassat"): 
-* __DemPlLoc__ selects Dem when Dem Pl Loc and agreement, perhaps no need for it here because we have agreement-rules later. Men viktig: her blir vi kvitt duo N.
-* __DemPlCom__ selects Dem when Dem Pl Com and agreement, perhaps no need for it here because we have agreement-rules later.
-* __datPersCopulas__ select Pers in front of copula. I setninger som Riššat dat gal leat musge, jus eai leačča njuoskan. tolker jeg dat som Pcle. Derfor constraint hva som kommer etter.
-* __datPcle1__ selects dat Pcle between N and finite, even if there is agreement between verb and dat .
-* __datPcle2__ selects dat Pcle when there is no agreement between verb and dat .
-* __KilldatPcle__ removes the remaining dat Pcle
-* __PersAcc__ selects Pers Acc in accusativ infinitive clauses with object
-* __datPers__ selects Pers. I made it stronger than it was. ref. r897 in sme-dis.rle
-* __datDemSg__ selects Dem from Pron Pers Sg3 Gen
-* __datPersPl3__ selects dat Pl3 in front of V Pl3 and V Du3 and Rel Pl
-!!An early rule for "eanaš"/"eanas"
-* __eanasPron__ selects Pron in front of Pron Loc
-!!Px constraints 
-First select Px, then remove all remaining Px
-* Nouns: __NomPxSg1__ (not Ess) as the only word in a sentence. Needs no disambiguation.
-* Nouns:  __AccPxSg1__ after a TV verb. Exception for Aux.
-* Nouns:  __AccPxSg1__ after a TV Inf verb.
-* __PxSg1LocAcc__ is Acc to the right.
-* __PxSg1Acc__ is Acc to the right.
-* coordination __PxSg1coord__ 
-* __PxSg1coordLast__ for the last word of a coordination
-* __ReflPxSg1__ lean oahppan alddán
-* Nouns: __PxSg2__ if SG2-V. The rule needs no disambiguation. The DON-constraint because of homonymi with (N Pl)
-* __PxSg2Acc__ if  TV to the right
-* __PxSg2AccImprt__ if  TV Imprt to the left
-* __PxSg2AccPrfPrc__ after PrfPrc 
-* __PxSg2GenPo__ if in front of Po, after til verb
-* __PxSg3Loc__ after habitivconstruction
-* Nouns: __PxSg3Acc__ if Sg3 or Sg to the left
-* Nouns: __PxSg3AccPrfPrc__ if PrfPrc and Sg3 to the left
-*  __PxSg3CC__ in coordination with the owner
-*  __PxSg3GenPo1__ in front of Po, to the left of the owner
-*  __PxSg3GenPo2__ in front of Po, to the left of the owner
-* __Genguossis__ is  selection Gen, not only with Px. The FAMILY-set would be better than Hum-tag, but there is often a propernoun connected to the noun. guossái and guossis should have Po analysis?
-* __GenNPFinal__ selects Gen as the modifier of a noun in the end of a sentence.
-* __PxSg3Nom__
-* __PxGenPo__  
-* __PxGenPr__  
-We end section 2 by removing all remaining Px
-* __KillPx__ removes all remaining Px readings
-!!SECTION 3: Certain verb readings
-* __NotVGenIfDer__ removes VGen if 0 = Der/Pass or Der...(r947)
-* __NotVGenIfDer__ removes VGen if 0 = Der/Pass or Der...(r947)
-!All imperatives
-For imperative disambiguation we need the following:
-Pick imperative contexts, and thereafter remove imperative.
-Such contexts are: Imperative verb sentence-initially with exclamation mark
-* __NotEmbeddedImprt__ removed Imprt after CS
-* __NotImprtWhenInd__ removes Imprt if part of an Ind domain
-* __NotImprtWhenIndCoor__ removes Imprt when coordination of an Ind domain - a very special case
-* __NotImprtIfAttrLeft__ removes Imprt after attribute
-* __NotImprtIfRel__ removes Imprt after Rel, unify this with other left context (r948)
-!Sg1 - early cycle, safe rules
-* __VSg1IfLeftMun__ selects Sg1 when "mun" is to the left (r949)
-* __VSG1IfRightMun__ selects Sg1 when "mun" is to the right (r950)
-!Sg2 - early cycle, safe rules
-* __VSG2IfLeftDon__ selects Sg2 when "don" is to the right (r951)
-* __VSG2IfRightDon__ selects Sg2 when "don" is to the left (r952)
-* __VInfIfAhte__ removes Inf if there is no other VFIN between BOS and "ahte" (r953)
-!Sg3 - early cycle, safe rules
-* __VSG3IfLeftSon__ selects Sg3 when "son" is to the left (r954)
-* __VSG3IfRithgSon__ selects Sg3 when "son" is to the right (r954)
-* __VNotSg3When12Left__ removes Sg3 if 12 Pron immediate left (r955)
-* __VNotSg3IfCom__ removes Sg3 in X with Y is... (r957)
-* __NegSg3BeforeFoc__ selects Neg before Foc/ge or ConNeg (r959)
-* __vfin__ removes verb reading when the reading should be noun  
-Negative verb, not abbreviation or roman numeral Ii.
-!Du1 - early cycle, safe rules
-These Du1, Du2 rules are (almost) not in use in our corpus, but we keep them for completeness.
-* __VDu1IfMoaiLeft__ selects Du1 when "moai" left (r960)
-* __VDu1IfMoaiRight__ selects Du1 when "moai" right (r961)
-!Du2 - early cycle, safe rules
-The next two rules are not found in the corpus, but logically
-they belong, to cover the whole paradigm. There is no verb-internal
-homonymy here, but there is homonymy with e.g. Illative for certain verbs.
-* __VDu2IFDoaiLeft__ selects Du2 if "doai" to the left (r962)	 
-* __VDu2IFDoaiRight__ selects Du2 if "doai" to the right (r963)	 
-!Du3 - early cycle, safe rules
-The competitor to Du3 is -ba Foc.
-* __VDu3IfSoaiLeft__ selects Du3 when "soai" left (r964)
-* __VDu3IFSoaiLeft__ selects Du2 if "doai" to the right (r965)	 
-* __VDu3IfGuokteLeft__ selects Du3 if "guokte" left (r966) - 15
-* __VDu3IfGuokteRight__ removes Sg3 if "guokte" right and 0 Du3 (r967)
-* __VDu3IfNjaNLeft__ selects Du3 as verb with coordinated subject to the left (r968) - 43
-* __VDu3IfNjaNRight__ selects Du3 as verb with coordinated subject to the right (r969) - 12
-* __VDu3IfCollLeft__ hmm, remove this?
-!Pl1 - early cycle, safe rules
-The competitor here is obviously Inf, but also Pl3 and Prt Sg2.
-* __VPl1IfMiiLeft__ selects Pl1 if "mii" Pron to the left (r971) - 3163
-* __VPl1IfMiiRight__ selects Pl1 if "mii" Pron to the right (r972) - 272
-* __VPl1NotImprIfMiiLeft__ removes Imprt if if "mii" Pron to the left and 0 = "mii" (r973) - 557
-!Pl2 - early cycle, safe rules
-These rules are not used when disambiguating the corpus
-* __VPl2IfDiiLeft__ selects Pl2 if "dii" Pron to the left (r974) - 0
-* __VPl2IfDiiRight__ selects Pl2 if "dii" Pron to the right (r975) - 0
-!Pl3 - early cycle, safe rules
-* __r976__ SE V Pl1 if *-1 SII
-* __r977__ SE V Pl1 if *1 SII
-* __VPl3jaPl3__ selects Prt Pl3 in coordination (r978)
-The following two may be joined:
-* __VPl3IfPronRelLeft1__ selects Pl3 if -1 Rel is linked to -2 Pl (r979) - 7801
-* __VPl3IfPronRelLeft2__ selects Pl3 if -1 Rel is linked via COMMA to -3 Pl (r980) - 853
-* __VPl3IfCSLinkPl3Left__ selects Pl3 if -1 Rel is linked via COMMA to -3 Pl (r979) - 341
-The following two may be joined:
-* __r982__ removes Prt Sg2 if Pl3 subject - 6002
-* __r983__ removes Prt Sg2 if Pl3 subject via CS - 305
-* __VPl3Lookalikes__ removes "verbs" like "manne" and "dušše" (r984) - 274
-* __VPl3NotSg2BefPassive__ removes Sg2 for Pl3 and Inf before passive (r985)
-* __PrsPrc__ selects PrsPrc if coordinated with A - 10
-Early rule since many PrsPrc readings are removed later.
-* Actio Gen
-* __r1813__ 
-* __r1822__ selects Inf (NOTE, this was further down in sme-dis)
-We don't need more Px sections, it's done alrady
-!!Noun, adjectiv, PrsPrc or not?
-The rules are not documented yet.
-* __NnotAcoord__ removes A instead of N (earlier: selects N instead of A), based on coordination with N, and a vfin-verb
-* __NPlbeforeRel, NSgbeforeRel__ select N in front of Rel and MO
-!!Adjectives and adverbs
-!Adv or not?
-maid has many readings and as Rel it is a member of S-BOUNDARY. Therefore we need to disambiguate is early in this file. Most important is to select Adv. Because of that A ang N still can have Vfin readings, it is difficult to make very general rules.
-* __vaikkomii__
-* __Interj__ or not
-* __maidAdv1__ selects maid Adv when there is no vfin to the right.
-* __maidAdv2__ selects maid Adv copulas and PrfPrc or Actio Ess. We need this rule because of that there can be an Inf to the right which also has Vfin reading.
-* __maidAdv3__ selects maid Adv even if there is a vfin to the right.
-* __maidAdv4__ selects maid Adv between two verbs.
-* __maidAdv5__ selects maid Adv in front of Comp which at this stage can have vfin analysis.
-* __maidAdv6__ selects maid Adv between copulas Pl3 and N Pl.
-* __maidAd7v__ in a special construction with geahččat
-* __maidAdv8__ selects maid Adv after a Pers
-* __KillmaidAdv__ removed the remaining maid Adv
-The following two rules are omitted. They only inflect on the disambiguation of mat pcle, a wackernagel, which is done in the rule over here, I think.
-* __olluNom__ 
-* __olluAdv__
-!!Disambiguationg abbreviations
-* __AttrABBRNum__
-!!Disambiguationg particles
-* __sonPcle__ selects son Pcle, the remaining Pcle are removed
-!!Disambiguationg numerals
-!!Disambiguationg adpositions
-* __caddaN__ if čađa and movement-v
-Commented out som adp-rules we don't need anymore:
-* __geahcaiPP__ not geahččat V
-* __madePo__ after Num Gen
-* __NumMade__ Num before mađe
-* "miehtá" is also VFIN, and miehtá needs special treatment 
-** __miehtaPo__ after place or time Gen
-** __miehtaPr__ before place or time Gen
-* "ovddas" has many readings and needs special treatment 
-** __ovddasPo__  
-* special rules for rastá because it often is Adv, and it can be an object connected to the PP
-** __rastaAdv__  čuohppat/časkit/sahet rastá
-** __rastaPo, rastaPr__  fievrridit olbmo man nu rastá
-** __rastaPr__  rastá ráji/rájá
-* __birraPo, birraPr__ special rules for birra because it often is Adv, and it can be an object connected to the PP
-* "vuostá" has many readings and needs special treatment 
-** __vuostaAdv__  váldit vuostá/vuostái
-** __vuostaPr__  váldit vuostá/vuostái	
-!LIST LG-MATERIAL = Inf Adv Nom ;
-* __gaskasPosticky, gaskasPrsticky__ selects Po after coordinating language materials
-* __PoParantes__ selects Po after paranteces
-* __PoNomCompl__ removes Po if no possible complement to the left
-* __PrGen1__ selects Pr
-* __PrGen2__ selects Pr
-* __PrNoCompl__ removes Pr if no complement to the right	
-* __PoGen__ selects Po
-!Diambiguation  Noun vs. Po or Pr:
-* __vuollaiPo__ selects
-* __beallaiPo__ selects
-* __ovdalPr__ selects
-* __gaskanPo__ selects
-* __gaskkasPo__ selects
-* __ovddasPo1__ selects
-* __ovddasPo2__ selects
-* __ovddasPo3__ 	selects
-* __ovddasPocoord__ selects
-* __NwhenPo__ removes N if Po
-* __VwhenPo__ removes V if Po
-!!Some particular subjunctions and Neg Sup
-* __amasCS__ selects CS, not A or Neg Sup
-* __amasA__ selects A, not CS or Neg Sup
-* __amasNegSup__ selects Neg Sup, not CS or A
-* __amatNegSup__ selects Neg Sup, not CS
-* __dasgoCS__ selects CS, not Qst
-* Removes __vaikkoAdv__ , it is always CS because of abbr: "vaikko_mii" Pron Indef
-!!go as CS and Qst Pcle
-First select all "go" Qst Pcle, then remove them so the rest will be "go" CS
-* __standQst__ selects Pcle in standard questions
-* __objQst__ selects Pcle in questions which function as object in the clause
-* __subQst__ selects Pcle in questions as subordinated clause
-* __vaiQst__ selects Pcle in questions with vai
-* __auxQst__ selects Pcle in questions as subordinated clause, starting with AUX
-* __refQst__ selects Pcle in two main clauses, the first one a question which is referred to in the second.
