[singular] branch master updated (7af9f30 -> 769bbd9)

Jerome Benoit calculus-guest at moszumanska.debian.org
Fri Oct 21 02:08:22 UTC 2016

This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.

calculus-guest pushed a change to branch master
in repository singular.

      from  7af9f30   Imported Debian patch 4.0.3-p3+ds-2: RC #840481 fix
      adds  8dd9a38   Imported Upstream version 4.0.3p4
       new  5ac53e8   Merge tag 'upstream/4.0.3p4'
      adds  1b0f73c   Imported Upstream version 4.0.3-p4+ds
       new  77f0c79   Merge tag 'upstream/4.0.3-p4+ds'
       new  769bbd9   Imported Debian patch 4.0.3-p4+ds-1

The 3 revisions listed above as "new" are entirely new to this
repository and will be described in separate emails.  The revisions
listed as "adds" were already present in the repository and have only
been added to this reference.

Summary of changes:
 Singular/LIB/alexpoly.lib                          |    60 +-
 Singular/LIB/classifyMapGerms.lib                  |  1216 ++
 Singular/LIB/classify_aeq.lib                      |   423 +-
 Singular/LIB/curveInv.lib                          |   667 +
 Singular/LIB/customstd.lib                         |    90 +
 Singular/LIB/difform.lib                           |  3124 +++
 Singular/LIB/divisors.lib                          |     3 +-
 Singular/LIB/ellipticcovers.lib                    |     2 +-
 Singular/LIB/general.lib                           |     7 +-
 Singular/LIB/gfan.lib                              |  1638 ++
 Singular/LIB/gitfan.lib                            |     3 +-
 Singular/LIB/grobcov.lib                           |  3091 +--
 Singular/LIB/grwalk.lib                            |    11 +-
 Singular/LIB/modular.lib                           |    62 +-
 Singular/LIB/modwalk.lib                           |     5 +-
 Singular/LIB/mprimdec.lib                          |     8 +-
 Singular/LIB/ncHilb.lib                            |   184 +
 Singular/LIB/nctools.lib                           |    18 +-
 Singular/LIB/normal.lib                            |   108 +-
 Singular/LIB/polymake.lib                          |  1034 +-
 Singular/LIB/rwalk.lib                             |    11 +-
 Singular/LIB/surf.lib                              |     4 +-
 Singular/LIB/surfacesignature.lib                  |    14 +-
 Singular/LIB/swalk.lib                             |    18 +-
 Singular/LIB/tropical.lib                          |   211 +-
 Singular/Makefile.am                               |     4 +-
 Singular/checklibs.c                               |     2 +-
 Singular/dyn_modules/Order/singular.cc             |     2 +-
 Singular/dyn_modules/customstd/customstd.cc        |   130 +-
 Singular/dyn_modules/gfanlib/Makefile.am           |     2 +-
 Singular/dyn_modules/gfanlib/adjustWeights.cc      |    30 +-
 Singular/dyn_modules/gfanlib/bbcone.cc             |   170 +-
 Singular/dyn_modules/gfanlib/bbfan.cc              |    53 +-
 Singular/dyn_modules/gfanlib/bbpolytope.cc         |    36 +-
 Singular/dyn_modules/gfanlib/containsMonomial.cc   |   338 +-
 Singular/dyn_modules/gfanlib/containsMonomial.h    |     2 +
 Singular/dyn_modules/gfanlib/flip.cc               |    42 +-
 Singular/dyn_modules/gfanlib/groebnerCone.cc       |   158 +-
 Singular/dyn_modules/gfanlib/groebnerCone.h        |     6 -
 Singular/dyn_modules/gfanlib/initial.cc            |    20 +-
 Singular/dyn_modules/gfanlib/initial.h             |    20 +-
 Singular/dyn_modules/gfanlib/lift.cc               |     2 +
 Singular/dyn_modules/gfanlib/ppinitialReduction.cc |   187 +-
 Singular/dyn_modules/gfanlib/ppinitialReduction.h  |     7 -
 Singular/dyn_modules/gfanlib/singularWishlist.cc   |    18 +
 Singular/dyn_modules/gfanlib/singularWishlist.h    |    37 +-
 Singular/dyn_modules/gfanlib/startingCone.cc       |    93 +-
 Singular/dyn_modules/gfanlib/startingCone.h        |     2 +
 Singular/dyn_modules/gfanlib/std_wrapper.cc        |   171 +-
 Singular/dyn_modules/gfanlib/std_wrapper.h         |     2 +
 Singular/dyn_modules/gfanlib/tropical.cc           |    57 +-
 Singular/dyn_modules/gfanlib/tropical.h            |     1 +
 Singular/dyn_modules/gfanlib/tropicalCurves.cc     |    45 +-
 Singular/dyn_modules/gfanlib/tropicalCurves.h      |     4 -
 Singular/dyn_modules/gfanlib/tropicalDebug.cc      |   122 +
 Singular/dyn_modules/gfanlib/tropicalDebug.h       |    23 +
 Singular/dyn_modules/gfanlib/tropicalStrategy.cc   |   170 +-
 Singular/dyn_modules/gfanlib/tropicalStrategy.h    |    10 -
 Singular/dyn_modules/gfanlib/tropicalTraversal.cc  |    13 +-
 .../dyn_modules/gfanlib/tropicalVarietyOfIdeals.cc |     1 +
 Singular/dyn_modules/gfanlib/witness.cc            |    45 +-
 Singular/dyn_modules/gfanlib/witness.h             |     6 -