-* __nounQst__ selects Pcle for go after NP
-* __poQst__ selects Pcle for go after Po
-* __AdvQst__ selects Pcle for go after WORD
-* __killPcle__ removes all remaining Pcle for go 
-!!Some particular subjunctions
-!!Adverb rules
-First map all COMP-CS<, then remove the other readings
-* __ComptimeAdvl__ buoret go ovdal
-* __Compadvlcase__ eará sivas go fuorrávuođas
-* __CompNumP__ uhcit go njealji stivrralahtu doarjagiin
-* __Compvejolas__ go vejolaš
-* __compNomHead__ NP-HEAD-NOM (ADVL) go NP-HEAD-NOM (ADVL). VFIN-NOT-IMPRT pga manglende disamgiguering
-* __CompNomHead__ Comp NP-HEAD-NOM leat go NP-HEAD-NOM  
-* __compMisc__ go geassebuođut, go dán áigge
-* __compInf__ Inf go Inf
-* __Compdego__ dego @COMP-CS<
-* __compAccdego__ Acc dego Acc
-* __compTVeambbo__ TRANS-V eambbo go Num Acc + Gen
-* __compCoord__ coordination	
-* __compCoordAttr__ coordination again, now with Attr. Speacial rule because of that Attr also has other readings.	
-* __killAllnotComp__ Removes analysis which are not @COMP-CS<
-** ''This was the kill all not Comp rule!!''
-* __goCSbeforeComp__ Selects CS analysis in front of @COMP-CS<
-Mostly we map both @CNP and @CVP, then we select @CNP, after that we remove them so @CVP remains
-* __cnpCompSC__ Map @CNP if @COMP-CS< or COMPAR ahte
-* __CSasCNPCVP__ Map some CSs both @CNP @CVP
-* __CSasCVP__ Map @CVP to CS
-* __CCasCNPCVP__ Map (@CNP @CVP) to CC
-* __ahteCNP__ ahte CC @CNP, remove the rest
-* __killAllahtenotCS__ All other occurrences of "ahte" are CSs.
-* __vaiCCCNP__ vai as CC or CS
-* __vaiCC__ remove vai as CC 
-* __vaiCCNegQst1__ vai CC @CVP before Neg or question
-* __vaiCCNegQst2__ vai CC @CNP in question about two alternatives
-* __killAllvainotCSCVP__ Select all vai CS @CVP	
-* __dadeCNP__ removes dađe @CNP, so @CVP remains
-* __CVPnoVfin__ No potential finite verb following
-* __CVPnoVfinAdvl__ No finite verb in front ADVLCASE @CNP ADVLCASE	
-* __CVPNPron__ No finite verb or verbalactivity in front N/Pron @CNP N/Pron	
-* __CVPAdvNom__ Nom @CNP Adv Nom	
-* __CVPCopNomInf__ COPULAS Nom @CNP Nom Inf	
- *__CVPoppramsing__ Lásse, Iŋgá ja mun
-*__CVPRCmpnd__ RCmpnd @CNP
-* __CVPwrongCmpnd__ wrongly formated compounds
-* __CVPAAttr__ A Attr @CNP A Attr	
-* __CVPA__ A @CNP A 	
-* __CVPAccAdv__ Acc @CNP Adv Acc	
-* __killAllCNP__ removes all remaining @CNP
-* __XCC-CS__ removes CC and CS with no synttag
-* __PlSg3V__ removes plural in front of Sg3 verb (and __SgPl3V__ does the opposite)
-!!Interrogative and relative pronouns
-* __Interr__ selects interrogative pronouns in questions
-* __InterrIfPot__ selects interrogative pronouns in potential sentences, and after that we remove the remaining Interr
-* __munPl3__ removes Pron Pers Pl3 if there is no verb agreement
-* __Rel__ selects Rel
-* __RelSg1, RelSg2__ select Rel
-* __RelPl__ selects Rel
-* __RelPl__ removes Rel
-!!Emphatic ieš     
-* __ies1Pl, ies2Pl__ select Pl for ieža
-* __iesDu__ select Pl for ieža
-* __NifNum__ 
-* __AdvOvtta__ 
-* __AdvNumEss__ 
-* __WWNumOrdIllAttr__ selects Ill Attr and Loc Attr for numerals and ordinals
-!!Indefinite pronouns
-The rules are not documented yet
-* __miiIndef__ it vaikko mii or mii beare
-!!Demonstrative pronouns - should have a look at these
-* __DemPlIll__ removes Dem Ill and Dem Loc in front of Acc
-* __DemSgNom__ selects Dem Nom Sg if VFIN Sg3
-* __DemIndefAttr__ selects Dem in front of Indef Attr, no verb to the left
-* __DemGenSeammas__ selects dat Dem Gen in front seammás
-* __DemSg__ removes Dem Sg when there is no Sg N to the right
-* __datPersSg3__ selects dat Pers Sg3 when there is no N to the right
-* __PersNRel__ selects Pers Sg3 when there is a N and a Rel to the right
-* __DemMeasure__ removes Dem in front of a Num and MEASURE or NUMUNIT in Ill
-!!Disambiguating adjectives 
-!Rules related to specific adjectives
-* boaris A or N
-* dáláš
-* dološ 
-* garra N vs. garas A
-* nanus
-* nuorra (vs. nuorrat V)
-* sierra
-* surgat
-* veara
-* __vulitAttr__
-* __Comp__ rules select Comp A
-!Attribute disambiguation
-* __AttrVFIN__ removes Attr in front of VFIN
-* __AttrnotNA__ removes Attr when no N or A to the right
-* __ANomILLA__ selects Nom when ILL-A	
-!Rules for Attr between Dem and N
-* __AAttrDemSg1, AAttrDemPl1__ 
-* __AAttrDemSg2, AAttrDemPl2__ 
-* __AAttrDemSg3, AAttrDemPl3__ 
-* __AAttrDemSgIll, AAttrDemPlIll__ 
-* __AAttrDemSgLoc, AAttrDemPlLoc__ 
-* __AAttrDemComPl__ 
-* __AAttrDemdakkar__ 
-!Other attribute rules 
-* __AAttrN__ no copulas close to the left
-* __AAttrCop__  copulas close to the left
-* __AttrPlacelaš__ This rule selects Plc Der/laš A Attr in front of Prop or N
-* __AdvManimus__ 
-* __AttrIllCop__ 
-* __AttrAdv__ 
-* __ANom__  removes A Nom
-* __AAttr__  selects A Attr
-* __AdvN__ removes Adv   
-* __AAttrPunct__    
-* __AAttrgoAAttr__    
-* __AttrTIME__    
-* __AAttrCoord1__ coordination, first part
-* __AAttrCoord2__ coordination, first part
-* __PrfPrcCoordA__ selects PrfPrc in coordination with an A
-* __ACoordPrfPrc__ selects A itn coordination with PrfPrc 
-* __AAttrContra__ selects A itn coordination with PrfPrc 
-!Special rules for 'buorre' (the only adjective showing case agreement)
-This block of rules is there to ensure case agreement for comparatives.
-* Select Pl Nom if V Pl3
-* Remove Nom, Acc and Gen if Comp
-!alit vs. allat Comp Attr
-* __allat__ in front of ALLAT OR MONEY OR EDUCATION OR go
-* __alitColour__ in coordination with COLOUR
-* __alitN__ in front of VEHICLE, CLOTHES, BEDCLOTHES, BUILDING and more
-* __alitEOS__ in the end of a sentence
-* __APlNomafterCop__ selects A Pl Nom after copulas and Pl Nom OR Pl Pron
-* __APlNomafterDu__ selects A Pl Nom after copulas and Du
-* __ASgNomNoSubj__ selects A Sg Nom after copulas Sg3 or Neg Sg3
-* __ASgNomafterCop__ selects A Sg Nom after copulas and Sg Nom, not so strong constraint for the target
-* __ASgNomEssCopNeg__ selects A Sg Nom after copulas Sg3 or Neg Sg3s, 
-* dsfa
-!!And now some rules for adverbs that modify adjectives
-!!Proper nouns
-!!Disambiguating verbs - part 1 
-First ConNeg forms, they are dependent upon Neg verbs. Then Imperative 
-(with their special syntax), infinitive, and other infinite forms. 
-Person comes later (in part 2)
-!!ConNeg forms
-Number following the rule headers below refer to numbers of hit in a 13 053 859 word corpus.
-* __ConNegImp__ selects ConNeg Imprt if Neg Imprt to the left. - 4265
-* __PrfPrcConNeg__  to ConNeg Aux after PrfPrc
-* __ConNegIfNeg__ selects Ind ConNeg if Neg Ind to the left. This is the main (and common) ConNeg rule. - 660327
-* __ConNegCondIfNeg__ selects Cond ConNeg if Neg Cond to the left. Less used, obviously. - 0
-* __ConNegPrfPrc__ selects ConNeg for leat when topicalised PrfPrc between Neg and leat - 713
-* __ConNegImpCC__ catches the second ConNeg in cases like don't smile or laugh - 0
-* __ConNegIndCC__ catches the second ConNeg in cases like doesn't smile or laugh - 369
-* __NotConNegII__ removes ConNegII if no Neg Imprt around. This is important, as the homonym forms are common. - 30850
-* __NotConNegIfNotNeg__ removes ConNeg if no Neg to the left. Consider unifying with NotConNegNotNeg. - 1094269
-* __NotConNegNotNeg__ removes remaining ConNegs whenever no Neg to the left. - 5862
-See also ''Imprt or Ind'' some sections down.
-* __PassLNotImprt__ removes Imprt when passive (sentence-initial, hence important)
-* __ImprtLeat__ says BOS Leat A is Imprt - 575
-* __ImprtDál__ 
-* __SelImprtExcl__ selects initial Imprt when excl mark 
-* __ImprtComma__ 
-* __ImprtNotVGen__
-* __NotImprtInd__ 
-* __NotImprtConNeg__ 
-* __NotImprtA__ 
-* __NotImprtN__ 
-* __NotImprtVFIN__ 
-* __NotImprtSlash__ 
-* __NotImprtGo__ 
-* __r2974__ was moved up to select PL3-V after N Pl, might be relaxed to REMOVE Inf
-* __r2976__ was moved up to select PL3-V after N Pl, might be relaxed to REMOVE Inf
-* __r1809__ Not Pl1 (but Inf) if VFIN to the left, This is the basic Inf rule.