 .../dyn_modules/polymake/polymake_conversion.cc    |     2 +-
 Singular/dyn_modules/polymake/polymake_wrapper.cc  |    80 +-
 Singular/dyn_modules/syzextra/syzextra.cc          |    40 +-
 Singular/extra.cc                                  |   191 +-
 Singular/feOpt.cc                                  |     2 -
 Singular/feOptTab.h                                |     2 +-
 Singular/fevoices.cc                               |     8 +-
 Singular/gentable.cc                               |     2 +
 Singular/iparith.cc                                |   782 +-
 Singular/ipassign.cc                               |    88 +-
 Singular/ipconv.cc                                 |    53 +-
 Singular/ipid.cc                                   |    44 +-
 Singular/iplib.cc                                  |    90 +-
 Singular/ipprint.cc                                |     4 +-
 Singular/ipshell.cc                                |     6 +-
 Singular/libparse.cc                               |     8 +-
 Singular/libparse.ll                               |     8 +-
 Singular/links/semaphore.c                         |    59 +-
 Singular/links/silink.cc                           |     2 +-
 Singular/links/simpleipc.h                         |    19 +-
 Singular/links/ssiLink.cc                          |    69 +-
 Singular/maps_ip.cc                                |    18 +-
 Singular/misc_ip.cc                                |    25 +-
 Singular/newstruct.cc                              |     4 +-
 Singular/number2.cc                                |   293 +-
 Singular/number2.h                                 |    45 +-
 Singular/singular-libs                             |     8 +-
 Singular/subexpr.cc                                |    89 +-
 Singular/subexpr.h                                 |     3 +-
 Singular/table.h                                   |   179 +-
 Singular/tesths.cc                                 |    11 +-
 Singular/tok.h                                     |     2 +
 Singular/walk.cc                                   |   273 +-
 autogen.sh                                         |     1 +
 configure.ac                                       |     5 +-
 debian/changelog                                   |    10 +
 debian/patches/debianization-4ti2.patch            |     2 +-
 debian/patches/debianization-documentation.patch   |     2 +-
 debian/patches/debianization-gather-headers.patch  |    24 +-
 .../patches/debianization-rename-libraries.patch   |   110 +-
 .../debianization-rename-pkgconfig_files.patch     |    36 +-
 debian/patches/debianization-resources.patch       |     2 +-
 debian/patches/debianization-surf.patch            |     2 +-
 debian/patches/debianization.patch                 |    16 +-
 debian/patches/series                              |     1 -
 .../upstream-autotools-help2man-extra.patch        |     2 +-
 debian/patches/upstream-autotools-help2man.patch   |     4 +-
 .../upstream-bug-840481-readline6TWO7.patch        |   107 -
 .../upstream-lintian-spelling-error-silence.patch  |     6 +-
 .../patches/upstream-tests-omalloc-getlucky.patch  |     2 +-
 doc/doc.tbz2                                       |   Bin 3594116 -> 3124186 bytes
 doc/singular.idx                                   |  6688 +++---
 factory/NTLconvert.cc                              |     4 +-
 factory/cfGcdAlgExt.cc                             |     2 +-
 factory/configure.ac                               |     8 +-
 gfanlib/configure.ac                               |     2 +-
 gfanlib/gfanlib_zfan.cpp                           |     8 +
 kernel/GBEngine/Makefile.am                        |     2 +-
 kernel/GBEngine/kInline.h                          |    43 +-
 kernel/GBEngine/kspoly.cc                          |   217 +-
 kernel/GBEngine/kstd1.cc                           |   126 +-
 kernel/GBEngine/kstd1.h                            |     3 +
 kernel/GBEngine/kstd2.cc                           |   388 +-
 kernel/GBEngine/kstdfac.cc                         |     2 +-
 kernel/GBEngine/kutil.cc                           |   208 +-
 kernel/GBEngine/kutil.h                            |    16 +-
 kernel/GBEngine/syz0.cc                            |     2 +
 kernel/GBEngine/syz1.cc                            |    22 +-
 kernel/GBEngine/syz2.cc                            |    53 +-
 kernel/GBEngine/tgb.cc                             |     4 +-
 kernel/GBEngine/tgbgauss.cc                        |     6 +-
 kernel/combinatorics/hilb.cc                       |   731 +-
 kernel/combinatorics/hilb.h                        |     1 +
 kernel/combinatorics/hutil.cc                      |     2 +-
 kernel/combinatorics/hutil.h                       |     3 +-
 kernel/fglm/fglmcomb.cc                            |     2 +-