-* __r1812__ 
-* __InfCompCs__ 
-* __r1811__ 
-* __r1814__ 
-* __EssInf__
-Rules that prevent later selection of Inf for a finite verb in the frame 			
-* __r1816__ 
-* __r1817__ 
-* __r1818__ 
-* __r1819__ 
-* __r1820__ 
-* __r1821__ 
-* __r1823__ 
-* __r1824__ 
-* __r1825__ 
-* __r1827__ 
-* __r1828__ 
-* __VGen__ selects VGen  
-* __Gen2__	
-* __VGen3__
-* __VGen4__
-* __KillAllVGen__ removes all VGen (r1842)
-!!Supinum vs. potential -- no example found in large corpus
-!!Perfect Participle
-* __r1844__ removes PrfPrc if 0 is the second N in an N and ... N construction
-* __r1844__ removes PrfPrc if 0 is the second N in an N and Gen ... N construction (this is marginal)
-* __PrfPrc_Ess__ removes N Ess if 0 PrfPrc
-* __r1852__ selects PrfPrc if copula to the left
-* __r1853__ selects PrfPrc if Rel to the left which again is linked to copula
-!Topicalized version
-the following chapter should be possible to unify.
-* __r1855__ selects PrfPrc if Nom to the left linked to copula
-* __r1857__ selects PrfPrc if Acc to the left linked to copula
-* __r1858__ selects PrfPrc if NP head to the left linked to copula
-* __r1857__ selects PrfPrc if copula to the left
-* __r1861__ selects PrfPrc if VFIN to the left
-* __r3576__ selects PrfPrc if Acc to the left linked to activity verb
-* __r1863__ is the mannan vahkku rule
-!!Present participle
-*orrut vs. orrot) 
-!!Rules for "addit" (which is an adjective, but more often a verb)
-!!Actio Loc = Actio Ess
-!!Actio Gen = Actio Ess
-!!Imprt or Ind
-* __removeAllImp__
-!!Nouns or verbs
-The rules are no documented yet
-* __VFINAttr__
-* __NPlbuorit__  
-* __ActioEssNum__	
-* __ActEssIfSensationv__	
-* __NoActorIfSg3__
-!!Demonstrative pronouns, agreement in DP - should it be moved to after verbmappings? 
-The rules are no documented yet
-* __DemAttr__
-* __DemCASEPl__
-* __DemCASESg__
-* __DemAttrNum__
-* __DemAcc__
-* __DemAttr__
-!!Verbs as predicatives (@SPRED>) and (@<OPRED) 
-!The tags (@SPRED>) and (@<OPRED) target  PrfPrc
-The rules are no documented yet
-* __spredPrfPrc__
-* __opredPrfPrc__	
-* __opredPrfPrc__
-!!Verbs as prenominal participles (@>N) - Er ikke ferdig med reglene som kommer her:
-!(@>N) target  PrfPrc
-* __NPrfPrc1__ with 1C N Nom
-* __NPrfPrc2__ with -1C Dem or Num or Attr or Indef
-* __NPrfPrc3__ with PrfPrc or ConNeg to the left, the N can be different cases
-* __NPrfPrc4__ mannat in front of TIME
-* __NPrfPrcPr__ after Pr 
-* __NPrfPrcPo__ before Po
-* __NPrfPrcGen__ after Gen
-* __NPrfPrc6__ the verb can be to the right
-* __NPrfPrc7__ Der/Pass, no TIME to the right
-!(@+FAUXV) and (@+FMAINV) target Neg, orrut
-* __+FAUXVNeg__
-* __+FMAINVorrut__ finite orrut
-* __FAUXVorrut__ finite orrut
-* __FAUXVorrut__ infinite orrut
-!(@<SUBJ)  target Inf
-* __<SUBJInf2__
-* __r354__
-* __<SUBJInf3__
-* __<SUBJInf4__
-* __<SUBJInf5__
-* __<SUBJInf6__
-* __SUBJ>Inf__
-!(@<SPRED)  target Inf
-!(@<ADVL)  target Inf, Actio Ess
-!(@-F<OBJ)  target Inf 
-!(@A<)  target Inf 	
-* __AInf__ Inf 	
-* __r368__	
-!(@N<)  target Inf, Actio Ess
-!(@<ADVL)  target Inf, Actio Ess
-* __ADVLActioEss__ Inf 		
-!(@<OBJ)  target Inf, Actio Ess, PrfPrc 
-* __OBJActioEss__ Inf 		
-* __OBJPrfPrc__ Inf 			
-!(@+FMAINV) and (@+FAUXV) and (@-FAUXV)
-* __+FMAINVaux__ AUX-OR-MAIN verbs     
-* __+FMAINVcop__ COPULAS verbs     
-* __+FAUXVaux__ AUX  verbs     
-* __+FAUXVboahtit__ boahtit as AUX      
-* __-FAUXVaux__ AUX verbs     
-* __+FMAINVcopInfconstr__ leat before Inf     
-* __+FMAINVcopMannan__  leat before mannan TIME     
-* __+FMAINVHabconstr__  in habitive constructions    
-* __+FMAINVCoopCoord__ coordination  
-* __+FAUXVleat__  
-* __+FMAINVAux1__  
-* __-FMAINVAux2__  
-* __+FAUXVCop__  copulas coming after the mainverb
-* __+FAUXVCop__  copulas coming before the mainverb
-* __+FAUXVboahtit__  boahtit coming before the mainverb
-* __+FMAINVCop__  copulas 	
-* __+FMAINV__  to the remaining finite verbs which are not AUX    
-!(@-FMAINV) and (@-FAUXV)
-* __-FAUXVConNegCop__  to ConNeg COPULAS   
-* __-FAUXVConNegAux__  to ConNeg AUX-OR-MAIN   
-* __-FAUXVConNegAux__  to ConNeg AUX   
-* __-FMAINVConNeg__  to ConNeg   
-* __-FMAINVConNeg__  to ConNeg
-* __-FMAINVConNeg__  to ConNeg Aux after PrfPrc
-* __-FMAINVConNegCop__  to ConNeg COPULAS   
-* __-FAUXVPrfPrcAux__  to PrfPrc AUX  before Inf or Actio Ess
-* __-FMAINVPrfPrc__  to PrfPrc 
-* __-FMAINVPrfPrcEss__  to PrfPrc before Ess
-* __-FMAINVPrfPrcleat__  to PrfPrc leat
-* __-FMAINVPrfPrcafterAuxAux__  to PrfPrc after two Auxs
-* __-FMAINVPrfPrccoord__  to PrfPrc coordination	
-* __-FMAINVPrfbeforeAux__  to PrfPrc before the Aux	
-* __-FMAINVInf__  to Inf
-* __-FMAUXVActioEss__  to Actio Ess
-* __-FMAINVActioEss__  to Actio Ess
-* __-FMAINVSup__  to Sup
-* __+FAUXV__ to  Aux
-* __<ADVLVAbess__ VAbess ADVL
-* __<ADVLVGen__ VGen ADVL
-* __<ADVLGer__ Gerundium ADVL
-* __ADVLGer>__
-* __-FMAINVLoc__ Actio Loc
-* __>AActioGen__ Actio Gen
-!And then we remove the verbs which didn't get any syntactic tag, in favour of verbs with syntactic tags.
-* __realverbX__
-* __NomActLocX__
-* __NomActX__ removes other readings when PrfPrc Or Actio Ess
-* __IfonlyVerb__ selects the FMAINV reading in the cohort
-* __TEST__ selects some infinte verb readings in the cohort
-* __X__
-!Substitute-rule __TV-IV__ for verbs which are both IV AUX and TV main verb: lávet and sáhttit
-* __TV-IV__
-!!Disambiguating nouns 
-!!Nouns vs. adjectives
-!!Disambiguating proper nouns 
-!!Secure rules for choosing Acc
-* __PGenN__ selects Gen when (Pron Pers) to the left and N to the right ''mu sámevuođa iđuid''
-* __CoGen1__ (quite strict) selects the first of coordinated genitives ''riikkaid, čearuid ja boazoorohagaid ovttasbarggu''
-! Semantihkka: Choosing accusative or genitive semantically
-* __SEMXxr2062__ Removes Gen if you are not a possible possessor (a human) # HAB-ACTOR
-* __SEMXr2066__ Removes Gen if there is a human or org to the right, exeption for ''čállingiela áhčči'' and so on
-* __SEMXxr2069__ Removes Acc if there is Genetive + Ess, like ''dálu eamidin''
-* __SEMXxr2071__ Revmoves genetiv: Nobody can possess a Proper name? Except from pers.pron. and Mal and Fem
-* __SEMXxr2072__ Removes genetiv: Who can possess Prop Org?    
-* __SEMXr2073__ Remove genetive: Accusative in front of a human group, ''loktema sámiid buorrin''
-* __SEMr2074__ Selects genetive in front of HUMAN-GROUP (or "joavku"?):
- * __SEMXxr2075__ Select genitive in front of ABSTRACT and RIEKTEDILLI: ''unnitlogu oaidninčiegas''
-* __SEMXr2076__ Selects genitive if you are HUMAN or Pron with an ABSTRACT to your right, ''iežaset vuoigatvuođa''
-* __SEMXxr2081__ Removes genitiv if NATION or POLITICAL-PLACE are to your right ''dilálašvuođaid sámi''
-* __SEMr2084__ Selects genitive for ''hálddašanguovllu suohkanat/gielddat''
-* __SEMXr2087__ Selects genitive if you are a Prop/Plc followed by "gielda" or "suohkan"
-* Selects genitive if you have "eana" or "guovu" immediately to your right
-* __SEMráđđi__ , tja
-* __SEMXr2077__ Genitive in front of PLACE-ADV
-* Accusative in front of a political-place or general-place ''bidjen hildu sadjásis'' 
-* __SEMXr2079__ Removes genitive: because Accusative in front of MANNU ''guđii virggi skábmanánu 1. b.''
-* __SEMxhab__ Selects accusative if COPULAS to the left of HAB-ACTOR ''lea min''
-* __SEMxboaris__ Selects genitive
-* __SEMXxr2093__ Selects accusative: if váldit to the left and mielde to the right: ''váldit mielde''
-* __SEMXr2096__ Removes genitive: because Accusative in front of an organization
-* __SEMXxr2098__ Selects genitive (modifier): in front of an organization 
-* __SEMxr2100__ Genitiv if buot in front of plural noun ''buot Norlándda ohppiid''
-* __SEMXxr2101__ Removes accusative: if bargat somewhere to the left 
-* __SEMXr2103__ Selects accusative: OASSI is usually accusative ''hálddaša stuora oasi''
-* __SEMXxr2104__ Selects accusative: if WRITING-ACTIVITY-V to the left and you are a TEXT ''čállá vaidaga''
-* __SEMXxacc__Removes accusative: if WRITING-ACTIVITY-V to the left and a noun to the right ''čállit Norgga vásáhusaid''
-* __SEMXxr2105__ Selects genitive: An organization´s representative ''Sámiráđi ovdaolmmoš''
-* __SEMxr2107__ Acc if *-1 fáktemuš
-* __SEMXxr2108__ Selects genitive if you are SAPMI with an Acc/Gen immediately to your left and a noun immediately to your right ''girji sámi áššiid (birra)''
-* __SEMsapmiModifier__ Selects genitive (modifier): Sámi, suoma or ruoŧa  as modifier of noun ''sámi oahpahus''
-* __SEMsapmiModifier2__ Select genitive (modifier): Sámi, suoma or ruoŧa on both sides of CNP as modifier of noun ''Suoma ja Ruošša soahti''
-* __SEMXr2115__ Selects genitive (modifier) in front of a lahka-noun ''spábbačiekčanlága vuoigatvuohta''
-* __SEMXr2116__ Selects genitive (modifier) if you are LAHKA OR ORGANIZATION followed by mannu, day and numerals..
-* __SEMXr2117__ Selects genitive (modifier) if you are a TEXT in front of KLASS ''doalloplána čuoggái''
-*  __SEMxr2118__ Selects genitive (modifier) if you are a LANGUAGE in front of LESSON OR SATNI ''sámegiela oahpahusa''
-* __SEMxr2122__ Gen if N LANGUAGE
-* __SEMXxr2123__ Gen if Pron giella
-* __SEMr2129__ oioi, Sámediggi SAPMI sátnevuorká (too narrow?)
-* __SEMXr2131__ Gen if 0 stáhta 1 org etc.
-* __SEMr2132__ Gen if FYLKA fylka
-* __SEMXr2133__ Gen if FYLKA and FYLKA
-* __SEMXr2134__ Gen if FYLKA and some place or org to the right, barrier NOT-NPMODADVII
-!Gen and preposition/postposition
-* __GenAPP__ Selects genitive when a preposition to the left, or when a postposition to the right ''rastá riikarájiid''
-* __GenPoCoordPunct__ Selects genitive for coordinated postpositions: with PUNKT to the left 
-* __GenPoCoord__ Selects genitive for coordinated postpositions ''ráŋggáštusa ja buhtadusa hárrái''
-* __GenGenPo__ selects Gen in front of postposition-phrase ''álgojagiid soađi maŋŋá''
-!Genitive in place adverbials 
-* __GenPlc__ Selects genitive if you are ROUTE, and there is a MOVEMENT-V to your left or right ''boahtiba dán geainnu''
-!Accusative as an object 
-* __AccTV1__ Selects accusative: when a Strict transitive verb to the left: ''oste mielkki gávppis''
-* __r2206__ Selects genitive: (modifier) when a finite verb to the left and a nominative or accusative to the right: ''lei skuvllajođiheaddjin''
-* __r2271__ Removes genitive: when a transitive verb to the left and you (not if you are a pronoun) are followed by Ill/Loc/Com/Adv: ''doalvvui stálu meahccái''
-* __AccTV2__ Selects accusative: when a transitive verb to the left
-* __AccTV3__ Selects accusative: when transitive verb to the left if it doesn't find a barrier: COMMA, Num, REAL-V, Ess, S-BOUNDARY 
-* __OLDr2466__ Selects accusative: when transitive verb to the left, but not if the TV is FAUX OR LOC-V
-* __topOBJ1__ Selects accusative: when a Strict transitive verb to the right (topicalized object)
-* __AccInf__ Selects Acc if the verb to the left is TV + Inf (you are the obj of the Inf). Differs from the other rules by not beeing restricted by an Acc to the right ''hállat eatnigiela''
-* __AccCOP__ selects Acc if copulas to the left and nominative to the left of COP ''gápmagat leat áhči''
-* __GenNP1__ Select genitive for pronoun (modifier): if NP-BOUNDARY OR Acc (but don't select if the finite verb is TV) to the left and noun to the right 
-* __GenNP2__ Select genitive for noun (modifier): if CC "ja" immediately to your left and accusative to your right ''ja sámi jurddašanvuogi''
-* __GenLocNom__ (modifier) selects Gen if 1 is Nom or Loc ''Norgga oaivegávpogis''
-* __GenRefl__ (modifier) selects Gen in front of a noun in accusative or nominative case ''iežaset oiviliid''
-* __AccAfterCC__ Select accusative: if genitiv to the left, and CC "ja" to the left of genitive ''eamiálbmot- ja globaliserenprošeavtta koordináhtor''
-!Accusative in coordination
-First part
-* __CoAcc2520__ Select accusative (coordinated acc): if comma to the left and accusative cased NP-head to the left of comma. Comma or CC immediately to your right ''guolleoivviid, dáraid, debbuid, buđeittaid, boares rásiid''
-Second part
-* __CoAcc2521__ Select accusative (coordinated acc): if coordinator to your left and accusative to the left of the coordinator ''deaja dahje sávtta''
-* __CoAcc__ (relies on AccTV3) selects Acc if there is a CC to its right with an secure Acc to the right of CC ''semináraid ja diehtojuohkinčoahkimiid''
-Third part
-... eh, no third part yet.
-!Intransitive verbs can sometimes be transitive
-* __IVasTV__ Selects accusative: if you are GEOGRAPHICAL-PLACE, ABSTR-ROUTE or EDUCATION and somewhere in the sentence is a intransitive verb acting as a transitive verb ''sii vázzet skuvlla''
-* __r1981ja1982__ Selects accusative: if you are ''spábba'' and somewhere is ''viehkat'' 
-* __r1983ja1984__ Selects accusative: if you are SHOE or HUNT-ANIMAL or BOAZU and somewhere is ''vázzit''
-* __r1985__ Selects accusative 
-* __r1985ja1986__ Selects accusative 
-* __r1987__ Selects accusative 
-* __r1988__ Selects accusative 
-!Accusative or genitive in front of ALU and in front of adjectives
-!Exceptional accusative attributes in front of ALU nouns.
-* __XXr1989__ Acc when Num and right is MEASURE LINK 1 ALU
-* __XXr1990__ Acc when Num and not Adv, and 1 ALU
-* __XXr1991__ Acc for Num when right context Num ALU
-* __NewGen__ (complement of numerals) selects Gen Sg when -1 Num Sg ''guhtta kilu''
-** Ritva comment: This rule is back in buisness! Tt's a good rule that seems to be working quite fine and it replaces many of the below rules. Please specify in which cases it doesn't work so we can work on the constraints. 
-** Old comment: "It seems like there is no need for this rule because the rule REMOVE: 5755: NAr229 works. If there is still a need for this rule we have to make some constraints."
-* __XXr1994__ Acc if right context MEASURE 
-* __r1995__ IF Acc Acc MEASURE A is right context
-* __r1996__ Gen if part of comma separated row before MEASURE
-* __XXTimeGen__ Gen if 0 TIME 1 áigi
-* __XXr1998__ Acc for Num before TIME MANNEL
-* __XAAccNUM1__ Acc for Num before siiddu etc + MANNEL.
-* __XAAccNUM2__ Acc for Num before ovdalis etc
-* __XXr1999__ Gen in golbma ''jagi'' boaris
-** Ritva comment: Find a rule for "viđa" aswell, this hits "mehter" as it should
-* __XXr2002__ Selects genitive if there is a numeral immediately to your left, and you are TIME: ''golbma jagi''
-* __XXr2003__ Gen if Num and then Acc, and it is somewhat fishy, says Ritva...
-* __XXr2004__ Gen if -1 Num velggolaš
-* __XXr2005__ ovtta is Adv if 1 ALU (does not hit...)
-* __XXr2006__ Selects genitive if you are a numeral and immediately to your right is CURRENCY: ''vihtta ruvnnu''
-* __XXr2007__ Selects accusative when you are a numeral with "gitta" immediately to your right followed by a numeral with acc-case: ''180 gitta 200''
-* __XXr2008__Selects accusative if you are a numeral with a transitive verb to the left: ''geassá 200 olbmo''
-* __XXr1523__Removes accusative if you are a numeral and JAHKI-NUM is immediately to your left ''mávssii mannan jagi 43 ruvnnu''
-* __NumAcc__ selects Acc for singular numerals if followed by a noun ''logi báhkkoma''
-* __NumGen__ selects Gen Sg if there is a Num Sg to your left 
-* __NumAccCo__ (coordinated num) selects Acc if you are Num Sg and to your right: CC with a Num to the right ''guokte ja eanemusat golbma''
-!Accusative or genitive in temporal adverbials
-* __rX2032__
-* __rX2034obs__
-* __r2052__
-* __DurTime__
-* __r2056__
-* __r2057__
-* __GenTime__ selects genitive if 0 TIME and COPULAS somewhere to the left or right
-* __GenTIME__ Selects genitive when you are TIME and there is a mainverb COPULAS somewhere in the sentence
-!!Intransitive verbs can sometimes be transitive
-!!Accusative or genitive in front of ALU and in front of adjectives
-!!Accusative before @COMP-CS<
-!!Accusative before some A
-!!Accusative sentence-finally
-!!Genitive and accusative in temporal adverbials
-!!Choosing accusative or genitive semantically
-* __r2143__ The most frequent genitive rule: Gen when postpos immediately to the right:
-!!Nominative and accusative
-*__NomIFInitialThenSg3__ selects Nom if -1 BOS and 1 oblique / Sg3 lookalike. Works in fragments.
-* __r2281__ marginal
-* __PostVNom__ selects Nom if a Sg 3p verb to the left with no Nom to the left of it
-* __NDr2422__ selects Nom if it finds a Nom to the left of CC and to the left of a verb. No verb allowed to the right ''eamit barggai vuođđoskuvllas ja isit fas gymnásas''
-!!Comitative rules
-!NP internal disambiguation of Com
-* __PlSg-W__ removes Pl when SG-WORD
-* __Locgoabbat__ selects Pl Loc after goabbat Foc/ge
-* __NumCom__ selects Num Com: guvttiin nieiddain if not plural-noun like: guvttiin heajain
-* __ComDemNum1__ selects N Com if there is a Dem or Num or buorre + Com to the left: Exception for plural-nouns  
-* __Comburiin__ selects N Com if there is a safe N Com to the right: buriin vugiin  
-* __ComCOM-A__ selects Sg Com after COM-A
-* __Comduhtavas__ selects Sg Com after duhtavaš
-!Disambiguation of Com depending on Adv or certain verb or N
-* __ComComAdv1__ selects Com for ACTOR OR ACTOR-ROLE after og before COM-ADV 
-* __ComComAdv1__ selects Com after COM-ADV or juohke
-* __Comboahtit__ selects riika Com when boahtit: boahtit riikkainis, which is a special construction
-* __ComComplPl-N__ selects Sg Com for HUMAN, ORGANIZATION, INSTITUTION, STATE, EVENT-TOOL-ACTIVITY, láhka when there is a COM-COMPL-N to the left or right
-* __Comoktavuohta__ selects Sg Com when oktavuohta is to the left or right
-* __ComDU-NR__ selects Sg Com after Pers dualis: moai áhčiin, munno vieljain
-* __ComHumanOrg__ selects HUMAN Sg Com after HUMAN, ORGANIZATION, INSTITUTION
-!Animate nouns
-* __ComAnimate__ selecst Sg Com if there is an animate to the left, and the noun itself is not a ABSTR-TEXT,  TEXT,  PLACE,  INDUSTRY,  EDUCATION,  INSTITUTION,  ANIMATE
-* __ComProp__ selecst Prop Sg Com for person names. Exception for habitive constructions.
-!HAB-ACTOR in habitive-constructions
-* __LocHab1, LocHab2__ select Pl when HAB-ACTOR
-!Disambiguation based upon verb valency 
-* __ComVR, ComVL__ select Com when COM-V
-* __ComVOktiiL, ComVOktiiR__ select Com when OKTII-V 
-!tools (concrete and abstract)
-* __ComTool1, ComTool2, ComToolCoord__ select Com TOOL when ACTIVITY-V, MOVEMENT-V, PLACE-V-V 
-* __ComHuman__ selects Com ABSTR-TOOL OR SATNI when HUMAN-AGENT-V - does it function? 
-!BODY as an instrument
-* __ComHuman__ selects Com BODY when VERBAL-ACTIVITY-V 
-* __ComHuman__ selects Com HUMAN when VERBAL-ACTIVITY-V 
-* __LocdynamicVR, LocdynamicVL__ select Pl Loc if there is a DYNAMIC-V and the noun itself is not a TOOL, ABSTR-TOOL, WRITING-TOOL, CONCEPT, HUMAN, VEHICLE, buorre, Der/NomAc
-!Disambiguation based upon verb valency
-* __LocLocVL1, LocLocVR__ select Pl Loc if there is a LOC-V
-* __LLocAccLocVL__ select Pl Loc if there is a ACC-LOC-V
-Most actio can be both tool and event. 