 kernel/fglm/fglmzero.cc                            |     2 +-
 kernel/ideals.cc                                   |    39 +-
 kernel/ideals.h                                    |     3 -
 kernel/linear_algebra/linear_algebra.dox           |     2 +-
 kernel/maps/find_perm.cc                           |     2 +-
 kernel/maps/gen_maps.cc                            |     2 +-
 kernel/mod2.h                                      |     2 +-
 kernel/oswrapper/feread.cc                         |    54 +-
 kernel/oswrapper/fereadl.c                         |    20 +-
 libpolys/coeffs/coeffs.h                           |     6 +-
 libpolys/coeffs/gnumpfl.cc                         |    12 +
 libpolys/coeffs/longrat.cc                         |    48 +-
 libpolys/coeffs/longrat.h                          |     2 +-
 libpolys/coeffs/longrat0.cc                        |    36 +-
 libpolys/coeffs/modulop.cc                         |    23 +-
 libpolys/coeffs/mpr_complex.cc                     |    19 +-
 libpolys/coeffs/numbers.cc                         |    10 +-
 libpolys/coeffs/rintegers.cc                       |    16 +-
 libpolys/configure.ac                              |     8 +-
 libpolys/misc/auxiliary.h                          |     6 +-
 libpolys/polys/ext_fields/algext.cc                |    78 +-
 libpolys/polys/ext_fields/algext.h                 |     1 +
 libpolys/polys/ext_fields/transext.cc              |     1 +
 libpolys/polys/matpol.cc                           |    37 +-
 libpolys/polys/matpol.h                            |     1 +
 libpolys/polys/monomials/p_polys.cc                |    63 +-
 libpolys/polys/monomials/p_polys.h                 |    19 +-
 libpolys/polys/monomials/ring.cc                   |   197 +-
 libpolys/polys/monomials/ring.h                    |     2 +-
 libpolys/polys/nc/ncSACache.cc                     |     1 -
 libpolys/polys/nc/ncSAFormula.cc                   |   154 +-
 libpolys/polys/nc/ncSAMult.cc                      |     1 -
 libpolys/polys/nc/ncSAMult.h                       |     4 +-
 libpolys/polys/nc/old.gring.cc                     |   239 +-
 libpolys/polys/nc/sca.cc                           |    63 +-
 libpolys/polys/sparsmat.cc                         |     5 +-
 libpolys/polys/test.cc                             |    34 +-
 libpolys/reporter/reporter.cc                      |     2 +-
 libpolys/reporter/s_buff.cc                        |    14 +-
 libpolys/reporter/s_buff.h                         |     1 -
 libpolys/tests/Makefile.am                         |     1 +
 m4/options.m4                                      |    10 +-
 omalloc/omAllocDecl.h                              |     4 +-
 omalloc/omBinPage.c                                |    10 +-
 omalloc/omBinPage.h                                |     2 +-
 omalloc/omDebug.c                                  |     2 +-
 omalloc/omDebugTrack.c                             |     2 +-
 omalloc/omStats.c                                  |    10 +-
 omalloc/omStats.h                                  |     1 +
 resources/Makefile.am                              |    18 +-
 resources/configure.ac                             |     6 +-
 resources/feFopen.cc                               |     2 +-
 resources/feResource.cc                            |     2 +-
 resources/omFindExec.c                             |     2 +-
 .../{resources.pc.in => singular_resources.pc.in}  |     0
 xalloc/Makefile.am                                 |     5 +-
 xalloc/_config.h.in                                |   106 +
 xalloc/configure                                   | 20074 +++++++++++++++++++
 xalloc/configure.ac                                |     2 +-
 xalloc/omalloc.h                                   |     9 +-
 {omalloc => xalloc}/omalloc.pc.in                  |     6 +-
 199 files changed, 39080 insertions(+), 7850 deletions(-)
 create mode 100644 Singular/LIB/classifyMapGerms.lib
 create mode 100644 Singular/LIB/curveInv.lib
 create mode 100644 Singular/LIB/customstd.lib
 create mode 100644 Singular/LIB/difform.lib
 create mode 100644 Singular/LIB/gfan.lib
 create mode 100644 Singular/LIB/ncHilb.lib
 create mode 100644 Singular/dyn_modules/gfanlib/singularWishlist.cc
 create mode 100644 Singular/dyn_modules/gfanlib/tropicalDebug.cc
 create mode 100644 Singular/dyn_modules/gfanlib/tropicalDebug.h
 delete mode 100644 debian/patches/upstream-bug-840481-readline6TWO7.patch
 rename resources/{resources.pc.in => singular_resources.pc.in} (100%)
 create mode 100644 xalloc/_config.h.in
 create mode 100755 xalloc/configure
 copy {omalloc => xalloc}/omalloc.pc.in (67%)

Alioth's /usr/local/bin/git-commit-notice on /srv/git.debian.org/git/debian-science/packages/singular.git

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