-* __LocFurniture__ select Pl Loc FURNITURE if there is a PLACE-V
-* __LocInstitution__ select Loc INSTITUTION if there is a ABSTR-PLACE-V
-* __LocPlaceIndustry__ select Loc GEOGRAPHICAL-PLACE if there is a INDUSTRY to the right
-!The super-set Dynamic-verb according to choose (Pl Loc) or (Sg Com)
-The idea is that the superset DYNAMIC-V are not connected to TOOL, ABSTR-TOOL or CONCEPT in (Pl Loc). This is the "minste felles multiplum". The sub-sets are different, f.i. many of them (but not all) are not connected to HUMAN in (Pl Loc), one is not connected to ABSTR-ENTITY and ACTOR in (Pl Loc). We work with negation so the rules don´t destroy analysis because of insufficent sets. 
-First the general-rules for selecting (Sg Com), then the more special rules for selecting (Sg Com), and then we selct (Pl Loc) for the rest of them under # Another round of locative rules.
-* __ComDynV__ Dynamic-verbs selects Com when TOOL, ABSTR-TOOL, WRITING-TOOL, CONCEPT, EVENT-TOOL-ACTIVITY
-* Dynamic-verb selects Com when HUMAN, but not for HUMAN-SOURCE-VEHICLE-V 
-* Body-activity-verb selects Com when BODY, for BODY-ACTIVITY-V or VERBAL-ACTIVITY-V
-* ComVeh 
-* Abstract-entity-com-verbs
-* Only-place-loc-verb 
-* bivvat
-* ealihit
-* ipmirdit / áddet
-* ruhtadit
-* suokkardit and čielggadit
-* vástidit 
-* Coordination
-!Locative and comitative - Disambiguation based upon coordination
-!And then we remove the remaining Sg Com analysis
-!!Late case rules (after other case rules have worked). 
-!!Finite or not
-!!Indicative or imperative
-!!Verbs according to person and number
-!Sg1 - First person singular
-!Sg2 - Second person singular
-!Sg3 - Third person singular
-Infinitive and clausal subject
-Rules that look backwards for a subject across a relative clause:
-Rules that look backwards for a subject across a subordinate clause (CP boundary):
-Extension possibilities: Coordination
-Son oaidná du ja mu ovdal go boahtit... 
-Coordinated Sg3 verbs
-Not (V Sg3)
-!Du1 - First person dual 
-!Du2 - Second person dual
-!Rules for leahppi = ("leahppi" N Sg Nom)
-!Du3 - Third person dual
-!Pl1 - First person plural
-!Pl2 - Second person plural
-!Pl3 - Third person plural
-* __allSg2leat__ removes Sg2 if leat Prs Pl3
-* __allPl1__ removes Pl1 if Pl3
-* __allPrtSg2__ removes PrtSg2 if PrsPl3
-!!Rules for a special infinitive construction
-!!More finite verbs
-!!Present Participle
-!!Actio/Perfect Participle 
-!!Selecting some more finite verbs
-!!Lexical disambiguation of verbs 
-!!Case rules
-!!Other rules for nouns and pronouns
-!!Adverbs and adjectives
-!!Genitive after preposition - round 2
-Divvun & Giellatekno - open source grammars for Sámi and other languages
-!!!Lexica for nominal declension classes
-!!Lexica for nouns
-!Bisyllabic nouns
- * LEXICON GOAHTI-A  pga errortag-branch
- * LEXICON GOAHTI-I   pga errortag-branch
- * LEXICON GOAHTI-U   pga errortag-branch
- * LEXICON GOAHTI  Bisyll. V-Nouns. Short nom-compound-forms goahte-,long/short gen
- * LEXICON SPILE  Bisyll. V-Nouns. Short nom-compound-forms goahte-,long/short gen
- * LEXICON VIELLJA  Bisyll. V-Nouns. Short nom-compound-forms goahte-,long/short gen
- * LEXICON VARRA   No -laš  Bisyll. V-Nouns. Short nom-compound-forms goahte-,long/short gen
- * LEXICON GOAHTI-IU  Bisyll. V-Nouns. Short nom-compound-forms goahte-,long/short gen
- * LEXICON CEAHCI  Bisyll. V-Nouns. Short nom-compound-forms goahte-,long/short gen
- * LEXICON GOAHTILONG  Long nom-compound-forms,long gen
- * LEXICON GOAHTILONGSHORT  Sometimes long nom-compound-forms,long gen
- * LEXICON ALBMI  Bisyll. V-Nouns. Short nom-compound-forms, long gen.
- * LEXICON AHCCI  Bisyll. V-Nouns. Short nom-compound-forms, long gen.
- * LEXICON ALBMILONG  Bisyll. V-Nouns. Long nom-compound-forms, long gen.
- * LEXICON IPMI  Bisyll. V-Nouns. Long nom-compound-forms, long gen.
- * LEXICON ALBMILONGSHORT  Bisyll. V-Nouns. Long/SHORT nom-compound-forms, long gen.
- * LEXICON LOTLOHKU  Bisyll. V-Nouns. Long/SHORT nom-compound-forms, long gen.
- * LEXICON AIGI  Bisyll. V-Nouns. Short nom-compound-forms, short gen.
- * LEXICON BEALLE  Bisyll. V-Nouns. Short nom-compound-forms, short gen.
- * LEXICON VIELLJABEALLE  Bisyll. V-Nouns. Short nom-compound-forms, short gen.
- * LEXICON BASSI  Bisyll. V-Nouns. Long nom-compound-forms, short gen., long heapmi-caritive
- * LEXICON MUOHTU  Bisyll. V-Nouns. Short nom-compound-forms, short gen., long heapmi-caritive
- * LEXICON EADNI  Bisyll. V-Nouns. Short nom-compound-forms, long gen.short caritive
- * LEXICON RISTEADNI  Bisyll. V-Nouns. Short nom-compound-forms, long gen.short caritive
- * LEXICON VALDI  Bisyll. V-Nouns. Short nom-compound-forms, long gen.short caritive
- * LEXICON RAFI  Bisyll. V-Nouns. Long nom-compound-forms, long gen. short heapmi-caritive
- * LEXICON OLGU  Bisyll. V-Nouns. Short nom-compound-forms, short gen.
- * LEXICON MIEHTI  Bisyll. V-Nouns. Short nom-compound-forms, long gen.
- * LEXICON LULLI  Bisyll. V-Nouns. Long/SHORT nom-compound-forms, long gen.
- * LEXICON DAHPPA  the dáhpahuvvá fix
- * LEXICON BEARRI   the *bearáš vs bearaš fix
- * LEXICON ACTOR  +CmpN/SgN +CmpN/SgG +CmpN/PlG 
- * LEXICON ACTORCT  Long compound-forms
- * LEXICON ACTORLONGSHORTCT  Sometimes long compound-forms
- * LEXICON ACTORSHORTCT  Sometimes long compound-forms
- * LEXICON ACTORLEX  Long compound-forms
- * LEXICON STAHTA  Bisyll. Non-Gradating a-Nouns; i-Illative
- * LEXICON IIJA  Bisyll. Non-Gradating a-Nouns; a-Illative
- * LEXICON GADDI  Bisyll. V-Nouns with Comparative Forms.  Short nom-compound-forms, long gen.
- * LEXICON GADDILONG  long compound forms, short -heapme
- * LEXICON GADDILONGSHORT  NB! No SgIll and SgLoc because davvi is the only word this far Bisyll. V-Nouns with Comp. Forms, long-short nomcmp, long gencmp
- * LEXICON GADDISHORT  Bisyll. V-Nouns with Comparative Forms.  Short nom-compound-forms, SHORT gen.
- * LEXICON OARJI  Bisyll. V-Nouns with Comparative Forms.  Short nom-compound-forms, long gen.
- * LEXICON LULLILONG  long compound forms
- * LEXICON LUONDU  this word (+vuohta) because of behavior in compounds
- * LEXICON RUOKTU  only this word because of its behavior in compounds
- * LEXICON MADII   Another peculiar word that deserves its own lex.
- * LEXICON GENTLEMAN   cns-final bisyllabic loanwords (stem mana-)
- * LEXICON BUDEITA  Rather special word
- * LEXICON MANNI  Bisyll. V-Nouns. Long/SHORT nom-compound-forms, long gen.ILL:mánnii/mánnái
-!Trisyllabic nouns
- * LEXICON MATTAR  Tris. Anim. Gradating C-Nouns
- * LEXICON MALIS  Short compound-forms Tris. Inanim. Gradating C-Nouns
- * LEXICON DOAVTTIR  Short compound-forms Tris. Inanim. Gradating C-Nouns
- * LEXICON MALISLONG   Long compound-forms Tris. Inanim. Gradating C-Nouns
- * LEXICON MALISLONGSHORT   Long and short compound-forms. Tris. Inanim. Gradating C-Nouns
- * LEXICON OVCCIS   Collective numerals
- * LEXICON BEANA  Trisyll. Anim. Gradating 0-Nouns
- * LEXICON SEAMU  Short compound-forms. Trisyll. Inanim. Gradating 0-Nouns
- * LEXICON SEAMULONG  Long compound-forms. Trisyll. Inanim. Gradating 0-Nouns
- * LEXICON DAHPPAGA   the dáhpahuvvá fix nr2
- * LEXICON GAHPIR  Short compound-forms. Trisyll. Non-Gradating C-Nouns
- * LEXICON ENGEL  Restricted denominals for speller   Short compound-forms. Trisyll. Non-Gradating C-Nouns
- * LEXICON GAHPIRLONGSHORT  Long and short compound-forms. Trisyll. Non-Gradating C-Nouns
- * LEXICON GAHPIRLONG  Long compound-forms. Trisyll. Non-Gradating C-Nouns
- * LEXICON DAIVVAS  Tris. Gradating C-Nouns, The Troms declension: dáivvaš:dáivaha, bearaš:bearraha, njunuš:njunnoha
-!Contracted nouns
- * LEXICON BOAZU  Anim. Contracted 0-Nouns
- * LEXICON SUOLU  Short compound-forms. Inanim. Contracted 0-Nouns
- * LEXICON SUOLULONG  Long compound-forms. Inanim. Contracted 0-Nouns
- * LEXICON GISTTA  The Noun gistta, gist -
- * LEXICON FALIS  Contracted Anim. C-Nouns
- * LEXICON LASIS  Contracted Inanim. C-Nouns
- * LEXICON CEAHKES  Contracted Inanim. C-Nouns
- * LEXICON GUOVTTIS   Collective numerals
- * LEXICON GUOVTTU  Here because other lexicons don't fit for it
- * LEXICON GARGIA   light fin syll, bisyll. on -o- that doesn't have change o:u in front of j (i): Kino
- * LEXICON BUFFALO  heavy fin syll
- * LEXICON ESSAYA  recent loanwords on vow+a
- * LEXICON IDEA  restricted Px for speller recent loanwords on vow+a
- * LEXICON MASAI  heavy fin syll
- * LEXICON STRUKTUR  Recent loanwords on -vra with short cmp-form
- * LEXICON MAŠIIDNA  Recent loanwords on -iidna with short cmp-form
- * LEXICON ADRENALIN  Recent loanwords on -iidna with short cmp-form
- * LEXICON TELEFON  Recent loanwords on -vdna with short cmp-form
- * LEXICON AKTION  Recent loanwords on -vdna with short cmp-form
- * LEXICON NATION  Recent loanwords on -uvdna with short cmp-form
- * LEXICON KANON  Recent loanwords on -vdna with short cmp-form
- * LEXICON SOSIAL  Recent loanwords on -ála with both short and long cmp-form
- * LEXICON OLLUVUOHTA  Exceptional vuohta-Nouns
- * LEXICON MUODUT  Like MUOHTU, but plural only
- * LEXICON DEAHKIT  like AIGI but plural only
- * LEXICON DIEDUT  like ALBMI but plural only
- * LEXICON BADJOSAT    Pl. bajus:badjosat
- * LEXICON BADJOSATLONG    Pl. bajus:badjosat
- * LEXICON ALIMAT    Pl. alin:alimat
- * LEXICON CEAKCAGAT  Like seamu but plural only
- * LEXICON BORALMASAT  like JOHTOLAT but plural only
- * LEXICON DURVAT  like LASIS but pl. only
- * LEXICON VUOIGNAHAT    LikeDAIVVAS but only Pl. vuoiŋŋaš:vuoigŋahat
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-!!!The North Saami Subjunctions 
- * __LEXICON Subjunction   __ contains the list
- * __LEXICON Cs   __ gives the tag +CS
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-<!DOCTYPE tabs PUBLIC "-//APACHE//DTD Cocoon Documentation Tab V1.1//EN" "http://forrest.apache.org/dtd/tab-cocoon-v11.dtd">
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-  title="Northern Sami"
-  copyright="Sámediggi & UiT">
-  <tab id="" label="Home" dir="" indexfile="index.html">
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-Divvun & Giellatekno - open source grammars for Sámi and other languages
-!!!Verb conjugation
-!!Basic lexica for bisyllabic verbs
-These are treated separately because
- modals do not participate in derivation
- * __LEXICON GALGA_IV __ only dáidit, galgat
- * __LEXICON FERTE_IV __  only fertet and bállet
-!Ordinary bisyllabic verbs
- * __LEXICON ARVI_IV  __ Bisyllabic Impersonal Verbs
- * __LEXICON ARVALADDA_IV  __ Already derived words (except words ending -uššat)
- * __LEXICON DIEHTI_TV       __ Bisyllabic i-verbs with Personal Passive
- * __LEXICON MASSI_TV       __ No deverbal nouns (for speller reasons). Bisyllabic i-verbs with Personal Passive
- * __LEXICON GILVI_TV       __ only gilvit, to get rid of gilvohallat (for speller reasons).
- * __LEXICON BORRA_TV       __ Bisyllabic a- and u-verbs with Personal Passive
- * __LEXICON FALLA_TV       __ fállat, njoarrat,  to get rid of fálastallat, njoarastallat (for speller reasons).
- * __LEXICON ASTA_TV   __ No deverbal nouns (for speller reasons). Bisyllabic a- and u-verbs with Personal Passive
- * __LEXICON OAHPPA_TV       __ only oahppat. Like BORRA but without Deverbal verb -stuvva (for speller reasons)
- * __LEXICON DEAKCU_TV   __ as BORRA for u-verbs with dim -astit, and a-verbs with dim -istit that are hardcoded
- * __LEXICON LEABBU_TV    __ only leabbut this far. No deverbal nouns (for speller reasons)- otherwise like DEAKCU_TV
- * __LEXICON DIEHTISHORT_TV       __ Short action noun compound-form: neasken- 
- * __LEXICON DIEHTILONGSHORT_TV       __ Long and short action noun compound-form, savdnjen-/savdnjin-
- * __LEXICON BAHCCI_TV       __ bahčit. Long and short actio compound-form. No NomAg (Actor) compound, for speller reasons
- * __LEXICON DIEHTALADDA_TV    __ Already derived words (except words ending -uššat and -httit)
- * __LEXICON LAIGOHADDA_TV   __ láigohaddat. No deverbal nouns for speller reasons
- * __LEXICON HAHTTIT_TV    __ Four-syll kausatives on -httit
- * __LEXICON DAHTU_TV  __  As diehti, but -ut verbs, thus without short passive
- * __LEXICON BOLTU_TV  __  As DAHTU_TV but with dim -astit that are harcoded
- * __LEXICON ALBMU_TV   __ No deverbal nouns (for speller reasons). As BOLTU_TV otherwise
- * __LEXICON ALLU_IV  __  -ut verbs, thus without short passive
- * __LEXICON BARGU_IV  __  bissut, bárgut. no NomAg (Actor) for speller reasons
- * __LEXICON BOAHTI_IV  __  Bisyllabic i-verbs without Personal Passive but with Der/NomAg
- * __LEXICON BOAHTILONGSHORT_IV  __ Long and short action noun compound-form
- * __LEXICON DIEVVA_IV  __  Bisyllabic a- and u-verbs without Personal Passive but with Der/NomAg
- * __!LEXICON DIEVVA_TV  __  arvat, čuohcat. Bisyllabic a- and u-verbs without Personal Passive but with Der/NomAg (TT: check this) i didn't see the meaning with this lexicon, thus commented out (TO)
- * __ LEXICON BEALLJA_IV  __ No deverbal nouns for speller reasons. Bisyllabic a- and u-verbs without Personal Passive but with Der/NomAg
- * __LEXICON BOAZZU_IV  __ as DIEVVA_IV for u-verbs with dim -astit, that are hardcoded
- * __LEXICON BINDU_IV  __ as DIEVVA (but without short passive) for u-verbs with dim -astit, that are hardcoded
- * __LEXICON BOAHTALADDA_IV  __ Already derived words (except words ending -uššat)
- * __LEXICON MAHTI_TV  __  Bisyllabic Verbs without Personal Passive but with Acc obj.
- * __LEXICON MAHTALADDA_TV  __ Bisyllabic Already derived words (except words ending -uššat) without Personal Passive but with Acc obj
- * __LEXICON RAIMMAHALLA_IV      __ passives on -hallat and INCHOATIVES on -stuvvat
- * __LEXICON UVVA_IV      __ passives -uvvat
- * __ LEXICON SMUVVA_IV      __ passives -snuvvat, -smuvvat, -smit
-!!Intermediate lexica for even-syllable verbs
-!!Basic lexica for contracted verbs
- * __LEXICON GILLE_IV  __  Contracted Verbs without Personal Passive
- * __LEXICON CIRRO_IV  __  Inchoatives and essives on -á, -o, -e without Personal Passive
- * __LEXICON DOHPPE_TV  __ Contracted Verbs with Personal Passive
- * __LEXICON GARRE_TV  __  garret, loget. with Personal Passive. for speller to hinder garrenávnnas, garrenoaivi etc
- * __LEXICON ORRO_IV  __  orrot. for speller to hinder orronsadji etc
- * __LEXICON MUITA_TV  __  Inchoatives and essives on -á, -o, -e with Personal Passive
- * __LEXICON MAHTA_TV  __ Contracted Verbs without Personal Passive but with Acc obj.
-!!Basic lexica for trisyllabic verbs
- * __LEXICON COASKKIT_IV   __  Trisyllabic impersonals
- * __LEXICON ARVVASJ_IV   __ impersonals ending -šit, -skit, smit, -idit, -ldit, -git and 5-syllables
- * __LEXICON ARVIL_IV  __ Impersonal Trisyllabic Verbs ending -lit 
- * __LEXICON MUITAL_TV  __ Trisyllabic Verbs with Personal Passive
- * __LEXICON OAHPAHIT_TV  __ only oahpahit, disamb reasons?
- * __LEXICON MUITTASJ_TV  __ Words ending -šit, -skit, -ldit - Reciprocals on -dit, Momentatives on -dit, -ádit, -ihit, -e7hit, Frequentatives on -(u)hit, Continuatives on -nit, Inchoatives on -nit
- * __LEXICON HALIID_TV  __ Words ending -smit, -idit, -git
- * __LEXICON BONJAT_TV  __ Cont/Freq on -dit, Continuatives on -(u)hit, Reciprocals, momentatives and frequentatives ending -alit
- * __LEXICON VUORDIL_TV  __ Trisyllabic Verbs ending -lit, -rit with Personal Passive
- * __LEXICON MUITALCnj  __ Substems for Consonantal Verb Stems
- * __LEXICON HURAICnj  __ Substems for  Words ending -aidit
- * __LEXICON ALIST_IV  __ Trisyllabic Verbs without Personal Passive
- * __LEXICON NUOSKIT_IV  __ only nuoskidit, for speller, no action noun nuoskideapmi
- * __LEXICON BEAGASJ_IV  __ Words ending -šit, -skit -ldit, essive derivates on -hit -. !Reciprocals on -dit. Momentatives on -dit, -ádit, -ihit, -e7hit. Frequentatives on -(u)hit. Continuatives on -nit. Inchoatives in -nit
- * __LEXICON JORGGIID_IV  __ Words ending -smit, -idit, -git - 
- * __LEXICON HURAI_IV  __ Words ending -aidit 
- * __LEXICON BALAT_IV  __ !Cont/Freq on -dit, Continuatives on -(u)hit, Reciprocals, momentatives and frequentatives ending -alit
- * __LEXICON SUOTNJAL_IV  __ Trisyllabic Verbs ending -lit, -rit without Personal Passive
- * __LEXICON BOTNJAS_IV  __ Trisyllabic Verbs ending -sit without Personal Passive
- * __LEXICON LASSAN_IV  __ Trisyllabic Verbs ending -nit without Personal Passive IV
- * __LEXICON LAHKAN_TV  __ lahkanit, lahkonit, are nowadays used transitively
- * __LEXICON GEAGAT_TV  __  Trisyllabic Verbs without Personal Passive but with Acc obj.
- * __LEXICON BUOVVAL_TV  __  buovvalit, guoigalit. Trisyllabic Verbs ending -lit without Personal Passive but with Acc obj.
-!!Finite declension
-!!Present tense
-!Vocalic stems
- * __LEXICON PotPrsV  __ Present Tense in Vocalic Verb Stems
- * __LEXICON PrsV  __ Present Tense in Vocalic Verb Stems
- * __LEXICON PrsV1  __ Present Tense Endings for Vocalic Verb Stems
- * __LEXICON PrsV2  __ Present Tense Endings for Vocalic Verb Stems
- * __LEXICON PrsV3  __ Present Tense Endings for Vocalic Verb Stems
- * __LEXICON PrsV4  __ Present Tense Endings for Vocalic Verb Stems
- * __LEXICON PrsV5  __ Present Tense Endings for Vocalic Verb Stems
-!Consonantal stems
- * __LEXICON PotC  __ Present Tense in Consonantal Verb Stems
- * __LEXICON PrsC  __ Present Tense in Consonantal Verb Stems
- * __LEXICON PrsC1  __ Present Tense in Contr/Non-Contr Consonantal Verb Stems
- * __LEXICON PotC2  __ Potential in Non-Contracted Consonantal Verb Stems
- * __LEXICON PrsC2  __ Present Tense in Non-Contracted Consonantal Verb Stems
-!!Past tense
-!Vocalic stems
- * __LEXICON PrtV  __ Preterite Endings for Vocalic Verb Stems
- * __LEXICON PrtV1  __ Preterite Endings for Vocalic Weak Grade Verb Stems
- * __LEXICON PrtV2  __ Preterite Endings for Vocalic Strong Grade Verb Stems
-!Consonantal stems
- * __LEXICON PrtC  __ Preterite Endings for Consonantal Verb Stems
- * __LEXICON PrtC1  __ Preterite Endings for Consonantal Contr./Non-Contr. Verb Stems
- * __LEXICON PrtC2  __ Preterite Endings for Consonantal Non-Contr. Verb Stems
- * __LEXICON PrtC3  __ Preterite Endings for Consonantal Contr./Non-Contr. Verb Stems
-!!Imperative mood
- * __LEXICON ImprtVA          __  Imperative Forms for Vocalic Verb Stems
- * __LEXICON ImprtVB          __  Imperative Forms for Vocalic Verb Stems
- * __LEXICON ImprtV1          __  Imperative Forms for Vocalic Verb Stems
- * __LEXICON ImprtV2  __ Imperative Forms for Vocalic Verb Stems and Substems
- * __LEXICON ImprtSg2  __ Imperative Forms For Consonantal and Contracted Verb Stems
- * __LEXICON ImprtC __  Imperative Substems for Consonantal Verb Stems - uneven syll.
- * __LEXICON ImprtC2 __  Imperative Substems for Consonantal Verb Stems - contracts
-!!!Infinite forms
-!!V- and C-final
- * __LEXICON NominalFormsV   __  Vowel-final stems
-!!Continuation lex
- * __LEXICON NominalFormsVC __  for vowel final
- * __LEXICON NominalFormsV1 __   infinitiv, actio
- * __LEXICON NominalFormsV2 __  gerund, verbgenitiv, verbabessive
- * __LEXICON NominalFormsV3	 __  ^NG^ gerund
- * __LEXICON NominalFormsV4 __  perfect participe, preterite negation form
- * __LEXICON NominalFormsV5 __  negation form
- * __LEXICON NominalFormsV6  __ presence paratisipe
- * __!LEXICON NominalFormsV7 __  gerund, verbabessive , same as NominalFormsV8!
- * __LEXICON NominalFormsV8 __  gerund, verbabessive
- * __LEXICON NominalFormsV9 __  supine
- * __LEXICON NominalFormsC1 __  for cons final stems: infinitive, supine, actio, gerund, perfect participe, preterite negation form
- * __LEXICON NominalFormsC2  __  for cons final stems: presence participe
- * __!LEXICON PRSPRCTOADJ  __ SUB ! This is for PrsPrc as Adj.
- * __LEXICON DeverbalNounsC __  
- * __LEXICON DeverbalNounsCTV __  
- * __LEXICON DeverbalNounsBOAHTI __  
- * __LEXICON DeverbalNounsRAIMMAHALLA  __ no NomAg/actor
- * __LEXICON DeverbalNounsBOAHTALADDA __  
- * __LEXICON DeverbalNounsDIEHTALADDA __  
- * __LEXICON DeverbalNounsDIEHTI __  
- * __LEXICON DeverbalNounsDIEHTISHORT __  
- * __LEXICON DeverbalNounsBAHCCI __  
- * __LEXICON DeverbalNounsDOHPPE- __  
- * __LEXICON DeverbalNounsGARRE- __  
- * __LEXICON DeverbalNounsCIRRO- __  
- * __LEXICON DeverbalNounsORRO- __  
- * __LEXICON DeverbalNounsCIRROTV- __  
- * __LEXICON DeverbalNounsDOHPPEJ __  
- * __LEXICON DeverbalNounsDOHPPEJTV __  
- * __LEXICON DeverbalNounsMUITALTV __  
- * __LEXICON DeverbalNounsMUITTASJTV __  
- * __LEXICON DeverbalNounsMUITAL __  
- * __LEXICON DeverbalNounsNUOSKIT __  
- * __LEXICON DeverbalNounsMUITTASJ __  
- * __LEXICON DeverbalVerbsBOAHTI __  
- * __LEXICON DeverbalVerbsDIEVVA __  
- * __LEXICON DeverbalVerbsBINDU __  
- * __LEXICON DeverbalVerbsBORRA __  
- * __LEXICON DeverbalVerbsFALLA __  
- * __LEXICON DeverbalVerbsBOLTU __  
- * __LEXICON DeverbalVerbsDIEHTI __  
- * __LEXICON DeverbalVerbsARVI __  
- * __LEXICON DeverbalVerbsDOHPPE __  
- * __LEXICON DeverbalVerbsGILLE __  
- * __LEXICON DeverbalVerbsBORGE __  
- * __LEXICON DeverbalVerbsMUITAL __  
- * __LEXICON DeverbalVerbsVUORDIL __  
- * __LEXICON DeverbalVerbsALIST __  
- * __LEXICON DeverbalVerbsSUOTNJAL __  
- * __LEXICON DeverbalVerbsBOTNJAS __  
- * __LEXICON DeverbalVerbsLASSAN __  
- * __LEXICON DeverbalVerbsCOASKKIT __  
- * __LEXICON DeverbalVerbsARVIL __  
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-!!!North Saami verbs 
-!!Negative verbs 
- * __LEXICON Negativeverb  __
- * __LEXICON negmood  __
- * __LEXICON negind  __
- * __LEXICON negimp  __
- * __LEXICON negsup  __
- * __LEXICON Copula   __ Dividing into finite and infinite
- * __LEXICON Finitecop   __ (Removed %>, they blocked diphtsim^pl)
- * __LEXICON Prscop   __
- * __LEXICON Prtcop   __
- * __LEXICON Impcop  __
- * __LEXICON Infinitecop  __
-!!Stray forms 
- * __LEXICON STRAYFORMS  __ (referred to from the main Verb lexicon)
- * __LEXICON Eahpe_Verb  __
-!!Main verbs 
-Here comes the main list of verbs.
- * __LEXICON Verb   __
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-<?xml version = '1.0' encoding = 'UTF-8'?>
-<!DOCTYPE document PUBLIC "-//APACHE//DTD Documentation V2.0//EN" "http://forrest.apache.org/dtd/document-v20.dtd">
-<document xml:lang="en">
-  <header>
-    <title>Discussions with colleagues</title>
-  </header>
-  <body>
-    <section>
-      <title>Introduction</title>
-      <p>As the work has progressed, several problems have come up and been resolved, not the least due to generous input from colleagues at Xerox. Parts of the discussions are reprinted here, for future reference. </p>
-    </section>
-    <section>
-      <title>The Letters</title>
-      <section>
-        <title id="shortening" >Shortening</title>
-        <source>[Trond:]
-I have problems understanding a set of rules, cf. the following quote
-from my rule file (it works, now, but I do not understand why) (Note that
-"Shortening" below is the Saami linguistic term for the u-o and i-e
-althernation, the lax vowels are percieved as shorter than the tense
-"Vowel Shortening in Compounds after Long 1st Syllable 1"
-   Vx:Vy <=> [ Vow Vow | á ] Cns:+ Cns: _ StemCns:* X7: ;
-                         where Vx in (u i)
-                                 Vy in (o e)
-                         matched ;
-! The following 1st line was removed from this rule:
-! Vx:Vy <=> [ Vow Vow | á ] Cns:+ Cns _ StemCns:* [ X7: | X8: ] ;
-! the problem with this one was that it was not restricted to compounds
-! The X7: | X8: line was commented out since no lexicon in sme-lex.txt
-! pointed from X8 to R. This move should be checked for compounds later.
-KRB:  I don't understand the use of X7 and X8, of course, but I
-note that there are a couple of differences between the current
-rule and the line commented out:
-  1.  The current rule has Cns:+ Cns:  in the left context.  The
-  commented out rule had   Cns:+ Cns
-  I.e. in the current case, you need to match at least 2 Cns
-  symbols ON THE UPPER SIDE.  In the commented out context,
-  you need to match at least one Cns on the upper side, followed
-  by a Cns that appears on both the upper and lower sides.
-  2.  The other difference, of course, is that the current rule
-  needs an upper side X7: to fire.  It won't fire with an X8:
-Is that helpful?  I assume you know about how "local variables"
-work in twolc rules.  But just in case,  here Vx and Vy are
-local variables, defined in the 'where' clause.  Vx ranges over
-the set (u i) and Vy ranges over the set (o e).  The 'where'
-clause also states that the ranges are "matched", meaning that
-u corresponds to o, and i corresponds to e.  So the rule, as
-written, is a shorthand for the two following rules:
-"Rule 1"
-u:o <=> [ Vow Vow | á ] Cns:+ Cns: _ StemCns:* X7: ;
-"Rule 2"
-i:e <=> [ Vow Vow | á ] Cns:+ Cns: _ StemCns:* X7:
-!"Vowel Shortening in Compounds after Long 1st Syllable 2"
-!  Vx:Vy <=> [ #: | Cns ] Vz Cns+ Cns: Cns+ _ StemCns:* [ X7: | X8: ] ;
-!                       where Vz in (a i o u) ;
-!                       where Vx in (u i)
-!                               Vy in (o e)
-!                       matched ;
-! XXX Remainder! This rule is commented out since including it
-! spoils the i:á alternation of verbs (boahtiQ4n:boad1á, for some
-! reason.
-! This should be looked into.
-There are several very difficult problems encountered when writing
-two-level rules.
-  1.  You have to be very careful about writing the contexts, which
-      are themselves "two-level".  Note that the example above has
-      Vz  Cns+ Cns: Cns+
-      in the left context, which is somewhat suspicious.  Vz is
-      equivalent to Vz:Vz, i.e. the same symbol on both sides.
-      Then Cns+ matches one or more Cns symbols (on both sides),
-      Cns: matches a Cns JUST ON THE UPPER SIDE, and another
-      Cns+ matches one or more Cns symbols ON BOTH SIDES.
-      In two-level rules, it is as easy to make your contexts TOO
-      specific as it is to make them too general.
-      Very often you need to write something like c:, matching
-      only on the upper side, if some other rule in your system
-      is (simultaneously) mapping that c to something else, like
-      a k, or an empty string, on the lower side.  In such a case,
-      writing c, which is equivalent to c:c, is too specific.
-      When you write
-      or edit a two-level rule, you have to be aware of what all
-      the other rules in the set are trying to do at the very
-      same time.
-  2.  Rule clashes.  The rule spoils the i:�alternation probably
-      because it _clashes_ with the rule controlling i:�  I.e.
-      there exists one or more upper-side input strings that match
-      both rules, and one rules tries to map the lexical i to a
-      surface e, and the other rule
-      tries (simultaneously) to map the same lexical i to a surface �
-      Instant rule clash.
-      Looking at the two clashing rules together, you need to understand
-      exactly WHY they are clashing and rewrite one or both of them
-      so that the i:e alternation will occur always and only in the
-      places where it is appropriate, and at the same time, the i:á
-      alternation occurs always and only in the places where it is
-      appropriate.
-      The twolc rule compiler is very good at detecting the POSSIBILITY
-      of a clash, even if your language never presents such a possibility
-      to the rules.  In such a case, you might consider using the
-      load-lexicon feature (see the twolc documentation) to block the clash
-      messages that just don't matter, for your language.
-      In general, debugging twolc rule sets is a headache, which
-      is why so many of our people prefer the xfst Replace Rules.
-"Vowel Shortening in Compounds of Contract Stems"
-   Vx:Vy <=> [ Vow Vow | á ] Cns:+ Cns: _ StemCns:* X4: X7: ;
-                         where Vx in (u i)
-                                 Vy in (o e)
-                         matched ;
-"Vowel Shortening for buorre"
-  Vx:Vy <=> [ Vow Vow | á ] Cns:+ Cns _ X8: ;
-                        where Vx in (u i)
-                              Vy in (o e)
-                              matched ;
-! This rule was actually made for one word only, buorre:buoret
-! It replaces the missing "| X8:" sequence that is commented out in the
-! "Vowel shortening ... 1" rule above. Why X8: does not work there is
-! unclear.
-Note in the first rule that the left context has  Cns:+ Cns:
-while the secondt has Cns:+ Cns  (note the Cns rather than Cns:)
-That could be significant.  If there is another rule in the set
-that maps the Cns just before _ to something else, then the
-second rule won't match.  The second rule requires Cns:Cns
-just before the replace position _ .
-! This rule should in any case
-where X4, X8 trigger cns gradation, whereas X7 does not.
-This looks like a mess. As the comment stated, the Shortening ...1
-rule earlier contained the more elegant [ X7: | X8: ], but that did
-not work. So I removed X8:, got the problem with buorre, and
-reintroduced X8: in a separate rule. The result works, but is
-confusing, and makes me believe in ghosts in machines. I see that the
-left contexts are not quite identical (Cns vs.  Cns: in the last LC
-position of the last rule), but do not remember why I have this
-In two-level rules the difference between Cns and Cns: can make
-all the difference in the world, especially if there is another
-rule in the set that is mapping lexical Cns to something else
-on the surface.
-In retrospect, I cannot understand how the Shortening...2 rule could
-cause the (then very annoying) problem with failed i > �in present
-1st, 2nd of verbs, but the problem went away when Shortening---2 was
-removed. Here is the rule for Present tense 1st, 2nd i -> � really a
-safe rule for boahtiQ4n:boad1�, as it seems (Q4 triggers cns grad as
-"Stem Vowel in 1st and 2nd Person Singular Present"
-   i:á <=> Cns _ Q4: ;
-There are two kinds of two-level rule clash possible:
-1.  Right-arrow clashes.  e.g.
-    a:b => l _ r ;
-    a:b => q _ m ;
-    The first rule says that the pair a:b occurs only
-    in the context l _ r.  The second rule says that
-    the pair a:b occurs only in the context q _ m.
-    Clash.  Easy to resolve: just combine the two
-    rules into one rule with two contexts:
-    a:b => l _ r ;
-           q _ m ;
-2.  Left-arrow clashes.  e.g.
-    i:e <=   _  x ;
-    i:á<= y _    ;
-   the problem here is what to do when the input
-   is the string "yix", which matches both rules.
-   The first want to output yex, and the second
-   yá.  Clash.
-Understanding why two-level rules clash takes some careful
-looking and a complete mastery of the semantics of the rules.
-Because the rules all apply simultaneously, and because the
-contexts of all the rules match on both sides of the relation,
-the difference between Cns and Cns: can be very significant.
-I hope that helps,
-      </section>
-      <section>
-        <title id="umlaut" >Umlaut</title>
-        <source>I struggle with twolc, on different topics. Here I consider Umlaut and
-Vowel Harmony issues.
-In your Monish task in the Book, you use archiphonemes. For VH this is
-OK, I can make archiphonemic suffixes. But for Umlaut I would like to
-have a clean lexicon representation (just enter roots from the
-dictionary as is, and indicate exceptional Umlaut stems by sending
-them to trigger-containing sublexica, rather than to write double
-entries in the lexicon.
-Thus rather lexicon
-grop FEMNOUN ;
-bok:b^Ok FEMNOUN ;
-gropFEMNOUN ;
-There's nothing wrong with your approach.
-However, keep in mind that when using Xerox technology, you
-are no longer restricted to the two-level geometry.  In a
-classic two-level (KIMMO-style) system, the forms you put
-in the lexicon are the forms that the ultimate user will
-But with Xerox tools, you can write the core dictionary to
-look like this
-b^Ok     FEMNOUN ;
-and then, after all the alternation rules have been applied
-on the lower side, you can compose the following
-trivial rule ON TOP of the lexicon fst.
-    o <- %^O
-      .o.
-    LexiconFST
-mapping the ^O UP to a plain o so that the user will see "bok"
-instead of "b^Ok" in final solution strings.
-The dictionaries I want to pour into the system already contain
-grammatical codes that matches the former alternative, and I thus
-prefer the former solution, unless there are good reasons to chose the
-latter one (well, one reason is a smaller number of lexica, but in
-this case I can live with that).
-No, it sounds like your approach is perfectly reasonable.
-bokZ1er => bker! book.IndefPl w/Uml, since o: <=> _ Cns:* Z1: ;
-groper =>groper! hollow.IndefPl without Umlaut
-b^Oker => bker! ditto, since ^O: <=> _ Cns: +Pl: ;
-groper => groper! (can I make reference to grammatical categories like
-I take it that the Z1 (Diacritics without being it) is something you
-do not like, but that is the format I inherited (btw., should I keep
-it as such (cf.  attachment) or should I use the Diacritics section
-that you deprecate in the book?).
-There's nothing wrong with using diacritics.  After they've served
-their purpose, and you're done with them, you can map them to
-the empty string to keep the solution strings clean (if you like):
-      0 <- Z1
-      .o.
-      LexiconFST
-Now, if you compile the two files I send you you will see that nob.fst
-cannot analyse bker, but if you invert the stack to inob.fst, then it
-can generate it. How comes? And how do I assure analysing capability
-as well as generation?
-This looks like a bug.  The application routines don't like
-any of the surface words containing the  letter.  Thanks for
-sending the actual FST so that I could reproduce the problem.
-I've sent a report to the coders.
-I have the same problem with Finnish, when I try to make a vowel
-harmony rule based on the monish one. I generate, but do not analyse
-(source file forthcoming if needed). I take it the problem is the
-same, since I get the message "o: is not a feasible pair" when I do
-lex-pair test in twolc.
-This sounds like part of the same problem.  Let's see what the
-coders have to say.
-Thanks for the report.  Sorry for the confusion.
-      </section>
-      <section>
-        <title id="flag" >Flag diacritics</title>
-        <source>Flag Diacritics
-This time the Real Diacritics.
-Here is the problem: Saami can have N+N compounds, and I install a loop
-lexicon, R, so that nominative and genitive forms of nouns are
-redirected to R (with due vowel shortening, as described in an earlier
-Unfortunately, some nouns do not start out as such, but are derived
-from verbs and adjectives. This derivation process is handled by going
-from the approporiate adjectival and verbal stems via derivational
-suffixes to the relevant nominal sublexica, like this:
-verbstem+V => deraff+N, gives the wordform verbstem+V+deraff+N
-These (productively) derived nouns may participate in compounding. I
-thus want to allow the following compounds:
-stem+N & stem+N
-stem+N & [ stem+V aff+N ]
-stem+N & [ stem+A aff+N ]
-At the moment, I let my recursive lexicon R accept continuation both
-to N, V and A, thus I also allow the illicit compounds
-stem+N & stem+A
-stem+N & stem+V
-Cf. these examples:
-viesumuitalus   viessu+N+Sg+Gen#muitalit+V+us+N+Sg+Nom
-viesumuitalit   viessu+N+Sg+Gen#muitalit+V+Inf
-The first one is correct, as the 2nd component verb (muitalit) is
-turned into a noun (muitalus) via us-derivation (yes, the tag is +us).
-The 2nd one i want to avoid, since it is ungrammatical, (N+V compound),
-but as you can see, it is allowed by the 8at the moment9 overgenerating
-KRB:  you could, of course, produce the overgenerating lexicon
-and then remove the overgeneration by composing filters on
-the top.  They would have to be carefully written to allow
-multiple-part legal compounds, but it would almost certainly be possible
-to match and filter out illegal compounds that way.
-But let's assume that you want to use flag diacritics.
-It seems I need a flag diacritic at LEXICON R saying "ok to continue to
-+V or +A only if I find an +N tag later on in the string". Since I want
-to use diacritics sparsely, I would like it as follows (I use the flag
-diacritic X instead of {U, P, N, R, D, C} in this illustration, since I
-am not sure which one will fill my needs):
-  # NounRoot ;
-  #@X.compound.illicit@ VerbRoot ;
-  #@X.compound.illicit@ AdjectiveRoot ;
-Flag Diacritics are tricky for many users.  Be sure to read the Flag
-Diacritics chapter and learn the semantics of each type.  Remember
-that features are set, checked and perhaps cleared linearly as
-analysis goes from beginning to end of the word.
-The semantics you suggest above correspond to "Forward-looking Feature
-Requirements", which is treated in the last section in the current chapter
-on Flag Diacritics.  You want to allow something, but only if something
-else is eventually found/satisfied down the road.
-The compounding significantly complicates the picture.  As you go
-around the compound loops, you may find a need to set, check and clear
-features carefully at critical points.  I had to do this a lot in
-Aymara, and it wasn't easy.
-For my own mnemonic convenience, I name such forward-looking feature
-requirements with "Need" or "Require" in the title, e.g. NeedNom for "needs
-Let's just look at Nouns and Adjs, to make it slightly simpler.
-If and only if the Adjs are nominalized, they can participate in
- at P.NeedNom.ON@   ! positive setting of NeedNom = ON
- at D.NeedNom.ON@   ! disallow NeedNom = ON
- at C.NeedNom@      ! clear the NeedNom feature back to neutral
-        NounRoot ;   ! Start of normal noun
-        AdjRoot ;    ! start of normal adj
-dog      N ;
-cat      N ;
-rat      N ;
-! at the end of each noun root, or nominalized noun stem, go through
-     NounEndings ;  ! whatever they might be, leading to end of word
-     Compound ;     ! or look for a noun or nominalized adj to compound onto
-LEXICON Compound
-%#:0    NounRoot  ;   ! add a compound boundary, loop back to NounRoot; easy case
-< %#:0 @P.NeedNom.ON@ > AdjRoot ;
-   ! or add a compound boundary and set a feature NeedNom=ON and continue
-   ! to the AdjRoot lexicon
-blue   A ;
-black  A ;
-! all adjectives pass through the following LEXICON A
- at D.NeedNom.ON@  AdjEndings ;  ! go to normal adj endings,
-                              ! but DISALLOW this path if NeedNom is ON
-ness at C.NeedNom@    N ;  ! nominalizing suffix, makes the result a noun
-                        ! continue to LEXICON N, which leads to nominal
-                        ! endings or further compounding; Clear any
-                        ! outstanding "need" for nominalization--
-                        ! it has been satisfied.  Continue like any noun.
-Handle the nominalized verbs similarly to the nominalilzed adjectives
-That's probably not completely right, but it's all I have time for now.
-The example above is relatively simple because it is written so
-that every nounroot or nominalized stem has to pass through
-LEXICON N, and every AdjRoot has to pass through LEXICON A.
-LEXICON A, in particular, is the place where you need to check
-and clear feature values.  If your grammar has branches all over
-the place, and no central LEXICON through which all adjectives
-are funneled, then it will be harder to identify all the key
-points for checking and clearing features.    NOt impossible,
-but a bit harder.
-Then derivational sublexica might look like
-  +n+N at X.compound.licit@+Actio:m BOAHTIN ;
-  +mus1+N at X.compound.licit@:mus1s1 MUSH ;
-  +meahttun+A:X7#meahttum MEAHTTUN ;
-The idea being that a warning flag is set at R (value = illicit), and
-that it is removed only if the path ends in +N (value changed to
-licit), otherwise the string is blocked.
-Right.  Setting NeedNom=ON is not difficult.  You do that just before
-continuing to AdjRoots or VerbRoots that are acceptable only if they
-are eventually nominalized.  And "removing" (clearing) NeedNom features
-when you find a suitable nominalizing suffix is easy.
-The harder part is identifying all the other paths out of AdjRoots and
-VerbRoots that do _not_ involve nominalization and blocking them if
-NeedNom=ON.  That's what the first entry in LEXICON A does.  It
-lets you follow a non-nominalizing path out of AdjRoot, but only
-if NeedNom is Not set to ON.
-What diacritic should I use?
-I have suggested a combination of P (positive setting), D (disallow)
-and C (clear) diacritics.
-There are no doubt other ways, using U (unification) and perhaps
-R (require) features, but this one fits my intuition about "forward-
-looking feature requirements".
-Must I have a line in the xfst part of the Makefile, to remove strings
-with a certain flag diacr value, or will one of your flags do that by
-itself (string is removed if flag value is inherently illegal, so to
-Re-read the chapter on Flag Diacritics, which explain how they work.
-It's the application routines themselves (apply up, apply down,
-and the 'lookup' application) that are sensitive to flag diacritics
-and will block illegal paths at runtime.  It's automatic.  (In xfst,
-you can manually turn off the "obeying" of flag diacritics, but
-it's on by default.)
-but from what I see, you check from the suffix point of view (is the
-input I get legal) rather from the stem's point of view (I'll be legal
-only if saturated by a certain type of suffix later in this
-See the last section in the chapter "Forward-Looking Feature Requirements"
-to see a somewhat simple example of "Allow this tentatively, only if
-something else turns up later".  When compounding is involved, it
-gets a bit trickier, but not impossible.
-Good luck,
-      </section>
-      <p class="last_modified">Last modified: $Date: 2015-04-12 03:55:08 +0000 (Sun, 12 Apr 2015) $, by $Author: trond $</p>
-    </section>
-  </body>

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